Bıldırcın (Coturnix coturnix japonica) Larinks, Trake ve Bronkus mukozalarındaki mast hücrelerinin dağılımı ve yoğunluğu
Year 2010,
Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 58 - 65, 01.12.2010
Alkan Karaoğlu
Emel Demirbağ
Kenan Çınar
This study was carried out to investigate the distribution and density of mast cells in larynx, trachea and bronchus mucosas of quail. The samples taken from larynx, trachea and bronchus belong to the ten adult quails were used as the material. The Standart toluidine blue staining method was applied to the sections for determination of the mast cells. Consequently, it was defined that the mast cells was more numerous in the larynx mucosa than trachea and bronchus mucosas. Also we observed that the mast cells were distributed around the blood vessels and in the muscle layer.
- Chen W., Alley, Manktelow B. W., & Slack, P. (1990). Mast Cells in the Bovine Lower Respiratory Tract: Morphology, Density and Distribution. Br. Vet. J. 146, 425.
- Enerback, L. (1966). Mast Cells in the Rat Gastrointestinal Mucosa. 2. Dye Binding and Metachromatic Properties. Acta. Path. Microbiol. Scand. 66, 303.
- Enerback, L., Löwhagen, G., Löwhagen, O., & Wingren, U. (1981). The effect of polymyxin B and some mast-cell constituents on mucosal mast cells in the duodenum of the rat. Cell Tissue Res., 214, 239-46.
- Harem, M. K. (2009). Histochemical Method for Demonstrating Quail Mast Cell Types Simultaneously. Biotechnic & Histochemistry., 1, 1-8.
- Harem, K. M., & Kurtdede, N. (2004). Tavuk (Gallus domesticus) Alt Solunum Yollarındaki Mast Hücreleri Üzerine Histolojik Araştırmalar. Erciyes Üniv. Vet. Fak. 1, 21-26.
- Huntley, J. F. (1992). Mast Cells and Basophils: A Review of Their Heterogeneity and Function. J. Comp. Path., 107, 349-372.
- Junqueira, L. C., & Carneiro, J. (2005). Basic Histology.. Prentice-Hall,. New York;, pp. 514.
- Klika, E, Scheuermann, D. W., De Groodt-Lasseel M. H. A., Bazantova, I, & Switka, A. (1996). Pulmonary Macrophages in Birds Barn Owl, (Tyto tyto alba), Domestic Fowl (Gallus Gallus f. domestica), Quail, (Coturnix coturnix), and Pigeons (Colımbia livia). The Anatomical Record., 246, 87-97.
- Marshall, J. S. (1994). The Role of Mast Cells in Inflamatory Reactions of the Airways, Skin and Intestine. Current Opinion in Immunology., 6, 853-859.
- Öber, A., Turgay İzzetoğlu, G. (2006). Histoloji. Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, p. 337.
- Sağlam, M., Aştı, R. N., & Özer, A. (2001). Genel Histoloji, 6. Baskı, Yorum Yayıncılık. Ankara.
- Tas, J., & Brendsen RG. (1977). Does Heparin Occur in Mucosal Mast Cells of the Rat Small Intestine? J. Histochem. Cytochem. 25, 1058-1062.
- Wight, P.A.L. (1970). The Mast Cells of Gallus domesticus I. Distribution and Ultrastructure. Acta Anat., 75, 100-113.
- Wilkes, L. K., McMenamin, C., & Holt P. G. (1992). Postnatal Maturation of Mast Cell Subpopulations in the Rat Respiratory Tract. Immunology, 75, 535-541.
- Wingren, U., & Enerback, L. (1983). Mucosal Mast Cells of the Rat Intestine, A Re- evaluation of fixation and Staining Properties With Special Reference to Protein Blocking and Solubility of the Glandular glycosaminoglycan. Histochem J., 15, 571- 582.
- Wolman, M. (1971). Standart Blue. Lab. Invest., 25, 104-110.
The density and distribution of mast cells in the Larynx, Trachea and Bronchus mucosas of quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica)
Year 2010,
Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 58 - 65, 01.12.2010
Alkan Karaoğlu
Emel Demirbağ
Kenan Çınar
This study was carried out to investigate the distribution and density of mast cells in larynx, trachea and bronchus mucosas of quail. The samples taken from larynx, trachea and bronchus belong to the ten adult quails were used as the material. The Standart toluidine blue staining method was applied to the sections for determination of the mast cells. Consequently, it was defined that the mast cells was more numerous in the larynx mucosa than trachea and bronchus mucosas. Also we observed that the mast cells were distributed around the blood vessels and in the muscle layer.
- Chen W., Alley, Manktelow B. W., & Slack, P. (1990). Mast Cells in the Bovine Lower Respiratory Tract: Morphology, Density and Distribution. Br. Vet. J. 146, 425.
- Enerback, L. (1966). Mast Cells in the Rat Gastrointestinal Mucosa. 2. Dye Binding and Metachromatic Properties. Acta. Path. Microbiol. Scand. 66, 303.
- Enerback, L., Löwhagen, G., Löwhagen, O., & Wingren, U. (1981). The effect of polymyxin B and some mast-cell constituents on mucosal mast cells in the duodenum of the rat. Cell Tissue Res., 214, 239-46.
- Harem, M. K. (2009). Histochemical Method for Demonstrating Quail Mast Cell Types Simultaneously. Biotechnic & Histochemistry., 1, 1-8.
- Harem, K. M., & Kurtdede, N. (2004). Tavuk (Gallus domesticus) Alt Solunum Yollarındaki Mast Hücreleri Üzerine Histolojik Araştırmalar. Erciyes Üniv. Vet. Fak. 1, 21-26.
- Huntley, J. F. (1992). Mast Cells and Basophils: A Review of Their Heterogeneity and Function. J. Comp. Path., 107, 349-372.
- Junqueira, L. C., & Carneiro, J. (2005). Basic Histology.. Prentice-Hall,. New York;, pp. 514.
- Klika, E, Scheuermann, D. W., De Groodt-Lasseel M. H. A., Bazantova, I, & Switka, A. (1996). Pulmonary Macrophages in Birds Barn Owl, (Tyto tyto alba), Domestic Fowl (Gallus Gallus f. domestica), Quail, (Coturnix coturnix), and Pigeons (Colımbia livia). The Anatomical Record., 246, 87-97.
- Marshall, J. S. (1994). The Role of Mast Cells in Inflamatory Reactions of the Airways, Skin and Intestine. Current Opinion in Immunology., 6, 853-859.
- Öber, A., Turgay İzzetoğlu, G. (2006). Histoloji. Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, p. 337.
- Sağlam, M., Aştı, R. N., & Özer, A. (2001). Genel Histoloji, 6. Baskı, Yorum Yayıncılık. Ankara.
- Tas, J., & Brendsen RG. (1977). Does Heparin Occur in Mucosal Mast Cells of the Rat Small Intestine? J. Histochem. Cytochem. 25, 1058-1062.
- Wight, P.A.L. (1970). The Mast Cells of Gallus domesticus I. Distribution and Ultrastructure. Acta Anat., 75, 100-113.
- Wilkes, L. K., McMenamin, C., & Holt P. G. (1992). Postnatal Maturation of Mast Cell Subpopulations in the Rat Respiratory Tract. Immunology, 75, 535-541.
- Wingren, U., & Enerback, L. (1983). Mucosal Mast Cells of the Rat Intestine, A Re- evaluation of fixation and Staining Properties With Special Reference to Protein Blocking and Solubility of the Glandular glycosaminoglycan. Histochem J., 15, 571- 582.
- Wolman, M. (1971). Standart Blue. Lab. Invest., 25, 104-110.