Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 2006 - 2026, 29.11.2022


Barınma, doğuştan gelen ve bireylerin sahip olduğu en temel ekonomik ve sosyal insan haklarından birisidir. Bireyin iyilik hali ve refahı düzeyinin temel belirteçlerinden biri olan barınma koşulları bu nedenle sosyal devlet tarafından sosyal politikalar aracılığıyla korunarak geliştirilmeye çalışılmaktadır.Özellikle fiziksel veya zihinsel engel sebebiyle gelir ve refah hizmetlerinden yeterince faydalanamayan fertlerin temel bir insan hakkı olan barınmaya ulaşabilmeleri sosyal devletlerinin temel gayelerinden bir tanesini oluşturmaktadır.Çalışma kapsamında ruh sağlığı sorunları olan bireylere barınma imkânı sunmayı amaçlayan “Önce Konut” politikası incelenerek Türkiye için hak temelli politika önerileri kurgulanmıştır.Bu kapsamda literatür taraması yapılmış olup TÜİK Gelir Yaşam Koşulları Araştırması 2019 yılı verileri kapsamında Türkiye’de ruhsal veya fiziksel hastalıklardan muzdarip olan bireylerin barınma koşulları incelenmiştir.Gerçekleştirilen analizler ile anılan grubun sağlıklı kişilerden daha yoksul olduğu, daha düşük gelir gruplarında yer aldıkları, barınma koşullarının sağlıklı bireylere göre daha kötü olduğu sonuçlarına ulaşılmıştır. Kendisini bir “sosyal devlet” olarak tanımlayan Türkiye'de dezavantajlı grupların barınma hakkının insani bir karşılıkla gerçekleştirilmesi için yeni politika/uygulamalara ihtiyaç duydulduğu aksi halde bu gruplarda yoksulluğa bağlı sosyal dışlanmanın toplumsal refahı tehdit eder düzeye ulaşabileceği intibasına ulaşılmıştır.


  • Amore, K., Baker, M., ve Howden-Chapman, P. (2011), The ETHOS Definition and Classification of Homelessness: An Analysis, European Journal of Homelessness, 5(2), 19-38.
  • Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, (2018). How has homelessness changed between 2011-2016?, Erişim adresi:
  • Avramov, D. (1996). The Invisible Hand of the Housing Market. Brussels: FEANTSA.
  • Blair, C., Jacobs, N.R. ve Quiram, J. (1999). Homelessness in America. Wylie: Information Plus.
  • Boxill, N. A. ve Beaty, A. L. (1990). Mother child interaction among homeless women and their children in a public night shelter in Atlanta, Georgia. Child and Youth Services, 14(1), 49-64. doi: 10.1300/J024v14n01_05
  • Buckner, J.C., Bassuk, E.L., Weinreb, L.F. ve Brooks, M.G. (1999). Homelessness and its relation to the mental health and behavior of low-income school-age children. Developmental Psychology, 35(1), 246-257. doi: 10.1037/0012-1649.35.1.246
  • Caplow, T., Howard, M.B. ve Sternberg, D. (1968). Homelessness D.Sills (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences içinde (494-499). New York: The Macmillan Press.
  • Collins, S. E., Clifasefi, S. L., Dana, E. A., Andrasik, M. P., Stahl, N., Kirouac, M., Welbaum, C. King, M. ve Malone, D. K. (2012). Where harm reduction meets housing first: Exploring alcohol's role in a project-based housing first setting. International Journal of Drug Policy, 23(2), 111-119. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2011.07.010
  • Culhane, D. P. (2002). Public Service Reduction Associated with Placement of Homeless Persons with Severe Mental Illness in Supportive Housing. Housing Policy Debatte. 107 (13). 295-315. doi: 10.1080/10511482.2002.9521437
  • Dordick, G.A. (2002). Recovering from homelessness: Determining the ‘’quality of sobriety’’ in a transitional housing program, Qualitative Sociology, 25(1), 7-32.
  • Erickson, J. ve Wilhelm, C. (2012). Housing the Homeless. London: Routledge.
  • European Commission (2014). Erişim adresi: Homelessness, =en
  • Fazel, S., Khosla, V., Doll, H. ve Geddes, J. (2008). The prevalence of mental disorders among the homeless in Western Countries: Systematic review and meta-regression analysis. Plos Medicine, 5(12), e225. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.0050225
  • FEANTSA, (2014). ETHOS- Typology on Homelessness and Housing Exclusion, Erişim adresi: b4a9718a47ae&file=pdf%2Fen.pdf&lang=en
  • Fischer, S.N., Shinn, M., Shrout, P. ve Tsemberis, S. (2008). Homelessness, mental illness, and criminal activity: Examining patterns over time. American Journal of Community Psychology, 42(3-4), 251-265.
  • Fitzpatrick, S. (2005). Explaining Homelessness: A Critical Realist Perspective. Housing, Theory and Society, 22(1), 1-17. doi: 10.1080/14036090510034563
  • Forrest, R. (1999). The new landscape of precariousness. P. Kennett ve A. Marsh (Ed.), Homelessness:Exploring the new terrain içinde (17-37). Bristol: The Policy Press.
  • Gaetz, S., Donaldson, J., Richter, T. ve Gulliver, T. (2013). The State of Homelessness in Canada 2013. Toronto: Canadian Observatory on Homelessness.
  • Glasser, I. (1994). Homelessness in Global Perspective. New York: G.K.Hall &Company.
  • Holland, M.E. (2014). The relationship between literacy and depression and anxiety in homeless adults (Doktora Tezi) Erişim adresi:
  • ILO (2020), Social Protesction Spotlight, Erişim adresi:
  • Ingram, K.M., Corning, A.F. ve Schmidt, L.D. (1996). The relationship of victimization experiences to psychological well-being among homeless women and low-income housed women. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 43(2), 218-227. doi: 10.1037/0022-0167.43.2.218
  • Işıkhan, V. (2002). Kentlerin gölgesinde yaşayan evsizler. Ankara: Kardelen Ofset.
  • Johnsen, S. ve Teixeira, L. (2010). Housing First’ and Other Housing Models for Homeless People with Complex Support Needs. London: Crisis Head Office.
  • Johnsen, S. ve Teixeira, L. (2010). Staircases, elevators and cycles of change: Housing First and other housing models for homeless people with complex support needs. London: Crisis.
  • Nooe, R. ve Patterson, D. (2010). The Ecology of Homelessness. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment. 20(2), 105-152. doi: 10.1080/10911350903269757
  • O'Callaghan, S. ve Tsemberis, S. (2004). Harm Reduction. D. Levinson (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Homelessness içinde (189-193). London: Sage Publication.
  • OECD, (2020). Policy Brief on Affordable Housing, Erişim adresi:
  • OECD, (2021). Affordable Housing Database, Erişim adresi: Özdemir, U. (2010). Evsizlik ve Evsizlere Genel Bir Bakış, Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet, 21(2), 77-88.
  • Padgett, D.K. (2007). There’s no place like (a) home: ontological security among persons with serious mental illness in the United States, Social Science and Medicine, 64, 1925-1936. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2007.02.011
  • Padgett, D.K., Henwood, B.F. ve Tsemberis, J.S. (2016). Housing First: Ending homelessness, transforming systems and changing lives. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Pleace, N. (2016). Housing First Guide Europe: Research Report. Brussels: FEANTSA.
  • Rossi, P. (1989). Without Shelter Homelessness in the 1980’s. New York: Priority Press.
  • Sahlin, I. (1998). The Staircase of Transition, National Report from Sweden to the European Observatory on Homelessness 1997. Brussels: FEANTSA.
  • Schutt, R. K. ve Goldfinger, S. M. (1996). Housing Preferences and Perceptions of Health and Functioning Among Homeless Mentally Ill Persons. Psychiatric Services. (47). 381-386.
  • Sharam, A. ve Hulse, K. (2014). Understanding the nexus between poverty and homelessness: relational poverty analysis of families experiencing homelessness in Australia. Housing, Theory and Society, 31(3), 294-309. doi: 10.1080/14036096.2014.882405
  • Somerville, P. (1992). Homelessness and the meaning of home: rooflessness or rootlessness?, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 16(4), 529-539. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2427.1992.tb00194.x
  • Springer, S. (2000). Homelessness: A proposal for a global definition and classification, Habitat International, 24(4), 475-484. doi: 10.1016/S0197-3975(00)00010-2
  • Stein, J.A., Milburn, N.G., Zane, J.I. ve Rotheram Borus, M.J. (2009). Paternal and maternal influences on problem behaviors among homeless and runaway youth. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 79(1), 39-50. doi: 10.1037/a0015411
  • Tsemberis, S. (2004). Housing First Approach.D. Levinson (ed.). Encyclopedia of Homelessness in (277-281). London: Sage Publication.
  • Tsemberis, S. ve Eisenberg, R. F. (2000). Supported Housing for Street-dwelling Homeless Individuals with Psychiatric Disabilities. Psychiatric Services. (51). 487-493. doi: 10.1176/


Year 2022, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 2006 - 2026, 29.11.2022


Housing is one of the most fundamental economic and social human rights that are innate and individuals have.Housing conditions, which are one of the main indicators of the wellbeing and welfare level of an individual, are therefore tried to be developed by the social state by protecting them through social policies.One of the main goals of social states is to enable individuals who cannot benefit from income and welfare services adequately due to physical or mental disability to access housing, which is a basic human right. In the study, the "Housing First" policy, which aims to provide shelter to individuals with mental health problems, has been examined and rights-based policy recommendations for Turkey have been constructed.In this context, a literature review has beben made and the housing conditions of individuals suffering from mental or physical illnesses in Turkey have been examined within the scope of Income Living Conditions Survey by Turkish Statistical Institute 2019 data.With the analyzes carried out, it has been concluded that this group is poorer than healthy people, they are in lower income groups, and their housing conditions are worse than healthy individuals.It has been concluded that in Turkey, which defines itself as a "social state", new policies/applications are needed to realize the right to housing of disadvantaged groups with a humanitarian response, otherwise, social exclusion due to poverty in these groups may threaten social welfare.


  • Amore, K., Baker, M., ve Howden-Chapman, P. (2011), The ETHOS Definition and Classification of Homelessness: An Analysis, European Journal of Homelessness, 5(2), 19-38.
  • Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, (2018). How has homelessness changed between 2011-2016?, Erişim adresi:
  • Avramov, D. (1996). The Invisible Hand of the Housing Market. Brussels: FEANTSA.
  • Blair, C., Jacobs, N.R. ve Quiram, J. (1999). Homelessness in America. Wylie: Information Plus.
  • Boxill, N. A. ve Beaty, A. L. (1990). Mother child interaction among homeless women and their children in a public night shelter in Atlanta, Georgia. Child and Youth Services, 14(1), 49-64. doi: 10.1300/J024v14n01_05
  • Buckner, J.C., Bassuk, E.L., Weinreb, L.F. ve Brooks, M.G. (1999). Homelessness and its relation to the mental health and behavior of low-income school-age children. Developmental Psychology, 35(1), 246-257. doi: 10.1037/0012-1649.35.1.246
  • Caplow, T., Howard, M.B. ve Sternberg, D. (1968). Homelessness D.Sills (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences içinde (494-499). New York: The Macmillan Press.
  • Collins, S. E., Clifasefi, S. L., Dana, E. A., Andrasik, M. P., Stahl, N., Kirouac, M., Welbaum, C. King, M. ve Malone, D. K. (2012). Where harm reduction meets housing first: Exploring alcohol's role in a project-based housing first setting. International Journal of Drug Policy, 23(2), 111-119. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2011.07.010
  • Culhane, D. P. (2002). Public Service Reduction Associated with Placement of Homeless Persons with Severe Mental Illness in Supportive Housing. Housing Policy Debatte. 107 (13). 295-315. doi: 10.1080/10511482.2002.9521437
  • Dordick, G.A. (2002). Recovering from homelessness: Determining the ‘’quality of sobriety’’ in a transitional housing program, Qualitative Sociology, 25(1), 7-32.
  • Erickson, J. ve Wilhelm, C. (2012). Housing the Homeless. London: Routledge.
  • European Commission (2014). Erişim adresi: Homelessness, =en
  • Fazel, S., Khosla, V., Doll, H. ve Geddes, J. (2008). The prevalence of mental disorders among the homeless in Western Countries: Systematic review and meta-regression analysis. Plos Medicine, 5(12), e225. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.0050225
  • FEANTSA, (2014). ETHOS- Typology on Homelessness and Housing Exclusion, Erişim adresi: b4a9718a47ae&file=pdf%2Fen.pdf&lang=en
  • Fischer, S.N., Shinn, M., Shrout, P. ve Tsemberis, S. (2008). Homelessness, mental illness, and criminal activity: Examining patterns over time. American Journal of Community Psychology, 42(3-4), 251-265.
  • Fitzpatrick, S. (2005). Explaining Homelessness: A Critical Realist Perspective. Housing, Theory and Society, 22(1), 1-17. doi: 10.1080/14036090510034563
  • Forrest, R. (1999). The new landscape of precariousness. P. Kennett ve A. Marsh (Ed.), Homelessness:Exploring the new terrain içinde (17-37). Bristol: The Policy Press.
  • Gaetz, S., Donaldson, J., Richter, T. ve Gulliver, T. (2013). The State of Homelessness in Canada 2013. Toronto: Canadian Observatory on Homelessness.
  • Glasser, I. (1994). Homelessness in Global Perspective. New York: G.K.Hall &Company.
  • Holland, M.E. (2014). The relationship between literacy and depression and anxiety in homeless adults (Doktora Tezi) Erişim adresi:
  • ILO (2020), Social Protesction Spotlight, Erişim adresi:
  • Ingram, K.M., Corning, A.F. ve Schmidt, L.D. (1996). The relationship of victimization experiences to psychological well-being among homeless women and low-income housed women. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 43(2), 218-227. doi: 10.1037/0022-0167.43.2.218
  • Işıkhan, V. (2002). Kentlerin gölgesinde yaşayan evsizler. Ankara: Kardelen Ofset.
  • Johnsen, S. ve Teixeira, L. (2010). Housing First’ and Other Housing Models for Homeless People with Complex Support Needs. London: Crisis Head Office.
  • Johnsen, S. ve Teixeira, L. (2010). Staircases, elevators and cycles of change: Housing First and other housing models for homeless people with complex support needs. London: Crisis.
  • Nooe, R. ve Patterson, D. (2010). The Ecology of Homelessness. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment. 20(2), 105-152. doi: 10.1080/10911350903269757
  • O'Callaghan, S. ve Tsemberis, S. (2004). Harm Reduction. D. Levinson (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Homelessness içinde (189-193). London: Sage Publication.
  • OECD, (2020). Policy Brief on Affordable Housing, Erişim adresi:
  • OECD, (2021). Affordable Housing Database, Erişim adresi: Özdemir, U. (2010). Evsizlik ve Evsizlere Genel Bir Bakış, Toplum ve Sosyal Hizmet, 21(2), 77-88.
  • Padgett, D.K. (2007). There’s no place like (a) home: ontological security among persons with serious mental illness in the United States, Social Science and Medicine, 64, 1925-1936. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2007.02.011
  • Padgett, D.K., Henwood, B.F. ve Tsemberis, J.S. (2016). Housing First: Ending homelessness, transforming systems and changing lives. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Pleace, N. (2016). Housing First Guide Europe: Research Report. Brussels: FEANTSA.
  • Rossi, P. (1989). Without Shelter Homelessness in the 1980’s. New York: Priority Press.
  • Sahlin, I. (1998). The Staircase of Transition, National Report from Sweden to the European Observatory on Homelessness 1997. Brussels: FEANTSA.
  • Schutt, R. K. ve Goldfinger, S. M. (1996). Housing Preferences and Perceptions of Health and Functioning Among Homeless Mentally Ill Persons. Psychiatric Services. (47). 381-386.
  • Sharam, A. ve Hulse, K. (2014). Understanding the nexus between poverty and homelessness: relational poverty analysis of families experiencing homelessness in Australia. Housing, Theory and Society, 31(3), 294-309. doi: 10.1080/14036096.2014.882405
  • Somerville, P. (1992). Homelessness and the meaning of home: rooflessness or rootlessness?, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 16(4), 529-539. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2427.1992.tb00194.x
  • Springer, S. (2000). Homelessness: A proposal for a global definition and classification, Habitat International, 24(4), 475-484. doi: 10.1016/S0197-3975(00)00010-2
  • Stein, J.A., Milburn, N.G., Zane, J.I. ve Rotheram Borus, M.J. (2009). Paternal and maternal influences on problem behaviors among homeless and runaway youth. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 79(1), 39-50. doi: 10.1037/a0015411
  • Tsemberis, S. (2004). Housing First Approach.D. Levinson (ed.). Encyclopedia of Homelessness in (277-281). London: Sage Publication.
  • Tsemberis, S. ve Eisenberg, R. F. (2000). Supported Housing for Street-dwelling Homeless Individuals with Psychiatric Disabilities. Psychiatric Services. (51). 487-493. doi: 10.1176/
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Mehmet Öçal 0000-0001-6973-2611

Özge Kutlu 0000-0002-4774-7326

Adem Korkmaz 0000-0002-6969-347X

Early Pub Date November 27, 2022
Publication Date November 29, 2022
Submission Date April 2, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 9 Issue: 3


APA Öçal, M., Kutlu, Ö., & Korkmaz, A. (2022). RUHSAL ENGELİ OLAN BİREYLERİN EVSİZLİK SORUNUNA İNSANİ BİR BAKIŞ VE ÇÖZÜM ÖNERİSİ: "ÖNCE KONUT YAKLAŞIMI". Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty, 9(3), 2006-2026.

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