Publication Evaluation Process and Principles

The bibliography, imprint, citation, and quotation rules of the texts to be published in the Journal of Spatial Research should be prepared based on the APA 6 (American Psychological Association) rules.

All articles to be submitted to the journal must be uploaded to the system in Word format as explained on the official website of the journal. It is the responsibility of the authors to prepare the document in accordance with the journal writing format. The text should be checked by the authors and uploaded to the system.

1) The journal conducts the evaluation process with the blind peer review method. In order for articles to be published, at least two positive reports from the appointed referees are required. The scientific principles to be considered in the referee report are as follows:
  • Research method,
  • Attractiveness, originality, and currency,
  • Subject integrity,
  • Having an idea and thought production,
  • Scientific originality,
  • Mastery of the terminology of the relevant discipline,
  • Conveying old and new studies related to the subject,
  • Appropriateness and adequacy of the sources used,
  • Ability to evaluate and reach a conclusion,
  • Scientific contribution to its field,
  • Language proficiency/comprehensibility, fluency.

2) The Journal Editorial Board sends the articles that it deems appropriate in terms of form, originality value, and field of study to the referees, and the articles are accepted for publication with the consent of two referees. If one referee gives a positive and the other a negative opinion, the article is sent to a third referee. A foreign language referee is appointed for the submitted works when necessary. Articles that are decided to be corrected for publication must be submitted by the authors within the specified dates. The evaluation process is restarted for publications that are not delivered within the deadline. The revised text may be re-examined by the referees who requested changes, if necessary.

3) The referee review period is 30 days. This period is extended once for 15 days with the reasoned request of the referee. If the referee report is not completed at the end of the period, a new referee is appointed for evaluation. After the referees convey their opinions to the Editor;
  • If both referees have a PUBLISHABLE opinion, the article is put in line for publication.
  • If the referees have completely opposite opinions for the same article, the article is sent to a third referee. A decision is made in line with the opinion of the third referee.
  • If one of the referees has a PUBLISHABLE opinion with correction conditions, the conditional opinion is conveyed to the author. After receiving the correction, the revised text is sent to the relevant referee, and his/her opinion is obtained.
  • If both referees have an UNPUBLISHABLE opinion, the Editor informs the corresponding author about the rejection of the article.
  • Articles that have a negative result in the referee evaluation process are not published and are not accepted for evaluation if they are resubmitted.
4) Articles approved by referees are published in the first issue following the order of completion of referee reports, taking into account the subject integrity and content of the journal by the Editorial Board.

5) All copyrights related to the article belong to the authors and can be freely used by third parties as long as author information and citation details are provided.

6) The scientific content, language, and legal responsibility of the articles published in the journal belong to the authors.

7) Applications are made through the journal's Dergipark page. In order to start the evaluation of the articles, they should be uploaded to the Dergipark system by the authors.

8) The text should include a title, abstract, keywords, introduction (problem presentation - aim - importance - scope and limitations - method), method, findings, conclusion evaluation, and references within a certain plan.

9) Articles that are approved for publication by the referees after corrections are made are revised in accordance with the referee's suggestions, and the revised articles are uploaded again to the journal’s website through the previous application.

10) The names and relevant documents of the referees and the article owner are kept for five years.

11) Articles submitted for evaluation are accepted only electronically, articles submitted are not returned to the authors whether they are published or not.


1) The corrections of the articles evaluated for publication in accordance with the referee critiques are made by the authors within the specified periods before the printing stage and transmitted again through the system.

2) At the printing stage, after the final version of the text is approved by the authors, the authors have no right to make changes to the text.

3) Articles that have completed the referee process and given their final version are put in line for publication. The arrival date of the article is not taken into account in determining the printing order. Articles that have completed the referee evaluation process and given their final version are queued for publication in the first issue following publication.

4) The journal is published in May and November of each year, at the latest, on the last working day of the relevant month.

Last Update Time: 1/21/25, 11:04:48 AM

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