
Social Sciences: Theory & Practice (SSTP )

ISSN: 2619-9408

SSTP is an international peer-reviewed periodical published twice a year (December and June). SSTP is generally published in order to announce to academicians and the public the scientific studies carried out at national and international level, which have unique value in the field of social sciences such as language, literature, history, geography, art, economics, philosophy and education. The journal includes theoretical and practical studies that address innovations, evaluations, problems and suggest solutions in the field of social sciences.

The review policies of the articles submitted to the Journal of Social Sciences: Theory and Practice (SSTP) are as follows:

Submitted articles / candidate articles; are evaluated by the editor (s) and / or editorial board members in terms of purpose, scope, method and writing principles.

Manuscripts / candidate articles in accordance with the principles of publication and writing are sent to two referees, who are known for their works and studies in their field, for scientific review, without specifying the name of the author. "May be published." the article is published in the number to be determined by the Editorial Board / editorial board as soon as possible. "Unpublished" in case of giving an opinion, the article is sent to a third referee. At least two referees "Not suitable for publication." In case of expressing his opinion, the article will not be published in the journal.

Articles / candidate articles are not returned whether they are published or not.

Authors / candidate articles must take into account the criticism and suggestions of the referees regarding the article they submitted, in case the referees request a correction. However, if there are issues that they disagree about with criticism and suggestions, they should explain them on a separate page with their reasons. It is the author's responsibility to deliver the edited article text to the journal within the specified period. The revised text can be reviewed by the referees who request changes if deemed necessary. Journal editor / editors can make minor changes to the article that do not affect the content, when necessary. The authors are not informed about the identities of the referees, and the referees are not informed about who the article is. Referee reports and correspondence about the article are archived within the journal automation. Legal responsibility for the articles published in the journal belongs to the author (s).

Articles published in the journal cannot be reproduced in any way and cannot be republished elsewhere (printed or online) without the written permission of the journal management. The author who sends an article to the journal is deemed to have accepted these principles.

If you are considering submitting an article to our journal, we recommend that you review the journal's Publication Policy and Author's Guide. Authors must register with Dergipark before submitting to the journal. After signing up, you can start the 5-digit Submit Article process on the Journal page. It is recommended that readers register to the Journal system as a user.

Last Update Time: 2/16/21, 2:52:16 PM