Issue: 5, 6/30/22

Year: 2022
Archaeology, Archaic Period Archeology, Ceramics in Archeology, Hellenistic Period Archeology, Urban Archeology, Classical Period Archeology, Habitat Archeology, Greek and Roman Period Archeology
Archaeology, Urban Archeology, Classical Period Archeology
Ceramics in Archeology, Hellenistic Period Archeology, Urban Archeology, Classical Period Archeology, Greek and Roman Period Archeology
Prof. Dr. Bilal SÖĞÜT Pamukkale Üniversitesi
Archaeological Science, Hellenistic Period Archeology, Urban Archeology, Classical Period Archeology, Habitat Archeology
Art History

The Lycus Journal, published twice a year, in June and December, is a double blind peer-review scientific open-access e-journal. The Lycus Journal aims to publish interdisciplinary studies covering the areas such as Anatolian archaeology above all, ancient historical geography, prehistory, protohistory, Near Eastern and classical archaeology, museology, ancient history, epigraphy, numismatics, anthropology, archaeometry, conservation-restoration, architectural history.

The Lycus Journal covers scientific studies in Anatolian archaeology and historical geography from the prehistory through the present encompassing cultural properties, finds, results of archaeological excavations and surveys, restoration, conservation, museology, anthropology, epigraphy, and ethno-archaeology. In addition, articles covering first-time attestations, implementations and analyses are included.

1. The manuscripts need to be submitted in MS Word using Times New Roman font. Apart from citations in Greek, the entire text needs to comprise a single font.
2. The main text must be 11 pt; abstract, footnotes and catalogues 9 pt; bibliography 10 pt in size and single line spacing.
3. The document needs to be arranged as A4 in size with margins of 3 cm from top and left and 2 cm from right and bottom.
4. The main title needs to be 11 pt, bold, centred, with initials of each word capitalized, in the language of the manuscript. The title in foreign language needs to be in the net line after the main title, 11 pt, bold, centred, with initials of each word capitalized, and all in italics.
5. The name(s) of the author(s) need to be 10 pt, bold and centred. The names need to elaborated in a footnote marked with an (*). The footnote needs to state the academic title of the person, his/her affiliation’s name and address, e-mail address and ORC-ID number.
6. After the author-name(s) must come the abstract, not less than 150 and not more than 200 words. The abstract needs to state the aim, scope and results of the study briefly. Under the abstract, the keywords– minimum four and maximum six – must be listed. Non-Turkish articles need to have abstract in the language of the article and Turkish; articles in Turkish need to provide abstracts in Turkish and English.
7. Footnotes need to be given at the bottom of each page and continue uninterruptedly from the beginning through the end.
8. Titles of sub-chapters need to be 11 pt in size, bold, and initials of each word capitalized.
9. The entire manuscript must not exceed 40 pages including abstracts, bibliography and plates/figures. Page numbers must be inserted in the centre at the bottom. Manuscripts exceeding these limits are subject to the decision of the editors.
10. Artwork such as photographs, illustrations, images and maps to be used in the manuscript need to be indicated as “Fig.” with continuous numbering. When they are referred to in the text they must be given within parentheses. When more than two consecutive figures are referred, they need to be joined with a dash without spaces (i.e. Figs. 2-4). The images must be submitted minimum 300 dpi and in JPEG format. Figure list must be also given at the end of the text before the bibliography.
11. The bibliography must be given at the end of the manuscript. It is followed by the figures/plates, if applicable.
12. Manuscripts are evaluated on the basis of double blind peer reviews proposed by the editors; in case necessary, a third blind peer review may be asked. Independent of the author’s actual identity, revisions and opinions of the referees are forwarded to the author(s). Manuscripts not abiding by the guidelines will be returned without any processing. The author(s) is/are considered to have committed to do the revisions, changes and additions proposed by the referees.
13. Scientific liability of published articles rests on the author(s). These studies do not necessarily represent the opinion of the Lycus Journal directly or indirectly.
14. Footnote references must be prepared as follows:
Single author reference: İnan 1987, 121.
Two-author reference: Şimşek – Duman 2007, 75.
Multiple-author reference: Hobbs et al. 1998, 358.
Multiple source referencing: Kadıoğlu 2006, 152; Ismaelli 2009, 25.
Author with multiple surnames: Dönmez-Öztürk 2006, 95.
N.B. References in the footnotes must have clearly designated page numbers; abbreviations such as “ff.” must not be used.
15. Bibliography must be prepared as follows:
● Books:
Bailey 1980
D. M. Bailey, Roman Lamps Made in Italy, A Catalogue of the Lamps in the British Museum II, London, 1980.
Demirhan-Erdemir 2015
A. Demirhan Erdemir, Prehistorik ve İlk Çağlarda Tıp, İstanbul, 2015.
Humann v.d. 1898
C. Humann – C. Cichorius – W. Judeich – F. Winter, Altertümer von Hierapolis, Berlin, 1898.
● Translated works:
Deighton 2005
H. J. Deighton, Eski Atina Yaşantısında Bir Gün, Transl. by H. Kökten-Ersoy, Istanbul, 2005.
Magie 2001
D. Magie, Anadolu’da Romalılar I, Attalos’un Vasiyeti, Transl. by N. Başgelen – Ö. Çapar, Istanbul, 2001.
● Referencing chapters in edited works:
Atila – Gürler 2010
C. Atila – B. Gürler, “Bergama Müzesi’nde Bulunan Roma Dönemi Cam Eserleri”, Metropolis İonia II Yolların Kesiştiği Yer Recep Meriç İçin Yazılar / The Land of the Crossroads Essays in Honour of Recep Meriç, Eds. S. Aybek – A. K. Öz, Istanbul, 2010, 47-53.
● Articles in periodicals or periodic series:
Başaran 1990
S. Başaran, “1988 Yılı Enez Kazısı Çalışmaları”, 11. Kazı Sonuçları Toplantısı, vol. 2, Ankara, 1990, 107-123.
Kaya 2009
M. A. Kaya, “Anadolu’da Roma Egemenliği (İÖ 205-25)”, Doğu Batı Dergisi 49, Ankara, 2009, 195-234.
Murat 2003
L. Murat, “Ammihanta Ritüelinde Hastalıklar ve Tedavi Yöntemleri”, Archivum Anatolicum 4/2, 2003, 89-109.
Şimşek – Duman 2007
C. Şimşek – B. Duman, “Laodikeia’da Bulunan Ampullalar”, Olba XV, 2007, 73-101.
● Referencing unpublished dissertations:
Söğüt 1998
B. Söğüt, Kilikya Bölgesi’ndeki Roma İmparatorluk Çağı Tapınakları, Selçuk University, Institute of Social Sciences, unpublished PhD dissertation, Konya, 1998.
Erön 2007
A. Erön, Anadolu’da Roma Dönemi Tapınaklarında Görülen Bezemeli Frizler, Adnan Menderes University, Institute of Social Sciences, unpublished master’s dissertation, Aydın, 2007.
● Referencing ancient sources:
Citations from ancient sources must be given within parentheses within the text – not in the footnote: (Pliny, nat. his. V.105), (Strabo, XII.8.16). Terms or short sentences in ancient languages cited within the text or footnotes must be given in italics. Ancient sources must be abbreviated according to the standards of Der Neue Pauly.
16. In case multiple sources of an author published in the same year are to be cited in the footnote or bibliography, they must be disambiguated by adding a small case letter in alphabetical order after the year (e.g. Şimşek 2002a, 3; Şimşek 2002b, 231).
17. Manuscripts must be submitted via; yet, in case of difficulties, manuscript may be submitted to the e-mail address.

Lycus Dergisi
Pamukkale Üniversitesi
Arkeoloji Enstitüsü
20070 Kınıklı Kampüsü/Denizli, Turkey
Fax: +90 258 296 3535


The scope of studies submitted for publication to the Lycus Journal, the periodical of the Archaeological Institute of Pamukkale University, must comply with the aim and scope of the journal. Lycus Journal prioritizes publishing studies, which are “authentic research” in their fields. Lycus Journal adopts open access policy. Contents are directly published open access without any charges and electronically.
Lycus Journal is committed to apply the publishing ethics at the highest standards and publish in accordance with the standards developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and Council of Science Editors (CSE). Lycus Journal expects that all stakeholders fulfil their ethical liabilities.
Manuscripts submitted to Lycus Journal must not be already published elsewhere and must not be in the process of evaluation by another publication. In case the manuscript submitted was derived from undergraduate, master’s or doctoral dissertation of the author or it was already presented at a scientific congress/meeting this must be explicitly stated with a footnote inserted to the title. Such works may be accepted on the condition that place and date be stated if the publishing committee approves.
The entire process from the submission to the publishing stage is carried out electronically ( Any manuscript uploaded to the electronic system is considered an application for publishing and the evaluation process starts.

Copyright and Permissions: Authors transfer the copyright of their work to the Lycus Journal published by the Institute of Archaeology of Pamukkale University. Copyright of studies published in the Lycus Journal belongs to Lycus Journal and they cannot be transferred or copied elsewhere without giving reference, or cannot be published elsewhere without getting prior written consent of the Journal administration. Authors are not charged any fees for publication and are not paid any royalty for their published studies. Any scientific, ethical or judicial liabilities possible to arise from articles published in the Lycus Journal belong to the author(s). The Journal does not accept any such liability. The contents of all studies published in Lycus Journal are open access for the Journal follows open access policy. All the authors of manuscripts admitted for publication must fill in the COPYRIGHT TRANSFER FORM and send us the wet-ink signature copy. The articles of authors who have not submitted their Copyright Transfer Form shall not be published.
Within the frame of ethical rules, studies requiring a permission from the Board of Ethics are as follows:
All types of researches requiring data collection from participants via polls, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment and meeting techniques and implemented using qualitative and quantitative approaches, exploitation of humans and animals (including materials/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes, clinic researches conducted on humans, studies on animals, retrospective studies according to the Law for the Protection of Personal Data.

DOI Number: Digital Object Identifier (DOI) allows identification and access to a copy of studies published on electronic media. Studies submitted to and admitted by Lycus Journal are assigned a DOI number, thus securing the study’s official information in electronic media.

Check against Plagiarism: All studies submitted to Lycus Journal are taken into consideration together with a check report against plagiarism (Turnitin). The study is checked for plagiarism and a report is prepared. Maximum parallelism allowed is 20%. Studies with a report level below is admitted for publication. Studies with a level over are scrutinized by the Editors and may be rejected depending on the situation.

Protection of Personal Data: Studies submitted to Lycus Journal are under the assurance of the Law for the Protection of Personal Data. No information regarding the authors or referees are shared with third parties.

Access Policy and Charges: Lycus Journal is a non-profit journal adopting open access policy. Contents admitted are published directly open access without any charges. Users may read, save, print and relink to them on the condition that they cite properly, without any prior permission. No fees are charged for submission, evaluation and publishing processes of the articles. Furthermore, Lycus Journal is not involved in any sponsorship and advertisement proposals.

Article Evaluation Process: Evaluation process starts as soon as the manuscript is uploaded to the Dergipark system of the journal. The Journal Secretary assigns an editor for the manuscript. When the editor receives the manuscripts, he/she assigns referees with expertise on the topic and sends the manuscripts to them, thus starting the evaluation process. Editors make sure that the manuscripts are evaluated within the optimal time frame. When referee evaluations are completed, the manuscripts are returned to the authors, who are expected to fulfil as soon as possible the corrections and suggestions in referee forms and relevant files. Revised manuscripts are investigated by the Editors and those admitted for publication are sent for page layout. Articles with layout completed are sent to the authors for a final check and their approval will complete the publication process. Manuscripts admitted through the peer review process may be kept in the pool for the next issue in case there is an excess number of articles for the concerned issue. Priority is determined by the Editors according to the articles’ submission dates and their quality.

Ethical Responsibilities of the Editors
The Editors are responsible for each manuscript submitted to the Lycus Journal. The Editors reserve the right to admit or reject the manuscripts submitted. The Editors determine and put into practice the journal policies such as the evaluation process, blind peer review and ethical principles. The Editors are responsible for assuring that each manuscript is evaluated at least by two blind peers and that all records of each article is kept in electronic media. The Editors check that the manuscripts submitted conform to the aim and scope of the journal, that they are authentic and shall contribute to the scientific world and that they conform to the journal’s style guide. The Editors find blind peer referees with expertise on the topic of the studies submitted and assure that they are evaluated objectively and within the established process frame. The Editors protect the intellectual property right of the manuscripts. The Editors pay utmost attention that the issue published shall contribute to the readers, researchers, and academia and scientific field as well as that it is of authentic quality. The Editors adopt the ethical duties and liabilities developed by the Council of Science Editors (CSE).

Evaluation Process and Ethical Responsibilities of the Referees
The referees assist the editors during the decision and publishing process and assist the authors to improve their manuscripts pointing to the completion of missing works, sources, citations and rules. Manuscripts submitted to Lycus Journal are evaluated based on two-way blind peer review in which neither the referees nor the authors know the identity of the other party. Author(s) cannot get in direct communication with the referees. All manuscripts submitted are considered confidential. This is valid also for the referees who decline the evaluation invitation. At least two positive referee assessments are required for a manuscript to be published. Evaluation forms and files from the blind peer review process are sent to the authors by the Editors. The manuscripts evaluated by referees must be within their fields of expertise. The referees must evaluate a manuscript objectively and in confidentiality. In case the referees attest any conflict or unity of interests, they need to reject that manuscript and inform the Editors. The referee evaluations must be constructive, polite and respectful, composed in a scientific style, and not contain any adverse, subjective and insulting comments. The referees need to fill the evaluation form and, if applicable, the comments need to be clearly expressed. The referees state their decisions for publishability of the manuscript and their reasons for the decision in the evaluation form. The manuscripts sent to the referees must be evaluated within the designated time frame.

Ethical Responsibilities of the Authors
Manuscripts submitted to Lycus Journal must not be already published elsewhere and must not be in the process of evaluation by another publication. The manuscripts submitted by the authors must be authentic. In case the manuscript submitted was derived from undergraduate, master’s or doctoral dissertation of the author or it was already presented at a scientific congress/meeting this must be explicitly stated with a footnote inserted to the title. Such works may be accepted on the condition that place and date be stated if the Editors approve. The study submitted must be entirely authentic, and quotations from other works must be cited appropriately. Anyone with no contribution to the study must not be listed as an author; only those with a contribution (e.g., design, implementation, data collection and analyses) to the study must be listed as an author. In studies with a support, concerned people and institutions must be referred to. The authors are obliged to partake in the peer review process. In case a revision is asked by the referees, the authors are responsible for revising their manuscripts systematically as per the comments by the referees by the deadline. In case the authors discover important mistakes and fallacies in their own manuscripts they are liable to inform the Editors and publishers right away. The manuscripts submitted to the Journal must be prepared in accordance with the Journal’s guidelines. The publishing sub-committee is authorized not to publish or return for correction to the author(s) the manuscripts not conforming to the guidelines. All the authors of manuscripts admitted for publication must fill in the COPYRIGHT TRANSFER FORM and send the undersigned copy. After the manuscript is submitted to the Lycus Journal, the author names must be used as designated in the Copyright Transfer Form; they cannot be altered, changed in order or a new name inserted or one deleted. Any scientific, ethical or judicial liabilities possible to arise from articles published in the Lycus Journal belong to the author(s). The Journal does not accept any such liability.

Lycus Journal is a non-profit journal adopting open access policy. Contents admitted are published directly open access without any charges. Users may read, save, print and relink to them on the condition that they cite properly, without any prior permission. No fees are charged for submission, evaluation and publishing processes of the articles. Furthermore, Lycus Journal is not involved in any sponsorship and advertisement proposals.

Lycus Dergisi, Anadolu Arkeolojisi, Tarihi Coğrafyası olmak üzere Prehistorik Dönem’den başlayarak, günümüze kadar olan kültür mirası, buluntular, arkeolojik kazı ve yüzey araştırmalarının sonuçları, restorasyon, konservasyon, müzecilik, antropoloji, epigrafi, etno-arkeoloji gibi bilimsel çalışmaları kapsar. Bunların dışında ilk defa yapılan tespitler, uygulamalar ve analiz çalışmalarının yer aldığı yazıları içerir.