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Socialist Economic Calculation Debate: A Methodological Review

Year 2020, Volume: 25 Issue: 99, 27 - 48, 30.09.2020


The Mises and Hayek’s critique of socialism in the economic calculation debate should also be considered as a critique of the mainstream economic model. Walrasian
general equilibrium and perfect competition market models were used by socialist economists, Taylor and Lange, to show that socialism would be economically successful. Mises and Hayek’s critique of these two models could not be fully understood by both liberal and socialist economists. Therefore, a misconception prevailed that socialism would be at least as successful as the market economy. The recently developed methodological criticisms of the mainstream economics by the complexity economics have justified the arguments of Mises and particularly of Hayek. Thus, Mises and Hayek’s critiques that economic calculations are impossible in socialism have been put forward once again with complexity economics. As a result, socialist economists need to demonstrate that economic calculation in socialism is possible with new models that are not based on Walrasian general equilibrium and perfect competition market models.


  • Arthur, W. Brian, Durlauf, Steven ve Lane, David, A. (1997), “Introduction: process and emergence in the economy”, W. Brian Arthur, Steven N. Durlauf ve David A. Lane (ed.), The economy as an evolving complex system II, Series in the Sciences of Complexity, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA (1997), pp. 1-14
  • Arthur, W. Brian (1999), “Complexity and the Economy”, Science, s. 284, ss. 107-109.
  • Arthur, W. Brian (2013), “Complexity economics: a different framework for economic thought”, Santa Fe Institute Working Paper, 2013-04-012, ss. 1-22.
  • Boeetke, Peter (2013), “Mises’in Sosyalizm’inin Önemi”, (çev. Ünsal Çetin), Liberal Düşünce, y. 22, s. 72, ss. 65-75.
  • Durlauf, Steven N. (2012), “Complexity, economics, and public policy”, Politics, Philosophy & Economics, s. 11(1), ss. 45–75.
  • Gloria, Sandye (2019), “From Methodological Individualism to Complexity: The Case of Ludwig Lachmann”, Review of Political Economy, c. 31, s. 2, ss. 216-232.
  • Göcen, Serdar (2015), “F. A. Hayek’in Bilgisizlik Teorisi Çerçevesinde Piyasa, Denge ve Planlama”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 20, s. 3, ss.385-404.
  • Gräbner, Claudius (2017), “The Complementary Relationship Between Institutional and Complexity Economics: The Example of Deep Mechanismic Explanations”, Journal of Economic Issues, c. 51, s. 2, ss. 392-400.
  • Hayek, Fredrich August (1948), “Economics and Knowledge”, Fredrich August Hayek (ed.), Individualism and Economic Order, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, ss. 33-56.
  • Hayek, Fredrich August (2007), “Bilginin Toplumda Kullanımı”, (çev. Turan Yay), Liberal Düşünce, c. 12, s. 45, ss. 153-166.
  • Hayek, Fredrich A. (2012), Hukuk, Yasama ve Özgürlük, (çev.) Atilla Yayla, Mustfa Erdoğan ve Mehmet Öz, İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.
  • Herbener, Jeffrey M. (1992). “The Role of Entrepreneurship in Desocialization”, The Review of Austrian Economics, c. 6, s. 1, ss. 79-93.
  • Kirzner, Israel M. (1984), “Economic Planning and The Knowledge Problem”, Cato Journal, c. 4, s. 2, ss. 407-425.
  • Kirzner, Israel M. (2016), The History and Importance of the Austrian Theory of the Market Process, 48:28 dak. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri: Mercatus Center YouTube Kanalı 2016.
  • Knight, Frank H. (1921), Risk, Uncertainty and Profit, New York: Hart, Schaffner & Marx.
  • Lange, Oskar (1936), “On the Economic Theory of Socialism: Part One”, The Review of Economic Studies, c. 4, s. 1, ss. 53-71.
  • Lange, Oskar (1937), “On the Economic Theory of Socialism: Part Two”, The Review of Economic Studies, c. 4, s. 2, ss. 123-142.
  • Marx, Karl (2018), Grundrisse: Ekonomi Politiğin Eleştirisi İçin Ön Çalışma, (çev. Sevan Nişanyan), İstanbul: Birikim Yayınları.
  • Menger, Carl (2009a), On the Origins of Money, (çev. C.A. Foley), Auburn, Alabama: Mises Institute.
  • Menger, Carl (2009b), İktisadın Prensipleri, (çev. A. Kemal Çelebi), Ankara: Liberte Yayınları.
  • Mises, Ludwig von (1990), Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth, (çev. S. Adler), Auburn, Alabama: Mises Institute.
  • Mises, Ludwig von (2008), İnsan Eylemi, (çev. İsmail Aktar), Ankara: Liberte Yayınları.
  • Rosser, J. Barkley (2015), “Complexity and Austrian economics”, Peter J. Boettke ve Christopher J. Coyne (ed.), The Oxford handbook of Austrian economics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, ss. 594-611).
  • Selik, Mehmet (1982), Marksist Değer Teorisi, Ankara: S.B.F. Basın Yayın Yüksekokulu Basımevi.
  • Stigler, George J. (1957), “Perfect Competition, Historically Contemplated”, The Journal of Political Economy, c. LXV, s. I, s. 1-17.
  • Taylor, Fred M. (1929), “The Guidance of Production in a Socialist State”, The American Economic Review, c. 19, s. 1, ss. 1-8.
  • Vaughn, Karen I. (1999), “Hayek's Theory of The Market Order As An Instance of The Theory of Complex, Adaptive Systems”, Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines, c. 9, s. 2/3, ss. 241-256.
  • Veetil, Vipin, P. ve White, Lawrence, H. (2012), “Towards a New Austrian Macroeconomics”, Rev Austrian Econ, s. 30, ss. 19–38.
  • Witt, Ulrich ve Beck, Naomi (2015), “Austrian Economics and Evolutionary Paradigm”, Peter J. Boettke ve Christopher J. Coyne (ed.), The Oxford handbook of Austrian economics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, ss. 576-593.

Sosyalist İktisadi Hesaplama Tartışması: Metodolojik Bir İnceleme

Year 2020, Volume: 25 Issue: 99, 27 - 48, 30.09.2020


İktisadi hesaplama tartışmasında Mises ve Hayek tarafından sosyalizme yöneltilen eleştiriler, aynı zamanda hâkim iktisat modelinin de eleştirileri olarak ele alınmalıdır. Walrasgil genel denge ve tam rekabet piyasası modelleri sosyalist iktisatçılar Taylor ve Lange tarafından sosyalizmin ekonomik olarak başarılı olacağını göstermek için kullanılmıştır. Hem liberal hem de sosyalist iktisatçılar tarafından, Mises ve Hayek’in bu iki modele getirdikleri eleştiriler tam olarak kavranamadığı için sosyalizmin, en azından piyasa ekonomisi kadar başarılı olacağı şeklinde yanlış bir kanı hâkim olmuştur. Yakın zamanda ortaya çıkan kompleksite iktisadının hâkim iktisada yönelttiği metodolojik eleştiriler, Mises ve özellikle Hayek tarafından yöneltilen eleştirilerin haklılığını göstermiştir. Böylece, Mises ve Hayek’in sosyalizmde iktisadi hesaplamanın imkânsız olduğu şeklindeki eleştirileri kompleksite iktisadı ile bir kez daha ortaya konmuştur. Sonuç olarak, sosyalist iktisatçıların Walrasgil genel denge ve tam rekabet piyasası modellerine dayanmayan yeni modellerle sosyalizmde iktisadi hesaplamanın mümkün olduğunu göstermeleri gerekmektedir.


  • Arthur, W. Brian, Durlauf, Steven ve Lane, David, A. (1997), “Introduction: process and emergence in the economy”, W. Brian Arthur, Steven N. Durlauf ve David A. Lane (ed.), The economy as an evolving complex system II, Series in the Sciences of Complexity, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA (1997), pp. 1-14
  • Arthur, W. Brian (1999), “Complexity and the Economy”, Science, s. 284, ss. 107-109.
  • Arthur, W. Brian (2013), “Complexity economics: a different framework for economic thought”, Santa Fe Institute Working Paper, 2013-04-012, ss. 1-22.
  • Boeetke, Peter (2013), “Mises’in Sosyalizm’inin Önemi”, (çev. Ünsal Çetin), Liberal Düşünce, y. 22, s. 72, ss. 65-75.
  • Durlauf, Steven N. (2012), “Complexity, economics, and public policy”, Politics, Philosophy & Economics, s. 11(1), ss. 45–75.
  • Gloria, Sandye (2019), “From Methodological Individualism to Complexity: The Case of Ludwig Lachmann”, Review of Political Economy, c. 31, s. 2, ss. 216-232.
  • Göcen, Serdar (2015), “F. A. Hayek’in Bilgisizlik Teorisi Çerçevesinde Piyasa, Denge ve Planlama”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 20, s. 3, ss.385-404.
  • Gräbner, Claudius (2017), “The Complementary Relationship Between Institutional and Complexity Economics: The Example of Deep Mechanismic Explanations”, Journal of Economic Issues, c. 51, s. 2, ss. 392-400.
  • Hayek, Fredrich August (1948), “Economics and Knowledge”, Fredrich August Hayek (ed.), Individualism and Economic Order, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, ss. 33-56.
  • Hayek, Fredrich August (2007), “Bilginin Toplumda Kullanımı”, (çev. Turan Yay), Liberal Düşünce, c. 12, s. 45, ss. 153-166.
  • Hayek, Fredrich A. (2012), Hukuk, Yasama ve Özgürlük, (çev.) Atilla Yayla, Mustfa Erdoğan ve Mehmet Öz, İstanbul: Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları.
  • Herbener, Jeffrey M. (1992). “The Role of Entrepreneurship in Desocialization”, The Review of Austrian Economics, c. 6, s. 1, ss. 79-93.
  • Kirzner, Israel M. (1984), “Economic Planning and The Knowledge Problem”, Cato Journal, c. 4, s. 2, ss. 407-425.
  • Kirzner, Israel M. (2016), The History and Importance of the Austrian Theory of the Market Process, 48:28 dak. Amerika Birleşik Devletleri: Mercatus Center YouTube Kanalı 2016.
  • Knight, Frank H. (1921), Risk, Uncertainty and Profit, New York: Hart, Schaffner & Marx.
  • Lange, Oskar (1936), “On the Economic Theory of Socialism: Part One”, The Review of Economic Studies, c. 4, s. 1, ss. 53-71.
  • Lange, Oskar (1937), “On the Economic Theory of Socialism: Part Two”, The Review of Economic Studies, c. 4, s. 2, ss. 123-142.
  • Marx, Karl (2018), Grundrisse: Ekonomi Politiğin Eleştirisi İçin Ön Çalışma, (çev. Sevan Nişanyan), İstanbul: Birikim Yayınları.
  • Menger, Carl (2009a), On the Origins of Money, (çev. C.A. Foley), Auburn, Alabama: Mises Institute.
  • Menger, Carl (2009b), İktisadın Prensipleri, (çev. A. Kemal Çelebi), Ankara: Liberte Yayınları.
  • Mises, Ludwig von (1990), Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth, (çev. S. Adler), Auburn, Alabama: Mises Institute.
  • Mises, Ludwig von (2008), İnsan Eylemi, (çev. İsmail Aktar), Ankara: Liberte Yayınları.
  • Rosser, J. Barkley (2015), “Complexity and Austrian economics”, Peter J. Boettke ve Christopher J. Coyne (ed.), The Oxford handbook of Austrian economics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, ss. 594-611).
  • Selik, Mehmet (1982), Marksist Değer Teorisi, Ankara: S.B.F. Basın Yayın Yüksekokulu Basımevi.
  • Stigler, George J. (1957), “Perfect Competition, Historically Contemplated”, The Journal of Political Economy, c. LXV, s. I, s. 1-17.
  • Taylor, Fred M. (1929), “The Guidance of Production in a Socialist State”, The American Economic Review, c. 19, s. 1, ss. 1-8.
  • Vaughn, Karen I. (1999), “Hayek's Theory of The Market Order As An Instance of The Theory of Complex, Adaptive Systems”, Journal des Economistes et des Etudes Humaines, c. 9, s. 2/3, ss. 241-256.
  • Veetil, Vipin, P. ve White, Lawrence, H. (2012), “Towards a New Austrian Macroeconomics”, Rev Austrian Econ, s. 30, ss. 19–38.
  • Witt, Ulrich ve Beck, Naomi (2015), “Austrian Economics and Evolutionary Paradigm”, Peter J. Boettke ve Christopher J. Coyne (ed.), The Oxford handbook of Austrian economics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, ss. 576-593.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Economics
Journal Section Araştırma

Serdar Göcen

Publication Date September 30, 2020
Submission Date June 8, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 25 Issue: 99


APA Göcen, S. (2020). Sosyalist İktisadi Hesaplama Tartışması: Metodolojik Bir İnceleme. Liberal Düşünce Dergisi, 25(99), 27-48.