Research Article
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Effects of Different Media on Seedling Quality in Organic Seedling Production

Year 2023, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 282 - 291, 31.12.2023


This study was carried out with the aim of determining the utilizability of farm manure (FM), Enriched Media (EM), organic peat (P) and zeolite (Z) as organic seedling growing medias and then determining the effects of media on seedling quality. Organic eggplant and tomato seedling were produced with manure, enriched media, organic peat and zeolite in different ratios (FM+P (1:1), FM+Z (3:1), P+Z (3:1), EM+P (1:3), EM+Z (3:1), FM+P+Z (1:2:1), EM+P+Z (1:2:1)). Conventional seedlings were produced in commercial peat media. The effects of these various media on seedling quality were investigated in this study. When we look at the effects of the medias on the seedling quality parameters, it was determined that the FM+P media gave better results in the seedling root length, while it was determined that the stem length changed according to the species and years. In all other quality parameters, it was determined that generally, the EM+P media gave the best results. Among the environments used in the study, the EM+P media in seedling cultivation can be recommended both to increase the success of seedling production and to reduce the use of organic peat, which is difficult to find and has limited reserves and sustainability.

Supporting Institution

Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi

Project Number



This study was carried out in the rapid support project HDP(Z)-2020/14 through Bursa Uludağ Scientific Research Projects Unit (BAP), at the same time produced from the Master’s Thesis titled “The Effects Of Different Environments In Organic Seedling Production On Some Parameters In Eggplant, Tomato and Pepper Cultivation"


  • Ahmed, G.O. (2017). Farklı topraksız yetiştirme ortamlarının bazı Solanaceae sebzelerinin fide kalitesi üzerine etkileri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Bingöl Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Ens-titüsü Bahçe Bitkileri Anabilim Dalı, Bingöl. Dergisi, 6, 17-22.
  • Atif, M.J., Jellani, G., Malik, M.H.A., Saleem, N., Ullah, H., Khan, M.Z., Ikram, S. (2016). Different growth media ef-fect the germination and growth of tomato seedlings. Sci-ence, Technology and Development 35 (3): 123-127.
  • Balliu, A., Sallaku, G., Nasto, T. (2018). Nursery manage-ment practices influence the quality of vegetable seed-lings. Italus Hortus 24 (3), 2017: 39-52.
  • Baran, A., Çaycı, G., Öztürk, H.S., Ataman, Y., Özkan, İ. (1996). Farklı ortamlarda yetiştirilen biber bitkisi (Capsi-cum annuum L.)nin kök parametrelerindeki değişimler. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 2 (2): 1-4.
  • Costa, E., Durante, L.G.Y., Nagel, P.L., Ferreira, C.R., dos Santos, A. (2011). The quality of eggplant seedlings under different production methods. Revista Ciência Agronômi-ca, 42 (4): 1017-1025.
  • Costa, E., Leal, P.A.M., Benett, C., Benett, K.S.S., Salame-ne, L.C.P. (2012). Production of tomato seedlings using different substrates and trays in Three three protected environments. Engenharia Agrícola 32(5):822-830.
  • Çaycı, G., Baran, A., Bender, D. (1998). The effects of peat and sand amended spent mushroom compost on growing of tomato. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 4 (2): 27-29.
  • Çinkılıç, H. (2008). Farklı organik ve inorganik ortamlarda hıyar fidesi üretimi. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 5 (2): 151-158.
  • Çolpan, E., Zengin, M., Özbahçe, A. (2013). The effects of potassium on the yield and fruit quality components of stick tomato. Hort. Environ. Biotechnol. 54(1):20-28.
  • Demir, H., Polat, E., Sönmez, İ., Yılmaz, E. (2010). Effects of different growing media on seedling quality and nutrient contents in pepper (Capsicum annuum L. var longum cv. Super Umut F1). Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environ-ment, 8 (3&4): 894-897.
  • Demir, H., Polat, E. (2014). Effects of different growing media on seedling quality and nutrient contents in cabba-ge (Brassica oleraceae var. capitata L.). Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 12(2), 1378-1381.
  • Demirsoy, M. (2004). Farklı fide ortamlarının domates, biber, patlıcan ve hıyar fidelerinin büyümesine kantitatif etkileri üzerine bir araştırma. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ondokuz Ma-yıs Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bahçe Bitkileri Anabilim Dalı, Samsun.
  • Gomiero, T., Pimentel, D., Paoletti, M.G. (2011). Environ-mental impact of different agricultural management prac-tices: conventional vs. organic agriculture. Critical Re-views in Plant Sciences, 30 (1-2): 95-124.
  • Haska, O.J.A., Söylemez, S., Sarhan, T.Z. (2022). Effect of different organic growing mediums and application of bi-ofertilizer in organic seedling production. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 13 (02): 252–263.
  • Jeevitha, J., Rajalingam, G.V., Arumugam, T., Sellamuthu, K.M. (2019). Effect of growing media on tomato seedling production. International Journal of Chemical Studies 7(4): 319-321.
  • Kim, E-Y., Park ,S-A., Park, B-J., Lee, Y., Oh, M-M. (2014). Growth and antioxidant phenolic compounds in cherry tomato seedlings grown under monochromatic light-emitting diodes. Hort. Environ. Biotechnol. 55(6):506-513.
  • Kurtar, E.S. (2013). Float sistemde bazı kışlık sebze türlerinin organik fide üretimi. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Tarım Bilim-leri Dergisi, 23 (2): 83–89.
  • Li, R., Hao, H., Sun, H., Wang, L., Wang, H. (2022). Compos-ted rabbit manure as organic matrix for manufacturing horticultural growing media: composting process and se-edling effects. Sustainability 14 (9): 5146; DOI10.3390/su14095146
  • Luquı, L.L., Salles, J.S., Costa, E., Alves, V.C.D., Souza, L.G.P., Vıeıra, M. T., Salles, J.S., Souza, V.C.M. (2019). Seedlings production and fruit yield of cucumber on diffe-rent organic substrates. Revista de Agricultura Neotropi-cal, Cassilândia-MS, 6 (4): 1-7.
  • Manh, V.H., Wang, C.H. (2014). Vermicompost as an impor-tant component in substrate: Effects on seedling quality and growth of muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.). APCBEE Procedia, 8:32-40. Doi: 10.1016/j.apcbee.2014.01.076
  • Mathowa, T., Tshipinare, K., Mojeremane, W., Legwaila, G.M., Oagile, O. (2017). Effect of growing media on growth and development of sweet paper (Capsicum an-num L.) seedlings. Journal of Applied Horticulture, 19 (3): 200-204.
  • Mininni, C., Santamaria, P., Abdelrahman, H., Cocozza, C., Miano, T., Montesano, F., Parente, A. (2012).
  • Posidonia-based compost as a peat substitute for lettuce transplant production. Hortscıence, 47 (10): 1438–1444.
  • Namal, E. (2019). Fide yetiştiriciliğinde kullanılan farklı ortam-ların bazı fizikokimyasal özellikleri ile domates fide kalite parametrelerindeki değişimlerin belirlenmesi. Yüksek Li-sans Tezi, Akdeniz Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme Anabilim Dalı, Antalya.
  • Olaria, M., Nebot, J.F., Molina, H., Troncho, P., Lapeña, L., Llorens, E. (2016). Effect of different substrates for orga-nic agriculture in seedling development of traditional spe-cies of Solanaceae. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Re-search, 14(1); 1-7.
  • Park, Y., Gómez, C., Runkle, E.S. (2022). Indoor production of ornamental seedlings, vegetable transplants, and mic-rogreens. Plant Factory Basics, Applications and Advan-ces, 351-375.
  • Pascual, J.A., Ceglie, F., Tuzel, Y., Koller, M., Koren, A., Hitchings, R., Tittarelli, F. (2018). Organic substrate for transplant production in organic nurseries. A review. Ag-ronomy for Sustainable Development 38 (3):1-23.
  • Polat, S., Şahin, N., Özdemir, H. (2017). Farklı fide yetiştirme ortamlarının Crimson Sweet karpuz çeşidinde fide kalite-sine etkileri. Akademik Ziraat Dergisi, 6 (Özel Sayı):47-50
  • Ronga, D., Vitti, A., Zaccardelli, M., Pane, C., Caradonia, F., Cardarelli, M., Colla, G., Rouphael, Y. (2021). Root Zone Management for Improving Seedling Quality of Organi-cally Produced Horticultural Crops. Agronomy 11 (4): 630; DOI10.3390/agronomy11040630
  • Sönmez, İ., Kalkan, H., Demir, H. (2016). Effects of spent mushroom compost on seedling quality and nutrient con-tents of eggplant (Solanum melongena) grown in different growing media. Acta Hortic. 11 (1): 403-408.
  • Tan, E. (2014). Organik fide üretimine uygun yetiştirme or-tamlarının belirlenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ege Üniversi-tesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bahçe Bitkileri Anabilim Dalı, İzmir.
  • Tuzel, Y., Oztekin, G.B., Tan, E. (2015). Use of different growing media and nutrition in organic seedling produc-tion. XXIX International Horticultural Congress on Horti-culture: Sustaining Lives, Livelihoods and Landscapes (IHC2014): International Symposium on Innovation and New Technologies in Protected Cropping, December 23, 2015, Brisbane, Australia, Book of Proceedings, 165-175.
  • Tüzel, Y., Öztekin, G., Tüzel, İ.H., Duyar, H. (2020). Growing media in organic seedling production, Ege Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg., 57 (4): 603-610.
  • Ünal, M. (2013). Effect of organic media on growth of vege-table seedlings. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 50 (3): 517-522. Varış, S., S. Altıntaş, H. Çinkılıç, P. S. Koral, S. J. Butt ve L. Çinkılıç, 2004. Öğütülmüş CibreCüruf (ÖCC) Harcı. Ha-sad Dergisi, 234:26-34. Yılmaz, C., Sırça, E., Özer, H., Pekşen, A. (2018). Agaricus ve Pleurotus atık mantar kompostlarının domates fide üre-timinde yetiştirme ortamı olarak kullanımı. Türkiye Tarım-sal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 5 (3): 229-235.

Organik Fide Üretiminde Farklı Ortamların Fide Kalitesine Etkisi

Year 2023, Volume: 14 Issue: 2, 282 - 291, 31.12.2023


Bu çalışma, organik fide yetiştirme ortamları olarak çiftlik gübresi (ÇG), Zenginleştirilmiş Ortam (ZO), organik torf (T) ve zeolitin (Z) kullanılabilirliğini belirlemek ve ardından ortamların fide kalitesine etkilerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Farklı oranlarda (ÇG+T (1:1), ÇG+Z (3:1), T+Z (3:1), ZO+) gübre, zenginleştirilmiş ortam, organik torf ve zeolit ile organik patlıcan ve domates fidesi üretilmiştir. T (1:3), ZO+Z (3:1), ÇG+T+Z (1:2:1), ZO+T+Z (1:2:1)). Ticari torf ortamında geleneksel fideler üretilmiştir. Bu çalışmada çeşitli ortamların fide kalitesi üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmıştır. Ortamların fide kalite parametreleri üzerindeki etkilerine bakıldığında fide kök uzunluğunda ÇG+T ortamının daha iyi sonuç verdiği belirlenirken, sap uzunluğunun tür ve yıllara göre değiştiği belirlenmiştir. Diğer tüm kalite parametrelerinde genel olarak ZO+T ortamının en iyi sonuçları verdiği belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada kullanılan ortamlar arasında fide yetiştiriciliğinde ZO+T ortamı hem fide üretim başarısını artırmak hem de bulunması zor, rezervleri ve sürdürülebilirliği sınırlı olan organik torf kullanımını azaltmak için önerilebilir.

Project Number



  • Ahmed, G.O. (2017). Farklı topraksız yetiştirme ortamlarının bazı Solanaceae sebzelerinin fide kalitesi üzerine etkileri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Bingöl Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Ens-titüsü Bahçe Bitkileri Anabilim Dalı, Bingöl. Dergisi, 6, 17-22.
  • Atif, M.J., Jellani, G., Malik, M.H.A., Saleem, N., Ullah, H., Khan, M.Z., Ikram, S. (2016). Different growth media ef-fect the germination and growth of tomato seedlings. Sci-ence, Technology and Development 35 (3): 123-127.
  • Balliu, A., Sallaku, G., Nasto, T. (2018). Nursery manage-ment practices influence the quality of vegetable seed-lings. Italus Hortus 24 (3), 2017: 39-52.
  • Baran, A., Çaycı, G., Öztürk, H.S., Ataman, Y., Özkan, İ. (1996). Farklı ortamlarda yetiştirilen biber bitkisi (Capsi-cum annuum L.)nin kök parametrelerindeki değişimler. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 2 (2): 1-4.
  • Costa, E., Durante, L.G.Y., Nagel, P.L., Ferreira, C.R., dos Santos, A. (2011). The quality of eggplant seedlings under different production methods. Revista Ciência Agronômi-ca, 42 (4): 1017-1025.
  • Costa, E., Leal, P.A.M., Benett, C., Benett, K.S.S., Salame-ne, L.C.P. (2012). Production of tomato seedlings using different substrates and trays in Three three protected environments. Engenharia Agrícola 32(5):822-830.
  • Çaycı, G., Baran, A., Bender, D. (1998). The effects of peat and sand amended spent mushroom compost on growing of tomato. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 4 (2): 27-29.
  • Çinkılıç, H. (2008). Farklı organik ve inorganik ortamlarda hıyar fidesi üretimi. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 5 (2): 151-158.
  • Çolpan, E., Zengin, M., Özbahçe, A. (2013). The effects of potassium on the yield and fruit quality components of stick tomato. Hort. Environ. Biotechnol. 54(1):20-28.
  • Demir, H., Polat, E., Sönmez, İ., Yılmaz, E. (2010). Effects of different growing media on seedling quality and nutrient contents in pepper (Capsicum annuum L. var longum cv. Super Umut F1). Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environ-ment, 8 (3&4): 894-897.
  • Demir, H., Polat, E. (2014). Effects of different growing media on seedling quality and nutrient contents in cabba-ge (Brassica oleraceae var. capitata L.). Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 12(2), 1378-1381.
  • Demirsoy, M. (2004). Farklı fide ortamlarının domates, biber, patlıcan ve hıyar fidelerinin büyümesine kantitatif etkileri üzerine bir araştırma. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ondokuz Ma-yıs Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bahçe Bitkileri Anabilim Dalı, Samsun.
  • Gomiero, T., Pimentel, D., Paoletti, M.G. (2011). Environ-mental impact of different agricultural management prac-tices: conventional vs. organic agriculture. Critical Re-views in Plant Sciences, 30 (1-2): 95-124.
  • Haska, O.J.A., Söylemez, S., Sarhan, T.Z. (2022). Effect of different organic growing mediums and application of bi-ofertilizer in organic seedling production. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 13 (02): 252–263.
  • Jeevitha, J., Rajalingam, G.V., Arumugam, T., Sellamuthu, K.M. (2019). Effect of growing media on tomato seedling production. International Journal of Chemical Studies 7(4): 319-321.
  • Kim, E-Y., Park ,S-A., Park, B-J., Lee, Y., Oh, M-M. (2014). Growth and antioxidant phenolic compounds in cherry tomato seedlings grown under monochromatic light-emitting diodes. Hort. Environ. Biotechnol. 55(6):506-513.
  • Kurtar, E.S. (2013). Float sistemde bazı kışlık sebze türlerinin organik fide üretimi. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Tarım Bilim-leri Dergisi, 23 (2): 83–89.
  • Li, R., Hao, H., Sun, H., Wang, L., Wang, H. (2022). Compos-ted rabbit manure as organic matrix for manufacturing horticultural growing media: composting process and se-edling effects. Sustainability 14 (9): 5146; DOI10.3390/su14095146
  • Luquı, L.L., Salles, J.S., Costa, E., Alves, V.C.D., Souza, L.G.P., Vıeıra, M. T., Salles, J.S., Souza, V.C.M. (2019). Seedlings production and fruit yield of cucumber on diffe-rent organic substrates. Revista de Agricultura Neotropi-cal, Cassilândia-MS, 6 (4): 1-7.
  • Manh, V.H., Wang, C.H. (2014). Vermicompost as an impor-tant component in substrate: Effects on seedling quality and growth of muskmelon (Cucumis melo L.). APCBEE Procedia, 8:32-40. Doi: 10.1016/j.apcbee.2014.01.076
  • Mathowa, T., Tshipinare, K., Mojeremane, W., Legwaila, G.M., Oagile, O. (2017). Effect of growing media on growth and development of sweet paper (Capsicum an-num L.) seedlings. Journal of Applied Horticulture, 19 (3): 200-204.
  • Mininni, C., Santamaria, P., Abdelrahman, H., Cocozza, C., Miano, T., Montesano, F., Parente, A. (2012).
  • Posidonia-based compost as a peat substitute for lettuce transplant production. Hortscıence, 47 (10): 1438–1444.
  • Namal, E. (2019). Fide yetiştiriciliğinde kullanılan farklı ortam-ların bazı fizikokimyasal özellikleri ile domates fide kalite parametrelerindeki değişimlerin belirlenmesi. Yüksek Li-sans Tezi, Akdeniz Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Toprak Bilimi ve Bitki Besleme Anabilim Dalı, Antalya.
  • Olaria, M., Nebot, J.F., Molina, H., Troncho, P., Lapeña, L., Llorens, E. (2016). Effect of different substrates for orga-nic agriculture in seedling development of traditional spe-cies of Solanaceae. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Re-search, 14(1); 1-7.
  • Park, Y., Gómez, C., Runkle, E.S. (2022). Indoor production of ornamental seedlings, vegetable transplants, and mic-rogreens. Plant Factory Basics, Applications and Advan-ces, 351-375.
  • Pascual, J.A., Ceglie, F., Tuzel, Y., Koller, M., Koren, A., Hitchings, R., Tittarelli, F. (2018). Organic substrate for transplant production in organic nurseries. A review. Ag-ronomy for Sustainable Development 38 (3):1-23.
  • Polat, S., Şahin, N., Özdemir, H. (2017). Farklı fide yetiştirme ortamlarının Crimson Sweet karpuz çeşidinde fide kalite-sine etkileri. Akademik Ziraat Dergisi, 6 (Özel Sayı):47-50
  • Ronga, D., Vitti, A., Zaccardelli, M., Pane, C., Caradonia, F., Cardarelli, M., Colla, G., Rouphael, Y. (2021). Root Zone Management for Improving Seedling Quality of Organi-cally Produced Horticultural Crops. Agronomy 11 (4): 630; DOI10.3390/agronomy11040630
  • Sönmez, İ., Kalkan, H., Demir, H. (2016). Effects of spent mushroom compost on seedling quality and nutrient con-tents of eggplant (Solanum melongena) grown in different growing media. Acta Hortic. 11 (1): 403-408.
  • Tan, E. (2014). Organik fide üretimine uygun yetiştirme or-tamlarının belirlenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ege Üniversi-tesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bahçe Bitkileri Anabilim Dalı, İzmir.
  • Tuzel, Y., Oztekin, G.B., Tan, E. (2015). Use of different growing media and nutrition in organic seedling produc-tion. XXIX International Horticultural Congress on Horti-culture: Sustaining Lives, Livelihoods and Landscapes (IHC2014): International Symposium on Innovation and New Technologies in Protected Cropping, December 23, 2015, Brisbane, Australia, Book of Proceedings, 165-175.
  • Tüzel, Y., Öztekin, G., Tüzel, İ.H., Duyar, H. (2020). Growing media in organic seedling production, Ege Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Derg., 57 (4): 603-610.
  • Ünal, M. (2013). Effect of organic media on growth of vege-table seedlings. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 50 (3): 517-522. Varış, S., S. Altıntaş, H. Çinkılıç, P. S. Koral, S. J. Butt ve L. Çinkılıç, 2004. Öğütülmüş CibreCüruf (ÖCC) Harcı. Ha-sad Dergisi, 234:26-34. Yılmaz, C., Sırça, E., Özer, H., Pekşen, A. (2018). Agaricus ve Pleurotus atık mantar kompostlarının domates fide üre-timinde yetiştirme ortamı olarak kullanımı. Türkiye Tarım-sal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 5 (3): 229-235.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences
Journal Section Research Paper

Gizem Fadıllıoğlu This is me 0000-0001-6242-1175

Sevinc Başay 0000-0002-9466-1015

Project Number HDP(Z)-2020/14
Early Pub Date November 15, 2023
Publication Date December 31, 2023
Acceptance Date September 19, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 14 Issue: 2


APA Fadıllıoğlu, G., & Başay, S. (2023). Effects of Different Media on Seedling Quality in Organic Seedling Production. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 14(2), 282-291.