Research Article
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Year 2021, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 1321 - 1342, 30.11.2021


In Turkey, although the social security of the disadvantaged, elderly and/or individuals with disabilities take place within the non-contributory system and them having the same requirements to claim their monthly payments, the amount of individuals with disabilities’ Monthly Payments which were paid until June 2018 have always exceeded the Elderly Persons’ Monthly Premiums. In contrast, afterwards the 2016 amendment, the individuals with disabilities have faced injustice with the “per capita income” principle, which was implemented in favor of the elderly. With this study, we aim to emphasize that with the adoption of the Individuals with Disabilities' Law of 2005, the conditions and amount of premiums to claim Elderly and Individuals with Disabilities’ Monthly Benefits are inconsistent with the social justice principle. Thus, we state that the amount of monthly payments paid to the disadvantaged elderly people and individuals with disabilities are insufficient to have them reach the minimum living standards. Accordingly, it became evident that to fulfill the social justice principle in paying the elderly and individuals with disabilities’ monthly premiums within the non-contributory system in Turkey, indexation has to be carried at 40% rate of the “per capita net income”.


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  • Authority Regarding the Organizations, Duties and Powers of Public Institutions and Organizations and Public Officials to Ensure That the Public Services are Executed Regularly, Effectively and Efficiently Act of 6223. (2011), 2011/05/20110503-1.htm [accessed: 10.12.2019].
  • AYSOY, M. (2004), Disability Policy in the European Union Process. Istanbul: Açı Books.
  • BARRIENTOS, A. (2014), Is There a Role for Social Pensions in Asia?. Asia & The Pacific Policy Studies, 2 (1): 8-20. doi:10.1002/app5.63.
  • BLOMBERG, R. (2013), Who Is Granted Disability Benefit in Sweden? Description of Risk Factors and the Effect of the 2008 Law Reform. Royal Institute of Technology School of Engineering Sciences Master of Science Thesis, Stockholm, Sweden.
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  • HAN, S. (2012), Republic of Korea: Updating and Improving the Social Protection Index. Technical Assistance Consultant’s Report, Project Number: 44152 Regional — Capacity Development Technical Assistance (R–CDTA), Asia Development Bank.
  • ILO (2017), World Social Protection Report 2017–19 Universal Social Protection to Achieve The Sustainable Development Goal, Geneva.
  • ILO (2019), Social Protection for Older Persons: Key Policy Trends and Statistics. wcms_310211.pdf [accessed: 10.12.2019].
  • JOHNSON, J.K.M. & Williamson, J.B. (2006), Do Universal Non-Contributory Old-Age Pensions Make Sense for Rural Areas in Low-Income Countries?. International Social Security Review, 59 (4): 47-65.
  • MARTINHO, M. (2016), Social Protection for Persons with Disabilities. Expert Group Meeting ‘Promoting Inclusion Through Social Protection’ Report on the World Social Situation 2017, New York, 1-2 December 2016.
  • MAYER, E. S. (2003), What Is a Disadvantaged Group?. Effective Communities Project. Minneapolis, USA.
  • Norwegian Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (2017), The Norwegian Social Insurance Scheme, Norway: Published by Norwegian Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.
  • NUTSUBIDZE, T. & Nutsubidze, K. (2017), The Challenge of Pension Reform in Georgia: Non-contributory Pensions. International Social Security Review, 70(1): 79-108.
  • RAMPARAKASH, D. (1994), Poverty In The Countries of The European Union-A Synthesis of Eurostat’s Research on Property. Journal of European Social Policy, 4(2): 117-128.
  • SEYYAR, A. (2015), Disabled-Friendly Social Policy in The World and Turkey. Istanbul: Ragbet Publications.
  • Social services act of 2828 (1983), [accessed: 10.12.2020].
  • SOLEM, P. E. & Overbye, E. (2004), Norway: Still High Employment Among Older Workers. Ed. Tony Maltby, Bert De Vroom, Maria Luisa Mirabile, Einar Overbye, Ageing and the Transition to Retirement A Comparative Analysis of European Welfare States, London and New York: Routledge.
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  • The Ministry of Family and Social Policies (2019c), Annual Report 2015-Ministry of Family and Social Policies. [accessed: 15.12.2019].
  • The Ministry of Family and Social Policies (2019d), Annual Report 2014-Ministry of Family and Social Policies. [accessed: 15.12.2019].
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  • The Promotion of Social Assistance and Solidarity Act of 3294 (1986), [accessed: 15.12.2019].
  • To Amend the Decree Having Force of Law Concerning the Organization and Duties of The Ministry of Family and Social Policies and to Some Laws and Decrees Having Force of Law Act of 662 (2011), [accessed: 15.12.2019].
  • Turkish Statistical Institute (2019a), Estimations of Population Growth Rate, 1927-1985, Estimations and Projections of Population Growth Rate 1986-2025. (20 December 2019).
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Year 2021, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 1321 - 1342, 30.11.2021


İstihdamı mümkün olmayan ve dolayısıyla sosyal sigortalar sistemi dışında kalan yaşlı ve(ya) engelliler gibi dezavantajlı sosyal grupların sosyal güvenliği, dünyadaki yaygın uygulamalara göre genelde primsiz sistem aracılıyla sağlanmaktadır. Türkiye’de de muhtaç, yaşlı ve(ya) engellilerin sosyal güvenliği primsiz sistem kapsamında olup aylıkları hak etme şartları aynı olmakla beraber, Haziran 2018’e kadar ödenen Engelli Aylıklarının miktarı, hep Yaşlı Aylığı üzerinde seyretmiştir. Buna mukabil, 2016 yılında yapılan değişiklik sonrasında, yaşlılar lehine uygulanan “kişi başına düşen gelir” ilkesi ile birlikte bu defa da engelliler haksızlığa uğramıştır. Bu çalışmada Türkiye’de 2005 tarihli Engelliler Kanunu’nun kabulü ile birlikte, Yaşlı ve Engelli Aylığı almaya yönelik şartların ve ödeme miktarlarının, sosyal adalet ilkesine aykırı olduğunu vurgulamak amaçlanmaktadır. Böylece muhtaç yaşlılara ve engellilere ödenen aylıkların miktarının onları asgari hayat standardına kavuşturmada yetersiz olduğu ortaya konmaktadır. Çalışmada, bütün dezavantajlı sosyal grupları asgari hayat standardına kavuşturabilmek için “kişi başına düşen gelir” ilkesinin muhtaç durumdaki her birey için geçerli olması gerektiğinin altı da çizilmektedir. Bu doğrultuda, Türkiye’de primsiz sistem kapsamındaki yaşlı ve engelli aylıklarının ödenmesinde sosyal adalet ilkesinin yerine getirilmesi için “kişi başına düşen ortalama (net) millî gelir”in %40’ı üzerinden endeksleme yapılması gerektiği ortaya çıkmıştır.


  • Association for Living without Obstacles (2019), Disability in the World and Turkey with Numbers. [accessed: 10.12.2019].
  • Authority Regarding the Organizations, Duties and Powers of Public Institutions and Organizations and Public Officials to Ensure That the Public Services are Executed Regularly, Effectively and Efficiently Act of 6223. (2011), 2011/05/20110503-1.htm [accessed: 10.12.2019].
  • AYSOY, M. (2004), Disability Policy in the European Union Process. Istanbul: Açı Books.
  • BARRIENTOS, A. (2014), Is There a Role for Social Pensions in Asia?. Asia & The Pacific Policy Studies, 2 (1): 8-20. doi:10.1002/app5.63.
  • BLOMBERG, R. (2013), Who Is Granted Disability Benefit in Sweden? Description of Risk Factors and the Effect of the 2008 Law Reform. Royal Institute of Technology School of Engineering Sciences Master of Science Thesis, Stockholm, Sweden.
  • Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (2020), Exchange Rates. kurlar/kurlar_tr.html [accessed: 01.03.2020].
  • Decision Amending Some Laws and Decree Law (Omnibus Bill) Act of 6495 (2013), [accessed: 1003.2020].
  • Decree Law on the Organization and Duties of The Ministry of Family and Social Policies Act of 633 (2011), [accessed: 15.04.2020].
  • East Marmara Development Agency (2011), Increasing the Employment Potential of Disadvantaged Groups in Dilovası: Research Results Report. East Marmara Development Agency, Kocaeli-Turkey: Marka Publications.
  • FILGUEIRA, F. & Pilar, M. (2017), Pension and Income Transfers for Old Age Inter- And Intra Generational Distribution in Comparative Perspective. United Nations, Social Policy Series, ISSN 1680-8983.
  • Granting Pensions to Destitute, Weak and Helpless Turkish 65 Years and Older Citizens Act of 2022 (1976), [accessed: 22.03.2020).
  • Granting Pensions to Destitute, Weak and Helpless Turkish 65 Years and Older Citizens and Amending Some Laws and Decree Laws Act of 6704 (2016), [accessed: 10.12.2019].
  • Granting Pensions to Destitute, Weak and Helpless Turkish 65 Years and Older Citizens and Amending Regulation on The Regulation of 30514 (2018), [accessed: 20.12.2019].
  • Granting Pensions to Destitute, Weak and Helpless Turkish 65 Years and Older Citizens Regulation of 28539 (2013), 2013/01/2013012523.htm [accessed: 20.12.2019].
  • Granting Pensions to Destitute, Weak and Helpless Turkish 65 Years and Older Citizens and Amending Regulation on the Regulation of 28952 (2014), eskiler/2014/03/20140325-1.htm [accessed: 25.12.2019].
  • HAN, S. (2012), Republic of Korea: Updating and Improving the Social Protection Index. Technical Assistance Consultant’s Report, Project Number: 44152 Regional — Capacity Development Technical Assistance (R–CDTA), Asia Development Bank.
  • ILO (2017), World Social Protection Report 2017–19 Universal Social Protection to Achieve The Sustainable Development Goal, Geneva.
  • ILO (2019), Social Protection for Older Persons: Key Policy Trends and Statistics. wcms_310211.pdf [accessed: 10.12.2019].
  • JOHNSON, J.K.M. & Williamson, J.B. (2006), Do Universal Non-Contributory Old-Age Pensions Make Sense for Rural Areas in Low-Income Countries?. International Social Security Review, 59 (4): 47-65.
  • MARTINHO, M. (2016), Social Protection for Persons with Disabilities. Expert Group Meeting ‘Promoting Inclusion Through Social Protection’ Report on the World Social Situation 2017, New York, 1-2 December 2016.
  • MAYER, E. S. (2003), What Is a Disadvantaged Group?. Effective Communities Project. Minneapolis, USA.
  • Norwegian Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (2017), The Norwegian Social Insurance Scheme, Norway: Published by Norwegian Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.
  • NUTSUBIDZE, T. & Nutsubidze, K. (2017), The Challenge of Pension Reform in Georgia: Non-contributory Pensions. International Social Security Review, 70(1): 79-108.
  • RAMPARAKASH, D. (1994), Poverty In The Countries of The European Union-A Synthesis of Eurostat’s Research on Property. Journal of European Social Policy, 4(2): 117-128.
  • SEYYAR, A. (2015), Disabled-Friendly Social Policy in The World and Turkey. Istanbul: Ragbet Publications.
  • Social services act of 2828 (1983), [accessed: 10.12.2020].
  • SOLEM, P. E. & Overbye, E. (2004), Norway: Still High Employment Among Older Workers. Ed. Tony Maltby, Bert De Vroom, Maria Luisa Mirabile, Einar Overbye, Ageing and the Transition to Retirement A Comparative Analysis of European Welfare States, London and New York: Routledge.
  • Statista (2020), Turkey: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Per Capita in Current Prices from 1984 to 2024. [accessed: 10.12.2020].
  • The Ministry of Family and Social Policies (2019a), Ministry of Family and Social Policies; Statistical Information About Disabled Individual General Directorate of Disabled and Elderly Services. [accessed: 15.12.2019].
  • The Ministry of Family and Social Policies (2019), Annual Report 2016-Ministry of Family and Social Policies. [accessed: 15.12.2019].
  • The Ministry of Family and Social Policies (2019c), Annual Report 2015-Ministry of Family and Social Policies. [accessed: 15.12.2019].
  • The Ministry of Family and Social Policies (2019d), Annual Report 2014-Ministry of Family and Social Policies. [accessed: 15.12.2019].
  • The Ministry of Family and Social Policies (2019e), Annual Report 2013-Ministry of Family and Social Policies. [accessed: 15.12.2019].
  • The Ministry of Family and Social Policies (2019f), Annual Report 2012-Ministry of Family and Social Policies. [accessed: 15.12.2019].
  • The Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services (2019), Disabled and Elderly Statistics Bulletin. [accessed: 10.12.2019].
  • The Promotion of Social Assistance and Solidarity Act of 3294 (1986), [accessed: 15.12.2019].
  • To Amend the Decree Having Force of Law Concerning the Organization and Duties of The Ministry of Family and Social Policies and to Some Laws and Decrees Having Force of Law Act of 662 (2011), [accessed: 15.12.2019].
  • Turkish Statistical Institute (2019a), Estimations of Population Growth Rate, 1927-1985, Estimations and Projections of Population Growth Rate 1986-2025. (20 December 2019).
  • Turkish Statistical Institute (2019b), Elderly Statistics. [accessed: 20.12.2019].
  • World Bank (2020), GDP Per Capita (Current US$) – Turkey. indicator/NY.GDP.PCAP.CD?locations=TR [accessed: 30.01.2020].
There are 40 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

Mete Kaan Namal 0000-0002-0937-8355

Aynur Yumurtacı 0000-0003-0277-5750

Bülent Arpat 0000-0002-3512-9969

Publication Date November 30, 2021
Submission Date October 1, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 8 Issue: 3


APA Namal, M. K., Yumurtacı, A., & Arpat, B. (2021). NON-CONTRIBUTORY SOCIAL SECURITY APPLICATION FOR ELDERLY AND INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES’: THE CASE OF TURKEY. Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty, 8(3), 1321-1342.

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