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Türkiye’de Ordunun Demokratik Kontrolü: Askeri Seçkinlerin Atanma Usulleri Üzerine Bir İnceleme

Year 2017, Issue: 85, 5 - 35, 01.04.2017


Bu çalışma, Türkiye’de askeri seçkinlerin demokratik kontrol durumunu atanma usulleri üzerinden incelemektedir. Çalışmada askeri seçkinler, ordu içerisinde üst düzey yönetici konumunda olan asker kişileri ifade etmektedir. Temsili demokratik sistemde atanmışlar ile seçilmişler arasındaki ilişkinin temel kurucu ilkesi olarak nitelenebilecek olan demokratik kontrol, siyasi seçkinler ile atamaya tabi olan askeri seçkinler arasındaki ilişkileri de kapsamaktadır. Bu çerçevede, askeri seçkinlerin atanma usulleri, ordunun demokratik kontrolünün bileşenlerinden birisi olarak kabul edilebilir. Türkiye’de askeri seçkinlerin atanma usulleri incelenerek ordunun demokratik kontrol durumu hakkında çıkarımlarda bulunmak mümkündür. İnceleme göstermektedir ki, 2000’li yıllarda Türkiye’de ordunun dikey demokratik kontrolünde ilerleme ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu ise, siyasi seçkinlerde askeri seçkinler karşısında bir otorite yoğunlaşması ve merkezileşmeyle gerçekleştirilmiştir


  • ADEDEJI, Ebo, Towards a Code of Conduct for Armed and Security Forces in Africa: Opportu- nities and Challenges, Geneva Centre for Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), Geneva 2005.
  • AGÜERO, Felipe, “Democratic Consolidation and the Military in Southern Europe and South America”, The Politics of Democratic Consolidations in Southern Europe, Ed.: Richard Gunther, Nikiforos Diamandouros, H. Pulhe, The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore 1995, s. 124-165.
  • AVRUPA KOMİSYONU, Türkiye 2011 Yılı İlerleme Raporu, SEC (2011) 1201, Brüksel 2011.
  • BARBAK, Ahmet, “Sivil Kontrol Kavramının 17’nci Yüzyıldan Günümüze Gelişimi”, Ankara Üni- versitesi SBF Dergisi, Ankara 2015, Cilt: 70, Sayı: 4, s. 869-902.
  • BERİŞ, Hamit Emrah, “Yüksek Askeri Şura (YAŞ) ve Silahlı Kuvvetlerin Demokratik Sistemde- ki Yeri: Tespitler-Öneriler”, Yüksek Askeri Şura ve Silahlı Kuvvetlerin Demokratik Sistem- deki Yeri Çalıştayı (19 Temmuz 2012) Raporu, Stratejik Düşünce Enstitüsü, Ankara 2012.
  • BLAU, Peter ve diğerleri, Formal Organizations, Chandler Publishing Company, San Francisco 1962.
  • BORN, Hans ve diğerleri, “Models of Democratic Control of The Armed Forces: A Multi-Country Study Comparing Good Practices of Democratic Control”, Working Paper Series No. 47, Geneva Centre for Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), Geneva 2002.
  • BREDOW, Wilfried V. ve KÜMMEL, Gerhard, “New Roles for the Armed Forces and the Con- cept of Democratic Control,” Civil-Military Relations in an Age of Turbulence: Armed For- ces and the Problem of Democratic Control, Ed.: Gerhard Kümmel, Wilfried von Bredow, SOWI, Strausberg 2000, s. 109-131
  • BÜHLMANN, Marc ve diğerleri, “The Quality of Democracy: Democracy Barometer for Estab- lished Democracies”, Working Papers No. 22, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin 2008.
  • CAWTHRA, Gavin ve LUCKHAM, Robin, “Democratic Control and the Security Sector: The Scope for Transformation and its Limits”, Governing Insecurity: Democratic Control of Military and Security Establishments in Transitional Democracies, Ed.: Gavin Cawthra, Robin Luckham, Zed Books, UK 2003, s. 305-327.
  • CHADWICK, H. Munro, Studies on Anlo-Saxon Institutions, Cambridge University Press, UK 1905.
  • CHUTER, David, “Understanding Security Sector Reform”, Journal of Security Sector Manage- ment, UK 2006, Vol.: 4, No.: 2, s. 1-21.
  • COTTEY, Andrew ve diğerleri, “Democratic Control of Armed Forces in Central and Eastern Europe: A Framework for Understanding Civil-Military Relations in Post-Communist Europe”, Working Paper 1/99, University of Nottingham, UK 1999.
  • COTTEY, Andrew ve diğerleri, “The Second Generation Problematic: Rethinking Democracy and Civil-Military Relations”, Armed Forces & Society, USA 2002, Vol.: 29, No: 1, s. 31-56.
  • DAHL, Robert, Demokrasi Üzerine, Çev.: Betül Kadıoğlu, Phoenix Yayınevi, Ankara 2001.
  • EDMUNDS, Timothy ve FORSTER, Anthony, “The Second Generation Problematic: Rethin- king Democracy and Civil-Military Relations”, Armed Forces and Society, USA 2002, Vol. 29, No: 1, s. 31-56.
  • ETZIONI-HALEVY, Eva, Bureaucracy and Democracy: A Political Dilemma. Routledge and Ke- gan Paul, London 1983.
  • ETZIONI-HALEVY, Eva, The Elite Connection: Problems and Potential of Western Democracy, Polity Press, Cambridge 1993.
  • FEAVER, Peter D., “An Agency Theory Explanation of American Civil-Military Relations Du- ring the Cold War”, Working Paper for the Program for the Study in Democracy, Instituti- ons and Political Economy, USA 1997.
  • FINER, Herman, “Administrative Responsibility in Democratic Government”, Public Administ- ration Review, USA 1941, Vol.: 1, No.: 4, s. 335-350.
  • FRANCK, Thomas M., “The Emerging Right to Democratic Governance”, The American Jour- nal of International Law, USA 1992, Vol.: 86, No: 1, s. 46-91.
  • FRIEDRICH, Carl J., “The Nature of Administrative Responsibility”, Public Policy, Ed.: Carl J. Friedrich, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1940, s. 3-24
  • GERMANN, Wilhelm N., “Evaluation of Security Sector Reform and Criteria of Success: Pra- ctical Needs and Methodological Problems”, Working Paper No. 85, Geneva Centre for Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), Geneva 2002.
  • HALTINER, Karl W., “Civil-Military Relations: Separation or Concordance? The Case of Switzer- land”, Civil-Military Relations in an Age of Turbulence: Armed Forces and the Problem of Democ- ratic Control, Ed.: Gerhard Kümmel, Wilfried von Bredow, SOWI, Strausberg 2000, s. 33-52.
  • HALTINER, Karl W., “Democratic Control of Armed Forces: Renaissance of An Old Issue?”, Working Paper Series No. 45, Geneva Centre for Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), Geneva 2002.
  • HOFFMANN-LANGE, Ursula, “Methods of Elite Research”, The Oxford Handbook of Political Behaviour, Ed.: R. R. Goodin, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2007, s. 910-927.
  • HUNTINGTON, Samuel P., “Civilian Control and The Constitution”, The American Political Science Review, USA 1956, Vol.: 50, No: 3, s. 676-699.
  • HUNTINGTON, Samuel P., The Soldier and the State: The Theory and Politics of Civil-Military Relations, President and Fellows of Harvard College, USA 1957.
  • JANOWITZ, Morris, “Military Elites and the Study of War”, Conflict Resolution, USA 1957, Vol.: 1, No: 1, s. 9-18.
  • JANOWITZ, Morris, The Military in the Political Development of New Nations, University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1964.
  • JOÓ, Rudolf, The Democratic Control of Armed Forces, Institute for Security Studies of WEU, Hungary 1996.
  • KOHN, Richard H., “How Democracies Control the Military”, Journal of Democracy, USA 1997, Vol.: 8, No: 4, s. 140-153.
  • LASSWELL, Harold D., “The Garrison State”, The American Journal of Sociology, USA 1941, Vol.: 46, No: 4, s. 455-468.
  • LEON, Gabriel J., “Soldiers or Bureaucrats? Conflict and the Military’s Role in Policy Making”, London School of Economics and STICERD Research Paper No. EOPP 012, UK 2009.
  • LÓPEZ, Matias, “Elite Theory”, Sociopedia.isa, resources/pdf/ Elitetheory.pdf (erişim: 10.01.2017).
  • LUCKHAM, Robin, “Democratic Strategies for Security in Transition and Conflict”, Governing Insecurity: Democratic Control of Military and Security Establishments in Transitional De- mocracies, Ed.: Gavin Cawthra, Robin Luckham, Zed Books, UK 2003, s. 3-28.
  • LUNN, Simon, “The Democratic Control of Armed Forces in Principle and Practice”, Oversi- ght and Guidance: The Relevance of Parliamentary Oversight for The Security Sector and its Reform A Collection of Articles on Foundational Aspects of Parliamentary Oversight of The Security Sector, Ed.: Hans Born, Philipp H. Fluri, Simon Lunn, Geneva Centre for Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), Geneva 2003, s. 13-37.
  • LUNN, Simon, “The Democratic Control of Armed Forces in Principle and Practice”, Sourcebook on Security Sector Reform Collection of Papers, Ed.: Philipp Fluri, Miroslav Hadžić, Geneva Centre for Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), Geneva/Belgrade 2004, s. 63-85.
  • MCLAUGHLIN, Andrew C., “A Written Constitution in Some of its Historical Aspects”, Michi- gan Law Review, USA 1907, Vol.: 5, No: 8, s. 605-626.
  • MILLS, Charles W., The Power Elite, Oxford University Press, USA 1956.
  • NASMYTH, George, “Universal Military Service and Democracy”, The Journal of Race Deve- lopment, USA 1916, Vol.: 7, No: 2, s. 208-219.
  • PARRY, Geraint, Political Elites, Unwin Hyman, London 1988.
  • PETERS, B. Guy, “Governance and Public Bureaucracy: New Forms of Democracy or New For- ms of Control”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Administration, UK 2004, No.: 26, s. 3-15.
  • PICK, Otto ve diğerleri, Democratic Control over Security Policy and Armed Forces, Center for Security Studies FSK, Zurich 1997.
  • PRZEWORSKI, Adam, Democracy and the Market: Political and Economic Reforms in Eastern Europe and Latin America, Cambridge University Press, New York 1991.
  • SCHIFF, Rebecca L., “Civil-Military Relations Reconsidered: A Theory of Concordance”, Ar- med Forces & Society, USA 1995, Vol.: 22, No.: 1, s. 7-24.
  • SCHMITTER, Philippe, “The Consolidation of Political Democracies: Processes, Rhythms, Sequences, and Type”, Transitions to Democracy, Ed.:G. Pridham, Aldershot, Dartmouth 1995, s. 535-569.
  • SCHROEDER, Ursula C., “Measuring Security Sector Governance-A Guide to Relevant Indica- tors”, Occasionel Paper No. 20, Geneva Centre for Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), Geneva 2010.
  • SMITH, Munroe, “Democratic Aspects of Universal Military Service”, Proceedings of the Aca- demy of Political Science in the City of New York, USA 1916, Vol.: 6, No: 4, s. 152-156.
  • SPENCER, Gary, “Methodological Issues in the Study of Bureaucratic Elites: A Case Study of West Point”, Social Problems, USA 1973, Vol.: 21, No.: 1, s. 90-103.
  • STRATEJİK DÜŞÜNCE ENSTİTÜSÜ, Yüksek Askeri Şura ve Hükümet-TSK İlişkileri: Tespitler-Ö- neriler, Ankara 2011.
  • THOMPSON, David, “Bureaucracy and Democracy”, Democratic Theory and Practice, Ed.: G. Duncan, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1983, s. 235-250
  • TRINKUNAS, Harold A., “Ensuring Democratic Civilian Control of the Armed Forces in Asia”, East-West Center Occasional Papers No. 1, USA 1999.
  • TESEV, “Güvenlik Sektöründe Demokratik Gözetim: Türkiye ve Dünya”, Gözden Geçirilmiş ve Genişletilmiş 2. Baskı, DCAF-TESEV Güvenlik Sektörü Çalışmaları Dizisi-1, TESEV Yayın- ları, İstanbul 2006.
  • WALDO, Dwight, The Administrative State: A Study of the Political Theory of American Public Administration, Ronald Press Company, USA 1948.
  • WEBB, Sidney, “The Difficulties of Individualism”, The Economic Journal, USA 1891, Vol.: 1, No: 2, s. 360-381.
  • WEBER, Max, “Bureaucracy”. From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology, Ed: H. H. Gerth, C. Wright Mills, Oxford University Press, USA 1946.

Democratic Control of Military in Turkey: A Survey On Assignment Procedures Of Military Elites

Year 2017, Issue: 85, 5 - 35, 01.04.2017


This study investigates the state of democratic control of military in Turkey through assignment procedures of military elites. In the study, military elites denote the high level managers of military. Democratic control, which can be described as the founding principle of relationship between the elected and appointed, encompasses the relationships between political elites and military elites assigned to some military positions. In this context, the assignment procedures of military elites can be adopted as one of the components of democratic control of the military. So it is likely to infer some conlusions regarding democratic control of military by examining appointment procedures of military elites in Turkey. The study demonstrates that there has been a progress in providing vertical democratic control of military in Turkey. This has been realized by concentrating authority and centralization in favour of political elites against military elites


  • ADEDEJI, Ebo, Towards a Code of Conduct for Armed and Security Forces in Africa: Opportu- nities and Challenges, Geneva Centre for Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), Geneva 2005.
  • AGÜERO, Felipe, “Democratic Consolidation and the Military in Southern Europe and South America”, The Politics of Democratic Consolidations in Southern Europe, Ed.: Richard Gunther, Nikiforos Diamandouros, H. Pulhe, The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore 1995, s. 124-165.
  • AVRUPA KOMİSYONU, Türkiye 2011 Yılı İlerleme Raporu, SEC (2011) 1201, Brüksel 2011.
  • BARBAK, Ahmet, “Sivil Kontrol Kavramının 17’nci Yüzyıldan Günümüze Gelişimi”, Ankara Üni- versitesi SBF Dergisi, Ankara 2015, Cilt: 70, Sayı: 4, s. 869-902.
  • BERİŞ, Hamit Emrah, “Yüksek Askeri Şura (YAŞ) ve Silahlı Kuvvetlerin Demokratik Sistemde- ki Yeri: Tespitler-Öneriler”, Yüksek Askeri Şura ve Silahlı Kuvvetlerin Demokratik Sistem- deki Yeri Çalıştayı (19 Temmuz 2012) Raporu, Stratejik Düşünce Enstitüsü, Ankara 2012.
  • BLAU, Peter ve diğerleri, Formal Organizations, Chandler Publishing Company, San Francisco 1962.
  • BORN, Hans ve diğerleri, “Models of Democratic Control of The Armed Forces: A Multi-Country Study Comparing Good Practices of Democratic Control”, Working Paper Series No. 47, Geneva Centre for Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), Geneva 2002.
  • BREDOW, Wilfried V. ve KÜMMEL, Gerhard, “New Roles for the Armed Forces and the Con- cept of Democratic Control,” Civil-Military Relations in an Age of Turbulence: Armed For- ces and the Problem of Democratic Control, Ed.: Gerhard Kümmel, Wilfried von Bredow, SOWI, Strausberg 2000, s. 109-131
  • BÜHLMANN, Marc ve diğerleri, “The Quality of Democracy: Democracy Barometer for Estab- lished Democracies”, Working Papers No. 22, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin 2008.
  • CAWTHRA, Gavin ve LUCKHAM, Robin, “Democratic Control and the Security Sector: The Scope for Transformation and its Limits”, Governing Insecurity: Democratic Control of Military and Security Establishments in Transitional Democracies, Ed.: Gavin Cawthra, Robin Luckham, Zed Books, UK 2003, s. 305-327.
  • CHADWICK, H. Munro, Studies on Anlo-Saxon Institutions, Cambridge University Press, UK 1905.
  • CHUTER, David, “Understanding Security Sector Reform”, Journal of Security Sector Manage- ment, UK 2006, Vol.: 4, No.: 2, s. 1-21.
  • COTTEY, Andrew ve diğerleri, “Democratic Control of Armed Forces in Central and Eastern Europe: A Framework for Understanding Civil-Military Relations in Post-Communist Europe”, Working Paper 1/99, University of Nottingham, UK 1999.
  • COTTEY, Andrew ve diğerleri, “The Second Generation Problematic: Rethinking Democracy and Civil-Military Relations”, Armed Forces & Society, USA 2002, Vol.: 29, No: 1, s. 31-56.
  • DAHL, Robert, Demokrasi Üzerine, Çev.: Betül Kadıoğlu, Phoenix Yayınevi, Ankara 2001.
  • EDMUNDS, Timothy ve FORSTER, Anthony, “The Second Generation Problematic: Rethin- king Democracy and Civil-Military Relations”, Armed Forces and Society, USA 2002, Vol. 29, No: 1, s. 31-56.
  • ETZIONI-HALEVY, Eva, Bureaucracy and Democracy: A Political Dilemma. Routledge and Ke- gan Paul, London 1983.
  • ETZIONI-HALEVY, Eva, The Elite Connection: Problems and Potential of Western Democracy, Polity Press, Cambridge 1993.
  • FEAVER, Peter D., “An Agency Theory Explanation of American Civil-Military Relations Du- ring the Cold War”, Working Paper for the Program for the Study in Democracy, Instituti- ons and Political Economy, USA 1997.
  • FINER, Herman, “Administrative Responsibility in Democratic Government”, Public Administ- ration Review, USA 1941, Vol.: 1, No.: 4, s. 335-350.
  • FRANCK, Thomas M., “The Emerging Right to Democratic Governance”, The American Jour- nal of International Law, USA 1992, Vol.: 86, No: 1, s. 46-91.
  • FRIEDRICH, Carl J., “The Nature of Administrative Responsibility”, Public Policy, Ed.: Carl J. Friedrich, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1940, s. 3-24
  • GERMANN, Wilhelm N., “Evaluation of Security Sector Reform and Criteria of Success: Pra- ctical Needs and Methodological Problems”, Working Paper No. 85, Geneva Centre for Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), Geneva 2002.
  • HALTINER, Karl W., “Civil-Military Relations: Separation or Concordance? The Case of Switzer- land”, Civil-Military Relations in an Age of Turbulence: Armed Forces and the Problem of Democ- ratic Control, Ed.: Gerhard Kümmel, Wilfried von Bredow, SOWI, Strausberg 2000, s. 33-52.
  • HALTINER, Karl W., “Democratic Control of Armed Forces: Renaissance of An Old Issue?”, Working Paper Series No. 45, Geneva Centre for Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), Geneva 2002.
  • HOFFMANN-LANGE, Ursula, “Methods of Elite Research”, The Oxford Handbook of Political Behaviour, Ed.: R. R. Goodin, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2007, s. 910-927.
  • HUNTINGTON, Samuel P., “Civilian Control and The Constitution”, The American Political Science Review, USA 1956, Vol.: 50, No: 3, s. 676-699.
  • HUNTINGTON, Samuel P., The Soldier and the State: The Theory and Politics of Civil-Military Relations, President and Fellows of Harvard College, USA 1957.
  • JANOWITZ, Morris, “Military Elites and the Study of War”, Conflict Resolution, USA 1957, Vol.: 1, No: 1, s. 9-18.
  • JANOWITZ, Morris, The Military in the Political Development of New Nations, University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1964.
  • JOÓ, Rudolf, The Democratic Control of Armed Forces, Institute for Security Studies of WEU, Hungary 1996.
  • KOHN, Richard H., “How Democracies Control the Military”, Journal of Democracy, USA 1997, Vol.: 8, No: 4, s. 140-153.
  • LASSWELL, Harold D., “The Garrison State”, The American Journal of Sociology, USA 1941, Vol.: 46, No: 4, s. 455-468.
  • LEON, Gabriel J., “Soldiers or Bureaucrats? Conflict and the Military’s Role in Policy Making”, London School of Economics and STICERD Research Paper No. EOPP 012, UK 2009.
  • LÓPEZ, Matias, “Elite Theory”, Sociopedia.isa, resources/pdf/ Elitetheory.pdf (erişim: 10.01.2017).
  • LUCKHAM, Robin, “Democratic Strategies for Security in Transition and Conflict”, Governing Insecurity: Democratic Control of Military and Security Establishments in Transitional De- mocracies, Ed.: Gavin Cawthra, Robin Luckham, Zed Books, UK 2003, s. 3-28.
  • LUNN, Simon, “The Democratic Control of Armed Forces in Principle and Practice”, Oversi- ght and Guidance: The Relevance of Parliamentary Oversight for The Security Sector and its Reform A Collection of Articles on Foundational Aspects of Parliamentary Oversight of The Security Sector, Ed.: Hans Born, Philipp H. Fluri, Simon Lunn, Geneva Centre for Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), Geneva 2003, s. 13-37.
  • LUNN, Simon, “The Democratic Control of Armed Forces in Principle and Practice”, Sourcebook on Security Sector Reform Collection of Papers, Ed.: Philipp Fluri, Miroslav Hadžić, Geneva Centre for Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), Geneva/Belgrade 2004, s. 63-85.
  • MCLAUGHLIN, Andrew C., “A Written Constitution in Some of its Historical Aspects”, Michi- gan Law Review, USA 1907, Vol.: 5, No: 8, s. 605-626.
  • MILLS, Charles W., The Power Elite, Oxford University Press, USA 1956.
  • NASMYTH, George, “Universal Military Service and Democracy”, The Journal of Race Deve- lopment, USA 1916, Vol.: 7, No: 2, s. 208-219.
  • PARRY, Geraint, Political Elites, Unwin Hyman, London 1988.
  • PETERS, B. Guy, “Governance and Public Bureaucracy: New Forms of Democracy or New For- ms of Control”, Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Administration, UK 2004, No.: 26, s. 3-15.
  • PICK, Otto ve diğerleri, Democratic Control over Security Policy and Armed Forces, Center for Security Studies FSK, Zurich 1997.
  • PRZEWORSKI, Adam, Democracy and the Market: Political and Economic Reforms in Eastern Europe and Latin America, Cambridge University Press, New York 1991.
  • SCHIFF, Rebecca L., “Civil-Military Relations Reconsidered: A Theory of Concordance”, Ar- med Forces & Society, USA 1995, Vol.: 22, No.: 1, s. 7-24.
  • SCHMITTER, Philippe, “The Consolidation of Political Democracies: Processes, Rhythms, Sequences, and Type”, Transitions to Democracy, Ed.:G. Pridham, Aldershot, Dartmouth 1995, s. 535-569.
  • SCHROEDER, Ursula C., “Measuring Security Sector Governance-A Guide to Relevant Indica- tors”, Occasionel Paper No. 20, Geneva Centre for Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), Geneva 2010.
  • SMITH, Munroe, “Democratic Aspects of Universal Military Service”, Proceedings of the Aca- demy of Political Science in the City of New York, USA 1916, Vol.: 6, No: 4, s. 152-156.
  • SPENCER, Gary, “Methodological Issues in the Study of Bureaucratic Elites: A Case Study of West Point”, Social Problems, USA 1973, Vol.: 21, No.: 1, s. 90-103.
  • STRATEJİK DÜŞÜNCE ENSTİTÜSÜ, Yüksek Askeri Şura ve Hükümet-TSK İlişkileri: Tespitler-Ö- neriler, Ankara 2011.
  • THOMPSON, David, “Bureaucracy and Democracy”, Democratic Theory and Practice, Ed.: G. Duncan, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1983, s. 235-250
  • TRINKUNAS, Harold A., “Ensuring Democratic Civilian Control of the Armed Forces in Asia”, East-West Center Occasional Papers No. 1, USA 1999.
  • TESEV, “Güvenlik Sektöründe Demokratik Gözetim: Türkiye ve Dünya”, Gözden Geçirilmiş ve Genişletilmiş 2. Baskı, DCAF-TESEV Güvenlik Sektörü Çalışmaları Dizisi-1, TESEV Yayın- ları, İstanbul 2006.
  • WALDO, Dwight, The Administrative State: A Study of the Political Theory of American Public Administration, Ronald Press Company, USA 1948.
  • WEBB, Sidney, “The Difficulties of Individualism”, The Economic Journal, USA 1891, Vol.: 1, No: 2, s. 360-381.
  • WEBER, Max, “Bureaucracy”. From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology, Ed: H. H. Gerth, C. Wright Mills, Oxford University Press, USA 1946.
There are 57 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Ahmet Barbak This is me

Publication Date April 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Issue: 85


APA Barbak, A. (2017). Türkiye’de Ordunun Demokratik Kontrolü: Askeri Seçkinlerin Atanma Usulleri Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Liberal Düşünce Dergisi(85), 5-35.