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The Effects of Human-Animal Interactions on Animal Welfare

Year 2013, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 41 - 50, 01.03.2013


The effects of human-animal interactions on animal welfare and productivity are very important. The demographic characteristics, beliefs about mental abilities of animals, religious and cultural beliefs, and values and norms are effects on attitudes and behavior of stockpeople towards to animals. In this paper the factors affecting the human-animal interactions and the effects of this interaction on animal welfare and productivity will be discussed. In addition to some innovative methods are studied like as the attitudinal–behavioral modification treatments consisting of cognitive–behavioral intervention procedures and cognitive-training program designs which target specific attitude–behavior areas in which the individual stockperson requires improvement will be discussed


  • Barnett JL, Hemswort PH, Newman EA. 1992. Fear of humans and its relationships with productivity in laying hens at commercial farms. Br. Poult. Sci. 33: 699-710.
  • Boivin X, Le Neindre P, Chupin JM, Garel JP, Trillant C. 1992. Influence of bred and early management on ease of handling and open-field behaviour of cattle. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 32: 313-323.
  • Boivin X, Marcantognini L, Boulesteix P, Godet J, Brulé A and Veissier I. 2007. Attitudes of farmers towards Limousin cattle and their handling. Animal Welfare 16: 147-151.
  • Boivin X, Novak R, Despres G, Tournadre H, Le Neindre P. 1997. Discrimination between shepherds by lambs reared under artificial conditions. J. Anim. Sci. 75: 2892-2898.
  • Breuer BK, Hemsworth PH, Barnett JL, Matthews Behavioural response to humans and the productivity of commercial dairy cows. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 66: 273–288. 2000.
  • Breuer K, Hemsworth PH, Coleman CJ. 2003. The effect of positive or negative handling on the behavioural and physiological responses of nonlactating heifers. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 84: 3–22.
  • Broida J, Tingley, L Kimball R, Miele J. 1993. Personality Differences between Pro- and Anti- vivisectionists. Sociaty and Animals, 1:129-144
  • Coleman GJ, Hemsworth PH, Hay M, Cox M. 2000. Modifying stockperson attitudes and behaviour towards pigs at a large commercial farm. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 66, 11–20.
  • Coleman GJ, Rice M, Hemsworth PH. 2012. Human-animal relationship at sheep and cattle abattoirs. Animal Welfare 21: 15-21.
  • Coleman GJ. 2004. Personnel management in agricultural systems. In Rollin, B.E. and Benson, J. (Eds) Maximizing Well-being and Minimizing Suffering in Farm Animals. Iowa State University Press, Iowa, 167-181.
  • Coleman, GJ, McGregor M, Hemsworth PH, Boyce J, Dowling S. 2003. The relationship between beliefs, attitudes and observed behaviours of abattoir personel in the pig industry. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 82 (3): 189–200.
  • Davis MH, Mitchell KV, Hall, JA Lothert J, Snapp, Meyer Expectations, and Situational Preferences: Personality Influences on the Decision to Participate in Volunteer Helping Behaviors. Journal of Personality. 67: 469–503. Empathy,
  • Deemer L. 2011. Public Concern with Farm-Animal Welfare: religion, politics, and human disadvantage in the food sector. Rural Sociology 76 (2): 167–1
  • Dockes AC, Kling-Eveillard F. 2006. Farmers’ and advisers’ representations of animals and animal welfare. Livestock Science 103 (3): 243– 249.
  • Duncan IJH. 1990. Reactions of poultry to human beings. In: Zayan R, Dantzer R (Eds.) Social Stress in Domestic Animals. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 121-131.
  • English P, Burgess G, Segundo R, Dunne J. 1992. Stockmanship: Improving the care of the pig and other livestock. Farming Press, Ipswich, UK.
  • Fisbein M, Ajzen I. 1975. Belief, attitude, İnternation and behaviour. Addison-Wesley, New York.
  • Fraser D. 2001. Farm animal production: changing agriculture in a changing culture. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 4: 175-190.
  • Furnham A, Heyes C. 1993. Psychology students’ beliefs about experimentation. Personality and İndividual Differences 15: 1-10. and animal
  • Furnham A, McManus C, Scott D. 2003. Personality, empathy and attitudes to animal welfare. Anthrozoös, 16(2): 135-146.
  • Furnham, A., and Pinder, A. 1990. Young people’s attitudes to experimentation on animals. The Psychologist October: 444-448.
  • Gonyou HW, Hemswort PH, Barnett JL. 1986. Effects of frequent interactions with humans on growing pigs. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 16: 269- 278.
  • Grandin T. 1984. Reduce stress of handling to improve productivity of livestock. Vet. Med. 79: 829-831.
  • Heleski CR, Mertig AG, Zanella AJ. 2004. Assessing attitudes toward farm animal welfare: A national survey of animal science faculty members. J. Anim. Sci. 82: 2806-2814.
  • Hemsworth PH, Barnett JL. 1991. The effect of aversively handling pigs, Either individually or in groups on their behaviour, growth and corticosteroids. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 30: 61- 72.
  • Hemsworth PH, Coleman G. 2010. Managing poultry: human–bird interactions and their implications. Animal Welfare. 9: 219-235
  • Hemsworth PH, Barnett JL, Coleman GJ. Hansen C. 1989. A study of the relationships between the attitudinal and behavioural profiles of stockpersons and the level of fear of humans and reproductive performance of commercial pigs. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 23: 301–314.
  • Hemsworth PH, Coleman G, Barnett JL, Borg S, Dowling S. 2002. The effects of cognitive behavioral intervention on the attitude and behavior of stockpersons and the behaviour and productivity of commercial dairycows. J. Anim. Sci. 80: 68–78.
  • Hemsworth PH, Coleman GJ, Barnett JL, Borg S. 2000. Relationships between human–animal interactions and productivity of commercial dairycows. J. Anim. Sci. 78: 2821–2831.
  • Hemsworth PH, Coleman GJ, Barnett JL. 1994. Improving the attitude and behaviour of stockpersons consequences reproductive performance of commercial pigs. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 39: 349–362. the and the behaviour
  • Hemsworth PH, Coleman GJ. 1998. Human– Livestock Interactions: The stockperson and the productivity and welfare of intensively farmed Wallingford. CAB
  • International, Hemsworth PH. 2004.
  • interaction. In: The Well-Being of Farm
  • Animals, Challenges and Solutions, Edited by
  • G.J. Benson and B.E. Rollin, Blackwell
  • Publishing, Iowa, USA, 21-3. Human-livestock
  • Hemsworth PH. 2007. Impact of human-animal interactions on health and productivity of farm animals. In: 13th International Congress in Animal. ISAH, Tartu, Estonia.
  • Herzog HA, Betchart NS, Pittman RB. 1991. Gender, sex role orientation, and attitudes toward animals. Anthrozoös 4: 184–191.
  • Herzog HA, Galvin S. 1997. Common sense and the mental lives of animals: An empirical approach. In: Anthropomorphism, Anecdotes and Animals (Ed. by R. W. Mitchell, N. S. Thompson & H. L. Miles), 237–253. New York: State University of New York Press.
  • Hills A. 1995. Empathy and belief in the mental experience of animals. Anthroös. 8:132-14.
  • İnceoğlu M. 2010. Tutum, Algı ve İletişim. Beykent Üniversitesi Yayınevi, İstanbul.
  • Jones RB. 1993. Reduction of the domestic chick’s fear of human beings by regular handling and related treatments. Anim. Behav. 46: 991-998.
  • Jones RB. 1994. Regular handling and the domestic chick’s fear of human beings: generalisation of response. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 42: 129-143.
  • Jones RB. 1996. Fear and adaptability in poultry: in sights, implications and imperatives. Wld. Poult. Sci. J. 52: 131-174.
  • Jones RB. 1997. Fear and distress. In: Appleby MC, Hughes BO (Eds.) Animal Welfare. CAB International, Wallingford, UK, 75-87.
  • Kauppinen T, Mikko Vesala K, Valros A. 2012. Farmer attitude toward improvement of animal welfare is correlated with piglet production parameters. Livestock Science 143: 142–150
  • Keller SR, Berry JK. 1987. Attitudes, knowledge, and behaviours towards wildlife as affected by gender. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 15: 363-371.
  • Kellert SR. 1988. Human-animal interactions: A review of American attitudes toward wild and domestic Animals in the twentieth century. In: A.N. Rowan (Ed.), Animals and People Sharing the World, 137-175. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England.
  • Kılıç İ, Bozkurt Z. 2013. The relationship between farmers’ perceptions and factors affecting sheep welfare. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, (under review).
  • Kielland C, Skjerve E, Østerås O, Zanella AJ. 2010. Dairy farmer attitudes and empathy toward animals are associated with animal welfare indicators. J. Dairy Sci. 93: 2998-3006.
  • Knight CH, Peaker M, Wilde CJ. 1998. Local control of mammary development and function. Rev Reprod 3: 104– 112.
  • Knight SE, Vrij A, Cherryman J, Nunkoosing K. 2004. Attitudes towards animal use and belief in animal mind. Anthrozoos 17:43-62.
  • Köhler F. 2001. Consumer Concerns About Animal Welfare And The Impact On Food Choice1 Report on national survey – Germany
  • Lesnsink J, Fernandez X, Cozzi G, Florand L, Veisier I. 2001. The influence of farmers’ behavior on calves’ reactions to transport and quality of veal meat. Jourmnal of Animal Scinece 79, 642-652.
  • Lyons DM. 1989. Individual differences in temperament of domestic dairy goats and the inhibition of milk ejection. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 22: 269-282.
  • Marıa GA. 2006. Public perception of farm animal welfare in Spain. Livestock Science 103, 250– 256.
  • Mathews S, Herzog HA. 1997. Personality and attitudes toward the treatment of animals. Society and Animals. 5 (2): 169-175.
  • Mills AD, Faure JM. 1990. Panic and hysteria in domestic fowl: areview. In: Zayan R, Dantzer R (Eds.) Social Stress in Domestic Animals. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 248- 272.
  • Ofner E, Amon B, Amon TH, Boxberger J. 2000. Improvement of human-animal relationship needs a reliable measurement tool for animal welfare stockmanship The 4th NAHWOA Workshop, Clermont-Ferrand, 21-24.
  • Paul ES, Serpell JA. 1993. Childhood pet keeping and humane attitudes in young adulthood. Anim. Welfare 2: 321-337.
  • Pedersen V, Barnett JL, Hemsworth PH, Newman EA, Schirmer B. 1998. The effects of handling on behavioural and physiological responses to housing in tether stalls among pregnant pigs. Anim. Welfare 7: 137-150.
  • Phillips CJC, Phillips AP. 2010. Attitudes of Australian sheep farmers to animal welfare. Journal of International Farm Management 5: 1-26.
  • Pifer L, Shimizu K, Pifer R. 1994. Public Attitudes Toward Animal Research: Some International Comparisons. Society and Animals 2 (2): 95- 113.
  • Pinchbeck GL, Clegg PD, Proudman CJ, Morgan KL, French NR. 2004. Whip use and race progress are associated with horse falls in hurdle and steeplechase racing in the UK. Equine Vet. J. 36 (5): 384-389.
  • Rollin B. 1995. Farm animal welfare: Social, bioethical, and research issues. Iowa State University Press: Iowa, USA.
  • Rushen J, De Passille AM, Munksgaard L. 1999. Fear of people by cows and effects on milk yield, behaviour and heart rate at milking. J. Dairy Sci. 82: 720-727.
  • Seabrook MF. 1972. A study to determine the influence of the herdman’s personality on milk yield. J. Agric. Labour Sci. 1: 45-49.
  • Seabrook MF. 1984. The psychological interaction between the stockman and his animals and its influence on performance of pigs and dairy cows. Veternary Record, 115: 84-87.
  • Serpell J. 1986. A study of the human-animal relationships. In: The Company of Animals. Blackwell Publishing, London.
  • Serpell JP. 2004. Factors affecting human attitudes to animals and their welfare. Animal Welfare 13: 145–51.
  • Shabalina AT. 1984. Dominance rank, fear scores and reproduction in cockerels. Br. Poult. Sci. 25: 297-301.
  • Stephan WC, Finlay K. 1999. The role of empathy inimproving intergroup relations. Journal of Social Issues,55(4): 729-747.
  • Tanida H, Miura A, Tanaka T, Yoshimoto T. 1995. Behavioural response to humans in individually handled weanling pigs. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 42: 249-259.
  • Te Velde H, Aarts N and Van Woerkum C. 2002. Dealing with ambivalence: farmers' and consumers' perceptions of animal welfare in livestock breeding. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 15: 203 – 219
  • Türkçapar MH. 2009. Depresyon Klinik Uygulamada Bilişsel-Davranışçı Terapi. HYB Yayıncılık, İstanbul, ISBN: 975300172.
  • Vanhonacker F, Verbeke W, Poucke EV, Tuyttens FAM. 2008. Do citizens and farmers interpret the concept of farm animal welfare differently? Livestock Science 116: 126–136.
  • Waiblinger S, Boivin X, Pedersen V, Tosi MV, Janczak AM, Visser EK, Jones RB. 2006. Assesing the human-animal relatrionship in farmed species: A critical review. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 101: 185-242.
  • Waiblinger S, Menke C, Coleman G. 2002. The relationship between attitudes, personal characteristics and behaviour of stockpeople and subsequent behaviour and production of dairy cows. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 79: 195- 219.
  • Waiblinger S, Menke C, Korff J, Bucher A. 2004. Previous handling and gentle interactions affect behaviour and heart rate of dairy cows during a veterinary procedure. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 85: 31-42.

İnsan-Hayvan Etkileşimlerinin Hayvan Refahına Etkisi

Year 2013, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 41 - 50, 01.03.2013


İnsan-hayvan etkileşimlerinin, hayvan refahı ve verimlilik üzerine etkisi çok önemlidir. Demografik özellikler, hayvanların zihin yeteneklerine ilişkin kanıtlar, dini ve kültürel inanışlar, değerler ve normlar hayvan bakıcılarının hayvanlara yönelik tutum ve davranışlarını etkiler. Bu çalışmada insan-hayvan etkileşimlerini etkileyen faktörler ile bu etkileşimin hayvan refahına ve verimliliğine etkileri ele alınacaktır. Ayrıca çiftçinin hayvana yönelik algısal ve davranımsal profillerinin değiştirilmesi ve iyileştirilmesini amaçlayan bilişsel davranışçı yaklaşımlar ve davranış terapileri ile çiftçinin bireysel gelişim ihtiyaçlarını göz önünde tutan ve belirli bir tutum-davranışı hedefleyen, bilişseldavranışçı müdahale prosedürlerini içeren tutumsal-davranımsal değişim uygulamaları ve bilişsel-eğitim programlarının tasarımları gibi yenilikçi yöntemler ele alınacaktır


  • Barnett JL, Hemswort PH, Newman EA. 1992. Fear of humans and its relationships with productivity in laying hens at commercial farms. Br. Poult. Sci. 33: 699-710.
  • Boivin X, Le Neindre P, Chupin JM, Garel JP, Trillant C. 1992. Influence of bred and early management on ease of handling and open-field behaviour of cattle. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 32: 313-323.
  • Boivin X, Marcantognini L, Boulesteix P, Godet J, Brulé A and Veissier I. 2007. Attitudes of farmers towards Limousin cattle and their handling. Animal Welfare 16: 147-151.
  • Boivin X, Novak R, Despres G, Tournadre H, Le Neindre P. 1997. Discrimination between shepherds by lambs reared under artificial conditions. J. Anim. Sci. 75: 2892-2898.
  • Breuer BK, Hemsworth PH, Barnett JL, Matthews Behavioural response to humans and the productivity of commercial dairy cows. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 66: 273–288. 2000.
  • Breuer K, Hemsworth PH, Coleman CJ. 2003. The effect of positive or negative handling on the behavioural and physiological responses of nonlactating heifers. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 84: 3–22.
  • Broida J, Tingley, L Kimball R, Miele J. 1993. Personality Differences between Pro- and Anti- vivisectionists. Sociaty and Animals, 1:129-144
  • Coleman GJ, Hemsworth PH, Hay M, Cox M. 2000. Modifying stockperson attitudes and behaviour towards pigs at a large commercial farm. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 66, 11–20.
  • Coleman GJ, Rice M, Hemsworth PH. 2012. Human-animal relationship at sheep and cattle abattoirs. Animal Welfare 21: 15-21.
  • Coleman GJ. 2004. Personnel management in agricultural systems. In Rollin, B.E. and Benson, J. (Eds) Maximizing Well-being and Minimizing Suffering in Farm Animals. Iowa State University Press, Iowa, 167-181.
  • Coleman, GJ, McGregor M, Hemsworth PH, Boyce J, Dowling S. 2003. The relationship between beliefs, attitudes and observed behaviours of abattoir personel in the pig industry. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 82 (3): 189–200.
  • Davis MH, Mitchell KV, Hall, JA Lothert J, Snapp, Meyer Expectations, and Situational Preferences: Personality Influences on the Decision to Participate in Volunteer Helping Behaviors. Journal of Personality. 67: 469–503. Empathy,
  • Deemer L. 2011. Public Concern with Farm-Animal Welfare: religion, politics, and human disadvantage in the food sector. Rural Sociology 76 (2): 167–1
  • Dockes AC, Kling-Eveillard F. 2006. Farmers’ and advisers’ representations of animals and animal welfare. Livestock Science 103 (3): 243– 249.
  • Duncan IJH. 1990. Reactions of poultry to human beings. In: Zayan R, Dantzer R (Eds.) Social Stress in Domestic Animals. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 121-131.
  • English P, Burgess G, Segundo R, Dunne J. 1992. Stockmanship: Improving the care of the pig and other livestock. Farming Press, Ipswich, UK.
  • Fisbein M, Ajzen I. 1975. Belief, attitude, İnternation and behaviour. Addison-Wesley, New York.
  • Fraser D. 2001. Farm animal production: changing agriculture in a changing culture. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 4: 175-190.
  • Furnham A, Heyes C. 1993. Psychology students’ beliefs about experimentation. Personality and İndividual Differences 15: 1-10. and animal
  • Furnham A, McManus C, Scott D. 2003. Personality, empathy and attitudes to animal welfare. Anthrozoös, 16(2): 135-146.
  • Furnham, A., and Pinder, A. 1990. Young people’s attitudes to experimentation on animals. The Psychologist October: 444-448.
  • Gonyou HW, Hemswort PH, Barnett JL. 1986. Effects of frequent interactions with humans on growing pigs. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 16: 269- 278.
  • Grandin T. 1984. Reduce stress of handling to improve productivity of livestock. Vet. Med. 79: 829-831.
  • Heleski CR, Mertig AG, Zanella AJ. 2004. Assessing attitudes toward farm animal welfare: A national survey of animal science faculty members. J. Anim. Sci. 82: 2806-2814.
  • Hemsworth PH, Barnett JL. 1991. The effect of aversively handling pigs, Either individually or in groups on their behaviour, growth and corticosteroids. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 30: 61- 72.
  • Hemsworth PH, Coleman G. 2010. Managing poultry: human–bird interactions and their implications. Animal Welfare. 9: 219-235
  • Hemsworth PH, Barnett JL, Coleman GJ. Hansen C. 1989. A study of the relationships between the attitudinal and behavioural profiles of stockpersons and the level of fear of humans and reproductive performance of commercial pigs. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 23: 301–314.
  • Hemsworth PH, Coleman G, Barnett JL, Borg S, Dowling S. 2002. The effects of cognitive behavioral intervention on the attitude and behavior of stockpersons and the behaviour and productivity of commercial dairycows. J. Anim. Sci. 80: 68–78.
  • Hemsworth PH, Coleman GJ, Barnett JL, Borg S. 2000. Relationships between human–animal interactions and productivity of commercial dairycows. J. Anim. Sci. 78: 2821–2831.
  • Hemsworth PH, Coleman GJ, Barnett JL. 1994. Improving the attitude and behaviour of stockpersons consequences reproductive performance of commercial pigs. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 39: 349–362. the and the behaviour
  • Hemsworth PH, Coleman GJ. 1998. Human– Livestock Interactions: The stockperson and the productivity and welfare of intensively farmed Wallingford. CAB
  • International, Hemsworth PH. 2004.
  • interaction. In: The Well-Being of Farm
  • Animals, Challenges and Solutions, Edited by
  • G.J. Benson and B.E. Rollin, Blackwell
  • Publishing, Iowa, USA, 21-3. Human-livestock
  • Hemsworth PH. 2007. Impact of human-animal interactions on health and productivity of farm animals. In: 13th International Congress in Animal. ISAH, Tartu, Estonia.
  • Herzog HA, Betchart NS, Pittman RB. 1991. Gender, sex role orientation, and attitudes toward animals. Anthrozoös 4: 184–191.
  • Herzog HA, Galvin S. 1997. Common sense and the mental lives of animals: An empirical approach. In: Anthropomorphism, Anecdotes and Animals (Ed. by R. W. Mitchell, N. S. Thompson & H. L. Miles), 237–253. New York: State University of New York Press.
  • Hills A. 1995. Empathy and belief in the mental experience of animals. Anthroös. 8:132-14.
  • İnceoğlu M. 2010. Tutum, Algı ve İletişim. Beykent Üniversitesi Yayınevi, İstanbul.
  • Jones RB. 1993. Reduction of the domestic chick’s fear of human beings by regular handling and related treatments. Anim. Behav. 46: 991-998.
  • Jones RB. 1994. Regular handling and the domestic chick’s fear of human beings: generalisation of response. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 42: 129-143.
  • Jones RB. 1996. Fear and adaptability in poultry: in sights, implications and imperatives. Wld. Poult. Sci. J. 52: 131-174.
  • Jones RB. 1997. Fear and distress. In: Appleby MC, Hughes BO (Eds.) Animal Welfare. CAB International, Wallingford, UK, 75-87.
  • Kauppinen T, Mikko Vesala K, Valros A. 2012. Farmer attitude toward improvement of animal welfare is correlated with piglet production parameters. Livestock Science 143: 142–150
  • Keller SR, Berry JK. 1987. Attitudes, knowledge, and behaviours towards wildlife as affected by gender. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 15: 363-371.
  • Kellert SR. 1988. Human-animal interactions: A review of American attitudes toward wild and domestic Animals in the twentieth century. In: A.N. Rowan (Ed.), Animals and People Sharing the World, 137-175. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England.
  • Kılıç İ, Bozkurt Z. 2013. The relationship between farmers’ perceptions and factors affecting sheep welfare. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, (under review).
  • Kielland C, Skjerve E, Østerås O, Zanella AJ. 2010. Dairy farmer attitudes and empathy toward animals are associated with animal welfare indicators. J. Dairy Sci. 93: 2998-3006.
  • Knight CH, Peaker M, Wilde CJ. 1998. Local control of mammary development and function. Rev Reprod 3: 104– 112.
  • Knight SE, Vrij A, Cherryman J, Nunkoosing K. 2004. Attitudes towards animal use and belief in animal mind. Anthrozoos 17:43-62.
  • Köhler F. 2001. Consumer Concerns About Animal Welfare And The Impact On Food Choice1 Report on national survey – Germany
  • Lesnsink J, Fernandez X, Cozzi G, Florand L, Veisier I. 2001. The influence of farmers’ behavior on calves’ reactions to transport and quality of veal meat. Jourmnal of Animal Scinece 79, 642-652.
  • Lyons DM. 1989. Individual differences in temperament of domestic dairy goats and the inhibition of milk ejection. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 22: 269-282.
  • Marıa GA. 2006. Public perception of farm animal welfare in Spain. Livestock Science 103, 250– 256.
  • Mathews S, Herzog HA. 1997. Personality and attitudes toward the treatment of animals. Society and Animals. 5 (2): 169-175.
  • Mills AD, Faure JM. 1990. Panic and hysteria in domestic fowl: areview. In: Zayan R, Dantzer R (Eds.) Social Stress in Domestic Animals. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 248- 272.
  • Ofner E, Amon B, Amon TH, Boxberger J. 2000. Improvement of human-animal relationship needs a reliable measurement tool for animal welfare stockmanship The 4th NAHWOA Workshop, Clermont-Ferrand, 21-24.
  • Paul ES, Serpell JA. 1993. Childhood pet keeping and humane attitudes in young adulthood. Anim. Welfare 2: 321-337.
  • Pedersen V, Barnett JL, Hemsworth PH, Newman EA, Schirmer B. 1998. The effects of handling on behavioural and physiological responses to housing in tether stalls among pregnant pigs. Anim. Welfare 7: 137-150.
  • Phillips CJC, Phillips AP. 2010. Attitudes of Australian sheep farmers to animal welfare. Journal of International Farm Management 5: 1-26.
  • Pifer L, Shimizu K, Pifer R. 1994. Public Attitudes Toward Animal Research: Some International Comparisons. Society and Animals 2 (2): 95- 113.
  • Pinchbeck GL, Clegg PD, Proudman CJ, Morgan KL, French NR. 2004. Whip use and race progress are associated with horse falls in hurdle and steeplechase racing in the UK. Equine Vet. J. 36 (5): 384-389.
  • Rollin B. 1995. Farm animal welfare: Social, bioethical, and research issues. Iowa State University Press: Iowa, USA.
  • Rushen J, De Passille AM, Munksgaard L. 1999. Fear of people by cows and effects on milk yield, behaviour and heart rate at milking. J. Dairy Sci. 82: 720-727.
  • Seabrook MF. 1972. A study to determine the influence of the herdman’s personality on milk yield. J. Agric. Labour Sci. 1: 45-49.
  • Seabrook MF. 1984. The psychological interaction between the stockman and his animals and its influence on performance of pigs and dairy cows. Veternary Record, 115: 84-87.
  • Serpell J. 1986. A study of the human-animal relationships. In: The Company of Animals. Blackwell Publishing, London.
  • Serpell JP. 2004. Factors affecting human attitudes to animals and their welfare. Animal Welfare 13: 145–51.
  • Shabalina AT. 1984. Dominance rank, fear scores and reproduction in cockerels. Br. Poult. Sci. 25: 297-301.
  • Stephan WC, Finlay K. 1999. The role of empathy inimproving intergroup relations. Journal of Social Issues,55(4): 729-747.
  • Tanida H, Miura A, Tanaka T, Yoshimoto T. 1995. Behavioural response to humans in individually handled weanling pigs. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 42: 249-259.
  • Te Velde H, Aarts N and Van Woerkum C. 2002. Dealing with ambivalence: farmers' and consumers' perceptions of animal welfare in livestock breeding. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 15: 203 – 219
  • Türkçapar MH. 2009. Depresyon Klinik Uygulamada Bilişsel-Davranışçı Terapi. HYB Yayıncılık, İstanbul, ISBN: 975300172.
  • Vanhonacker F, Verbeke W, Poucke EV, Tuyttens FAM. 2008. Do citizens and farmers interpret the concept of farm animal welfare differently? Livestock Science 116: 126–136.
  • Waiblinger S, Boivin X, Pedersen V, Tosi MV, Janczak AM, Visser EK, Jones RB. 2006. Assesing the human-animal relatrionship in farmed species: A critical review. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 101: 185-242.
  • Waiblinger S, Menke C, Coleman G. 2002. The relationship between attitudes, personal characteristics and behaviour of stockpeople and subsequent behaviour and production of dairy cows. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 79: 195- 219.
  • Waiblinger S, Menke C, Korff J, Bucher A. 2004. Previous handling and gentle interactions affect behaviour and heart rate of dairy cows during a veterinary procedure. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 85: 31-42.
There are 79 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Zehra Bozkurt This is me

İbrahim Kılıç This is me

Özlem Gücüyener Hacan This is me

Ö.faruk Lenger This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


APA Bozkurt, Z., Kılıç, İ., Hacan, Ö. G., Lenger, Ö. (2013). İnsan-Hayvan Etkileşimlerinin Hayvan Refahına Etkisi. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, 6(1), 41-50.
AMA Bozkurt Z, Kılıç İ, Hacan ÖG, Lenger Ö. İnsan-Hayvan Etkileşimlerinin Hayvan Refahına Etkisi. kvj. March 2013;6(1):41-50. doi:10.5578/kvj.5044
Chicago Bozkurt, Zehra, İbrahim Kılıç, Özlem Gücüyener Hacan, and Ö.faruk Lenger. “İnsan-Hayvan Etkileşimlerinin Hayvan Refahına Etkisi”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 6, no. 1 (March 2013): 41-50.
EndNote Bozkurt Z, Kılıç İ, Hacan ÖG, Lenger Ö (March 1, 2013) İnsan-Hayvan Etkileşimlerinin Hayvan Refahına Etkisi. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 6 1 41–50.
IEEE Z. Bozkurt, İ. Kılıç, Ö. G. Hacan, and Ö. Lenger, “İnsan-Hayvan Etkileşimlerinin Hayvan Refahına Etkisi”, kvj, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 41–50, 2013, doi: 10.5578/kvj.5044.
ISNAD Bozkurt, Zehra et al. “İnsan-Hayvan Etkileşimlerinin Hayvan Refahına Etkisi”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 6/1 (March 2013), 41-50.
JAMA Bozkurt Z, Kılıç İ, Hacan ÖG, Lenger Ö. İnsan-Hayvan Etkileşimlerinin Hayvan Refahına Etkisi. kvj. 2013;6:41–50.
MLA Bozkurt, Zehra et al. “İnsan-Hayvan Etkileşimlerinin Hayvan Refahına Etkisi”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, vol. 6, no. 1, 2013, pp. 41-50, doi:10.5578/kvj.5044.
Vancouver Bozkurt Z, Kılıç İ, Hacan ÖG, Lenger Ö. İnsan-Hayvan Etkileşimlerinin Hayvan Refahına Etkisi. kvj. 2013;6(1):41-50.

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