Research Article
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Bibliometric Analysis of the 100 Most Cited Articles on Dysphagia Rehabilitation

Year 2025, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 1 - 9, 21.03.2025


Objective: This study aims to conduct a bibliometric analysis of the 100 most-cited articles in dysphagia rehabilitation.
Methods: A comprehensive search was conducted in the Web of Science database for articles published between January 1975, and July 2024, using the keyword "dysphagia rehabilitation." The 100 most-cited articles were selected for bibliometric analysis. Key data extracted from these articles included the title, publication year, author names, total citation count, citation index, journal of publication, impact factor, and type of article. The citation index was calculated by dividing the total number of citations by the number of years since publication to assess the impact and relevance of each article over time.
Results: The T100 articles received a total of 22.674 citations. Overall, 61 journals published the T100 articles, with the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (n=12) being the journal that published the most. The United States, followed by England, Canada and Japan had the highest number of articles. Clinical research was the most common type of article among the T100. A strong relationship was found between the citation index and the number of citations (p ≤ 0.05).
Conclusion: Due to its growing need, dysphagia rehabilitation is becoming an increasingly popular research area. These findings can help researchers understand the quality and trends in dysphagia rehabilitation research and guide future studies.


  • Shaker R. Oropharyngeal Dysphagia. Gastroenterol Hepatol (N Y). 2006;2(9):633. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-30192-7_40.
  • Lancaster J. Dysphagia: its nature, assessment and management. Br J Community Nurs. 2015;Suppl Nutrition:S28-S32. doi:10.12968/BJCN.2015.20.SUP6A.S28.
  • McCarty EB, Chao TN. Dysphagia and Swallowing Disorders. Med Clin North Am. 2021;105(5):939-954. doi:10.1016/J.MCNA.2021.05.013.
  • Roden DF, Altman KW. Causes of dysphagia among different age groups: a systematic review of the literature. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2013;46(6):965-987. doi:10.1016/J.OTC.2013.08.008.
  • Adkins C, Takakura W, Spiegel BMR, et al. Prevalence and Characteristics of Dysphagia Based on a Population-Based Survey. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020;18(9):1970-1979.e2. doi:10.1016/J.CGH.2019.10.029.
  • Thiyagalingam S, Kulinski AE, Thorsteinsdottir B, Shindelar KL, Takahashi PY. Dysphagia in Older Adults. Mayo Clin Proc. 2021;96(2):488-497. doi:10.1016/J.MAYOCP.2020.08.001.
  • Zuercher P, Moret CS, Dziewas R, Schefold JC. Dysphagia in the intensive care unit: epidemiology, mechanisms, and clinical management. Crit Care. 2019;23(1). doi:10.1186/S13054-019-2400-2.
  • Vergis EN, Brennen C, Wagener M, Muder RR. Pneumonia in long-term care: a prospective case-control study of risk factors and impact on survival. Arch Intern Med. 2001;161(19):2378-2381. doi:10.1001/ARCHINTE.161.19.2378.
  • Sura L, Madhavan A, Carnaby G, Crary MA. Dysphagia in the elderly: management and nutritional considerations. Clin Interv Aging. 2012;7:287-298. doi:10.2147/CIA.S23404.
  • Foley N, Teasell R, Salter K, Kruger E, Martino R. Dysphagia treatment post stroke: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials. Age Ageing. 2008;37(3):258-264. doi:10.1093/AGEING/AFN064.
  • Carnaby GD, LaGorio L, Silliman S, Crary M. Exercise-based swallowing intervention (McNeill Dysphagia Therapy) with adjunctive NMES to treat dysphagia post-stroke: A double-blind placebo-controlled trial. J Oral Rehabil. 2020;47(4):501-510. doi:10.1111/JOOR.12928.
  • Park HS, Oh DH, Yoon T, Park JS. Effect of effortful swallowing training on tongue strength and oropharyngeal swallowing function in stroke patients with dysphagia: a double-blind, randomized controlled trial. Int J Lang Commun Disord. 2019;54(3):479-484. doi:10.1111/1460-6984.12453.
  • Gao Q, Zhang C, Wang J, et al. The top 100 highly cited articles on osteoporosis from 1990 to 2019: a bibliometric and visualized analysis. Arch Osteoporos. 2020;15(1). doi:10.1007/S11657-020-0705-Z.
  • Ellegaard O, Wallin JA. The bibliometric analysis of scholarly production: How great is the impact? Scientometrics. 2015;105(3):1809-1831. doi:10.1007/S11192-015-1645-z.
  • Stork H, Astrin JJ. Trends in Biodiversity Research - A Bibliometric Assessment. Open J Ecol. 2014;04(07):354-370. doi:10.4236/OJE.2014.47033.
  • Temel MH, Erdem İH, Kul A, Bağcıer F. Bibliometric analysis of the top 100 most-cited articles on the treatment of osteoporosis. Arch Osteoporos. 2022;17(1). doi:10.1007/S11657-022-01141-6.
  • Wang Y, Zhang H, Fang R, Tang K, Sun Q. The top 100 most cited articles in rosacea: a bibliometric analysis. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2020;34(10):2177-2182. doi:10.1111/JDV.16305.
  • Gondivkar SM, Sarode SC, Gadbail AR, Gondivkar RS, Chole R, Sarode GS. Bibliometric analysis of 100 most cited articles on oral submucous fibrosis. J Oral Pathol Med. 2018;47(8):781-787. doi:10.1111/JOP.12742.
  • Bağcier F, İNal Yorulmaz E, Çağlar Yağci H. Top 100 cited articles on fibromyalgia syndrome: A bibliometric and altmetric analyses study. Agri. 2021;33(2):53-63. doi:10.14744/AGRI.2021.53189.
  • Yin X, Cheng F, Wang X, et al. Top 100 cited articles on rheumatoid arthritis: A bibliometric analysis. Medicine. 2019;98(8). doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000014523.
  • Alyanak B, Yıldızgören MT, Bağcıer F. Bibliometric and Altimetric Analysis of Research Relating to Percutaneous Electrolysis. Muscles Ligaments Tendons J. 2024;14(1):131-144. doi:10.32098/mltj.01.2024.11.
  • Berlinberg A, Bilal J, Riaz IB, Kurtzman DJB. The 100 top-cited publications in psoriatic arthritis: a bibliometric analysis. Int J Dermatol. 2019;58(9):1023-1034. doi:10.1111/IJD.14261.
  • Sun W, Kang X, Zhao N, et al. Study on dysphagia from 2012 to 2021: A bibliometric analysis via CiteSpace. Front Neurol. 2022;13. doi:10.3389/FNEUR.2022.1015546.
  • Martino R, Foley N, Bhogal S, Diamant N, Speechley M, Teasell R. Dysphagia after stroke: incidence, diagnosis, and pulmonary complications. Stroke. 2005;36(12):2756-2763. doi:10.1161/01.STR.0000190056.76543.EB.
  • Crary MA, Carnaby Mann GD, Groher ME. Initial psychometric assessment of a functional oral intake scale for dysphagia in stroke patients. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2005;86(8):1516-1520. doi:10.1016/J.APMR.2004.11.049.
  • Birnkrant DJ, Bushby K, Bann CM, et al. Diagnosis and management of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, part 1: diagnosis, and neuromuscular, rehabilitation, endocrine, and gastrointestinal and nutritional management. Lancet Neurol. 2018;17(3):251-267. doi:10.1016/S1474-4422(18)30024-3.
  • Brookes BC. Bradford’s Law and the bibliography of science. Nature. 1969;224(5223):953-956. doi:10.1038/224953A0.

Bibliometric Analysis of the 100 Most Cited Articles on Dysphagia Rehabilitation

Year 2025, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 1 - 9, 21.03.2025


Objective: This study aims to conduct a bibliometric analysis of the 100 most-cited articles in dysphagia rehabilitation.
Methods: A comprehensive search was conducted in the Web of Science database for articles published between January 1975, and July 2024, using the keyword "dysphagia rehabilitation." The 100 most-cited articles were selected for bibliometric analysis. Key data extracted from these articles included the title, publication year, author names, total citation count, citation index, journal of publication, impact factor, and type of article. The citation index was calculated by dividing the total number of citations by the number of years since publication to assess the impact and relevance of each article over time.
Results: The T100 articles received a total of 22.674 citations. Overall, 61 journals published the T100 articles, with the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (n=12) being the journal that published the most. The United States, followed by England, Canada and Japan had the highest number of articles. Clinical research was the most common type of article among the T100. A strong relationship was found between the citation index and the number of citations (p ≤ 0.05).
Conclusion: Due to its growing need, dysphagia rehabilitation is becoming an increasingly popular research area. These findings can help researchers understand the quality and trends in dysphagia rehabilitation research and guide future studies.


  • Shaker R. Oropharyngeal Dysphagia. Gastroenterol Hepatol (N Y). 2006;2(9):633. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-30192-7_40.
  • Lancaster J. Dysphagia: its nature, assessment and management. Br J Community Nurs. 2015;Suppl Nutrition:S28-S32. doi:10.12968/BJCN.2015.20.SUP6A.S28.
  • McCarty EB, Chao TN. Dysphagia and Swallowing Disorders. Med Clin North Am. 2021;105(5):939-954. doi:10.1016/J.MCNA.2021.05.013.
  • Roden DF, Altman KW. Causes of dysphagia among different age groups: a systematic review of the literature. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2013;46(6):965-987. doi:10.1016/J.OTC.2013.08.008.
  • Adkins C, Takakura W, Spiegel BMR, et al. Prevalence and Characteristics of Dysphagia Based on a Population-Based Survey. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020;18(9):1970-1979.e2. doi:10.1016/J.CGH.2019.10.029.
  • Thiyagalingam S, Kulinski AE, Thorsteinsdottir B, Shindelar KL, Takahashi PY. Dysphagia in Older Adults. Mayo Clin Proc. 2021;96(2):488-497. doi:10.1016/J.MAYOCP.2020.08.001.
  • Zuercher P, Moret CS, Dziewas R, Schefold JC. Dysphagia in the intensive care unit: epidemiology, mechanisms, and clinical management. Crit Care. 2019;23(1). doi:10.1186/S13054-019-2400-2.
  • Vergis EN, Brennen C, Wagener M, Muder RR. Pneumonia in long-term care: a prospective case-control study of risk factors and impact on survival. Arch Intern Med. 2001;161(19):2378-2381. doi:10.1001/ARCHINTE.161.19.2378.
  • Sura L, Madhavan A, Carnaby G, Crary MA. Dysphagia in the elderly: management and nutritional considerations. Clin Interv Aging. 2012;7:287-298. doi:10.2147/CIA.S23404.
  • Foley N, Teasell R, Salter K, Kruger E, Martino R. Dysphagia treatment post stroke: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials. Age Ageing. 2008;37(3):258-264. doi:10.1093/AGEING/AFN064.
  • Carnaby GD, LaGorio L, Silliman S, Crary M. Exercise-based swallowing intervention (McNeill Dysphagia Therapy) with adjunctive NMES to treat dysphagia post-stroke: A double-blind placebo-controlled trial. J Oral Rehabil. 2020;47(4):501-510. doi:10.1111/JOOR.12928.
  • Park HS, Oh DH, Yoon T, Park JS. Effect of effortful swallowing training on tongue strength and oropharyngeal swallowing function in stroke patients with dysphagia: a double-blind, randomized controlled trial. Int J Lang Commun Disord. 2019;54(3):479-484. doi:10.1111/1460-6984.12453.
  • Gao Q, Zhang C, Wang J, et al. The top 100 highly cited articles on osteoporosis from 1990 to 2019: a bibliometric and visualized analysis. Arch Osteoporos. 2020;15(1). doi:10.1007/S11657-020-0705-Z.
  • Ellegaard O, Wallin JA. The bibliometric analysis of scholarly production: How great is the impact? Scientometrics. 2015;105(3):1809-1831. doi:10.1007/S11192-015-1645-z.
  • Stork H, Astrin JJ. Trends in Biodiversity Research - A Bibliometric Assessment. Open J Ecol. 2014;04(07):354-370. doi:10.4236/OJE.2014.47033.
  • Temel MH, Erdem İH, Kul A, Bağcıer F. Bibliometric analysis of the top 100 most-cited articles on the treatment of osteoporosis. Arch Osteoporos. 2022;17(1). doi:10.1007/S11657-022-01141-6.
  • Wang Y, Zhang H, Fang R, Tang K, Sun Q. The top 100 most cited articles in rosacea: a bibliometric analysis. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2020;34(10):2177-2182. doi:10.1111/JDV.16305.
  • Gondivkar SM, Sarode SC, Gadbail AR, Gondivkar RS, Chole R, Sarode GS. Bibliometric analysis of 100 most cited articles on oral submucous fibrosis. J Oral Pathol Med. 2018;47(8):781-787. doi:10.1111/JOP.12742.
  • Bağcier F, İNal Yorulmaz E, Çağlar Yağci H. Top 100 cited articles on fibromyalgia syndrome: A bibliometric and altmetric analyses study. Agri. 2021;33(2):53-63. doi:10.14744/AGRI.2021.53189.
  • Yin X, Cheng F, Wang X, et al. Top 100 cited articles on rheumatoid arthritis: A bibliometric analysis. Medicine. 2019;98(8). doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000014523.
  • Alyanak B, Yıldızgören MT, Bağcıer F. Bibliometric and Altimetric Analysis of Research Relating to Percutaneous Electrolysis. Muscles Ligaments Tendons J. 2024;14(1):131-144. doi:10.32098/mltj.01.2024.11.
  • Berlinberg A, Bilal J, Riaz IB, Kurtzman DJB. The 100 top-cited publications in psoriatic arthritis: a bibliometric analysis. Int J Dermatol. 2019;58(9):1023-1034. doi:10.1111/IJD.14261.
  • Sun W, Kang X, Zhao N, et al. Study on dysphagia from 2012 to 2021: A bibliometric analysis via CiteSpace. Front Neurol. 2022;13. doi:10.3389/FNEUR.2022.1015546.
  • Martino R, Foley N, Bhogal S, Diamant N, Speechley M, Teasell R. Dysphagia after stroke: incidence, diagnosis, and pulmonary complications. Stroke. 2005;36(12):2756-2763. doi:10.1161/01.STR.0000190056.76543.EB.
  • Crary MA, Carnaby Mann GD, Groher ME. Initial psychometric assessment of a functional oral intake scale for dysphagia in stroke patients. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2005;86(8):1516-1520. doi:10.1016/J.APMR.2004.11.049.
  • Birnkrant DJ, Bushby K, Bann CM, et al. Diagnosis and management of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, part 1: diagnosis, and neuromuscular, rehabilitation, endocrine, and gastrointestinal and nutritional management. Lancet Neurol. 2018;17(3):251-267. doi:10.1016/S1474-4422(18)30024-3.
  • Brookes BC. Bradford’s Law and the bibliography of science. Nature. 1969;224(5223):953-956. doi:10.1038/224953A0.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Rehabilitation
Journal Section Original Article / Medical Sciences

Bülent Alyanak 0000-0003-4295-4286

Fatih Bagcier 0000-0002-6103-7873

Serkan Kablanoğlu 0000-0003-4812-4494

Publication Date March 21, 2025
Submission Date June 17, 2024
Acceptance Date January 6, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 11 Issue: 1


APA Alyanak, B., Bagcier, F., & Kablanoğlu, S. (2025). Bibliometric Analysis of the 100 Most Cited Articles on Dysphagia Rehabilitation. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 11(1), 1-9.
AMA Alyanak B, Bagcier F, Kablanoğlu S. Bibliometric Analysis of the 100 Most Cited Articles on Dysphagia Rehabilitation. KOU Sag Bil Derg. March 2025;11(1):1-9. doi:10.30934/kusbed.1502287
Chicago Alyanak, Bülent, Fatih Bagcier, and Serkan Kablanoğlu. “Bibliometric Analysis of the 100 Most Cited Articles on Dysphagia Rehabilitation”. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 11, no. 1 (March 2025): 1-9.
EndNote Alyanak B, Bagcier F, Kablanoğlu S (March 1, 2025) Bibliometric Analysis of the 100 Most Cited Articles on Dysphagia Rehabilitation. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 11 1 1–9.
IEEE B. Alyanak, F. Bagcier, and S. Kablanoğlu, “Bibliometric Analysis of the 100 Most Cited Articles on Dysphagia Rehabilitation”, KOU Sag Bil Derg, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 1–9, 2025, doi: 10.30934/kusbed.1502287.
ISNAD Alyanak, Bülent et al. “Bibliometric Analysis of the 100 Most Cited Articles on Dysphagia Rehabilitation”. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 11/1 (March 2025), 1-9.
JAMA Alyanak B, Bagcier F, Kablanoğlu S. Bibliometric Analysis of the 100 Most Cited Articles on Dysphagia Rehabilitation. KOU Sag Bil Derg. 2025;11:1–9.
MLA Alyanak, Bülent et al. “Bibliometric Analysis of the 100 Most Cited Articles on Dysphagia Rehabilitation”. Kocaeli Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 11, no. 1, 2025, pp. 1-9, doi:10.30934/kusbed.1502287.
Vancouver Alyanak B, Bagcier F, Kablanoğlu S. Bibliometric Analysis of the 100 Most Cited Articles on Dysphagia Rehabilitation. KOU Sag Bil Derg. 2025;11(1):1-9.