Research Article
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Importance of Palace Complexes, the Pearls of Medieval Islamic Architecture, in Urban Planning and Architecture

Year 2021, , 194 - 209, 01.12.2021


Although the Islamic palace complexes considered the pearl of architecture, even though they are studied separately by scholars for years and centuries, their unity in one direction of architecture has been neglected so far. For this reason, we have tried to explore the architecture of palace complexes, which is considered to be the most beautiful examples of the magnificent Islamic architecture, to reveal their similar features, and to reflect the influence of these buildings on the formation and development of the urban planning composition. Palace complexes built in almost all the states that adopted Islam in the Middle Ages were planned to be the core of the city based on the same laws. The main purpose of the study is to explore the architecture, history and composition structure of the great Shirvanshahs, Topkapi Palace, Alhambra and Akbari Sarai palaces built in the Middle Ages and to reveal their similar features. In the study, it was proved that the architecture of the palace complexes that survived until today was built in the same styles, that Islam has its own architectural laws and that these laws are applied more accurately in palace construction.


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  • Parla, J. (2005). Diyarbakir Castle Walls and City History. METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 22(1): 57-84.
  • Prokofiev, O. (1961). Art of India and Southeast Asia. In: Art History. Art of the middle ages. Art Publication, Moscow, Russia, 2: 193-261.
  • Staradub, T. (2012). History of the Muslim World. In: History of art. Fedotova Y. (eds.), Russian Academy of arts White City Publication, Moscow, Russia, 1: 246-286.
  • Taghiyev, I. (2003). Shirvanshahs Palace and Seyyid Yahya Bakuvi Khanqah. Chasgioghlu Publication, Baku, Azerbaijan.
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  • Useynov, M., Bretanitskiy, L., Salamzade A. (1963). History of Architecture of Azerbaijan. Architecture in Construction Publication, Moscow, Russia.
  • Voronina, V. (1969). The architecture of the Arab countries. In: General history of architecture. Literature in Construction Publication. Moscow, Russia, 8: 31-44.
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Orta Çağ İslam Mimarisinin İncileri Olan Saray Komplekslerinin Şehir Planlaması ve Mimarisindeki Önemi

Year 2021, , 194 - 209, 01.12.2021


Mimari inciler olan İslam saray kompleksleri, bilim adamları tarafından yüzyıllardır derinlemesine incelenmesine rağmen, mimariye entegrasyonlarına çok az ilgi gösterilmiştir. Bu sebeple araştırmada muhteşem İslam mimarisinin en güzel örnekleri olarak kabul edilen saray kompleksleri mimarisinin benzerlikleri ortaya çıkarılmaya, yapıların şehir planlama kompozisyonunun oluşumuna ve gelişimine etkisi yansıtılmaya çalışılmıştır. Orta Çağ'da İslam'ı benimseyen hemen hemen tüm ülkelerde inşa edilen saray kompleksleri, aynı mimari yasalara göre şehrin merkezi olarak planlanmaktaydı. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, Orta Çağ'da inşa edilen gösterişli “Şirvanşahlar”, “Topkapı”, “Elhamra” ve “Ekber Sarayı” mimarisini, tarihini, kompozisyon yapısını incelemek ve benzer özelliklerini ortaya çıkarmaktır. Çalışmada, günümüze kadar ulaşan saray komplekslerinin mimarisinin aynı tarzlarda inşa edildiği, İslam'ın kendine has mimari yasalarının olduğu ve bu yasaların saray yapımında daha doğru uygulandığı kanıtlanmıştır.


  • Abasov, A., Abasov, E. Huseynova, E. (2010). Islamic architecture and construction. Western University Publishing, Baku, Azerbaijan.
  • Aliyev-Ayvazli, B. (2017). Ethnography of India. Science and Education Publication, Baku, Azerbaijan.
  • Anonymous (2019). UNESCO World Heritage List. (Access Date: 05.12.2019)
  • Anonymous, (2020). About Adham Han Tomb.Гробница_Адхам-хана) (Access Date: 10.12.2020)
  • Arapov, A. (2013). Uzbekistan. İn: The Artistic Culture of Central Asia and Azerbaijan in the 9th-15th centuries, Architecture. Samarkand-Tashkent: IICAS, Uzbekistan, 4: 160.
  • Aslanapa, O. (1962). The first reports from the Diyarbakır Palace excavation. Turkish Archaeology Magazine, 11(2): 10-18.
  • Azerbaijan Soviet Encyclopedia. (1979). Сhief editorial board of Azerbaijan Soviet Encyclopedia. Baku, Azerbaijan, 9: 314.
  • Bayon, F., Casals, L. (2014). La Alhambra de Granada. Triangle Postals, S.L. Spain.
  • Blokhina, I. (2014). Architecture, World History of Architecture and styles. АSТ LTD Publishing house, Russia.
  • Brand, B. (2008). Art of Islam. Grand-FAIR Publication. ISBN: 978-5-8183-1489-1. Russia.
  • Doghan, K. (2007). Ottoman architect. Yem-Yapı Publication, Turkey.
  • Eldem F., Akozan S.H. (1982). Topkapi Palace. Ministry of Culture and Tourism. National Education Publishing house, Turkey.
  • Gutnov, А., Glazychev, V. (1990). World of Architecture. Molodaya Gvardiya Publication, Russia.
  • Ibrahimgil M., Z. (2017). Art history Turkey. Koza Publishing, Turkey.
  • Islamic Encyclopedia (2016). Diyanet Foundation Publication, Turkey, 1: 51-53.
  • Kuruju, M., Ozen N. (2018). Matrakçı Nasuh on city-architecture and aesthetics in miniatures. International Art and Aesthetic Magazine, 1(1): 73-93.
  • Mammadova, G., Mammadova Z. (2013). The history of Azerbaijani architecture. Medieval architecture (VIII–XIV centuries), II volume. East-West Publishing House, Baku, Azerbaijan.
  • Muradov, V. (1984). Architecture and Art of Town Planning of Azerbaijan in XIII-XVI centuries. Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Elm Publication, Azerbaijan, 15-26.
  • Nizovsky, A. (2011). 500 Wonders of the World. ISBN: 978-5-9533-3706-9, 978-5-4444-8066-3 Veche Publication, Moscow, Russia: 224.
  • Parla, J. (2005). Diyarbakir Castle Walls and City History. METU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture, 22(1): 57-84.
  • Prokofiev, O. (1961). Art of India and Southeast Asia. In: Art History. Art of the middle ages. Art Publication, Moscow, Russia, 2: 193-261.
  • Staradub, T. (2012). History of the Muslim World. In: History of art. Fedotova Y. (eds.), Russian Academy of arts White City Publication, Moscow, Russia, 1: 246-286.
  • Taghiyev, I. (2003). Shirvanshahs Palace and Seyyid Yahya Bakuvi Khanqah. Chasgioghlu Publication, Baku, Azerbaijan.
  • URL-1 (2021). Images of Topkapı Palace, Chinili Palace, Shirvanshahs Palace. (Access Date: 01.01.2021)
  • URL-2 (2019). Overview of Shirvanshahs Palace complex. (Access Date: 10.10.2019)
  • URL-3 (2019). The layout of the palace of the Balkuvara. (Access Date: 08.03.2019)
  • URL-4 (2020). Şirvanşahlar Palace building and layout. (Access Date: 10.10.2021)
  • URL-5 (2003). Alhambra Palace - Lions courtyard. (Access Date: 12.08.2019)
  • URL-6 (2016). Shirvanshahs Palace – Diwankhana. (Access Date: 18.07.2019)
  • URL-7 (2019). The Salim Chishti Mausoleum of Akbar Shah's palace complex and the Divan-i-Am of the palace complex. (Access Date: 08.12.2019)
  • URL-8 (2019). Humayun's Mausoleum. (Access Date: 20.12.2019)
  • URL-9 (2011). Tomb of Adham Khan. (Access Date: 20.12.2021)
  • URL-10 (2005). Uhaydir Palace. (Access Date: 10.05.2019)
  • Useynov, M., Bretanitskiy, L., Salamzade A. (1963). History of Architecture of Azerbaijan. Architecture in Construction Publication, Moscow, Russia.
  • Voronina, V. (1969). The architecture of the Arab countries. In: General history of architecture. Literature in Construction Publication. Moscow, Russia, 8: 31-44.
  • Yurdaydın, G.H. (1963). Matrakçı Nasuh. Ankara University Publishing House, Turkey.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Architecture
Journal Section Research Paper

Şehla Abbasova This is me 0000-0001-6667-2270

Namiq Abbasov 0000-0002-2042-3321

Publication Date December 1, 2021
Acceptance Date May 21, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Abbasova, Ş., & Abbasov, N. (2021). Importance of Palace Complexes, the Pearls of Medieval Islamic Architecture, in Urban Planning and Architecture. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 12(2), 194-209.