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Year 2017, , 445 - 456, 30.06.2017


Günümüzde, kentlerde daha fazla insan afet eğilimli alanlara yerleşiyor. Bu
nedenle, son zamanlarda afet riskini azaltma politikası olarak dayanıklı yapı
toplulukları oluşturulmaya başlamıştır. Kentsel alanları esnek kılmak için
gerekli faaliyetler genellikle yerel düzeyde planlanıp yürütülmekte olsada,
özel sektör, vatandaşlar ve hatta uluslararası topluluk doğrudan bu
faaliyetlerle ilgilenmektedir. Kentlerin esnek hale getirilmesi ile ilgili
hedeflerin başarılması, iyi planlanmış, iyi yönetilen etkinliklere/çabalara ve
iyi koordine edilmiş paydaşlara bağlıdır.

              Bilindiği üzere, kentleri dayanıklı hale getiren
program ve projeler çoğunlukla uzun süreli ve büyük bütçeler gerektirmektedir. Çoklu
paydaşlar tarafından finanse edilen, büyük bir bütçe gerektiren uzun vadeli
programları ve projeleri uygulamak, şeffaf bir şekilde yapılabilir. Ayrıca, tüm
menfaat sahiplerine güvence vermek hesap verebilirliği gerekli kılmaktadır. Bu
açıdan varolan hesap verebilirlik çerçevesi tüm menfaat sahiplerini
kapsamamaktadır. Bu nedenle, hesap verebilirliğin arttırılması için özel dikkat

Bu çalışmada, kentlerin dayanıklı hale gelmesine yönelik yaklaşımların
eksiklikleri ortaya çıkarılmış ve üstesinden gelmek için hesap verebilirliğin
güçlendirilmesi önerilmiştir. Aşağıdaki soruların yanıtları bulunmaya

Kentleri etkili, sürdürülebilir
ve hesap verebilir olan yerel, ulusal ve uluslararası düzeyde dayanıklı kılmak
için iyi yönetişim nasıl oluşturabiliriz?

Kentlerin dayanıklı hale
getirilmesi için şeffaflığı ve hesap verebilirliği nasıl güçlendirebiliriz?

Kentleri dayanıklı kılma
konusundaki faaliyetlerin şeffaflığını, hesap verebilirliğini ve verimliliğini
artırmak için Yüksek Denetleme Kurulları (YDK) 'nın katkısı nasıl

gibi, bu soruların cevapları, güçlendirilmeye ihtiyaç duyulan temel unsurları
ortaya çıkarmak ve hesap verebilirliğin kapsamını yeniden belirleme imkanı
vermiştir. Kuşkusuz, bu çalışma vatandaşları ve uluslararası toplumu
içermektedir. Sonuç olarak bu çalışmada dayanıklı topluluk oluşturma sürecinde
performans hesap verebilirliğinin güçlendirilmesinin önemini vurgulamaya ve bu
bağlamda Yüksek Denetleme Kurullarının rolüne dikkat çekmek amaçlanmıştır.


  • Bovens, Mark (2007), “Analysing and assessing accountability: a conceptual framework,” European Law Journal, 13(4): 449-450.
  • EC (2001), European governance white paper. Commission of the European Communities, http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_DOC-01-10_en.htm, Brussels.
  • INTOSAI-AADA (2007), “Activity Report of the INTOSAI Task Force on Accountability for and Audit of Disaster-related Aid,” the 19th INCOSAI 2007, Mexico City, Mexico.
  • INTOSAI-AADA (2014), Brief information about Parallel/Coordinated International Audit on Disaster Risk Reduction, http://www.intosaiksc.org/default_a.php?syn=2&e=0#0, results of parallel audits, 28.02.2014. The joint report of parallel/coordinated international audit will be published on the website of the INTOSAI Knowledge Sharing Committee in 2014.
  • INTOSAI (2014), ISSAI 5510 Audit of disaster risk reduction. The International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions, http://www.issai.org/4-auditing-guidelines/guidelines-on-specific-subjects/.
  • OECD (2014), Good Practices in Supporting Supreme Audit Institutions. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, http://www.oecd.org/dac/effectiveness/Final%20SAI%20Good%20Practice%20Note.pdf .
  • UN (2010), UN Resolution 64/200.


Year 2017, , 445 - 456, 30.06.2017


more and more people are settling in cities, located in disaster prone areas. Therefore,
building resilient community has recently become more prominent in the disaster
risk reduction policies. Although the activities required for making urban
areas resilient are mainly planned and conducted at the local level, private
sector, citizens, and even the international community are directly involved
and interested in these activities. The achievement of goals related to making
cities resilient depends on well-planned, well-managed activities/efforts and
well-coordinated stakeholders.

known, the programs and projects related to making cities resilient are mostly
long- term and require big budgets. Implementing the long-term programs and
projects requiring a big budget financed by multi-stakeholders can be carried
out in a transparent manner. Furthermore, giving assurance to all stakeholders necessitates
accountability. The existing accountability framework in this respect does not
cover all stakeholders. Therefore, special attention has to be paid to
enhancing accountability.

this research, we revealed the shortcomings of approaches towards making cities
resilient, and proposed to strengthen accountability to overcome them. We sought
answers to the following questions;

How can we create good governance for making cities
resilient at local, national and international levels that is effective,
sustainable, and accountable?

How can we strengthen the transparency and
accountability in the field of making cities resilient?

How can Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs)’
contribution be increased to enhance the transparency, accountability and
effectiveness of the activities concerning making cities resilient?

expected, the answers to these questions revealed the principle factors in need
of strengthening and gave us the scope of redrawing accountability.
Undoubtedly, this study involved citizens as well as international community.
In conclusion, in this paper we tried to emphasize the importance of
strengthening performance accountability in the process of building resilient
community and, to attract attention to the role of Supreme Audit Institutions
within this context. 


  • Bovens, Mark (2007), “Analysing and assessing accountability: a conceptual framework,” European Law Journal, 13(4): 449-450.
  • EC (2001), European governance white paper. Commission of the European Communities, http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_DOC-01-10_en.htm, Brussels.
  • INTOSAI-AADA (2007), “Activity Report of the INTOSAI Task Force on Accountability for and Audit of Disaster-related Aid,” the 19th INCOSAI 2007, Mexico City, Mexico.
  • INTOSAI-AADA (2014), Brief information about Parallel/Coordinated International Audit on Disaster Risk Reduction, http://www.intosaiksc.org/default_a.php?syn=2&e=0#0, results of parallel audits, 28.02.2014. The joint report of parallel/coordinated international audit will be published on the website of the INTOSAI Knowledge Sharing Committee in 2014.
  • INTOSAI (2014), ISSAI 5510 Audit of disaster risk reduction. The International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions, http://www.issai.org/4-auditing-guidelines/guidelines-on-specific-subjects/.
  • OECD (2014), Good Practices in Supporting Supreme Audit Institutions. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, http://www.oecd.org/dac/effectiveness/Final%20SAI%20Good%20Practice%20Note.pdf .
  • UN (2010), UN Resolution 64/200.
There are 7 citations in total.


Journal Section Research Articles

Latif Gürkan Kaya

Arife Coşkun This is me

Publication Date June 30, 2017
Submission Date January 20, 2017
Acceptance Date May 29, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Kaya, L. G., & Coşkun, A. (2017). ENHANCING ACCOUNTABILITY FOR MAKING CITIES RESILIENT AND ROLE OF SUPREME AUDIT INSTITUTIONS. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 9(19), 445-456. https://doi.org/10.20875/makusobed.286683