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Year 2020, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 88 - 98, 29.06.2020



  • Andrews, D. K. and N. G. Zimmerman. 1990. A Comparison of Energy Efficient Broiler House Lighting Sources and Photoperiods. Poultry Sci. 69:1471-1479.
  • Aydin, A., O. Cangar, S. Eren Ozcan, C. Bahr, D. Berckmans. (2010). Application of a fully automatic analysis tool to assess the activity of broiler chickens with different gait scores. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 73. (194-199).
  • Aydin, A., Pluk A., Leroy T., Berckmans D., Bahr C., 2013. "Automatic Identification Of Activity And Spatial Use Of Broiler Chickens With Different Gait Scores", Transactions Of The Asabe, vol.56, pp.1123-1132.
  • Aydin, A., Bahr, C., Viazzi, S., Exadaktylos, V. Berckmans, D. (2014). A novel method to automatically measure the feed intake of broiler chickens by sound technology. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 101, 17-23.
  • Aydin, A., Bahr, C., Berckmans, D. (2015a). A real-time monitoring tool to automatically measure the feed intakes of multiple broiler chickens by sound analysis. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. DOI: 10.1016/j.compag.2015.03.010.
  • Aydin A., Bahr, C. Beckmans, D. (2015b). "Automatic Classification Of Measures Of Lying To Assess The Lameness Of Broilers. ", Animal Welfare, vol.24, pp.16-25.
  • Aydin A., Berckmans D. (2016). Using sound technology to automatically detect the short term feeding behaviours of broiler chickens. Computers And Electronıcs In Agrıculture(121), 25-31.
  • Aydin A., (2017). Using 3D vision camera system to automatically assess the level of inactivity in broiler chickens. Computers And Electronıcs In Agrıculture(135), 4-10.
  • Aydin A., (2017). Development of an early detection system for lameness of broilersusing computer vision. Computers And Electronıcs In Agrıculture(136), 140-146.
  • Berckmans, 2004. “Automatic on line monitoring of animals by precision livestock farming”. In: Animal production in Europe : The way forward in a changing world. ISAH. Saint Malo, France.
  • Berckmans, 2013. “Precision Livestock Farming as a Tool to Improve the Welfare and Health of Farm Animals”. In: ISAH-China. Berg and Sanotra (2003). “Can a modified latency-to-lie test be used to validate gait-scoring results in commercial broiler flocks”. In: Animal Welfare 12.4, pp. 655–659.
  • Bradshaw, R. Kirkden, D. Broom, and Hester (2002). “A Review of the Aetiology and Pathology of Leg Weakness in Broilers in Relation toWelfare”.In: Avian and Poultry Biology Reviews 13.2, pp. 45–103.
  • Cao J, Liu W, Wang Z, Xie D and Chen Y (2008). Green and blue monochromatic lights promote growth and development of broilers via stimulating testosterone secretion and microfiber growth. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 17: 211-218.
  • Caplen G, Hothersall B, Murrell JC, Nicol CJ and Waterman Pearson AE 2012 Kinematic analysis quantifies gait abnormalities associated with lameness in broiler chickens and identifies evolutionary gait differences. PLoS One 7(7): e40800.
  • Cook, M. (July 2000). “Skeletal deformities and their causes: introduction”. In: Poult. Sci. 79.7, pp. 982–984.
  • Corr, S., M. Gentle, C. McCorquodale, and D. Bennett (2003). “The effect morphology on walking ability in the modern broiler: a gait analysis study”. In: Animal Welfare 12.2, pp. 159–171.
  • Daily, G.C., Dasgupta, P., Bolin, B., Crosson, P., du Guerny, J.,Ehrlich, P.R., Folke, C., Jansson, A.M., Jansson, B.-O., Kautsky,N., Kinzig, A., Levin, S., Ma¨ler, K.-G., Pinstrup-Andersen, P.,Siniscalco, D., Walker, B., 1998. Food production, populationgrowth, and the environment. Science 281, 1291–1292.
  • FAO, 2009. “The state of food and agriculture”. In: Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations.
  • Gates and Xin, 2008. “Extracting poultry behaviour from time-series weigh scale records”. In: Comput. Electron. Agric. 62.1, pp. 8–14. issn: 0168-1699.
  • Hulsey, M. and R. Martin (1991). “A system for automated recording and analysis of feeding behavior”. In: Physiology Behavior 50.2, pp. 403–408.
  • Kashiha, M., A. Pluk, C. Bahr, E. Vranken, and D. Berckmans. 2013. Development of an early warning system for a broiler house using computer vision. Biosystems Eng. 116:36–45.
  • Kestin, Knowles, Tinch, and Gregory (1992). “Prevalence of leg weakness in broiler chickens and its relationship with genotype.” In: Vet Rec 131.9, p. 190.
  • Kestin, 2001). “Relationships in broiler chickens between lameness live weigh growth rate and age”. In: Vet Rec 148.7, p. 195. Kutlu, H. and J. Forbes (2000). “Effects of environmental temperature and dietary ascorbic acid on the diurnal feeding pattern of broilers”. In: Turkish Journal of Veterinary Animal Sciences 24.5, pp. 479–491.
  • Laca and W. D. Vries (2000). “Acoustic measurement of intake and grazing behaviour of cattle”. In: Grass and Forage Science 55.2, pp. 97–104.
  • Milone, D.H., Rufiner, H.L., Galli, J.R., Laca, E.A., Cangiano, C.A., 2009. Computational method for segmentation and classification of ingestive sounds in sheep. Comput. Electron. Agric. 65 (2), 228–237.
  • Milone, D.H., Galli, J.R., Cangiano, C.A., Rufiner, H.L., Laca, E.A., 2012. Automatic recognition of ingestive sounds of cattle based on hidden Markov models. Comput. Electron. Agric. 87, 51–55.
  • Naas IA, Almeida Paz ICL and Baracho MS 2010 Assessing locomotion deficiency in broiler chicken. Scientia Agricola 67: 129-135.
  • Narinç, D., Aksoy, T., Önenç, A., _Ilaslan Çürek, D., 2015. The influence of body weight on carcass and carcass part yields, and some meat quality traits in fast- and slow-growing broiler chickens. Kafkas University 21 (4), 527–534.
  • Puma, H. Xin, R. Gates, and D. Burnham (2001). “An instrumentation system for studying feeding and drinking behaviour of individual poultry”. In: Applied Engineering in Agriculture 17.3, pp. 365–374.
  • Reiter, K., Bessei, W., 1997. Gait analysis in laying hens and broilers with and without leg disorders. Equine Vet. J. Suppl. 23, 110–112.
  • Reiter, K., 2002. Analysis of locomotion of laying hen and broiler. Archiv fur Geflugkunde 66, 133–140.
  • Rousing, T., M. Bonde, and J. T. Sorensen. 2000. Indicators for the assessment of animal welfare in a dairy cattle herd with a cubicle housing system. In Improving Health and Welfare in Animal Production, 37-44.
  • Rozenboim, I., I. Biran, Z. Uni, B. Robinzon, and O. Halevy. 1999. The effect of monochromatic light on broiler growth and development. Poult. Sci. 78:135–138.
  • Savory, C. and J. Mann (1999). “Stereotyped pecking after feeding by restrictedfed fowls is influenced by meal size”. In: Applied Animal Behaviour Science 62.23, pp. 209–217.
  • SCAHAW, 2000. The welfare of chickens kept for meat production (broilers). Report of the Scientific Committee on Animal Health and Animal Welfare (SCAHAW). Brussels, Belgium: European Commission, Health and Consumer Protection Directorate-General. Available at:
  • Sosnowka and Muchacka (2005). Effect of Management System on Behaviour and Productivity of Broiler Chickens. In: ISAH 2, p. 106.
  • Stover, K.K., Brainerd, E.L., Roberts, T.J., 2015. Supersize me: extreme body mass in domestic turkeys influences locomotor mechanics. Integr. Comp. Biol. 55, 180.
  • Vestergaard and Sanotra (1999). “Relationships Between Leg Disorders and Changes in the Behaviour of Broiler Chickens”. In: Veterinary Record 144.8, pp. 205–209.
  • Viazzi, S., Bahr, C., Van Hertem, T., Schlageter-Tello, A., Romanini, C.E.B., Halachmi, I., Lokhorst, C., Berckmans, D., 2014. Comparison of a three-dimensional and twodimensional camera system for automated measurement of back posture in dairy cows. Comput. Electron. Agric. 100, 139–147.
  • Weeks, T. Danbury, H. Davies, P. Hunt, and S. Kestin (2000). “The behaviour of broiler chickens and its modification by lameness”. In: Applied Animal Behaviour Science 67.12, pp. 111–125.
  • Xin, I. Berry, T. Barton, and G. Tabler (1993). “Feeding and Drinking Patterns of Broilers Subjected to Different Feeding and Lighting Programs”. In: The Journal of Applied Poultry Research 2.4, pp.365–372.
  • Xuyong, T., D. Shuxin, T. Lie, X. Hongwei, and W. Ben (Feb. 2011). “Original paper: A real-time automated system for monitoring individual feed intake and body weight of group housed turkeys”. In: Comput. Electron. Agric. 75.2.
  • Yo, T., M. Vilario, J. Faure, and M. Picard (1997). “Feed Pecking in Young Chickens: New Techniques of Evaluation”. In: Physiology Behavior 61.6, pp. 803–810.

Etlik Piliç Üretiminde Hassas Hayvancılık Teknolojilerinin Önemi

Year 2020, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 88 - 98, 29.06.2020


Sürekli olarak artan dünya nüfusuna ve başta BRICS ülkeleri olarak adlandırılan Brezilya, Rusya, Hindistan ve Çin gibi ülkelerin artan gelir durumuna bağlı olarak, dünya çapında et ve hayvansal ürün talebinin önümüzdeki 20 yıl içinde en az %50 oranında artacağı öngörülmektedir. Bunun sonucunda akla gelen ilk soru, bu talebi karşılayabilecek yüksek kaliteli, sürdürülebilir ve güvenli et üretimine nasıl ulaşılacağı olmaktadır. Bu sorunun cevabı olarak ise günümüzde yoğun hayvancılık sistemleri uygulanmakta fakat bu sistemler ile birlikte ciddi sorunlarla da karşı karşıya kalınmaktadır. Çiftliklerde artan hayvan sayısı ile birlikte, gıda güvenliği ve hayvan sağlığı ile ilgili endişeler de ciddi oranda artmaktadır. Aynı zamanda, hayvancılık sektörünün çevresel etkisi de önemli bir konu olarak gündemdeki yerini korumaktadır. Son olarak, bu süreçte ana figür olan çiftçinin, yoğun hayvancılık üretimi gerçekleştirirken, bu sistemin beraberinde getirdiği problemlerin üstesinden nasıl gelebileceği ve nasıl bir yaşam sürdürebileceğinin sorgulanması gerekmektedir. Çünkü, önceki yıllarda çiftçiler görsel ve işitsel gözlemler ile hayvanların sağlık ve refahını kontrol edebilirken, günümüzde artan hayvan sayısı ile birlikte idari ve lojistik iş yüklerindeki artış nedeniyle bunu gerçekleştirmeleri imkânsız hale gelmiştir. Bundan dolayı, çiftçinin, herhangi bir problemi zamanında tespit edebilmesi ve erken önlem alabilmesi için teknoloji ile desteklenmesi, yoğun hayvancılığın sürdürülebilir olması bakımından bir zarurettir. Önceki yaklaşımların aksine, hassas hayvancılık sistemleri, hayvanların yaşamını iyileştirmeye odaklanan, çiftçinin hemen harekete geçebilmesi için, sorunların ortaya çıkması halinde anında uyarı vererek, gerçek zamanlı bir izleme ve kontrol sistemi sunmayı amaçlayan yeni bir yönetim sistemidir. Bu sistemin temel amacı çiftçi, veteriner veya zooteknistlerin yerini almak değil, onların gözü kulağı olarak kendilerini desteklemektir. Hassas hayvancılık teknolojileri, sınırsız gözlem süresi sağlar, çünkü çiftçiler yorulur ve uyurlar fakat bilgisayarlar ve teknolojik cihazlar yorulmaz ve dinlenmeye ihtiyaç duymazlar. Birleşmiş Milletler Gıda ve Tarım Örgütü (FAO), tarım ve hayvancılık üretim sistemlerinde teknoloji çözümlerinin, 2050 yılına kadar beklenen 9,7 milyar nüfus için yeterli gıda tedarikini sağlamakta kilit rol oynayacağını belirtmiştir. Hassas hayvancılık teknolojilerinin, yoğun etlik piliç üretimi gerçekleştiren çiftçilerin çalışmalarında çok önemli ve olumlu bir etkiye sahip olacağı açıktır ve özellikle genç çiftçiler ve çiftçi adayları için ilgi çekici olabilir. Henüz ülkemizde etlik piliç üretimi ile uğraşan çiftçilerimiz tarafından yeterince bilinmeyen ve kullanılmayan bu yeni teknolojilerin, ülkemiz çiftçisinin ihtiyaçları doğrultusunda geliştirilerek hizmetlerine sunulması sürdürülebilir yoğun etlik piliç üretimi bakımından elzemdir. Bu nedenle, ülkemiz etlik piliç sektörünün daha fazla gelişmesi ve diğer dünya ülkeleri ile yarışabilmesi açısından hassas hayvancılık teknikleri uygulamaya dönüştürülmelidir. Ancak bu sadece, fizyoloji, zooloji ve teknoloji gibi farklı araştırma alanlarından oluşan ekipler olduğunda mümkündür. Tek kelime ile, bunu başarmak için, teknoloji bilimi ile hayvancılık bilimi iş birliği yapmalıdır!


  • Andrews, D. K. and N. G. Zimmerman. 1990. A Comparison of Energy Efficient Broiler House Lighting Sources and Photoperiods. Poultry Sci. 69:1471-1479.
  • Aydin, A., O. Cangar, S. Eren Ozcan, C. Bahr, D. Berckmans. (2010). Application of a fully automatic analysis tool to assess the activity of broiler chickens with different gait scores. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 73. (194-199).
  • Aydin, A., Pluk A., Leroy T., Berckmans D., Bahr C., 2013. "Automatic Identification Of Activity And Spatial Use Of Broiler Chickens With Different Gait Scores", Transactions Of The Asabe, vol.56, pp.1123-1132.
  • Aydin, A., Bahr, C., Viazzi, S., Exadaktylos, V. Berckmans, D. (2014). A novel method to automatically measure the feed intake of broiler chickens by sound technology. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 101, 17-23.
  • Aydin, A., Bahr, C., Berckmans, D. (2015a). A real-time monitoring tool to automatically measure the feed intakes of multiple broiler chickens by sound analysis. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. DOI: 10.1016/j.compag.2015.03.010.
  • Aydin A., Bahr, C. Beckmans, D. (2015b). "Automatic Classification Of Measures Of Lying To Assess The Lameness Of Broilers. ", Animal Welfare, vol.24, pp.16-25.
  • Aydin A., Berckmans D. (2016). Using sound technology to automatically detect the short term feeding behaviours of broiler chickens. Computers And Electronıcs In Agrıculture(121), 25-31.
  • Aydin A., (2017). Using 3D vision camera system to automatically assess the level of inactivity in broiler chickens. Computers And Electronıcs In Agrıculture(135), 4-10.
  • Aydin A., (2017). Development of an early detection system for lameness of broilersusing computer vision. Computers And Electronıcs In Agrıculture(136), 140-146.
  • Berckmans, 2004. “Automatic on line monitoring of animals by precision livestock farming”. In: Animal production in Europe : The way forward in a changing world. ISAH. Saint Malo, France.
  • Berckmans, 2013. “Precision Livestock Farming as a Tool to Improve the Welfare and Health of Farm Animals”. In: ISAH-China. Berg and Sanotra (2003). “Can a modified latency-to-lie test be used to validate gait-scoring results in commercial broiler flocks”. In: Animal Welfare 12.4, pp. 655–659.
  • Bradshaw, R. Kirkden, D. Broom, and Hester (2002). “A Review of the Aetiology and Pathology of Leg Weakness in Broilers in Relation toWelfare”.In: Avian and Poultry Biology Reviews 13.2, pp. 45–103.
  • Cao J, Liu W, Wang Z, Xie D and Chen Y (2008). Green and blue monochromatic lights promote growth and development of broilers via stimulating testosterone secretion and microfiber growth. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 17: 211-218.
  • Caplen G, Hothersall B, Murrell JC, Nicol CJ and Waterman Pearson AE 2012 Kinematic analysis quantifies gait abnormalities associated with lameness in broiler chickens and identifies evolutionary gait differences. PLoS One 7(7): e40800.
  • Cook, M. (July 2000). “Skeletal deformities and their causes: introduction”. In: Poult. Sci. 79.7, pp. 982–984.
  • Corr, S., M. Gentle, C. McCorquodale, and D. Bennett (2003). “The effect morphology on walking ability in the modern broiler: a gait analysis study”. In: Animal Welfare 12.2, pp. 159–171.
  • Daily, G.C., Dasgupta, P., Bolin, B., Crosson, P., du Guerny, J.,Ehrlich, P.R., Folke, C., Jansson, A.M., Jansson, B.-O., Kautsky,N., Kinzig, A., Levin, S., Ma¨ler, K.-G., Pinstrup-Andersen, P.,Siniscalco, D., Walker, B., 1998. Food production, populationgrowth, and the environment. Science 281, 1291–1292.
  • FAO, 2009. “The state of food and agriculture”. In: Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations.
  • Gates and Xin, 2008. “Extracting poultry behaviour from time-series weigh scale records”. In: Comput. Electron. Agric. 62.1, pp. 8–14. issn: 0168-1699.
  • Hulsey, M. and R. Martin (1991). “A system for automated recording and analysis of feeding behavior”. In: Physiology Behavior 50.2, pp. 403–408.
  • Kashiha, M., A. Pluk, C. Bahr, E. Vranken, and D. Berckmans. 2013. Development of an early warning system for a broiler house using computer vision. Biosystems Eng. 116:36–45.
  • Kestin, Knowles, Tinch, and Gregory (1992). “Prevalence of leg weakness in broiler chickens and its relationship with genotype.” In: Vet Rec 131.9, p. 190.
  • Kestin, 2001). “Relationships in broiler chickens between lameness live weigh growth rate and age”. In: Vet Rec 148.7, p. 195. Kutlu, H. and J. Forbes (2000). “Effects of environmental temperature and dietary ascorbic acid on the diurnal feeding pattern of broilers”. In: Turkish Journal of Veterinary Animal Sciences 24.5, pp. 479–491.
  • Laca and W. D. Vries (2000). “Acoustic measurement of intake and grazing behaviour of cattle”. In: Grass and Forage Science 55.2, pp. 97–104.
  • Milone, D.H., Rufiner, H.L., Galli, J.R., Laca, E.A., Cangiano, C.A., 2009. Computational method for segmentation and classification of ingestive sounds in sheep. Comput. Electron. Agric. 65 (2), 228–237.
  • Milone, D.H., Galli, J.R., Cangiano, C.A., Rufiner, H.L., Laca, E.A., 2012. Automatic recognition of ingestive sounds of cattle based on hidden Markov models. Comput. Electron. Agric. 87, 51–55.
  • Naas IA, Almeida Paz ICL and Baracho MS 2010 Assessing locomotion deficiency in broiler chicken. Scientia Agricola 67: 129-135.
  • Narinç, D., Aksoy, T., Önenç, A., _Ilaslan Çürek, D., 2015. The influence of body weight on carcass and carcass part yields, and some meat quality traits in fast- and slow-growing broiler chickens. Kafkas University 21 (4), 527–534.
  • Puma, H. Xin, R. Gates, and D. Burnham (2001). “An instrumentation system for studying feeding and drinking behaviour of individual poultry”. In: Applied Engineering in Agriculture 17.3, pp. 365–374.
  • Reiter, K., Bessei, W., 1997. Gait analysis in laying hens and broilers with and without leg disorders. Equine Vet. J. Suppl. 23, 110–112.
  • Reiter, K., 2002. Analysis of locomotion of laying hen and broiler. Archiv fur Geflugkunde 66, 133–140.
  • Rousing, T., M. Bonde, and J. T. Sorensen. 2000. Indicators for the assessment of animal welfare in a dairy cattle herd with a cubicle housing system. In Improving Health and Welfare in Animal Production, 37-44.
  • Rozenboim, I., I. Biran, Z. Uni, B. Robinzon, and O. Halevy. 1999. The effect of monochromatic light on broiler growth and development. Poult. Sci. 78:135–138.
  • Savory, C. and J. Mann (1999). “Stereotyped pecking after feeding by restrictedfed fowls is influenced by meal size”. In: Applied Animal Behaviour Science 62.23, pp. 209–217.
  • SCAHAW, 2000. The welfare of chickens kept for meat production (broilers). Report of the Scientific Committee on Animal Health and Animal Welfare (SCAHAW). Brussels, Belgium: European Commission, Health and Consumer Protection Directorate-General. Available at:
  • Sosnowka and Muchacka (2005). Effect of Management System on Behaviour and Productivity of Broiler Chickens. In: ISAH 2, p. 106.
  • Stover, K.K., Brainerd, E.L., Roberts, T.J., 2015. Supersize me: extreme body mass in domestic turkeys influences locomotor mechanics. Integr. Comp. Biol. 55, 180.
  • Vestergaard and Sanotra (1999). “Relationships Between Leg Disorders and Changes in the Behaviour of Broiler Chickens”. In: Veterinary Record 144.8, pp. 205–209.
  • Viazzi, S., Bahr, C., Van Hertem, T., Schlageter-Tello, A., Romanini, C.E.B., Halachmi, I., Lokhorst, C., Berckmans, D., 2014. Comparison of a three-dimensional and twodimensional camera system for automated measurement of back posture in dairy cows. Comput. Electron. Agric. 100, 139–147.
  • Weeks, T. Danbury, H. Davies, P. Hunt, and S. Kestin (2000). “The behaviour of broiler chickens and its modification by lameness”. In: Applied Animal Behaviour Science 67.12, pp. 111–125.
  • Xin, I. Berry, T. Barton, and G. Tabler (1993). “Feeding and Drinking Patterns of Broilers Subjected to Different Feeding and Lighting Programs”. In: The Journal of Applied Poultry Research 2.4, pp.365–372.
  • Xuyong, T., D. Shuxin, T. Lie, X. Hongwei, and W. Ben (Feb. 2011). “Original paper: A real-time automated system for monitoring individual feed intake and body weight of group housed turkeys”. In: Comput. Electron. Agric. 75.2.
  • Yo, T., M. Vilario, J. Faure, and M. Picard (1997). “Feed Pecking in Young Chickens: New Techniques of Evaluation”. In: Physiology Behavior 61.6, pp. 803–810.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Horticultural Production
Journal Section Reviews

Arda Aydın 0000-0001-9670-5061

Publication Date June 29, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Aydın, A. (2020). Etlik Piliç Üretiminde Hassas Hayvancılık Teknolojilerinin Önemi. Lapseki Meslek Yüksekokulu Uygulamalı Araştırmalar Dergisi, 1(1), 88-98.

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