Research Article
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Farklı Sulama Düzeylerinin Damla Sulama Yöntemi ile Sulanan Mısırın Kök Gelişimine Etkisi

Year 2021, Volume: 2 Issue: 4, 23 - 35, 31.12.2021



Bu çalışmanın amacı, farklı sulama düzeylerinin mısırın kök gelişimine olan etkisinin araştırılmasıdır. Deneme 2019 yılında ÇOMÜ ZF Dardanos Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezinde yürütülmüştür. Deneme, bölünmüş parseller deneme desenine göre 3 tekerrürlü olarak yürütülmüştür. Denemede 90 cm’lik toprak profilinde ölçülen eksik nem miktarının %100 (S1); %80 (S2); %60 (S3); %40 (S4); %0’ının (S5) sulama suyu olarak uygulandığı 5 sulama düzeyi vardır. Denemede konulara sırası ile 546 mm(S1); 455,6 mm(S2); 365,2 mm(S3); 274,8 mm(S4) ve 94 mm(S5) sulama suyu uygulanmıştır. Konularda gerçekleşen mevsimlik bitki su tüketimi 754,9 mm (S1); 671,71 mm (S2); 585,39 mm (S3); 519,44 mm (S4) ve 341,66 mm (S5) olmuştur. Sulama düzeylerinin toplam kök uzunlukları arasındaki fark istatistiki olarak önemsiz bulunmuştur (P=0,0762). Konularda en yüksek toplam kök uzunluğu 3177,12 cm/cm3 ile S4 ve en düşük 2085,84 cm/cm3 ile S2 konularında tespit edilmiştir. Konularda toplam kök yüzey alanlarının derinliğe göre farkları istastiksel olarak önemli bulunmuştur (P=0,0079). Ayrıca konularda derinliğe göre kök yüzey alanlarının dağılımı istatiksel olarak farklı bulunmuştur (P<0,0001). Konularda en yüksek toplam kök yüzey alanı 171,17 cm/cm3 ile S3 ve en düşük 91,42 cm/cm3 ile S1 konularında tespit edilmiştir.

Supporting Institution

Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi

Project Number

Proje ID: 2944; Proje Kodu: FYL-2019-2944


  • Kaynakça Abdel, C. G. 2015. Fibrousrootdimensions of fourradish (Raphanussativus L. var. sativus) cultivars grown in controlled cabinet sundervarying temperature sand irrigation levels. International Journal of FarmingandAlliedSciences, 4(3), 253-266.
  • Adiku, S.G.K, Ozier-Lafontaine, H., Bajazet, T., 2001. Patterns of root growt hand water uptake of a maize-cowpeamixture grown under green house conditions. Plant and Soil 235: 85–94.
  • Ali, S., Xu, Y., Ma, X., Ahmad, I., Jia, Q., Akmal, M., ... &Jia, Z., 2019. Deficit irrigation strategies to improve winter whea tproductivity and regulating root growt hunder different planting patterns. Agricultural Water Management, 219, 1-11.
  • Anderson, E.L., 1987. Cornroot growt hand distribution as influenced by tillage and nitrogen fertilization. Agron. J., 79, 544–549.
  • Asbjornsen, H., Mora, G., Helmers, M.J., 2007.Variation in water uptake Dynamics among contrasting agricultural and native plan tcommunities in theMidwestern U.S. Agriculture, Ecosystems& EnvironmentVolume 121, Issue 4, August 2007, Pages 343-356.
  • Bayrak F., 1979. Bafra Ovası Koşullarında Mısır Su Tüketimi, Topraksı Araştırma Enstitüsü, Yayın Genel No: 15, Rapor Seri No: 13, Samsun, Pp: 30.
  • Cavero, J., Farre, I., Debake, P., Faci, J., Playan, E., 2000. Simulation of maize yield under water stress with EPIC phase and CROPWAT in a semi arid climate. Agron J. 92, 679-690.
  • Çakır, R.,2004. Effect of Water Stress at Different Development Stages on Vegetative and Reproductive Growth of Corn. Field Crops Research , 89 (1): 1-16.
  • Chen, W., Hou, Z., Wu, L., Liang, Y., &Wei, C.,2010. Effects of salinity and nitrogen on cotton growth in arid environment. Plant and soil, 326(1), 61-73.
  • Dahlman, R.C., Kucera, C.L., 1965. Root productivity and turnover in nativeprairie. Ecology 46, 84–89.
  • Dehqanı, M., Emamzadeı, M.N., 2, Shahnazarı, A. Gheısarı, M., 2019. TheEffect of FurrowIrrigation Management onTerend of CornRootGrowth. İranianjournal of Soil and Water Resarch.Volüme 50, ISSUE 5, page 1255-1264.
  • Doorenbos J., Kassam A.H., 1979. Yield ResponsetoWater, FAO Irr. andDrain. Paper No:33, Rome, Italy. Pp: 193.
  • Feng, Q., Si, J., Li, J., Xi, H., 2008. Feature of root distribution of Populuseuphraticaand itswateruptake model in extremearidregion. Adv. Earth Sci. 23, 765–772.
  • Halli, H. M., Angadi, S., Kumar, A., Govindasamy, P., Madar, R., El-Ansary, D. O., ... &Elansary, H. O. 2021. Influence of Planting and Irrigation Levels as Physical Methods on Maize Root Morphological Traits, Grain Yield and Water Productivity in Semi-AridRegion. Agronomy, 11(2), 294.
  • Himmelbauer, M. L., Loiskandl, W., Kastanek, F., 2004. Estimating length, average diameter and surface area of root susing two different Image analyses systems. Plant and Soil 260: 111–120.
  • Hu, T., Kang, S., Li, F., Zhang, J., 2009. Effects of partia lroot-zone irrigation on the nitrogen absorption and utilization of maize. Agricultural Water Management 96(2): 208-214.
  • Jackson, R.B., Canadell, J., Ehleringer, J.R., Mooney, H.A., Sala, O.E., Schulze, E.D., 1996. A global analysis of root distributions forterrestrialbiomes. Oecologia 108, 389–411.
  • Khan, M.B.; Rafiq, R.; Hussain, M.; Farooq, M.; Jabran, K., 2012. Ridgesowingimproves rootsystem, phosphorus uptake, growt hand yield of maize (Zeamays L.) hybrids. Measurements, 22, 309–317.
  • Klepper, B., 1990. Rootgrowthandwateruptake. Irrigation of agriculturalcrops, Ed:Stewart, B.A., Neilsen, D.R. Madison, Wisconsin USA, Pp: 281–321.
  • Köksal H., 1995. Çukurova Koşullarında II. Ürün Mısır Bitkisi Su–Üretim Fonksiyonları ve Farklı Büyüme Modellerinin Yöreye Uygunluğunun Saptanması Üzerine Bir Araştırma, (Doktora Tezi) Ç.Ü. Fen. Bil. Ens. Tarımsal Yapılar ve Sulama Bölümü, Adana, Pp: 199.
  • Machado, R.M.A., Oliveira, M.R.G., 2003. Comparison of tomato root distributions by and destructive sampling, Plant and Soil 255: pp.375-385.
  • Mahgoub, N.A., Ibrahim, A.M.,. Ali, M.O. 2017. Effect of different irrigation systems on root growth of maize and cowpea plants in sandy soil. Eurasian J SoilSci (4) 374 – 37.
  • Materechera, S.A.; Mloza-Banda, H.R., 1997. Soil penetration resistance, root growt hand yield of maize as influenced by tillage system on ridges in Malawi. Soil Tillage Res., 41, 13–24.
  • Mehrabi, F., Sepaskhah, A.R., Ahmadi, S.H., 2021. Winter wheat root distribution with irrigation, planting methods, and nitrogen application. NutrCyclAgroecosyst (2021) 119:231–245.
  • Melhuish, F.M., Lang, A.R.G., A., 1969. New technique forestimating diameter, total lengt han dsurface area of roots grown in soil. In: Whittington, J. (Ed.), RootGrowth. Butterworths, London, pp. 397-398.
  • Min, W., Guo, H., Zhou, G., Zhang, W., Ma, L., Ye, J., &Hou, Z. (2014). Root distribution and growth of cotton as affected by drip irrigation with saline water. FieldCropsResearch, 169, 1-10.
  • Mitchell,W.H.; Sparks, D.L., 1982. Influence of subsurface irrigation and organic additions on top and root growth of fieldcorn. Agron. J., 74, 1084–10818.
  • Oliveira MRG, vanNoordwijk M, Gaze SR, Brouwer G, Bona S, Mosca G, Hairiah K., 2000. Augersampling, ingrowth coresandpinboard methods. In: Smit AL, Bengough AG, Engels C, vanNoordwijk M, Pellerin S, van de Geijn SC (eds) Root Methods: A Handbook. Springer, Berlin, p 587.
  • Özcan H., Ekinci H., Yüksel O., Kavdır Y., Kaptan H., 2004. Dardanos Yerleşkesi toprakları, ÇOMÜ Ziraat Fakültesi yayınları, No: 39. Çanakkale, 63s.
  • Sartori, G.M.S., De David, E.M.R., FernandoTeixeiraNicoloso, F.T., Schorr, M.R.W., AlbertoCargneluttiFilho, A.C., 2016. GabrielDonato, G., Growthanddevelopment of soybean roots according to planting management systems and irrigation in low land areas. CiênciaRural, Santa Maria, v.46, n.9, p.1572-1578, set.
  • Song, H.X., Li, S.X., 2006. Root function in nutrient uptake and soil water effect on NO3−-N and NH4+-N migration. Agricultural Sciences in China5(5): 377-383.
  • Sperry, J.S., Stiller, V., Hacke, U.G., 2002. Soi lwater uptake and water transport through root systems. In: Plant Roots: The Hidden Half. Waisel, Y., Eshel, A., Kafkafi, U. (Eds.). 3rd Edition, MarcelDekkerInc. New York, USA. pp. 1008-1040.
  • Statistical Analysis System (SAS),.1987. SAS V 8.2. SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC 27513-2414, USA.
  • Wang, P., Song, X., Han, D., Zhang, Y., Liu, X., 2010. A study of rootwateruptake of cropsindicatedbyhydrogenandoxygenstableisotopes: A case in ShanxiProvince, ChinaAgriculturalWater Management 97 (2010) 475–482.
  • Yang, C.H., Chai,Q., Huang, G.B. 2010. Root distribution and yield responses of wheat/maize intercropping to alternate irrigation in the aridareas of northwestChina. Plant, Soiland Environment . 56, 2010 (6): 253–262.
  • Yavuz, M.Y., Çakır, R., Kavdır, Y., Bahar, E., Deveciler, M. 2009. Tekil Lateral Tekniği ile Uygulanan FarklıSu Düzeylerinin Mısır Bitkisinin Verimi ve Kök Dağılımı Üzerine Etkileri. I. Ulusal Sulama ve Tarımsal Yapılar SempozyumuKahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi, Kahramanmaraş 27-29.
  • Yavuz, M.Y., R. Çakir, Y. Kavdir, M. Deveciler and E. Bahar, 2012. Irrigation water management for sprinkler irrigated cornusing rooting data obtained by the minirhizotron technique. Int. J. Agric. Biol., 14: 11–19.
  • Yazar, A., Sezen, S., Gencel, B.,2002. Drip irrigation of corn in the Southeast Anotolia Project (GAP) area in Turkey. Irrg-Drain. 51, 293-300.
  • Wang, X., Yun, J., Shi, P., Li, Z., Li, P., &Xing, Y. (2019). Rootgrowth, fruit yield and water use efficiency of grenhouse grown tomato under different irrigation regimes and nitrogen levels. Journal of PlantGrowthRegulation, 38(2), 400-415.
  • WİESLER, F., Horst, W.J., Root growth of maize cultivars under field conditions as studied by the core and method and relationships to shoot growth, Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenernahrunng und Bodenkunde. 157: 5, 351-358, (1994).

The Effect of Different Irrigation Levels on Root Growth of Corn Irrigated by Drip Irrigation Method

Year 2021, Volume: 2 Issue: 4, 23 - 35, 31.12.2021



The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of different irrigation levels on the root growth of maize. The trial was carried out at ÇOMÜ ZF Dardanos Researc hand Application Center in 2019. The experiment was carried out according to the split-plot design with three replications. The treatment sincluded five irrigation levels which provided 100%(S1), 80%(S2), 60%(S3), 40%(S4), and 0%(S5) of the missing moisture as irrigation water as determined by the measurements in the 90-cm soil profile. The amounts of water given to the plotsbased on the treatments were 546 mm(S1), 455.6 mm(S2), 365.2 mm(S3), 274.8 mm(S4), and 94 mm(S5), respectively. The difference among irrigation levels for the total root length was statistically insignificant (P=0.0762). The highest total root length was found in S4 with 3177.12 cm/cm3 and the lowest in S2 with 2085.84 cm/cm3. The differences in the total root surface areas of the subjects according to the depth were found to be statistically significant (P=0.0079). Similarly, the distribution of root surface areas according to the depth was found to be statisticallydifferent (P<0.0001). The highest total root surface area was found in S3 with 171.17 cm/cm3 and the lowest in S1 with 91.42 cm/cm3.

Project Number

Proje ID: 2944; Proje Kodu: FYL-2019-2944


  • Kaynakça Abdel, C. G. 2015. Fibrousrootdimensions of fourradish (Raphanussativus L. var. sativus) cultivars grown in controlled cabinet sundervarying temperature sand irrigation levels. International Journal of FarmingandAlliedSciences, 4(3), 253-266.
  • Adiku, S.G.K, Ozier-Lafontaine, H., Bajazet, T., 2001. Patterns of root growt hand water uptake of a maize-cowpeamixture grown under green house conditions. Plant and Soil 235: 85–94.
  • Ali, S., Xu, Y., Ma, X., Ahmad, I., Jia, Q., Akmal, M., ... &Jia, Z., 2019. Deficit irrigation strategies to improve winter whea tproductivity and regulating root growt hunder different planting patterns. Agricultural Water Management, 219, 1-11.
  • Anderson, E.L., 1987. Cornroot growt hand distribution as influenced by tillage and nitrogen fertilization. Agron. J., 79, 544–549.
  • Asbjornsen, H., Mora, G., Helmers, M.J., 2007.Variation in water uptake Dynamics among contrasting agricultural and native plan tcommunities in theMidwestern U.S. Agriculture, Ecosystems& EnvironmentVolume 121, Issue 4, August 2007, Pages 343-356.
  • Bayrak F., 1979. Bafra Ovası Koşullarında Mısır Su Tüketimi, Topraksı Araştırma Enstitüsü, Yayın Genel No: 15, Rapor Seri No: 13, Samsun, Pp: 30.
  • Cavero, J., Farre, I., Debake, P., Faci, J., Playan, E., 2000. Simulation of maize yield under water stress with EPIC phase and CROPWAT in a semi arid climate. Agron J. 92, 679-690.
  • Çakır, R.,2004. Effect of Water Stress at Different Development Stages on Vegetative and Reproductive Growth of Corn. Field Crops Research , 89 (1): 1-16.
  • Chen, W., Hou, Z., Wu, L., Liang, Y., &Wei, C.,2010. Effects of salinity and nitrogen on cotton growth in arid environment. Plant and soil, 326(1), 61-73.
  • Dahlman, R.C., Kucera, C.L., 1965. Root productivity and turnover in nativeprairie. Ecology 46, 84–89.
  • Dehqanı, M., Emamzadeı, M.N., 2, Shahnazarı, A. Gheısarı, M., 2019. TheEffect of FurrowIrrigation Management onTerend of CornRootGrowth. İranianjournal of Soil and Water Resarch.Volüme 50, ISSUE 5, page 1255-1264.
  • Doorenbos J., Kassam A.H., 1979. Yield ResponsetoWater, FAO Irr. andDrain. Paper No:33, Rome, Italy. Pp: 193.
  • Feng, Q., Si, J., Li, J., Xi, H., 2008. Feature of root distribution of Populuseuphraticaand itswateruptake model in extremearidregion. Adv. Earth Sci. 23, 765–772.
  • Halli, H. M., Angadi, S., Kumar, A., Govindasamy, P., Madar, R., El-Ansary, D. O., ... &Elansary, H. O. 2021. Influence of Planting and Irrigation Levels as Physical Methods on Maize Root Morphological Traits, Grain Yield and Water Productivity in Semi-AridRegion. Agronomy, 11(2), 294.
  • Himmelbauer, M. L., Loiskandl, W., Kastanek, F., 2004. Estimating length, average diameter and surface area of root susing two different Image analyses systems. Plant and Soil 260: 111–120.
  • Hu, T., Kang, S., Li, F., Zhang, J., 2009. Effects of partia lroot-zone irrigation on the nitrogen absorption and utilization of maize. Agricultural Water Management 96(2): 208-214.
  • Jackson, R.B., Canadell, J., Ehleringer, J.R., Mooney, H.A., Sala, O.E., Schulze, E.D., 1996. A global analysis of root distributions forterrestrialbiomes. Oecologia 108, 389–411.
  • Khan, M.B.; Rafiq, R.; Hussain, M.; Farooq, M.; Jabran, K., 2012. Ridgesowingimproves rootsystem, phosphorus uptake, growt hand yield of maize (Zeamays L.) hybrids. Measurements, 22, 309–317.
  • Klepper, B., 1990. Rootgrowthandwateruptake. Irrigation of agriculturalcrops, Ed:Stewart, B.A., Neilsen, D.R. Madison, Wisconsin USA, Pp: 281–321.
  • Köksal H., 1995. Çukurova Koşullarında II. Ürün Mısır Bitkisi Su–Üretim Fonksiyonları ve Farklı Büyüme Modellerinin Yöreye Uygunluğunun Saptanması Üzerine Bir Araştırma, (Doktora Tezi) Ç.Ü. Fen. Bil. Ens. Tarımsal Yapılar ve Sulama Bölümü, Adana, Pp: 199.
  • Machado, R.M.A., Oliveira, M.R.G., 2003. Comparison of tomato root distributions by and destructive sampling, Plant and Soil 255: pp.375-385.
  • Mahgoub, N.A., Ibrahim, A.M.,. Ali, M.O. 2017. Effect of different irrigation systems on root growth of maize and cowpea plants in sandy soil. Eurasian J SoilSci (4) 374 – 37.
  • Materechera, S.A.; Mloza-Banda, H.R., 1997. Soil penetration resistance, root growt hand yield of maize as influenced by tillage system on ridges in Malawi. Soil Tillage Res., 41, 13–24.
  • Mehrabi, F., Sepaskhah, A.R., Ahmadi, S.H., 2021. Winter wheat root distribution with irrigation, planting methods, and nitrogen application. NutrCyclAgroecosyst (2021) 119:231–245.
  • Melhuish, F.M., Lang, A.R.G., A., 1969. New technique forestimating diameter, total lengt han dsurface area of roots grown in soil. In: Whittington, J. (Ed.), RootGrowth. Butterworths, London, pp. 397-398.
  • Min, W., Guo, H., Zhou, G., Zhang, W., Ma, L., Ye, J., &Hou, Z. (2014). Root distribution and growth of cotton as affected by drip irrigation with saline water. FieldCropsResearch, 169, 1-10.
  • Mitchell,W.H.; Sparks, D.L., 1982. Influence of subsurface irrigation and organic additions on top and root growth of fieldcorn. Agron. J., 74, 1084–10818.
  • Oliveira MRG, vanNoordwijk M, Gaze SR, Brouwer G, Bona S, Mosca G, Hairiah K., 2000. Augersampling, ingrowth coresandpinboard methods. In: Smit AL, Bengough AG, Engels C, vanNoordwijk M, Pellerin S, van de Geijn SC (eds) Root Methods: A Handbook. Springer, Berlin, p 587.
  • Özcan H., Ekinci H., Yüksel O., Kavdır Y., Kaptan H., 2004. Dardanos Yerleşkesi toprakları, ÇOMÜ Ziraat Fakültesi yayınları, No: 39. Çanakkale, 63s.
  • Sartori, G.M.S., De David, E.M.R., FernandoTeixeiraNicoloso, F.T., Schorr, M.R.W., AlbertoCargneluttiFilho, A.C., 2016. GabrielDonato, G., Growthanddevelopment of soybean roots according to planting management systems and irrigation in low land areas. CiênciaRural, Santa Maria, v.46, n.9, p.1572-1578, set.
  • Song, H.X., Li, S.X., 2006. Root function in nutrient uptake and soil water effect on NO3−-N and NH4+-N migration. Agricultural Sciences in China5(5): 377-383.
  • Sperry, J.S., Stiller, V., Hacke, U.G., 2002. Soi lwater uptake and water transport through root systems. In: Plant Roots: The Hidden Half. Waisel, Y., Eshel, A., Kafkafi, U. (Eds.). 3rd Edition, MarcelDekkerInc. New York, USA. pp. 1008-1040.
  • Statistical Analysis System (SAS),.1987. SAS V 8.2. SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC 27513-2414, USA.
  • Wang, P., Song, X., Han, D., Zhang, Y., Liu, X., 2010. A study of rootwateruptake of cropsindicatedbyhydrogenandoxygenstableisotopes: A case in ShanxiProvince, ChinaAgriculturalWater Management 97 (2010) 475–482.
  • Yang, C.H., Chai,Q., Huang, G.B. 2010. Root distribution and yield responses of wheat/maize intercropping to alternate irrigation in the aridareas of northwestChina. Plant, Soiland Environment . 56, 2010 (6): 253–262.
  • Yavuz, M.Y., Çakır, R., Kavdır, Y., Bahar, E., Deveciler, M. 2009. Tekil Lateral Tekniği ile Uygulanan FarklıSu Düzeylerinin Mısır Bitkisinin Verimi ve Kök Dağılımı Üzerine Etkileri. I. Ulusal Sulama ve Tarımsal Yapılar SempozyumuKahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi, Kahramanmaraş 27-29.
  • Yavuz, M.Y., R. Çakir, Y. Kavdir, M. Deveciler and E. Bahar, 2012. Irrigation water management for sprinkler irrigated cornusing rooting data obtained by the minirhizotron technique. Int. J. Agric. Biol., 14: 11–19.
  • Yazar, A., Sezen, S., Gencel, B.,2002. Drip irrigation of corn in the Southeast Anotolia Project (GAP) area in Turkey. Irrg-Drain. 51, 293-300.
  • Wang, X., Yun, J., Shi, P., Li, Z., Li, P., &Xing, Y. (2019). Rootgrowth, fruit yield and water use efficiency of grenhouse grown tomato under different irrigation regimes and nitrogen levels. Journal of PlantGrowthRegulation, 38(2), 400-415.
  • WİESLER, F., Horst, W.J., Root growth of maize cultivars under field conditions as studied by the core and method and relationships to shoot growth, Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenernahrunng und Bodenkunde. 157: 5, 351-358, (1994).
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Soil Sciences and Ecology
Journal Section Research Articles

Meryem Gül This is me 0000-0002-1152-8615

Muharrem Yetiş Yavuz 0000-0002-1607-3189

Project Number Proje ID: 2944; Proje Kodu: FYL-2019-2944
Publication Date December 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 2 Issue: 4


APA Gül, M., & Yavuz, M. Y. (2021). Farklı Sulama Düzeylerinin Damla Sulama Yöntemi ile Sulanan Mısırın Kök Gelişimine Etkisi. Lapseki Meslek Yüksekokulu Uygulamalı Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2(4), 23-35.

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