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Yeni Assur Dönemi Kaynaklarında "Nusaybin" Şehri

Year 2024, , 118 - 129, 29.11.2024


Nusaybin, Türkiye'nin güneydoğusundaki Mardin ilinde yer alan antik bir kenttir. Hıristiyanlığın önemli bir merkezi olduğu ve Süryani alimler yetiştirdiği bilinmektedir. Ancak erken dönem tarihi çok az bilinmektedir.
Başlangıçta M.Ö 10. yüzyılda Timana kabilesi tarafından kurulan bir Arami krallığının merkeziydi, ancak Asur kralları burayı krallıklarının batı sınırları için bir tehdit olarak gördükleri ve kuzey Suriye'yi kontrol etme emellerine ulaşmalarını engelledikleri için bu durum uzun sürmemiştir, bu yüzden M.Ö. 896'da Arami egemenliğine son verene kadar tekrarlanan askeri seferler düzenlediler ve burayı Asur'un bir eyaletinin merkezi haline getirdiler.
Bu araştırma, Nusaybin'in M.Ö. dokuzuncu ve sekizinci yüzyıllardaki Asur egemenliği altındaki tarihini, askeri seferler ve zaferlerin ayrıntılı anlatımlarını içeren Asur kraliyet yıllıklarında ve Asur krallığının resmi arşivinde geçen bilgileri sunmaktadır. Asur kraliyet sarayının şehrin yöneticilerini atadığı ve halka vergiler yüklemiştir. İlginç bir şekilde, M.Ö. yedinci yüzyılda Nusaybin hakkında, Babil-Medya ittifakının Asur krallığını yıkmasını ve yönetici aileden bir grubun Harran'a kaçışını anlatan M.Ö. 612 tarihli bir metinde Nusaybin'e yapılan kısa bir atıf dışında hiçbir bilgi yoktur.
Tarihi kaynakların resmi niteliği nedeniyle, kentin genel iç koşulları hakkında yararlı bilgiler bulamıyoruz ve antik alanının keşfi bunu açıklığa kavuşturmak için yararlı epigrafik kaynaklar sağlayabilir.


  • Ismail, Farouk (1997) El-luğatul-Aramiyeh, Baskı. Menşurat cami'at Halep, Halep.
  • Ismail, Farouk (2017) En-Nuquşul-Finiqiyeh fi Turkiya, Baskı. Dar Safahat, Dimeşq.
  • Bagg, Ariel M. (2011) Die Assyrer und das Westland. Studien zur historischen Geographie und Herrschaftspraxis in der Levante im 1. Jt. v.u. Z. Peeters Publishers, Leuven/Louvain (Belgium), 187-269.
  • Becking, B. (1981-1982) The two Neo Assyrian documents from Gezer in their historical context, JEOL 27, 80-86.
  • Bryce, Trevor (2009) The Routledge Handbook of the Peoples and Places of Ancient Western Asia. The Near East from the Early Bronze Age to the Fall of the Persian Empire. Routledge, London-New York.
  • Dornauer, Aaron (2014) Das Archiv des assyrischen Statthalters Mannu-kī-Aššūr von Gūzāna/Tall Ḥalaf. Harrassowitz Verlag · Wiesbaden.
  • Erkanal, H. (1988) Girnavaz. MDOG 120, 139–52.
  • Forrer, E. (1920) Die Provinzeinteilung des assyrischen Reiches. Leipzig.
  • Glassner, Jean-Jacques (2004) Mesopotamian Chronicles. SBL 19, Writings from the Ancient World, Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta.
  • Guichard, M. (2006) Sur l'identification du Sârum, affluent du Habur et son implication sur la géographie politique du Haut-Habur au temps de ZimrîLîm. NABU 2006/36.
  • Kurt, M. (2008) Que Ülkesi ve Yeni Asur Devleti’nin Anadolu Politikası Bakımından Önemi. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt: X, Sayı 3, 117-133.
  • Lipinski, Edward (2000). The Aramaeans. Their Ancient History, Culture, Religion. Uitgeverij Peeters and Departement Oosterse Studies, Leuven-Paris-Sterling, Virginia.
  • MTT I/1 = Ziegler, N. – Anne-Isabelle Langlois (2017) Les toponymes paléo-babyloniens de la Haute-Mésopotamie. La Haute-Mésopotamie au IIe millénaire av. J.-C., MTT I/1, Collège de France, SEPOA, Paris.
  • MTT I/2 = Kirschbaum-Cancik, Eva – Ch. Hess (2016) Toponyme der mittelassyrischen Texte: Der Westen des mittelassyrischen Reiches. MTT I/2, Collège de France, SEPOA, Paris.
  • RGTC = Répertoire Géographique des Textes Cunéiformes.
  • RIMA 2 = Grayson, A. Kirk (1991) Assyrian Rulers of the Early First Millennium BC, I (1114-859 BC). University of Toronto Press, Toronto Buffalo London.
  • RIMA 3 = Grayson, A. Kirk (1996) Assyrian Rulers of the Early First Millennium BC, II (858-745 BC). University of Toronto Press, Toronto Buffalo London.
  • SAA 1 = Parpola, S. (1987) The Correspondence of Sargon II, Part I. Letters from Assyria and the West. (State Archives of Assyria I), Helsinki.
  • SAA 7 = Fales, F. M. - J. N. Postgate (1992) Imperial Administrative Records, Part I. Palace and Temple Administration. (State Archives of Assyria VII), Helsinki.
  • SAA 11 = Fales, F. M. - J. N. Postgate (1995) Imperial Administrative Records, Part II: Provincial and Military Administration. (State Archives of Assyria XI), Helsinki.
  • SAA 12 = Kataja, L. - R. Whiting (1995) Grants, Decrees and Gifts of the Neo-Assyrian Period. (State Archives of Assyria XII), Helsinki.
  • SAA 14 = Mattila, R. (2002) Legal Transactions of the Royal Court of Nineveh, Part II. Assurbanipal through Sin-šarru-iškun. (State Archives of Assyria XIV), Helsinki.
  • SAA 16 = Luukko, M. - G. Van Buylaere (2002) The Political Correspondence of Esarhaddon. (State Archives of Assyria XVI), Helsinki.
  • SAA 19 = Luukko, M. (2012) The Correspondence of Tiglath-pileser III and Sargon II from Calah/Nimrud. (State Archives of Assyria XIX), Helsinki.
  • SAA 6 = Kwasman, T. - S. Parpola (1991) Legal Transactions of the Royal Court of Nineveh, Part I. Tiglath-Pileser III through Esarhaddon. (State Archives of Assyria VI), Helsinki.
  • SAA 7 = Fales, F. M. - J. N. Postgate (1992) Imperial Administrative Records, Part I. Palace and Temple Administration. (State Archives of Assyria VII), Helsinki.
  • Streck, M. P. (1998) Naṣībīna, Assyrische Provinzhauptstadt. RLA 2, 185-186.
  • Van Wyk, Koot (2019) Corpus of Cuneiform Tablets from Palestine. 25-29.
  • Weidner, E. F. (1940) Das Archiv des Mannu-kî-Aššur, in: J. Friedrich et al. (Ed.) Die Inschriften vom Tell Halaf.
  • Keilschrifttexte und aramäische Urkunden aus einer assyrischen Provinzhauptstadt, Archiv für Orientforschung. Beiheft 6. Osnabrück, 8–46.

مدينة "نصيبين" في مصادر العصر الآشوري الحديث (912-612 ق.م)

Year 2024, , 118 - 129, 29.11.2024


ِنصيبين مدينة قديمة، في ولاية ماردين، جنوب شرقي تركيا. من المعروف أنه كانت من المراكز المهمة للديانة المسيحية، وبرز فيها علماء باللغة السُّريانية. ولكن تاريخها الأقدم غير معروف بشكل مناسب.
يعتمد البحث على المصادر الكتابية (المسمارية) القديمة لإضاءة ملامح من تاريخ المدينة خلال الألف الأول ق.م؛ فقد كانت في البداية مركز مملكة آرامية أسستها قبيلة تيمانا في القرن العاشر ق.م، ولكنها لم تدم طويلاً، لأن ملوك آشور رأوا أنها تشكل خطراً على الحدود الغربية لمملكتهم، وتمنعها من تحقيق أطماعها في السيطرة على شمالي سوريا، ولذلك قاموا بحملات عسكرية متكررة حتى أنهوا الحكم الآرامي فيها، في 896 ق.م، وجعلوها مركز مقاطعة تابعة لآشور.
يعرض البحث تاريخ نصيبين تحت الحكم الآشوري خلال القرنين التاسع والثامن ق.م، من خلال أخبارها المذكورة في الحوليات الملكية الآشورية، التي تتضمن أخبار حملاتهم العسكرية وانتصاراتهم بشكل مفصل، وكذلك الأرشيف الرسمي للمملكة الآشورية. ويتضح فيها أن القصر الملكي الآشوري كان يعين حكام المدينة، ويتسلم منها الضرائب التي تُفرض على السكان. واللافت للانتباه أنه ليست هناك أخبار عن نصيبين في القرن السابع ق.م، ما عدا إشارة سريعة إليها في نص من سنة 612 ق.م، لدى وصف قضاء التحالف البابلي-الميدي على مملكة آشور، وهروب مجموعة من الأسرة الحاكمة إلى حرّان.
ونظراً للطبيعة الرسمية للمصادر التاريخية؛ فإننا لا نجد فيها معلومات مفيدة عن الأوضاع الداخلية العامة في المدينة، ولعل اكتشاف موقعها القديم يوفر مصادر كتابية تفيد في توضيح ذلك.


  • Ismail, Farouk (1997) El-luğatul-Aramiyeh, Baskı. Menşurat cami'at Halep, Halep.
  • Ismail, Farouk (2017) En-Nuquşul-Finiqiyeh fi Turkiya, Baskı. Dar Safahat, Dimeşq.
  • Bagg, Ariel M. (2011) Die Assyrer und das Westland. Studien zur historischen Geographie und Herrschaftspraxis in der Levante im 1. Jt. v.u. Z. Peeters Publishers, Leuven/Louvain (Belgium), 187-269.
  • Becking, B. (1981-1982) The two Neo Assyrian documents from Gezer in their historical context, JEOL 27, 80-86.
  • Bryce, Trevor (2009) The Routledge Handbook of the Peoples and Places of Ancient Western Asia. The Near East from the Early Bronze Age to the Fall of the Persian Empire. Routledge, London-New York.
  • Dornauer, Aaron (2014) Das Archiv des assyrischen Statthalters Mannu-kī-Aššūr von Gūzāna/Tall Ḥalaf. Harrassowitz Verlag · Wiesbaden.
  • Erkanal, H. (1988) Girnavaz. MDOG 120, 139–52.
  • Forrer, E. (1920) Die Provinzeinteilung des assyrischen Reiches. Leipzig.
  • Glassner, Jean-Jacques (2004) Mesopotamian Chronicles. SBL 19, Writings from the Ancient World, Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta.
  • Guichard, M. (2006) Sur l'identification du Sârum, affluent du Habur et son implication sur la géographie politique du Haut-Habur au temps de ZimrîLîm. NABU 2006/36.
  • Kurt, M. (2008) Que Ülkesi ve Yeni Asur Devleti’nin Anadolu Politikası Bakımından Önemi. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt: X, Sayı 3, 117-133.
  • Lipinski, Edward (2000). The Aramaeans. Their Ancient History, Culture, Religion. Uitgeverij Peeters and Departement Oosterse Studies, Leuven-Paris-Sterling, Virginia.
  • MTT I/1 = Ziegler, N. – Anne-Isabelle Langlois (2017) Les toponymes paléo-babyloniens de la Haute-Mésopotamie. La Haute-Mésopotamie au IIe millénaire av. J.-C., MTT I/1, Collège de France, SEPOA, Paris.
  • MTT I/2 = Kirschbaum-Cancik, Eva – Ch. Hess (2016) Toponyme der mittelassyrischen Texte: Der Westen des mittelassyrischen Reiches. MTT I/2, Collège de France, SEPOA, Paris.
  • RGTC = Répertoire Géographique des Textes Cunéiformes.
  • RIMA 2 = Grayson, A. Kirk (1991) Assyrian Rulers of the Early First Millennium BC, I (1114-859 BC). University of Toronto Press, Toronto Buffalo London.
  • RIMA 3 = Grayson, A. Kirk (1996) Assyrian Rulers of the Early First Millennium BC, II (858-745 BC). University of Toronto Press, Toronto Buffalo London.
  • SAA 1 = Parpola, S. (1987) The Correspondence of Sargon II, Part I. Letters from Assyria and the West. (State Archives of Assyria I), Helsinki.
  • SAA 7 = Fales, F. M. - J. N. Postgate (1992) Imperial Administrative Records, Part I. Palace and Temple Administration. (State Archives of Assyria VII), Helsinki.
  • SAA 11 = Fales, F. M. - J. N. Postgate (1995) Imperial Administrative Records, Part II: Provincial and Military Administration. (State Archives of Assyria XI), Helsinki.
  • SAA 12 = Kataja, L. - R. Whiting (1995) Grants, Decrees and Gifts of the Neo-Assyrian Period. (State Archives of Assyria XII), Helsinki.
  • SAA 14 = Mattila, R. (2002) Legal Transactions of the Royal Court of Nineveh, Part II. Assurbanipal through Sin-šarru-iškun. (State Archives of Assyria XIV), Helsinki.
  • SAA 16 = Luukko, M. - G. Van Buylaere (2002) The Political Correspondence of Esarhaddon. (State Archives of Assyria XVI), Helsinki.
  • SAA 19 = Luukko, M. (2012) The Correspondence of Tiglath-pileser III and Sargon II from Calah/Nimrud. (State Archives of Assyria XIX), Helsinki.
  • SAA 6 = Kwasman, T. - S. Parpola (1991) Legal Transactions of the Royal Court of Nineveh, Part I. Tiglath-Pileser III through Esarhaddon. (State Archives of Assyria VI), Helsinki.
  • SAA 7 = Fales, F. M. - J. N. Postgate (1992) Imperial Administrative Records, Part I. Palace and Temple Administration. (State Archives of Assyria VII), Helsinki.
  • Streck, M. P. (1998) Naṣībīna, Assyrische Provinzhauptstadt. RLA 2, 185-186.
  • Van Wyk, Koot (2019) Corpus of Cuneiform Tablets from Palestine. 25-29.
  • Weidner, E. F. (1940) Das Archiv des Mannu-kî-Aššur, in: J. Friedrich et al. (Ed.) Die Inschriften vom Tell Halaf.
  • Keilschrifttexte und aramäische Urkunden aus einer assyrischen Provinzhauptstadt, Archiv für Orientforschung. Beiheft 6. Osnabrück, 8–46.

The City of "Nusaybin" in the Sources of the Neo-Assyrian Period (912-612 BC)

Year 2024, , 118 - 129, 29.11.2024


Nusaybin (Latin: Nisibis) is an ancient city, in the province of Mardin, southeastern Turkey. It is known that it was one of the important centres of the Christian religion, and many scholars of the Syriac language emerged there. But its earliest history is not properly known.
The research relies on ancient written (cuneiform) sources to illuminate features of the city’s history during the first millennium BC. It was initially the centre of an Aramaic kingdom founded by the Timanna tribe in the tenth century BC, but it did not last long, because the Assyrian kings saw it as a threat to the western borders of their kingdom and preventing it from achieving its ambitions to control northern Syria. Therefore, they launched repeated military campaigns until they ended Aramaic rule there, in 896 BC, and made it the centre of a province belonging to Assyria.
The research presents the history of Nusaybin under Assyrian rule during the ninth and eighth centuries BC, through its news mentioned in the Assyrian Royal Annals, which include news of their military campaigns and victories in detail, as well as the official archive of the Assyrian Kingdom. It is clear, that the Assyrian royal palace appointed the city’s rulers and received from them the taxes imposed on the residents. What is striking is that there is no news about Nusaybin in the seventh century BC, except for a quick reference to it in a text from the year 612 BC, when describing the elimination of the Babylonian-Median alliance over the Kingdom of Assyria, and the flight of a group of the ruling family to Harran.
Given the proprietary and official nature of historical sources; We do not find useful information in it about the internal, social, religious, and public conditions in the city, and perhaps the discovery of its ancient location will provide written sources useful in clarifying this.


  • Ismail, Farouk (1997) El-luğatul-Aramiyeh, Baskı. Menşurat cami'at Halep, Halep.
  • Ismail, Farouk (2017) En-Nuquşul-Finiqiyeh fi Turkiya, Baskı. Dar Safahat, Dimeşq.
  • Bagg, Ariel M. (2011) Die Assyrer und das Westland. Studien zur historischen Geographie und Herrschaftspraxis in der Levante im 1. Jt. v.u. Z. Peeters Publishers, Leuven/Louvain (Belgium), 187-269.
  • Becking, B. (1981-1982) The two Neo Assyrian documents from Gezer in their historical context, JEOL 27, 80-86.
  • Bryce, Trevor (2009) The Routledge Handbook of the Peoples and Places of Ancient Western Asia. The Near East from the Early Bronze Age to the Fall of the Persian Empire. Routledge, London-New York.
  • Dornauer, Aaron (2014) Das Archiv des assyrischen Statthalters Mannu-kī-Aššūr von Gūzāna/Tall Ḥalaf. Harrassowitz Verlag · Wiesbaden.
  • Erkanal, H. (1988) Girnavaz. MDOG 120, 139–52.
  • Forrer, E. (1920) Die Provinzeinteilung des assyrischen Reiches. Leipzig.
  • Glassner, Jean-Jacques (2004) Mesopotamian Chronicles. SBL 19, Writings from the Ancient World, Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta.
  • Guichard, M. (2006) Sur l'identification du Sârum, affluent du Habur et son implication sur la géographie politique du Haut-Habur au temps de ZimrîLîm. NABU 2006/36.
  • Kurt, M. (2008) Que Ülkesi ve Yeni Asur Devleti’nin Anadolu Politikası Bakımından Önemi. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt: X, Sayı 3, 117-133.
  • Lipinski, Edward (2000). The Aramaeans. Their Ancient History, Culture, Religion. Uitgeverij Peeters and Departement Oosterse Studies, Leuven-Paris-Sterling, Virginia.
  • MTT I/1 = Ziegler, N. – Anne-Isabelle Langlois (2017) Les toponymes paléo-babyloniens de la Haute-Mésopotamie. La Haute-Mésopotamie au IIe millénaire av. J.-C., MTT I/1, Collège de France, SEPOA, Paris.
  • MTT I/2 = Kirschbaum-Cancik, Eva – Ch. Hess (2016) Toponyme der mittelassyrischen Texte: Der Westen des mittelassyrischen Reiches. MTT I/2, Collège de France, SEPOA, Paris.
  • RGTC = Répertoire Géographique des Textes Cunéiformes.
  • RIMA 2 = Grayson, A. Kirk (1991) Assyrian Rulers of the Early First Millennium BC, I (1114-859 BC). University of Toronto Press, Toronto Buffalo London.
  • RIMA 3 = Grayson, A. Kirk (1996) Assyrian Rulers of the Early First Millennium BC, II (858-745 BC). University of Toronto Press, Toronto Buffalo London.
  • SAA 1 = Parpola, S. (1987) The Correspondence of Sargon II, Part I. Letters from Assyria and the West. (State Archives of Assyria I), Helsinki.
  • SAA 7 = Fales, F. M. - J. N. Postgate (1992) Imperial Administrative Records, Part I. Palace and Temple Administration. (State Archives of Assyria VII), Helsinki.
  • SAA 11 = Fales, F. M. - J. N. Postgate (1995) Imperial Administrative Records, Part II: Provincial and Military Administration. (State Archives of Assyria XI), Helsinki.
  • SAA 12 = Kataja, L. - R. Whiting (1995) Grants, Decrees and Gifts of the Neo-Assyrian Period. (State Archives of Assyria XII), Helsinki.
  • SAA 14 = Mattila, R. (2002) Legal Transactions of the Royal Court of Nineveh, Part II. Assurbanipal through Sin-šarru-iškun. (State Archives of Assyria XIV), Helsinki.
  • SAA 16 = Luukko, M. - G. Van Buylaere (2002) The Political Correspondence of Esarhaddon. (State Archives of Assyria XVI), Helsinki.
  • SAA 19 = Luukko, M. (2012) The Correspondence of Tiglath-pileser III and Sargon II from Calah/Nimrud. (State Archives of Assyria XIX), Helsinki.
  • SAA 6 = Kwasman, T. - S. Parpola (1991) Legal Transactions of the Royal Court of Nineveh, Part I. Tiglath-Pileser III through Esarhaddon. (State Archives of Assyria VI), Helsinki.
  • SAA 7 = Fales, F. M. - J. N. Postgate (1992) Imperial Administrative Records, Part I. Palace and Temple Administration. (State Archives of Assyria VII), Helsinki.
  • Streck, M. P. (1998) Naṣībīna, Assyrische Provinzhauptstadt. RLA 2, 185-186.
  • Van Wyk, Koot (2019) Corpus of Cuneiform Tablets from Palestine. 25-29.
  • Weidner, E. F. (1940) Das Archiv des Mannu-kî-Aššur, in: J. Friedrich et al. (Ed.) Die Inschriften vom Tell Halaf.
  • Keilschrifttexte und aramäische Urkunden aus einer assyrischen Provinzhauptstadt, Archiv für Orientforschung. Beiheft 6. Osnabrück, 8–46.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Kurdi
Subjects Kurdish Language, Literature and Culture
Journal Section Research Articles

Farouk Ismaıl

Publication Date November 29, 2024
Submission Date May 14, 2024
Acceptance Date August 26, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Ismaıl, F. (2024). مدينة "نصيبين" في مصادر العصر الآشوري الحديث (912-612 ق.م). Kurdiname(11), 118-129.

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