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Usage of Some Duckweeds in Nutrient Removal

Year 2011, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 12 - 28, 01.12.2011


In recent years, studies about the protection of wetlands have growing importance in our country. Therefore, detection of all pollutant sources which enter to surface waters and/or lakes is needed. Particularly wastewaters are discharged to surface waters and/or lakes in most regions. This causes increase of C, N, P which present in wastewater in water environment. As a result of this, the increase of nutrient causes pollution and effects the aquatic ecosystem negatively. Today, for the elimination of this problem, several methods are used for nutrient removal from wastewaters. Nurtient removal is achieved by using ducweed as Lemna gibba L, Lemna minor L., Spirodela polyrrhiza and Wolffia arrhiza. In our country ducweed can be used for nutrient removal because of their properties like accessibility in our country, high removal capasities, resistance to the negative conditions, being economical.


  • Aalbers, H. (1999). Resource Recovery from Faecal Sludge Using Constructed Wetlands, A Survey of the Litrerature, UWEP Working Document, The Netherlands.
  • Alaerts, G.J., Mahbubar Rahman, M. and Kelderman, P. (1996). Performance analysis of a full-scale duckweed covered lagoon, Water Res., Vol. 30, 843-852.
  • Al-Nozaily, F., Alaerts, G. and Veenstra, S. (2000). Performance of duckweed -covered sewage lagoons-II. Nitrogen and phosphorus balance and plant productivity, Water Research, Vol. 34, 2734-2741.
  • Brix, H. and Schierup, H.H. (1989). The use of aquatic macrofits in water pollution control, Ambio, Vol. 18, 101-107.
  • Czerpark, R. and Piotrowska, A. (2005). Wolffia arrhiza- The smallest plant with the highest adaptation ability and applications, Kosmos, Vol. 54, 267-268.
  • Dalu, J.M. and Ndamba, J. (2003). Duckweed based wastewater stabilization ponds for waste water treatment (a low cost technology for small urban areas in Zimbabwe), Physics and Chemicstry of the Earth, Vol. 28, 1147-1160.
  • El-Kheir, W.A., İsmail, G., El-Nour, F.A., Tawfik, T. and Hammad, D. (2007). Assesment of the efficiency of duckweed (Lemna gibba) in wastewater treatment, International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, Vol. 9, 681-687.
  • Eng, L.P. (2002). Constructed Wetlands: Mechanisms of Treatment Processes and Design Models. In: Mansor, M., Eng, L.P. and Shutes, R.B.E. (Ed), Constructed Wetlands: Design, Management and Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia Publisher, Malaysia.
  • EPA. (1988). Design Manual for Constructed Wetland and Floating Aquatic Plants Systems for Municipal Wastewater Treatment, EPA625/1-88-022, Cincinnati, OH.
  • Fraser, L.H., Carti, S.M. and Steer, D. (2004). A test of four plant species to reduce total nitrogen and total phosphorus from soil leachate in subsurface wetland microcosms, Bioresoure Technology, Vol. 2, 185-192.
  • Huett, D.O, Morris, S.G., Smith, G. and Hunt, N. (2005). Nitrogen and phosphrous removal from plant nursery runoff in vegetated and unvegetated subsurface flow wetlands, Water Research, Vol. 39, 3259-3272.
  • Johnson, K.D., Martin, C.D., Moshiri, G.A. and McCrory, W.C. (1999). Performence of a Constructed Wetlands Leachated Treatment System at the Chonchula Landfill, Mobile Country, Alabama, In: Mulamoottil, G., McBean, E.A. and Rovers, F. (Ed), Constructed Wetlands for the Treatment of Landfill Leachates, Lewis Publisher, USA.
  • Korkusuz, E.A., Beklioglu, M. and Demirer, G.N. (2005). Comparison of the treatment performances of blast furnace slag-based and gravel-based vertical flow wetlands operated identically for domestic wastewater treatment in Turkey, Ecological Engineering, Vol. 24, 187-200.
  • Körner, S., Lyatuu, G.B. and Vermaat, J.E. (1998). The influence of Lemna gibba L. on the degradation of organik material in duckweed-covered domestic wastewater, Wat. Res. Vol. 32, 3092-3098.
  • Landolt, E. (1986). The family of Lemnaceae- a monographic study, Vol. 1, 566p. Veröffentlichungen des geobotanischen Institutes der ETH Zuerich, Stiftung Ruebel, 71.
  • Landolt, E. and Kandeler, R. (1987). The family of Lemnaceae- a monographic study. Veroe. entlichugen des Geobotanisches ınstitutes der Edg. Tech. Hochschule, Stiftung Ruebel, Zuerich, p638.
  • Lemnatest. (2000). Duckweed growth inhibition test. Determination of the nonpoisonous effect of water constituents and wastewater to duckweed (Lemna minor L., Lemna gibba). Würselen, Germany, Lemna Norm E. Oberabilted, 200p.
  • Lester, J.N. and Birkett, J.W. (1999). Microbiology and Chemistry for Environmental Scientists and Engineers, Second Edition, Spon Press, 276-277.
  • Ling, C.A. (2006). Nutrient Removal from Leachate Using Horizontal Subsurface Constructed Wetlands, Master Thesis, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
  • Mader, J.C. (2004). Differential in vitro development of in florescences in long and short day Lemna spp.:involvement of ethylene and polyamines, J. Plant Physiol., Vol. 161, 653- 663.
  • Maehlum, T. (1999). Wetlands for Treatment of Landfill Leachates in Cold Climates, In: Mulamoottil, G., McBean, E.A. and Rovers, F. (Ed), Constructed Wetlands for the Treatment of Landfill Leachates, Lewis Publisher, USA.
  • Majernevman, J., Clausen, J.C. and Neafsey, J.A. (1999). Seosanal performence of a wetland constructed to proces dairy milk house wastewater in connnecticut, Ecol. Eng., Vol. 14, 181.
  • Martin, C.D. and Moshiri, G.A. (1994). Nutrient reduction in an in-series constructed wetland system terating landfill leachate, Water Science Technology, Vol. 29, 267-272.
  • Martin, C.D. and Johnson K.D. (1995). The use of extended aeration and in-series surface flow wetlands for landfill leachate treatment, Wat. Sci. Tec., Vol. 12, 119-128.
  • Martinez Cruz, P., Hernandez Martinez, A., Soto Castor, R., Esquivel Herrera, A. and Rangel Levairo, J. (2006). Use of constructed wetlands for the treatment of water from an experimental channel at xochimilco, Mexico, Hidrobiologica, Vol. 16- 211-219.
  • Miranda, G., Quiroz, A. and Salazar, M. (2000). Cadmium and lead removal from water by the duckweed. Lemna gibba L. (Lemnaceae), Hidrobiologica, Vol. 10, 7-12.
  • Mkandawire, M. and Dudel, E.G. (2005). Assignment of Lemna gibba L. (duckweed) bioassay for in situ ecotoxicity assesment, Aquat. Ecol., Vol. 39, 151-165.
  • Morales, N., Arevalo, K., Ortega, J., Briceno, B., Anderade, C. and Morales, E. (2006). pH and nitrogen source as modulators of growth macrofita Lemna sp.,Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ), 65-77.
  • Nordin, N.I.A.B.A. (2006). Leachate Treatment Using Constructed Wetland with Magnetic Field, Master Thesis, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 88p.
  • Oron, D. (1994). Duckweed culture for wastewater renovation and biomass production, Agric. Wat. Man., Vol. 26, 27-40.
  • Özen, A. ve Beklioğlu, M. (2007). Sulakalanlarla İlgili Temel Bilgiler, Sulakalan Yönetim Planlaması Rehberi, Ankara, 176s.
  • Reed, S. C., Middlebrooks, E.J. and Crites, R.W. (1988). Natural Systems for Waste Management and Treatment, McGraw-Hill, New York.
  • Redd, K. R. and DeBusk, W. F. (1985). Nutrient removal potential of selected aquatic macrophytes, Journal of Environmental Quality, Vol. 14, 459-462.
  • Robson, E. (1991). Duckweed: A lowly plant a richer role in cleansing waste and creating protein, UNDP, Vol. 3, 22-26.
  • Sanchez Villavicencio, M., Alvares Silva, C. and Arce, G.M. (2007). Boron toxicity in Lemna gibba, Hidrobiologica, Vol. 17, 1-6.
  • Saygıdeğer, S. (1996). Lemna gibba L. ve Lemna Minör L.’nin Morfolojik Anatomik, Ekolojik ve Fizyolojik Özellikleri, Sayı 18, 1-11.
  • Scheer, C., Simon, M., Spranger, J. and Baungartner, S. (2008). Test system stability and natural variability of a Lemna gibba L. bioassay. PlusOne, Vol. 3, 1-7.
  • Skillikorn, P., Spira, W. and Journey, W. (1993). Duckweed Aquaculture a New Aquatic Farming System for Developing Countries, The World Bank, Washington, DC, p68.
  • Stomp, A.M., Han, K.H., Wilberd, S. and Gordon, M.P. (1993), Gebetic improvement of three species for remedation of hazardous wastes, In Vitro Cell Devolopment Biology Plant, Vol. 29, 227-232.
  • Tchobanoglous, G. and Burton, F.L. (1991). Wastewater Engineering Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1334p.
  • Tunçsiper, B. ve Akça, L. (2006). Pilot Ölçekli Bir Yapay Sulakalan Sisteminin Arıtma Performansının incelenmesi, İTÜ dergisi, Cilt 5, 13-22.
  • Van der Steen, P., Brenner, A., Shabtai, Y. and Oron, G. (1998). Duckweed systems for wastewater treatment, nutrinet recovery and effluent reuse, conference paper small and medium domestic water conservation, wastewater treatment and reuse, 12-14 February, WEDO, Palestine.
  • Wang, W. (1990). Literatüre review on duckweed toxicity testing, Environ. Res., Vol. 52, 7- 22.
  • Weiner, R.F. and Matthews, R. (2003). Environmental Engineering, Fourth Edition, Butterworth Heinneman, USA, 197-199.
  • Yalcuk, A. and Uğurlu, A. (2009). Comparison of horizontal and vertical constructed wetland systems for landfill leachate treatment, Bioresource Technology, Vol. 100, 2521-2526.
  • Yang, L., Chang, H. and Huang, M.L. (2001). Nutrient removal in gravel- and soil- based wetland microcosms with and without vegetation, Ecol. Eng., Vol. 18, 91.
  • Zimmo, O. (2003). Nitrogen Transformations and Removal Mechanisms in Algal and Duckweed Waste Stabilisation Ponds, Doctoral Thesis, Academic Board of Wageningen University and the Academic Board of the International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering at Delft, The Netherlands.
  • Zirschky, J. and Reed, S.C. (1988). The use of duckweed for wastewater treatment, J. WPCF, Vol. 60, 1253-1258.

Bazı Su Mercimeklerinin Nutrient Gideriminde Kullanımı

Year 2011, Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 12 - 28, 01.12.2011


In recent years, studies about the protection of wetlands have growing importance in our country. Therefore, detection of all pollutant sources which enter to surface waters and/or lakes is needed. Particularly wastewaters are discharged to surface waters and/or lakes in most regions. This causes increase of C, N, P which present in wastewater in water environment. As a result of this, the increase of nutrient causes pollution and effects the aquatic ecosystem negatively. Today, for the elimination of this problem, several methods are used for nutrient removal from wastewaters. Nurtient removal is achieved by using ducweed as Lemna gibba L, Lemna minor L., Spirodela polyrrhiza and Wolffia arrhiza. In our country ducweed can be used for nutrient removal because of their properties like accessibility in our country, high removal capasities, resistance to the negative conditions, being economical.


  • Aalbers, H. (1999). Resource Recovery from Faecal Sludge Using Constructed Wetlands, A Survey of the Litrerature, UWEP Working Document, The Netherlands.
  • Alaerts, G.J., Mahbubar Rahman, M. and Kelderman, P. (1996). Performance analysis of a full-scale duckweed covered lagoon, Water Res., Vol. 30, 843-852.
  • Al-Nozaily, F., Alaerts, G. and Veenstra, S. (2000). Performance of duckweed -covered sewage lagoons-II. Nitrogen and phosphorus balance and plant productivity, Water Research, Vol. 34, 2734-2741.
  • Brix, H. and Schierup, H.H. (1989). The use of aquatic macrofits in water pollution control, Ambio, Vol. 18, 101-107.
  • Czerpark, R. and Piotrowska, A. (2005). Wolffia arrhiza- The smallest plant with the highest adaptation ability and applications, Kosmos, Vol. 54, 267-268.
  • Dalu, J.M. and Ndamba, J. (2003). Duckweed based wastewater stabilization ponds for waste water treatment (a low cost technology for small urban areas in Zimbabwe), Physics and Chemicstry of the Earth, Vol. 28, 1147-1160.
  • El-Kheir, W.A., İsmail, G., El-Nour, F.A., Tawfik, T. and Hammad, D. (2007). Assesment of the efficiency of duckweed (Lemna gibba) in wastewater treatment, International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, Vol. 9, 681-687.
  • Eng, L.P. (2002). Constructed Wetlands: Mechanisms of Treatment Processes and Design Models. In: Mansor, M., Eng, L.P. and Shutes, R.B.E. (Ed), Constructed Wetlands: Design, Management and Education, Universiti Sains Malaysia Publisher, Malaysia.
  • EPA. (1988). Design Manual for Constructed Wetland and Floating Aquatic Plants Systems for Municipal Wastewater Treatment, EPA625/1-88-022, Cincinnati, OH.
  • Fraser, L.H., Carti, S.M. and Steer, D. (2004). A test of four plant species to reduce total nitrogen and total phosphorus from soil leachate in subsurface wetland microcosms, Bioresoure Technology, Vol. 2, 185-192.
  • Huett, D.O, Morris, S.G., Smith, G. and Hunt, N. (2005). Nitrogen and phosphrous removal from plant nursery runoff in vegetated and unvegetated subsurface flow wetlands, Water Research, Vol. 39, 3259-3272.
  • Johnson, K.D., Martin, C.D., Moshiri, G.A. and McCrory, W.C. (1999). Performence of a Constructed Wetlands Leachated Treatment System at the Chonchula Landfill, Mobile Country, Alabama, In: Mulamoottil, G., McBean, E.A. and Rovers, F. (Ed), Constructed Wetlands for the Treatment of Landfill Leachates, Lewis Publisher, USA.
  • Korkusuz, E.A., Beklioglu, M. and Demirer, G.N. (2005). Comparison of the treatment performances of blast furnace slag-based and gravel-based vertical flow wetlands operated identically for domestic wastewater treatment in Turkey, Ecological Engineering, Vol. 24, 187-200.
  • Körner, S., Lyatuu, G.B. and Vermaat, J.E. (1998). The influence of Lemna gibba L. on the degradation of organik material in duckweed-covered domestic wastewater, Wat. Res. Vol. 32, 3092-3098.
  • Landolt, E. (1986). The family of Lemnaceae- a monographic study, Vol. 1, 566p. Veröffentlichungen des geobotanischen Institutes der ETH Zuerich, Stiftung Ruebel, 71.
  • Landolt, E. and Kandeler, R. (1987). The family of Lemnaceae- a monographic study. Veroe. entlichugen des Geobotanisches ınstitutes der Edg. Tech. Hochschule, Stiftung Ruebel, Zuerich, p638.
  • Lemnatest. (2000). Duckweed growth inhibition test. Determination of the nonpoisonous effect of water constituents and wastewater to duckweed (Lemna minor L., Lemna gibba). Würselen, Germany, Lemna Norm E. Oberabilted, 200p.
  • Lester, J.N. and Birkett, J.W. (1999). Microbiology and Chemistry for Environmental Scientists and Engineers, Second Edition, Spon Press, 276-277.
  • Ling, C.A. (2006). Nutrient Removal from Leachate Using Horizontal Subsurface Constructed Wetlands, Master Thesis, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
  • Mader, J.C. (2004). Differential in vitro development of in florescences in long and short day Lemna spp.:involvement of ethylene and polyamines, J. Plant Physiol., Vol. 161, 653- 663.
  • Maehlum, T. (1999). Wetlands for Treatment of Landfill Leachates in Cold Climates, In: Mulamoottil, G., McBean, E.A. and Rovers, F. (Ed), Constructed Wetlands for the Treatment of Landfill Leachates, Lewis Publisher, USA.
  • Majernevman, J., Clausen, J.C. and Neafsey, J.A. (1999). Seosanal performence of a wetland constructed to proces dairy milk house wastewater in connnecticut, Ecol. Eng., Vol. 14, 181.
  • Martin, C.D. and Moshiri, G.A. (1994). Nutrient reduction in an in-series constructed wetland system terating landfill leachate, Water Science Technology, Vol. 29, 267-272.
  • Martin, C.D. and Johnson K.D. (1995). The use of extended aeration and in-series surface flow wetlands for landfill leachate treatment, Wat. Sci. Tec., Vol. 12, 119-128.
  • Martinez Cruz, P., Hernandez Martinez, A., Soto Castor, R., Esquivel Herrera, A. and Rangel Levairo, J. (2006). Use of constructed wetlands for the treatment of water from an experimental channel at xochimilco, Mexico, Hidrobiologica, Vol. 16- 211-219.
  • Miranda, G., Quiroz, A. and Salazar, M. (2000). Cadmium and lead removal from water by the duckweed. Lemna gibba L. (Lemnaceae), Hidrobiologica, Vol. 10, 7-12.
  • Mkandawire, M. and Dudel, E.G. (2005). Assignment of Lemna gibba L. (duckweed) bioassay for in situ ecotoxicity assesment, Aquat. Ecol., Vol. 39, 151-165.
  • Morales, N., Arevalo, K., Ortega, J., Briceno, B., Anderade, C. and Morales, E. (2006). pH and nitrogen source as modulators of growth macrofita Lemna sp.,Rev. Fac. Agron. (LUZ), 65-77.
  • Nordin, N.I.A.B.A. (2006). Leachate Treatment Using Constructed Wetland with Magnetic Field, Master Thesis, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 88p.
  • Oron, D. (1994). Duckweed culture for wastewater renovation and biomass production, Agric. Wat. Man., Vol. 26, 27-40.
  • Özen, A. ve Beklioğlu, M. (2007). Sulakalanlarla İlgili Temel Bilgiler, Sulakalan Yönetim Planlaması Rehberi, Ankara, 176s.
  • Reed, S. C., Middlebrooks, E.J. and Crites, R.W. (1988). Natural Systems for Waste Management and Treatment, McGraw-Hill, New York.
  • Redd, K. R. and DeBusk, W. F. (1985). Nutrient removal potential of selected aquatic macrophytes, Journal of Environmental Quality, Vol. 14, 459-462.
  • Robson, E. (1991). Duckweed: A lowly plant a richer role in cleansing waste and creating protein, UNDP, Vol. 3, 22-26.
  • Sanchez Villavicencio, M., Alvares Silva, C. and Arce, G.M. (2007). Boron toxicity in Lemna gibba, Hidrobiologica, Vol. 17, 1-6.
  • Saygıdeğer, S. (1996). Lemna gibba L. ve Lemna Minör L.’nin Morfolojik Anatomik, Ekolojik ve Fizyolojik Özellikleri, Sayı 18, 1-11.
  • Scheer, C., Simon, M., Spranger, J. and Baungartner, S. (2008). Test system stability and natural variability of a Lemna gibba L. bioassay. PlusOne, Vol. 3, 1-7.
  • Skillikorn, P., Spira, W. and Journey, W. (1993). Duckweed Aquaculture a New Aquatic Farming System for Developing Countries, The World Bank, Washington, DC, p68.
  • Stomp, A.M., Han, K.H., Wilberd, S. and Gordon, M.P. (1993), Gebetic improvement of three species for remedation of hazardous wastes, In Vitro Cell Devolopment Biology Plant, Vol. 29, 227-232.
  • Tchobanoglous, G. and Burton, F.L. (1991). Wastewater Engineering Treatment, Disposal, and Reuse, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1334p.
  • Tunçsiper, B. ve Akça, L. (2006). Pilot Ölçekli Bir Yapay Sulakalan Sisteminin Arıtma Performansının incelenmesi, İTÜ dergisi, Cilt 5, 13-22.
  • Van der Steen, P., Brenner, A., Shabtai, Y. and Oron, G. (1998). Duckweed systems for wastewater treatment, nutrinet recovery and effluent reuse, conference paper small and medium domestic water conservation, wastewater treatment and reuse, 12-14 February, WEDO, Palestine.
  • Wang, W. (1990). Literatüre review on duckweed toxicity testing, Environ. Res., Vol. 52, 7- 22.
  • Weiner, R.F. and Matthews, R. (2003). Environmental Engineering, Fourth Edition, Butterworth Heinneman, USA, 197-199.
  • Yalcuk, A. and Uğurlu, A. (2009). Comparison of horizontal and vertical constructed wetland systems for landfill leachate treatment, Bioresource Technology, Vol. 100, 2521-2526.
  • Yang, L., Chang, H. and Huang, M.L. (2001). Nutrient removal in gravel- and soil- based wetland microcosms with and without vegetation, Ecol. Eng., Vol. 18, 91.
  • Zimmo, O. (2003). Nitrogen Transformations and Removal Mechanisms in Algal and Duckweed Waste Stabilisation Ponds, Doctoral Thesis, Academic Board of Wageningen University and the Academic Board of the International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering at Delft, The Netherlands.
  • Zirschky, J. and Reed, S.C. (1988). The use of duckweed for wastewater treatment, J. WPCF, Vol. 60, 1253-1258.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Paper

Murat Topal This is me

Bünyamin Karagözoğlu This is me

Erdal Öbek This is me

E.işıl Arslan Topal This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011 Volume: 2 Issue: 2


APA Topal, M., Karagözoğlu, B., Öbek, E., Topal, E. A. (2011). Bazı Su Mercimeklerinin Nutrient Gideriminde Kullanımı. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2(2), 12-28.