Research Article
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The Effect of Different Management Systems and Racing on the Stress Level of Arabian Horses

Year 2023, Volume: 63 Issue: 1, 11 - 20, 30.06.2023


Considering the stud farms and hippodromes, there are differences between them both in terms of management systems. The study population consisted of 40 Arabian mares. The breeding systems of horses at the stud farm and hippodrome, the physical dimensions of their boxes, agonistic behaviors, stereotypic behaviors, and intra/inter-species interactions were examined and evaluated comparatively by considering their physiological stress and behavioral responses. The salivary cortisol analysis was performed at rest on the horses at the stud farm and pre-post race on the horses at the Hippodrome. Statistical difference was not found between the stereotypic and agonistic behaviors of the horses but the longer-term effects of the absence of intraspecies interaction should be investigated. There was no statistical difference in the resting horse's saliva cortisol value housed at the stud farm (0,84 ng/ml) and hippodrome (0,52 ng/ml). It was determined that the pre-race cortisol value (0,52 ng/ml) was significantly lower than the post-race (3,82 ng/ml) value. In order for the horses to have a long and healthy sports life, the welfare of the horses should be structured by considering the training, behavior, and management systems with a holistic approach, and intra-species interactions should not be overlooked.


  • Abu-Zidan FM, Rao S (2003): Factors affecting the severity of horse-related injuries. Injury, 34, 897–900.
  • Alexander SL, Irvine CHG (1998): The effect of social stress on adrenal axis activity in horses: The impertence of monitoring corticosteroid binding globülin capacity. J Endocrinol., 157,425-432.
  • Bachmann I, Bernasconi P, Herrmann R, Weishaupt MA, Stauffacher M (2003): Behavioural and Physiological Responses to an Acute Stressor in Crib-biting and Control Horses. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 82, 297-311.
  • Bohák Z, Szabo F, Beckers JF, Melo de Sousa N, Kutasi O, Nagy K, Szenci O (2013): Monitoring the circadian rhythm of serum and salivary cortisol concentration in the horse. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol., 45, 38–42.
  • Boucher P, Plusquellec P (2019): Acute stress assesment from excess cortisol secretion: Fundamentals and perspectives. Front. Endocrinol., 10, 749.
  • Bouissou MF, Boissy A, Veissier I (2001): The social behaviour of cattle: Social Behaviour in Farm Animals. Editör: Keeling LJ, Gonyou HW, CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK.
  • Broom DM (1983): Stereotypies as animal welfare indicators: Indicators Relevant to Farm Animal welfare. Editör: Schmidt D, Nijhoff M, The Hague.
  • Budzyinska M (2012): Behavioural and physiological mechanisms of reactions to stressful stimuli in Arab horses. University of Life Sciences in Lublin Publishing, 361.
  • Casamassima D, Sevi A, Palazzo M, Ramacciato R, Collela GE, Bellitti A (2001): Effects of two different housing systems on behaviour, physiology and milk yield of Comisana wews. Small Rumin. Res., 41, 151–161.
  • Cengiz F (2011): Hayvanlarda Zorlanım (Stres) Oluşturan Etkenler. J. Fac. Vet. Med., 20, 147-153 . Chitnavis JP, Gibbons CLMH, Hirigoyen M, Lloyd Parry J, Simpson AHRW (1996): Accidents with horses: what has changed in 20 years? Injury, 27, 103–105.
  • Christensen JW, Ladewig J, Søndergaard E, Malmkvist J (2002): Effects of individual versus group stabling on social behaviour in domestic stallions. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 75, 233-48.
  • Cooper JJ, Albentosa MJ (2005): Behavioural adaptation in the domestic horse: potential role of apparently abnormal responses including stereotypic behaviour. Livest. Prod. Sci., 92, 177–182.
  • Cordero M, Brorsen BW, McFarlane N (2012): Circadian and circannual rhythms of cortisol, ACTH, and a-melanocyte-stimulating hormone in healthy horses. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol., 43, 317–24.
  • Erber R, Wulf M, Aurich J, Rose-Meierhöfer S, Hoffmann G, Lewinski M, Möstl E, Aurich C (2013): Stress Response of Three-year-old Horse Mares to Changes in Husbandry System During Initial Equestrian Training. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 33, 1088-1094.
  • Freire R, Clegg H, Buckley P, Friend M, McGreevy P (2009): The effects of two different amounts of dietary grain on the digestibility of the diet and behavior of intensively managed horses. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 117, 69–73.
  • Grignard L, Boissy A, Boivin X, Garel JP, Le neindre P (2000): The social environment influences the behavioural repsonses of beef cattle to handling. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 68, 1–11.
  • Hada T, Onaka T, Kusunose R, Yagi K (2001): Effects of novel environmental stimuli on neuroendocrine activity in Thoroughbred horses. J. Equine Sci.,12, 33–8.
  • Hausberger M, Roche H, Henry S, Visser KE (2008): A Review of the Human-Horse Relationship. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 109, 1-24.
  • Houpt KA (2005): Domestic animal behaviour for veterinarians and animal scientists. Ames: Iowa: Blackwell Publishing Professional.
  • Houpt KA, McDonnell SM (1993): Equine stereotypies. Comp. Cont. Educ. Pract. Vet., 15, 1265-72.
  • Irvine CH, Alexander SL (1994): Factors affecting the circadian rhythm in plasma cortisol concentrations in the horse. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol, 11, 227–38.
  • Hovey, M.R., Davis, A., Chen, S., Godwin, P., Shea Porr, C.A. 2021. Evaluating stress in riding horses: part one-behavior assessment and serum cortisol. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 96:103297.
  • Jaeggin S, Furst A, Auer J (2005): Kick injuries of veterinarians during examination and treatment of horses: a retrospective study in Switzerland. Schweiz. Arch. Tierheilkd., 147, 289–295.
  • Janczarek, I., Stachurska, A., Pieszka, M., Dracz, K., Tkaczyk, W., Luszczynksi, J. 2023. Effect of fearfulness and cortisol reactivity to stress on the spatial learning performance in mountain primitive horses. Journal of Veterinary Bahavior. 60:10-17.
  • Jung A, Jung H, Choi Y, Colee J, Wickens C, Lee JW, Yoon M (2019): Frequent riding sessions daily elevate stress, blood lactic acid, and heart rate of thoroughbred riding horses. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 32,1-5.
  • Keidzierkski W, Cywinska A, Strzelec K, Kowalik S (2013): Chnges in salivary and plasma cortisol levels in Purebred Arabian horses during race training session. Animal Science Journal, 85, 313–317. Klingel H (1967): Social Orgenization and Behavior in Free-ranging plains Zebras. Z. Tierpsyhol., 24, 580-624.
  • Korte SM, Bouws GAH, Bohus B (1993): Cental actions of corticotropin releasing hormone (CH-R) on behavioral, neuroendocrine and cardiovascular regulation: Brain corticoid receptor involvement. Horm. Behav., 27, 167-183.
  • Kriss T, Kriss V (1997): Equine related neurosurgical trauma: a prospective series of 30 patients. J. Trauma, 43, 97–99.
  • Landsberg GM (2013): Behavioral Problems of Horses. Editör: Kahn, C. M., Line, S. The Merck Veterinary Manual, tenth ed. Whitehouse Station, N. J.
  • Lesimple C, Hausberger M (2014): How accurate are we at assessing others’ well-being? The example of welfare assessment in horses. Front. Psychol., 5, 1–6.
  • Löckener S, Reese S, Erhard M, Wöhr AC (2016): Pasturing in herds after housing in horseboxes induces a positive cognitive bias in horses. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 11, 50-55.
  • Mahmood Z, Davidsson A, Olsson E, Leanderson P, Lundberg AK, Jonasson L (2020): The effect of acute execises on interleukin-6 and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis responses in patients with coronary artery disease. Sci.Rep., 10 (1), 21390.
  • Mason GJ, Latham NR (2004): Can’t stop, won’t stop: Is stereotypy a reliable animal welfare indicator? Anim. Welfare, 13, 57–69.
  • Mason GJ (1991): Stereotypies: a critical review. Anim. Behav., 41,1015–1037.
  • McCrory P, Turner M (2005): Equestrian injuries. Med. Sport Sci., 48, 8–17.
  • McDonnell SM (2013): The Equid Ethogram. A Practical Field Guide to Horse Behavior. The Blood-Horse Inc., Lexington, K.Y., USA.
  • McGreevy PD, French NP, Nicol CJ (1995): The prevalence of abnormal behaviours in dressage, eventing and endurance horses in relation to stabling. Vet. Rec., 137, 36-7.
  • McGreevy PD, Oddie C, Burton FL, McLean AN (2009): The horse–human dyad: Can we align horse training and handling activities with the equid social ethogram? The Veterinary Journal, 181, 12–18.
  • Meunier-Salaün MC, Vantrimponte MN, Raab A, Dantzer R (1987): Effect of floor area restriction upon performance, behavior and physiology of growing-finishing pigs. J. Anim. Sci., 64, 1371–1377.
  • Mills DS, Eckley S, Cooper JJ (2000): Thoroughbred bedding preferences, associated behaviour differences and their Implications for Equine Welfare. Anim. Sci., 70, 99-124.
  • Mills DS, Nankervis KJ (1999): Equine Behaviour: Principles and Practice. Blackwell Science, 12, 33-8.
  • Mills DS (2005) Repetitive movement problems in the horse: The Domestic Horse, The Origins, Development and Management of Its Behaviour. Editör: Mills, D.S., McDonnell, S.M., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Minton JE (1994) Function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the sympathetic nervous system in models of acute stress in domestic farm animals. Journal of Animal Science, 72,1891–1898.
  • Moberg G, Mench J (2000): The Biology of Animal Stress: Basic Priciples and Implications fo Animal Welfare. CABI Publishing, Wallingford.
  • Negroa S, Bartoloméa E, Molina A, Soléc M, Gómeza D, Valera M (2018): Stress level effects on sport performance during trotting races in Spanish Trotter Horses. Research in Veterinary Science, 118, 86–90.
  • Newton A, Nielsen AM (2005): A review of horse-related injuries in a rural Colorado hospital: implications for outreach education. J. Emerg. Nurs., 31, 442–446.
  • Nicol CJ (1999): Understanding equine stereotypies. Equine Vet. J. Suppl., 28, 20–5.
  • Nunez CNM, Adelman JS, Smith J, Gesquire LR, Rubenstein DL (2014): Linking Social Environment and Stress Physiology in Feral Mares (Equus caballus): Group Transfer Elevate Fecal Cortisol Levels. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 196, 26-33.
  • Peeters M, Sulon J, Becjers JF (2011): Comparison between Blood Serum and Salivary Cortisol Concentrations in horses using and adrenocorticotropic hormone challance. Equine Vet. J., 43, 487-93 Ramos A, Mormède P (1998): Stress and emotionality: a multidimensional and genetic approach. Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev., 22, 33–57.
  • Raynaert R, De Paepe M, Peeters G (1976): Infkuence of stress, age and sex on serum growth hormone and free fatty acids in cattle. Horm. Metab. Res., 8, 109-114.
  • Rivera E, Benjamin S, Nielsen B, Shelle J, Zanella AJ (2002): Behavioral and physiological responses of horses to initial training: The comparison between pastured versus stalled horses. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 78, 235-52. Salak-Johnson JL, McGlone JJ (2007): Making sense of apparently conflicting data: stress and immunity in swine and cattle. J. Anim. Sci., 85, 81-8.
  • Schaefer AL, Matthews LR, Cook NJ, Webster J, Scott SL (2002): Novel noninvasive measures of animal welfare. NAWAC/ISAE Conference, Hamilton, New Zealand.
  • Schmidt A, Aurich C, Neuhauser S, Aurich J, Möstl E (2009): Comparison of cortisol levels in blood plasma, saliva and faeces of horses submitted to different stressors or treated with ACTH. Proceedings, 5th Internationla Symposium Equitation Science, Sydney.
  • Schmidt A, Biau S, Möstl E, Becker-Birck M, Morillon B, Aurich J, Faure JM, Aurich C (2010) Changes in cortisol release and heart rate variability in sport horses during long-distance road transport. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol., 38,179–89.
  • Schmidt A, Möstl E, Aurich J, Neuhauser S, Aurich C (2009): Comparison of cortisol and cortisone levels in blood plasma and saliva and cortisol metabolite concentrations in faeces for stress analysis in horses. Proceedings 5th International Equitation Science Conference (ISES), Sydney, Australia.
  • Sondergaard E, Ladewig J (2004): Group housing exerts a positive effect on the behaviour of young horses during training. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 87, 105-118.
  • Stewart M, Webster JR, Schaefer AL, Cook NJ, Scott SL (2005): Infrared thermography as a non-invasive tool to study animal welfare. Anim. Welfare, 14,319-25.
  • Valera M, Bartolomé E, José Sánchez M, Molina A, Cook N, Schaefer A (2012): Changes in Eye Temperature and Stress Assessment in Horses During Show Jumping Competitions. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 32,827-830.
  • Van Reenen CG, Mars MH, Leushuis IE, Rijsewijk FAM, van Oirschot JT, Blokhuis HJ (2000): Social isolation may influence responsiveness to infection with bovine herpesvirus 1 in veal calves. Vet. Microbiol., 75, 135–143.
  • Wechsler B, Fröhlich E, Oester H, Oswald T, Troxler J, Weber R, Schmid H (1997): The contribution of applied athology in judging animal welfare in farm animal housing systems. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 53, 33–43.
  • Weeks J, Beck A (1996): Equine agitation behaviors. Vet. Clin. North Am. Equine Pract., 18, 23–24.
  • Werhahn H, Hessel EF, Van den Weghe, HFA (2012): Competition Horses Housed in Single Stalls (II): Effects of Free Exercise on the Behavior in the Stable, the Behavior during Training, and the Degree of Stress. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 32, 22-31.
  • Werhahn H, Hessel EF, Schulze H, van den Weghe HFA (2011): Temporary turnout for free exercise in groups: Effects on the behavior of competitio horses housed in single stalls. J. Equine Vet. Sci., 31, 417-425.
Year 2023, Volume: 63 Issue: 1, 11 - 20, 30.06.2023



  • Abu-Zidan FM, Rao S (2003): Factors affecting the severity of horse-related injuries. Injury, 34, 897–900.
  • Alexander SL, Irvine CHG (1998): The effect of social stress on adrenal axis activity in horses: The impertence of monitoring corticosteroid binding globülin capacity. J Endocrinol., 157,425-432.
  • Bachmann I, Bernasconi P, Herrmann R, Weishaupt MA, Stauffacher M (2003): Behavioural and Physiological Responses to an Acute Stressor in Crib-biting and Control Horses. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 82, 297-311.
  • Bohák Z, Szabo F, Beckers JF, Melo de Sousa N, Kutasi O, Nagy K, Szenci O (2013): Monitoring the circadian rhythm of serum and salivary cortisol concentration in the horse. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol., 45, 38–42.
  • Boucher P, Plusquellec P (2019): Acute stress assesment from excess cortisol secretion: Fundamentals and perspectives. Front. Endocrinol., 10, 749.
  • Bouissou MF, Boissy A, Veissier I (2001): The social behaviour of cattle: Social Behaviour in Farm Animals. Editör: Keeling LJ, Gonyou HW, CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK.
  • Broom DM (1983): Stereotypies as animal welfare indicators: Indicators Relevant to Farm Animal welfare. Editör: Schmidt D, Nijhoff M, The Hague.
  • Budzyinska M (2012): Behavioural and physiological mechanisms of reactions to stressful stimuli in Arab horses. University of Life Sciences in Lublin Publishing, 361.
  • Casamassima D, Sevi A, Palazzo M, Ramacciato R, Collela GE, Bellitti A (2001): Effects of two different housing systems on behaviour, physiology and milk yield of Comisana wews. Small Rumin. Res., 41, 151–161.
  • Cengiz F (2011): Hayvanlarda Zorlanım (Stres) Oluşturan Etkenler. J. Fac. Vet. Med., 20, 147-153 . Chitnavis JP, Gibbons CLMH, Hirigoyen M, Lloyd Parry J, Simpson AHRW (1996): Accidents with horses: what has changed in 20 years? Injury, 27, 103–105.
  • Christensen JW, Ladewig J, Søndergaard E, Malmkvist J (2002): Effects of individual versus group stabling on social behaviour in domestic stallions. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 75, 233-48.
  • Cooper JJ, Albentosa MJ (2005): Behavioural adaptation in the domestic horse: potential role of apparently abnormal responses including stereotypic behaviour. Livest. Prod. Sci., 92, 177–182.
  • Cordero M, Brorsen BW, McFarlane N (2012): Circadian and circannual rhythms of cortisol, ACTH, and a-melanocyte-stimulating hormone in healthy horses. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol., 43, 317–24.
  • Erber R, Wulf M, Aurich J, Rose-Meierhöfer S, Hoffmann G, Lewinski M, Möstl E, Aurich C (2013): Stress Response of Three-year-old Horse Mares to Changes in Husbandry System During Initial Equestrian Training. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 33, 1088-1094.
  • Freire R, Clegg H, Buckley P, Friend M, McGreevy P (2009): The effects of two different amounts of dietary grain on the digestibility of the diet and behavior of intensively managed horses. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 117, 69–73.
  • Grignard L, Boissy A, Boivin X, Garel JP, Le neindre P (2000): The social environment influences the behavioural repsonses of beef cattle to handling. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 68, 1–11.
  • Hada T, Onaka T, Kusunose R, Yagi K (2001): Effects of novel environmental stimuli on neuroendocrine activity in Thoroughbred horses. J. Equine Sci.,12, 33–8.
  • Hausberger M, Roche H, Henry S, Visser KE (2008): A Review of the Human-Horse Relationship. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 109, 1-24.
  • Houpt KA (2005): Domestic animal behaviour for veterinarians and animal scientists. Ames: Iowa: Blackwell Publishing Professional.
  • Houpt KA, McDonnell SM (1993): Equine stereotypies. Comp. Cont. Educ. Pract. Vet., 15, 1265-72.
  • Irvine CH, Alexander SL (1994): Factors affecting the circadian rhythm in plasma cortisol concentrations in the horse. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol, 11, 227–38.
  • Hovey, M.R., Davis, A., Chen, S., Godwin, P., Shea Porr, C.A. 2021. Evaluating stress in riding horses: part one-behavior assessment and serum cortisol. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 96:103297.
  • Jaeggin S, Furst A, Auer J (2005): Kick injuries of veterinarians during examination and treatment of horses: a retrospective study in Switzerland. Schweiz. Arch. Tierheilkd., 147, 289–295.
  • Janczarek, I., Stachurska, A., Pieszka, M., Dracz, K., Tkaczyk, W., Luszczynksi, J. 2023. Effect of fearfulness and cortisol reactivity to stress on the spatial learning performance in mountain primitive horses. Journal of Veterinary Bahavior. 60:10-17.
  • Jung A, Jung H, Choi Y, Colee J, Wickens C, Lee JW, Yoon M (2019): Frequent riding sessions daily elevate stress, blood lactic acid, and heart rate of thoroughbred riding horses. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 32,1-5.
  • Keidzierkski W, Cywinska A, Strzelec K, Kowalik S (2013): Chnges in salivary and plasma cortisol levels in Purebred Arabian horses during race training session. Animal Science Journal, 85, 313–317. Klingel H (1967): Social Orgenization and Behavior in Free-ranging plains Zebras. Z. Tierpsyhol., 24, 580-624.
  • Korte SM, Bouws GAH, Bohus B (1993): Cental actions of corticotropin releasing hormone (CH-R) on behavioral, neuroendocrine and cardiovascular regulation: Brain corticoid receptor involvement. Horm. Behav., 27, 167-183.
  • Kriss T, Kriss V (1997): Equine related neurosurgical trauma: a prospective series of 30 patients. J. Trauma, 43, 97–99.
  • Landsberg GM (2013): Behavioral Problems of Horses. Editör: Kahn, C. M., Line, S. The Merck Veterinary Manual, tenth ed. Whitehouse Station, N. J.
  • Lesimple C, Hausberger M (2014): How accurate are we at assessing others’ well-being? The example of welfare assessment in horses. Front. Psychol., 5, 1–6.
  • Löckener S, Reese S, Erhard M, Wöhr AC (2016): Pasturing in herds after housing in horseboxes induces a positive cognitive bias in horses. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 11, 50-55.
  • Mahmood Z, Davidsson A, Olsson E, Leanderson P, Lundberg AK, Jonasson L (2020): The effect of acute execises on interleukin-6 and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis responses in patients with coronary artery disease. Sci.Rep., 10 (1), 21390.
  • Mason GJ, Latham NR (2004): Can’t stop, won’t stop: Is stereotypy a reliable animal welfare indicator? Anim. Welfare, 13, 57–69.
  • Mason GJ (1991): Stereotypies: a critical review. Anim. Behav., 41,1015–1037.
  • McCrory P, Turner M (2005): Equestrian injuries. Med. Sport Sci., 48, 8–17.
  • McDonnell SM (2013): The Equid Ethogram. A Practical Field Guide to Horse Behavior. The Blood-Horse Inc., Lexington, K.Y., USA.
  • McGreevy PD, French NP, Nicol CJ (1995): The prevalence of abnormal behaviours in dressage, eventing and endurance horses in relation to stabling. Vet. Rec., 137, 36-7.
  • McGreevy PD, Oddie C, Burton FL, McLean AN (2009): The horse–human dyad: Can we align horse training and handling activities with the equid social ethogram? The Veterinary Journal, 181, 12–18.
  • Meunier-Salaün MC, Vantrimponte MN, Raab A, Dantzer R (1987): Effect of floor area restriction upon performance, behavior and physiology of growing-finishing pigs. J. Anim. Sci., 64, 1371–1377.
  • Mills DS, Eckley S, Cooper JJ (2000): Thoroughbred bedding preferences, associated behaviour differences and their Implications for Equine Welfare. Anim. Sci., 70, 99-124.
  • Mills DS, Nankervis KJ (1999): Equine Behaviour: Principles and Practice. Blackwell Science, 12, 33-8.
  • Mills DS (2005) Repetitive movement problems in the horse: The Domestic Horse, The Origins, Development and Management of Its Behaviour. Editör: Mills, D.S., McDonnell, S.M., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Minton JE (1994) Function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and the sympathetic nervous system in models of acute stress in domestic farm animals. Journal of Animal Science, 72,1891–1898.
  • Moberg G, Mench J (2000): The Biology of Animal Stress: Basic Priciples and Implications fo Animal Welfare. CABI Publishing, Wallingford.
  • Negroa S, Bartoloméa E, Molina A, Soléc M, Gómeza D, Valera M (2018): Stress level effects on sport performance during trotting races in Spanish Trotter Horses. Research in Veterinary Science, 118, 86–90.
  • Newton A, Nielsen AM (2005): A review of horse-related injuries in a rural Colorado hospital: implications for outreach education. J. Emerg. Nurs., 31, 442–446.
  • Nicol CJ (1999): Understanding equine stereotypies. Equine Vet. J. Suppl., 28, 20–5.
  • Nunez CNM, Adelman JS, Smith J, Gesquire LR, Rubenstein DL (2014): Linking Social Environment and Stress Physiology in Feral Mares (Equus caballus): Group Transfer Elevate Fecal Cortisol Levels. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 196, 26-33.
  • Peeters M, Sulon J, Becjers JF (2011): Comparison between Blood Serum and Salivary Cortisol Concentrations in horses using and adrenocorticotropic hormone challance. Equine Vet. J., 43, 487-93 Ramos A, Mormède P (1998): Stress and emotionality: a multidimensional and genetic approach. Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev., 22, 33–57.
  • Raynaert R, De Paepe M, Peeters G (1976): Infkuence of stress, age and sex on serum growth hormone and free fatty acids in cattle. Horm. Metab. Res., 8, 109-114.
  • Rivera E, Benjamin S, Nielsen B, Shelle J, Zanella AJ (2002): Behavioral and physiological responses of horses to initial training: The comparison between pastured versus stalled horses. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 78, 235-52. Salak-Johnson JL, McGlone JJ (2007): Making sense of apparently conflicting data: stress and immunity in swine and cattle. J. Anim. Sci., 85, 81-8.
  • Schaefer AL, Matthews LR, Cook NJ, Webster J, Scott SL (2002): Novel noninvasive measures of animal welfare. NAWAC/ISAE Conference, Hamilton, New Zealand.
  • Schmidt A, Aurich C, Neuhauser S, Aurich J, Möstl E (2009): Comparison of cortisol levels in blood plasma, saliva and faeces of horses submitted to different stressors or treated with ACTH. Proceedings, 5th Internationla Symposium Equitation Science, Sydney.
  • Schmidt A, Biau S, Möstl E, Becker-Birck M, Morillon B, Aurich J, Faure JM, Aurich C (2010) Changes in cortisol release and heart rate variability in sport horses during long-distance road transport. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol., 38,179–89.
  • Schmidt A, Möstl E, Aurich J, Neuhauser S, Aurich C (2009): Comparison of cortisol and cortisone levels in blood plasma and saliva and cortisol metabolite concentrations in faeces for stress analysis in horses. Proceedings 5th International Equitation Science Conference (ISES), Sydney, Australia.
  • Sondergaard E, Ladewig J (2004): Group housing exerts a positive effect on the behaviour of young horses during training. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 87, 105-118.
  • Stewart M, Webster JR, Schaefer AL, Cook NJ, Scott SL (2005): Infrared thermography as a non-invasive tool to study animal welfare. Anim. Welfare, 14,319-25.
  • Valera M, Bartolomé E, José Sánchez M, Molina A, Cook N, Schaefer A (2012): Changes in Eye Temperature and Stress Assessment in Horses During Show Jumping Competitions. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 32,827-830.
  • Van Reenen CG, Mars MH, Leushuis IE, Rijsewijk FAM, van Oirschot JT, Blokhuis HJ (2000): Social isolation may influence responsiveness to infection with bovine herpesvirus 1 in veal calves. Vet. Microbiol., 75, 135–143.
  • Wechsler B, Fröhlich E, Oester H, Oswald T, Troxler J, Weber R, Schmid H (1997): The contribution of applied athology in judging animal welfare in farm animal housing systems. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 53, 33–43.
  • Weeks J, Beck A (1996): Equine agitation behaviors. Vet. Clin. North Am. Equine Pract., 18, 23–24.
  • Werhahn H, Hessel EF, Van den Weghe, HFA (2012): Competition Horses Housed in Single Stalls (II): Effects of Free Exercise on the Behavior in the Stable, the Behavior during Training, and the Degree of Stress. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 32, 22-31.
  • Werhahn H, Hessel EF, Schulze H, van den Weghe HFA (2011): Temporary turnout for free exercise in groups: Effects on the behavior of competitio horses housed in single stalls. J. Equine Vet. Sci., 31, 417-425.
There are 63 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Zootechny (Other)
Journal Section 63-1

Sibel Danışan This is me 0000-0002-2621-4555

Büşra Yaranoğlu This is me 0000-0003-1260-3645

Özlem Nur Emeç This is me

Cansu Örs This is me

Meltem Manga This is me

Early Pub Date July 10, 2023
Publication Date June 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 63 Issue: 1


APA Danışan, S., Yaranoğlu, B., Emeç, Ö. N., Örs, C., et al. (2023). The Effect of Different Management Systems and Racing on the Stress Level of Arabian Horses. Livestock Studies, 63(1), 11-20.
AMA Danışan S, Yaranoğlu B, Emeç ÖN, Örs C, Manga M. The Effect of Different Management Systems and Racing on the Stress Level of Arabian Horses. Livestock Studies. June 2023;63(1):11-20. doi:10.46897/livestockstudies.1324959
Chicago Danışan, Sibel, Büşra Yaranoğlu, Özlem Nur Emeç, Cansu Örs, and Meltem Manga. “The Effect of Different Management Systems and Racing on the Stress Level of Arabian Horses”. Livestock Studies 63, no. 1 (June 2023): 11-20.
EndNote Danışan S, Yaranoğlu B, Emeç ÖN, Örs C, Manga M (June 1, 2023) The Effect of Different Management Systems and Racing on the Stress Level of Arabian Horses. Livestock Studies 63 1 11–20.
IEEE S. Danışan, B. Yaranoğlu, Ö. N. Emeç, C. Örs, and M. Manga, “The Effect of Different Management Systems and Racing on the Stress Level of Arabian Horses”, Livestock Studies, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 11–20, 2023, doi: 10.46897/livestockstudies.1324959.
ISNAD Danışan, Sibel et al. “The Effect of Different Management Systems and Racing on the Stress Level of Arabian Horses”. Livestock Studies 63/1 (June 2023), 11-20.
JAMA Danışan S, Yaranoğlu B, Emeç ÖN, Örs C, Manga M. The Effect of Different Management Systems and Racing on the Stress Level of Arabian Horses. Livestock Studies. 2023;63:11–20.
MLA Danışan, Sibel et al. “The Effect of Different Management Systems and Racing on the Stress Level of Arabian Horses”. Livestock Studies, vol. 63, no. 1, 2023, pp. 11-20, doi:10.46897/livestockstudies.1324959.
Vancouver Danışan S, Yaranoğlu B, Emeç ÖN, Örs C, Manga M. The Effect of Different Management Systems and Racing on the Stress Level of Arabian Horses. Livestock Studies. 2023;63(1):11-20.