Year 2021,
, 761 - 781, 27.07.2021
Fanya Filipova
Atanas Atanasov
Reni Petrova
Rumyana Marinova
Bu yazının amacı, IASB Girişiminin Finansal Tablolar Yoluyla İletişimi İyileştirme üzerindeki etkilerini ve bunun sonucunda ortaya çıkan UMS 1, UMS 7 ve UMS 27 değişikliklerini analiz etmektir. Sunum, açıklama ve fazla açıklama ile ilgili en tartışmalı konular analiz edilir, mali tablolarda açıklanan bilgilerin hacmini ve kullanışlılığını optimize etmek için makul çözümler arayışının yanı sıra. Büyük vergi mükellefleri ve sigortacılar listesinde listelenen farklı endüstrilerden iki Bulgar işletmesi örneği incelendi: ilki IAS / IFRS uygulayan 12 işletmeyi ve ikincisi - 2015'te Ulusal Muhasebe Standartlarına (NAS) geri dönen 6 şirketi kapsıyor. -2018 dönemi. Sonuçlarımız, artan ifşa gereklilikleri ile birleşen IFRS'nin karmaşıklığı sorununun, bazı Bulgar şirketlerinin Ulusal Muhasebe Standartlarına geri dönmesinin başlıca nedenlerinden biri olduğunu göstermektedir.
- Ball, Ray (2016) IFRS – 10 years later, Accounting and Business Research, 46(5), 545-571,
- Barker, R., Penman, S., Linsmeier, T. J., & Cooper, S. (2020). Moving the conceptual framework forward: Accounting for uncertainty. Contemporary Accounting Research, 37(1), 322-357,
- Brouwer, A., Hoogendoorn, M., & Naarding, E. (2015). Will the changes proposed to the conceptual framework's definitions and recognition criteria provide a better basis for IASB standard setting?. Accounting and Business Research, 45(5), 547-571,
- Cristina Abad, Elisabetta Barone, Benita M. Gullkvist, Niclas Hellman, Ana Marques, Jan Marton, Stephani Mason, Ricardo Luiz Menezes Silva, Ana Morais, Soledad Moya Gutierrez, Alberto Quagli & Anna Vysotskaya (2020) On the ‘Disclosure Initiative – Principles of Disclosure’: The EAA Financial Reporting Standards Committee’s View, Accounting in Europe, 17(1), 1-32,
- Downes, J. F., Kang, T., Kim, S., & Lee, C. (2019). Does the mandatory adoption of IFRS improve the association between accruals and cash flows? evidence from accounting estimates. Accounting Horizons, 33(1), 39-59.
- Filipova, F., Georgiev, V. & Petrova, R., (2017). Exploring the effects of the transition to the international financial reporting standards (IASs/IFRSs) in Bulgarian entities in the 2002 – 2014 period (Izsledvane efekta ot preminavane kam mezhdunarodnite standarti za finansovo otchitane (MSS/MSFO) v balgarskite predpriyatiya za perioda 2002 – 2014 godina), IDES Yearbook, 79-134 (in Bulgarian). Available from:
- Hans B. Christensen, Edward Lee, Martin Walker & Cheng Zeng (2015) Incentives or standards: What determines accounting quality changes around IFRS adoption?, European Accounting Review, 24(1), 31-61,
- Hellman, N., Carenys, J. & Gutierrez, S. M., (2017). Introducing More IFRS Principles of Disclosures – Will the Poor Disclosers Improve?. [Online] Available at: conferences/2017/november/disclosures.pdf?la=en&hash=9B5DBA490EDD7B7E1A1DF7E386DCFA62E280178E [Accessed 25 11 2019].
- IASB, (2018). Conceptual framework for financial reporting, London: IFRS Foundation.
- KASB, (2018). The Usefulness of Note Disclosures: Examination and Suggestions for Improvement, Research Report No.44. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 11 2019].
- Knappstein, J., Muschallik, M., & Schmidt, A. (2018). Less is more? Decreases in disclosure and information asymmetry. SSRN Electronic Journal. Published.
- Kulkarni, P., & Aanand, S. (2017). Conceptual issues and challenges in IFRS research: Towards a comprehensive research framework. Indian Journal of Finance, 11(8), 7.
- Kusano, M., & Sanada, M. (2019). Crisis and organizational change: IASB’s response to the financial crisis. Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, 15(2), 278–301.
- Macve, R. (2014). What should be the nature and role of a revised conceptual framework for international accounting standards? China Journal of Accounting Studies, 2(2), 77–95.
- Nuraini, A., & Linda (2016). International financial reporting standard implementation: Does improve financial reporting quality? International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 14(10), 6755-6766.
- Nurunnabi, M., Jermakowicz, E. K., & Donker, H. (2020). Implementing IFRS in Saudi Arabia: evidence from publicly traded companies. International Journal of Accounting & Information Management, 28(2), 243–273.
- Nikolov, G., (2017). Transition for the first time from IASB to National Accounting Standards (Preminavane za parvi pat ot Mezhdunarodni kam Natsionalni schetovodni standarti) [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 11 2019]. (in Bulgarian).
- Pelger, C. (2019). The Return of Stewardship, Reliability and Prudence – A Commentary on the IASB’s New Conceptual Framework. Accounting in Europe, 17(1), 33–51.
- Saha, A., Morris, R. D., & Kang, H. (2019). Disclosure overload? An empirical analysis of ınternational financial reporting standards disclosure requirements. Abacus, 55(1), 205–236.
- Shulga, T., Tovkun, L., Perepelytsia, M., & Duravkin, P. (2019). Introduction of ınternational financial reporting standards in Ukraine: Problems and prospects. Amazonia Investiga, 8(21), 341-354
- Tysiac, K., (2019). FASB to propose delaying effective dates for 4 major standards. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 11 2019].
Year 2021,
, 761 - 781, 27.07.2021
Fanya Filipova
Atanas Atanasov
Reni Petrova
Rumyana Marinova
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effects of the IASB Initiative on Improving Communication through Financial Statements and the resulting changes to IAS 1, IAS 7 and IAS 27. The most debatable issues related to presentation, disclosure and over-disclosure are analyzed, as well as the search for reasonable solutions to optimize the volume and usefulness of the information disclosed in financial statements. Two samples of Bulgarian enterprises from different industries, listed on the large taxpayers and insurers list, were studied: the first covers 12 enterprises applying IAS/IFRS and the second - 6 companies which switched back to the National Accounting Standards (NAS) in the 2015-2018 period. Our results suggest that the problem of the complexity of IFRS, which is combined with increasing disclosure requirements, is one of the leading reasons for some Bulgarian companies to move back to the National Accounting Standards.
- Ball, Ray (2016) IFRS – 10 years later, Accounting and Business Research, 46(5), 545-571,
- Barker, R., Penman, S., Linsmeier, T. J., & Cooper, S. (2020). Moving the conceptual framework forward: Accounting for uncertainty. Contemporary Accounting Research, 37(1), 322-357,
- Brouwer, A., Hoogendoorn, M., & Naarding, E. (2015). Will the changes proposed to the conceptual framework's definitions and recognition criteria provide a better basis for IASB standard setting?. Accounting and Business Research, 45(5), 547-571,
- Cristina Abad, Elisabetta Barone, Benita M. Gullkvist, Niclas Hellman, Ana Marques, Jan Marton, Stephani Mason, Ricardo Luiz Menezes Silva, Ana Morais, Soledad Moya Gutierrez, Alberto Quagli & Anna Vysotskaya (2020) On the ‘Disclosure Initiative – Principles of Disclosure’: The EAA Financial Reporting Standards Committee’s View, Accounting in Europe, 17(1), 1-32,
- Downes, J. F., Kang, T., Kim, S., & Lee, C. (2019). Does the mandatory adoption of IFRS improve the association between accruals and cash flows? evidence from accounting estimates. Accounting Horizons, 33(1), 39-59.
- Filipova, F., Georgiev, V. & Petrova, R., (2017). Exploring the effects of the transition to the international financial reporting standards (IASs/IFRSs) in Bulgarian entities in the 2002 – 2014 period (Izsledvane efekta ot preminavane kam mezhdunarodnite standarti za finansovo otchitane (MSS/MSFO) v balgarskite predpriyatiya za perioda 2002 – 2014 godina), IDES Yearbook, 79-134 (in Bulgarian). Available from:
- Hans B. Christensen, Edward Lee, Martin Walker & Cheng Zeng (2015) Incentives or standards: What determines accounting quality changes around IFRS adoption?, European Accounting Review, 24(1), 31-61,
- Hellman, N., Carenys, J. & Gutierrez, S. M., (2017). Introducing More IFRS Principles of Disclosures – Will the Poor Disclosers Improve?. [Online] Available at: conferences/2017/november/disclosures.pdf?la=en&hash=9B5DBA490EDD7B7E1A1DF7E386DCFA62E280178E [Accessed 25 11 2019].
- IASB, (2018). Conceptual framework for financial reporting, London: IFRS Foundation.
- KASB, (2018). The Usefulness of Note Disclosures: Examination and Suggestions for Improvement, Research Report No.44. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 24 11 2019].
- Knappstein, J., Muschallik, M., & Schmidt, A. (2018). Less is more? Decreases in disclosure and information asymmetry. SSRN Electronic Journal. Published.
- Kulkarni, P., & Aanand, S. (2017). Conceptual issues and challenges in IFRS research: Towards a comprehensive research framework. Indian Journal of Finance, 11(8), 7.
- Kusano, M., & Sanada, M. (2019). Crisis and organizational change: IASB’s response to the financial crisis. Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, 15(2), 278–301.
- Macve, R. (2014). What should be the nature and role of a revised conceptual framework for international accounting standards? China Journal of Accounting Studies, 2(2), 77–95.
- Nuraini, A., & Linda (2016). International financial reporting standard implementation: Does improve financial reporting quality? International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 14(10), 6755-6766.
- Nurunnabi, M., Jermakowicz, E. K., & Donker, H. (2020). Implementing IFRS in Saudi Arabia: evidence from publicly traded companies. International Journal of Accounting & Information Management, 28(2), 243–273.
- Nikolov, G., (2017). Transition for the first time from IASB to National Accounting Standards (Preminavane za parvi pat ot Mezhdunarodni kam Natsionalni schetovodni standarti) [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 11 2019]. (in Bulgarian).
- Pelger, C. (2019). The Return of Stewardship, Reliability and Prudence – A Commentary on the IASB’s New Conceptual Framework. Accounting in Europe, 17(1), 33–51.
- Saha, A., Morris, R. D., & Kang, H. (2019). Disclosure overload? An empirical analysis of ınternational financial reporting standards disclosure requirements. Abacus, 55(1), 205–236.
- Shulga, T., Tovkun, L., Perepelytsia, M., & Duravkin, P. (2019). Introduction of ınternational financial reporting standards in Ukraine: Problems and prospects. Amazonia Investiga, 8(21), 341-354
- Tysiac, K., (2019). FASB to propose delaying effective dates for 4 major standards. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 11 2019].