Kocatepe Veterinary Journal Article Submission and Writing Rules
1. Article Submission
Article submission to our journal is made online only through DergiPark. The following documents must be uploaded completely during submission. Submissions that do not comply with the format are sent back to the author.
Cover File: English and Turkish title, author(s) name and surname (author names should be written without titles), information about the institution, project, congress, ethics, etc. should be given. Please click to see the cover file template.
Main Text File: It should contain the English and Turkish title of the article, abstract, introduction, material, method, findings, discussion and conclusion sections. Author and institution information should not be included in this file.
Author_Agreement_Form: Must be signed by all authors and uploaded to the system.
Copyright Transfer Agreement: Must be signed by all authors and uploaded to the system.
Ethics Committee Approval Form: The form approved by the ethics committee must be uploaded to the system.
Similarity Report (iThenticate): The similarity report must be uploaded to the system.
2. Article Types
Publications such as research articles, case reports and letters to the editor are accepted by Kocatepe Veterinary Journal. Priority is given to publications written in English.
Research articles are original scientific articles based on sufficient scientific research, observations and experiments. Articles consist of title, abstract and keywords, introduction, materials and methods, findings, discussion, conclusions and references. The abstract should consist of a maximum of 250 words. The article should not exceed 6000 words, excluding the cover page (title, abstract, keywords) and references. Tables and figures are not included in the limit. The number of references should be a maximum of 50.
Case reports are written presentations of rare important findings encountered in the practices, clinics and laboratories of relevant scientific fields. The titles and abstracts of these articles should be written in full-length original article format (but the abstract should not exceed 150 words), and the remaining sections should be followed by introduction, case history, discussion, conclusion and references. The number of references should be maximum 20 and the text length should not exceed 2500 words in total. Tables and figures are not included in the limit.
Letters to the editor are brief, illustrated presentations of interesting cases or topics of scientific or practical interest.
3. Article Sections
The article should consist of the following sections:
English Title: The first letter of each word in the title must be capitalized. If the title contains prepositions and conjunctions, they should be written in lowercase letters. The title should be written “centered” and Garamond 14 point font should be used. There should be 1.5 line spacing after the title.
Abstract: The abstract section should contain a maximum of 250 words and be written in a single paragraph. A justified writing style should be chosen.
Keywords: Words should be written in alphabetical order, with the first letters capitalized and aligned to the left. Each article should be accompanied by a maximum of 5 keywords. Keywords should be selected from the Turkish Science Terms website (see www.bilimterimleri.com).
Turkish Title: The first letter of each word in the title must be capitalized. If the title contains prepositions and conjunctions, they should be written in lowercase letters. The title should be written “centered” and Garamond 14 point font should be used. There should be 1.5 line spacing after the title.
Abstract: The abstract section should contain a maximum of 250 words and be written in a single paragraph. A justified writing style should be chosen.
Key Words: Words should be written in alphabetical order, with the first letters capitalized and aligned to the left. Each article should be accompanied by a maximum of 5 keywords. Keywords should be selected from the Turkish Science Terms website (see www.bilimterimleri.com).
Introduction: A comprehensive summary of the literature relevant to the study should be presented. At the end of the introduction, the purpose(s) and hypothesis(es) of the study should be clearly stated.
Material and Method: It should be written clearly and concisely, without going into unnecessary details. The statistical analysis method and the software in which the statistics are performed should be specified in detail. Ethics committee approval information regarding animal studies must be provided.
Results: This section should be presented concisely.
Discussion: This section should include an up-to-date interpretation of study results and literature.
Conclusion: In this section, the suitability of the study's hypothesis and purpose should be presented briefly.
Note: Discussion and conclusion sections must be written under separate headings.
References: The writing style of references must be APA. Care should be taken to keep the literature up to date. Article authors are responsible for the accuracy of the sources. If a quote is made from a pre-print publication, it should be stated (in print). If possible, the DOI number of the reference should be provided. Journal names should be abbreviated in accordance with the journal abbreviations in Index Medicus/MEDLINE/PubMed.
4. Spelling rules
• The font must be Garamond.
• Unless stated otherwise, the text must be justified and written in 11-point font.