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Alternatif Medya Çalışmalarının Temellerine İlişkin Eleştirel Bir Katkı

Year 2009, Volume: 22 Issue: 1, 1 - 18, 01.10.2009


Bu çalışma alternatif medyanın nasıl kavramsallaştırılağı sorusuyla ilgileniyor. Alternatif medya çalışmalarında bu medya ortamının nasıl tanımlanması gerektiğine dair bir uzlaşımdan söz edemiyoruz. Makalede, alternatif medyanın asıl amacı, eleştirel içeriklerin geniş kitlelere ulaştırılmasının sağlaması mı olmalı nesnel yaklaşım , yoksa medya ürünlerine ulaşımın yaygınlaştırılması ve üretim aşamasında görev alanların desteklenmesi mi olmalı öznel yaklaşım sorusu irdeleniyor. Çalışmanın amacı, özgürleşimci toplumsal dönüşümlere katkıda bulunabilecek ve toplumsal etkisi güçlü bir alternatif medya tanımı yapmaktır. Ayrıca alternatif medyanın özgürleşimci bir medya olarak ne tür olanaklara ve sınırlılıklara sahip olduğu da tartışılıyor. Diyalektik sosyal kurama ve eleştirel medya kuramına dayanarak, ideal bir alternative medya için tecimsel olmayan, katılımcı ve eleştirel bir medya modeli inşa ediyorum. Kapitalizmin ürettiği yapısal sınırlılıkları da göz önüne alarak alternatif medyanın bütün ideallerini gerçekleştirmesinin neredeyse olanaksız olduğunu ileri sürüyorum. Bu nedenle tartışılan düzeylerden hangilerinde alternatif medyanın alternatif olan’ın yanında yer alması gerektiğini, hangi durumlarda alternatif karakterlerini de yitirmemek kaydıyla anaakım medyanın stratejilerini de kullanabileceklerini tartışıyorum. Son olarak da alternatif medyanın bir eleştirel medya ideali olarak anlaşılmasına neden olan ideal-modele bir karşı çıkış geliştiriyorum


  • Adbusters (2009): About Us. (last accessed on September 10, 2009).
  • Adorno, T. W. (1969). Zur Logik der Sozialwissenschaften. In H. Maus, & F. Fürstenberg
  • (Eds.), Der Positivismusstreit in der deutschen Soziologie (pp. 125-143). Darmstadt, Neuwied: Luchterhand. Atton, C. (2002). Alternative media. London: Sage.
  • Atton, C. (2004). An alternative Internet: Radical media, politics and creativity. Edinburgh
  • Edinburgh University Press. Atton, C. (2008). Alternative media and journalism practice. In M. Boler (Ed.),Digital media and democracy: Tactics in hard times (pp. 213-227). Cambridge: MIT Press.
  • Atton, C., & Hamilton, J. (2008). Alternative journalism. London: Sage.
  • Bailey O., Cammaerts G.B., & Carpentier, N. (2008): Understanding alternative media.
  • Maidenhead: Open University Press. Benjamin, W. (1934/1996). The author as producer. In Selected Writings. Cambridge: Belknap Press.
  • Bennett, W. L. (2003). New media power: The Internet and global gctivism. In N. Couldry, &
  • J. Curran (Eds.), Contesting media power: Alternative media in a networked world (pp. 17- ). London: Rowman & Littlefield. Bennett, W.L. (2004): Communicating global activism: Strengths and vulnerabilities of networked politics. In W. van De Donk, & B. D. Loader, P. G. Nixon, & D. Rucht (Eds.)
  • Cyberprotest. New media, citizens and social movements (pp. 123-146). New York: Routledge. Benson, R. (2003). Commercialism and critique: California’s alternative weeklies. In N.
  • Couldry Nick, & J. Curran (Eds.), Contesting media power. Alternative media in a networked world (pp. 111-128). London: Rowman & Littlefield. Brecht, B. (1932/2000). The radio as a communication apparatus. In M. Silberman (Ed.)
  • Bertolt Brecht on film and radio (pp. 41-46). London: Meuthen. Cammaerts, B. (2007). Blogs, online forums, public spaces and extreme right in North
  • Belgium. In: N. Carpentier, et. al. (Eds.), Media technologies and democracy in an enlarged Europe: The intellectual work of the 2007 European media and communication doctoral summer school (pp. 137-151). Tartu: Tartu University Press.
  • Comedia (1984). The alternative press: The development of underdevelopment. Media, Culture & Society, 6, 95-102.
  • Curran, J. (2003). Global journalism: A case study of the Internet. In: N. Couldry, & J. Curran
  • (Eds.), Contesting media power: Alternative media in a networked world (pp. 227-242). London: Rowman & Littlefield. Couldry, N. (2003). Beyond the hall of mirrors? Some theoretical reflections on the global contestation of media power. In: N. Couldry, & J. Curran (Eds.), Contesting media power
  • Alternative media in a networked world (pp. 39-54). London: Rowman & Littlefield. Coyer, K. (2007). If it leads it bleads: The participatory news making of the Independent
  • Media Center. In W. De Jong, M. Shaw, & N. Stammers (Eds.), Global activism, global Media (pp. 165-178). London: Pluto. Dowmunt T., & Coyer K. (2007). Introduction. In T. Dowmunt, K. Coyer, & A. Fountain
  • (Eds.), The alternative media handbook (pp. 1-12). Oxon: Routledge. Downing, John D.H. (1995). Alternative media and the Boston tea party. In: J. Downing, A.
  • Mohammadi, & A. Sreberny-Mohammadi(Eds.), Questioning the media (pp. 238-251). Thousand Oaks: Sage. Downing, J. (2001). Radical media: Rebellious communication and social movements. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
  • Enzensberger, H. M. (1970/1982). Constituents of a theory of the media. In R. Grimm, & B.
  • Armstrong (Eds.). Hans Magnus Enzensberger. Critical Essays (pp. 46-76). New York: Continuum. Fuchs, C. (2008). Internet and Society. Social theory in the Information age. London/New York: Routledge.
  • Garnham, N. (2006). Contribution to a political economy of mass-communication. In M. G.
  • Durham, & D. Kellner (Eds.), Media and cultural studies. KeyWorks (pp. 201-229). Malden/Oxford/Carlton: Blackwell. Giddens, A. (1984). The constitution of society. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Gumucio Dagron, A. (2004), The long and winding road of alternative media. In J. Downing
  • D. McQuail, P. Schlesinger, & E. Wartella, Ellen (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of media Studies (pp. 41-63). Thousand Oaks: Sage. Herman, E. S., & Chomsky, N. (1988). Manufacturing consent: The political economy of the mass media. London: Vintage Books.
  • Hillard, R. L./Keith, M. C. (1999), Waves of rancor: Tuning in the radical right. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.
  • Horkheimer, M. (1937/1992). Traditionelle und Kritische Theorie. In Traditionelle und
  • Kritische Theorie. Fünf Aufsätze (pp. 205-260). Frankfurt a. Main: Fischer. Horkheimer, M., & Adorno, T. W. (1947/1997). Dialectic of enlightenment. London: Verso.
  • Hyde, G. (2002). Independent Media Centers: Cyber-subversion and the alternative press. In
  • First Monday, 7 (4). Online: (last accessed on January 02, 2008).
  • Jankowski, N. (2003). Community media research: A quest for theoretically grounded models. Javnost - The Public, 10 (1), 5-14.
  • KEA (2007). The state of community media in the European Union. Online: (last accessed on December 2, 2008).
  • Kellner, D. (1997). Marxism and the information superhighway. Online: (last accessed on April 25, 2007).
  • Knoche, M. (2003). Freie Radios – frei von Staat, Markt und Kapital(ismus)? Zur
  • Widersprüchlichkeit Alternativer Medien und Ökonomie. Medien Journal, 4. 4-19. Le Monde Diplomatique (2009): About LMD. (last accessed on September 10, 2009).
  • Lewis, P. M. (1976). Bristol channel and community television. London: IBA.
  • Löwenthal, L. (1964). Literatur und Gesellschaft. Das Buch in der Massenkultur. Neuwied a. Rhein: Luchterhand.
  • Marcuse, H. (1937/1968). Philosophie und Kritische Theorie. In Kultur und Gesellschaft I
  • (pp. 102-127). Frankfurt a. Main: Suhrkamp. Marcuse, H. (1965). Repressive tolerance. In: R.P. Wolff, B. Moore, & H. Marcuse (Eds.), A critique of pure tolerance (pp. 95-137). Boston: Beacon Press.
  • Marcuse, H. (1972). Counterrevolution and revolt. Boston: Beacon Press.
  • Marx, K. (1842). Debatten über Pressfreiheit und Publikation der Landständischen
  • Verhandlungen. In Marx-Engels Works: Vol. 1 (pp. 28-77). Berlin: Dietz. Marx, K. (1844). Einführung in die Kritik der Hegelschen Rechtsphilosophie. In Marx-Engels
  • Works: Vol. 1 (pp. 378–391). Berlin: Dietz. Marx, K. (1849). Der erste Preßprozeß der “Neuen Rheinischen Zeitung”: Verteidigungsrede von Karl Marx. In: Marx-Engels Works: Vol. 6 (pp. 223-234). Berlin: Dietz.
  • Meikle, G. (2002). Future active. Media activism and the Internet. New York: Routledge/Pluto.
  • Mother Jones (2008). Distribution Numbers. (last accessed on October 12, 2008).
  • National Democratic Party of Germany (2009). National forum germany. (last accessed on September 10, 2009).
  • O’Sullivan, T. (1994). Alternative media. In T. O`Sullivan, J. Hartley, D. Sounders, M.
  • Montgomery, & J. Fiske (Eds.), Key concepts in communication and cultural studies (p.10). London: Routledge. Pajnik, M., & Downing, J. (2008). Introduction: The challenges of nano-media. In M. Pajnik
  • J. Downing (Eds.), Alternative media and the politics of resistance (pp. 7-16). Ljubljana: Peace Institute. Peissl, H., & Tremetzberger, O. (2008). Community media in Europe: Legal and economic contexts of the third broadcast sector in 5 countries. English Summary. Online: europe_eng.pdf (last accessed on December 15, 2008).
  • Rodriguez, C. (2003). The bishop and his star: Citizens’ communication in southern chile. In
  • N. Couldry, & J. Curran (Eds.), Contesting media power: Alternative media in a networked world (pp. 177-194). London: Rowman & Littlefield. Rosenkrands, J. (2004). Politicizing homo economicus: Analysis of anti-corporate websites.
  • In W. van De Don, B. D. Loader, P. G. Nixon, & D. Rucht (Eds.), Cyberprotest: New media, citizens and social movements (pp. 57-76). New York: Routledge. Rucht, D. (2004). The quadruple `A´. Media strategies or protest movements since the 1960s.
  • In W. van De Donk, B. D. Loader, P. G. Nixon, & D. Rucht (Eds.), Cyberprotest. New media, citizens and social movements (pp. 29-56). New York: Routledge. Schiller, H. (1997). Manipulation and the packaged conciousness. In P. Golding, & G.
  • Murdock (Eds.), The political economy of the media: Vol. 1 (pp. 423-437). Cheltenham/Brookfield: Elgar. Smythe, D. W. (1997). Communications: Blindspots of western Marxism. In P. Golding, & G.
  • Murdock (Eds.), The political economy of the media: Vol. 1 (pp. 438-464). Cheltenham/Brookfield: Elgar. Toffler, A. (1980). The third wave. New York: Bantam.
  • Vegh, S. (2003). Classifying form of online activism: The case of cyberprotest against the World Bank. In M. McCaughey, & M. D. Ayers (Eds.), Cyberactivism: Online activism in theory and practice (pp. 71-96). New York: Routledge.
  • Vigurie, R. A., & Franke, D. (2004). America's right turn: How conservatives used new and alternative media to take power. Santa Monics, CA: Bonus Books.
  • Wright, S. (2004). Informing, communicating and ICTs in contemporary anti-capitalist movements. In W. van De Donk, B. Loader, P. G. Nixon, & D. Rucht (Eds.). Cyberprotest. new media, citizens and social movements (pp. 77-93). New York: Routledge.

A Critical Contribution to the Foundations of Alternative Media Studies

Year 2009, Volume: 22 Issue: 1, 1 - 18, 01.10.2009


This paper is concerned with the question how to conceptualize alternative media. In alternative media studies, there is no agreement on how alternative media should be defined. A distinction that is drawn in this paper concerns the question whether the main aim of alternative media should be to provide critical content and to reach a broad audience for their media products objective approach , or if they should aim at opening up access to media production and at empowering those who are involved in the production processes subjective approach . The task for this paper is to define alternative media in a way that enables them to increase their societal impact and to contribute to emancipatory societal transformations. Possibilities and limits of alternative media as emancipatory media are identified. Based on dialectical social theory and critical media theory I construct an ideal model of alternative media as non-commercial, participatory and critical media. In taking into account structural constraints under capitalism I argue that alternative media can hardly realize all of these ideal dimensions. Thus I discuss on which of these levels alternative media necessarily need to be on the alternative side and on which they can also make use of mainstream strategies without loosing their alternative character. Finally I confront the ideal-model with an understanding of alternative media as critical media


  • Adbusters (2009): About Us. (last accessed on September 10, 2009).
  • Adorno, T. W. (1969). Zur Logik der Sozialwissenschaften. In H. Maus, & F. Fürstenberg
  • (Eds.), Der Positivismusstreit in der deutschen Soziologie (pp. 125-143). Darmstadt, Neuwied: Luchterhand. Atton, C. (2002). Alternative media. London: Sage.
  • Atton, C. (2004). An alternative Internet: Radical media, politics and creativity. Edinburgh
  • Edinburgh University Press. Atton, C. (2008). Alternative media and journalism practice. In M. Boler (Ed.),Digital media and democracy: Tactics in hard times (pp. 213-227). Cambridge: MIT Press.
  • Atton, C., & Hamilton, J. (2008). Alternative journalism. London: Sage.
  • Bailey O., Cammaerts G.B., & Carpentier, N. (2008): Understanding alternative media.
  • Maidenhead: Open University Press. Benjamin, W. (1934/1996). The author as producer. In Selected Writings. Cambridge: Belknap Press.
  • Bennett, W. L. (2003). New media power: The Internet and global gctivism. In N. Couldry, &
  • J. Curran (Eds.), Contesting media power: Alternative media in a networked world (pp. 17- ). London: Rowman & Littlefield. Bennett, W.L. (2004): Communicating global activism: Strengths and vulnerabilities of networked politics. In W. van De Donk, & B. D. Loader, P. G. Nixon, & D. Rucht (Eds.)
  • Cyberprotest. New media, citizens and social movements (pp. 123-146). New York: Routledge. Benson, R. (2003). Commercialism and critique: California’s alternative weeklies. In N.
  • Couldry Nick, & J. Curran (Eds.), Contesting media power. Alternative media in a networked world (pp. 111-128). London: Rowman & Littlefield. Brecht, B. (1932/2000). The radio as a communication apparatus. In M. Silberman (Ed.)
  • Bertolt Brecht on film and radio (pp. 41-46). London: Meuthen. Cammaerts, B. (2007). Blogs, online forums, public spaces and extreme right in North
  • Belgium. In: N. Carpentier, et. al. (Eds.), Media technologies and democracy in an enlarged Europe: The intellectual work of the 2007 European media and communication doctoral summer school (pp. 137-151). Tartu: Tartu University Press.
  • Comedia (1984). The alternative press: The development of underdevelopment. Media, Culture & Society, 6, 95-102.
  • Curran, J. (2003). Global journalism: A case study of the Internet. In: N. Couldry, & J. Curran
  • (Eds.), Contesting media power: Alternative media in a networked world (pp. 227-242). London: Rowman & Littlefield. Couldry, N. (2003). Beyond the hall of mirrors? Some theoretical reflections on the global contestation of media power. In: N. Couldry, & J. Curran (Eds.), Contesting media power
  • Alternative media in a networked world (pp. 39-54). London: Rowman & Littlefield. Coyer, K. (2007). If it leads it bleads: The participatory news making of the Independent
  • Media Center. In W. De Jong, M. Shaw, & N. Stammers (Eds.), Global activism, global Media (pp. 165-178). London: Pluto. Dowmunt T., & Coyer K. (2007). Introduction. In T. Dowmunt, K. Coyer, & A. Fountain
  • (Eds.), The alternative media handbook (pp. 1-12). Oxon: Routledge. Downing, John D.H. (1995). Alternative media and the Boston tea party. In: J. Downing, A.
  • Mohammadi, & A. Sreberny-Mohammadi(Eds.), Questioning the media (pp. 238-251). Thousand Oaks: Sage. Downing, J. (2001). Radical media: Rebellious communication and social movements. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
  • Enzensberger, H. M. (1970/1982). Constituents of a theory of the media. In R. Grimm, & B.
  • Armstrong (Eds.). Hans Magnus Enzensberger. Critical Essays (pp. 46-76). New York: Continuum. Fuchs, C. (2008). Internet and Society. Social theory in the Information age. London/New York: Routledge.
  • Garnham, N. (2006). Contribution to a political economy of mass-communication. In M. G.
  • Durham, & D. Kellner (Eds.), Media and cultural studies. KeyWorks (pp. 201-229). Malden/Oxford/Carlton: Blackwell. Giddens, A. (1984). The constitution of society. Berkeley: University of California Press.
  • Gumucio Dagron, A. (2004), The long and winding road of alternative media. In J. Downing
  • D. McQuail, P. Schlesinger, & E. Wartella, Ellen (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of media Studies (pp. 41-63). Thousand Oaks: Sage. Herman, E. S., & Chomsky, N. (1988). Manufacturing consent: The political economy of the mass media. London: Vintage Books.
  • Hillard, R. L./Keith, M. C. (1999), Waves of rancor: Tuning in the radical right. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.
  • Horkheimer, M. (1937/1992). Traditionelle und Kritische Theorie. In Traditionelle und
  • Kritische Theorie. Fünf Aufsätze (pp. 205-260). Frankfurt a. Main: Fischer. Horkheimer, M., & Adorno, T. W. (1947/1997). Dialectic of enlightenment. London: Verso.
  • Hyde, G. (2002). Independent Media Centers: Cyber-subversion and the alternative press. In
  • First Monday, 7 (4). Online: (last accessed on January 02, 2008).
  • Jankowski, N. (2003). Community media research: A quest for theoretically grounded models. Javnost - The Public, 10 (1), 5-14.
  • KEA (2007). The state of community media in the European Union. Online: (last accessed on December 2, 2008).
  • Kellner, D. (1997). Marxism and the information superhighway. Online: (last accessed on April 25, 2007).
  • Knoche, M. (2003). Freie Radios – frei von Staat, Markt und Kapital(ismus)? Zur
  • Widersprüchlichkeit Alternativer Medien und Ökonomie. Medien Journal, 4. 4-19. Le Monde Diplomatique (2009): About LMD. (last accessed on September 10, 2009).
  • Lewis, P. M. (1976). Bristol channel and community television. London: IBA.
  • Löwenthal, L. (1964). Literatur und Gesellschaft. Das Buch in der Massenkultur. Neuwied a. Rhein: Luchterhand.
  • Marcuse, H. (1937/1968). Philosophie und Kritische Theorie. In Kultur und Gesellschaft I
  • (pp. 102-127). Frankfurt a. Main: Suhrkamp. Marcuse, H. (1965). Repressive tolerance. In: R.P. Wolff, B. Moore, & H. Marcuse (Eds.), A critique of pure tolerance (pp. 95-137). Boston: Beacon Press.
  • Marcuse, H. (1972). Counterrevolution and revolt. Boston: Beacon Press.
  • Marx, K. (1842). Debatten über Pressfreiheit und Publikation der Landständischen
  • Verhandlungen. In Marx-Engels Works: Vol. 1 (pp. 28-77). Berlin: Dietz. Marx, K. (1844). Einführung in die Kritik der Hegelschen Rechtsphilosophie. In Marx-Engels
  • Works: Vol. 1 (pp. 378–391). Berlin: Dietz. Marx, K. (1849). Der erste Preßprozeß der “Neuen Rheinischen Zeitung”: Verteidigungsrede von Karl Marx. In: Marx-Engels Works: Vol. 6 (pp. 223-234). Berlin: Dietz.
  • Meikle, G. (2002). Future active. Media activism and the Internet. New York: Routledge/Pluto.
  • Mother Jones (2008). Distribution Numbers. (last accessed on October 12, 2008).
  • National Democratic Party of Germany (2009). National forum germany. (last accessed on September 10, 2009).
  • O’Sullivan, T. (1994). Alternative media. In T. O`Sullivan, J. Hartley, D. Sounders, M.
  • Montgomery, & J. Fiske (Eds.), Key concepts in communication and cultural studies (p.10). London: Routledge. Pajnik, M., & Downing, J. (2008). Introduction: The challenges of nano-media. In M. Pajnik
  • J. Downing (Eds.), Alternative media and the politics of resistance (pp. 7-16). Ljubljana: Peace Institute. Peissl, H., & Tremetzberger, O. (2008). Community media in Europe: Legal and economic contexts of the third broadcast sector in 5 countries. English Summary. Online: europe_eng.pdf (last accessed on December 15, 2008).
  • Rodriguez, C. (2003). The bishop and his star: Citizens’ communication in southern chile. In
  • N. Couldry, & J. Curran (Eds.), Contesting media power: Alternative media in a networked world (pp. 177-194). London: Rowman & Littlefield. Rosenkrands, J. (2004). Politicizing homo economicus: Analysis of anti-corporate websites.
  • In W. van De Don, B. D. Loader, P. G. Nixon, & D. Rucht (Eds.), Cyberprotest: New media, citizens and social movements (pp. 57-76). New York: Routledge. Rucht, D. (2004). The quadruple `A´. Media strategies or protest movements since the 1960s.
  • In W. van De Donk, B. D. Loader, P. G. Nixon, & D. Rucht (Eds.), Cyberprotest. New media, citizens and social movements (pp. 29-56). New York: Routledge. Schiller, H. (1997). Manipulation and the packaged conciousness. In P. Golding, & G.
  • Murdock (Eds.), The political economy of the media: Vol. 1 (pp. 423-437). Cheltenham/Brookfield: Elgar. Smythe, D. W. (1997). Communications: Blindspots of western Marxism. In P. Golding, & G.
  • Murdock (Eds.), The political economy of the media: Vol. 1 (pp. 438-464). Cheltenham/Brookfield: Elgar. Toffler, A. (1980). The third wave. New York: Bantam.
  • Vegh, S. (2003). Classifying form of online activism: The case of cyberprotest against the World Bank. In M. McCaughey, & M. D. Ayers (Eds.), Cyberactivism: Online activism in theory and practice (pp. 71-96). New York: Routledge.
  • Vigurie, R. A., & Franke, D. (2004). America's right turn: How conservatives used new and alternative media to take power. Santa Monics, CA: Bonus Books.
  • Wright, S. (2004). Informing, communicating and ICTs in contemporary anti-capitalist movements. In W. van De Donk, B. Loader, P. G. Nixon, & D. Rucht (Eds.). Cyberprotest. new media, citizens and social movements (pp. 77-93). New York: Routledge.
There are 60 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Marisol Sandoval This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 22 Issue: 1


APA Sandoval, M. (2009). Alternatif Medya Çalışmalarının Temellerine İlişkin Eleştirel Bir Katkı. Kurgu, 22(1), 1-18.