Year 2023,
, 11 - 19, 08.07.2023
Natalia Zvereva
Tatiana Goryacheva
Mariia Zvereva
Alexey Koval-zaytsev
The article is devoted to the study of picture (graphic) tests in clinical psychology. The use of the "Self-portrait" technique in the diagnosis of children and adolescents with developmental disorders (mental, somatic) is of great importance. The relationship between the onset and type of mental or somatic illness and the quality of drawing in children and adolescents is being investigated. Purpose - to evaluate the diagnostic parameters of the technique "Self-portrait" in children with mental and somatic disorders. Participants: 127 patients aged 11-16 years with mental and somatic disorders. Methodology: Test "Draw yourself" ("Self-portrait"). Evaluation parameters: size, type, quality of the picture, deviations of the picture from the vertical. Results: a comparison of mental patients with different diagnoses and somatic patients showed a difference in the nature of the picture: the best results were obtained in somatic patients, the worst - in mental disorders with an early onset (before 10 years). The same was obtained as a drawing. Studies show that the drawings of children and adolescents with early onset mental illness have the worst quality and type of drawings. In patients with a later onset of a mental disorder, the quality and type of drawings are similar to somatic patients. Self-portrait or self-drawing appears to be a good technique for assessing children and adolescents with various types of developmental disabilities.
Supporting Institution
“The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, and in the decision to publish the results”. The study holds on according to scientific plan of MHRS, RNRMU and MSUPE.
- Reference1 Anastasi A. and Urbina S. (1977). Psychological testing
- Reference2 2. Bekhterev V.M. (2010). Problems of development and education of man. (pp. 167–224). ISBN 978-5-89502-573-4
- Reference3 3. Boldyreva S. I. (1974). Drawings of preschool children with schizophrenia.
- Reference4 4. Burkitt, E. (2004) Drawing conclusions from children's art. PSYCHOLOGIST-LEICESTER, 17. (pp. 566-569).
- Reference5 5. Cox M. V. (2013). Children's drawings of the human figure. Psychology Press.
- Reference6 6. Goodenough, F. L. (1928) Studies in the psychology of children's drawings. Psychological Bulletin, 25. (pp. 272-283).
- Reference7 7. Kershenshteiner G., Lamprext K. (1914). Development of artistic creativity of the child.
- Reference6 88. Koppitz, E. M. (1984). Psychological evaluation of human figure drawings by middle school pupils. New York: Grune & Stratton
- Reference6 9 9. Koval-Zaitsev A.A., Zvereva N.V. (2010). The Level of Drawing Performance and the State of Motor Functions in Children with Schizophrenia. Kul'turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya. Cultural-Historical Psychology, no. 3. (pp. 39–45).
- Reference6 10 10. Machover, K. (1949). Personality projection in the drawings of the human figure. Springfield, IL: C.C.Thoma.
- Reference11 11. Piotrowski, C. (2015). Clinical instruction on projective techniques in the USA: A review of academic training settings 1995-2014. SIS Journal of Projective Psychology & Mental Health, 22(2), 83.
- Reference6 12 12. Pollak, J.M. (1986). Human figure-drawing performance of LD children: Research and clinical perspectives. Learning Disability Quarterly. (pp. 173-181).
- Reference6 13 13. Swensen, C. H. (1968). Empirical evaluations of human figure drawings: 1957-1966. Psychological Bulletin. 70(1), 20-44.
- Reference6 14 14. Venger A. L. (2003). Psychological drawing tests. 160 p. ISBN:5-305-00058-0.
Year 2023,
, 11 - 19, 08.07.2023
Natalia Zvereva
Tatiana Goryacheva
Mariia Zvereva
Alexey Koval-zaytsev
The article is devoted to the study of picture (graphic) tests in clinical psychology. The use of the "Self-portrait" technique to diagnose in children and adolescents with developmental disorders (mental, somatic) is of great importance. The relationship between the onset and type of mental or somatic illness and the quality of drawing in children and adolescents is being investigated. The purpose is to evaluate the diagnostic parameters of the technique "Self-portrait" (variant of Draw a Person Test) in children with mental and somatic disorders. Participants: 127 patients aged 11-16 years with mental and somatic disorders. Methodology: Test "Draw yourself" ("Self-portrait"). Evaluation parameters: size, type, quality of the picture, deviations of the picture from the vertical. Results: a comparison of mental patients with different diagnoses and somatic patients showed a difference in the nature of the picture: the best results were obtained in somatic patients; the worst ones were found in mental disorders with an early onset (earlier than 10 y.o.). The same result proved obtained as a drawing. Studies show that the drawings of children and adolescents with early onset of mental illness are of the worst quality and type of drawings. In patients with a later onset of a mental disorder, the quality and type of drawings are similar to somatic patients. Self-portrait or self-drawing appears to be a good technique for assessing children and adolescents with various types of developmental disabilities.
- Reference1 Anastasi A. and Urbina S. (1977). Psychological testing
- Reference2 2. Bekhterev V.M. (2010). Problems of development and education of man. (pp. 167–224). ISBN 978-5-89502-573-4
- Reference3 3. Boldyreva S. I. (1974). Drawings of preschool children with schizophrenia.
- Reference4 4. Burkitt, E. (2004) Drawing conclusions from children's art. PSYCHOLOGIST-LEICESTER, 17. (pp. 566-569).
- Reference5 5. Cox M. V. (2013). Children's drawings of the human figure. Psychology Press.
- Reference6 6. Goodenough, F. L. (1928) Studies in the psychology of children's drawings. Psychological Bulletin, 25. (pp. 272-283).
- Reference7 7. Kershenshteiner G., Lamprext K. (1914). Development of artistic creativity of the child.
- Reference6 88. Koppitz, E. M. (1984). Psychological evaluation of human figure drawings by middle school pupils. New York: Grune & Stratton
- Reference6 9 9. Koval-Zaitsev A.A., Zvereva N.V. (2010). The Level of Drawing Performance and the State of Motor Functions in Children with Schizophrenia. Kul'turno-istoricheskaya psikhologiya. Cultural-Historical Psychology, no. 3. (pp. 39–45).
- Reference6 10 10. Machover, K. (1949). Personality projection in the drawings of the human figure. Springfield, IL: C.C.Thoma.
- Reference11 11. Piotrowski, C. (2015). Clinical instruction on projective techniques in the USA: A review of academic training settings 1995-2014. SIS Journal of Projective Psychology & Mental Health, 22(2), 83.
- Reference6 12 12. Pollak, J.M. (1986). Human figure-drawing performance of LD children: Research and clinical perspectives. Learning Disability Quarterly. (pp. 173-181).
- Reference6 13 13. Swensen, C. H. (1968). Empirical evaluations of human figure drawings: 1957-1966. Psychological Bulletin. 70(1), 20-44.
- Reference6 14 14. Venger A. L. (2003). Psychological drawing tests. 160 p. ISBN:5-305-00058-0.