ANDREW, J. DUDLEY. The Major Film Theories (An Introduction), Oxford University Press, NewYork : 1976.
ARNHEIM, RUDOLF. Film as Art, University of California Press, Berkeley: 1966.
Visual Thinking, University of California Press Berkeley: 1969.
ASKUN, iNAL CEM. «Yonetirnde Sistem Yaklasirm» AKADEMi, Bursa i.T.i.A. Dergisi, Cilt II, Kasun 1973, No: 3, s. 1112-1123.
BAYMUR, FERiHA. Genel Psikoloji, Inkilap ve Aka Yaymevi, istanbul: 1976.
BROADHURST, ALLAN R. - DARNELL, DONALD K. «An Introduction to Cybernetics and Information Theory» Foundations of Communication Theory, Edited by: KENNETH K. SERENO - C. DAVID MORTENSEN - Harper and Row Publishers, New York: 1970, s. 59-73.
DE FLEUR, MELVIN. Theories of Mass Communication, David McKay Co. Inc. New York: 1968.
FISKE, JOHN. Introduction to Communication Studies, Methuen and Co. Ltd. London: 1985.
GOMBRICH, E. H. Art and Illusion (A Study In The Psychology of Pictorial Representation), Phaidon Press, Edinburgh: 1983.
KATZ, DANIEL. «Psychological Barriers to Communication» Mass Cammunication, Edited by: WILBUR SCHRAMM, University of Illinois Press, 1975, s. 316-329.
KRECH, DAVID - CRUTCHFIELD, RICHARD S. Sosyal Psikoloji (Teori ve Problemler), Otiiken Yayinevi, Kultirr Serisi: 29, istanbul: 1980.
MORGAN, CLIFFORD T.lntroduction to Psychology, McGraw Hill Book Co. Inc. New York: 1961.
MUNSTERBERG, HUGO. The Film (A psychological Study), Dover Publications Inc. New York: 1969.
SERENO, KENNETH K. - BODAKEN, EDWARD M. Trans-Per Understanding Human Communication, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston: 1975.
TaCH, HANS - MACLEAN Jr. MALCOM S. «Perception and Communication: A Transactional View» Foundations of Communication Theory, Edited by: KENNETH K.
SERENO - C. DAVID MORTENSEN, Harper and Row Publishers, New Yorh: 1970, s. 125-137.
WIENER, NORBERT. Sibernetlk, Say Kitap Dagrtim-pazarlama, istanbul: 1982.
YUKSEL, AY$EGUL. Yaprsalcihk ve Bir Uygulama, Yazko Yaymlan, istanbul: 1981.
YUKSEL, AHMET HALUK. Atatiirkcti Diisunce Sisteminde Kiiltiirei Iletislmin Modele Bayah Boyutlarr, Anadolu Universitesi Acikogretim Fakultesi Yaymlan No: 123, Eskisehir: 1987.
YUKSEL, AHMET HALUK. Ilettslm Biliminin Temelleri (Kavramlar, Kuramlar, KiHtiirel Boyut ve Iletlslm Bllimi Egltimi Modell] Anadolu Universitesi, Acikogretim Fakiiltesi Yaymlari No: 132, Eskisehir: 1988.
ZETTL, HERBERT. Sight-Sound-Motion (Applied Media Aesthetics), Wardsworth Publishing Co. Inc. California: 1973.
ZIMBARDO, PHILIP. Psychology and Life, Scott Foresman 'and Co. Glenview-Illinois: 1969.
ANDREW, J. DUDLEY. The Major Film Theories (An Introduction), Oxford University Press, NewYork : 1976.
ARNHEIM, RUDOLF. Film as Art, University of California Press, Berkeley: 1966.
Visual Thinking, University of California Press Berkeley: 1969.
ASKUN, iNAL CEM. «Yonetirnde Sistem Yaklasirm» AKADEMi, Bursa i.T.i.A. Dergisi, Cilt II, Kasun 1973, No: 3, s. 1112-1123.
BAYMUR, FERiHA. Genel Psikoloji, Inkilap ve Aka Yaymevi, istanbul: 1976.
BROADHURST, ALLAN R. - DARNELL, DONALD K. «An Introduction to Cybernetics and Information Theory» Foundations of Communication Theory, Edited by: KENNETH K. SERENO - C. DAVID MORTENSEN - Harper and Row Publishers, New York: 1970, s. 59-73.
DE FLEUR, MELVIN. Theories of Mass Communication, David McKay Co. Inc. New York: 1968.
FISKE, JOHN. Introduction to Communication Studies, Methuen and Co. Ltd. London: 1985.
GOMBRICH, E. H. Art and Illusion (A Study In The Psychology of Pictorial Representation), Phaidon Press, Edinburgh: 1983.
KATZ, DANIEL. «Psychological Barriers to Communication» Mass Cammunication, Edited by: WILBUR SCHRAMM, University of Illinois Press, 1975, s. 316-329.
KRECH, DAVID - CRUTCHFIELD, RICHARD S. Sosyal Psikoloji (Teori ve Problemler), Otiiken Yayinevi, Kultirr Serisi: 29, istanbul: 1980.
MORGAN, CLIFFORD T.lntroduction to Psychology, McGraw Hill Book Co. Inc. New York: 1961.
MUNSTERBERG, HUGO. The Film (A psychological Study), Dover Publications Inc. New York: 1969.
SERENO, KENNETH K. - BODAKEN, EDWARD M. Trans-Per Understanding Human Communication, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston: 1975.
TaCH, HANS - MACLEAN Jr. MALCOM S. «Perception and Communication: A Transactional View» Foundations of Communication Theory, Edited by: KENNETH K.
SERENO - C. DAVID MORTENSEN, Harper and Row Publishers, New Yorh: 1970, s. 125-137.
WIENER, NORBERT. Sibernetlk, Say Kitap Dagrtim-pazarlama, istanbul: 1982.
YUKSEL, AY$EGUL. Yaprsalcihk ve Bir Uygulama, Yazko Yaymlan, istanbul: 1981.
YUKSEL, AHMET HALUK. Atatiirkcti Diisunce Sisteminde Kiiltiirei Iletislmin Modele Bayah Boyutlarr, Anadolu Universitesi Acikogretim Fakultesi Yaymlan No: 123, Eskisehir: 1987.
YUKSEL, AHMET HALUK. Ilettslm Biliminin Temelleri (Kavramlar, Kuramlar, KiHtiirel Boyut ve Iletlslm Bllimi Egltimi Modell] Anadolu Universitesi, Acikogretim Fakiiltesi Yaymlari No: 132, Eskisehir: 1988.
ZETTL, HERBERT. Sight-Sound-Motion (Applied Media Aesthetics), Wardsworth Publishing Co. Inc. California: 1973.
ZIMBARDO, PHILIP. Psychology and Life, Scott Foresman 'and Co. Glenview-Illinois: 1969.