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Medya ve Toplumsal Hafıza

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 13 (1) Sayı: 25, 9 - 30, 01.06.2010


Medya, geçmişin kendi kabul ettiği resmi aracılığıyla toplumsal hafızanın yapılandırılmasına katkıda bulunur. Kimi zaman seçici ve kasıtlı bir unutmayı teşvik ederek ‘yapısal amnezi’yi güçlendirir, bazense toplumsal oydaşımı sağlamak adına, geçmişin bazı olayları gündemde tutulur, unut(tur)ulmasına izin verilmez. Ancak her şekilde, geçmiş seçici bir yapılandırılmaya maruz kalır. Kitle iletişim araçlarının geçmiş bilgisini inşa edişi ve toplumsal hafızayı etkileme kanalları, bu makalenin temel konusunu oluşturmaktadır.


  • Bali, Rıfat (2002). “ Tek Parti Döneminde Gazete Tirajları.” Tarih ve Toplum (221): 18- 19.
  • Başkaya, Fikret (1986). Türkiye Ekonomisinde İki Bunalım Dönemi – Devletçilikten 24 Ocak Kararlarına. Ankara: Birlik.
  • Baudrillard, Jean (1997). Tüketim Toplumu. Çev., H. Deliceçaylı ve F. Keskin. İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Bilgin, Nuri (1997). Cumhuriyet Demokrasi ve Kimlik. İstanbul: Bağlam.
  • Boratav, Korkut (1995). 1980’li Yıllarda Türkiye’de Sosyal Sınıflar ve Bölüşüm. İstanbul: Gerçek.
  • Boratav, Korkut (2005). Türkiye İktisat Tarihi: 1908-2002. Ankara: İmge.
  • Çağaptay, Soner (2003). “Otuzlarda Türk Milliyetçiliğinde Irk, Dil ve Etnisite.” Modern Türkiye’de Siyasi Düşünce: Milliyetçilik. Tanıl Bora (der.) içinde. İstanbul:
  • Aristotales (2000). Retorik. Çev., Mehmet H. Doğan. İstanbul: Yapı Kredi.
  • Barthes, Ronald (1999). The Old Rhetoric in The Semiotic Challenge. Çev., Richard Howard. New York: Hill&Wang.
  • Best, Steven ve Douglas Kellner (1991). Postmodern Theory: Critical Interrogations. Londra ve New York: MacMillan ve Guilford Press.
  • Blood, Sylvia K. (2005). Body Work The Social Construction of Women’s Body Image. London: Routledge.
  • Bullough, Vern L. (2001). “Body Talk: Rhetoric, Technology, Reproduction.” Technology and Culture 42(1): 199-200.
  • Butler, Judith (1998). ‘Afterword.’ Butch/Femme: Inside Lesbian Gender. Sally R. Munt (der.) içinde. London and Washington: Cassell. 225–230.
  • Carter, Shima (2008). “A Pragmatic Approach to Women’s Rhetoric” Pedagogy 8(2): 383-389.
  • Corbett, Edward (1990). Classical Rhetoric for Modern Student. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Courtney, Alice E. ve Sarah Wernick Lockeretz (1971). “A Women’s Place: An Analysis of the Roles Portrayed by Women in Magazine Advertisements.” Journal of Marketing Research 8: 92-95.
  • Courtney, Alice E. ve Thomas W. Whipple (1983). Sex Stereotyping in Advertising. Lexington: Lexington Books.
  • Danisch, Robert (2006). “Power and the Celebration of the Self: Michel Foucault’s Epideictic Rhetoric.” Southern Communication Journal 71(3): 291-307.
  • De Beauvoir, Simone (1974). Kadın: “Genç Kızlık Çağı”. Çev., Bertan Onaran. I. Cilt. İstanbul: Payel.
  • Deleuze, Gilles ve Félix Guattari (1987). A Thousand Plateaus. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • D’Emilio, John ve Estelle Freedman (1997). Intimate Matters: “A History of Sexuality in America”. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Dow, Bonnie J. (1997). “Feminism, Cultural Studies, and Rhetorical Studies.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 83: 90-106.
  • Featherstone, M. (1996). Postmodernizm ve Tüketim Kültürü. Çev., Mehmet Küçük. İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Fischer, Eileen ve Stephen J. Arnold (1994). “Sex, Gender Identity, Gender Role Attitudes and Consumer Behavior” Psychology and Marketing 11(2): 163-182.
  • Foucault, Michel (1978). Method. In The History of Sexuality: An Introduction. Birinci Cilt. New York: Vintage Books. 92-102.
  • Fuller, Linda K. (der.) (2009). Sport, Rhetoric and Gender: Historical Perspectives and Media Representations. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Harvey, David (1999). Postmodernliğin Durumu. Çev., Sungur Savran. İstanbul: Metis.
  • Heinberg, J. Leslie ve J. Kevin Thompson (1995). “Body Image and Televised Images of Thinness and Attactiveness: A Controlled Laboratory Investigation.” Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 20: 289-323.
  • Hogg, M. Margaret ve Jade Garrow (2003). “Gender Identity and the Consumption of Advertising.” An International Journal of Marketing 6(3): 160-174.
  • Işık, Emre (1998). Beden ve Toplum Kuramı. İstanbul: Bağlam.
  • Jameson, Fredric (1994). Postmodernizm: “Ya da Geç Kapitalizmin Mantığı”. Çev., Nuri Plümer. İstanbul: Yapı Kredi.
  • Jhally, Sut (1987). The Codes of Advertising: Fetishism and the Political Economy of Meaning in the Consumer Society. London: Frances Pinter.
  • Jordan, John W. (2004). “The Rhetorical Limits of the ‘Plastic Body.’” Quarterly Journal of Speech 90: 327-58.
  • Kang, Mee-Eun (1997). “The Portrayal of Women’s Images in Magazine Advertisements: Goffman’s Gender Analysis Revisited.” Sex Roles: A Journal of Research 37: 979-997.
  • Krassas, Nicole R., vd. (2001). “Boxing Helena and Corseting Eunice: Sexual Rhetoric in Cosmopolitan and Playboy Magazines.” Sex Roles: A Journal of Research 48: 842-61.
  • Lafky, Sue, vd. (1996). "Looking Through Gendered Lenses: Female Stereotyping in Advertisements and Gender Role Expectations." Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 73(2): 379-88.
  • Lerner, R. M., J. B. Orlos, J. R. Knapp (1976). “Physical Attractiveness, Physical Effectiveness, and Self-Concept in Late Adolescence.” Adolescence 11: 313-326.
  • Lloyd, Genevieve (1996). Erkek Akıl: Batı Felsefesinde ‘Erkek’ ve ‘Kadın’. Çev., Muttalip Özcan. İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Lukas, Scott A. “Genderads Project: “Ads, Education, Activism”. Erişim: 23 Mart 2006.
  • Mailloux, Steven (2002). “Re-Marking Slave Bodies: Rhetoric as Production and Reception.” Philosophy and Rhetoric 35: 96-119.
  • Myers, Philip N. ve Frank A. Biocca (1992). “The Elastic Body Image: The Effect of Television Advertising and Programming on Body Image Distortions in Young Women.” Journal of Communication 42: 108-133.
  • Ortner, Sherry (1974). “Is Female to Male as Nature is to Culture?.” Women, Culture and Society. Michelle Zimbalist Rosaldo ve Louise Lamphere (der.) içinde. Stanford: Stanford University Press. 67-87.
  • Paglia, Camille (2004). Cinsel Kimlikler: “Nefertiti’den Emily Dickinson’a Sanat ve Dekadans”. Çev.,Didem Atay ve Anahid Hazaryan. Ankara: Epos.
  • Pierce, Kate (1990). “A Feminist Theoretical Perspective on the Socialization of Teenage Girls Through Seventeen Magazines.” Sex Role: A Journal of Research 23: 491- 500.
  • Pringle, Rosemary (1992). Women and Consumer Capitalism; “Defining Women; Social Institution and Gender Divisions.” London: Polity Press.
  • Reichert, Tom (2004). Reklamcılığın Erotik Tarihi. Çev., Lidya Yazmacıyan ve Vahit Bora. İstanbul: Güncel.
  • Ritson, Mark ve Richard Elliot (1999). “The Social Uses of Advertising: An Ethnographic Study of Adolescent Advertising Audiences.” Journal of Consumer Research 26 (3): 260-77.
  • Schlenker, J. A., vd. (1998). “A Feminist Analysis of Seventeen Magazine: Content Analysis From 1945 to 1995.” Sex Roles: A Journal of Research 38: 135-148.
  • Scott, Linda M. (1994) “Images in Advertising: The Need for Theory of Visual Rhetoric.” Journal of Consumer Research 21: 252-73.
  • Selzer, Jack ve Sharon Crowley (1999). Rhetorical Bodies: Toward a Material Rhetoric. Madison: U of Wisconsin.
  • Stern, Barbara ve Morris B. Holbrook (1994). “Gender and Genre in the Interpretation of Advertising Text.” Gender Issues and Consumer Behavior. Janeen Arnold Costa (der.) içinde. California: Sage. 11-41.
  • Sullivan, Gary L. ve P. J. O’Connor (1988). “Women’s portrayals in magazine advertising: 1958-1983.” Sex Roles: A Journal of Research 18 (3/4): 181-188.
  • Tavşancıl, Ezel ve A. Esra Aslan (2001). İçerik Analizi ve Uygulama Yöntemleri. İstanbul: Epsilon.
  • Tiggemann, Marika (2000). “Role of Television in Adolescent Women’s Body Dissatisfaction Drive For Thinness.” International Journal of Eating Disorders 20: 199-203
  • Turner, Bryan (1996). The Body and Society. London: Sage.
  • Vänskä, Annamari (2005). “Why Are There No Lesbian Advertisements?” Feminist Theory 6: 67-79.
  • Williamson, Judith (2000). Reklamların Dili; “Reklamlarda Anlam ve İdeoloji”. Çev., Ahmet Fethi. İstanbul: Ütopya.
  • Wilson, Elizabeth (1990). “These New Components of The Spectacle: Fashion and Postmodernism.” Postmodernism and Society. Roy Boyne ve Ali Rattani (der.) içinde. Londra: Macmillan. 209-237.
  • Wolf, Naomi (1991). The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty are Used Against Women. New York: Doubleday.
  • Yengin, Hülya (1996). Medyanın Dili. İstanbul: Der.
  • Zinkan, George (1995). “Self-Concept and Advertising Effectiveness.” Psychology and Marketing 12: 153-178.

Media and Collective Memory

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 13 (1) Sayı: 25, 9 - 30, 01.06.2010


Media contribute in the reconstruction of collective memory through the self-images of the past. They strengthen ‘structural amnesia’ by encouraging selective forgetting, or construct agenda on purposely selected events in order to maintain solidarity and provide cohesion. In every case, the past is constructed selectively. The aim of this article is to probe the ways in which media reconstruct the past and mold collective memory


  • Bali, Rıfat (2002). “ Tek Parti Döneminde Gazete Tirajları.” Tarih ve Toplum (221): 18- 19.
  • Başkaya, Fikret (1986). Türkiye Ekonomisinde İki Bunalım Dönemi – Devletçilikten 24 Ocak Kararlarına. Ankara: Birlik.
  • Baudrillard, Jean (1997). Tüketim Toplumu. Çev., H. Deliceçaylı ve F. Keskin. İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Bilgin, Nuri (1997). Cumhuriyet Demokrasi ve Kimlik. İstanbul: Bağlam.
  • Boratav, Korkut (1995). 1980’li Yıllarda Türkiye’de Sosyal Sınıflar ve Bölüşüm. İstanbul: Gerçek.
  • Boratav, Korkut (2005). Türkiye İktisat Tarihi: 1908-2002. Ankara: İmge.
  • Çağaptay, Soner (2003). “Otuzlarda Türk Milliyetçiliğinde Irk, Dil ve Etnisite.” Modern Türkiye’de Siyasi Düşünce: Milliyetçilik. Tanıl Bora (der.) içinde. İstanbul:
  • Aristotales (2000). Retorik. Çev., Mehmet H. Doğan. İstanbul: Yapı Kredi.
  • Barthes, Ronald (1999). The Old Rhetoric in The Semiotic Challenge. Çev., Richard Howard. New York: Hill&Wang.
  • Best, Steven ve Douglas Kellner (1991). Postmodern Theory: Critical Interrogations. Londra ve New York: MacMillan ve Guilford Press.
  • Blood, Sylvia K. (2005). Body Work The Social Construction of Women’s Body Image. London: Routledge.
  • Bullough, Vern L. (2001). “Body Talk: Rhetoric, Technology, Reproduction.” Technology and Culture 42(1): 199-200.
  • Butler, Judith (1998). ‘Afterword.’ Butch/Femme: Inside Lesbian Gender. Sally R. Munt (der.) içinde. London and Washington: Cassell. 225–230.
  • Carter, Shima (2008). “A Pragmatic Approach to Women’s Rhetoric” Pedagogy 8(2): 383-389.
  • Corbett, Edward (1990). Classical Rhetoric for Modern Student. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Courtney, Alice E. ve Sarah Wernick Lockeretz (1971). “A Women’s Place: An Analysis of the Roles Portrayed by Women in Magazine Advertisements.” Journal of Marketing Research 8: 92-95.
  • Courtney, Alice E. ve Thomas W. Whipple (1983). Sex Stereotyping in Advertising. Lexington: Lexington Books.
  • Danisch, Robert (2006). “Power and the Celebration of the Self: Michel Foucault’s Epideictic Rhetoric.” Southern Communication Journal 71(3): 291-307.
  • De Beauvoir, Simone (1974). Kadın: “Genç Kızlık Çağı”. Çev., Bertan Onaran. I. Cilt. İstanbul: Payel.
  • Deleuze, Gilles ve Félix Guattari (1987). A Thousand Plateaus. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  • D’Emilio, John ve Estelle Freedman (1997). Intimate Matters: “A History of Sexuality in America”. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Dow, Bonnie J. (1997). “Feminism, Cultural Studies, and Rhetorical Studies.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 83: 90-106.
  • Featherstone, M. (1996). Postmodernizm ve Tüketim Kültürü. Çev., Mehmet Küçük. İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Fischer, Eileen ve Stephen J. Arnold (1994). “Sex, Gender Identity, Gender Role Attitudes and Consumer Behavior” Psychology and Marketing 11(2): 163-182.
  • Foucault, Michel (1978). Method. In The History of Sexuality: An Introduction. Birinci Cilt. New York: Vintage Books. 92-102.
  • Fuller, Linda K. (der.) (2009). Sport, Rhetoric and Gender: Historical Perspectives and Media Representations. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Harvey, David (1999). Postmodernliğin Durumu. Çev., Sungur Savran. İstanbul: Metis.
  • Heinberg, J. Leslie ve J. Kevin Thompson (1995). “Body Image and Televised Images of Thinness and Attactiveness: A Controlled Laboratory Investigation.” Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 20: 289-323.
  • Hogg, M. Margaret ve Jade Garrow (2003). “Gender Identity and the Consumption of Advertising.” An International Journal of Marketing 6(3): 160-174.
  • Işık, Emre (1998). Beden ve Toplum Kuramı. İstanbul: Bağlam.
  • Jameson, Fredric (1994). Postmodernizm: “Ya da Geç Kapitalizmin Mantığı”. Çev., Nuri Plümer. İstanbul: Yapı Kredi.
  • Jhally, Sut (1987). The Codes of Advertising: Fetishism and the Political Economy of Meaning in the Consumer Society. London: Frances Pinter.
  • Jordan, John W. (2004). “The Rhetorical Limits of the ‘Plastic Body.’” Quarterly Journal of Speech 90: 327-58.
  • Kang, Mee-Eun (1997). “The Portrayal of Women’s Images in Magazine Advertisements: Goffman’s Gender Analysis Revisited.” Sex Roles: A Journal of Research 37: 979-997.
  • Krassas, Nicole R., vd. (2001). “Boxing Helena and Corseting Eunice: Sexual Rhetoric in Cosmopolitan and Playboy Magazines.” Sex Roles: A Journal of Research 48: 842-61.
  • Lafky, Sue, vd. (1996). "Looking Through Gendered Lenses: Female Stereotyping in Advertisements and Gender Role Expectations." Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 73(2): 379-88.
  • Lerner, R. M., J. B. Orlos, J. R. Knapp (1976). “Physical Attractiveness, Physical Effectiveness, and Self-Concept in Late Adolescence.” Adolescence 11: 313-326.
  • Lloyd, Genevieve (1996). Erkek Akıl: Batı Felsefesinde ‘Erkek’ ve ‘Kadın’. Çev., Muttalip Özcan. İstanbul: Ayrıntı.
  • Lukas, Scott A. “Genderads Project: “Ads, Education, Activism”. Erişim: 23 Mart 2006.
  • Mailloux, Steven (2002). “Re-Marking Slave Bodies: Rhetoric as Production and Reception.” Philosophy and Rhetoric 35: 96-119.
  • Myers, Philip N. ve Frank A. Biocca (1992). “The Elastic Body Image: The Effect of Television Advertising and Programming on Body Image Distortions in Young Women.” Journal of Communication 42: 108-133.
  • Ortner, Sherry (1974). “Is Female to Male as Nature is to Culture?.” Women, Culture and Society. Michelle Zimbalist Rosaldo ve Louise Lamphere (der.) içinde. Stanford: Stanford University Press. 67-87.
  • Paglia, Camille (2004). Cinsel Kimlikler: “Nefertiti’den Emily Dickinson’a Sanat ve Dekadans”. Çev.,Didem Atay ve Anahid Hazaryan. Ankara: Epos.
  • Pierce, Kate (1990). “A Feminist Theoretical Perspective on the Socialization of Teenage Girls Through Seventeen Magazines.” Sex Role: A Journal of Research 23: 491- 500.
  • Pringle, Rosemary (1992). Women and Consumer Capitalism; “Defining Women; Social Institution and Gender Divisions.” London: Polity Press.
  • Reichert, Tom (2004). Reklamcılığın Erotik Tarihi. Çev., Lidya Yazmacıyan ve Vahit Bora. İstanbul: Güncel.
  • Ritson, Mark ve Richard Elliot (1999). “The Social Uses of Advertising: An Ethnographic Study of Adolescent Advertising Audiences.” Journal of Consumer Research 26 (3): 260-77.
  • Schlenker, J. A., vd. (1998). “A Feminist Analysis of Seventeen Magazine: Content Analysis From 1945 to 1995.” Sex Roles: A Journal of Research 38: 135-148.
  • Scott, Linda M. (1994) “Images in Advertising: The Need for Theory of Visual Rhetoric.” Journal of Consumer Research 21: 252-73.
  • Selzer, Jack ve Sharon Crowley (1999). Rhetorical Bodies: Toward a Material Rhetoric. Madison: U of Wisconsin.
  • Stern, Barbara ve Morris B. Holbrook (1994). “Gender and Genre in the Interpretation of Advertising Text.” Gender Issues and Consumer Behavior. Janeen Arnold Costa (der.) içinde. California: Sage. 11-41.
  • Sullivan, Gary L. ve P. J. O’Connor (1988). “Women’s portrayals in magazine advertising: 1958-1983.” Sex Roles: A Journal of Research 18 (3/4): 181-188.
  • Tavşancıl, Ezel ve A. Esra Aslan (2001). İçerik Analizi ve Uygulama Yöntemleri. İstanbul: Epsilon.
  • Tiggemann, Marika (2000). “Role of Television in Adolescent Women’s Body Dissatisfaction Drive For Thinness.” International Journal of Eating Disorders 20: 199-203
  • Turner, Bryan (1996). The Body and Society. London: Sage.
  • Vänskä, Annamari (2005). “Why Are There No Lesbian Advertisements?” Feminist Theory 6: 67-79.
  • Williamson, Judith (2000). Reklamların Dili; “Reklamlarda Anlam ve İdeoloji”. Çev., Ahmet Fethi. İstanbul: Ütopya.
  • Wilson, Elizabeth (1990). “These New Components of The Spectacle: Fashion and Postmodernism.” Postmodernism and Society. Roy Boyne ve Ali Rattani (der.) içinde. Londra: Macmillan. 209-237.
  • Wolf, Naomi (1991). The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty are Used Against Women. New York: Doubleday.
  • Yengin, Hülya (1996). Medyanın Dili. İstanbul: Der.
  • Zinkan, George (1995). “Self-Concept and Advertising Effectiveness.” Psychology and Marketing 12: 153-178.
Toplam 61 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İletişim ve Medya Çalışmaları, Radyo-Televizyon
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Gökçen Başaran İnce Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 13 (1) Sayı: 25

Kaynak Göster

APA Başaran İnce, G. (2010). Medya ve Toplumsal Hafıza. Kültür Ve İletişim, 13 (1)(25), 9-30.