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Kanserde Glikokonjugatlar

Year 2016, , 1 - 5, 31.01.2016


Diyetimizin temelini oluşturan karbonhidratların aynı zamanda önemli görevlerinin de olduğu birçok araştırma ile belirlenmiştir. Karbonhidrat grupları özellikle hayvansal organizmalarda bağ dokuda koruyucu ve yapısal bileşenler olarak bulunurlar ve bunun yanında bitki ile bakteri hücre duvarlarında yapısal eleman olarak görev alırlar. Lipitlere ve proteinlere kovalent bağlanarak hücre yüzeyinde değişik özellikler gösteren glikokonjugatları meydana getirirler. Bu oluşumlar hücreler arası tanınmada, hücrelerin kendi aralarında ve çevreleriyle olan etkileşimlerinde, hücresel gelişim ve büyümede, hücre adezyonunda ve hücresel rejenerasyonda olduğu gibi birçok önemli olayda rol oynarlar. Bunların yanında memeli hücrelerindeki proteinlerin yüzde ellisinin glikozilasyon geçirmiş olması ve bu sayede hücrede bulunan proteinlerin farklı bazı görevler üstlenmeleri de karbohidratların organizma için olan önemini açıklamaktadır. Glikokonjugatların yapısındaki az sayıdaki monomerik birimlerinin sıralanma özellikleri, modifikasyonları ve glikozilasyon hızları ile mikroçeşitlilik oluştururlar. Glikobiyoloji, yaşamsal önemi olan karbonhidrat gruplarını, işleyişlerini, üretimlerini ve organizmadaki görevlerini araştıran bilim dalıdır. Glikobiyoloji çalışmaları; glikokonjugatlardaki şekerlerin moleküler yapılarının belirlenmesi, glikozilasyon mekanizmasının kontrolü, miktar ve fenotipik belirlenmeleri ile ilişkili enzimlerin genlerinin kopyalanması alanlarında yapılmaktadır. Yeni stratejiler ve teknikler, karbohidratların yapı ve görevlerini daha iyi öğrenmeyle birlikte daha iyi glikoproteinleri oluşturmaya ve ilaç geliştirilmesine yoğunlaşmaktadır. Kanser metastazlarında kanser hücrelerinin yüzeyindeki glikoprotein ve diğer glikokonjugatların yapısındaki değişikliklerin önemli olduğu düşünülmektedir. Kanserli hücreler ile yapılan çalışmalarda normal hücrelerin kanser hücrelerine dönüşümlerinde hücre yüzeyi glikokonjugatlarında belirgin değişimler olduğu görülmüştür. Kanserli hücrelerin yüzeyindeki değişim geçiren bu bölgelere bağlanabilme yeteneği olan bazı maddelerin kullanımı ile hücresel savunma sistemlerinin bu tümörleşmiş bölgeleri daha kolay tanıyarak yok edilebileceği ileri sürülmüştür. Tümörlü hastalara ait örneklerde proteine bağlı karbonhidrat artışı, normal proteinlerin karbonhidrat içeriklerinin artmasına, tümör hücrelerinin yeni glikoprotein üretmesine ve karaciğer dokusunda veya lenforetiküler dokuda glikoprotein sentezinin artmasına bağlı olabilir. Bu derlemede glikokonjugatların yapısı, kanserli dokulardaki hücre yüzey bileşenlerinin değişimleri ve kansere karşı ilaç geliştirmede glikobiyolojik yaklaşımlar ele alınmıştır.


  • Contessa JN, Bhojani MS, Freeze HH ve diğ. Molecular imaging of N-linked glycosylation suggests glycan biosynthesis is a novel target for cancer therapy. Clin Cancer Res. 2010;16(12):3205-14.
  • Bradley WP, Blasco AP, Weiss JF ve diğ. Correlations among serum protein-boundcarbohydrates, serum glycoproteins, lymphocyte reactivity, and tumors burden incancer patients. Cancer. 1977;40(5):2264-72.
  • Bakar E. Besin koruyucuların sıçan dokularında sialik asit düzeyleri ve membran glikozaminoglikanları üzerine etkileri. Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri EnstitüsüDoktora Tezi. 2008.
  • Ebrahim AH, Alalawi Z, Mirandola L ve diğ. Galectins in cancer: carcinogenesis,diagnosis and therapy. Annals of translational medicine. 2014;2(9):88.
  • Irimura T, Matsushita Y, Sutton RC ve diğ. Increased content of an endogenouslactose-binding lectin in human colorectal carcinoma progressed to metastatic stages.Cancer research. 1991;51(1):387-93.
  • Ouyang J, Plutschow A, von Strandmann EP ve diğ. Galectin-1 serum levels reflecttumor burden and adverse clinical features in classical Hodgkin lymphoma. Blood. 2013;121(17):3431-3.
  • Salvagno L, Ferrazzi E, Sileni VC ve diğ. Lipid bound sialic acid in cancer patients.Tumori. 1985;71(2):127-33.
  • Selen İşbilir Ş, Süer Gökmen S, Çağlar T ve diğ. Akciğer Kanserinde Serum Total ve Lipide Bağlı Sialik Asit Düzeylerinde Yükselme ve Bunun Metastaz ile İlişkisi. Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi. 2002;19(2):75-9.
  • Tatsumura T, Sato H, Mori A ve diğ. Clinical significance of fucose level inglycoprotein fraction of serum in patients with malignant tumors. Cancer research. 1977;37(11):4101-3.
  • Thijssen VJL, Postel R, Brandwijk RJMEG ve diğ. Galectin-1 is essential in tumorangiogenesis and is a target for antiangiogenesis therapy. P Natl Acad Sci USA. 2006;103:15975–80.
  • Hakomori S. Tumor malignancy defined by aberrant glycosylation andsphingo(glyco)lipid metabolism. Cancer research. 1996;56(23):5309-18.
  • Nigam VN, Cantero A. Polysaccharides in cancer: Glycoproteins and glycolipids. AdvCancer Res 1973;17:1-80.
  • Katopodis N, Hirshaut Y, Geller NL ve diğ. Lipid-associated sialic acid test for thedetection of human cancer. Cancer research. 1982;42(12):5270-5.
  • Shamberger RJ. Serum sialic acid in normals and in cancer patients. CCLM.1984;22(10):647-51.
  • Sherblom AP, Smagula RM, Moody CE ve diğ. Immunosuppression, sialic acid, andsialyltransferase of neonatal and maternal bovine serum. J Reprod Immunol. 1986;9(4):365-75.
  • Chu TM. Biochemical markers for human cancer. Curr Top Pathol. 1987;77:19-45.
  • Dadhich M, Prabhu V, Pai VR ve diğ. Serum and salivary sialic acid as a biomarker in oral potentially malignant disorders and oral cancer. Indian J Cancer. 2014;51(3):214-8.
  • Bull C, Boltje TJ, Wassink M ve diğ. Targeting aberrant sialylation in cancer cellsusing a fluorinated sialic acid analog impairs adhesion, migration, and in vivo tumorgrowth. Molecular cancer therapeutics. 2013;12(10):1935-46.
  • Mitic N, Milutinovic B, Jankovic M. Assessment of sialic acid diversity in cancer-and non-cancer related CA125 antigen using sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectins(Siglecs). Dis markers. 2012;32(3):187-94.
  • Michalakis K, Ilias I, Triantafyllou A ve diğ. Detection of prostate cancer by sialicacid level in patients with non-diagnostic levels of prostate-specific antigen.Maturitas. 2012;73(4):325-30.
  • Samraj AN, Laubli H, Varki N ve diğ. Involvement of a non-human sialic Acid inhuman cancer. Frontiers in oncology. 2014;4:33.
  • Samraj AN, Laubli H, Varki N ve diğ. Corrigendum: involvement of a non-human sialic Acid in human cancer. Frontiers in oncology. 2014;4:83.
  • Listinsky JJ, Siegal GP, Listinsky CM. Glycoengineering in cancer therapeutics: areview with fucose-depleted trastuzumab as the model. Anticancer drugs. 2013;24(3):219-27.
  • Shetty RK, Bhandary SK, Kali A. Significance of Serum L-fucose Glycoprotein asCancer Biomarker in Head and Neck Malignancies without Distant Metastasis.Journal of clinical and diagnostic research : JCDR. 2013;7(12):2818-20.
  • Bose KS, Gokhale PV, Dwivedi S ve diğ. Quantitative evaluation and correlation ofserum glycoconjugates: Protein bound hexoses, sialic acid and fucose in leukoplakia,oral sub mucous fibrosis and oral cancer. Journal of natural science, biology, andmedicine. 2013;4(1):122-5.
  • Li Y, Wen T, Zhu M ve diğ. Glycoproteomic analysis of tissues from patients withcolon cancer using lectin microarrays and nanoLC-MS/MS. Molecular bioSystems. 2013;9(7):1877-87.
  • Sabit I, Hashimoto N, Matsumoto Y ve diğ. Binding of a sialic acid-recognizing lectinSiglec-9 modulates adhesion dynamics of cancer cells via calpain-mediated proteindegradation. J Biol Chem. 2013;288(49):35417-27.
  • Schreiber S, Gocht A, Wegwitz F ve diğ. Lectin histochemistry of murine WAP-T mammary cancer reveals similar glycoconjugate changes to those in human breastcancer. Anticancer Res. 2014;34(12):7045-53.
  • Huang WL, Li YG, Lv YC ve diğ. Use of lectin microarray to differentiate gastriccancer from gastric ulcer. World J Gastroenterol. 2014;20(18):5474-82.
  • Choi SH, Lyu SY, Park WB. Mistletoe lectin induces apoptosis and telomeraseinhibition in human A253 cancer cells through dephosphorylation of Akt. Arch Pharm Res. 2004;27(1):68-76.
  • Ma YH, Cheng WZ, Gong F ve diğ. Active Chinese mistletoe lectin-55 enhancescolon cancer surveillance through regulating innate and adaptive immune responses.World J Gastroenterol. 2008;14(34):5274-81.
  • Fritz P, Dippon J, Kierschke T ve diğ. Impact of mistletoe lectin binding in breastcancer. Anticancer Res. 2004;24(2C):1187-92.
  • Hsu YL, Wu CY, Hung JY ve diğ. Galectin-1 promotes lung cancer tumor metastasisby potentiating integrin alpha6beta4 and Notch1/Jagged2 signaling pathway.Carcinogenesis. 2013;34(6):1370-81.
  • Campagno D, Gentillini DL, Javarsovski MF ve diğ. Glycans and galectins in prostatecancer biology, angiogenesis and metastasis. Glycobiology. 2014; 24(10):899-906.
  • Kim HJ, Do IG, Jeon HK ve diğ. Galectin 1 expression is associated with tumorinvasion and metastasis in stage IB to IIA cervical cancer. Hum Pathol.2013;44(1):62-8.
  • Wu KL, Huang EY, Jhu EW ve diğ. Overexpression of galectin-3 enhances migration of colon cancer cells related to activation of the K-Ras-Raf-Erk1/2 pathway. J Gastroenterol. 2013;48(3):350-9.
  • El Gendy H, Madkour B, Abdelaty S ve diğ. Galectin 3 for the diagnosis of bladdercancer. Arab journal of urology. 2014;12(2):178-81.
  • Wang Y, Balan V, Kho D ve diğ. Galectin-3 regulates p21 stability in human prostatecancer cells. Oncogene. 2013;32(42):5058-65.
  • Kim KH, Kwon YK, Cho CK ve diğ. Galectin-3-independent Down-regulation ofGABABR1 due to Treatment with Korean Herbal Extract HAD-B ReducesProliferation of Human Colon Cancer Cells. Journal of pharmacopuncture. 2012;15(3):19-30.
  • van Hattum H, Martin NI, Ruijtenbeek R ve diğ. Development of a microarraydetection method for galectin cancer proteins based on ligand binding. Anal Biochem.2013;434(1):99-104.
  • Li M, Song L, Qin X. Glycan changes: cancer metastasis and anti-cancer vaccines. JBiosci. 2010;35(4):665-73.
  • Reis CA, Osorio H, Silva L ve diğ. Alterations in glycosylation as biomarkers forcancer detection. JCP. 2010;63(4):322-9.
  • Ünübol Aypak A, Uysal H. Glikoproteinlerin Yapısı ve Fonksiyonları. Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Veteriner Dergisi. 2010;24(2):107-14.
  • Karaçalı S, İzzetoğlu S, Deveci R. Kanserde glikozilasyon değişiklikleri. In: Haydaroğlu A, editor. Meme Kanserinde Moleküler ve Genetik Yaklaşım. İzmir: Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi; 2011. p. 43-59.

Glycoconjugates In Cancer

Year 2016, , 1 - 5, 31.01.2016


Basing our diet on carbohydrates is determined by many research tasks. Carbonhydrate groups are present as structural and protective components in connective tissue of animal organisms and in addition they are involved in plant and bacteria cell wall as structural elements. They form glucoconjugates showing different characteristics on cell surface by covalent binding to lipids and proteins. These formations play a major role in such important events; intercellular recognition, cell-cell interactions and the interactions with the environment, cellular development and growth, cellular adhesion and regeneration. Carbohydrates spend 50% of the glycosylation of proteins in mammalian cells and take over some tasks of different proteins in the cell. Glycobiology the study of the vital importance of carbohydrate groups and their functions is investigating their role in the production of organisms. Glycobiology studies have determined the molecular structure of the sugar in glycoconjugates, the control of glycosylation patterns and the amount and copying carried out in the field of enzyme genes associated with phenotypic determinations. New strategies and techniques that study the structures and functions of carbohydrates are making strides toward creating more effective drugs with glycoproteins. Changes in the structure of glycoproteins and other glycoconjugates on the surface of cancer cells in cancer metastasis is thought to be important. Cancer cells in studies with the cell surface in the transformation of normal cells to cancer cells was found to have significant changes in the glycoconjugate. A tumour of the cellular defence system, by the use of certain substances capable of binding to this region, which undergoes changes in the surface of the cancer cells, may be more easily eliminated through quicker and better recognition. Protein-bound carbohydrates increase in tumour specimens of patients. Increases in the carbohydrate content of the normal protein, the glycoprotein of the tumour cells and production of new liver tissue or lymphoreticular tissues may be due to increased synthesis of glycoprotein. In this review, the structure of glycoconjugates and the glycobiologic approach in anti-cancer drug development and changes of cell surface components in cancer tissues were examined.


  • Contessa JN, Bhojani MS, Freeze HH ve diğ. Molecular imaging of N-linked glycosylation suggests glycan biosynthesis is a novel target for cancer therapy. Clin Cancer Res. 2010;16(12):3205-14.
  • Bradley WP, Blasco AP, Weiss JF ve diğ. Correlations among serum protein-boundcarbohydrates, serum glycoproteins, lymphocyte reactivity, and tumors burden incancer patients. Cancer. 1977;40(5):2264-72.
  • Bakar E. Besin koruyucuların sıçan dokularında sialik asit düzeyleri ve membran glikozaminoglikanları üzerine etkileri. Trakya Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri EnstitüsüDoktora Tezi. 2008.
  • Ebrahim AH, Alalawi Z, Mirandola L ve diğ. Galectins in cancer: carcinogenesis,diagnosis and therapy. Annals of translational medicine. 2014;2(9):88.
  • Irimura T, Matsushita Y, Sutton RC ve diğ. Increased content of an endogenouslactose-binding lectin in human colorectal carcinoma progressed to metastatic stages.Cancer research. 1991;51(1):387-93.
  • Ouyang J, Plutschow A, von Strandmann EP ve diğ. Galectin-1 serum levels reflecttumor burden and adverse clinical features in classical Hodgkin lymphoma. Blood. 2013;121(17):3431-3.
  • Salvagno L, Ferrazzi E, Sileni VC ve diğ. Lipid bound sialic acid in cancer patients.Tumori. 1985;71(2):127-33.
  • Selen İşbilir Ş, Süer Gökmen S, Çağlar T ve diğ. Akciğer Kanserinde Serum Total ve Lipide Bağlı Sialik Asit Düzeylerinde Yükselme ve Bunun Metastaz ile İlişkisi. Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi. 2002;19(2):75-9.
  • Tatsumura T, Sato H, Mori A ve diğ. Clinical significance of fucose level inglycoprotein fraction of serum in patients with malignant tumors. Cancer research. 1977;37(11):4101-3.
  • Thijssen VJL, Postel R, Brandwijk RJMEG ve diğ. Galectin-1 is essential in tumorangiogenesis and is a target for antiangiogenesis therapy. P Natl Acad Sci USA. 2006;103:15975–80.
  • Hakomori S. Tumor malignancy defined by aberrant glycosylation andsphingo(glyco)lipid metabolism. Cancer research. 1996;56(23):5309-18.
  • Nigam VN, Cantero A. Polysaccharides in cancer: Glycoproteins and glycolipids. AdvCancer Res 1973;17:1-80.
  • Katopodis N, Hirshaut Y, Geller NL ve diğ. Lipid-associated sialic acid test for thedetection of human cancer. Cancer research. 1982;42(12):5270-5.
  • Shamberger RJ. Serum sialic acid in normals and in cancer patients. CCLM.1984;22(10):647-51.
  • Sherblom AP, Smagula RM, Moody CE ve diğ. Immunosuppression, sialic acid, andsialyltransferase of neonatal and maternal bovine serum. J Reprod Immunol. 1986;9(4):365-75.
  • Chu TM. Biochemical markers for human cancer. Curr Top Pathol. 1987;77:19-45.
  • Dadhich M, Prabhu V, Pai VR ve diğ. Serum and salivary sialic acid as a biomarker in oral potentially malignant disorders and oral cancer. Indian J Cancer. 2014;51(3):214-8.
  • Bull C, Boltje TJ, Wassink M ve diğ. Targeting aberrant sialylation in cancer cellsusing a fluorinated sialic acid analog impairs adhesion, migration, and in vivo tumorgrowth. Molecular cancer therapeutics. 2013;12(10):1935-46.
  • Mitic N, Milutinovic B, Jankovic M. Assessment of sialic acid diversity in cancer-and non-cancer related CA125 antigen using sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectins(Siglecs). Dis markers. 2012;32(3):187-94.
  • Michalakis K, Ilias I, Triantafyllou A ve diğ. Detection of prostate cancer by sialicacid level in patients with non-diagnostic levels of prostate-specific antigen.Maturitas. 2012;73(4):325-30.
  • Samraj AN, Laubli H, Varki N ve diğ. Involvement of a non-human sialic Acid inhuman cancer. Frontiers in oncology. 2014;4:33.
  • Samraj AN, Laubli H, Varki N ve diğ. Corrigendum: involvement of a non-human sialic Acid in human cancer. Frontiers in oncology. 2014;4:83.
  • Listinsky JJ, Siegal GP, Listinsky CM. Glycoengineering in cancer therapeutics: areview with fucose-depleted trastuzumab as the model. Anticancer drugs. 2013;24(3):219-27.
  • Shetty RK, Bhandary SK, Kali A. Significance of Serum L-fucose Glycoprotein asCancer Biomarker in Head and Neck Malignancies without Distant Metastasis.Journal of clinical and diagnostic research : JCDR. 2013;7(12):2818-20.
  • Bose KS, Gokhale PV, Dwivedi S ve diğ. Quantitative evaluation and correlation ofserum glycoconjugates: Protein bound hexoses, sialic acid and fucose in leukoplakia,oral sub mucous fibrosis and oral cancer. Journal of natural science, biology, andmedicine. 2013;4(1):122-5.
  • Li Y, Wen T, Zhu M ve diğ. Glycoproteomic analysis of tissues from patients withcolon cancer using lectin microarrays and nanoLC-MS/MS. Molecular bioSystems. 2013;9(7):1877-87.
  • Sabit I, Hashimoto N, Matsumoto Y ve diğ. Binding of a sialic acid-recognizing lectinSiglec-9 modulates adhesion dynamics of cancer cells via calpain-mediated proteindegradation. J Biol Chem. 2013;288(49):35417-27.
  • Schreiber S, Gocht A, Wegwitz F ve diğ. Lectin histochemistry of murine WAP-T mammary cancer reveals similar glycoconjugate changes to those in human breastcancer. Anticancer Res. 2014;34(12):7045-53.
  • Huang WL, Li YG, Lv YC ve diğ. Use of lectin microarray to differentiate gastriccancer from gastric ulcer. World J Gastroenterol. 2014;20(18):5474-82.
  • Choi SH, Lyu SY, Park WB. Mistletoe lectin induces apoptosis and telomeraseinhibition in human A253 cancer cells through dephosphorylation of Akt. Arch Pharm Res. 2004;27(1):68-76.
  • Ma YH, Cheng WZ, Gong F ve diğ. Active Chinese mistletoe lectin-55 enhancescolon cancer surveillance through regulating innate and adaptive immune responses.World J Gastroenterol. 2008;14(34):5274-81.
  • Fritz P, Dippon J, Kierschke T ve diğ. Impact of mistletoe lectin binding in breastcancer. Anticancer Res. 2004;24(2C):1187-92.
  • Hsu YL, Wu CY, Hung JY ve diğ. Galectin-1 promotes lung cancer tumor metastasisby potentiating integrin alpha6beta4 and Notch1/Jagged2 signaling pathway.Carcinogenesis. 2013;34(6):1370-81.
  • Campagno D, Gentillini DL, Javarsovski MF ve diğ. Glycans and galectins in prostatecancer biology, angiogenesis and metastasis. Glycobiology. 2014; 24(10):899-906.
  • Kim HJ, Do IG, Jeon HK ve diğ. Galectin 1 expression is associated with tumorinvasion and metastasis in stage IB to IIA cervical cancer. Hum Pathol.2013;44(1):62-8.
  • Wu KL, Huang EY, Jhu EW ve diğ. Overexpression of galectin-3 enhances migration of colon cancer cells related to activation of the K-Ras-Raf-Erk1/2 pathway. J Gastroenterol. 2013;48(3):350-9.
  • El Gendy H, Madkour B, Abdelaty S ve diğ. Galectin 3 for the diagnosis of bladdercancer. Arab journal of urology. 2014;12(2):178-81.
  • Wang Y, Balan V, Kho D ve diğ. Galectin-3 regulates p21 stability in human prostatecancer cells. Oncogene. 2013;32(42):5058-65.
  • Kim KH, Kwon YK, Cho CK ve diğ. Galectin-3-independent Down-regulation ofGABABR1 due to Treatment with Korean Herbal Extract HAD-B ReducesProliferation of Human Colon Cancer Cells. Journal of pharmacopuncture. 2012;15(3):19-30.
  • van Hattum H, Martin NI, Ruijtenbeek R ve diğ. Development of a microarraydetection method for galectin cancer proteins based on ligand binding. Anal Biochem.2013;434(1):99-104.
  • Li M, Song L, Qin X. Glycan changes: cancer metastasis and anti-cancer vaccines. JBiosci. 2010;35(4):665-73.
  • Reis CA, Osorio H, Silva L ve diğ. Alterations in glycosylation as biomarkers forcancer detection. JCP. 2010;63(4):322-9.
  • Ünübol Aypak A, Uysal H. Glikoproteinlerin Yapısı ve Fonksiyonları. Fırat Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Veteriner Dergisi. 2010;24(2):107-14.
  • Karaçalı S, İzzetoğlu S, Deveci R. Kanserde glikozilasyon değişiklikleri. In: Haydaroğlu A, editor. Meme Kanserinde Moleküler ve Genetik Yaklaşım. İzmir: Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi; 2011. p. 43-59.
There are 44 citations in total.


Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Review Article

Martin Orlinov Kanev

Elvan Bakar This is me

Publication Date January 31, 2016
Submission Date January 1, 2016
Acceptance Date January 15, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


APA Kanev, M. O., & Bakar, E. (2016). Glycoconjugates In Cancer. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(1), 1-5.
AMA Kanev MO, Bakar E. Glycoconjugates In Cancer. KOU Sag Bil Derg. January 2016;2(1):1-5. doi:10.30934/kusbed.358473
Chicago Kanev, Martin Orlinov, and Elvan Bakar. “Glycoconjugates In Cancer”. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2, no. 1 (January 2016): 1-5.
EndNote Kanev MO, Bakar E (January 1, 2016) Glycoconjugates In Cancer. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2 1 1–5.
IEEE M. O. Kanev and E. Bakar, “Glycoconjugates In Cancer”, KOU Sag Bil Derg, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1–5, 2016, doi: 10.30934/kusbed.358473.
ISNAD Kanev, Martin Orlinov - Bakar, Elvan. “Glycoconjugates In Cancer”. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2/1 (January 2016), 1-5.
JAMA Kanev MO, Bakar E. Glycoconjugates In Cancer. KOU Sag Bil Derg. 2016;2:1–5.
MLA Kanev, Martin Orlinov and Elvan Bakar. “Glycoconjugates In Cancer”. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 2, no. 1, 2016, pp. 1-5, doi:10.30934/kusbed.358473.
Vancouver Kanev MO, Bakar E. Glycoconjugates In Cancer. KOU Sag Bil Derg. 2016;2(1):1-5.