Research Article
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Year 2015, Volume: 1 Issue: 13, 309 - 336, 11.01.2016


This paper examines influencing factors of the Afghan modernisation movement in its peculiar conditions, which was initiated simultaneously with Turkish modernisation. Beyond
being an up to date research based on in-depth research and participant observation on the modernization of Afghanistan, which has historical ties with the Turkish society, providing suitable information for researchers and practitioners also makes this paper important in the literature. The results of the study rely on the synthesis of literature review and personal experiences gained during the ISAF deployment of the author in Kabul, Afghanistan. Modernization, which is a changing process seen in many non-western countries through repetition of the western societies, was initiated in the Afghan society by the reforms implemented in the reign of Abdurrahman Khan, and had sustained the momentum gained in the Amanullah Khan’s reign until the Soviet invasion. The social resistance, against the socialist modernization initiatives launched by Taraki, who came to power with the 1978 Coup, and his successors Hafizullah Amin and Karmal, caused the Soviet invasion in 1979. This social resistance against the socialist modernization of the Soviets evolved into an armed struggle for independence. Due to fierce reaction of the Soviets against this struggle, all the acquisition of Afghanistan on behalf of modernization had been ravaged. After the withdrawal of the Soviets, a civil war emerged amongst Mujahedeen groups. During the civil war and the reign of the Taliban, there had been no progress; furthermore the existing accusations had been suspended as well. Particularly, all the women rights had been violated. After the intervention of the US-led coalition in 2001, a reconstruction program was put into practice in order to stabilise the country. In accordance with this program, with the effect of foreign aids, a long distance was covered in many sectors such as security, education, health, infrastructure, transportation, mining, agriculture and communication, but Afghanistan is not yet ready to sustain this modernization process without foreign aids. 


Year 2015, Volume: 1 Issue: 13, 309 - 336, 11.01.2016


Bazı batılı olmayan toplumlarda Batı toplumlarını örnek alarak gerçekleştirilen değişim sürecini ifade eden modernleşme, Afgan toplumunda Abdurrahman Han döneminde uygulamaya konan reformlarla başlamış ve Amanullah Han döneminde kazandığı ivmeyi Sovyet işgaline kadar sürdürmüştür. 1978 darbesiyle yönetime gelen Taraki, halefleri Hafizullah Amin ve Karmal’ın uyguladığı sosyalist modernleştirme teşebbüslerine karşı oluşan toplumsal direnç, 1979’da Sovyet işgaline yol açmıştır. Sovyetlerin sosyalist modernleştirme girişimine karşı oluşan toplumsal direnç silahlı bağımsızlık mücadelesine dönüşmüştür. Sovyetlerin bu silahlı mücadeleye sert karşılık vermesi nedeniyle, Afganistan’ın modernleşme adına sahip olduğu  tüm kazanımları tahrip olmuştur.  Sovyetler geri çekildikten sonra mücahit gruplar arasında iç savaş baş göstermiştir. İç savaş dönemi ile Taliban döneminde modernleşme adına herhangi bir adım atılmamış, dahası mevcut kazanımlar da rafa kaldırılmıştır. Özellikle kadınların sahip olduğu tüm haklar ihlal edilmiştir. 2001’de ABD önderliğindeki koalisyonun müdahalesi sonrasında ülkeyi istikrara kavuşturmak için yeniden yapılanma programı uygulamaya konmuştur. Bu program doğrultusunda, yapılan dış yardımların da katkısıyla, güvenlik, eğitim, sağlık, altyapı, ulaşım, madencilik, tarım, iletişim gibi sektörlerde uzun mesafe kat edilmiştir ancak Afganistan dış yardımlar olmadan bu reform sürecini devam ettirmeye henüz hazır değildir.

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Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Mustafa Arslan

Publication Date January 11, 2016
Submission Date October 15, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 1 Issue: 13


APA Arslan, M. (2016). ABDURRAHMAN HAN REFORMLARINDAN 2015’E AFGAN MODERNLEŞMESİ. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 1(13), 309-336.