Research Article
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GIS Based Urban Noise Pollution Analysis and Mapping: The Case of Antalya, Turkey

Year 2023, , 139 - 151, 22.06.2023


In this study, it is aimed to determine the urban noise level, to classify it according to the provisions of the relevant regulation, to map it using geographic information systems (GIS) and to develop physical and administrative suggestions for eliminating the noise above the threshold value. In this context, the city center of Antalya was chosen as the study area. This area was digitized, and its maps were produced with the help of remote sensing and geographic information systems. Then, the noise levels of the region were measured using a decibel meter, provided that it was evenly distributed throughout the study area, all measurement points were coordinated, transferred to the map and a database was created. Interpolation was applied based on the noise threshold values in the "Evaluation and Management of Environmental Noise" regulation in the national legislation, noise levels were classified and noise maps were produced. In accordance with the relevant regulation, land survey was carried out again for the regions exceeding the noise limit values, and the sources of noise were identified. In line with the results, physical and administrative solutions have been developed for the elimination of noise in the region.


This study was produced from a Master's thesis titled “Noise Analysis and Modeling Based on Geographical Information Systems, Kaleiçi/Antalya Sample” completed in the Department of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems at Akdeniz University Institute of Science.


  • Abramic, A., Kotsev, A., Cetl, V., Kephalopoulos, S., Paviot-ti, M. (2017). A spatial data infrastructure for environ-mental noise data in Europe. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(7): 726; DOI:10.3390/ijerph14070726.
  • Ahmed, A. A., Pradhan, B., Chakraborty, S., Alamri, A. (2021). Developing vehicular traffic noise prediction model through ensemble machine learning algorithms with GIS. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 14(16): 1-14.
  • Anees, M. M., Qasim, M., Bashir, A. (2017). Physiological and physical impact of noise pollution on environment. Earth Science Pakistan, 1(1): 8-11.
  • Ardahanlıoğlu, Z. R., Selim, S., Karakuş, N., Çınar, İ. (2020). GIS-based approach to determine suitable settlement areas compatible with the natural environment. Journal of Environmental Science and Management, 23: 71–82.
  • Armah, F. A., Odoi, J. O., Yawson, D. O., Yengoh, G. T., Afrifa, E. K., Pappoe, A. N. (2010). Mapping of noise risk zones derived from religious activities and perceptions in residential neighbourhoods in the Cape Coast metropolis, Ghana. Environmental Hazards, 9(4): 358-368.
  • Aumond, P., Can, A., Mallet, V., De Coensel, B., Ribeiro, C., Botteldooren, D., Lavandier, C. (2018). Kriging-based spatial interpolation from measurements for sound level mapping in urban areas. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 143(5): 2847-2857.
  • Azkorra, Z., G. Pérez, J. Coma, L. F. Cabeza, S. Bures, J. E. Álvaro, A. Erkoreka, M. Urrestarazu. (2015). Evaluation of green walls as a passive acoustic insulation system for buildings. Applied Acoustics, 89:46–56
  • Basu, B., Murphy, E., Molter, A., Basu, A. S., Sannigrahi, S., Belmonte, M., Pilla, F. (2021). Investigating changes in noise pollution due to the COVID-19 lockdown: The case of Dublin, Ireland. Sustainable Cities and Society, 65, 102597; DOI:10.1016/j.scs.2020.102597
  • Bilaşco, Ş., Govor, C., Roşca, S., Vescan, I., Filip, S., Fo-dorean, I. (2017). GIS model for identifying urban are-as vulnerable to noise pollution: case study. Frontiers of Earth Science, 11(2): 214-228.
  • Bocher, E., Guillaume, G., Picaut, J., Petit, G., Fortin, N. (2019). Noise Modelling: An open source GIS based tool to produce environmental noise maps. ISPRS In-ternational Journal of Geo-Information, 8(3): 130; DOI:10.3390/ijgi8030130
  • Bohling, G. (2005). Introduction to geostatistics and vario-gram analysis. Kansas Geological Survey, 1(10): 1-20.
  • Bostanci, B. (2018). Accuracy assessment of noise mapping on the main street. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 11(1): 1-12.
  • Can, A., Dekoninck, L., Botteldooren, D. (2014). Measurement network for urban noise assessment: Comparison of mobile measurements and spatial interpolation approaches. Applied Acoustics, 83: 32-39.
  • Curran, P. J. (1988). The semi-variogram in remote sensing: an introduction. Remote Sensing of Environment, 24(3): 493-507.
  • Cressie, N. A. (1993). Statistics for spatial data. Wiley Classics Library, John Wiley Sons, Canada.
  • Da Paz, E. C., Vieira, T. J., Zannin, P. H. T. (2018). Urban Noise as an Environmental Impact Factor in the Urban Planning Process. In an Overview of Urban and Regional Planning. IntechOpen, Turkey.
  • Environmental Noise Assessment and Management Regulation of Turkey (2010). Official Gazette Date: 04.06.2010, Number of Official Gazette: 27601
  • ESA (2021). European Space Agency, Sentinel online. Access address (11, 11, 2021): (
  • Esmeray, E., Eren, S. (2021). GIS-based mapping and assessment of noise pollution in Safranbolu, Karabuk, Turkey. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 23: 15413–15431
  • Fang, C.F., Ling, D.L. (2003). Investigation of the noise reduction provided by tree belts. Landscape and Urban Planning, 63: 187-195.
  • Farcaş, F., Sivertunb, Å. (2010). Road traffic noise: GIS tools for noise mapping and a case study for Skåne region. Sweden: Citeseer, 10p.
  • Finke, L. (1980). Abilities of Green Spaces to improve Urban climate and air in the respect of urban planning. Istanbul University Faculty of Forestry Journal, 30(2): 225-255.
  • GISGeography (2021). Semi-Variogram: Nugget, Range and Sill. (Accessed date: 22.11.2021)
  • Gidlöf-Gunnarsson, A., Öhrström, E. (2007). Noise and well-being in urban residential environments: The potential role of perceived availability to nearby green areas. Landscape and urban planning, 83(2-3): 115-126.
  • González, A. E., Cardozo, M. G., Rocamora, E. P., Bracho, A. A. (2007). Urban noise: Measurement duration and modelling of noise levels in three different cities. Noise control engineering journal, 55(3): 367-372.
  • Harman, B. I., Koseoglu, H., Yigit, C. O. (2016). Perfor-mance evaluation of IDW, Kriging and multiquadric interpolation methods in producing noise mapping: A case study at the city of Isparta, Turkey. Applied Acoustics, 112: 147-157.
  • Hastemoglu, H. S., Ozgen, L. (2006). Sustainability and Urbanization in the 1960s; Example of Isparta Station Street. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Practices, 2(1): 69-76.
  • Jariwala, H. J., Syed, H. S., Pandya, M. J. and Gajera, Y. M. (2017). Noise pollution and human health: A Review. Indoor and Built Environment, 1(1):1-4.
  • Kaya, A.İ., Dalgar, T. (2017). Ses yalıtımı açısından doğal liflerin akustik özellikleri. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(1): 25-37.
  • Kocbeker, Z. and Onder, S. (2012). Investigation of the noise reduction provided by bush in Konya, Turkey. Journal of International Environmental Application & Science, 7(1): 48-54
  • Masum, M. H., Pal, S. K., Akhie, A. A., Ruva, I. J., Akter, N., Nath, S. (2021). Spatiotemporal monitoring and assessment of noise pollution in an urban setting. Environmental Challenges, 5: 100218; DOI:10.1016/j.envc.2021.100218.
  • Mishra, R. K., Nair, K., Kumar, K., Shukla, A. (2021). Dynamic noise mapping of road traffic in an urban city. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 14(2): 1-11.
  • Mohareb, N., Maassarani, S. (2019). Assessment of street-level noise in three different urban settings in Tripoli. Urban Climate, 29: 100481; DOI:10.1016/j.uclim.2019.100481.
  • Morillas, J. M. B., Gozalo, G. R., González, D. M., Moraga, P. A., Vílchez-Gómez, R. (2018). Noise pollution and urban planning. Current Pollution Reports, 4(3): 208-219.
  • Morillas, J. M. B., González, D. M., Escobar, V. G., Gozalo, G. R., Vílchez-Gómez, R. (2021). A proposal for producing calculated noise mapping defining the sound power levels of roads by street stratification. Environmental Pollution, 270:116080; DOI:10.1016/j.envpol.2020.116080.
  • Moudon, A. V. (2009). Real noise from the urban environment: how ambient community noise affects health and what can be done about it. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 37(2): 167-171.
  • Murphy, E., King, E. A., Rice, H. J. (2009). Estimating human exposure to transport noise in central Dublin, Ireland. Environment International, 35(2): 298-302.
  • Murphy, E., King, E. A. (2011). Scenario analysis and noise action planning: Modelling the impact of mitigation measures on population exposure. Applied Acoustics, 72(8): 487-494.
  • Musaoglu, N., Tanik, A., Dikerler, T., Buhur, S. (2015). Use of remote sensing and geographic information systems in the determination of high-risk areas regarding marine traffic in the Istanbul Strait. Environmental Hazards, 14(1): 54-73.
  • Ozturk, S., Caliskan, H. (2019). The Effect of Urbanization Development on Economic Growth: The Case of Turkey. Igdir University Journal of Social Sciences, 17: 677-694.
  • Paschalidou, A. K., Kassomenos, P., Chonianaki, F. (2019). Strategic noise maps and action plans for the reduction of population exposure in a Mediterranean port city. Science of the Total Environment, 654: 144-153.
  • Shukla, K., Kumar, P., Mann, G. S., Khare, M. (2020). Map-ping spatial distribution of particulate matter using Kriging and Inverse Distance Weighting at supersites of megacity Delhi. Sustainable cities and society, 54: 101997; DOI:10.1016/j.scs.2019.101997.
  • Singh, R., Kalota, D. (2019). Urban sprawl and its impact on generation of urban heat Island: A case study of Ludhiana city. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 47(9): 1567-1576.
  • Xu, Y., Zhu, Y., Qin, Z. (2019). Urban noise mapping with a crowd sensing system. Wireless Networks, 25(5): 2351-2364. Yazgan, E., Erdogan, M. (2007). Landscape architecture studies to reduce the traffic noise problem in cities: Ankara case. Journal of Tekirdag Faculty of Agriculture, 4(2): 201-210.
  • Yuan, M., Yin, C., Sun, Y., Chen, W. (2019). Examining the associations between urban built environment and noise pollution in high-density high-rise urban areas: A case study in Wuhan, China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 50: 101678; DOI:10.1016/j.scs.2019.101678.
  • Zannin, P. H. T., Diniz, F. B., Barbosa, W. A. (2002). Environmental noise pollution in the city of Curitiba, Brazil. Applied Acoustics, 63(4): 351-358.
  • Zuo, J., Xia, H., Liu, S., Qiao, Y. (2016). Mapping urban environmental noise using smartphones. Sensors, 16(10): 1692; DOI:10.3390/s16101692.

CBS Tabanlı Kentsel Gürültü Kirliliği Analizi ve Haritalandırılması: Antalya Örneği

Year 2023, , 139 - 151, 22.06.2023


Bu çalışmada kentsel gürültü düzeyinin belirlenmesi, ilgili yönetmelik hükümlerine göre sınıflandırılması, haritalanması ve eşik değerin üzerindeki gürültünün giderilmesi için coğrafi bilgi sistemi (CBS) teknolojileri kullanılarak fiziki ve idari öneriler geliştirilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Bu kapsamda çalışma alanı olarak Antalya şehir merkezi seçilmiştir. Bölge, uzaktan algılama ve coğrafi bilgi sistemleri kullanılarak sayısallaştırılmış ve haritaları üretilmiştir. Ardından çalışma alanı bütününde eşit olarak dağılım göstermesi koşulu ile ölçüm noktaları belirlenmiş, bu noktalardan desibelmetre ile gürültü seviyeleri ölçülmüş, haritaya aktarılmış ve veri tabanı oluşturulmuştur. Ulusal mevzuatta yer alan “Çevresel Gürültünün Değerlendirilmesi ve Yönetimi” yönetmeliğinde yer alan gürültü eşik değerleri baz alınarak enterpolasyon uygulanmış, gürültü seviyeleri sınıflandırılmış ve gürültü haritaları üretilmiştir. İlgili yönetmelik gereği gürültü sınır değerlerini aşan bölgeler için tekrar arazi etüdü yapılarak gürültü kaynakları tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar doğrultusunda bölgede gürültünün giderilmesine yönelik fiziki ve idari çözümler geliştirilmiştir.


  • Abramic, A., Kotsev, A., Cetl, V., Kephalopoulos, S., Paviot-ti, M. (2017). A spatial data infrastructure for environ-mental noise data in Europe. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(7): 726; DOI:10.3390/ijerph14070726.
  • Ahmed, A. A., Pradhan, B., Chakraborty, S., Alamri, A. (2021). Developing vehicular traffic noise prediction model through ensemble machine learning algorithms with GIS. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 14(16): 1-14.
  • Anees, M. M., Qasim, M., Bashir, A. (2017). Physiological and physical impact of noise pollution on environment. Earth Science Pakistan, 1(1): 8-11.
  • Ardahanlıoğlu, Z. R., Selim, S., Karakuş, N., Çınar, İ. (2020). GIS-based approach to determine suitable settlement areas compatible with the natural environment. Journal of Environmental Science and Management, 23: 71–82.
  • Armah, F. A., Odoi, J. O., Yawson, D. O., Yengoh, G. T., Afrifa, E. K., Pappoe, A. N. (2010). Mapping of noise risk zones derived from religious activities and perceptions in residential neighbourhoods in the Cape Coast metropolis, Ghana. Environmental Hazards, 9(4): 358-368.
  • Aumond, P., Can, A., Mallet, V., De Coensel, B., Ribeiro, C., Botteldooren, D., Lavandier, C. (2018). Kriging-based spatial interpolation from measurements for sound level mapping in urban areas. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 143(5): 2847-2857.
  • Azkorra, Z., G. Pérez, J. Coma, L. F. Cabeza, S. Bures, J. E. Álvaro, A. Erkoreka, M. Urrestarazu. (2015). Evaluation of green walls as a passive acoustic insulation system for buildings. Applied Acoustics, 89:46–56
  • Basu, B., Murphy, E., Molter, A., Basu, A. S., Sannigrahi, S., Belmonte, M., Pilla, F. (2021). Investigating changes in noise pollution due to the COVID-19 lockdown: The case of Dublin, Ireland. Sustainable Cities and Society, 65, 102597; DOI:10.1016/j.scs.2020.102597
  • Bilaşco, Ş., Govor, C., Roşca, S., Vescan, I., Filip, S., Fo-dorean, I. (2017). GIS model for identifying urban are-as vulnerable to noise pollution: case study. Frontiers of Earth Science, 11(2): 214-228.
  • Bocher, E., Guillaume, G., Picaut, J., Petit, G., Fortin, N. (2019). Noise Modelling: An open source GIS based tool to produce environmental noise maps. ISPRS In-ternational Journal of Geo-Information, 8(3): 130; DOI:10.3390/ijgi8030130
  • Bohling, G. (2005). Introduction to geostatistics and vario-gram analysis. Kansas Geological Survey, 1(10): 1-20.
  • Bostanci, B. (2018). Accuracy assessment of noise mapping on the main street. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 11(1): 1-12.
  • Can, A., Dekoninck, L., Botteldooren, D. (2014). Measurement network for urban noise assessment: Comparison of mobile measurements and spatial interpolation approaches. Applied Acoustics, 83: 32-39.
  • Curran, P. J. (1988). The semi-variogram in remote sensing: an introduction. Remote Sensing of Environment, 24(3): 493-507.
  • Cressie, N. A. (1993). Statistics for spatial data. Wiley Classics Library, John Wiley Sons, Canada.
  • Da Paz, E. C., Vieira, T. J., Zannin, P. H. T. (2018). Urban Noise as an Environmental Impact Factor in the Urban Planning Process. In an Overview of Urban and Regional Planning. IntechOpen, Turkey.
  • Environmental Noise Assessment and Management Regulation of Turkey (2010). Official Gazette Date: 04.06.2010, Number of Official Gazette: 27601
  • ESA (2021). European Space Agency, Sentinel online. Access address (11, 11, 2021): (
  • Esmeray, E., Eren, S. (2021). GIS-based mapping and assessment of noise pollution in Safranbolu, Karabuk, Turkey. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 23: 15413–15431
  • Fang, C.F., Ling, D.L. (2003). Investigation of the noise reduction provided by tree belts. Landscape and Urban Planning, 63: 187-195.
  • Farcaş, F., Sivertunb, Å. (2010). Road traffic noise: GIS tools for noise mapping and a case study for Skåne region. Sweden: Citeseer, 10p.
  • Finke, L. (1980). Abilities of Green Spaces to improve Urban climate and air in the respect of urban planning. Istanbul University Faculty of Forestry Journal, 30(2): 225-255.
  • GISGeography (2021). Semi-Variogram: Nugget, Range and Sill. (Accessed date: 22.11.2021)
  • Gidlöf-Gunnarsson, A., Öhrström, E. (2007). Noise and well-being in urban residential environments: The potential role of perceived availability to nearby green areas. Landscape and urban planning, 83(2-3): 115-126.
  • González, A. E., Cardozo, M. G., Rocamora, E. P., Bracho, A. A. (2007). Urban noise: Measurement duration and modelling of noise levels in three different cities. Noise control engineering journal, 55(3): 367-372.
  • Harman, B. I., Koseoglu, H., Yigit, C. O. (2016). Perfor-mance evaluation of IDW, Kriging and multiquadric interpolation methods in producing noise mapping: A case study at the city of Isparta, Turkey. Applied Acoustics, 112: 147-157.
  • Hastemoglu, H. S., Ozgen, L. (2006). Sustainability and Urbanization in the 1960s; Example of Isparta Station Street. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Practices, 2(1): 69-76.
  • Jariwala, H. J., Syed, H. S., Pandya, M. J. and Gajera, Y. M. (2017). Noise pollution and human health: A Review. Indoor and Built Environment, 1(1):1-4.
  • Kaya, A.İ., Dalgar, T. (2017). Ses yalıtımı açısından doğal liflerin akustik özellikleri. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(1): 25-37.
  • Kocbeker, Z. and Onder, S. (2012). Investigation of the noise reduction provided by bush in Konya, Turkey. Journal of International Environmental Application & Science, 7(1): 48-54
  • Masum, M. H., Pal, S. K., Akhie, A. A., Ruva, I. J., Akter, N., Nath, S. (2021). Spatiotemporal monitoring and assessment of noise pollution in an urban setting. Environmental Challenges, 5: 100218; DOI:10.1016/j.envc.2021.100218.
  • Mishra, R. K., Nair, K., Kumar, K., Shukla, A. (2021). Dynamic noise mapping of road traffic in an urban city. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 14(2): 1-11.
  • Mohareb, N., Maassarani, S. (2019). Assessment of street-level noise in three different urban settings in Tripoli. Urban Climate, 29: 100481; DOI:10.1016/j.uclim.2019.100481.
  • Morillas, J. M. B., Gozalo, G. R., González, D. M., Moraga, P. A., Vílchez-Gómez, R. (2018). Noise pollution and urban planning. Current Pollution Reports, 4(3): 208-219.
  • Morillas, J. M. B., González, D. M., Escobar, V. G., Gozalo, G. R., Vílchez-Gómez, R. (2021). A proposal for producing calculated noise mapping defining the sound power levels of roads by street stratification. Environmental Pollution, 270:116080; DOI:10.1016/j.envpol.2020.116080.
  • Moudon, A. V. (2009). Real noise from the urban environment: how ambient community noise affects health and what can be done about it. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 37(2): 167-171.
  • Murphy, E., King, E. A., Rice, H. J. (2009). Estimating human exposure to transport noise in central Dublin, Ireland. Environment International, 35(2): 298-302.
  • Murphy, E., King, E. A. (2011). Scenario analysis and noise action planning: Modelling the impact of mitigation measures on population exposure. Applied Acoustics, 72(8): 487-494.
  • Musaoglu, N., Tanik, A., Dikerler, T., Buhur, S. (2015). Use of remote sensing and geographic information systems in the determination of high-risk areas regarding marine traffic in the Istanbul Strait. Environmental Hazards, 14(1): 54-73.
  • Ozturk, S., Caliskan, H. (2019). The Effect of Urbanization Development on Economic Growth: The Case of Turkey. Igdir University Journal of Social Sciences, 17: 677-694.
  • Paschalidou, A. K., Kassomenos, P., Chonianaki, F. (2019). Strategic noise maps and action plans for the reduction of population exposure in a Mediterranean port city. Science of the Total Environment, 654: 144-153.
  • Shukla, K., Kumar, P., Mann, G. S., Khare, M. (2020). Map-ping spatial distribution of particulate matter using Kriging and Inverse Distance Weighting at supersites of megacity Delhi. Sustainable cities and society, 54: 101997; DOI:10.1016/j.scs.2019.101997.
  • Singh, R., Kalota, D. (2019). Urban sprawl and its impact on generation of urban heat Island: A case study of Ludhiana city. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 47(9): 1567-1576.
  • Xu, Y., Zhu, Y., Qin, Z. (2019). Urban noise mapping with a crowd sensing system. Wireless Networks, 25(5): 2351-2364. Yazgan, E., Erdogan, M. (2007). Landscape architecture studies to reduce the traffic noise problem in cities: Ankara case. Journal of Tekirdag Faculty of Agriculture, 4(2): 201-210.
  • Yuan, M., Yin, C., Sun, Y., Chen, W. (2019). Examining the associations between urban built environment and noise pollution in high-density high-rise urban areas: A case study in Wuhan, China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 50: 101678; DOI:10.1016/j.scs.2019.101678.
  • Zannin, P. H. T., Diniz, F. B., Barbosa, W. A. (2002). Environmental noise pollution in the city of Curitiba, Brazil. Applied Acoustics, 63(4): 351-358.
  • Zuo, J., Xia, H., Liu, S., Qiao, Y. (2016). Mapping urban environmental noise using smartphones. Sensors, 16(10): 1692; DOI:10.3390/s16101692.
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Architecture
Journal Section Research Paper

Okan Aktaş This is me 0000-0001-6643-2226

Serdar Selim 0000-0002-5631-6253

Early Pub Date June 14, 2023
Publication Date June 22, 2023
Acceptance Date May 13, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Aktaş, O., & Selim, S. (2023). GIS Based Urban Noise Pollution Analysis and Mapping: The Case of Antalya, Turkey. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 14(1), 139-151.