Research Article
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Year 2023, , 1742 - 1777, 30.11.2023


The aim of this study is to determine the deficiencies of the h-index, to produce solutions in this direction and to reveal the limits of the h-index. In this study, document analysis, which is included in secondary data analysis, was used. Except for the H-index, indices used in the scientific world are generally examined in 3 groups. In this direction, a total of 33 indexes were examined by 3 scientists, each index type being compared. The publications and citations of scientists are based on the October 2021 period via Google Scholar. Although the h-index, developed by Hirsch, in which n citations to n publications of a scientist is presented as output, is the most used criterion in the scientific world, it has been determined that there are missing aspects. In the study, it was seen that the scientist with a low h-index may have a higher value in other index types. It has been concluded that the other indexes examined in the study are alternatives to the h-index and that a new type of index should be developed that exceeds all limitations..


  • Al, U. (2008). Bilimsel yayınların değerlendirilmesi: h-endeksi ve Türkiye’nin performansı. Bilgi Dünyası, 9(2), 263-285.
  • Ali, M. A. A., Atiso, K., Chatama, Y. J., Chiguvare, J., Diaron, R., Dinh, L. T. P., Lubuulwa, M., Mahbuba, D., Millawithanachchi, U. S., Nguyen, T. T. N., Quijano, G., Céspedes, Z. R., Rousseau, R., Weldemichael, M., and Zulu, H. M. (2007). The Hirsch index applied to topics of interest to developing countries. First Monday, 12(2).
  • Aliguliyev, R. and Hasanova, R.S., (2010). The evaluation of the scientific output of researchers. Conference: 3rd İnternaional Conference "Problems of Cybermetics and Informatics" (PCI'2010) Volume: vol.1, pp.139-142.
  • Alonso, S., Cabrerizo, F. J., Herrera-Viedma, E., and Herrera, F. (2010). hg-index: A new index to characterize the scientific output of researchers based on the h-and g-indices. Scientometrics, 82(2), 391-400.
  • Alonso, S., Cabrerizo, F. J., Herrera-Viedma, E., and Herrera, F. (2009). h-Index: A review focused in its variants, computation and standardization for different scientific fields. Journal of informetrics, 3(4), 273-289.
  • Antonakis, J., and Lalive, R. (2008). Quantifying scholarly impact: IQp versus the Hirsch h. Journal of the American Society for information Science and Technology, 59(6), 956-969.
  • Banks, M. G. (2006). An extension of the Hirsch index: Indexing scientific topics and compounds. Scientometrics, 69(1), 161-168.
  • Barnes, C. (2017). The h-index debate: an introduction for librarians. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 43(6), 487-494.
  • Bastian, S., Ippolito, J. A., Lopez, S. A., Eloy, J. A., and Beebe, K. S. (2017). The use of the h-index in academic orthopaedic surgery. JBJS, 99(4), e14.
  • Belter, C. W. (2015). Bibliometric indicators: opportunities and limits. Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA, 103(4), 219-221.
  • Bihari, A., Tripathi, S., and Deepak, A. (2018). h-index and its alternative: A Review. arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.03308.
  • Bornmann, L. and Daniel, H.-D. (2007), What do we know about the h index?. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology., 58(9), 1381-1385.


Year 2023, , 1742 - 1777, 30.11.2023


Bu çalışmanın amacı, h-indeksinin eksikliklerini belirleyip, bu yönde çözüm üretip h-indeksinin sınırlarını ortaya koymaktır. Bu çalışmada ikincil veri analizleri içerisinde yer alan doküman analizi kullanılmıştır. H-indeksi dışında bilimsel dünyada kullanılan indeksler genel hatlarıyla 3 grupta incelenmektedir. Bu doğrultuda 3 bilim insanı her bir indeks türü karşılaştırılacak şekilde toplamda 33 indeks incelenmiştir. Bilim insanlarının yayınları ve atıf sayılarında Google Scholar üzerinden Ekim 2021 dönemi baz alınmıştır. Hirsch tarafından geliştirilen, bir bilim insanının n sayıda yayınına gelen n sayıda atıfın çıktı olarak sunulduğu h-indeksi bilimsel dünyada en çok kullanılan ölçüt olmasına rağmen eksik kalan yönleri bulunduğu tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmada h- indeksi düşük olan bilim insanı diğer indeks türlerinde daha yüksek değere sahip olabileceği görülmüştür. Çalışmada incelenen diğer indekslerin h-indeksine alternatif olan indeksler olduğu ve tüm sınırlılıkları aşan yeni bir indeks türü geliştirilmesi gerektiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • Al, U. (2008). Bilimsel yayınların değerlendirilmesi: h-endeksi ve Türkiye’nin performansı. Bilgi Dünyası, 9(2), 263-285.
  • Ali, M. A. A., Atiso, K., Chatama, Y. J., Chiguvare, J., Diaron, R., Dinh, L. T. P., Lubuulwa, M., Mahbuba, D., Millawithanachchi, U. S., Nguyen, T. T. N., Quijano, G., Céspedes, Z. R., Rousseau, R., Weldemichael, M., and Zulu, H. M. (2007). The Hirsch index applied to topics of interest to developing countries. First Monday, 12(2).
  • Aliguliyev, R. and Hasanova, R.S., (2010). The evaluation of the scientific output of researchers. Conference: 3rd İnternaional Conference "Problems of Cybermetics and Informatics" (PCI'2010) Volume: vol.1, pp.139-142.
  • Alonso, S., Cabrerizo, F. J., Herrera-Viedma, E., and Herrera, F. (2010). hg-index: A new index to characterize the scientific output of researchers based on the h-and g-indices. Scientometrics, 82(2), 391-400.
  • Alonso, S., Cabrerizo, F. J., Herrera-Viedma, E., and Herrera, F. (2009). h-Index: A review focused in its variants, computation and standardization for different scientific fields. Journal of informetrics, 3(4), 273-289.
  • Antonakis, J., and Lalive, R. (2008). Quantifying scholarly impact: IQp versus the Hirsch h. Journal of the American Society for information Science and Technology, 59(6), 956-969.
  • Banks, M. G. (2006). An extension of the Hirsch index: Indexing scientific topics and compounds. Scientometrics, 69(1), 161-168.
  • Barnes, C. (2017). The h-index debate: an introduction for librarians. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 43(6), 487-494.
  • Bastian, S., Ippolito, J. A., Lopez, S. A., Eloy, J. A., and Beebe, K. S. (2017). The use of the h-index in academic orthopaedic surgery. JBJS, 99(4), e14.
  • Belter, C. W. (2015). Bibliometric indicators: opportunities and limits. Journal of the Medical Library Association: JMLA, 103(4), 219-221.
  • Bihari, A., Tripathi, S., and Deepak, A. (2018). h-index and its alternative: A Review. arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.03308.
  • Bornmann, L. and Daniel, H.-D. (2007), What do we know about the h index?. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology., 58(9), 1381-1385.
There are 12 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Research, Science and Technology Policy
Journal Section Research Articles

Serhat Fırat 0000-0003-3934-2932

Buket Oğuz Alramazanoğlu 0000-0001-6761-147X

Gülşen Genç 0000-0002-8386-4626

Yusuf Karaşin 0000-0002-4594-9290

Mehmet Nurullah Kurutkan 0000-0002-3740-4231

Early Pub Date November 28, 2023
Publication Date November 30, 2023
Submission Date April 2, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Fırat, S., Oğuz Alramazanoğlu, B., Genç, G., Karaşin, Y., et al. (2023). H-İNDEKSİ VE AKADEMİK BAŞARIYI ÖLÇME SORUNU: EKSİKLİKLER VE SINIRLILIKLARI AŞMA ÇABASI. Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty, 10(3), 1742-1777.

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