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Development of Sensory Organs and its Effects on Growth in Broiler Chicks

Year 2022, , 65 - 73, 29.12.2022


Recently, alterations in poultry farming have been much more than other branches of agriculture. This case also achieves a great deal of success in terms of efficiency. Increasing productivity in broiler production is one of the most important issue and researches are increasing day by day. Both during incubation and after hatching, applications are aimed at increasing productivity, growth and development. In this study, the development of sensory organs in chicks and the effects of the applications through sensory organs are emphasized. Especially in recent years, studies on odor, colour and light have been increasing. In the chick sex posed to some applications during incubation, the effects of these applications after hatching have been observed in most studies. To increase these effects positively, more intensive research should be conducted and positive developments should be recorded in broiler production. Broiler development and growth occurs with feed consumption. The earlier the chicks are fed and the more feed is eaten during growth, the more production occurs at slaughter age. For this reason, the importance of the senses in terms of their effect on the feeding behavior is discussed in this study.


  • Aranda, R.C., Kini, A.D. and Firestein, S. (2000). The molecular receptive range of an odorant receptor. Nature Neuroscience 3, 1248–1255. DOI: 10.1038/81774
  • Bang, B. G. and Wenzel, B. M. (1985). Nasal cavity and olfactory system. In: Form and Function in Birds, Vol. 3 (Ed. by A. S. King and J. McLelland), pp. 195–225. London: Academic Press.
  • Berkhoudt, H., (1985). Structure and function of avian taste receptors. In: Levy, A.S., McLelland, J. (Eds.), Form and Function in Birds III. Academic Press, New York, pp. 463–496.
  • Bertin A., Calandreau L., Arnould C., Nowak R., Levy F., Noirot V., Bouvarel I., and Leterrier C. (2010). In Ovo Olfactory Experience Influences Post-hatch Feeding Behaviour in Young Chickens
  • Blatchford, R.A., K.C. Klasing, H.L. Shivaprasad, P.S. Wakenell. G.S. Archer, and J.A. Mench. (2009). The effect of light intensity on the behavior, eye and leg health, and immune function of broiler chickens. Poult. Sci. 88:20-28.
  • Burne, T. H. J. and Rogers, L. J. (1996). Responses to odorants by the domestic chick. Physiology and Behavior, 60, 1441–1447.
  • Burne, T. H. J. and Rogers, L. J. (1997). Relative importance of odor and taste in the one-trial passive avoidance learning bead task. Physiology and Behavior, 62, 1299–1302.
  • Cao, J., W. Liu, Z. Wang, D. Xie, Y. Chen. (2008). Green and blue monochromatic lights promote growth and development of broilers by stimulating testosterone secretion and microfiber growth. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 17: 211 ̶ 218.
  • Classen, H.L., (2003). Barn the future lighting programs. Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Government of Ontario, Canada. Cohen GM and Fermin CD.,(1978). The development of hair cells in the embryonic chick’s basilar papilla. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 86: 342–358. Çadırcı, S. (2014). Prerequisites for Diet Selection in Poultry. Harran Journal of Agricultural and Food Sciences, 18: 53-65.
  • Clayton, D.H., Loye, J.E., Zuk, M. (1991). Coevolution of avian grooming and ectoparasite avoidance bird-parasite interactions, ecology, evolution and behavior. Oxford Oxford University Press, 258-289 pp.
  • Deep, A., Schwean-Lardner, K., Crowe, T. G., Fancher, B. I., Classen, H. L. (2010). Effect of light intensity on broiler production, processing characteristics, and welfare. Poultry science, 89(11), 2326-2333.
  • Delius, J.D. (1988). Preening and associated comfort behavior in birds. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci, 525: 40-55.
  • Edgar, J., Held, S., Paul, E., Pettersson, I., Price, R. I. A., Nicol, C. (2015). Social buffering in a bird. Anim. Behav., 105: 11 ̶ 19.
  • Elibol, O (2009). Poultry Science breeding, feeding, diseases book, p:143-146.
  • Er S, Özçelik A, (2016). The Examination of Economic Structure of Cattle Fattening Farms in Ankara Province by Factor Analysis. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 26(1):17 ̶ 25.
  • Fluck, E., Hogg, S., Mabbutt, P.S. and File, S.E. (1996). Behavioral and neurochemical responses of maleand female chicks to cat odor. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 54, 85–91. DOI: 10.1016/0091 ̶ 3057(95)02170 ̶ 1.
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  • Forbes, J.M.,(2010). Palatability: principles, methodology and practice for farm animals. In: Animal Science Reviews, Ed. David Hemming, 229 ̶ 243. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon.
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  • Göger, H. (1994). Various behavioral characteristics and compulsions in chickens. Technical Poultry Magazine, 81:5-13.
  • Göger, H., and Yenice, E. (2018). Some Behavioral Traits and Social Structure in Chickens. Poultry Research Journal 15 (1): 34 ̶ 39.
  • Guilford, T., Nicol, C., Rothschild, M. and Moore, B. P. (1987). The biological roles of pyrazines: evidence for a warning odor function. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 31, 113–128.
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  • Liu, H. X., Rajapaksha, P., Wang, Z., Kramer, N. E., & Marshall, B. J. (2018). An update on the sense of taste in chickens: A better developed system than previously appreciated. Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences, 8(2). doi:10.4172/2155-9600.1000686.
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Year 2022, , 65 - 73, 29.12.2022



  • Aranda, R.C., Kini, A.D. and Firestein, S. (2000). The molecular receptive range of an odorant receptor. Nature Neuroscience 3, 1248–1255. DOI: 10.1038/81774
  • Bang, B. G. and Wenzel, B. M. (1985). Nasal cavity and olfactory system. In: Form and Function in Birds, Vol. 3 (Ed. by A. S. King and J. McLelland), pp. 195–225. London: Academic Press.
  • Berkhoudt, H., (1985). Structure and function of avian taste receptors. In: Levy, A.S., McLelland, J. (Eds.), Form and Function in Birds III. Academic Press, New York, pp. 463–496.
  • Bertin A., Calandreau L., Arnould C., Nowak R., Levy F., Noirot V., Bouvarel I., and Leterrier C. (2010). In Ovo Olfactory Experience Influences Post-hatch Feeding Behaviour in Young Chickens
  • Blatchford, R.A., K.C. Klasing, H.L. Shivaprasad, P.S. Wakenell. G.S. Archer, and J.A. Mench. (2009). The effect of light intensity on the behavior, eye and leg health, and immune function of broiler chickens. Poult. Sci. 88:20-28.
  • Burne, T. H. J. and Rogers, L. J. (1996). Responses to odorants by the domestic chick. Physiology and Behavior, 60, 1441–1447.
  • Burne, T. H. J. and Rogers, L. J. (1997). Relative importance of odor and taste in the one-trial passive avoidance learning bead task. Physiology and Behavior, 62, 1299–1302.
  • Cao, J., W. Liu, Z. Wang, D. Xie, Y. Chen. (2008). Green and blue monochromatic lights promote growth and development of broilers by stimulating testosterone secretion and microfiber growth. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 17: 211 ̶ 218.
  • Classen, H.L., (2003). Barn the future lighting programs. Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Government of Ontario, Canada. Cohen GM and Fermin CD.,(1978). The development of hair cells in the embryonic chick’s basilar papilla. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 86: 342–358. Çadırcı, S. (2014). Prerequisites for Diet Selection in Poultry. Harran Journal of Agricultural and Food Sciences, 18: 53-65.
  • Clayton, D.H., Loye, J.E., Zuk, M. (1991). Coevolution of avian grooming and ectoparasite avoidance bird-parasite interactions, ecology, evolution and behavior. Oxford Oxford University Press, 258-289 pp.
  • Deep, A., Schwean-Lardner, K., Crowe, T. G., Fancher, B. I., Classen, H. L. (2010). Effect of light intensity on broiler production, processing characteristics, and welfare. Poultry science, 89(11), 2326-2333.
  • Delius, J.D. (1988). Preening and associated comfort behavior in birds. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci, 525: 40-55.
  • Edgar, J., Held, S., Paul, E., Pettersson, I., Price, R. I. A., Nicol, C. (2015). Social buffering in a bird. Anim. Behav., 105: 11 ̶ 19.
  • Elibol, O (2009). Poultry Science breeding, feeding, diseases book, p:143-146.
  • Er S, Özçelik A, (2016). The Examination of Economic Structure of Cattle Fattening Farms in Ankara Province by Factor Analysis. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 26(1):17 ̶ 25.
  • Fluck, E., Hogg, S., Mabbutt, P.S. and File, S.E. (1996). Behavioral and neurochemical responses of maleand female chicks to cat odor. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 54, 85–91. DOI: 10.1016/0091 ̶ 3057(95)02170 ̶ 1.
  • Forbes, J. M. (1995). Valuntary food intake and diet selection in farm animals. CAB International, Wallingford. Oxon. OX108DE, 520 p., UK.
  • Forbes, J.M. and Covasa, M. (1995). Application of diet selection by poultry with particular reference to whole cereals. World Poultry Sci. J., 51: 150 ̶ 165.
  • Forbes, J.M.,(2010). Palatability: principles, methodology and practice for farm animals. In: Animal Science Reviews, Ed. David Hemming, 229 ̶ 243. CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon.
  • Foss, C. D., L. B. Carew, and E. L. Arnold, (1972). Physiological development of cockerels is influenced by selected wavelengths of environmental light. Poultry Sci. 51: 1922–1927.
  • Ganchrow D, Ganchrow JR. (1985). Number and distribution of taste buds in the oral cavity of hatchling chicks. Physiol Behav. 1985;34:889–894.
  • Gentle MJ. (1972). Taste preference in the chicken (Gallus domesticus L) Br Poult Sci. 1972;13:141–155.
  • Gentle, M. J. (1985). The sensory involvement in the control of food intake in poultry. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 44, 313–321.
  • Göger, H. (1994). Various behavioral characteristics and compulsions in chickens. Technical Poultry Magazine, 81:5-13.
  • Göger, H., and Yenice, E. (2018). Some Behavioral Traits and Social Structure in Chickens. Poultry Research Journal 15 (1): 34 ̶ 39.
  • Guilford, T., Nicol, C., Rothschild, M. and Moore, B. P. (1987). The biological roles of pyrazines: evidence for a warning odor function. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 31, 113–128.
  • Halevy, O., I. Biran, I. Rozenboim. (1998). Various light source treatments affect body and skeletal muscle growth by affecting skeletal muscle satellite cell proliferation in broilers. Comparative Biochem. and Physiology (Part a) 120, 317 ̶ 323.
  • Heshmatollah, K. (2007). The preference of Broiler chicks for color of lighting and Feed. J. of Poult. Sci. Vol. 44. No. 2 pp.213 ̶ 219.
  • Hogsette, J.A., Wilson, H.R. and Semple-Rowland, S.L., (1997). Effects of constant exposure to ultraviolet light from insect traps on White Leghorn hens. Poultry Sci. 76:1134 ̶ 1137.
  • Holden, A.L., (1983). Special senses. In: Physiology and Biochemistry of Domestic Fowl. (Ed.) B.M. Freeman, Academic Press, London, UK. pp. 345 ̶ 363.
  • Hirokawa N., (1978). Synaptogenesis in the basilar papilla of the chick. J Neurocytol 7: 283–300.
  • Jones, R.B. and Black, A.J. (1979). Behavioral responses of the domestic chick to blood. Behavioral and NeuralBiology 27, 319–329.
  • Jones, R. B. and Roper, T. J. (1997). Olfaction in the domestic fowl: a critical review. Physiology and Behavior, 62, 1009–1018.
  • Jones, R.B., Facchin, L. and McCorquodale, C. (2002). Social dispersal by domestic chicks in a novel environment: reassuring properties of a familiar odourant. Animal Behaviour 63, 659–666. DOI: 10.1006/ante.2001.1943
  • Kare, M.R., Mason, J.R., (1986). The chemical senses in birds. In: Sturkie, P.D. (Ed.), Avian Physiology. Springer-Ver1ag, New York.
  • Kondra, P. A. (1961). The effect of colored light on growth and feed efficiency of chicks and poults. Poult. Sci. 40: 268 ̶ 269.
  • Krause, E.T., Naguib, M., Trillmich, F., Schrader, L. (2006). The effects of short-term enrichment in learning in chickens from a laying strain (Gallus gallus domesticus). Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 101:318 ̶ 327.
  • Kristensen, H. H., G. C. Perry, N. B. Prescott, J. Ladewig, A. K. Ersbøll, and C. M. Wathes. (2006). Leg health and performance of broiler chickens reared in different light environments. Br. Poult. Sci. 47:257–263.
  • Kudo K, Shiraishi J, Nishimura S, Bungo T, Tabata S. (2010). The number of taste buds is related to bitter taste sensitivity in layer and broiler chickens. Anim Sci J. 2010;81:240–244. Kutlu, H.R. (1993). Feeding practices based on feed selection technique in poultry. Technical Poultry Journal, October-December 1993: 8-12. Kutlu, H.R. (2015). Poultry Nutrition Lecture Notes.
  • Lein, R. J., J. B. Hess, S. R. McKee and S. F. Bilgili. (2008). The effect of light intensity on live performance and processing characteristics of broilers. Poult. Sci. 87:853 ̶ 857.
  • Lewis, P.D. and T.R. Morris. (2000). Poultry and coloured light. World’s Poultry Science Journal. 56:189 ̶ 207.
  • Lien, R. J., J. B. Hess, S. R. McKee, S. F. Bilgili, and J. C. Townsend. (2007). Impact of light intensity and photoperiod on live performance, heterophil to lymphocyte ratio, and processing yields of broilers. Poult. Sci. 86:1287–1293.
  • Liu, H. X., Rajapaksha, P., Wang, Z., Kramer, N. E., & Marshall, B. J. (2018). An update on the sense of taste in chickens: A better developed system than previously appreciated. Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences, 8(2). doi:10.4172/2155-9600.1000686.
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There are 93 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Zootechny (Other)
Journal Section 62-1

Seda İkiz This is me

Oktay Kankılıç This is me

Publication Date December 29, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA İkiz, S., & Kankılıç, O. (2022). Development of Sensory Organs and its Effects on Growth in Broiler Chicks. Livestock Studies, 62(2), 65-73.
AMA İkiz S, Kankılıç O. Development of Sensory Organs and its Effects on Growth in Broiler Chicks. Livestock Studies. December 2022;62(2):65-73. doi:10.46897/livestockstudies.1162123
Chicago İkiz, Seda, and Oktay Kankılıç. “Development of Sensory Organs and Its Effects on Growth in Broiler Chicks”. Livestock Studies 62, no. 2 (December 2022): 65-73.
EndNote İkiz S, Kankılıç O (December 1, 2022) Development of Sensory Organs and its Effects on Growth in Broiler Chicks. Livestock Studies 62 2 65–73.
IEEE S. İkiz and O. Kankılıç, “Development of Sensory Organs and its Effects on Growth in Broiler Chicks”, Livestock Studies, vol. 62, no. 2, pp. 65–73, 2022, doi: 10.46897/livestockstudies.1162123.
ISNAD İkiz, Seda - Kankılıç, Oktay. “Development of Sensory Organs and Its Effects on Growth in Broiler Chicks”. Livestock Studies 62/2 (December 2022), 65-73.
JAMA İkiz S, Kankılıç O. Development of Sensory Organs and its Effects on Growth in Broiler Chicks. Livestock Studies. 2022;62:65–73.
MLA İkiz, Seda and Oktay Kankılıç. “Development of Sensory Organs and Its Effects on Growth in Broiler Chicks”. Livestock Studies, vol. 62, no. 2, 2022, pp. 65-73, doi:10.46897/livestockstudies.1162123.
Vancouver İkiz S, Kankılıç O. Development of Sensory Organs and its Effects on Growth in Broiler Chicks. Livestock Studies. 2022;62(2):65-73.