Year 2022,
Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 1544 - 1567, 29.11.2022
Gülfen Tuna
Mustafa Koç
Özet yada Abstract kısmını bu alana yapıştırabilirsiniz en fazla 1500 karakter kullanılabilir. EBu çalışmada Türkiye’de faaliyet gösteren 20 bankanın reklam faaliyetlerinin finansal performanslarına olan etkisi incelenmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında 2002 dördüncü çeyrekten 2018 dördüncü çeyreğe kadar 65 gözlemden oluşan panel veri seti kullanılmıştır. Reklamın bankalar üzerindeki etkisinin incelenmesi sürecinde Driscoll Kraay sabit etkiler dirençli tahmincisi sabit etkiler panel regresyon modeli tercih edilmiştir, açıklayıcılığın arttırılabilmesi adına reklam değişkeni hem reklam harcamaları hem de reklam yoğunluğu olarak iki ayrı rasyo değişken şeklinde analizlere dahil edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular ışığında reklamın mevcut döneme negatif etki ettiği ve on dönem boyunca (iki buçuk yıl) negatif etki etmeye devam ettiği tespit edilmiştir.ğer makale diliniz Türkçe ise ilk olarak Öz sonrasında sonrasında Abstract gelmelidir.
- Abbott, A. J., Lawler, K. A., & Lingl, M. C. H. (1997). Advertising investment in the UK brewing industry: an empirical analysis. Economic Issues, 2(Part 1), 55–66.
- Abdel-Khalik, A. R. (1975). Advertising effectiveness and accounting policy. The Accounting Review, 50(4), 657–670.
- Alsinglawi, O., & Aladwan, M. (2018). The effect of invisible intangibles on volatility of stock prices. Modern Applied Science, 12(11), 290.
- Baack, D. W., Wilson, R. T., van Dessel, M. M., & Patti, C. H. (2016). Advertising to businesses: does creativity matter? Industrial Marketing Management, 55, 169–177.
- Baghestani, H. (1991). Cointegration analysis of the advertising-sales relationship. The Journal of Industrial Economics, 39(6), 671–681.
- Bloch, H. (1974). Advertising and profitability: a reappraisal. Journal of Political Economy, 82(2, Part 1), 267–286.
- Borden, N. H. (1964). The concept of the marketing mix. Journal of Advertising Research, II, 7–12.
- Brettel, M., Reich, J. C., Gavilanes, J. M., & Flatten, T. C. (2015). What drives advertising success on facebook? An advertising-effectiveness model: measuring the effects on sales of “likes” and other social-network Stimuli. Journal of Advertising Research, 55(2), 162–175.
- Chauvin, K. W., & Hirschey, M. (1993). Advertising, R&D Expenditures and the Market Value of the Firm. Financial Management, 22(4), 128.
- Chen, M. H. (2015). Cyclical effects of advertising on hotel sales, risk and return. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 46, 169–179.
- Cheng, C. S. A. (1997). Firm valuation of advertising expense: an investigation of scaler effects. Managerial Finance, 23, 41–62.
- Clark, G. L., Thrift, N., & Tickell, A. (2004). Performing finance: The industry, the media and its image. Review of International Political Economy, 11(2), 289–310.
- Clarke, D. G. (1976). Econometric measurement of the duration of advertising effect on sales. Journal of Marketing Research, 13(4), 345–357.
- Comanor, W., & Wilson, T. (1967). Advertising market structure and performance. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 49(4), 423–440.
- Connolly, R. A., & Hirschey, M. (1984). R & D, market structure and profits: a value-based approach. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 66(4), 682–686. Retrieved from
- De Pelsmacker, P., Jegers, M., & Proost, J. (1992). Explaining advertising intensity at the firm level : the belgian case. Revue d’économie Industrielle, 60(1), 42–52.
- Driscoll, J. C., & Kraay, A. C. (1998). Consistent covariance matrix estimation with spatially dependent panel data. Review of Economics and Statistics, 80(4), 549–559.
- Duffy, M. (1999). The influence of advertising on the pattern of food consumption in the UK. International Journal of Advertising, 18(2), 131–168.
- Erickson, G., & Jacobson, R. (1992). Gaining comparative advantage through discretionary expenditures: the returns to R&D and advertising. Management Science, 38(9), 1264–1279.
- Fier, S. G., & Pooser, D. M. (2016). Advertising effectiveness for financial services firms: evidence from the life insurance industry. Journal of Insurance Issues, 39(2), 137–168. Retrieved from
- George Assaf, A., Josiassen, A., Mattila, A. S., & Kneževic Cvelbar, L. (2015). Does advertising spending improve sales performance? International Journal of Hospitality Management, 48, 161–166.
- Graham, R. C., & Frankenberger, K. D. (2000). The contribution of changes in advertising expenditures to earnings and market values. Journal of Business Research, 50, 149–155.
- Grullon, Gustave, Kanatas, G., & Kumar, P. (2006). The impact of capital structure on advertising competition: An empirical study. Journal of Business, 79(6), 3101–3124.
- Grullon, Gustavo, Kanatas, G., & Weston, J. P. (2004). Advertising, breadth of ownership, and liquidity. Review of Financial Studies, 17(2), 439–461.
- Han, B. H., & Manry, D. (2004). The value-relevance of R&D and advertising expenditures: Evidence from Korea. International Journal of Accounting, 39(2), 155–173.
- Hartnett, N., Kennedy, R., Sharp, B., & Greenacre, L. (2016). Creative that sells: How advertising execution affects sales. Journal of Advertising, 45(1), 102–112.
- Hirschey, M. (1982). Advertising and the profitability of leading and following firms. Managerial and Decision Economics, 3(2), 79–84.
- Hirschey, M., & Wichern, D. W. (1984). Accounting and market-value measures of profitability: Consistency, determinants, and uses. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 2(4), 375–383.
- Hoechle, D. (2007). Robust standard errors for panel regressions with cross–sectional dependence. Stata Journal, 07(3), 281–312.
- Horsky, D., & Simon, L. S. (1983). Advertising and the diffusion of new products. Marketing Science, 2(1), 1–17.
- Hossain, M., & Islam, T. (2018). Effect of advertising expenses and sales incentives on financial performance: dissecting the cases of two market leaders. Business and Economic Research, 9(1), 69.
- Hsu, M. K., Darrat, A. F., Zhong, M., & Abosedra, S. S. (2002). Does advertising stimulate sales or mainly deliver signals? A multivariate analysis. International Journal of Advertising, 21(2), 175–195.
- Hula, D. G. (1988). Advertising, new product profit expectations, and the firm’s R&D investment decisions. Applied Economics, 20(1), 125–142.
- Lambin, J.-J. (1970). Optimal allocation of competitive marketing efforts: an empirical study. The Journal of Business, 43(4), 468–484.
- Leach, D. F., & Reekie, W. D. (1996). A natural experiment of the effect of advertising on sales: The SASOL case. Applied Economics, 28(9), 1081–1091.
- Lee, J., Shin, B. S., & Chung, I. (1996). Causality between advertising and sales: New evidence from cointegration. Applied Economics Letters, 3(5), 299–301.
- Lev, B., & Sougiannis, T. (1996). The capitalization, amortization, and value-relevance of R&D. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 107–138.
- Mariel, P., & Orbe, S. (2005). Nonparametric estimation of the effects of advertising: the case of Lydia Pinkham. Journal of Business, 78(2), 649–673.
- Melrose, K. B. (1969). An Empirical Study on Optimizing Advertising Policy. The Journal of Business, 42(3), 282.
- Notta, O., & Oustapassidis, K. (2001). Profitability and media advertising in Greek food manufacturing industries. Review of Industrial Organization, 18(1), 115–126. Retrieved from
- Palda, K. S. (1965). The Measurement of Cumulative Advertising Effects. The Journal of Business, 38(2), 162–179.
- Paton, D., & Williams, L. V. (1999). Advertising and firm performance: some new evidence from UK firms. Economic Issues, 4(2), 89–105.
- Picconi, M. J. (1977). A reconsideration of the recognition of advertising assets on financial statements. Journal of Accounting Research, 15(2), 317–326.
- Pitelis, C. N. (1991). The effects of advertising (and) investment on aggregate profits. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 38(1), 32–40.
- Qi, R., Cárdenas, D. A., Mou, X., & Hudson, S. (2018). The strategic value of advertising expenditures in the tourism and hospitality industry. Tourism Economics, 24(7), 872–888.
- Sahni, N. S. (2016). Advertising spillovers: Evidence from online field experiments and implications for returns on advertising. Journal of Marketing Research, 53(4), 459–478.
- Sarkodie, S. A., & Strezov, V. (2019). Effect of foreign direct investments, economic development and energy consumption on greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries. Science of the Total Environment, 646, 862–871.
- Seldom, B. J., & Jung, C. (1995). The length of the effect of aggregate advertising on aggregate consumption. Economics Letters.
- Shah, S. Z. A., Akbar, S., Ahmad, S., & Stark, A. W. (2019). Advertising, earnings prediction and market value: an analysis of persistent UK advertisers. British Journal of Management, 00, 1–23.
- Sherman, R., & Tollison, R. (1971). Advertising and profitability. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 53(4), 397–407.
- Simon, J. L. (1969). The effect of advertising on liquor brand sales. Journal of Marketing Research, 6(3), 301.
- Tatoğlu, F. Y. (2016). Panel veri ekonometrisi (Genişletil). İstanbul: BETA Basım A.Ş.
- Telser, L. G. (1964). Advertising and Competition. Journal of Political Economy, 72(6), 537–562.
- Tudose, M. B., & Alexa, L. (2017). The effect of marketing expenses on car sales - An empirical analysis. MATEC Web of Conferences, 126, 1–4.
- Vernon, J. M., & Nourse, R. E. M. (1973). Profit rates and market structure of advertising intensive firms. The Journal of Industrial Economics, 22(1), 1–20.
- Vidale, M. L., & Wolfe, H. B. (1957). An operations-research study of sales response to advertising. Operations Research, 5(3), 370–381.
- Weinberg, C. B., & Weiss, D. L. (1982). On the econometric measurement of the duration of advertising effect on sales. Journal of Marketing Research, 19(4), 585.
- Weiss, L. W. (1969). Advertising, profits, and corporate taxes. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 51(4), 421–430.
- Zhou, N., Zhou, D., & Ouyang, M. (2003). Long-term effects of television advertising on sales of consumer durables and nondurables: the case of China. Journal of Advertising, 32(2), 45–54.
Year 2022,
Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 1544 - 1567, 29.11.2022
Gülfen Tuna
Mustafa Koç
n this study, the effect of the advertising activities on the financial performances of 20 banks operating in Turkey were examined. Within the scope of the study, a panel data set consisting of 65 observations was used from the fourth quarter of 2002 to the fourth quarter of 2018. In the process of examining the effect of advertising on banks, Driscoll Kraay fixed effects resilient estimator fixed effects panel regression model was preferred. To increase explanatory, the advertisement variable was included in the analysis as two separate ratio variables, both advertisement expenditure and advertisement intensity. According to the findings, the advertisement had a negative effect on the current period and continued to have a negative effect for ten periods (two and a half years).labilir. Eğer makale diliniz İngilizce ise ilk olarak Abstract sonrasında Özet gelmelidir.
- Abbott, A. J., Lawler, K. A., & Lingl, M. C. H. (1997). Advertising investment in the UK brewing industry: an empirical analysis. Economic Issues, 2(Part 1), 55–66.
- Abdel-Khalik, A. R. (1975). Advertising effectiveness and accounting policy. The Accounting Review, 50(4), 657–670.
- Alsinglawi, O., & Aladwan, M. (2018). The effect of invisible intangibles on volatility of stock prices. Modern Applied Science, 12(11), 290.
- Baack, D. W., Wilson, R. T., van Dessel, M. M., & Patti, C. H. (2016). Advertising to businesses: does creativity matter? Industrial Marketing Management, 55, 169–177.
- Baghestani, H. (1991). Cointegration analysis of the advertising-sales relationship. The Journal of Industrial Economics, 39(6), 671–681.
- Bloch, H. (1974). Advertising and profitability: a reappraisal. Journal of Political Economy, 82(2, Part 1), 267–286.
- Borden, N. H. (1964). The concept of the marketing mix. Journal of Advertising Research, II, 7–12.
- Brettel, M., Reich, J. C., Gavilanes, J. M., & Flatten, T. C. (2015). What drives advertising success on facebook? An advertising-effectiveness model: measuring the effects on sales of “likes” and other social-network Stimuli. Journal of Advertising Research, 55(2), 162–175.
- Chauvin, K. W., & Hirschey, M. (1993). Advertising, R&D Expenditures and the Market Value of the Firm. Financial Management, 22(4), 128.
- Chen, M. H. (2015). Cyclical effects of advertising on hotel sales, risk and return. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 46, 169–179.
- Cheng, C. S. A. (1997). Firm valuation of advertising expense: an investigation of scaler effects. Managerial Finance, 23, 41–62.
- Clark, G. L., Thrift, N., & Tickell, A. (2004). Performing finance: The industry, the media and its image. Review of International Political Economy, 11(2), 289–310.
- Clarke, D. G. (1976). Econometric measurement of the duration of advertising effect on sales. Journal of Marketing Research, 13(4), 345–357.
- Comanor, W., & Wilson, T. (1967). Advertising market structure and performance. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 49(4), 423–440.
- Connolly, R. A., & Hirschey, M. (1984). R & D, market structure and profits: a value-based approach. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 66(4), 682–686. Retrieved from
- De Pelsmacker, P., Jegers, M., & Proost, J. (1992). Explaining advertising intensity at the firm level : the belgian case. Revue d’économie Industrielle, 60(1), 42–52.
- Driscoll, J. C., & Kraay, A. C. (1998). Consistent covariance matrix estimation with spatially dependent panel data. Review of Economics and Statistics, 80(4), 549–559.
- Duffy, M. (1999). The influence of advertising on the pattern of food consumption in the UK. International Journal of Advertising, 18(2), 131–168.
- Erickson, G., & Jacobson, R. (1992). Gaining comparative advantage through discretionary expenditures: the returns to R&D and advertising. Management Science, 38(9), 1264–1279.
- Fier, S. G., & Pooser, D. M. (2016). Advertising effectiveness for financial services firms: evidence from the life insurance industry. Journal of Insurance Issues, 39(2), 137–168. Retrieved from
- George Assaf, A., Josiassen, A., Mattila, A. S., & Kneževic Cvelbar, L. (2015). Does advertising spending improve sales performance? International Journal of Hospitality Management, 48, 161–166.
- Graham, R. C., & Frankenberger, K. D. (2000). The contribution of changes in advertising expenditures to earnings and market values. Journal of Business Research, 50, 149–155.
- Grullon, Gustave, Kanatas, G., & Kumar, P. (2006). The impact of capital structure on advertising competition: An empirical study. Journal of Business, 79(6), 3101–3124.
- Grullon, Gustavo, Kanatas, G., & Weston, J. P. (2004). Advertising, breadth of ownership, and liquidity. Review of Financial Studies, 17(2), 439–461.
- Han, B. H., & Manry, D. (2004). The value-relevance of R&D and advertising expenditures: Evidence from Korea. International Journal of Accounting, 39(2), 155–173.
- Hartnett, N., Kennedy, R., Sharp, B., & Greenacre, L. (2016). Creative that sells: How advertising execution affects sales. Journal of Advertising, 45(1), 102–112.
- Hirschey, M. (1982). Advertising and the profitability of leading and following firms. Managerial and Decision Economics, 3(2), 79–84.
- Hirschey, M., & Wichern, D. W. (1984). Accounting and market-value measures of profitability: Consistency, determinants, and uses. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 2(4), 375–383.
- Hoechle, D. (2007). Robust standard errors for panel regressions with cross–sectional dependence. Stata Journal, 07(3), 281–312.
- Horsky, D., & Simon, L. S. (1983). Advertising and the diffusion of new products. Marketing Science, 2(1), 1–17.
- Hossain, M., & Islam, T. (2018). Effect of advertising expenses and sales incentives on financial performance: dissecting the cases of two market leaders. Business and Economic Research, 9(1), 69.
- Hsu, M. K., Darrat, A. F., Zhong, M., & Abosedra, S. S. (2002). Does advertising stimulate sales or mainly deliver signals? A multivariate analysis. International Journal of Advertising, 21(2), 175–195.
- Hula, D. G. (1988). Advertising, new product profit expectations, and the firm’s R&D investment decisions. Applied Economics, 20(1), 125–142.
- Lambin, J.-J. (1970). Optimal allocation of competitive marketing efforts: an empirical study. The Journal of Business, 43(4), 468–484.
- Leach, D. F., & Reekie, W. D. (1996). A natural experiment of the effect of advertising on sales: The SASOL case. Applied Economics, 28(9), 1081–1091.
- Lee, J., Shin, B. S., & Chung, I. (1996). Causality between advertising and sales: New evidence from cointegration. Applied Economics Letters, 3(5), 299–301.
- Lev, B., & Sougiannis, T. (1996). The capitalization, amortization, and value-relevance of R&D. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 107–138.
- Mariel, P., & Orbe, S. (2005). Nonparametric estimation of the effects of advertising: the case of Lydia Pinkham. Journal of Business, 78(2), 649–673.
- Melrose, K. B. (1969). An Empirical Study on Optimizing Advertising Policy. The Journal of Business, 42(3), 282.
- Notta, O., & Oustapassidis, K. (2001). Profitability and media advertising in Greek food manufacturing industries. Review of Industrial Organization, 18(1), 115–126. Retrieved from
- Palda, K. S. (1965). The Measurement of Cumulative Advertising Effects. The Journal of Business, 38(2), 162–179.
- Paton, D., & Williams, L. V. (1999). Advertising and firm performance: some new evidence from UK firms. Economic Issues, 4(2), 89–105.
- Picconi, M. J. (1977). A reconsideration of the recognition of advertising assets on financial statements. Journal of Accounting Research, 15(2), 317–326.
- Pitelis, C. N. (1991). The effects of advertising (and) investment on aggregate profits. Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 38(1), 32–40.
- Qi, R., Cárdenas, D. A., Mou, X., & Hudson, S. (2018). The strategic value of advertising expenditures in the tourism and hospitality industry. Tourism Economics, 24(7), 872–888.
- Sahni, N. S. (2016). Advertising spillovers: Evidence from online field experiments and implications for returns on advertising. Journal of Marketing Research, 53(4), 459–478.
- Sarkodie, S. A., & Strezov, V. (2019). Effect of foreign direct investments, economic development and energy consumption on greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries. Science of the Total Environment, 646, 862–871.
- Seldom, B. J., & Jung, C. (1995). The length of the effect of aggregate advertising on aggregate consumption. Economics Letters.
- Shah, S. Z. A., Akbar, S., Ahmad, S., & Stark, A. W. (2019). Advertising, earnings prediction and market value: an analysis of persistent UK advertisers. British Journal of Management, 00, 1–23.
- Sherman, R., & Tollison, R. (1971). Advertising and profitability. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 53(4), 397–407.
- Simon, J. L. (1969). The effect of advertising on liquor brand sales. Journal of Marketing Research, 6(3), 301.
- Tatoğlu, F. Y. (2016). Panel veri ekonometrisi (Genişletil). İstanbul: BETA Basım A.Ş.
- Telser, L. G. (1964). Advertising and Competition. Journal of Political Economy, 72(6), 537–562.
- Tudose, M. B., & Alexa, L. (2017). The effect of marketing expenses on car sales - An empirical analysis. MATEC Web of Conferences, 126, 1–4.
- Vernon, J. M., & Nourse, R. E. M. (1973). Profit rates and market structure of advertising intensive firms. The Journal of Industrial Economics, 22(1), 1–20.
- Vidale, M. L., & Wolfe, H. B. (1957). An operations-research study of sales response to advertising. Operations Research, 5(3), 370–381.
- Weinberg, C. B., & Weiss, D. L. (1982). On the econometric measurement of the duration of advertising effect on sales. Journal of Marketing Research, 19(4), 585.
- Weiss, L. W. (1969). Advertising, profits, and corporate taxes. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 51(4), 421–430.
- Zhou, N., Zhou, D., & Ouyang, M. (2003). Long-term effects of television advertising on sales of consumer durables and nondurables: the case of China. Journal of Advertising, 32(2), 45–54.