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An Analysis of Surf & Turf Experiences of Tourists from Different Nations in Turkey from The Sustainable Gastronomy Tourism Perspective – Farklı Milletlerden Turistlerin Türkiye’deki Surf &Turf Deneyimlerinin Sürdürülebilir Gastronomi Turizmi Perspektifin

Year 2016, , 164 - 175, 13.06.2016


As tourism developed throughout the world, tourism types which may be counted as alternatives to mass tourism have developed in national and international levels and different touristic experiences and investigated in the literature every day. One of the alternative tourism types that is significant for the creation of a sustainable tourism climate, gastronomy tourism recently became a popular type of tourism due to the increase in individuals’ income and their intellectual level. The increase in the number of tourists who solely travel for gastronomical pleasures today demonstrates the potential of the related type of tourism in the near future. The objective of the present study is to analyze the new alternative for sustainable gastronomy tourism, the food experience of surf and turf from the perspective of tourists visiting Turkey. This study, conducted in qualitative research design, consists of the views of 14 tourists visiting Turkey from different countries on their surf and turf experiences. Findings demonstrated that the gastronomy tourists did not know such a cuisine experience existed in Turkey, and stated that the presentations were generally impeccable and Turkish kitchen, known with red meat dishes, should be promoted with its seafood cuisine as well.


  • Akdağ, Gürkan- Özata, Esat- Sormaz, Ümit- Çetinsöz, Burçin Cevdet (2015), “Sürdürülebilir Gastronomi Turizmi İçin Yeni Bir Alternatif: Surf&Turf”, IV. Doğu Akdeniz Turizm Sempozyumu, 17 Nisan 2015, Hatay.
  • Bartella, Giovanna (2011), “Knowledge in Food Tourism: The Case of Lofoten and Maremma Toscana”, Current Issues in Tourism, Vol.14, No.4, (355-371).
  • Boniface, Priscilla (2003), Tasting Tourism: Travelling for Food and Drink, Ashgate Publishing Limited, Aldershot.
  • Bucak, Turgay-Ateş, Ufuk (2014), “Gastronomi Turizminin İl Turizmine Etkisi: Çanakkale Örneği”, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, Vol.28, (315-328).
  • Cohen, Eric- Avieli, Nir (2004), “Food in Tourism: Attraction and Impediment”, Annals of Tourism Research, Vol.31, No.4, (755-778).
  • Cömert, Menekşe- Özkaya, Fügen Durlu (2014), “Gastronomi Turizminde Türk mutfağının Önemi”, Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, Vol.2, No.2, (62-66).
  • Çalışkan, Osman (2013), “Destinasyon Rekabetçiliği ve Seyahat Motivasyonu Bakımından Gastronomik Kimlik”, Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, Vol.1, No.2, (39-51).
  • Deveci, Bilal- Türkmen, Serkan- Avcıkurt, Cevdet (2013), “Kırsal Turizm ile Gastronomi Turizmi İlişkisi: Bigadiç Örneği”, International Journal of Social and Economic Sciences ,Vol.3, No.2, (29-34).
  • Doğdubay, Murat- Giritoğlu, İbrahim (2008), “Turistik Ürün Çeşitlendirmesi”, (ed) Necdet Hacıoğlu -Cevdet Avcıkurt, Mutfak Turizmi, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, (433-456).
  • Du Rand, Gerrie E- Heath, Ernie (2006), “Towards a Framework for Food Tourism as an Element of Destination Marketing”, Current Issues in Tourism, Vol.9, No.3, (206-234).
  • Everett, Sally- Aitchison, Cara (2008), “The Role of Food Tourism in Sustaining Regional Identity: A case study of Cornwall, South West England”, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Vol.16, No.2, (150-167).
  • Fields, Kevin (2002), “Tourism and Gastronomy”, (ed) Anne Mette Hjalager- Greg Richards, Demand for the Gastronomy Tourism Product: Motivational Factors, Routledge, London, (36-50).
  • Garrod, Brian- Fyall, Alan (1998), “Beyond the Rhetoric of Sustainable Tourism?”, Tourism Management, Vol.19, No.3, (199-212).
  • Green, Gary Paul- Dougherty, Michael (2008), “Localizing Linkages for Food and Tourism: Culinary Tourism as a Community Development Strategy”, Journal of the Community Development, Vol.39, No.3, (148-158).
  • Hall. Michael C- Sharples, Liz- Mitchell Richard- Macionis, Niki- Cambourne Brock (2003), Food Tourism Around the World: Development, Management and Markets, Rochester, Kent, Genesis Typesetting Limited, Great Britain.
  • Harrington, Robert J- Ottenbacher, Michael C (2010), “Culinary Tourism- A Case Study of the Gastronomic Capital”, Journal of Culinary Science & Technology, Vol.8, (14-32).
  • Hashimoto, Atsuko- Telfer, David J (2006), “Selling Canadian Culinary Tourism: Branding the Global and the Regional Product”, Tourism Geographies, Vol.8, No.1, (31-55).
  • Hegarty, Joseph A- O’Mahony, Barry G (2001), “Gastronomy: A Phenomenon of Cultural Expressionism and an Aesthetic for Living”, Hospitality Management, Vol.20, No.1, (3-13).
  • Horng, Jeou Shyan- Tsai, Chen Tsang Simon (2012), “Exploring Marketing Strategies for Culinary Tourism in Hong Kong and Singapore: Resource-Based Theory”, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, Vol.17, No.3, (277-300).
  • Kaşlı, Mehmet- Cankül, Duran- Köz, Ela Nazlı- Ekici, Aykut (2015), “Gastronomik Miras ve Sürdürülebilirlik: Eskişehir Örneği”, Eko-Gastronomi Dergisi, Vol.1, No.2, (27-46).
  • Kivela, Jaksa- Crotts, John C (2005), “Gastronomy Tourism: A Meaningful Travel Market Segment”, Journal of Culinary Science & Technology, Vol. 4, No.2/3, (39-55).
  • Kivela, Jaksa- Crotts, John C (2006), “Tourism and Gastronomy: Gastronomy’s Influence on How Tourists Experience a Destination”, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, Vol. 30, No.3, (354377).
  • Lemasson, Jean Pierre (2006), “Thinking About Gourmet Tourism”, Teoros Revue de Recherce en Tourisme, Vol.25, No.1, (3-49).
  • Lertputtarak, Sarunya (2012), “The Relationship Between Destination Image, Food Image, and Revisiting Pattaya, Thailand”, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol.7, No.5, (111121).
  • Lin, Yi Chin- Pearson, Thomas E- Cai, Liping A (2011), “Food as a Form of Destination Identity: A tourism Destination Brand Perspective”, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol.11, No.1, (30-48).
  • Long, Lucy M (2004), Culinary Tourism, The University Press of Kentucky, U.S.A.
  • Mc Krecher, Bob- Okumuş Fevzi- Okumuş, Bendegül (2008), “Food Tourism as a Viable Market Segment: It’s All How You Cook the Numbers”, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, Vol.25, No.2, (137-148).
  • Molz, Jenni Germann (2004), “Tasting an Imagined Thailand: Authenticity and Culinary Tourism in Thai Restaurants”, in (Ed.) Lucy M Long, Culinary Tourism, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, (53-75).
  • Montanari, Armando- Staniscia, Barbara (2009), “Culinary Tourism as a Tool for Regional ReEquilibrium”, European Planning Studies, Vol.17, No.10, (1463-1483).
  • Muntean, Mihaela Carmen- Nistor, Costel- Nistor, Rozalia- Sarpe, Daniela (2010), “OenoGourmet Tourism - A New Way of Romanian Tourism Boost” in Latest Trends on Cultural Heritage and Tourism, also http://www.wseas.us/elibrary/conferences/2010/Corfu/CUHT/CUHT-37.pdf, (16.06.2014).
  • Okumuş, Bendegül- Okumuş, Fevzi- Mc Krecher, Bob (2007), “Incorporating Local and International Cuisines in the Marketing of Tourism Destinations: The cases of Hong Kong and Turkey”, Tourism Management, Vol.28, No.1, (253-261).
  • Özkaya, Fügen Durlu- Sünnetçioğlu, Serdar- Can, Ayşe (2013), “Sürdürülebilir Gastronomi Turizmi Hareketliliğinde Coğrafi İşaretlemenin Rolü”, Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, Vol.1, No.1, (13-20).
  • Pillinger, Michael H- Keenan, Robert T (2008). “Update on the Management of Hyperuricemia and Gout”, Bulletin of the NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases, Vol.66, No.3, (231-239).
  • Riley, Michael (2000), “What are the Implications of Tourism Destination Identity for Food and Beverage Policy? Culture and Cuisine in a Changing Global Marketplace”, In (Ed) Roy C Wood, Strategic Questions in Food and Beverage Management, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, (187–194).
  • Scarpato, Rosario (2002), “Sustainable Gastronomy as a Tourist Products”, in (Ed) Hjalager, Anne Mette- Richards Greg”, Tourism and Gastronomy, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, LondonNew York, (132-151).
  • Smith, Sylvia- Costello, Carol (2008), “Segmenting Visitors to a Culinary Event: Motivations, Travel Behavior, and Expenditures”, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, Vol.18, No.1, (44-67).
  • Smith, Stephen L J- Xiao, Honggen (2008), “Culinary Tourism Supply Chains: A Preliminary Examination”, Journal of Travel Research, Vol.46, No.3, (289-299).
  • Sürenkök, Ayşegül- Baggio, Rodolfo- Corigliano, Magda Antonioli (2010), “Gastronomy and Tourism in Turkey: The Role Of ITCs”, in (Ed) Gretzel, Ulrike- Law, Rob- Fuchs, Matthias, Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, Springer, Vienna, (567-578).
  • Telfer, David J- Hashimoto, Atsuko (2003), “Food Tourism in the Niagara Region: The Development of a Nouvelle Cuisine”, In (Ed) Michael C Hall- Sharples Liz- Mitchell Richard- Macionis Niki- Cambourne Brock, Food Tourism Around the World: Development, Management and Markets, Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann, (158-177).
  • Tikkanen, Irma (2007), “Maslow’s Hierarchy and Food Tourism in Finland: Five Cases”, British Food Journal, Vol.109, No.9, (721-734).
  • Tussyadiah, Lis (2006), “A Gourmet Trip: One Direction of Domestic Tourism in Japan, Tourism Review International, Vol.9, No.3, (281-291).
  • Ural, Ayhan- Kılıç, İbrahim (2011), Bilimsel Araştırma Süreci ve SPSS ile Veri Analizi, Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Yaşin, Mehmet (2015), “Hedonist Bir Yemek Deneyimi, Surf&Turf”, Beef & Fish, Vol.6, (28-33).
  • Yıldırım, Ali- Şimşek, Hasan (2013), Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Yun, Dongkoo- Hennessey, Sean M- MacDonald, Roberta (2011), “Understanding Culinary Tourists: Segmentations Based on Past Culinary Experiences and Attitudes Toward Food- Related Behaviour”, International CHRIE Conference-Refereed Track, (1-13).
  • Yurtseven, H. Rıdvan (2011), “Sustainable Gastronomic Tourism in Gokceada (Imbros): Local and Authentic Perspectives”, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol.1, No.18, 2736.
  • Yurtseven, H Rıdvan- Karakaş, Necati (2013), “Creating a Sustainable Gastronomic Destination: The Case of Cittaslow Gokceada Turkey”, American International Journal of Contemporary Research, Vol.3, No.3, (91-100).
Year 2016, , 164 - 175, 13.06.2016



  • Akdağ, Gürkan- Özata, Esat- Sormaz, Ümit- Çetinsöz, Burçin Cevdet (2015), “Sürdürülebilir Gastronomi Turizmi İçin Yeni Bir Alternatif: Surf&Turf”, IV. Doğu Akdeniz Turizm Sempozyumu, 17 Nisan 2015, Hatay.
  • Bartella, Giovanna (2011), “Knowledge in Food Tourism: The Case of Lofoten and Maremma Toscana”, Current Issues in Tourism, Vol.14, No.4, (355-371).
  • Boniface, Priscilla (2003), Tasting Tourism: Travelling for Food and Drink, Ashgate Publishing Limited, Aldershot.
  • Bucak, Turgay-Ateş, Ufuk (2014), “Gastronomi Turizminin İl Turizmine Etkisi: Çanakkale Örneği”, The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, Vol.28, (315-328).
  • Cohen, Eric- Avieli, Nir (2004), “Food in Tourism: Attraction and Impediment”, Annals of Tourism Research, Vol.31, No.4, (755-778).
  • Cömert, Menekşe- Özkaya, Fügen Durlu (2014), “Gastronomi Turizminde Türk mutfağının Önemi”, Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, Vol.2, No.2, (62-66).
  • Çalışkan, Osman (2013), “Destinasyon Rekabetçiliği ve Seyahat Motivasyonu Bakımından Gastronomik Kimlik”, Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, Vol.1, No.2, (39-51).
  • Deveci, Bilal- Türkmen, Serkan- Avcıkurt, Cevdet (2013), “Kırsal Turizm ile Gastronomi Turizmi İlişkisi: Bigadiç Örneği”, International Journal of Social and Economic Sciences ,Vol.3, No.2, (29-34).
  • Doğdubay, Murat- Giritoğlu, İbrahim (2008), “Turistik Ürün Çeşitlendirmesi”, (ed) Necdet Hacıoğlu -Cevdet Avcıkurt, Mutfak Turizmi, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, (433-456).
  • Du Rand, Gerrie E- Heath, Ernie (2006), “Towards a Framework for Food Tourism as an Element of Destination Marketing”, Current Issues in Tourism, Vol.9, No.3, (206-234).
  • Everett, Sally- Aitchison, Cara (2008), “The Role of Food Tourism in Sustaining Regional Identity: A case study of Cornwall, South West England”, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Vol.16, No.2, (150-167).
  • Fields, Kevin (2002), “Tourism and Gastronomy”, (ed) Anne Mette Hjalager- Greg Richards, Demand for the Gastronomy Tourism Product: Motivational Factors, Routledge, London, (36-50).
  • Garrod, Brian- Fyall, Alan (1998), “Beyond the Rhetoric of Sustainable Tourism?”, Tourism Management, Vol.19, No.3, (199-212).
  • Green, Gary Paul- Dougherty, Michael (2008), “Localizing Linkages for Food and Tourism: Culinary Tourism as a Community Development Strategy”, Journal of the Community Development, Vol.39, No.3, (148-158).
  • Hall. Michael C- Sharples, Liz- Mitchell Richard- Macionis, Niki- Cambourne Brock (2003), Food Tourism Around the World: Development, Management and Markets, Rochester, Kent, Genesis Typesetting Limited, Great Britain.
  • Harrington, Robert J- Ottenbacher, Michael C (2010), “Culinary Tourism- A Case Study of the Gastronomic Capital”, Journal of Culinary Science & Technology, Vol.8, (14-32).
  • Hashimoto, Atsuko- Telfer, David J (2006), “Selling Canadian Culinary Tourism: Branding the Global and the Regional Product”, Tourism Geographies, Vol.8, No.1, (31-55).
  • Hegarty, Joseph A- O’Mahony, Barry G (2001), “Gastronomy: A Phenomenon of Cultural Expressionism and an Aesthetic for Living”, Hospitality Management, Vol.20, No.1, (3-13).
  • Horng, Jeou Shyan- Tsai, Chen Tsang Simon (2012), “Exploring Marketing Strategies for Culinary Tourism in Hong Kong and Singapore: Resource-Based Theory”, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, Vol.17, No.3, (277-300).
  • Kaşlı, Mehmet- Cankül, Duran- Köz, Ela Nazlı- Ekici, Aykut (2015), “Gastronomik Miras ve Sürdürülebilirlik: Eskişehir Örneği”, Eko-Gastronomi Dergisi, Vol.1, No.2, (27-46).
  • Kivela, Jaksa- Crotts, John C (2005), “Gastronomy Tourism: A Meaningful Travel Market Segment”, Journal of Culinary Science & Technology, Vol. 4, No.2/3, (39-55).
  • Kivela, Jaksa- Crotts, John C (2006), “Tourism and Gastronomy: Gastronomy’s Influence on How Tourists Experience a Destination”, Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, Vol. 30, No.3, (354377).
  • Lemasson, Jean Pierre (2006), “Thinking About Gourmet Tourism”, Teoros Revue de Recherce en Tourisme, Vol.25, No.1, (3-49).
  • Lertputtarak, Sarunya (2012), “The Relationship Between Destination Image, Food Image, and Revisiting Pattaya, Thailand”, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol.7, No.5, (111121).
  • Lin, Yi Chin- Pearson, Thomas E- Cai, Liping A (2011), “Food as a Form of Destination Identity: A tourism Destination Brand Perspective”, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Vol.11, No.1, (30-48).
  • Long, Lucy M (2004), Culinary Tourism, The University Press of Kentucky, U.S.A.
  • Mc Krecher, Bob- Okumuş Fevzi- Okumuş, Bendegül (2008), “Food Tourism as a Viable Market Segment: It’s All How You Cook the Numbers”, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, Vol.25, No.2, (137-148).
  • Molz, Jenni Germann (2004), “Tasting an Imagined Thailand: Authenticity and Culinary Tourism in Thai Restaurants”, in (Ed.) Lucy M Long, Culinary Tourism, The University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, (53-75).
  • Montanari, Armando- Staniscia, Barbara (2009), “Culinary Tourism as a Tool for Regional ReEquilibrium”, European Planning Studies, Vol.17, No.10, (1463-1483).
  • Muntean, Mihaela Carmen- Nistor, Costel- Nistor, Rozalia- Sarpe, Daniela (2010), “OenoGourmet Tourism - A New Way of Romanian Tourism Boost” in Latest Trends on Cultural Heritage and Tourism, also http://www.wseas.us/elibrary/conferences/2010/Corfu/CUHT/CUHT-37.pdf, (16.06.2014).
  • Okumuş, Bendegül- Okumuş, Fevzi- Mc Krecher, Bob (2007), “Incorporating Local and International Cuisines in the Marketing of Tourism Destinations: The cases of Hong Kong and Turkey”, Tourism Management, Vol.28, No.1, (253-261).
  • Özkaya, Fügen Durlu- Sünnetçioğlu, Serdar- Can, Ayşe (2013), “Sürdürülebilir Gastronomi Turizmi Hareketliliğinde Coğrafi İşaretlemenin Rolü”, Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, Vol.1, No.1, (13-20).
  • Pillinger, Michael H- Keenan, Robert T (2008). “Update on the Management of Hyperuricemia and Gout”, Bulletin of the NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases, Vol.66, No.3, (231-239).
  • Riley, Michael (2000), “What are the Implications of Tourism Destination Identity for Food and Beverage Policy? Culture and Cuisine in a Changing Global Marketplace”, In (Ed) Roy C Wood, Strategic Questions in Food and Beverage Management, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, (187–194).
  • Scarpato, Rosario (2002), “Sustainable Gastronomy as a Tourist Products”, in (Ed) Hjalager, Anne Mette- Richards Greg”, Tourism and Gastronomy, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, LondonNew York, (132-151).
  • Smith, Sylvia- Costello, Carol (2008), “Segmenting Visitors to a Culinary Event: Motivations, Travel Behavior, and Expenditures”, Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, Vol.18, No.1, (44-67).
  • Smith, Stephen L J- Xiao, Honggen (2008), “Culinary Tourism Supply Chains: A Preliminary Examination”, Journal of Travel Research, Vol.46, No.3, (289-299).
  • Sürenkök, Ayşegül- Baggio, Rodolfo- Corigliano, Magda Antonioli (2010), “Gastronomy and Tourism in Turkey: The Role Of ITCs”, in (Ed) Gretzel, Ulrike- Law, Rob- Fuchs, Matthias, Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism, Springer, Vienna, (567-578).
  • Telfer, David J- Hashimoto, Atsuko (2003), “Food Tourism in the Niagara Region: The Development of a Nouvelle Cuisine”, In (Ed) Michael C Hall- Sharples Liz- Mitchell Richard- Macionis Niki- Cambourne Brock, Food Tourism Around the World: Development, Management and Markets, Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann, (158-177).
  • Tikkanen, Irma (2007), “Maslow’s Hierarchy and Food Tourism in Finland: Five Cases”, British Food Journal, Vol.109, No.9, (721-734).
  • Tussyadiah, Lis (2006), “A Gourmet Trip: One Direction of Domestic Tourism in Japan, Tourism Review International, Vol.9, No.3, (281-291).
  • Ural, Ayhan- Kılıç, İbrahim (2011), Bilimsel Araştırma Süreci ve SPSS ile Veri Analizi, Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Yaşin, Mehmet (2015), “Hedonist Bir Yemek Deneyimi, Surf&Turf”, Beef & Fish, Vol.6, (28-33).
  • Yıldırım, Ali- Şimşek, Hasan (2013), Sosyal Bilimlerde Nitel Araştırma Yöntemleri, Seçkin Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Yun, Dongkoo- Hennessey, Sean M- MacDonald, Roberta (2011), “Understanding Culinary Tourists: Segmentations Based on Past Culinary Experiences and Attitudes Toward Food- Related Behaviour”, International CHRIE Conference-Refereed Track, (1-13).
  • Yurtseven, H. Rıdvan (2011), “Sustainable Gastronomic Tourism in Gokceada (Imbros): Local and Authentic Perspectives”, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol.1, No.18, 2736.
  • Yurtseven, H Rıdvan- Karakaş, Necati (2013), “Creating a Sustainable Gastronomic Destination: The Case of Cittaslow Gokceada Turkey”, American International Journal of Contemporary Research, Vol.3, No.3, (91-100).
There are 47 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Gürkan Akdağ

Publication Date June 13, 2016
Submission Date February 10, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


APA Akdağ, G. (2016). An Analysis of Surf & Turf Experiences of Tourists from Different Nations in Turkey from The Sustainable Gastronomy Tourism Perspective – Farklı Milletlerden Turistlerin Türkiye’deki Surf &Turf Deneyimlerinin Sürdürülebilir Gastronomi Turizmi Perspektifin. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 8(15), 164-175. https://doi.org/10.20875/sb.79668