Research Article
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Superovulatin Peformance and Embryo Recovery in South Anatolian Red Cows

Year 2022, , 86 - 91, 29.12.2022


South Anatolian Red (SAR) cattle which breeds from Mersin to Sanlıurfa with centered Kilis in the region of South Anatolia, is one of native breeds of Türkiye. The aim of this study is to evaluate the superovulator response and embryo recovery rates after the superovulation protocol applied to the SAR breed cattle.
Fort this purpose, 10 donors were selected from the conservation herd in Eastern Mediterranean Agricultural Research Institute. FSH was performed to donors in decreasing doses twice daily over a 4 day period. Before uterine flushing, the ovaries were examined by ultrasound and the structures on them were recorded in order to determine the superovulation response. Each cornu uteri was flushed with foley catheters using a 3-way Y catheter. In the evaluation of embryo recovery, embryos were classified as transferable and non-transferable embryos . In South Anatolian Red cattle, the response to superovulation was found as average 7.8 corpus luteum and 2.8 anovulatory follicule for 10 donors which performed superovulation protocols. After uterine flushing, 5 UFOs, 3 non-transferable embryos and 2 transferable embryos were obtained from 10 animals.
As a result, superovulation response and embryo recovery of SAR cattle was tried to be evaluated. In this study, although the superovulation response was good, the reason for the low embryo recovery rate may be due to the low reproductive performance in SAR cattle. And also, it has been concluded that the hormonal imbalance of these aggressive animals and the difficulties that occur during uterine flushing affect embryo recovery. It was thought that more studies should be done, different superovulation protocols should be tried and OPU technic should be evaluated in order to increase the rate of transferable embryos from SAR cattle. In addition, it was concluded that different techniques should be tried while performing uterine flushing procedures.


  • Adams, G.P., Nasser, L.F., Bo, G.A., Mapletoft, R.J., Garcia, A., & Del Campo, M.R. (1994). Superstimulatory response of ovarian follicles of wave 1 versus wave 2 in heifers. Theriogenology, 42, 1103-1113.
  • Akyol, N. (2001). Sığır Embriyo Transferinde Hormon Kulanımı. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 44(1), 95-104
  • Bo, G.A., Baruselli, P.S., Moreno, D., Cutaia, L., Caccia, M., Tríbulo, R., Tríbulo, H., & Mapletoft, R.J. (2002). The Control of Follicular Wave Development for Self-Appointed Embryo Transfer Programs in Cattle. Theriogenology, 57, 53-72.
  • Bo, G.A., Guerrero, D.C., Tribulo, A., Tribulo, H., Tribulo, R., Rogan, D., & Mapletoft, R.J. (2010) New approaches to superovulation in the cow. Reproduction Nutr. Dev., 22, 106-12.
  • Bülbül, B., & Dursun, Ş. (2005). İneklerde süperovulasyon cevabına etki eden faktörler. Hayvancılık Araştırma Dergisi, 15(1), 16-25
  • Ginther, O.J., Knopf, L., & Kastelic, J.P. (1989). Temporal associations among ovarian events in cattle during oestrous cycles with two and three follicular waves. J. Reprod. Fertil., 87, 223-230. 10.1530/jrf.0.0870223
  • Göncü Karakök, S. (2005, May 16-17). Güney Anadolu Kırmızısı (GAK) Kilis Sığırlarının Beden Yapısı ve Bazı Vücut Ölçüleri. 1. Zootekni Öğrenci Kongresi, ADANA, TÜRKIYE, cilt.1, no.1,ss.10-18
  • Hasler, J.F. Factors İnfluencing the Success of Embryo Transfer in Cattle. Erişim:, Erişim tarihi: 25.10.2018 HBS Hayvan Bilgi Sistemi. Erişim Tarihi: 30.10.2018
  • Kanagawa, H., Shimohira, I., & Saitoh, N. (1995). Manual of Bovine Embryo Transfer. National Livestock Breeding Center MAFF, JICA-Japan, 1-34.
  • Kaymaz, M. (2015). Yardımcı Üreme Teknikleri. In M. Kaymaz, M. Fındık, A. Şirvanlı & A. Köker (Eds). Çiftlik Hayvanlarında Doğum Jinekololji. (2. Baskı, pp: 695-811) Medipres Matbaacılık Yayıncılık Ltd. Şti., Malatya
  • Mapletoft, R.J., & Bo, G.A. (2016). Bovine embryo transfer. In: International Veterinary Information Service (Ed.). IVIS Reviews in Veterinary Medicine. Ithaca: International Veterinary Information Service. (; Document No. R0104.1106S)
  • Mapletoft, R.J., Steward, K.B., & Adams, G.P. (2002). Recent Advances in the Superovulation in Cattle. Reprod Nutr. Dev., 42, 601–611.
  • Massip, A. (2001). Cryopreservation of Embryos of Farm Animals. Reprod Dom Anim., 36, 49-55.
  • Merton, J.S., De Roos, A.P., Mullaart, E., De Ruigh, L., Kaal, L., Vos, P.L.A.M., & Dieleman, S.J. (2003). Factors Affeting Oocyte Quality and Quantity in Commercial Application of Embryo Technologies in the Cattle Breeding İndustry. Theriogenology, 59(2), 651-674.
  • Nasser, L., Adams, G.P., Bo, G.A., & Mapletoft, R.J. (1993). Ovarian superstimulatory response relative to follicular wave emergence in heifers. Theriogenology, 40, 713-724.
  • Pabuçcuoğlu, S. (2013). İneklerde Üremenin Kontrolü ve Embriyo Transferi., Erişim Tarihi: 04.10.2018.
  • Palasz, A.T., & Mapletoft, R.J (1996). Cryopreservation of mammalian embryos and oocytes: Recent advances. Biotechnology Advances, 14(2), 127-149.
  • Pekel, E., Özkütük, K., Öztürkcan, O., Kumlu, S., Cebeci, Z., & Görgülü, M. (1993) Kilis tipi Güney Sarı Kırmızı sığırların yayılış alanları, performansları ve GAP Bölgesi için bu sığırlardan yararlanma olanakları. (Yayınlanmamış raporlar)
  • Sağırkaya, H. (2009). Sığırlarda embriyo transfer uygulaması ve Türkiye açısından önemi. Uludag University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 28(2), 11-19
  • Satılmış, M., Akyol, N., Kızıl, S.H., &Karaşahin, T. (2017). Yerli Kara Düvelerde Farklı Süperovulasyon Protokolleri ile Elde Edilen Cevapların Araştırılması. Lalahan Hay. Araşt. Enst. Derg., 57 (1), 13-17
  • Santos, J.E.P., Cerri, R.L.A., & Sartori, R. (2008). Nutritional management of the donor cow. Theriogenology, 69, 88–97.
  • SAS. (2017). University Edition Release: 3.71 (Basic Edition), SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA.
  • Seidel, G.E., & Seidel, S.M. (1991). Training Manual for Embryo transfer in Cattle.;, Erişim Tarihi: 26.10.2018
  • Silva, J.C.C., Alvarez, R.H., Zanenga, C.A., Pereira G.T. (2009). Factors Affecting Embryo Production in Superovulated Nelore Cattle. Animal Reproduction, 6(3), 440-445
  • Taşdemir, U., Satılmış, M., Karaşahin, T., Kızıl, S.H., Kaymaz, M., & Imai, K. (2012). The effect of single epidural plus intramusculer injection of FSH on superovulatory response in Anatolian Black cow. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 59, 211-216.
  • Tekeli, T. (2010). Embriyo Nakli. In E. Alaçam (Ed.), Evcil Hay¬vanlarda Doğum ve İnfertilite (7. Baskı, pp:81-97). Medisan Yayınları, Ankara
  • Thangavelu, G., Colazo, M.G., Ambrose, D.J., Oba, M., Okine, E.K., & Dyck M.K. (2007). Diets Enriched in Unsaturated Fatty Acids Enhance Early Embryonic Development in Lactating Holstein Cows. Theriogenology, 68, 949–957.
  • Ünalan, A. (2012). A Study on Comparison of Some Body Measurements of Turkish Native Cattle Breeds: South Anatolian Red and Native Southern Yellow Cattle. International Animal Science Congress of Turkish and Relatives Comminities. Isparta, 94-102
  • Yarkın, İ. (1961). Sığır yetiştirmesi. Atatürk Üniv. Yay. NO:8, ZF Ders kitapları serisi no:3, Erzurum
  • Yu, S., Ju, X., Wang, L., & Fan, J. (2007). Successful embryo transfer in Tianzhu white yak using standard protocol. Science in China Series C: Life Sciences, 50(5), 655-659
Year 2022, , 86 - 91, 29.12.2022



  • Adams, G.P., Nasser, L.F., Bo, G.A., Mapletoft, R.J., Garcia, A., & Del Campo, M.R. (1994). Superstimulatory response of ovarian follicles of wave 1 versus wave 2 in heifers. Theriogenology, 42, 1103-1113.
  • Akyol, N. (2001). Sığır Embriyo Transferinde Hormon Kulanımı. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 44(1), 95-104
  • Bo, G.A., Baruselli, P.S., Moreno, D., Cutaia, L., Caccia, M., Tríbulo, R., Tríbulo, H., & Mapletoft, R.J. (2002). The Control of Follicular Wave Development for Self-Appointed Embryo Transfer Programs in Cattle. Theriogenology, 57, 53-72.
  • Bo, G.A., Guerrero, D.C., Tribulo, A., Tribulo, H., Tribulo, R., Rogan, D., & Mapletoft, R.J. (2010) New approaches to superovulation in the cow. Reproduction Nutr. Dev., 22, 106-12.
  • Bülbül, B., & Dursun, Ş. (2005). İneklerde süperovulasyon cevabına etki eden faktörler. Hayvancılık Araştırma Dergisi, 15(1), 16-25
  • Ginther, O.J., Knopf, L., & Kastelic, J.P. (1989). Temporal associations among ovarian events in cattle during oestrous cycles with two and three follicular waves. J. Reprod. Fertil., 87, 223-230. 10.1530/jrf.0.0870223
  • Göncü Karakök, S. (2005, May 16-17). Güney Anadolu Kırmızısı (GAK) Kilis Sığırlarının Beden Yapısı ve Bazı Vücut Ölçüleri. 1. Zootekni Öğrenci Kongresi, ADANA, TÜRKIYE, cilt.1, no.1,ss.10-18
  • Hasler, J.F. Factors İnfluencing the Success of Embryo Transfer in Cattle. Erişim:, Erişim tarihi: 25.10.2018 HBS Hayvan Bilgi Sistemi. Erişim Tarihi: 30.10.2018
  • Kanagawa, H., Shimohira, I., & Saitoh, N. (1995). Manual of Bovine Embryo Transfer. National Livestock Breeding Center MAFF, JICA-Japan, 1-34.
  • Kaymaz, M. (2015). Yardımcı Üreme Teknikleri. In M. Kaymaz, M. Fındık, A. Şirvanlı & A. Köker (Eds). Çiftlik Hayvanlarında Doğum Jinekololji. (2. Baskı, pp: 695-811) Medipres Matbaacılık Yayıncılık Ltd. Şti., Malatya
  • Mapletoft, R.J., & Bo, G.A. (2016). Bovine embryo transfer. In: International Veterinary Information Service (Ed.). IVIS Reviews in Veterinary Medicine. Ithaca: International Veterinary Information Service. (; Document No. R0104.1106S)
  • Mapletoft, R.J., Steward, K.B., & Adams, G.P. (2002). Recent Advances in the Superovulation in Cattle. Reprod Nutr. Dev., 42, 601–611.
  • Massip, A. (2001). Cryopreservation of Embryos of Farm Animals. Reprod Dom Anim., 36, 49-55.
  • Merton, J.S., De Roos, A.P., Mullaart, E., De Ruigh, L., Kaal, L., Vos, P.L.A.M., & Dieleman, S.J. (2003). Factors Affeting Oocyte Quality and Quantity in Commercial Application of Embryo Technologies in the Cattle Breeding İndustry. Theriogenology, 59(2), 651-674.
  • Nasser, L., Adams, G.P., Bo, G.A., & Mapletoft, R.J. (1993). Ovarian superstimulatory response relative to follicular wave emergence in heifers. Theriogenology, 40, 713-724.
  • Pabuçcuoğlu, S. (2013). İneklerde Üremenin Kontrolü ve Embriyo Transferi., Erişim Tarihi: 04.10.2018.
  • Palasz, A.T., & Mapletoft, R.J (1996). Cryopreservation of mammalian embryos and oocytes: Recent advances. Biotechnology Advances, 14(2), 127-149.
  • Pekel, E., Özkütük, K., Öztürkcan, O., Kumlu, S., Cebeci, Z., & Görgülü, M. (1993) Kilis tipi Güney Sarı Kırmızı sığırların yayılış alanları, performansları ve GAP Bölgesi için bu sığırlardan yararlanma olanakları. (Yayınlanmamış raporlar)
  • Sağırkaya, H. (2009). Sığırlarda embriyo transfer uygulaması ve Türkiye açısından önemi. Uludag University Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 28(2), 11-19
  • Satılmış, M., Akyol, N., Kızıl, S.H., &Karaşahin, T. (2017). Yerli Kara Düvelerde Farklı Süperovulasyon Protokolleri ile Elde Edilen Cevapların Araştırılması. Lalahan Hay. Araşt. Enst. Derg., 57 (1), 13-17
  • Santos, J.E.P., Cerri, R.L.A., & Sartori, R. (2008). Nutritional management of the donor cow. Theriogenology, 69, 88–97.
  • SAS. (2017). University Edition Release: 3.71 (Basic Edition), SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA.
  • Seidel, G.E., & Seidel, S.M. (1991). Training Manual for Embryo transfer in Cattle.;, Erişim Tarihi: 26.10.2018
  • Silva, J.C.C., Alvarez, R.H., Zanenga, C.A., Pereira G.T. (2009). Factors Affecting Embryo Production in Superovulated Nelore Cattle. Animal Reproduction, 6(3), 440-445
  • Taşdemir, U., Satılmış, M., Karaşahin, T., Kızıl, S.H., Kaymaz, M., & Imai, K. (2012). The effect of single epidural plus intramusculer injection of FSH on superovulatory response in Anatolian Black cow. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 59, 211-216.
  • Tekeli, T. (2010). Embriyo Nakli. In E. Alaçam (Ed.), Evcil Hay¬vanlarda Doğum ve İnfertilite (7. Baskı, pp:81-97). Medisan Yayınları, Ankara
  • Thangavelu, G., Colazo, M.G., Ambrose, D.J., Oba, M., Okine, E.K., & Dyck M.K. (2007). Diets Enriched in Unsaturated Fatty Acids Enhance Early Embryonic Development in Lactating Holstein Cows. Theriogenology, 68, 949–957.
  • Ünalan, A. (2012). A Study on Comparison of Some Body Measurements of Turkish Native Cattle Breeds: South Anatolian Red and Native Southern Yellow Cattle. International Animal Science Congress of Turkish and Relatives Comminities. Isparta, 94-102
  • Yarkın, İ. (1961). Sığır yetiştirmesi. Atatürk Üniv. Yay. NO:8, ZF Ders kitapları serisi no:3, Erzurum
  • Yu, S., Ju, X., Wang, L., & Fan, J. (2007). Successful embryo transfer in Tianzhu white yak using standard protocol. Science in China Series C: Life Sciences, 50(5), 655-659
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Zootechny (Other)
Journal Section 62-1

Ekan Say

Enver Gökhan Altun

Recep Karaman This is me

İsmail Yılmaz This is me

Mehdi Ahmet Coşkun This is me

Uğur Kara This is me

Hüseyin Erdem Erten This is me

Orhan Gazi Dündar This is me

Mustafa Çağrı Uçuk This is me

Alaeddin Okuroğlu This is me

Publication Date December 29, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Say, E., Altun, E. G., Karaman, R., Yılmaz, İ., et al. (2022). Superovulatin Peformance and Embryo Recovery in South Anatolian Red Cows. Livestock Studies, 62(2), 86-91.
AMA Say E, Altun EG, Karaman R, Yılmaz İ, Coşkun MA, Kara U, Erten HE, Dündar OG, Uçuk MÇ, Okuroğlu A. Superovulatin Peformance and Embryo Recovery in South Anatolian Red Cows. Livestock Studies. December 2022;62(2):86-91. doi:10.46897/livestockstudies.1209138
Chicago Say, Ekan, Enver Gökhan Altun, Recep Karaman, İsmail Yılmaz, Mehdi Ahmet Coşkun, Uğur Kara, Hüseyin Erdem Erten, Orhan Gazi Dündar, Mustafa Çağrı Uçuk, and Alaeddin Okuroğlu. “Superovulatin Peformance and Embryo Recovery in South Anatolian Red Cows”. Livestock Studies 62, no. 2 (December 2022): 86-91.
EndNote Say E, Altun EG, Karaman R, Yılmaz İ, Coşkun MA, Kara U, Erten HE, Dündar OG, Uçuk MÇ, Okuroğlu A (December 1, 2022) Superovulatin Peformance and Embryo Recovery in South Anatolian Red Cows. Livestock Studies 62 2 86–91.
IEEE E. Say, “Superovulatin Peformance and Embryo Recovery in South Anatolian Red Cows”, Livestock Studies, vol. 62, no. 2, pp. 86–91, 2022, doi: 10.46897/livestockstudies.1209138.
ISNAD Say, Ekan et al. “Superovulatin Peformance and Embryo Recovery in South Anatolian Red Cows”. Livestock Studies 62/2 (December 2022), 86-91.
JAMA Say E, Altun EG, Karaman R, Yılmaz İ, Coşkun MA, Kara U, Erten HE, Dündar OG, Uçuk MÇ, Okuroğlu A. Superovulatin Peformance and Embryo Recovery in South Anatolian Red Cows. Livestock Studies. 2022;62:86–91.
MLA Say, Ekan et al. “Superovulatin Peformance and Embryo Recovery in South Anatolian Red Cows”. Livestock Studies, vol. 62, no. 2, 2022, pp. 86-91, doi:10.46897/livestockstudies.1209138.
Vancouver Say E, Altun EG, Karaman R, Yılmaz İ, Coşkun MA, Kara U, Erten HE, Dündar OG, Uçuk MÇ, Okuroğlu A. Superovulatin Peformance and Embryo Recovery in South Anatolian Red Cows. Livestock Studies. 2022;62(2):86-91.