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Year 2023, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 109 - 126, 20.11.2023


Gelişen teknoloji ile binalarda karkas sistemlere yönelinmesi, yığma sisteme göre daha ince kesitli bina cephelerinin inşa edilebilmesine olanak sağlamıştır. Ancak bu durum, masif malzemelerin termal kütle özelliklerinden ödün verilmesi neticesinde ısıl konforda ve akabinde enerji verimliliğinde düşüşe neden olabilmektedir. Faz değiştiren malzemeler (FDM), sabit sıcaklıklarda ve taş, tuğla gibi duyulur ısı depolama ile çalışan malzemelere oranla daha düşük hacimlerde çok daha fazla miktardaki ısıyı bünyesinde depolayabilen malzemelerdir. Yapı kabuğunda bu tür malzemelerden yararlanılması, kullanıcı konforunu artırarak aktif sistemlere olan bağımlılığın düşürülmesini sağlayabilir.
Bu çalışma, FDM’nin bir yapının yaşam döngüsünü oluşturan tedarik, üretim, nakliyat, kullanım, bakım-onarım ve atık evreleri boyunca ekonomik, ekolojik ve sosyal sürdürülebilirlik kavramları çerçevesinde literatürdeki çalışmalar üzerinden incelenmesini amaçlamaktadır. Bu tür malzemelerin her bir aşamada sunduğu avantajlar ve geliştirilmesi gereken yönler karşılaştırılmalı olarak incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak FDM, enerji performansının yüksek olması, termal konfora katkı sunması ve atık malzeme kullanımına imkân sağlaması gibi özellikleri ile öne çıkmaktadır. Ancak yatırım maliyetlerinin yüksek olması, toksik özellik gösterebilmeleri ve üzerine çalışılması gereken standardizasyon problemleri ile geri planda kalmakta ve bu nedenle binalarda enerji verimliliğinin sağlanmasında halen yaygın olarak kullanım imkânı bulamamaktadırlar.


  • Aditya, L., & Mahlia, T.M.I., & Rismanchi, B., & Ng, H.M., & Hasan, M.H., & Metselaar, H.S.C., & Muraza, O., & Aditiya, H.B. (2017). A review on insulation materials for energy conservation in buildings, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 73, 1352-1365.
  • Alam, M., & Jamil, H., & Sanjayan, J., & Wilson, J. (2014). Energy saving potential of phase change materials in major Australian cities, Energy and Buildings, 78, 192-201.
  • Amoatey, P., & Al-Jabri, K., & Al-Saadi, S. (2022). Influence of phase change materials on thermal comfort, greenhouse gas emissions, and potential indoor air quality issues across different climatic regions: A critical review, Int J Energy Res., 46(15), 22386-22420.
  • Ascione, F., & Bianco, N., & Masi, R.F., & Mastellone, M., & Vanoli, G.P. (2019). Phase change materials for reducing cooling energy demand and improving indoor comfort: a step-by-step retrofit of a Mediterranean educational building, Energies, 12.
  • Aydın, A.A. (2010). Faz Değişim Malzemeleri ve Isı Enerjisinin Depolanması (Doktora Tezi), İstanbul Sanayi Odası, 29.
  • Bagazi, M.S., & Melaibari, A.A., & Khoshaim, A.B., & Abu-Hamdeh, N.H., & Alsaiari, A.O., & Abulkhair, H. (2021). Using phase change materials (PCMs) in a hot and humid climate to reduce heat gain and energy consumption, Sustainability, 13(19), 10965.
  • Baniassadi, A., & Sajadi, B., & Amidpour, M., & Noori, N. (2016). Economic optimization of PCM and insulation layer thickness in residential buildings, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 14:92-99.
  • Barber, D. (2016). A House in The Sun: Modern Architecture and Solar Energy in The Cold War, Oxford University Press.
  • Barzin, R., & Chen, J.J.J., & Young, B.R., & Farid, M.M. (2015). Application of PCM energy storage in combination with night ventilation for space cooling, Applied Energy, 412-421.
  • Bjorn, A., & Owsianiak, M., & Molin, C., & Hauschild, M.Z. (2018). LCA History, Springer International Publishing.
  • Blankendaal, T., & Schuur, P., & Voordijk, H. (2014). Reducing the environmental impact of concrete and asphalt: A scenario approach, Journal of Cleaner Production, 66, 27–36.
  • Bohorquez-Ordenes, J., & Tapia-Calderon, A., & Vasco, D.A., & Estuardo-Flores, O., & Haddad, A.N. (2021). Methodology to reduce cooling energy consumption by incorporating PCM envelopes: A case study of a dwelling in Chile, Building and Environment, 206, 108373.
  • Bribian, I.Z., & Capilla, A.V., & Uson, A.A. (2010). Life cycle assessment of building materials: Comparative analysis of energy and environmental impacts and evaluation of the eco efficiency improvement potential, Building and Environment, 46, 1133-1140.
  • Canım, D.S., & Kalfa, S.M. (2021). Faz değiştiren malzemelerin bina kabuğunda kullanımı, Dicle University Journal of Engineering, 12(2), 355-371.
  • Cardenas-Ramirez, C., & Jaramillo, F., & Botero, M.A.G., (2020). Systematic review of encapsulation and shape-stabilization of phase change materials, The Journal of Energy Storage, 30, 101495.
  • Cellat, K., & Beyhan, B., & Konuklu, Y., & Dündar, C., & Karahan, O., & Güngör, C., & Paksoy, H. (2020). 2 years of monitoring results from passive solar energy storage in test cabins with phase change materials, Solar Energy, 200, 29-36.
  • CEPSA (2022). EPD dosyası, adresinden 22.05.2023’te alınmıştır.
  • Chandel, S.S., & Agarwal, T. (2017). Review of current state of research on energy storage, toxicity, health hazards and commercialization of phase changing materials, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 67, 581-596.
  • Chwieduk, D. (2014). Solar Energy in Buildings: thermal balance for efficient heating and cooling, Academic Press, Amsterdam.
  • Crawford, R.H., & Stephan, A., & Prideaux, F. (2019). Environmental Performance in Construction (EPiC) Database, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne.
  • Cunha, S., & Leite, P., & Aguiar, J., (2020). Characterization of innovative mortars with direct incorporation of phase change materials, Journal of Energy Storage, 30, 101439.
  • Dixit, M.K. (2019). Life cycle recurrent embodied energy calculation of buildings: A review, Journal of Cleaner Production, 209, 731-754.
  • Dixit, M.K., & Culp, C.H., & Lavy, S., & Fernadez-Solis, J. (2014). Recurrent embodied energy and its relationship with service life and life cycle energy: A review paper, Facilities, 32(3/4), 160-181.
  • Dixit, P., & Reddy, V.J., & Parvate, S., & Balwani, A., & Singh, J., & Maiti, T.K., & Dasari, A., & Chattopadhyay, S. (2022). Salt hydrate phase change materials: Current state of art and the road ahead, Journal of Energy Storage, 51, 104360.
  • Duan, S., & Wang, L., & Zhao, Z., & Zhang, C. (2021). Experimental study on thermal performance of an integrated PCM Trombe wall, Renewable Energy, 163, 1932-1941.
  • Durakovic, B. (2020). PCM-based building envelope systems: Innovative design solutions for passive design, Springer.
  • EPA (2006). Life cycle assessment: principles and practice, Scientific Applications International Corporation (SAIC), U.S.
  • Evitasari, L., & Defiana, I., & Teddy, F.X., & Samodra, B. (2022). Application of PCM in Glass Facade of High-rise Apartment for Thermal Performance Improvement, Budapest International Research in Exact Sciences Journal, 4(3), 245-255.
  • Faraj, K., & Khaled, M., & Faraj, J., & Hachem, F., & Castelain, C. (2020). Phase change material thermal energy storage systems for cooling applications in buildings: A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 119, 109579.
  • Gencel, O., & Yaras, A., & Hekimoğlu, G., & Ustaoglu A., & Erdogmus, E., & Sutcu M., & Sarı, A. (2022). Cement based-thermal energy storage mortar including blast furnace slag/capric acid shape-stabilized phase change material: Physical, mechanical, thermal properties and solar thermoregulation performance, Energy and Buildings, 258, 111849.
  • Girijappa, Y.G.T., & Rangappa, S.M., & Parameswaranpillai, J.P., & Siengchin, S. (2019). Natural fibers as sustainable and renewable resources for development of eco-friendly composites: a comprehensive review, Frontiers in Materials, 6.
  • Giro-Paloma, J., & Al-Shannaq, R., & Fernandez, A.I., & Farid, M.M. (2016). Preparation and characterization of microencapsulated phase change materials for use in building applications, Materials, 9(1).
  • Grupo Industrial Crimidesa, (2022). EPD dosyası, adresinden 22.05.2023’te alınmıştır.
  • Gupta, N., & Tiwari, G.N. (2016). Review of passive heating/cooling systems of buildings, Energy Science & Engineering, 4(5), 305-333.
  • Hasan, M.I., & Basher, H.O., & Shdhan, A.O. (2018). Experimental investigation of phase change materials for insulation of residential buildings, Sustainable Cities and Society, 36, 42-58.
  • Izquierdo-Barrientos, M.A., & Belmonte, J.F., & Rodriguez-Sanchez, D., & Molina, A.E., & Almendros-Ibanez, J.A. (2012). A numerical study of external building walls containing phase change materials (PCM), Applied Thermal Engineering, 47, 73-85.
  • Kabdrakhmanova, M., & Memon, S.A., & Saurbayeva, A. (2021). Implementation of the panel data regression analysis in PCM integrated buildings located in a humid subtropical climate, Energy, 237, 121651.
  • Kharbouch, Y., & Mimet, A., & Ganaoui, M. (2017). Thermal impact study of a bio-based wall coupled with an inner PCM layer, Energy Procedia, 139, 10-15.
  • Kharbouch, Y., & Mimet, A., & Ganaoui, M., & Ouhsaine, L. (2018). Thermal energy and economic analysis of a PCM-enhanced household envelope considering different climate zones in Morocco, International Journal of Sustainable Energy, 37(6), 515-532.
  • Kılıç Demircan, R., & Gültekin, A.B. (2017). Binalarda pasif ve aktif güneş sistemlerinin incelenmesi, TÜBAV Bilim, 10(1), 36-51.
  • Koç, İ., & Duru, M.O., & Dinçer, S.G. (2022). Yapılarda gömülü ve kullanım enerjisi kavramlarının yaşam döngüsü değerlendirmesi (YDD) metodolojisiyle irdelenmesi, bab Journal of FSMVU Faculty of Architecture and Design, 3(1), 55-69.
  • Kyriaki, E., & Konstantinidou, C., & Giama, E., & Papadopoulos, A.M. (2017). Life cycle analysis (LCA) and life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) of phase change materials (PCM) for thermal applications: A review, International Journal of Energy Research, 42(9), 3068-3077.
  • Lagou, A., & Kylili,A., & Sadauskiene, J., & Fokaides, P.A. (2019). Numerical investigation of phase change materials (PCM) optimal melting properties and position in building elements under diverse conditions, Construction and Building Materials, 225, 452-464.
  • Leang, E., & Tittelein, P., Zalewski, L., Laussue, S. (2017). Numerical study of a composite trombe solar wall integrating microencapsulated PCM, CISBAT 2017 International Conference – Future Buildings & Districts Energy Efficiency from Nano to Urban Scale, Lausanne, İsviçre, Energy Procedia, 122, 1009-1014.
  • Lee, K.O., & Medina, M.A., & Sun, X. & Jin, X. (2018). Thermal performance of phase change materials (PCM)-enhanced cellulose insulation in passive solar residential building walls, Solar Energy, 163, 113–121.
  • Li, X., & Shen, C., & Yu, C.W.F., (2017). Building energy efficiency: Passive technology or active technology?, Indoor and Built Environment, 26(6), 729-732.
  • Li, Z.X., & Al-Rashed, A.A.A.A., & Rostamzadeh, M., & Kalnasi, R., & Shahsavar, A., & Afrand, M. (2019). Heat transfer reduction in buildings by embedding phase change material in multi-layer walls: Effects of repositioning, thermophysical properties and thickness of PCM, Energy Conversion and Management, 195, 43-56.
  • Lin, Y., & Jia, Y., & Alva, G., & Fang, G. (2018). Review on thermal conductivity enhancement, thermal properties and applications of phase change materials in thermal energy storage, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 82, 2730-2742.
  • Lin, Y., & Zhong, S., & Yang, W., & Hao, X., & Li, C. (2021). Multi-objective design optimization on building integrated photovoltaic with Trombe wall and phase change material based on life cycle cost and thermal comfort, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 46, 101277.
  • Liu, L., & Peng, B., & Yue, C., & Guo, M., & Zhang, M. (2019). Low-cost, shape-stabilized fly ash composite phase change material synthesized by using a facile process for building energy efficiency, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 222, 87-95. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.matchemphys.2018.09.072
  • Llorach-Massana, P., & Pena, J., & Rieradevall, J., & Montero, J.I. (2016). LCA & LCCA of a PCM application to control root zone temperatures of hydroponic crops in comparison with conventional root zone heating systems, Renewable Energy, 85, 1079-1089.
  • Malmqvist, T., & Nehasilova, M., & Moncaster, A., & Birgisdottir, H., & Nygaard Rasmussen, F., & Houlihan Wiberg, A., & Potting, J. (2018). Design and construction strategies for reducing embodied impacts from buildings – Case study analysis. Energy and Buildings, 166, 35–47.
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Year 2023, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 109 - 126, 20.11.2023



  • Aditya, L., & Mahlia, T.M.I., & Rismanchi, B., & Ng, H.M., & Hasan, M.H., & Metselaar, H.S.C., & Muraza, O., & Aditiya, H.B. (2017). A review on insulation materials for energy conservation in buildings, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 73, 1352-1365.
  • Alam, M., & Jamil, H., & Sanjayan, J., & Wilson, J. (2014). Energy saving potential of phase change materials in major Australian cities, Energy and Buildings, 78, 192-201.
  • Amoatey, P., & Al-Jabri, K., & Al-Saadi, S. (2022). Influence of phase change materials on thermal comfort, greenhouse gas emissions, and potential indoor air quality issues across different climatic regions: A critical review, Int J Energy Res., 46(15), 22386-22420.
  • Ascione, F., & Bianco, N., & Masi, R.F., & Mastellone, M., & Vanoli, G.P. (2019). Phase change materials for reducing cooling energy demand and improving indoor comfort: a step-by-step retrofit of a Mediterranean educational building, Energies, 12.
  • Aydın, A.A. (2010). Faz Değişim Malzemeleri ve Isı Enerjisinin Depolanması (Doktora Tezi), İstanbul Sanayi Odası, 29.
  • Bagazi, M.S., & Melaibari, A.A., & Khoshaim, A.B., & Abu-Hamdeh, N.H., & Alsaiari, A.O., & Abulkhair, H. (2021). Using phase change materials (PCMs) in a hot and humid climate to reduce heat gain and energy consumption, Sustainability, 13(19), 10965.
  • Baniassadi, A., & Sajadi, B., & Amidpour, M., & Noori, N. (2016). Economic optimization of PCM and insulation layer thickness in residential buildings, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 14:92-99.
  • Barber, D. (2016). A House in The Sun: Modern Architecture and Solar Energy in The Cold War, Oxford University Press.
  • Barzin, R., & Chen, J.J.J., & Young, B.R., & Farid, M.M. (2015). Application of PCM energy storage in combination with night ventilation for space cooling, Applied Energy, 412-421.
  • Bjorn, A., & Owsianiak, M., & Molin, C., & Hauschild, M.Z. (2018). LCA History, Springer International Publishing.
  • Blankendaal, T., & Schuur, P., & Voordijk, H. (2014). Reducing the environmental impact of concrete and asphalt: A scenario approach, Journal of Cleaner Production, 66, 27–36.
  • Bohorquez-Ordenes, J., & Tapia-Calderon, A., & Vasco, D.A., & Estuardo-Flores, O., & Haddad, A.N. (2021). Methodology to reduce cooling energy consumption by incorporating PCM envelopes: A case study of a dwelling in Chile, Building and Environment, 206, 108373.
  • Bribian, I.Z., & Capilla, A.V., & Uson, A.A. (2010). Life cycle assessment of building materials: Comparative analysis of energy and environmental impacts and evaluation of the eco efficiency improvement potential, Building and Environment, 46, 1133-1140.
  • Canım, D.S., & Kalfa, S.M. (2021). Faz değiştiren malzemelerin bina kabuğunda kullanımı, Dicle University Journal of Engineering, 12(2), 355-371.
  • Cardenas-Ramirez, C., & Jaramillo, F., & Botero, M.A.G., (2020). Systematic review of encapsulation and shape-stabilization of phase change materials, The Journal of Energy Storage, 30, 101495.
  • Cellat, K., & Beyhan, B., & Konuklu, Y., & Dündar, C., & Karahan, O., & Güngör, C., & Paksoy, H. (2020). 2 years of monitoring results from passive solar energy storage in test cabins with phase change materials, Solar Energy, 200, 29-36.
  • CEPSA (2022). EPD dosyası, adresinden 22.05.2023’te alınmıştır.
  • Chandel, S.S., & Agarwal, T. (2017). Review of current state of research on energy storage, toxicity, health hazards and commercialization of phase changing materials, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 67, 581-596.
  • Chwieduk, D. (2014). Solar Energy in Buildings: thermal balance for efficient heating and cooling, Academic Press, Amsterdam.
  • Crawford, R.H., & Stephan, A., & Prideaux, F. (2019). Environmental Performance in Construction (EPiC) Database, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne.
  • Cunha, S., & Leite, P., & Aguiar, J., (2020). Characterization of innovative mortars with direct incorporation of phase change materials, Journal of Energy Storage, 30, 101439.
  • Dixit, M.K. (2019). Life cycle recurrent embodied energy calculation of buildings: A review, Journal of Cleaner Production, 209, 731-754.
  • Dixit, M.K., & Culp, C.H., & Lavy, S., & Fernadez-Solis, J. (2014). Recurrent embodied energy and its relationship with service life and life cycle energy: A review paper, Facilities, 32(3/4), 160-181.
  • Dixit, P., & Reddy, V.J., & Parvate, S., & Balwani, A., & Singh, J., & Maiti, T.K., & Dasari, A., & Chattopadhyay, S. (2022). Salt hydrate phase change materials: Current state of art and the road ahead, Journal of Energy Storage, 51, 104360.
  • Duan, S., & Wang, L., & Zhao, Z., & Zhang, C. (2021). Experimental study on thermal performance of an integrated PCM Trombe wall, Renewable Energy, 163, 1932-1941.
  • Durakovic, B. (2020). PCM-based building envelope systems: Innovative design solutions for passive design, Springer.
  • EPA (2006). Life cycle assessment: principles and practice, Scientific Applications International Corporation (SAIC), U.S.
  • Evitasari, L., & Defiana, I., & Teddy, F.X., & Samodra, B. (2022). Application of PCM in Glass Facade of High-rise Apartment for Thermal Performance Improvement, Budapest International Research in Exact Sciences Journal, 4(3), 245-255.
  • Faraj, K., & Khaled, M., & Faraj, J., & Hachem, F., & Castelain, C. (2020). Phase change material thermal energy storage systems for cooling applications in buildings: A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 119, 109579.
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There are 90 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Materials and Technology in Architecture
Journal Section Reviews

Ebru Kılıç Bakırhan This is me 0000-0003-0650-8297

Early Pub Date November 20, 2023
Publication Date November 20, 2023
Submission Date August 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 1 Issue: 1



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