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Siyasi İzolasyondan Normalleşmeye: Fransa’da Ulusal Cephe (FN) Örneği

Year 2023, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 107 - 134, 30.06.2023


Ulusal Cephe (FN) ya da 2018’den itibaren Ulusal Yürüyüş (RN), günümüzde Fransız siyasetinin en önemli aktörleri arasında yer almaktadır. İnişli çıkışlı bir tarihi olan FN, aynı zamanda seçim performansı açısından Batı Avrupa’daki en güçlü radikal sağ parti konumundadır. Bu başarı, ülkede uzun yıllar boyunca aşırı/radikal sağa karşı uygulanan karantina hattının başarısızlığa uğradığının açık bir kanıtıdır. 1980’lerin ortalarından itibaren parti rekabetini şekillendiren ve seçimlerde güçlü bir performans sergileyen FN, 2011’deki lider değişimi sonrasında ise kamusal söylem üzerindeki etkisini arttırdı. Bu bağlamda, bu araştırmada, partinin ortaya çıkışı ve evrimi, eleştirel bir perspektifle ele alınmaktadır. Ana akım aktörlerin toplumsal taleplere yanıt vermemesi ile radikal sağ söylemin ana akımlaşmasının FN’nin başarısında belirleyici olduğu savunulmaktadır.


  • Arslantaş, Ş. (2019). Avrupa’da Değişen Siyasal Paradigma Çerçevesinde Yeni Sol Reformist Partiler: Yunanistan, Fransa ve Almanya Örnekleri. İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Anabilim Dalı, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi.
  • Arslantaş, Ş. & Arslantaş, D. (2020). Fransa’da Değişen Siyasal Paradigma Çerçevesinde Radikal Solun Yükselişi. Marmara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilimler Dergisi, 8(1), 1-26.
  • Arslantaş, D. & Arslantaş, Ş. (2023). From “Permanent Opposition” to the “Power”: Anti-systemic Parties in Turkey. Party Politics, online first, 1-11.
  • Arzheimer, K. & Berning, C. C. (2019). How the Alternative for Germany (AfD) and their Voters Veered to the Radical Right, 2013–2017. Electoral Studies, online first, 1-10.
  • Aslan, M. Ç. (2016). Dış Politika Alanında Oluşan İdeolojik Bağ: Fransız Milliyetçi Cephe Partisi Örneği (2011-2015). Gazi Akademik Bakış, 10(19), 227-254.
  • Balzacq, T. & Leonard, S & Ruzicka, J. (2016). ‘Securitization’ Revisited: Theory and Cases. International Relations, 30(4), 494-531.
  • Bastow, S. (2018). The Front National Under Marine Le Pen: A Mainstream Political Party?. French Politics, 16, 19-37.
  • Bell, D. S. (1994). The French National Front. History of European Ideas, 18(2), 225- 240.
  • Berezin, M. (2006). Appropriating the “no”: The French National Front, the Vote on the Constitution, and the “new” April 21. PS: Political Science & Politics, 39(2), 269-272.
  • Betz, H. (1994). Radical Right-Wing Populism in Western Europe. London: Macmillan.
  • Betz, H. (2013). The New Front National: Still a Master Case?. Recode Working Paper No. 30 ( content/uploads/2014/01/Final-RECODE-30-Hans-Georg-Betz_Final_fin.pdf).
  • Borriello, A. & Brack, N. (2019). ‘I Want my Sovereignty Back!’ A Comparative Analysis of the Populist Discourses of Podemos, the 5 Star Movement, the FN and UKIP during the Economic and Migration Crises. Journal of European Integration, 41(7), 833-853.
  • Boubeker, A. (2013). The Outskirts of Politics: The Struggles of the Descendants of Postcolonial Immigration in France. French Cultural Studies, 24(2), 184-195.
  • Bolet, D. (2020). Local Labour Market Competition and Radical Right Voting: Evidence from France. European Journal of Political Research, 59(4), 817-841.
  • Bornschier, S & Kriesi, H. (2012). The Populist Right, the Working Class, and the Changing Face of Class Politics. J. Rydgren (ed.). Class Politics and the Radical Right (1-23). London: Routledge.
  • Buzan, B. & Waever, O. & Wilde J. (1998). Security: A New Framework for Analysis. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
  • Buzan, B. & Waever, O. (2003). Regions and Power: The Structure of International Security. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Chamorel, P. (2019). Macron Versus the Yellow Vests. Journal of Democracy, 30(4), 48-62.
  • Copsey, N. (1997). A Comparison between the Extreme Right in Contemporary France and Britain. Contemporary European History, 6(1), 101-116.
  • Deutsche Welle (17.08.2017). A Chronology of Terror in Europe, (Erişim tarihi: 20.05.2023).
  • Eatwell, R. (2003). Ten Theories of the Extreme Right. P. Merkl & L. Weinberg (eds.). Right-Wing Extremism in the Twenty- First Century (47–73). London: Frank Cass.
  • Eatwell, R. (2004). The New Extreme Right Challenge. R. Eatwell & C. Mudde (eds.). Western Democracies and the New Extreme Right Challeng (1-16). London: Routledge.
  • Golder, M. (2016). Far Right Parties in Europe. Annual Review of Political Science, 19, 477-497.
  • Hainsworth, P. (2004). The Extreme Right in France: The Rise and Rise of Jean‐Marie Le Pen's Front National. Representation, 40(2), 101-114.
  • Hainsworth, P. (2008). The Extreme Right in Western Europe. London: Routledge.
  • Hobolt, B. & Brouard, S. (2011). Contesting the European Union? Why the Dutch and the French Rejected the European Constitution. Political Research Quarterly, 64(2), 309-322.
  • Ignazi, P. (2003). Extreme Right Parties in Western Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Ivaldi, G. (2015). Towards the Median Economic Crisis Voter? The New Leftist Economic Agenda of the Front National in France. French Politics, 13, 346-369.
  • Ivaldi, G. (2018). Contesting the EU in Times of Crisis: The Front National and Politics of Euroscepticism in France. Politics, 38(3), 278-294
  • Jugé, T. S. & Perez, M. P. (2006). The Modern Colonial Politics of Citizenship and Whiteness in France. Social Identities, 12(2), 187-212.
  • Kitschelt, H. (2007). Growth and Persistence of the Radical Right in Postindustrial Democracies: Advances and Challenges in Comparative Research. West European Politics, 30(5), 1176–1206.
  • Laborde, C. (2008). Critical Republicanism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Mayer, N. (2013). From Jean-Marie to Marine Le Pen: Electoral Change on the Far Right. Parliamentary Affairs, 66(1), 160-178.
  • Mayer, N. (2018). The Radical Right in France. J. Rydgren (ed.). The Oxford Handbook of the Radical Right (433 – 451), Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • McCulloch, T. (2006). The Nouvelle Droite in the 1980s and 1990s: Ideology and Entryism, the Relationship with the Front National. French Politics, 4, 158-178.
  • Mondon, A. (2015). The French Secular Hypocrisy: The Extreme Right, the Republic and the Battle for Hegemony. Patterns of Prejudice, 49(4), 392-413.
  • Morgan, K. J. (2017). Gender, Right-wing Populism, and Immigrant Integration Policies in France, 1989–2012. West European Politics, 40(4), 887-906.
  • Mudde, C. (1995). Right-wing Extremism Analyzed. A Comparative Analysis of the Ideologies of Three Alleged Right-wing Extremist Parties (NPD, NDP, CP’86). European Journal of Political Research, 27(2), 203-224.
  • Mudde, C. (2000). The Ideology of the Extreme Right. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  • Mudde, C. (2007). Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Murray, R. (2016). The Political Representation of Ethnic Minority Women in France. Parliamentary Affairs, 69(3), 586-602.
  • Oesch, D. (2008). Explaining Workers' Support for Right-wing Populist Parties in Western Europe: Evidence from Austria, Belgium, France, Norway, and Switzerland. International Political Science Review, 29(3), 349-373.
  • Pardos‐Prado, S. & Xena, C. (2019). Skill Specificity and Attitudes toward Immigration. American Journal of Political Science, 63(2), 286-304.
  • Reif, K. (1984). National Election Cycles and European Elections, 1979 and 1984. Electoral Studies, 3(3), 244-255.
  • Shields, J. G. (2006). Political Representation in France: A Crisis of Democracy?. Parliamentary Affairs, 59(1), 118-137.
  • Shields, J. (2013). Marine Le Pen and the ‘New’ FN: A Change of Style or of Substance?. Parliamentary Affairs, 66(1), 179-196.
  • Singer, D. (1991). The Resistible Rise of Jean-Marie Le Pen. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 14(3), 368-381.
  • Statham, P. & Koopmans, R. (2009). Political Party Contestation over Europe in the Mass Media: Who Criticizes Europe, How, and Why?. European Political Science Review, 1(3), 435-463.
  • Stockemer, D. (2017). The Front National in France: Continuity and Change under Jean-Marie Le Pen and Marine Le Pen. Cham: Springer.
  • Stritzel, H. (2007). Towards a Theory of Securitization: Copenhagen and Beyond. European Journal of International Relations, 13(3), 357-383.
  • Surel, Y. (2019). How to Stay Populist? The Front National and the Changing French Party System. West European Politics, 42(6), 1230-1257.
  • Swyngedouw, M. & Ivaldi, G. (2001). The Extreme Right Utopia in Belgium and France: The Ideology of the Flemish Vlaams Blok and the French Front National. West European Politics, 24(3), 1-22.
  • Şener, B. & Uzun, Ş. (2022). Ekonomik Güvenlik ve Toplumsal Güvenlik Bağlamında Uluslararası Göçün Güvenlikleştirilmesi: Fransa “Ulusal Cephe” Partisi Örneği. Sosyoekonomi, 30(54), 467-496.
  • Taggart, P. (1998). A Touchstone of Dissent: Euroscepticism in Contemporary Western European Party System. European Journal of Political Research, 33, 363-388
Year 2023, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 107 - 134, 30.06.2023



  • Arslantaş, Ş. (2019). Avrupa’da Değişen Siyasal Paradigma Çerçevesinde Yeni Sol Reformist Partiler: Yunanistan, Fransa ve Almanya Örnekleri. İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Anabilim Dalı, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi.
  • Arslantaş, Ş. & Arslantaş, D. (2020). Fransa’da Değişen Siyasal Paradigma Çerçevesinde Radikal Solun Yükselişi. Marmara Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilimler Dergisi, 8(1), 1-26.
  • Arslantaş, D. & Arslantaş, Ş. (2023). From “Permanent Opposition” to the “Power”: Anti-systemic Parties in Turkey. Party Politics, online first, 1-11.
  • Arzheimer, K. & Berning, C. C. (2019). How the Alternative for Germany (AfD) and their Voters Veered to the Radical Right, 2013–2017. Electoral Studies, online first, 1-10.
  • Aslan, M. Ç. (2016). Dış Politika Alanında Oluşan İdeolojik Bağ: Fransız Milliyetçi Cephe Partisi Örneği (2011-2015). Gazi Akademik Bakış, 10(19), 227-254.
  • Balzacq, T. & Leonard, S & Ruzicka, J. (2016). ‘Securitization’ Revisited: Theory and Cases. International Relations, 30(4), 494-531.
  • Bastow, S. (2018). The Front National Under Marine Le Pen: A Mainstream Political Party?. French Politics, 16, 19-37.
  • Bell, D. S. (1994). The French National Front. History of European Ideas, 18(2), 225- 240.
  • Berezin, M. (2006). Appropriating the “no”: The French National Front, the Vote on the Constitution, and the “new” April 21. PS: Political Science & Politics, 39(2), 269-272.
  • Betz, H. (1994). Radical Right-Wing Populism in Western Europe. London: Macmillan.
  • Betz, H. (2013). The New Front National: Still a Master Case?. Recode Working Paper No. 30 ( content/uploads/2014/01/Final-RECODE-30-Hans-Georg-Betz_Final_fin.pdf).
  • Borriello, A. & Brack, N. (2019). ‘I Want my Sovereignty Back!’ A Comparative Analysis of the Populist Discourses of Podemos, the 5 Star Movement, the FN and UKIP during the Economic and Migration Crises. Journal of European Integration, 41(7), 833-853.
  • Boubeker, A. (2013). The Outskirts of Politics: The Struggles of the Descendants of Postcolonial Immigration in France. French Cultural Studies, 24(2), 184-195.
  • Bolet, D. (2020). Local Labour Market Competition and Radical Right Voting: Evidence from France. European Journal of Political Research, 59(4), 817-841.
  • Bornschier, S & Kriesi, H. (2012). The Populist Right, the Working Class, and the Changing Face of Class Politics. J. Rydgren (ed.). Class Politics and the Radical Right (1-23). London: Routledge.
  • Buzan, B. & Waever, O. & Wilde J. (1998). Security: A New Framework for Analysis. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
  • Buzan, B. & Waever, O. (2003). Regions and Power: The Structure of International Security. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Chamorel, P. (2019). Macron Versus the Yellow Vests. Journal of Democracy, 30(4), 48-62.
  • Copsey, N. (1997). A Comparison between the Extreme Right in Contemporary France and Britain. Contemporary European History, 6(1), 101-116.
  • Deutsche Welle (17.08.2017). A Chronology of Terror in Europe, (Erişim tarihi: 20.05.2023).
  • Eatwell, R. (2003). Ten Theories of the Extreme Right. P. Merkl & L. Weinberg (eds.). Right-Wing Extremism in the Twenty- First Century (47–73). London: Frank Cass.
  • Eatwell, R. (2004). The New Extreme Right Challenge. R. Eatwell & C. Mudde (eds.). Western Democracies and the New Extreme Right Challeng (1-16). London: Routledge.
  • Golder, M. (2016). Far Right Parties in Europe. Annual Review of Political Science, 19, 477-497.
  • Hainsworth, P. (2004). The Extreme Right in France: The Rise and Rise of Jean‐Marie Le Pen's Front National. Representation, 40(2), 101-114.
  • Hainsworth, P. (2008). The Extreme Right in Western Europe. London: Routledge.
  • Hobolt, B. & Brouard, S. (2011). Contesting the European Union? Why the Dutch and the French Rejected the European Constitution. Political Research Quarterly, 64(2), 309-322.
  • Ignazi, P. (2003). Extreme Right Parties in Western Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Ivaldi, G. (2015). Towards the Median Economic Crisis Voter? The New Leftist Economic Agenda of the Front National in France. French Politics, 13, 346-369.
  • Ivaldi, G. (2018). Contesting the EU in Times of Crisis: The Front National and Politics of Euroscepticism in France. Politics, 38(3), 278-294
  • Jugé, T. S. & Perez, M. P. (2006). The Modern Colonial Politics of Citizenship and Whiteness in France. Social Identities, 12(2), 187-212.
  • Kitschelt, H. (2007). Growth and Persistence of the Radical Right in Postindustrial Democracies: Advances and Challenges in Comparative Research. West European Politics, 30(5), 1176–1206.
  • Laborde, C. (2008). Critical Republicanism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Mayer, N. (2013). From Jean-Marie to Marine Le Pen: Electoral Change on the Far Right. Parliamentary Affairs, 66(1), 160-178.
  • Mayer, N. (2018). The Radical Right in France. J. Rydgren (ed.). The Oxford Handbook of the Radical Right (433 – 451), Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • McCulloch, T. (2006). The Nouvelle Droite in the 1980s and 1990s: Ideology and Entryism, the Relationship with the Front National. French Politics, 4, 158-178.
  • Mondon, A. (2015). The French Secular Hypocrisy: The Extreme Right, the Republic and the Battle for Hegemony. Patterns of Prejudice, 49(4), 392-413.
  • Morgan, K. J. (2017). Gender, Right-wing Populism, and Immigrant Integration Policies in France, 1989–2012. West European Politics, 40(4), 887-906.
  • Mudde, C. (1995). Right-wing Extremism Analyzed. A Comparative Analysis of the Ideologies of Three Alleged Right-wing Extremist Parties (NPD, NDP, CP’86). European Journal of Political Research, 27(2), 203-224.
  • Mudde, C. (2000). The Ideology of the Extreme Right. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
  • Mudde, C. (2007). Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Murray, R. (2016). The Political Representation of Ethnic Minority Women in France. Parliamentary Affairs, 69(3), 586-602.
  • Oesch, D. (2008). Explaining Workers' Support for Right-wing Populist Parties in Western Europe: Evidence from Austria, Belgium, France, Norway, and Switzerland. International Political Science Review, 29(3), 349-373.
  • Pardos‐Prado, S. & Xena, C. (2019). Skill Specificity and Attitudes toward Immigration. American Journal of Political Science, 63(2), 286-304.
  • Reif, K. (1984). National Election Cycles and European Elections, 1979 and 1984. Electoral Studies, 3(3), 244-255.
  • Shields, J. G. (2006). Political Representation in France: A Crisis of Democracy?. Parliamentary Affairs, 59(1), 118-137.
  • Shields, J. (2013). Marine Le Pen and the ‘New’ FN: A Change of Style or of Substance?. Parliamentary Affairs, 66(1), 179-196.
  • Singer, D. (1991). The Resistible Rise of Jean-Marie Le Pen. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 14(3), 368-381.
  • Statham, P. & Koopmans, R. (2009). Political Party Contestation over Europe in the Mass Media: Who Criticizes Europe, How, and Why?. European Political Science Review, 1(3), 435-463.
  • Stockemer, D. (2017). The Front National in France: Continuity and Change under Jean-Marie Le Pen and Marine Le Pen. Cham: Springer.
  • Stritzel, H. (2007). Towards a Theory of Securitization: Copenhagen and Beyond. European Journal of International Relations, 13(3), 357-383.
  • Surel, Y. (2019). How to Stay Populist? The Front National and the Changing French Party System. West European Politics, 42(6), 1230-1257.
  • Swyngedouw, M. & Ivaldi, G. (2001). The Extreme Right Utopia in Belgium and France: The Ideology of the Flemish Vlaams Blok and the French Front National. West European Politics, 24(3), 1-22.
  • Şener, B. & Uzun, Ş. (2022). Ekonomik Güvenlik ve Toplumsal Güvenlik Bağlamında Uluslararası Göçün Güvenlikleştirilmesi: Fransa “Ulusal Cephe” Partisi Örneği. Sosyoekonomi, 30(54), 467-496.
  • Taggart, P. (1998). A Touchstone of Dissent: Euroscepticism in Contemporary Western European Party System. European Journal of Political Research, 33, 363-388
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Political Science
Journal Section Review Articles

Şenol Arslantaş 0000-0003-3320-8652

Publication Date June 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Arslantaş, Ş. (2023). Siyasi İzolasyondan Normalleşmeye: Fransa’da Ulusal Cephe (FN) Örneği. Kırklareli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 7(1), 107-134.