Research Article
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The Relationship Between Multiple Intelligences and Academic Achievements Of Second Grade Students

Year 2010, Issue: 3, 83 - 92, 30.12.2010


The aim of this study is to investigate the relation between the multiple intelligences and the academic achievement levels of secondary school students. Relational survey method is used in this study. Participants are 250 students from secondary schools in Izmir, Turkey. Data is collecting by Multiple Intelligence Scale for Students and a questionnaire. Students’ first semester accumulative grades are taken as a criteria for academic achievement. Data is analyzed by descriptive statistics. Identifying the multiple intelligences of secondary school students, the differences according to the academic achievement levels of the students will contribute an awareness to the self knowledge and abilities of the students as well as to develop suggestions for programs to enhance their academic achievement levels and to be a reference for further studies.


  • may improve their self-concept. In addition, improvements in personal skills likely affect similar gains in
  • academic performance. Future research may examine which of the intelligence type that students
  • believe is associated with academic achievement and self-efficiency.
  • Akboy, R. (2004). E"itim psikolojisi ve çoklu zeka. Izmir: Dinazor Kitabevi
  • Akboy, R. & kiz, E. F. (2007). Psikolojik danı#ma ve rehberlikte ça"da# bir yakla#ım. Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi, ISBN: 978–9944–77–128–3.
  • Aprill, A. (2001). Toward a finer description of the connection between arts education and student achievement. Arts Education Policy Review, 102(5), 11-14.
  • Barnard, L. & Olivarez, A. (2007). Self-estimates of multiple, g factor and school-valued intelligences. North American Journal of Psychology, 9 (3), 501-510.
  • Butzlaff, R. ( 2000). Can music be used to teach reading? The Journal of Aesthetic Education, 34 (3- 4), 167-178.
  • Costa-Giomi, E. (1999). The effects of three years of piano instruction on children’s cognitive development. Journal of Research in Music Education, 47(3),198-212.
  • Costa-Giomi, E. (2004). Effects of three years of piano instruction on children’s academic achievement, school performance and self-esteem. Psychology of Music, 32(2), 139-152.
  • Çongur Ye"ilkaya, Ö. (2006). lkö"retim 4. ve 5. sınıf müzik e"itimi derslerinde çoklu zeka kuramının uygulanması. Ulusal Sınıf Ö#retmenli#i Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı 1. Cilt ISBN: 975-499-361-0. 14- 16 Nisan 2006, Ankara.536-541.
  • Demirsoz Selcioglu, E. & Kocaba", A. (2006). Zeka kuramına dayalı i#birlikli ö"renmenin eri#i ve hatırda tutma üzerindeki etkileri. Ulusal Sınıf Ö#retmenli#i Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı 1. Cilt ISBN: 975-499-361-0. 14-16 Nisan 2006, Ankara.522-535.
  • Eisner, E. (1998). Does experience in the arts boots academic achievement? Arts Education. 51(1), 7- 15.
  • Fraenkel, J. R. (1994). The evolution of the Taba Curriculum Development Project. The Social Studies, July/August, 85(4), 149-159.
  • Furnham, A. ( 2000). Thinking about intelligence. The Psychologist, 13 (10), 510-514.
  • Furnham, A. & Akande, A. (2004). African parents’ estimates of their own and their children’s multiple intelligences. Current Psychology: Developmental, Learning, Personality And Social, 22(4), 281-294.
  • Furnham, A. & Chamorro-Premuzic, T (2005). Estimating one’s own and one’s relatives’ multiple intelligence: A study from Argentina. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 8(1), 12-20.
  • Frunham, A., Hosoe, T. & Tang, T. (2002). Male Hubris and female humility? A cross-cultural study of ratings of self, parental and sibling multiple intelligence in America, Britain and Japan. Intelligence, 30, 101-115.
  • Furnham, A. & Mottabu, R. (2004). Sex and culture differences in the estimates of general and multiple intelligences. A study comparing British and Egyptian Students. Individual Differences Research, 2 (2), 82-96.
  • Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple intelligences: The theory in practice. Basic Books: New York.
  • Gardner, H. (1999). Intelligence reframed: Multiple intelligences for the 21st century. Basic Books, New york.
  • Gouzouasis, P., Guhn, M. & Kishor, N. (2007). The predictive relationship between achievement and parcipation in music and achievement in core Grade 12 academic subjects, Music Education Research, Vol. 9, No:1, 81-92.
  • Gullatt, D. E. (2008). Enhancing Student learning through arts integration: Implications for the profession. The High School Journal, April/ May, 12-25.
  • Lopiccolo, J. & Blatt, S. J. ( 1972). Cognitive style and sexual identity. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 28(2), 148-151.
  • Kaptan-Aykaç, V. (2006). Sanat e"itiminde aktif ö"renme. Ulusal Sınıf Ö#retmenli#i Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı 1. Cilt ISBN: 975-499-361-0. 14-16 Nisan 2006, Ankara. 542-549.
  • Martin, A. (1998). Why theatre should be integrated into the curriculum. NASSP Bulletin, 82 (597), 30- 33.
  • Mnastersky, R. (2005). Studies show biological differences in how boys and girls learn about math, but social factors play a big role too. Chronicle of Higher Education, 51(26).
  • Munozi, M. A., Ross, S. M. & McDonald, A. J. (2007). Comprehensive school reform in middle schools: The effects of different ways of knowing an student achievement in a large uran district. Journal of Education For Students Placed at Risk, 12(2), 167-183.
  • Neto, F., Ruiz, F. & Furnham, A. (2008). Sex differences in self-estimation of multiple intelligences among Portuguese adolescents. High Ability Studies, 19(2), 189-204.
  • Rauscher, F. H. (2003). Can music instruction affect children’s cognitive development? ERIC Clearinghouse on Early Education and Parenting, ERIC Digest Available online at http:// (accessed 10 january 2009).
  • Selcioglu, E. (2005). The effects of cooperative learning based on multiple intelligences theory on achievement and retention in music. Dokuz Eylul University, Educational Sciences Institute, unpublished graduate thesis.
  • Sternberg, R. J. (2008). Assessing what matters. Educational Leadership, 65, Issue 4, 20-26.
  • Vaughn, K. (2000). Music and mathematics: modest support for the oft-claimed relationship, The Journal of Aesthetic Education, 34 (3-4), 149-166.

İlköğretim İkinci Kademe Öğrencilerinin Çoklu Zeka Alanları ve Akademik Başarıları Arasindaki İlişki

Year 2010, Issue: 3, 83 - 92, 30.12.2010


Bu çalı"manın amacı ilkö#retim ikinci kademe ö#rencilerinin çoklu zeka alanları ve akademik ba"arı düzeyleri arasındaki ili"kinin incelenmesidir. Bu çalı"mada ili"kisel tarama yöntemi kullanılmı"tır. Katılımcılar !zmir Merkez ilkö#retim okullarında okuyan 250 ö#renciden olu"maktadır. Ara"tırmanın verileri Selcio#lu (2005) tarafından geli"tirilen Ö#renciler !çin Çoklu Zeka Ölçe#i ve ara"tırmacılar tarafından geli"tirilen ki"isel bilgi formu ile toplanmı"tır. Akademik ba"arı ölçütü olarak ö#rencilerin birinci dönem sonu akademik ba"arı ortalamaları alınmı"tır. Veriler betimleyici istatiksel yöntemlerle analiz edilmi"tir. !lkö#retim ikinci kademe ö#rencilerinin çoklu zeka alanlarının akademik ba"arı düzeylerine gore nasıl farklıla"tı#ının saptanması, ö#rencilerin kendilerine ve yeteneklerine yönelik farkındalık kazanmalarına yardımcı olacak çalı"maların planlanmasında ve onların akademik ba"arı düzeylerinin arttırılması için alınacak önlemlerin belirlenmesinde katkı sa#layacak ve bu konuda yapılacak sonraki ara"tırmalara ı"ık tutacaktır.


  • may improve their self-concept. In addition, improvements in personal skills likely affect similar gains in
  • academic performance. Future research may examine which of the intelligence type that students
  • believe is associated with academic achievement and self-efficiency.
  • Akboy, R. (2004). E"itim psikolojisi ve çoklu zeka. Izmir: Dinazor Kitabevi
  • Akboy, R. & kiz, E. F. (2007). Psikolojik danı#ma ve rehberlikte ça"da# bir yakla#ım. Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi, ISBN: 978–9944–77–128–3.
  • Aprill, A. (2001). Toward a finer description of the connection between arts education and student achievement. Arts Education Policy Review, 102(5), 11-14.
  • Barnard, L. & Olivarez, A. (2007). Self-estimates of multiple, g factor and school-valued intelligences. North American Journal of Psychology, 9 (3), 501-510.
  • Butzlaff, R. ( 2000). Can music be used to teach reading? The Journal of Aesthetic Education, 34 (3- 4), 167-178.
  • Costa-Giomi, E. (1999). The effects of three years of piano instruction on children’s cognitive development. Journal of Research in Music Education, 47(3),198-212.
  • Costa-Giomi, E. (2004). Effects of three years of piano instruction on children’s academic achievement, school performance and self-esteem. Psychology of Music, 32(2), 139-152.
  • Çongur Ye"ilkaya, Ö. (2006). lkö"retim 4. ve 5. sınıf müzik e"itimi derslerinde çoklu zeka kuramının uygulanması. Ulusal Sınıf Ö#retmenli#i Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı 1. Cilt ISBN: 975-499-361-0. 14- 16 Nisan 2006, Ankara.536-541.
  • Demirsoz Selcioglu, E. & Kocaba", A. (2006). Zeka kuramına dayalı i#birlikli ö"renmenin eri#i ve hatırda tutma üzerindeki etkileri. Ulusal Sınıf Ö#retmenli#i Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı 1. Cilt ISBN: 975-499-361-0. 14-16 Nisan 2006, Ankara.522-535.
  • Eisner, E. (1998). Does experience in the arts boots academic achievement? Arts Education. 51(1), 7- 15.
  • Fraenkel, J. R. (1994). The evolution of the Taba Curriculum Development Project. The Social Studies, July/August, 85(4), 149-159.
  • Furnham, A. ( 2000). Thinking about intelligence. The Psychologist, 13 (10), 510-514.
  • Furnham, A. & Akande, A. (2004). African parents’ estimates of their own and their children’s multiple intelligences. Current Psychology: Developmental, Learning, Personality And Social, 22(4), 281-294.
  • Furnham, A. & Chamorro-Premuzic, T (2005). Estimating one’s own and one’s relatives’ multiple intelligence: A study from Argentina. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 8(1), 12-20.
  • Frunham, A., Hosoe, T. & Tang, T. (2002). Male Hubris and female humility? A cross-cultural study of ratings of self, parental and sibling multiple intelligence in America, Britain and Japan. Intelligence, 30, 101-115.
  • Furnham, A. & Mottabu, R. (2004). Sex and culture differences in the estimates of general and multiple intelligences. A study comparing British and Egyptian Students. Individual Differences Research, 2 (2), 82-96.
  • Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple intelligences: The theory in practice. Basic Books: New York.
  • Gardner, H. (1999). Intelligence reframed: Multiple intelligences for the 21st century. Basic Books, New york.
  • Gouzouasis, P., Guhn, M. & Kishor, N. (2007). The predictive relationship between achievement and parcipation in music and achievement in core Grade 12 academic subjects, Music Education Research, Vol. 9, No:1, 81-92.
  • Gullatt, D. E. (2008). Enhancing Student learning through arts integration: Implications for the profession. The High School Journal, April/ May, 12-25.
  • Lopiccolo, J. & Blatt, S. J. ( 1972). Cognitive style and sexual identity. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 28(2), 148-151.
  • Kaptan-Aykaç, V. (2006). Sanat e"itiminde aktif ö"renme. Ulusal Sınıf Ö#retmenli#i Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı 1. Cilt ISBN: 975-499-361-0. 14-16 Nisan 2006, Ankara. 542-549.
  • Martin, A. (1998). Why theatre should be integrated into the curriculum. NASSP Bulletin, 82 (597), 30- 33.
  • Mnastersky, R. (2005). Studies show biological differences in how boys and girls learn about math, but social factors play a big role too. Chronicle of Higher Education, 51(26).
  • Munozi, M. A., Ross, S. M. & McDonald, A. J. (2007). Comprehensive school reform in middle schools: The effects of different ways of knowing an student achievement in a large uran district. Journal of Education For Students Placed at Risk, 12(2), 167-183.
  • Neto, F., Ruiz, F. & Furnham, A. (2008). Sex differences in self-estimation of multiple intelligences among Portuguese adolescents. High Ability Studies, 19(2), 189-204.
  • Rauscher, F. H. (2003). Can music instruction affect children’s cognitive development? ERIC Clearinghouse on Early Education and Parenting, ERIC Digest Available online at http:// (accessed 10 january 2009).
  • Selcioglu, E. (2005). The effects of cooperative learning based on multiple intelligences theory on achievement and retention in music. Dokuz Eylul University, Educational Sciences Institute, unpublished graduate thesis.
  • Sternberg, R. J. (2008). Assessing what matters. Educational Leadership, 65, Issue 4, 20-26.
  • Vaughn, K. (2000). Music and mathematics: modest support for the oft-claimed relationship, The Journal of Aesthetic Education, 34 (3-4), 149-166.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles

F. Ebru İkiz This is me

Firdevs Savi Çakar

Publication Date December 30, 2010
Submission Date October 25, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Issue: 3


APA İkiz, F. E., & Savi Çakar, F. (2010). The Relationship Between Multiple Intelligences and Academic Achievements Of Second Grade Students. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Social Sciences Institute(3), 83-92.