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Türk Ergenlerde İnternet Bağımlılığı Ve Erteledikleri Günlük Yaşam Aktiviteleri

Year 2016, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 32 - 38, 31.01.2016


Literatürde, ergenlerin mental sağlıkları ile İnternet Bağımlılığı (IB) arasındaki ilişkiyi inceleyen pek çok araştırma olmasına rağmen günlük yaşam aktivitelerine özgü problemleri irdeleyen sınırlı çalışma vardır. Bu tanımlayıcı çalışmanın amacı ergenlerin IB durumlarını ve internet başından ayrılamadıkları için erteledikleri bazı günlük yaşam aktivitelerini belirlemektir (n=828). İnternette olduğu zamanlarda; altı saatten az uyuyan, sadece iki ana öğün yiyen, ara öğünlerini atlayan, ana öğünlerini bilgisayar başında yiyen, atıştırmalık (abur-cubur) birşeyler ile öğününü atlayan, tuvalet ve bazı hijyenik ihtiyaçlarını (el yıkama, banyo yapma) erteleyen ve çalışmayı ertelediği için okul başarı zayıf olan ergenlerin IB skorları diğerlerinden daha yüksektir (p<0.05). Aynı zamanda bu ergenlerin internet başında uzun zaman geçirdikleri için baş-boyun ve kol veya herhangi bir bölgesinde ayrı deneyimledikleri, göz ile ilgili ( göz yaşarması, göz kızarması ve ağrı) problemi ve sindirim sistemi problemleri (kabızlık, gaz) yaşadıkları bulundu. Fiziksel sağlık şikayetleri ile IB skoru arasında anlamlı farklılık elde edildi (p<0.05).


  • Eaton DK, ve diğ. Youth risk behavior surveillance United States 2009. Surveillance Summaries, 2010; 59:1-142.
  • Johansson A, Gotestam K. Internet addiction: Characteristics of a questionnaire andprevalence in Norwegian youth (12–18 years). Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 2004; 45: 223–9.
  • Ligang W, ve diğ. The effect of internet use on adolescents lifestyles: A national survey. Computers in Human Behavior. 2012; 28: 2007-2013.
  • Yoo YS, Cho OH, Cha KS. Associations between overuse of the internet and mental health in adolescents. Nursing & Health Sciences. 2014; 16: 193–200.
  • Choi K ve diğ. Internet overuse and excessive daytime sleepiness in adolescents.Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 2009; 63, 455–462.
  • Kormas G, ve diğ. Risk factors and psychosocial characteristics of potentialproblematic and problematic internet use among adolescents. A Cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health,2011; 11:2-8.
  • Goldberg I. Internet addiction disorder. 1996;
  • Young KS. Internet addiction: The emergence of a new clinical disorder.Cyberpsychology & Behavior. 1996; 1:237-244.
  • Morahan MJ, Schumacher P. Incidence and correlates of pathological internet useamong college students. Computers in Human Behavior. 2000; 16,13-29.
  • Sinkkonen HM, Puhakka H, Meriläinen M. Internet use and addiction amongFinnish adolescents (15–19 years). Journal of Adolescence, 2012; 37:123-131.
  • Davis RA, Flett G.L, Besser A. Validation of a new scale for measuringproblematic Internet use: Implications for pre-employment screening. Cyber Psychology & Behavior, 2002; 5: 331-347.
  • Griffiths MD. Internet addiction: An issue for psychopathology? Clinical Psychology Forum. 1996; 97:32-36.
  • Kim S, Kim RA. Study of internet addiction: Status, causes, and remedies. Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association English Edition. 2002; 3:1–19.
  • Sato T. Internet addiction among students. Prevalence and psychological problemsin Japan. Japan Medical Association Journal. 2006; 49:279–283.
  • Yeonsoo K ve diğ. The effects of internet addiction on the lifestyle and dietary behavior of Korean adolescents. Nutrition Research and Practice. 2010; 4:51–57.
  • Gür K,Yurt S, Bulduk S, Atagöz S. Internet addiction and physical and psychosocial behavior problems among rural secondary school students. Nursing & Health Sciences, 2015; 17(3):331-338.
  • Nalwa K, Anand A. Internet addiction in students: A cause of concern. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 2003; 6: 653-656.
  • Ko CH, ve diğ. The associations between aggressive behaviors and internet addiction and online activities in adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 2009;44:598–605.
  • Seo M, Kang HS, Yom, YH. Internet addiction and interpersonal problems inKorean adolescents. Computers Informatics Nursing, 2009; 27:226–233.
  • Holland K, ve diğ. A model for practice. In K. Holland(Ed), Applying the Roper-Logan-Tierney Model in Practice. Churchill Livingstone, 2008; s. 2-24.
  • Ayas T, Çakır Ö, Horzum, MB. Ergenler için bilgisayar bağımlılığı ölçeği. [Computer addiction scale for adolescents]. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi (Kastamonu Education Journal),2011; 19: 439–448
  • Ha JH, et al. Depression and internet addiction in adolescents. Psychopathology, 2007; 40:424-30.
  • Esen E, Siyez DM. Ergenlerde internet bağımlılığını yordayan psiko-sosyal değişkenlerin incelenmesi. [An investigation of psychosocial variables in predictingınternet addiction among adolescents]. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 2011; 4:127–138.
  • Kim K, ve diğ. Internet addiction in Korean adolescents and its relation to depression and suicidal ideation: A questionnaire survey. International Journal ofNursing Studies, 2006; 43:185–192.
  • Tahiroglu AY. ve diğ. Internet use among Turkish adolescents. Cyberpsychology &Behavior, 2008; 11:537-543.
  • Tokunaga RS, Rains- Stephen A. An evaluation of two characterizations of therelationships between problematic internet use, time spent using the internet, andpsychosocial problems. Human Communication Research, 2010; 36: 512–545.
  • Kim JS, Chun BC. Association of internet addiction with health promotion lifestyle profile and perceived health status in adolescents. Journal of Preventive Medicine & Public Health, 2005; 38:53–60.
  • Canan F, ve diğ. The relationship between internet addiction and body mass index in Turkish adolescents. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, 2014;17:40-45.
  • Yen CF, ve diğ. The relationships between body mass index and television viewing, internet use and cellular phone use: The moderating effects of sociodemographiccharacteristics and exercise. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 2010; 43:565–571.
  • Bener A, et al. Association between childhood computer use and risk of obesity and low vision. PHF,2012; 3: 66-72.
  • Joo S, ve diğ. Prevalence and correlates of excessive daytime sleepiness in high school students in Korea. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 2005; 59:433–440.
  • Trockel MT, Barnes MD, Egget, DL. Health-related variables and academicperformance among first-year college students: Implications for sleep and otherbehaviors. Journal of American College Health, 2000; 49: 125–31.
  • Polos PG, ve diğ. The impact of Sleep Time-Related Information andCommunication Technology (STRICT) on sleep patterns and daytime functioning in American adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 2015; 44: 232-244.
  • Bulck JV. Television viewing, computer game playing, and internet use and self-reported time to bed and time out of bed in secondary-school children. Sleep, 2004;27:101–104.
  • Kwisook C, ve diğ. Internet overuse and excessive daytime sleepiness inadolescents. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 2009; 63:455-462.
  • Custers K, Van den Bulck J. Television viewing, internet use, and self-reported bedtime and rise time in adults: implications for sleep hygiene recommendationsfrom an exploratory cross-sectional study. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 2012; 10: 96–105.
  • Goodman JE, Mc Grath PJ. The epidemiology of pain in children and adolescents: A review. Pain, 1991; 46: 247-264.
  • Kwisook -Isigkeit, A, et al. Pain among children and adolescents: Restrictions indaily living and triggering factors. Pediatrics, 2005; 115:152-162.
  • Koc M, Tamer SL. The investigation of Turkish high school students’ Internet useprofiles across their demographics. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011;15: 2912- 2916.
  • Ayas T, Horzum MB. Relation between depression, loneliness, self-esteem andinternet addiction. Education, 2013; 133: 283-290.
  • Sanders CE, Field TM, Diego M, Kaplan M. The relationship of internet use todepression and social isolation among adolescents. Adolescence,2000; 35, 237-242.
  • Bonetti L, Campbell M.A, Linda Gilmore. The relationship of loneliness and socialanxiety with children's and adolescents' online communication. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. 2010; 13: 279-285.
  • Valenza JK. Lonely and bored children may use computer as escape. SchoolCrossings. 1996;

Internet Addiction In Turkish Adolescents And Their Postponed Activities Of Daily Living

Year 2016, Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 32 - 38, 31.01.2016


Despite the many studies in the literature investigating the relationship between Internet Addiction (IA) and adolescent mental health, there are few studies on their problems with carrying out activities of daily living. The purpose of this descriptive study is to determine the IA status of adolescents (n=828) as well as some of the daily life activities that they postpone due to not being able to pry themselves away from the Internet. The IA scores of adolescents who sleep less than 6 hours, eat only two main meals, skip/postpone meals and have snacks at the computer instead, delay going to the toilet and taking care of hygienic needs (hand washing, bathing) while on the internet and have a poor academic standing because of postponing schoolwork as a result of being on the computer were higher (p<0.05). At the same time, it was found that these adolescents experienced pain in the back, neck, arm and other parts of the body, had eye problems (eye tearing, red eyes, pain) and digestive problems (constipation, gas) from sitting at the Internet for a long time. There were also significant differences between IA scores in terms of the adolescents’ medical complaints (pain, eye problems) and some of the emotional issues that they experienced (p<0.05).


  • Eaton DK, ve diğ. Youth risk behavior surveillance United States 2009. Surveillance Summaries, 2010; 59:1-142.
  • Johansson A, Gotestam K. Internet addiction: Characteristics of a questionnaire andprevalence in Norwegian youth (12–18 years). Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 2004; 45: 223–9.
  • Ligang W, ve diğ. The effect of internet use on adolescents lifestyles: A national survey. Computers in Human Behavior. 2012; 28: 2007-2013.
  • Yoo YS, Cho OH, Cha KS. Associations between overuse of the internet and mental health in adolescents. Nursing & Health Sciences. 2014; 16: 193–200.
  • Choi K ve diğ. Internet overuse and excessive daytime sleepiness in adolescents.Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 2009; 63, 455–462.
  • Kormas G, ve diğ. Risk factors and psychosocial characteristics of potentialproblematic and problematic internet use among adolescents. A Cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health,2011; 11:2-8.
  • Goldberg I. Internet addiction disorder. 1996;
  • Young KS. Internet addiction: The emergence of a new clinical disorder.Cyberpsychology & Behavior. 1996; 1:237-244.
  • Morahan MJ, Schumacher P. Incidence and correlates of pathological internet useamong college students. Computers in Human Behavior. 2000; 16,13-29.
  • Sinkkonen HM, Puhakka H, Meriläinen M. Internet use and addiction amongFinnish adolescents (15–19 years). Journal of Adolescence, 2012; 37:123-131.
  • Davis RA, Flett G.L, Besser A. Validation of a new scale for measuringproblematic Internet use: Implications for pre-employment screening. Cyber Psychology & Behavior, 2002; 5: 331-347.
  • Griffiths MD. Internet addiction: An issue for psychopathology? Clinical Psychology Forum. 1996; 97:32-36.
  • Kim S, Kim RA. Study of internet addiction: Status, causes, and remedies. Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association English Edition. 2002; 3:1–19.
  • Sato T. Internet addiction among students. Prevalence and psychological problemsin Japan. Japan Medical Association Journal. 2006; 49:279–283.
  • Yeonsoo K ve diğ. The effects of internet addiction on the lifestyle and dietary behavior of Korean adolescents. Nutrition Research and Practice. 2010; 4:51–57.
  • Gür K,Yurt S, Bulduk S, Atagöz S. Internet addiction and physical and psychosocial behavior problems among rural secondary school students. Nursing & Health Sciences, 2015; 17(3):331-338.
  • Nalwa K, Anand A. Internet addiction in students: A cause of concern. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 2003; 6: 653-656.
  • Ko CH, ve diğ. The associations between aggressive behaviors and internet addiction and online activities in adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 2009;44:598–605.
  • Seo M, Kang HS, Yom, YH. Internet addiction and interpersonal problems inKorean adolescents. Computers Informatics Nursing, 2009; 27:226–233.
  • Holland K, ve diğ. A model for practice. In K. Holland(Ed), Applying the Roper-Logan-Tierney Model in Practice. Churchill Livingstone, 2008; s. 2-24.
  • Ayas T, Çakır Ö, Horzum, MB. Ergenler için bilgisayar bağımlılığı ölçeği. [Computer addiction scale for adolescents]. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi (Kastamonu Education Journal),2011; 19: 439–448
  • Ha JH, et al. Depression and internet addiction in adolescents. Psychopathology, 2007; 40:424-30.
  • Esen E, Siyez DM. Ergenlerde internet bağımlılığını yordayan psiko-sosyal değişkenlerin incelenmesi. [An investigation of psychosocial variables in predictingınternet addiction among adolescents]. Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, 2011; 4:127–138.
  • Kim K, ve diğ. Internet addiction in Korean adolescents and its relation to depression and suicidal ideation: A questionnaire survey. International Journal ofNursing Studies, 2006; 43:185–192.
  • Tahiroglu AY. ve diğ. Internet use among Turkish adolescents. Cyberpsychology &Behavior, 2008; 11:537-543.
  • Tokunaga RS, Rains- Stephen A. An evaluation of two characterizations of therelationships between problematic internet use, time spent using the internet, andpsychosocial problems. Human Communication Research, 2010; 36: 512–545.
  • Kim JS, Chun BC. Association of internet addiction with health promotion lifestyle profile and perceived health status in adolescents. Journal of Preventive Medicine & Public Health, 2005; 38:53–60.
  • Canan F, ve diğ. The relationship between internet addiction and body mass index in Turkish adolescents. Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, 2014;17:40-45.
  • Yen CF, ve diğ. The relationships between body mass index and television viewing, internet use and cellular phone use: The moderating effects of sociodemographiccharacteristics and exercise. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 2010; 43:565–571.
  • Bener A, et al. Association between childhood computer use and risk of obesity and low vision. PHF,2012; 3: 66-72.
  • Joo S, ve diğ. Prevalence and correlates of excessive daytime sleepiness in high school students in Korea. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 2005; 59:433–440.
  • Trockel MT, Barnes MD, Egget, DL. Health-related variables and academicperformance among first-year college students: Implications for sleep and otherbehaviors. Journal of American College Health, 2000; 49: 125–31.
  • Polos PG, ve diğ. The impact of Sleep Time-Related Information andCommunication Technology (STRICT) on sleep patterns and daytime functioning in American adolescents. Journal of Adolescence, 2015; 44: 232-244.
  • Bulck JV. Television viewing, computer game playing, and internet use and self-reported time to bed and time out of bed in secondary-school children. Sleep, 2004;27:101–104.
  • Kwisook C, ve diğ. Internet overuse and excessive daytime sleepiness inadolescents. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 2009; 63:455-462.
  • Custers K, Van den Bulck J. Television viewing, internet use, and self-reported bedtime and rise time in adults: implications for sleep hygiene recommendationsfrom an exploratory cross-sectional study. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 2012; 10: 96–105.
  • Goodman JE, Mc Grath PJ. The epidemiology of pain in children and adolescents: A review. Pain, 1991; 46: 247-264.
  • Kwisook -Isigkeit, A, et al. Pain among children and adolescents: Restrictions indaily living and triggering factors. Pediatrics, 2005; 115:152-162.
  • Koc M, Tamer SL. The investigation of Turkish high school students’ Internet useprofiles across their demographics. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011;15: 2912- 2916.
  • Ayas T, Horzum MB. Relation between depression, loneliness, self-esteem andinternet addiction. Education, 2013; 133: 283-290.
  • Sanders CE, Field TM, Diego M, Kaplan M. The relationship of internet use todepression and social isolation among adolescents. Adolescence,2000; 35, 237-242.
  • Bonetti L, Campbell M.A, Linda Gilmore. The relationship of loneliness and socialanxiety with children's and adolescents' online communication. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. 2010; 13: 279-285.
  • Valenza JK. Lonely and bored children may use computer as escape. SchoolCrossings. 1996;
There are 43 citations in total.


Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Original Article

Kamer Gür

Fatma Nevin Şişman

Nurcan Şener This is me

Zerrin Çetindağ This is me

Publication Date January 31, 2016
Submission Date December 5, 2015
Acceptance Date January 6, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 2 Issue: 1


APA Gür, K., Şişman, F. N., Şener, N., Çetindağ, Z. (2016). Internet Addiction In Turkish Adolescents And Their Postponed Activities Of Daily Living. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 2(1), 32-38.
AMA Gür K, Şişman FN, Şener N, Çetindağ Z. Internet Addiction In Turkish Adolescents And Their Postponed Activities Of Daily Living. KOU Sag Bil Derg. January 2016;2(1):32-38. doi:10.30934/kusbed.358493
Chicago Gür, Kamer, Fatma Nevin Şişman, Nurcan Şener, and Zerrin Çetindağ. “Internet Addiction In Turkish Adolescents And Their Postponed Activities Of Daily Living”. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2, no. 1 (January 2016): 32-38.
EndNote Gür K, Şişman FN, Şener N, Çetindağ Z (January 1, 2016) Internet Addiction In Turkish Adolescents And Their Postponed Activities Of Daily Living. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2 1 32–38.
IEEE K. Gür, F. N. Şişman, N. Şener, and Z. Çetindağ, “Internet Addiction In Turkish Adolescents And Their Postponed Activities Of Daily Living”, KOU Sag Bil Derg, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 32–38, 2016, doi: 10.30934/kusbed.358493.
ISNAD Gür, Kamer et al. “Internet Addiction In Turkish Adolescents And Their Postponed Activities Of Daily Living”. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 2/1 (January 2016), 32-38.
JAMA Gür K, Şişman FN, Şener N, Çetindağ Z. Internet Addiction In Turkish Adolescents And Their Postponed Activities Of Daily Living. KOU Sag Bil Derg. 2016;2:32–38.
MLA Gür, Kamer et al. “Internet Addiction In Turkish Adolescents And Their Postponed Activities Of Daily Living”. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 2, no. 1, 2016, pp. 32-38, doi:10.30934/kusbed.358493.
Vancouver Gür K, Şişman FN, Şener N, Çetindağ Z. Internet Addiction In Turkish Adolescents And Their Postponed Activities Of Daily Living. KOU Sag Bil Derg. 2016;2(1):32-8.