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Year 2002, Volume: 19 Issue: 1, 230 - 246, 01.01.2002


Günümüzde egemenlik giderek iletişim bağlamında enformasyonun toplanması, işlenmesi ve dağıtımı üzerindeki ulusal denetim ile ölçülmeye başlanmıştır. "Enformasyon egemenliği" kavramına bağlı olarak üç temel gelişme ortaya çıkmıştır. Bunlardan ilki, hükümetleri kendi medyalarının etkinliklerinden sorumlu tutan yeni bir anlayışın ortaya çıkmasıdır. İkincisi, devletlere hangi enformasyonun uygun, hangisinin ise uygun olmadığını belirleme hakkı tanıyan "önceden izin" kavramının belirginlik kazanmasıdır. Üçüncüsü ise, uluslararası medya kuruluşlarının ve gazetecilerin eylemlerini profesyonel normlara göre sınırlayan evrensel bir iletişim ahlak yasasının oluşturulması yönünde güçlü bir isteğin ifade edilmesidir. Bu üç gelişmeye ilişkin karşıt görüşlerden kaynaklanan temel çelişki, "ulusal egemenlik" ve "özgür haber akışı" kavramları arasında belirginleşmektedir. Bu çelişkinin adil ve eşitlikçi nitelikte bir uluslararası düzen adına çözümü, "denetim" ve "özgürlük" kavramlarını dengeli bir biçimde bütünleştirmeye yönelen katılımcı medya yapılanmalarının olabildiğince çoğaltılmasına ve güçlendirilmesine büyük ölçüde bağlı bulunmaktadır.


  • Barnett, T. (1997). States oftne state and the third worlds. In P. Golding & P. Harris (Ed.), Beyond cultural imperialism. London: Sage.
  • Dordick, H. S. (1984). Transborder data f1ows: Competition and regulation. In G. Gerbner & M. Siefert (Eds.), World communications. New York: Longman.
  • Feldman, M. B. (1986). The right to communicate under international law. In A. W.Branscomb (Ed.), Toward a law of global communications networks. New York: Longman.
  • Kleinwachter, W. (1986). Principles ofthe new internationalorder. In K. Nonderstreng, E. G. Manet & W. Kleinwachter (Eds.), New international information and communication order. Prague: InternationalOrganization of Journalists.
  • Manet E. G. (1986). Hidden issues and emerging controversies. In K. Nonderstreng, E. G. Manet & W. Kleinwachter (Eds.), New international information and communication order. Prague: InternationalOrganization of Journalists.
  • Masmoudi, M. (1984). The new world information order. In G. Gerbner & M. Siefert (Eds.), World communications. New York: Longman.
  • Nazer, H. M. (1999). Power of a third kind: The Western attempt to colonize the global village. Westport, Conneticut: Praeger.
  • Nordenstreng, K. (1984). The mass media declaration ofUnesco. Norwood, NJ.: Ablex.
  • _______(1986). Professionalism in transition: Journalistic ethics. In U. Kivikuru & T. Varis (Eds.), Approaches to international communication: Textbook for journalism communication. Helsinki: Finnish Commission for Unesco.
  • Powell, J. T. (1985). International broadcasting by satellite: Issues ofregulation barriers to communication. Westport, Conneticut: Quarum Books.
  • Roach, C. (1987). The U. S. position on the new world information and communication order. Journal ofCommunication, 37 (4), 36-51.
  • Schiller, H. i. (1984). Informaties and information flows: The underpinnigs of transnational capitalism. In V. Masco & J. Wasco (Eds.), The critical communication review-II: Changing of communication control. Norwood, NJ.: Ablex.
  • _____(1986a). Electronic information flows: New basis for global communieation? In P. Drummond & R. Peterson (Eds.), Television in transition: Papers from the First International Television Studies Conference. London: BFI.
  • _____(1986b). The erosion of national sovereignty by the world business system. In M. Traber (Ed.), The myth of information revolution: Social and ethieal implications of communication technology. London: Sage.
  • Secretariat of State for Information (1977). The new world order for information: Tunusia.
  • Stevenson R. L. & Cole, R. (1984). Issues in foreign news. In R. L. Stevenson & D. L. Shaw (Eds.), Foreign news and the new world information order. Ames, lowa: The lowa State University Press.
  • Sussman, L. R. (1982). Information control as an international issue. In G. Benjamin (Ed.), The communieations revolution in politics. New York: Proceedings ofthe Academy of Politieal Science.
  • Tehranian, M. (1999). Global communieation and world politics: Domination,development and discourse. London: Lynne Rienner.


Year 2002, Volume: 19 Issue: 1, 230 - 246, 01.01.2002



  • Barnett, T. (1997). States oftne state and the third worlds. In P. Golding & P. Harris (Ed.), Beyond cultural imperialism. London: Sage.
  • Dordick, H. S. (1984). Transborder data f1ows: Competition and regulation. In G. Gerbner & M. Siefert (Eds.), World communications. New York: Longman.
  • Feldman, M. B. (1986). The right to communicate under international law. In A. W.Branscomb (Ed.), Toward a law of global communications networks. New York: Longman.
  • Kleinwachter, W. (1986). Principles ofthe new internationalorder. In K. Nonderstreng, E. G. Manet & W. Kleinwachter (Eds.), New international information and communication order. Prague: InternationalOrganization of Journalists.
  • Manet E. G. (1986). Hidden issues and emerging controversies. In K. Nonderstreng, E. G. Manet & W. Kleinwachter (Eds.), New international information and communication order. Prague: InternationalOrganization of Journalists.
  • Masmoudi, M. (1984). The new world information order. In G. Gerbner & M. Siefert (Eds.), World communications. New York: Longman.
  • Nazer, H. M. (1999). Power of a third kind: The Western attempt to colonize the global village. Westport, Conneticut: Praeger.
  • Nordenstreng, K. (1984). The mass media declaration ofUnesco. Norwood, NJ.: Ablex.
  • _______(1986). Professionalism in transition: Journalistic ethics. In U. Kivikuru & T. Varis (Eds.), Approaches to international communication: Textbook for journalism communication. Helsinki: Finnish Commission for Unesco.
  • Powell, J. T. (1985). International broadcasting by satellite: Issues ofregulation barriers to communication. Westport, Conneticut: Quarum Books.
  • Roach, C. (1987). The U. S. position on the new world information and communication order. Journal ofCommunication, 37 (4), 36-51.
  • Schiller, H. i. (1984). Informaties and information flows: The underpinnigs of transnational capitalism. In V. Masco & J. Wasco (Eds.), The critical communication review-II: Changing of communication control. Norwood, NJ.: Ablex.
  • _____(1986a). Electronic information flows: New basis for global communieation? In P. Drummond & R. Peterson (Eds.), Television in transition: Papers from the First International Television Studies Conference. London: BFI.
  • _____(1986b). The erosion of national sovereignty by the world business system. In M. Traber (Ed.), The myth of information revolution: Social and ethieal implications of communication technology. London: Sage.
  • Secretariat of State for Information (1977). The new world order for information: Tunusia.
  • Stevenson R. L. & Cole, R. (1984). Issues in foreign news. In R. L. Stevenson & D. L. Shaw (Eds.), Foreign news and the new world information order. Ames, lowa: The lowa State University Press.
  • Sussman, L. R. (1982). Information control as an international issue. In G. Benjamin (Ed.), The communieations revolution in politics. New York: Proceedings ofthe Academy of Politieal Science.
  • Tehranian, M. (1999). Global communieation and world politics: Domination,development and discourse. London: Lynne Rienner.
There are 18 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Semra Akdemir This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2002
Published in Issue Year 2002 Volume: 19 Issue: 1


APA Akdemir, S. (2002). ENFORMASYON EGEMENLİĞİ. Kurgu, 19(1), 230-246.