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Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi Öğrencilerinin Benlik Saygısı ile Tükenmişlik Düzeyleri Arasındaki İlişki

Year 2023, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 1 - 10, 19.12.2023


Bu çalışma ile spor bilimleri fakültesinde öğrenim gören öğrencilerin benlik saygısı ile tükenmişlik düzeyleri arasında ilişkinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma evreninin Süleyman Demirel üniversitesi spor bilimleri fakültesinde öğrenim gören öğrenciler oluşturmuş olup örneklem grubunu ise 63 erkek, 52 kadın olmak üzere toplam 115 kişiden oluşmaktadır. Sosyo-demografik verilerin elde edilmesinde araştırmacı tarafından oluşturulan kişisel bilgi formu, benlik saygısı ölçmek amacıyla Rosenberg (1965) tarafından geliştirilen Çuhadaroğlu (1986) tarafında Türkçeye uyarlanan Rosenberg Benlik Saygısı Ölçeği tükenmişlik düzeylerini belirlemek amacıyla, Türkçe uyarlaması Kelecek vd. (2016) Sporcu Tükenmişlik Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen verilerin varyans ve homojenlikleri test edilmiş olup standart sapma ve ortalama değerleri verilmiştir, ilişkiyi belirlemek amacıyla pearson correlation testi uygulanmıştır. Benlik saygısı ve azalan başarı hissi arasında nötr, Duygusal/Fiziksel Tükenme, Duyarsızlaşma ve tükenmişlik toplam boyutu arasında pozitif yönlü korelasyon tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak benlik saygısının başarı hissini etkilemediği ama fiziksel tükenme ve duyarsızlaşma boyutlarını etkilediği bu durumun benlik saygısının artması sosyal yaşam çevresini olumlu yönde etkilediği söylenilebilir.


  • Appleton JJ, Christenson SL, Furlong MJ. (2008). Student engagement with school: critical conceptual and methodological issues of the construct. Psychol Sch.;45:369–386.
  • Asghari, A., Saadati, S.M., Ghodsi, A., & Fard, F.A. (2015). Review the academic burnout and its relationship with self-esteem in students of medical sciences university at Neyshabour. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences (SJAMS), 3(9C):3329-3334.
  • Becerra, M.B., Arias, D., Cha, L. & Becerra, B.J. (2020). Self-esteem among college students: the intersectionality of psychological distress, discrimination and gender. Journal of Public Mental Health, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), - doi:10.1108/JPMH-O5-2020-0033
  • Bhatt, S. & Bahadur, Dr. A. (2018). Role of self-esteem & self-efficacy in achievement motivation among college students. The International Journal of Indian Psychology 6(2), doi:10.25215/0602.061
  • Bozgüney, R., & Can, B. (2023). Examination of smoking addiction according to some variables in sports sciences faculty students. KOSALB International Journal of Human Movements Science (e-ISSN: 2958-8332), 2(1), 48-53.
  • Busalim, A., Masrom, M., Normeza, W., & Zakaria, B.W. (2019). The impact of facebook addiction and self-esteem on students' academic performance: A multi-group analysis, Computers & Education, 142, du.2019.103651
  • Carver, C. S. (2003). Pleasure as a sign you can attend to something else: Placing positive feelings within a general model of affect. Cognition and Emotion, 17, 241-261.
  • Chang ESM. (2020). Mediating effect of goal adjustment on the relationship between socially prescribed perfectionism and academic burnout. Psychol Sch.;57(2):284–295.
  • Chunmei Chen, Yuanyi Shen, Yujie Zhu, Fanghao Xiao, Jiawen Zhang & Jianchao Ni (2023) The Effect of Academic Adaptability on Learning Burnout Among College Students: The Mediating Effect of Self-Esteem and the Moderating Effect of Self-Efficacy, Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 16:, 1615-1629, DOI: 10.2147/PRBM.S408591
  • Cole, D. A., Peeke, L., Dolezal, S., Murray, N. & Canzoniero, A. (1999). A longitudinal study of negative affect and self-perceived competence in young adolescents. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77, 851- 862.
  • Collie RJ, Holliman AJ, Martin AJ. (2016). Adaptability, engagement and academic achievement at university. Educ Psychol.;37(5):632–647.
  • Corwyn, R.F. (2000). The factor structure of global self-esteem among adolescents and adults. Journal of Research in Personality, 34, 357-379.
  • Covington MJ. (1989). Self-esteem and failure in schools: analysis and policy implications. In: Mecca AM, Smelser NJ, Asconcellos JV, editors. The Social Importance of Self-Esteem. Berkeley: University of California Press;:72–124.
  • Crocker J, Luhtanen RK. (2003). Level of Self-Esteem and Contingencies of Self-Worth: unique Effects on Academic, Social, and Financial Problems in College Students. Pers Soc Psychol Bull.;29(6):701–712. doi:10.1177/0146167203029006003.
  • Crocker, J., Sommers, S. & Luhtanen, R. (2002). Hopes dashed and dreams fulfilled: contingencies of self-worth in the graduate school admissions process. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28(9), 1275-1286.
  • Crystal, D., Chen, C., Fuligni, A. J., Stevenson, H. W., Hsu, C. C., Ko, H. J, Kitamura, S. & Kimura, S. (1994). Psychological maladjustment and academic achievement: a cross-cultural study of Japanese, Chinese, and American high school students. Child Development, 65(3), 738-763.
  • Çıkmaz, C. (2020). Rekreatif etkinliklere katılan üniversite öğrencilerinin benlik saygısı düzeylerinin incelenmesi (Master's thesis, Batman Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü).
  • Çuhadaroğlu F (1986) Adolesanlarda benlik saygısı. Yayınlanmamış Uzmanlık Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Demir, E., Saatçioğlu, Ö., & İmrol, F. (2016). Uluslararası dergilerde yayımlanan eğitim araştırmalarının normallik varsayımları açısından incelenmesi. Current Research in Education, 2(3), 130-148.
  • Dursun, S. (2000). Öğretmenlerde tükenmişlik ile yükleme biçimi, cinsiyet, eğitim düzeyi ve hizmet süresi değişkenleri arasındaki yordayıcı ilişkilerin incelenmesi. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Trabzon.
  • Freuderberger, H.J. (1974). Staff burn-out. Journal of Social Issues, 30, 159–165.
  • George, D, ve Mallery, P., (2016). IBM SPSS Statistics 23 Step by Step: A simple guide and reference. New York: Routledge: 112-120.
  • Gerard, J. M. ve Buehler, C. (2004). Cumulative environmental risk and youth maladjustment: The role of youth attributes. Child Development, 75(6), 1832-1849.
  • Gottfredson, L. S. (1985). Role of self-concept in vocational theory. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 32(1), 159–162.
  • Harter, S. (1996). Teacher and classmate influences on scholastic motivation, self-esteem, and level of voice in adolescents. In J. Juvonen & K. R. Wentzel (Ed.), Social Motivation: Understanding Children’s School Adjustment (11-42). New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Jiang S, Ren Q, Jiang C, Wang L. (2021). Academic stress and depression of Chinese adolescents in junior high schools: moderated mediation model of school burnout and self-esteem. J Affect Disord.;295:384–389.
  • Kapıkıran, Ş. (2016). Ebeveyn akademik başarı baskısı ve desteği ölçeğinin psikometrik değerlendirmeleri ve yapısal geçerlik: Ortaokul ve lise öğrencileri. Ege Eğitim Dergisi, 17(1), 62-83.
  • Karasar N. (2004). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi, Nobel Yayıncılık, Ankara, 52.
  • Lou, Y., Wang, Z., Zhang, H., Chen, A., & Quan, S. (2016). The effect of perfectionism on school burnout among adolescence: the mediator of self-esteem and coping style. Personality and Individual Differences, 88, 202-208. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2015.08.056
  • Mahmoudi, F., Mahmoudi, A., Shahraki, H.R., Shamsei, M., & Kakaei, H. (2019). Relationship between self-esteem and field of study and its effect on academic burnout in students of shiraz university of medical sciences. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 10(2), doi:10.14456/ITJEMAST.2019.22
  • Marôco, J.P.; Tecedeiro, M. (2009). Inventário de burnout de maslach para estudantes portugueses. Psicol. Saúde Doenças, 10, 227–235.
  • Masi, G., Sbrana, B., Poli, P., Tomaiuolo, F., Favilla, L. ve Marcheschi, M. (2000). Depression and school functioning in non-referred adolescents: A pilot study. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 30(3), 161-171.
  • Maslach, C. A (1998). Multidimensional theory of burnout. In Theories of Organizational Stress; Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
  • Maslach, C.& Leiter, M. (2016). Burnout; Academic Press: London, UK.
  • Masud H, Ahmad MS, Jan FA, Jamil A. (2016). Relationship between parenting styles and academic performance of adolescents: mediating role of self-efficacy. Asia Pacific Educ Rev.;17(1):121–131. Mees, L. (2020). Performance-based self-esteem can lead to anxiety and burnout. Invisible Illness. August, 2020. Merino-Soto, C.; Fernández-Arata, M. (2017). Ítem único de burnout en estudiantes de educación superior: Estudio de validez de contenido. Educ. Méd., 18, 195–198.
  • Moneta, G.B. (2011). Need for achievement, burnout, and intention to leave: Testing an occupational model in educational settings. Pers. Individ. Differ., 50, 274–278.
  • Morrison TL, Thomas MD, Weaver SJ. (1973). Self-esteem and self-estimates of academic performance. J Consult Clin Psychol.;41:412–415.
  • Mruk CJ. (2006). Self-Esteem Research, Theory, and Practice: Toward a Positive Psychology of Self-Esteem. New York: Springer.
  • Norez, D. (2017). Academic burnout in college students: the impact of personality characteristics and academic term on burnout. FHSU Scholars Repository.
  • Olwage, D. & Mostert, K. (2014). Predictors of student burnout and engagement among university students. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 24(4), 342-350,
  • Öztuna, Ş., & Bucak, F. (2022). Kendilik/benlik. Göbeklitepe Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(9), 92-101.
  • Pepping, C.A., Davis, P.J., & O'Donovan, A. (2016). Mindfulness for cultivating self-esteem. In: Shonin, E., Gordon, W., Griffiths, M. (eds) Mindfulness and Buddhist-Derived Approaches in Mental Health and Addiction. Advances in Mental Health and Addiction. Springer, Cham.
  • Raeisoon, M., Mohammadi, Y., Abdorazaghnejad, M., & Sharifzadeh, Gh. (2014). An investigation of the relationship between self-concept, self-esteem, and academic achievement of students in the nursing-midwifery faculty in Qaen during 2012-13 academic year. Modern Care Journal.
  • Rosales, Y. (2012). Estudio unidimensional del síndrome de burnout en estudiantes de medicina de Holguín. Rev. De La Asoc. Española De Neuropsiquiatría, 32, 795–803.
  • Rosenberg, M. (1965). Society and the adolescent self-image. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Salgado, S., & Au-Yong-Oliveira, M. (2021). Student burnout: a case study about a portuguese public university. Education Sciences, 11(1), 31.
  • Sermon, J. M. (1994). The relationship of the dual role assignment to the level of perceived burnout by secondary teachers. The Florida State University.
  • Söğütlü, L., İmamoğlu, A. H., Çelik, A. R., & Karabulut, Y. (2021). Çalışan üniversite öğrencilerinin benlik saygısı ve psikolojik dayanıklılık düzeylerinin incelenmesi. Uluslararası Hukuk ve Sosyal Bilim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(1), 36-46.
  • Tian, L., Liu, B., Huang, S. & Huebner, E. S. (2013). Perceived social support and school well-being among Chinese early and middle adolescents: The mediational role of self-esteem. Social Indicators Research, 113(3), 991-1008.
  • Üzgü, M. A., Bozgüney, R., Can, B., Özlü, M., Akat, A., Güneş, F., & Çalık, F. (2023). Üniversite öğrencilerinin dijital bağımlılık ve yalnızlık düzeylerinin incelenmesi. Düzce Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(1), 75-82.
  • Velasco, J.C. (2019). Millennials in the university: An inquiry on burnout among Filipino university students. Pertanika J. Soc. Sci. Humanit., 27, 1801–1814.
  • Virtanen, T. E., Kiuru, N., Lerkkanen, M. K., Poikkeus, A. M. ve Kuorelahti, M. (2016). Assessment of student engagement among junior high school students and associations with self-esteem, burnout, and academic achievement. Journal for Educational Research Online/Journal für Bildungs forschung Online, 8(2), 136- 157.
  • Visozo, C., Arias-Gundin, O., & Rodriguez, C. (2019). Exploring coping and optimism as predictors of academic burnout and performance among university students. Educational Psychology, 39(6), 768-783.
  • Wang MT, Chow A, Hofkens T, Salmela-Aro K. (2015). The trajectories of student emotional engagement and school burnout with academic and psychological development: findings from Finnish adolescents. Learning Instruction.;36:57–65.
  • Yavuzer, H. (2004) Okul çağı çocuğu, Remzi Kitabevi: İstanbul.
Year 2023, Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 1 - 10, 19.12.2023



  • Appleton JJ, Christenson SL, Furlong MJ. (2008). Student engagement with school: critical conceptual and methodological issues of the construct. Psychol Sch.;45:369–386.
  • Asghari, A., Saadati, S.M., Ghodsi, A., & Fard, F.A. (2015). Review the academic burnout and its relationship with self-esteem in students of medical sciences university at Neyshabour. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences (SJAMS), 3(9C):3329-3334.
  • Becerra, M.B., Arias, D., Cha, L. & Becerra, B.J. (2020). Self-esteem among college students: the intersectionality of psychological distress, discrimination and gender. Journal of Public Mental Health, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), - doi:10.1108/JPMH-O5-2020-0033
  • Bhatt, S. & Bahadur, Dr. A. (2018). Role of self-esteem & self-efficacy in achievement motivation among college students. The International Journal of Indian Psychology 6(2), doi:10.25215/0602.061
  • Bozgüney, R., & Can, B. (2023). Examination of smoking addiction according to some variables in sports sciences faculty students. KOSALB International Journal of Human Movements Science (e-ISSN: 2958-8332), 2(1), 48-53.
  • Busalim, A., Masrom, M., Normeza, W., & Zakaria, B.W. (2019). The impact of facebook addiction and self-esteem on students' academic performance: A multi-group analysis, Computers & Education, 142, du.2019.103651
  • Carver, C. S. (2003). Pleasure as a sign you can attend to something else: Placing positive feelings within a general model of affect. Cognition and Emotion, 17, 241-261.
  • Chang ESM. (2020). Mediating effect of goal adjustment on the relationship between socially prescribed perfectionism and academic burnout. Psychol Sch.;57(2):284–295.
  • Chunmei Chen, Yuanyi Shen, Yujie Zhu, Fanghao Xiao, Jiawen Zhang & Jianchao Ni (2023) The Effect of Academic Adaptability on Learning Burnout Among College Students: The Mediating Effect of Self-Esteem and the Moderating Effect of Self-Efficacy, Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 16:, 1615-1629, DOI: 10.2147/PRBM.S408591
  • Cole, D. A., Peeke, L., Dolezal, S., Murray, N. & Canzoniero, A. (1999). A longitudinal study of negative affect and self-perceived competence in young adolescents. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77, 851- 862.
  • Collie RJ, Holliman AJ, Martin AJ. (2016). Adaptability, engagement and academic achievement at university. Educ Psychol.;37(5):632–647.
  • Corwyn, R.F. (2000). The factor structure of global self-esteem among adolescents and adults. Journal of Research in Personality, 34, 357-379.
  • Covington MJ. (1989). Self-esteem and failure in schools: analysis and policy implications. In: Mecca AM, Smelser NJ, Asconcellos JV, editors. The Social Importance of Self-Esteem. Berkeley: University of California Press;:72–124.
  • Crocker J, Luhtanen RK. (2003). Level of Self-Esteem and Contingencies of Self-Worth: unique Effects on Academic, Social, and Financial Problems in College Students. Pers Soc Psychol Bull.;29(6):701–712. doi:10.1177/0146167203029006003.
  • Crocker, J., Sommers, S. & Luhtanen, R. (2002). Hopes dashed and dreams fulfilled: contingencies of self-worth in the graduate school admissions process. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 28(9), 1275-1286.
  • Crystal, D., Chen, C., Fuligni, A. J., Stevenson, H. W., Hsu, C. C., Ko, H. J, Kitamura, S. & Kimura, S. (1994). Psychological maladjustment and academic achievement: a cross-cultural study of Japanese, Chinese, and American high school students. Child Development, 65(3), 738-763.
  • Çıkmaz, C. (2020). Rekreatif etkinliklere katılan üniversite öğrencilerinin benlik saygısı düzeylerinin incelenmesi (Master's thesis, Batman Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü).
  • Çuhadaroğlu F (1986) Adolesanlarda benlik saygısı. Yayınlanmamış Uzmanlık Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara.
  • Demir, E., Saatçioğlu, Ö., & İmrol, F. (2016). Uluslararası dergilerde yayımlanan eğitim araştırmalarının normallik varsayımları açısından incelenmesi. Current Research in Education, 2(3), 130-148.
  • Dursun, S. (2000). Öğretmenlerde tükenmişlik ile yükleme biçimi, cinsiyet, eğitim düzeyi ve hizmet süresi değişkenleri arasındaki yordayıcı ilişkilerin incelenmesi. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Trabzon.
  • Freuderberger, H.J. (1974). Staff burn-out. Journal of Social Issues, 30, 159–165.
  • George, D, ve Mallery, P., (2016). IBM SPSS Statistics 23 Step by Step: A simple guide and reference. New York: Routledge: 112-120.
  • Gerard, J. M. ve Buehler, C. (2004). Cumulative environmental risk and youth maladjustment: The role of youth attributes. Child Development, 75(6), 1832-1849.
  • Gottfredson, L. S. (1985). Role of self-concept in vocational theory. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 32(1), 159–162.
  • Harter, S. (1996). Teacher and classmate influences on scholastic motivation, self-esteem, and level of voice in adolescents. In J. Juvonen & K. R. Wentzel (Ed.), Social Motivation: Understanding Children’s School Adjustment (11-42). New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Jiang S, Ren Q, Jiang C, Wang L. (2021). Academic stress and depression of Chinese adolescents in junior high schools: moderated mediation model of school burnout and self-esteem. J Affect Disord.;295:384–389.
  • Kapıkıran, Ş. (2016). Ebeveyn akademik başarı baskısı ve desteği ölçeğinin psikometrik değerlendirmeleri ve yapısal geçerlik: Ortaokul ve lise öğrencileri. Ege Eğitim Dergisi, 17(1), 62-83.
  • Karasar N. (2004). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi, Nobel Yayıncılık, Ankara, 52.
  • Lou, Y., Wang, Z., Zhang, H., Chen, A., & Quan, S. (2016). The effect of perfectionism on school burnout among adolescence: the mediator of self-esteem and coping style. Personality and Individual Differences, 88, 202-208. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2015.08.056
  • Mahmoudi, F., Mahmoudi, A., Shahraki, H.R., Shamsei, M., & Kakaei, H. (2019). Relationship between self-esteem and field of study and its effect on academic burnout in students of shiraz university of medical sciences. International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 10(2), doi:10.14456/ITJEMAST.2019.22
  • Marôco, J.P.; Tecedeiro, M. (2009). Inventário de burnout de maslach para estudantes portugueses. Psicol. Saúde Doenças, 10, 227–235.
  • Masi, G., Sbrana, B., Poli, P., Tomaiuolo, F., Favilla, L. ve Marcheschi, M. (2000). Depression and school functioning in non-referred adolescents: A pilot study. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 30(3), 161-171.
  • Maslach, C. A (1998). Multidimensional theory of burnout. In Theories of Organizational Stress; Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK.
  • Maslach, C.& Leiter, M. (2016). Burnout; Academic Press: London, UK.
  • Masud H, Ahmad MS, Jan FA, Jamil A. (2016). Relationship between parenting styles and academic performance of adolescents: mediating role of self-efficacy. Asia Pacific Educ Rev.;17(1):121–131. Mees, L. (2020). Performance-based self-esteem can lead to anxiety and burnout. Invisible Illness. August, 2020. Merino-Soto, C.; Fernández-Arata, M. (2017). Ítem único de burnout en estudiantes de educación superior: Estudio de validez de contenido. Educ. Méd., 18, 195–198.
  • Moneta, G.B. (2011). Need for achievement, burnout, and intention to leave: Testing an occupational model in educational settings. Pers. Individ. Differ., 50, 274–278.
  • Morrison TL, Thomas MD, Weaver SJ. (1973). Self-esteem and self-estimates of academic performance. J Consult Clin Psychol.;41:412–415.
  • Mruk CJ. (2006). Self-Esteem Research, Theory, and Practice: Toward a Positive Psychology of Self-Esteem. New York: Springer.
  • Norez, D. (2017). Academic burnout in college students: the impact of personality characteristics and academic term on burnout. FHSU Scholars Repository.
  • Olwage, D. & Mostert, K. (2014). Predictors of student burnout and engagement among university students. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 24(4), 342-350,
  • Öztuna, Ş., & Bucak, F. (2022). Kendilik/benlik. Göbeklitepe Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(9), 92-101.
  • Pepping, C.A., Davis, P.J., & O'Donovan, A. (2016). Mindfulness for cultivating self-esteem. In: Shonin, E., Gordon, W., Griffiths, M. (eds) Mindfulness and Buddhist-Derived Approaches in Mental Health and Addiction. Advances in Mental Health and Addiction. Springer, Cham.
  • Raeisoon, M., Mohammadi, Y., Abdorazaghnejad, M., & Sharifzadeh, Gh. (2014). An investigation of the relationship between self-concept, self-esteem, and academic achievement of students in the nursing-midwifery faculty in Qaen during 2012-13 academic year. Modern Care Journal.
  • Rosales, Y. (2012). Estudio unidimensional del síndrome de burnout en estudiantes de medicina de Holguín. Rev. De La Asoc. Española De Neuropsiquiatría, 32, 795–803.
  • Rosenberg, M. (1965). Society and the adolescent self-image. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Salgado, S., & Au-Yong-Oliveira, M. (2021). Student burnout: a case study about a portuguese public university. Education Sciences, 11(1), 31.
  • Sermon, J. M. (1994). The relationship of the dual role assignment to the level of perceived burnout by secondary teachers. The Florida State University.
  • Söğütlü, L., İmamoğlu, A. H., Çelik, A. R., & Karabulut, Y. (2021). Çalışan üniversite öğrencilerinin benlik saygısı ve psikolojik dayanıklılık düzeylerinin incelenmesi. Uluslararası Hukuk ve Sosyal Bilim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(1), 36-46.
  • Tian, L., Liu, B., Huang, S. & Huebner, E. S. (2013). Perceived social support and school well-being among Chinese early and middle adolescents: The mediational role of self-esteem. Social Indicators Research, 113(3), 991-1008.
  • Üzgü, M. A., Bozgüney, R., Can, B., Özlü, M., Akat, A., Güneş, F., & Çalık, F. (2023). Üniversite öğrencilerinin dijital bağımlılık ve yalnızlık düzeylerinin incelenmesi. Düzce Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(1), 75-82.
  • Velasco, J.C. (2019). Millennials in the university: An inquiry on burnout among Filipino university students. Pertanika J. Soc. Sci. Humanit., 27, 1801–1814.
  • Virtanen, T. E., Kiuru, N., Lerkkanen, M. K., Poikkeus, A. M. ve Kuorelahti, M. (2016). Assessment of student engagement among junior high school students and associations with self-esteem, burnout, and academic achievement. Journal for Educational Research Online/Journal für Bildungs forschung Online, 8(2), 136- 157.
  • Visozo, C., Arias-Gundin, O., & Rodriguez, C. (2019). Exploring coping and optimism as predictors of academic burnout and performance among university students. Educational Psychology, 39(6), 768-783.
  • Wang MT, Chow A, Hofkens T, Salmela-Aro K. (2015). The trajectories of student emotional engagement and school burnout with academic and psychological development: findings from Finnish adolescents. Learning Instruction.;36:57–65.
  • Yavuzer, H. (2004) Okul çağı çocuğu, Remzi Kitabevi: İstanbul.
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Exercise and Sports Psychology
Journal Section Research Articles

Ahsen Türker 0009-0007-0946-0459

Abdullah Yavuz Akıncı

Early Pub Date November 21, 2023
Publication Date December 19, 2023
Submission Date October 26, 2023
Acceptance Date November 19, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 1 Issue: 2


APA Türker, A., & Akıncı, A. Y. (2023). Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi Öğrencilerinin Benlik Saygısı ile Tükenmişlik Düzeyleri Arasındaki İlişki. Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Sports Sciences, 1(2), 1-10.

Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Sports Sciences is a scientific and refereed journal published twice a year in June and December.

Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Sport Sciences is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC 4.0).

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