Year 2019,
, 64 - 76, 29.04.2019
Hakan Cavlak
Mert Çetin
This study examines skepticism of the Western societies towards China’s
growth which manifests itself on the Western mass media coverage of the Chinese
Communist Party’s 19th congress based on cultural-institutional approach. Cultural-institutional perspective of China
Threat theory which is offering more appropriate arguments emphasizes China’s
non-democratic, authoritarian political system. It also examines the insecurity
of China towards the Western hemisphere due to its historical experiences. It
argues that China does not leave the peaceful development policy after the 19th
congress which has dominated China’s foreign policy since 2003. Chinese policy
towards North Korean Crisis has been chosen as the case for supporting the
arguments of the study.
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- BIJIAN, Z. (2005), China’s Peaceful Rise: Speeches of Zheng Bijian 1997-2005. Washington: The Brookings Institution.
- CHAPMAN, B. (2017), 2017 defense department report on Chinese military power. China Policy Institute: Analysis.
- CHINA DAILY. (2017), Full text of Xi Jinping’s report at 19th CPC National Congress.
- CHOMSKY, N. & Herman, E.S. (2002), Manufacturing Consent: The political economy of the mass media. New York: Pantheon Books.
- DENNY, R. (2017), Misunderstanding North Korea. Asia-Pacific Issues, 133.
- DOSHI, R. (2017, October 25), Xi Jinping just made it clear where China’s foreign policy is headed. The Washington Post. Retrieved from
- DOYLE, M.W. (1983), Kant, Liberal Legacies, and Foreign Affairs. Wiley, 12(3), 205-235.
- GARDELS, N. (2017, October 27), China’s party congress is a wake-up call for the West. The Washington Post. Retrieved from
- GORDON, K. (2013), A short history of China: From ancient dynasties to economic powerhouse. Harpenden: Pocket Essentials.
- HIRST, T. (2015), A brief history of China’s economic growth. World Economic Forum.
- HUNT, Katie. (2017, October 17), China’s 19th party congress: What you need to know. CNN International. Retrieved from
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- KIM, Y.C. & YOO, H.K. (2017) Anti-Americanism in East Asia: Analyses of college students’ attitudes in China, Japan, and South Korea. International Area Studies Review, 20(1), 42-56.
- KRAUS, R.C. (2012), The Cultural Revolution: A very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- PENG, X. (2011), China’s demographic history and future challenges. Science, New Series, 333(6042), 581-587.
- RAWSKI, T.G. (2014), Toward integrating past and present in China’s economic history. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 54, 465-469.
- MCCURRY, J. & KOLLEWE, J. (2011, February 11) China overtakes Japan as world’s second-largest economy. The Guardian. Retrieved from
- MEARSHEIMER, J. (2004) Why China’s rise will not be peaceful. The University of Chicago, 1-5.
- MIAO, Y. (2017), Middle class identity in China: Subjectivity and Stratification. Asian Studies Review, 41(4), 629-646.
- SCOTT, D. (2008), China and the international system, 1840-1949: power, presence, and perceptions in a century of humiliation. New York: State University of New York Press.
- SO, A.Y. (2015), China’s developmental miracle: origins, transformations, and challenges. New York: Routledge.
- STEVENSON, A. (2017), China-North Korea relations and the 19th Party Congress. Strategic Comments, 23(3).
- STOCKHOLM INTERNATIONAL PEACE RESEARCH INSTITUTE (SIPRI) (2016), Military expenditure (% of GDP), Yearbook: Armaments, Disarmament and International Security, Stockholm.
- VAZ-PINTO, R. (2014), Peaceful rise and the limits of Chinese exceptionalism. Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional, 57.
- WALDRON, A. (2010), China’s ‘peaceful rise’ enters turbulence. Orbis, 58(12), 164-181.
- WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) (2016), Environment and people’s health in China, United Nations Development Programme.
- YANG, Y. E & LIU, X. (2012), The ‘China Threat’ through the lens of US Print Media: 1992-2006. Journal of Contemporary China, 21(76), 695-711.
- YU, H. (2014), Glorious memories of imperial China and the rise of Chinese Populist Nationalism. Journal of Contemporary China, 23(90), 1174-1187.
- ZHANG, B. (2015), Chinese perceptions of US Return to Southeast Asia and the prospect of China’s peaceful rise. Journal of Contemporary China, 24, 176-195.
- ZHENG, S & KAHN, M. E. (2013), Understanding China’s urban pollution dynamics. Journal of Economic Literature. Journal of Economic Literature, 51(3), 731-772.
Year 2019,
, 64 - 76, 29.04.2019
Hakan Cavlak
Mert Çetin
Bu çalışmada Batılı toplumların Çin’in
büyümesine yönelik şüpheciliklerini Batı kitle iletişim araçlarında Cin
Komünist Partisi’nin 19. Kongresi hakkında yapılan haberler üzerinden
kültürel-kurumsalcı yaklaşımla incelenmiştir. Kültürel Kurumsalcı yaklaşım ayrıca
Çin’in tarihsel deneyimlerinin bir sonucu olarak Batı yarımküre karşısında
duyduğu güvensizliğin incelenmesini de sağlamaktadır. Çalışmada ayrıca Çin’in
tarihi deneyimleri nedeniyle Batı yarıküreye karşı duyduğu güvensizlik de
değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada Çin’in 19. Kongre sonrasında da 2003 yılından
beri dış politikasının temelini oluşturan barışçı kalkınma politikasından
vazgeçmediği iddia edilmektedir. Çin’in Kuzey Kore krizine yönelik politikası
bu argümanı desteklemek üzere örnek olay olarak alınmıştır.
- ARMS CONTROL ASSOCIATION (2018), Chronology of U.S.-North Korean nuclear and missile diplomacy. Retrieved February 10, 2018, from
- BIJIAN, Z. (2005), China’s Peaceful Rise: Speeches of Zheng Bijian 1997-2005. Washington: The Brookings Institution.
- CHAPMAN, B. (2017), 2017 defense department report on Chinese military power. China Policy Institute: Analysis.
- CHINA DAILY. (2017), Full text of Xi Jinping’s report at 19th CPC National Congress.
- CHOMSKY, N. & Herman, E.S. (2002), Manufacturing Consent: The political economy of the mass media. New York: Pantheon Books.
- DENNY, R. (2017), Misunderstanding North Korea. Asia-Pacific Issues, 133.
- DOSHI, R. (2017, October 25), Xi Jinping just made it clear where China’s foreign policy is headed. The Washington Post. Retrieved from
- DOYLE, M.W. (1983), Kant, Liberal Legacies, and Foreign Affairs. Wiley, 12(3), 205-235.
- GARDELS, N. (2017, October 27), China’s party congress is a wake-up call for the West. The Washington Post. Retrieved from
- GORDON, K. (2013), A short history of China: From ancient dynasties to economic powerhouse. Harpenden: Pocket Essentials.
- HIRST, T. (2015), A brief history of China’s economic growth. World Economic Forum.
- HUNT, Katie. (2017, October 17), China’s 19th party congress: What you need to know. CNN International. Retrieved from
- INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND (IMF) (2017), Real GDP growth. Retrieved February 10, 2018, from
- KIM, Y.C. & YOO, H.K. (2017) Anti-Americanism in East Asia: Analyses of college students’ attitudes in China, Japan, and South Korea. International Area Studies Review, 20(1), 42-56.
- KRAUS, R.C. (2012), The Cultural Revolution: A very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- PENG, X. (2011), China’s demographic history and future challenges. Science, New Series, 333(6042), 581-587.
- RAWSKI, T.G. (2014), Toward integrating past and present in China’s economic history. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 54, 465-469.
- MCCURRY, J. & KOLLEWE, J. (2011, February 11) China overtakes Japan as world’s second-largest economy. The Guardian. Retrieved from
- MEARSHEIMER, J. (2004) Why China’s rise will not be peaceful. The University of Chicago, 1-5.
- MIAO, Y. (2017), Middle class identity in China: Subjectivity and Stratification. Asian Studies Review, 41(4), 629-646.
- SCOTT, D. (2008), China and the international system, 1840-1949: power, presence, and perceptions in a century of humiliation. New York: State University of New York Press.
- SO, A.Y. (2015), China’s developmental miracle: origins, transformations, and challenges. New York: Routledge.
- STEVENSON, A. (2017), China-North Korea relations and the 19th Party Congress. Strategic Comments, 23(3).
- STOCKHOLM INTERNATIONAL PEACE RESEARCH INSTITUTE (SIPRI) (2016), Military expenditure (% of GDP), Yearbook: Armaments, Disarmament and International Security, Stockholm.
- VAZ-PINTO, R. (2014), Peaceful rise and the limits of Chinese exceptionalism. Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional, 57.
- WALDRON, A. (2010), China’s ‘peaceful rise’ enters turbulence. Orbis, 58(12), 164-181.
- WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO) (2016), Environment and people’s health in China, United Nations Development Programme.
- YANG, Y. E & LIU, X. (2012), The ‘China Threat’ through the lens of US Print Media: 1992-2006. Journal of Contemporary China, 21(76), 695-711.
- YU, H. (2014), Glorious memories of imperial China and the rise of Chinese Populist Nationalism. Journal of Contemporary China, 23(90), 1174-1187.
- ZHANG, B. (2015), Chinese perceptions of US Return to Southeast Asia and the prospect of China’s peaceful rise. Journal of Contemporary China, 24, 176-195.
- ZHENG, S & KAHN, M. E. (2013), Understanding China’s urban pollution dynamics. Journal of Economic Literature. Journal of Economic Literature, 51(3), 731-772.