Research Article
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Transition from Hydrocarbon Geopolitics to Critical Mineral Geopolitics

Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 4, 1372 - 1391, 31.12.2024


Geopolitical analysis considers factors beyond a state's geographical location, such as climate, topography, demographic structure, natural resources, country size, and technological advancement. In the 20th century, natural resource ownership and control became crucial to geopolitical analysis and policymaking. In recent years, the need for clean energy has become more prominent due to the negative effects of climate change. Developing technology and increasing populations have led to a greater demand for energy. Transformation is necessary to differentiate between energy systems that rely on clean technologies and hydro-carbon energy sources. This study will discuss the transition process from hydro-carbon energy to geopolitics based on critical minerals required for sustainable climate and clean energy, its reasons, and the current reflections of the future geopolitical struggle. Descriptive and historical research methods were used in this study. As a result of the study, it was determined that there may be changes in the geopolitical struggle depending on energy.

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This research does not need the approval of Ethics Committee. The study has been crafted in adherence to the principles of research and publication ethics. The author declares that there exists no financial conflict of interest involving any institution, organization, or individual(s) associated with the article. The entire work was carried out by its only, stated author.


  • Arı, T. (2006). BOP, Ortadoğu ve ABD: Politika mı propaganda mı? Global Strateji Dergisi, 57-87.
  • Aron, R. (2003). Peace and war: A theory of international relations. Transaction Publishers.
  • Bayat, M. (1986). Milli güç ve devlet. Belge Yayınları.
  • BloombergNEF. (2020). New energy outlook 2020.
  • Carley, S., Evans, T. P. & Konisky, D. M. (2018). Adaptation, culture, and the energy transition. American coal country. Energy Research & Social Science, (37), 133-139.
  • Clover, C. (1999). Dreams of the Eurasian heartland. Foreign Affairs, (78), 8-10.
  • Collins, J. M. (1998). Military geography for professionals and the public, national defense. University Press.
  • Doster, B. (2017). Türkiye için 2 kritik soru: Jeopolitik öneminin farkında mı? Stratejisi var mı? In E. Ergen (Eds.), Avrasya’nın kilidi Türkiye, (pp. 83-110). Kaynak Yayınları.
  • Evans, G. & Newnham, J. (1998). The penguin dictionary of international relations. Penguin Book.
  • G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration. (2023). Implementing clean, sustainable, just, affordable & inclusive energy transitions. New Delhi, India. September 9-10. Declaration.pdf
  • Fettweis, C. J. (2015). On heartlands and chessboards: Classical geopolitics, then and now, Orbis, 59(2), 233– 48.
  • Gökçe, A. F., (2022). ABD Ulusal güvenlik strateji belgesinin şifreleri. Yeni Şafak Gazetesi, November 17, 2022.
  • Hartman, F. H. (1983). The relation of nations. Mac Millan Publishing Co.
  • International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Report. (2020). Global energy transformation: a road map to 2050 (2020 Edition). ok_2020.pdf
  • International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) (2022). The role of critical world energy outlook special report minerals in clean energy. 980a52b6d9a86fdc/TheRoleofCriticalMineralsinCleanEnergyTransitions.pdf
  • Kalantzakos, S., (2020). The race for critical minerals in an era of geopolitical realignments. Italian Journal of International Affairs. 55(3), 1-16. .
  • Kahraman S. & Şenol, P. (2018). İklim değişikliği: küresel, bölgesel ve kentsel etkileri. Academia Journal of Social Sciences- Special Issue(1), 353-370.
  • Kakışım, C. (2022). Kritik minerallerin Türkiye’nin enerji dönüşümüne etkisi: teknoloji bağımsızlığı açısından yeni jeopolitik tehdit. Mukaddime. 13(1): 101-124.
  • Klare, M. T. (2002). Resource wars: The new landscape of global conflict. Henry Holt.
  • Korts, M. (2020). The strategic importance of rare earth minerals for NATO, EU and the United States and its implications for the energy and defense sectors. In R. Petkevičius (Eds.), Energy security: operational highlights (the NATO energy security center of excellence), (pp. 24–40).
  • Mackinder H. J. (1962). “The geographical pivot of history” in democratic ideals and reality. Norton and Company.
  • Mahan, A.T. (1987). The influence of sea power upon history 1660-1783. Dover Publications.
  • Månberger, A. & Bengt Johansson, B., (2019). The geopolitics of metals and metalloids used for the renewable energy transition. Energy Strategy Reviews, (26),1-10.
  • Morgenthau, H. J. (1967). Politics among nations. Alfred E. Knopf Inc.
  • National Security Strategy. (2022). Climate and energy security, White House, October 12, 2022. Security-Strategy-10.2022.pdf
  • Özer, Y. E. (2016). Türkiye’nin yenilenebilir ve temiz enerji konusunda ABD, Çin ve Avrupa Birliği ile karşılaştırmalı analizi. Hitit Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. 9(1), 137-157.
  • Schuman, F. L (1942). Let us learn our geopolitics, In A. Gyorgy (Eds.), The Geopolitics of War: Total War and Geostrategy. The Journal of Politics, 5(4), 348–360.
  • Schmid, M. (2019). Rare earths in the trade dispute between the US and China: A déjàvu. Intereconomics, Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, 54(6), 378-384. https://doi: 10.1007/s10272-019-0856-6
  • Spykman, N. J. (1942). The geography of the peace. Harcourt and Brace.
  • Scholvin, S. (2016). Geopolitics. An overview of concepts and empirical examples from international relations. The Finnish Institute of International Affairs.
  • Swain, B., (2017). Recovery and recycling of lithium: A review. Separation and Purification Technology, (172), 388-403.
  • Taylor, P. G., Wiesenthal, T. & Aphrodite, M. (2005). Energy and environment in the European Union: an indicator-based analysis. Natural Resources Forum. 29(4), 360–376. 8947.2005.00147.x
  • Van Beek, Ursula J. (2011). China’s global golicy and Africa: A few implications for the post-crisis world. Politikon, 38(3). 389-408.
  • Van Dijk, Meine Pieter. (2009). Objectives of and instruments for China’s new presence in Africa. In Meine Pieter van Dijk (Eds.) The new presence of China in Africa. University Press,
  • Yılmaz, S., (2015). Jeopolitik ve jeostrateji. In Ü. Özdağ (Eds.), Milli güvenlik teorisi, (pp. 201-248). Kripto Yayınları.
  • Yılmaz, S., (2017). Jeopolitik ve büyük strateji. In E. Ergen (Eds.), Avrasya’nın kilidi Türkiye, (pp.163-187). Kaynak Yayınları.

Transition from Hydrocarbon Geopolitics to Critical Mineral Geopolitics

Year 2024, Volume: 11 Issue: 4, 1372 - 1391, 31.12.2024


Geopolitical analysis considers factors beyond a state's geographical location, such as climate, topography, demographic structure, natural resources, country size, and technological advancement. In the 20th century, natural resource ownership and control became crucial to geopolitical analysis and policymaking. In recent years, the need for clean energy has become more prominent due to the negative effects of climate change. Developing technology and increasing populations have led to a greater demand for energy. Transformation is necessary to differentiate between energy systems that rely on clean technologies and hydro-carbon energy sources. This study will discuss the transition process from hydro-carbon energy to geopolitics based on critical minerals required for sustainable climate and clean energy, its reasons, and the current reflections of the future geopolitical struggle. Descriptive and historical research methods were used in this study. As a result of the study, it was determined that there may be changes in the geopolitical struggle depending on energy.


  • Arı, T. (2006). BOP, Ortadoğu ve ABD: Politika mı propaganda mı? Global Strateji Dergisi, 57-87.
  • Aron, R. (2003). Peace and war: A theory of international relations. Transaction Publishers.
  • Bayat, M. (1986). Milli güç ve devlet. Belge Yayınları.
  • BloombergNEF. (2020). New energy outlook 2020.
  • Carley, S., Evans, T. P. & Konisky, D. M. (2018). Adaptation, culture, and the energy transition. American coal country. Energy Research & Social Science, (37), 133-139.
  • Clover, C. (1999). Dreams of the Eurasian heartland. Foreign Affairs, (78), 8-10.
  • Collins, J. M. (1998). Military geography for professionals and the public, national defense. University Press.
  • Doster, B. (2017). Türkiye için 2 kritik soru: Jeopolitik öneminin farkında mı? Stratejisi var mı? In E. Ergen (Eds.), Avrasya’nın kilidi Türkiye, (pp. 83-110). Kaynak Yayınları.
  • Evans, G. & Newnham, J. (1998). The penguin dictionary of international relations. Penguin Book.
  • G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration. (2023). Implementing clean, sustainable, just, affordable & inclusive energy transitions. New Delhi, India. September 9-10. Declaration.pdf
  • Fettweis, C. J. (2015). On heartlands and chessboards: Classical geopolitics, then and now, Orbis, 59(2), 233– 48.
  • Gökçe, A. F., (2022). ABD Ulusal güvenlik strateji belgesinin şifreleri. Yeni Şafak Gazetesi, November 17, 2022.
  • Hartman, F. H. (1983). The relation of nations. Mac Millan Publishing Co.
  • International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Report. (2020). Global energy transformation: a road map to 2050 (2020 Edition). ok_2020.pdf
  • International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) (2022). The role of critical world energy outlook special report minerals in clean energy. 980a52b6d9a86fdc/TheRoleofCriticalMineralsinCleanEnergyTransitions.pdf
  • Kalantzakos, S., (2020). The race for critical minerals in an era of geopolitical realignments. Italian Journal of International Affairs. 55(3), 1-16. .
  • Kahraman S. & Şenol, P. (2018). İklim değişikliği: küresel, bölgesel ve kentsel etkileri. Academia Journal of Social Sciences- Special Issue(1), 353-370.
  • Kakışım, C. (2022). Kritik minerallerin Türkiye’nin enerji dönüşümüne etkisi: teknoloji bağımsızlığı açısından yeni jeopolitik tehdit. Mukaddime. 13(1): 101-124.
  • Klare, M. T. (2002). Resource wars: The new landscape of global conflict. Henry Holt.
  • Korts, M. (2020). The strategic importance of rare earth minerals for NATO, EU and the United States and its implications for the energy and defense sectors. In R. Petkevičius (Eds.), Energy security: operational highlights (the NATO energy security center of excellence), (pp. 24–40).
  • Mackinder H. J. (1962). “The geographical pivot of history” in democratic ideals and reality. Norton and Company.
  • Mahan, A.T. (1987). The influence of sea power upon history 1660-1783. Dover Publications.
  • Månberger, A. & Bengt Johansson, B., (2019). The geopolitics of metals and metalloids used for the renewable energy transition. Energy Strategy Reviews, (26),1-10.
  • Morgenthau, H. J. (1967). Politics among nations. Alfred E. Knopf Inc.
  • National Security Strategy. (2022). Climate and energy security, White House, October 12, 2022. Security-Strategy-10.2022.pdf
  • Özer, Y. E. (2016). Türkiye’nin yenilenebilir ve temiz enerji konusunda ABD, Çin ve Avrupa Birliği ile karşılaştırmalı analizi. Hitit Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi. 9(1), 137-157.
  • Schuman, F. L (1942). Let us learn our geopolitics, In A. Gyorgy (Eds.), The Geopolitics of War: Total War and Geostrategy. The Journal of Politics, 5(4), 348–360.
  • Schmid, M. (2019). Rare earths in the trade dispute between the US and China: A déjàvu. Intereconomics, Leibniz Information Centre for Economics, 54(6), 378-384. https://doi: 10.1007/s10272-019-0856-6
  • Spykman, N. J. (1942). The geography of the peace. Harcourt and Brace.
  • Scholvin, S. (2016). Geopolitics. An overview of concepts and empirical examples from international relations. The Finnish Institute of International Affairs.
  • Swain, B., (2017). Recovery and recycling of lithium: A review. Separation and Purification Technology, (172), 388-403.
  • Taylor, P. G., Wiesenthal, T. & Aphrodite, M. (2005). Energy and environment in the European Union: an indicator-based analysis. Natural Resources Forum. 29(4), 360–376. 8947.2005.00147.x
  • Van Beek, Ursula J. (2011). China’s global golicy and Africa: A few implications for the post-crisis world. Politikon, 38(3). 389-408.
  • Van Dijk, Meine Pieter. (2009). Objectives of and instruments for China’s new presence in Africa. In Meine Pieter van Dijk (Eds.) The new presence of China in Africa. University Press,
  • Yılmaz, S., (2015). Jeopolitik ve jeostrateji. In Ü. Özdağ (Eds.), Milli güvenlik teorisi, (pp. 201-248). Kripto Yayınları.
  • Yılmaz, S., (2017). Jeopolitik ve büyük strateji. In E. Ergen (Eds.), Avrasya’nın kilidi Türkiye, (pp.163-187). Kaynak Yayınları.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects International Security
Journal Section Research Articles

Ali Fuat Gökçe 0000-0002-6484-8305

Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date March 13, 2024
Acceptance Date December 11, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 11 Issue: 4


APA Gökçe, A. F. (2024). Transition from Hydrocarbon Geopolitics to Critical Mineral Geopolitics. Journal of Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty, 11(4), 1372-1391.

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