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Liberalizmin Kalbine Yolculuk

Year 2013, Issue: 70, 245 - 268, 01.01.2013


Liberalizm, modern çağın hâkim ideolojisi sayılabilir. Modern çağın sorgulandığı post-modern çağda modernizmin bütün öncülleri ve öğretileri gibi liberalizmin de radikal bir tarihî-felsefî sorgulamaya uğraması beklenir. Ancak keskin kopuşlarla temayüz eden modern çağda yürütülen post-modern sorgulamanın daha çok Aydınlanma eleştirisi gibi tarihî, soyut, teorik bir zeminde kaldığı, kapitalizme dayalı modern düzeni sarsabilecek somut bir işlev gösteremediği görülmektedir. Bunun sebebi, modernizm ile modernlik arasındaki asimetriden kaynaklanan liberalizm ile kapitalizm arasındaki çelişkide aranmalıdır.


  • Asad, Talal (2003) Formations of the Secular: Christianity, Islam, Modernity. Stanford: Stanford UP.
  • Ashcraft, Richard (1986) Revolutionary Politics and Locke’s Two Treatises of Government. Princeton: Prin- ceton UP.
  • el-Attâr, Ferîdüddîn (2009) Tezkiratü’l-Evliyâ. Muhammed el-Asîlî el-Vastânî (Arapçaya çev.), Muham- med Edîb el-Câdir, Dımaşk: Dâru’l-Mektebî.
  • Barr, James (1985) “The Question of Religious Influence: The Case of Zoroastrianism, Judaism, and Christianity,” Journal of the American Academy of Religion 53/2 (Haziran): 201–235.
  • Berest, Julia (2011) The Emergence of Russian Liberalism Alexander Kunitsyn in Context, 1783-1840. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Blix, Göran (2006) “Charting the “Transitional Period”: The Emergence of Modern Time in the Ninete- enth Century,” History and Theory 45/1 (Şubat): 51-71.
  • Bowd, Stephen D. (2000) “The Republics of Ideas: Venice, Florence and the Defence of Liberty, 1525- 1530,” History 85/279 (Temmuz): 404-427.
  • Carabini, Louis E. (2008) Inclined to Liberty: The Futile Attempt to Suppress the Human Spirit. Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute.
  • Cohn Samuel Kline (2006) Lust for Liberty: The Politics of Social Revolt in Medieval Europe, 1200-1425. Cambridge: Harvard UP.
  • Cox, Chana B. (2006) Liberty: God’s Gift to Humanity. Lanham: Lexington.
  • Croce, Benedetto (1941) History as the Story of Liberty. Silvia Sprigge (trs.), Londra: Allen & Unwin.
  • Dickinson, H. T. (1977) Liberty and Property: Political Ideology in Eighteenth-Century Britain. New York: Holmes & Meier.
  • Freidel, Frank (1947) Francis Lieber: Nineteenth-Century Liberal. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP.
  • Freidel, Frank (1956) “Francis Lieber: Transmitter of European Ideas to America,” Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, Manchester 38/2: 342-59.
  • Garner, Roberta (1990) “Jacob Burckhardt as a Theorist of Modernity: Reading The Civilization ofthe Renaissance in Italy,” Sociological Theory 8/1 (Bahar): 48–57.
  • Geertz, Clifford (1973) The Interpretation of Cultures. New York: Basic Books.
  • Gencer, Bedri (2004) “The Rise of Public Opinion in the Ottoman Empire (1839–1909),” New Perspecti- ves on Turkey 30 (Bahar): 115-154.
  • — (2005) “XIX. Asır İslâm Dünyasında Hürriyet Telakkisi”, Liberal Düşünce 40 (Güz): 171–190.
  • — (2008) “Son Osmanlı Düşüncesinde Adalet,” Muhafazakâr Düşünce 4/15 (Kış): 123-147.
  • — (2009) “Son Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Anayasal Akültürasyon,” 100.Yılında II. Meşrutiyet Gelenek ve Değişim Ekseninde Türk Modernleşmesi Uluslararası Sempozyumu Bildiriler, Zekeriya Kurşun v.d. (yay.), 67-94, İstanbul: Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı-Marmara Üniversitesi.
  • — (2010) “Sovereignty and the Separation of Powers in John Locke,” The European Legacy 15/3 (Ha- ziran): 323–339.
  • — (2011a) Hikmet Kavşağında Edmund Burke ile Ahmed Cevdet. İstanbul: Kapı.
  • — (2011b) “Son Osmanlı Düşüncesinde Hâkimiyet ve Hürriyet,” Düşünen Siyaset 27: 13-36.
  • — (2012) İslâmda Modernleşme, 1839-1939. Ankara: Doğu Batı.
  • Glaser, John F. (1958) “English Nonconformity and the Decline of Liberalism,” The American Historical Review 63/2 (Ocak): 352–363.
  • Hallowell, John H. (1942) “The Decline of Liberalism,” Ethics 52/3 (Nisan): 323–349.
  • Hamilton, Walton H. (1932) “Property According to Locke,” The Yale Law Journal 41/6 (Nisan): 864-80.
  • Hayek, F. A. (2011) The Constitution of Liberty, The Definitive Edition. Ronald Hamowy, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Hittinger, John (2003) Liberty, Wisdom and Grace: Thomism and Modern Democratic Theory. Lanham: Lexington.
  • Irani K. D.-Silver, Morris (eds.) (1995) Social Justice in the Ancient World. Westport: Greenwood.
  • John of Salisbury (1979) The Letters, Cilt I, The Early Letters (1153-1161), Cilt II, The Later Letters (1163-1180): Latin Text and English Translation, H. E. Butler and W. J. Millor, C. N. L. Brooke (eds.) Oxford: Clarendon.
  • Kramer, Matthew H. (1997) John Locke and the Origins of Private Property: Philosophical Explorations of Individualism, Community, and Equality. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
  • Kuncevic, Lovro (2010) “On Ragusan Libertas in the Late Middle Age,” Dubrovnik Annals 14: 25-69.
  • Lieber, Francis (1881) A Manual of Political Ethics, I-II. Philadelphia/Londra: J. B. Lippincott.
  • Lowith, Karl (194) Meaning in History: The Theological Implications of the Philosophy of History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Machan, Tibor (2003) The Passion for Liberty. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Maistre, Joseph de (2011) The Generative Principle of Political Constitutions: Studies on Sovereignty, Re- ligion, and Enlightenment. Jack Lively (ed.). New Brunswick: Transaction.
  • Mannheim, Karl (1960) Ideology and Utopia: An Introduction to the Sociology of Knowledge. Londra: Rout- ledge & Kegan Paul.
  • Milbank, John (2004) “Sublimity: The Modern Transcendent,” Transcendence: Philosophy, Literature, and Theology Approach the Beyond, Regina M. Schwartz (ed.), 211-234, New York: Routledge.
  • Neilson, Francis (1945) “The Decay of Liberalism,” American Journal of Economics and Sociology 4/3 (Nisan): 281–310.
  • O’Sullivan, Noël (1976) Conservatism. Londra: J.M. Dent & Sons.
  • Roach, John (1957) “Liberalism and the Victorian Intelligentsia,” Cambridge Historical Journal 13/1: 58–81.
  • Ruggiero, Guido De (1959) The History of European Liberalism. R. G. Collinwood (trs.), Boston: Beacon.
  • Sabine, George H. (1959) A History of Political Theory. New York: Henry Holt & Company.
  • Salvatore, Armando (1997) Islam and the Political Discourse of Modernity. Reading: Ithaca.
  • Sandoz, Ellis (2008) The Roots of Liberty: Magna Carta, Ancient Constitution, and the Anglo-American Tradition of Rule of Law. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund.
  • Schmidt, Alexander (1886) Shakespeare-Lexicon: A Complete Dictionary of All the English Words, Phrases and Constructions in the Works of the Poet, I-II. Berlin: G. Reimer.
  • Schmidtz, David-Brennan, Jason (2010) A Brief History of Liberty. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell
  • Taylor, Quentin (2006) “John of Salisbury, the Policraticus, and Political Thought,” Humanitas 19/1-2 (Ocak): 133-157.
  • Tully, James (1982) A Discourse on Property: John Locke and his Adversaries. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
  • Viner, Jacob (1963) “Possessive Individualism as Original Sin,” Canadian Journal of Economics and Poli- tical Science 29: 548–560.
  • Voegelin, Eric (1974) “Liberalism and Its History,” Mary Algozin and Keith Algozin (trs.), The Review of Politics 36/ 4 (Ekim): 504-520.
  • Walker, William (1958) Locke, Literary Criticism, and Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
  • Ward, Lee (2004) The Politics of Liberty in England and Revolutionary America. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
Year 2013, Issue: 70, 245 - 268, 01.01.2013



  • Asad, Talal (2003) Formations of the Secular: Christianity, Islam, Modernity. Stanford: Stanford UP.
  • Ashcraft, Richard (1986) Revolutionary Politics and Locke’s Two Treatises of Government. Princeton: Prin- ceton UP.
  • el-Attâr, Ferîdüddîn (2009) Tezkiratü’l-Evliyâ. Muhammed el-Asîlî el-Vastânî (Arapçaya çev.), Muham- med Edîb el-Câdir, Dımaşk: Dâru’l-Mektebî.
  • Barr, James (1985) “The Question of Religious Influence: The Case of Zoroastrianism, Judaism, and Christianity,” Journal of the American Academy of Religion 53/2 (Haziran): 201–235.
  • Berest, Julia (2011) The Emergence of Russian Liberalism Alexander Kunitsyn in Context, 1783-1840. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Blix, Göran (2006) “Charting the “Transitional Period”: The Emergence of Modern Time in the Ninete- enth Century,” History and Theory 45/1 (Şubat): 51-71.
  • Bowd, Stephen D. (2000) “The Republics of Ideas: Venice, Florence and the Defence of Liberty, 1525- 1530,” History 85/279 (Temmuz): 404-427.
  • Carabini, Louis E. (2008) Inclined to Liberty: The Futile Attempt to Suppress the Human Spirit. Auburn: Ludwig von Mises Institute.
  • Cohn Samuel Kline (2006) Lust for Liberty: The Politics of Social Revolt in Medieval Europe, 1200-1425. Cambridge: Harvard UP.
  • Cox, Chana B. (2006) Liberty: God’s Gift to Humanity. Lanham: Lexington.
  • Croce, Benedetto (1941) History as the Story of Liberty. Silvia Sprigge (trs.), Londra: Allen & Unwin.
  • Dickinson, H. T. (1977) Liberty and Property: Political Ideology in Eighteenth-Century Britain. New York: Holmes & Meier.
  • Freidel, Frank (1947) Francis Lieber: Nineteenth-Century Liberal. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP.
  • Freidel, Frank (1956) “Francis Lieber: Transmitter of European Ideas to America,” Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, Manchester 38/2: 342-59.
  • Garner, Roberta (1990) “Jacob Burckhardt as a Theorist of Modernity: Reading The Civilization ofthe Renaissance in Italy,” Sociological Theory 8/1 (Bahar): 48–57.
  • Geertz, Clifford (1973) The Interpretation of Cultures. New York: Basic Books.
  • Gencer, Bedri (2004) “The Rise of Public Opinion in the Ottoman Empire (1839–1909),” New Perspecti- ves on Turkey 30 (Bahar): 115-154.
  • — (2005) “XIX. Asır İslâm Dünyasında Hürriyet Telakkisi”, Liberal Düşünce 40 (Güz): 171–190.
  • — (2008) “Son Osmanlı Düşüncesinde Adalet,” Muhafazakâr Düşünce 4/15 (Kış): 123-147.
  • — (2009) “Son Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Anayasal Akültürasyon,” 100.Yılında II. Meşrutiyet Gelenek ve Değişim Ekseninde Türk Modernleşmesi Uluslararası Sempozyumu Bildiriler, Zekeriya Kurşun v.d. (yay.), 67-94, İstanbul: Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı-Marmara Üniversitesi.
  • — (2010) “Sovereignty and the Separation of Powers in John Locke,” The European Legacy 15/3 (Ha- ziran): 323–339.
  • — (2011a) Hikmet Kavşağında Edmund Burke ile Ahmed Cevdet. İstanbul: Kapı.
  • — (2011b) “Son Osmanlı Düşüncesinde Hâkimiyet ve Hürriyet,” Düşünen Siyaset 27: 13-36.
  • — (2012) İslâmda Modernleşme, 1839-1939. Ankara: Doğu Batı.
  • Glaser, John F. (1958) “English Nonconformity and the Decline of Liberalism,” The American Historical Review 63/2 (Ocak): 352–363.
  • Hallowell, John H. (1942) “The Decline of Liberalism,” Ethics 52/3 (Nisan): 323–349.
  • Hamilton, Walton H. (1932) “Property According to Locke,” The Yale Law Journal 41/6 (Nisan): 864-80.
  • Hayek, F. A. (2011) The Constitution of Liberty, The Definitive Edition. Ronald Hamowy, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
  • Hittinger, John (2003) Liberty, Wisdom and Grace: Thomism and Modern Democratic Theory. Lanham: Lexington.
  • Irani K. D.-Silver, Morris (eds.) (1995) Social Justice in the Ancient World. Westport: Greenwood.
  • John of Salisbury (1979) The Letters, Cilt I, The Early Letters (1153-1161), Cilt II, The Later Letters (1163-1180): Latin Text and English Translation, H. E. Butler and W. J. Millor, C. N. L. Brooke (eds.) Oxford: Clarendon.
  • Kramer, Matthew H. (1997) John Locke and the Origins of Private Property: Philosophical Explorations of Individualism, Community, and Equality. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
  • Kuncevic, Lovro (2010) “On Ragusan Libertas in the Late Middle Age,” Dubrovnik Annals 14: 25-69.
  • Lieber, Francis (1881) A Manual of Political Ethics, I-II. Philadelphia/Londra: J. B. Lippincott.
  • Lowith, Karl (194) Meaning in History: The Theological Implications of the Philosophy of History. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Machan, Tibor (2003) The Passion for Liberty. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Maistre, Joseph de (2011) The Generative Principle of Political Constitutions: Studies on Sovereignty, Re- ligion, and Enlightenment. Jack Lively (ed.). New Brunswick: Transaction.
  • Mannheim, Karl (1960) Ideology and Utopia: An Introduction to the Sociology of Knowledge. Londra: Rout- ledge & Kegan Paul.
  • Milbank, John (2004) “Sublimity: The Modern Transcendent,” Transcendence: Philosophy, Literature, and Theology Approach the Beyond, Regina M. Schwartz (ed.), 211-234, New York: Routledge.
  • Neilson, Francis (1945) “The Decay of Liberalism,” American Journal of Economics and Sociology 4/3 (Nisan): 281–310.
  • O’Sullivan, Noël (1976) Conservatism. Londra: J.M. Dent & Sons.
  • Roach, John (1957) “Liberalism and the Victorian Intelligentsia,” Cambridge Historical Journal 13/1: 58–81.
  • Ruggiero, Guido De (1959) The History of European Liberalism. R. G. Collinwood (trs.), Boston: Beacon.
  • Sabine, George H. (1959) A History of Political Theory. New York: Henry Holt & Company.
  • Salvatore, Armando (1997) Islam and the Political Discourse of Modernity. Reading: Ithaca.
  • Sandoz, Ellis (2008) The Roots of Liberty: Magna Carta, Ancient Constitution, and the Anglo-American Tradition of Rule of Law. Indianapolis: Liberty Fund.
  • Schmidt, Alexander (1886) Shakespeare-Lexicon: A Complete Dictionary of All the English Words, Phrases and Constructions in the Works of the Poet, I-II. Berlin: G. Reimer.
  • Schmidtz, David-Brennan, Jason (2010) A Brief History of Liberty. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell
  • Taylor, Quentin (2006) “John of Salisbury, the Policraticus, and Political Thought,” Humanitas 19/1-2 (Ocak): 133-157.
  • Tully, James (1982) A Discourse on Property: John Locke and his Adversaries. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
  • Viner, Jacob (1963) “Possessive Individualism as Original Sin,” Canadian Journal of Economics and Poli- tical Science 29: 548–560.
  • Voegelin, Eric (1974) “Liberalism and Its History,” Mary Algozin and Keith Algozin (trs.), The Review of Politics 36/ 4 (Ekim): 504-520.
  • Walker, William (1958) Locke, Literary Criticism, and Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
  • Ward, Lee (2004) The Politics of Liberty in England and Revolutionary America. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Bedri Gencer This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Issue: 70


APA Gencer, B. (2013). Liberalizmin Kalbine Yolculuk. Liberal Düşünce Dergisi(70), 245-268.