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The effect of heat treatment at 200ºC on some surface properties and shore D hardness value of Palo Santo wood

Year 2023, , 39 - 46, 30.06.2023


It is known that the color and glossiness, properties change with the heat treatment applied to the wood using different methods. In this study, some surface properties [whiteness index value in (//) parallel and (⊥) perpendicular directions to fibers, color (∆a*, ∆L*, L*, ∆b*, b*, ∆C*, a*, C*, ∆E*, and ho), glossiness ((//) parallel and (⊥) perpendicular to fibers at 20o, 60o, and 85o)] and shore D hardness that occur after heat treatment applied to Palo Santo (Bulnesia sarmientoi Lorenz ex Griseb.) wood at 200oC for 3 h were investigated. Multivariate analysis of variance results was found to be significant on all tests. L* (37.87%), a* (91.60%), b* (70.24%) and C* (71.34%) parameters, whiteness index values (57.38% for ⊥ and 81.60% for ║), shore D hardness value (% 7.32) decreased by heat treatment. ho angle increased by 15.63%. While the luminance values decreased at 20o for ⊥ and ║, it increased at 60o for the same directions. In addition; ∆L*: -19.73, ∆H*: 2.02, ∆b*: -15.07, ∆C*: -16.01, ∆a*: -5.77, and ∆E*: 25.49. It has been observed that the surface properties of wood have changed with heat treatment.


  • ASTM D 2240, (2010), Standard test method for rubber property-durometer hardness, American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, United States.
  • ASTM D 2244-3, (2007), Standard practice for calculation or color tolerances and color, differences from instrumentally measured color coordinates, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.
  • ASTM E313-15e1, (2015), Standard practice for calculating yellowness and whiteness indices from instrumentally measured coordinates. USA: ASTM International.
  • Ayata, U., Gurleyen, T., Gurleyen, L. (2018), Effect of heat treatment on color and glossiness properties of zebrano, sapeli and merbau woods. Furniture and Wooden Material Research Journal, 1(1), 11-20. DOI: 10.33725/mamad.428913.
  • Ayata, Ü. (2020), Ayous odununun bazı teknolojik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi ve ısıl işlemden sonra renk ve parlaklık özellikleri. Mobilya ve Ahşap Malzeme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(1), 22-33. DOI: 10.33725/mamad.724596.
  • Ayata, Ü. (2021), Sibirya’da iç ve dış mekânlarda kullanılan Sibirya çamı odununun yüzey pürüzlülüğü parametreleri ve shore D sertlik değeri üzerine ısıl işlemin etkisi. Mobilya ve Ahşap Malzeme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(1), 1-8. DOI: 10.33725/mamad.911611.
  • Ayata, Ü. (2022), Isıl işlem görmüş Hindistan cevizi odununda bazı yüzey özelliklerinin incelenmesi. Mobilya ve Ahşap Malzeme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(1), 8-16. DOI: 10.33725/mamad.1116999.
  • Ayata, Ü., Bal, B.C. (2021), Kopie, fukadi ve porsuk ağaç türlerinde renk, parlaklık ve shore D sertlik üzerine ısıl işlemin etkisi, Hoca Ahmet Yesevi, 5. Uluslararası Bilimsel Araştırmalar Kongresi, 5-6 Kasım 2021, Nahçıvan Devlet Üniversitesi, Azerbaycan, 166-180.
  • Brack, W., Weik, J.H. (1994), El bosque nativo del Paraguay, Riqueza subestimada, Proyecto ALA 90-24, Serie N° 15. Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería & Cooperación Técnica Alemana (GTZ), Asunción.
  • Castillo, F., Hernandez, D., Gallegos, G., Rodriguez R., Aguilar, C. (2012), Antifungal properties of bioactive compounds from plants, Fungicides for Plant and Animal Diseases. Editorial Dr. Dharumadurai Dhanasekaran. ISBN: 978-953-307-804-5.
  • DIN 5033, (1979), Deutsche normen, farbmessung. normenausschuß farbe (FNF) im DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung eV, Beuth, Berlin März.
  • Esteves, B.M., Pereira, H.M. (2009), Wood modification by heat treatment: A review, BioResources, 4(1), 370-404.
  • Guenther, E. (1944), A survey of oil of guaiac wood, Am. Perfum. Essential Oil Rev., 46, 44-45.
  • Hidayat, W., Qi, Y., Jang, J., Park, B., Banuwa, I. S., Febrianto, F., Kim, N. (2017), Color change and consumer preferences towards color of heat-treated Korean white pine and royal paulownia woods, Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology, 45(2), 213-222. DOI: 10.5658/WOOD.2017.45.2.213.
  • Hillis, W.E. (1984), High temperature and chemical effects on wood stability, Wood Science and Technology, 18(4), 281-293. DOI: 10.1007/BF00353364.
  • Hiltunen, E., Pakkanen, T.T., Alvila, L. (2006), Phenolic compounds in silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) wood, Holzforschung, 60(5), 519-527. DOI: 10.1515/HF.2006.086.
  • ISO 2813, (1994), Paints and varnishes - determination of specular gloss of non-metallic paint films at 20 degrees, 60 degrees and 85 degrees, International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • ISO 554, (1976), Standard atmospheres for conditioning and/or testing, International Standardization Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • López, J.A., Little, E., Ritz, G., Rombold, J., Hahn, W. (1987), Árboles comunes del Paraguay: ñande yvyra mata kuera, Ediciones Cuerpo de Paz, Asunción.
  • Lorenzi, H. (2002), Brazilian Trees. Volume 2. 4th Edition, Instituto Plantarum De Estudos Da Flora; Brazil. Mabberley, D.J. (1997), The Plant-Book, (2nd ed.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Mitani, A., Barboutis, I. (2014), Changes caused by heat treatment in color and dimensional stability of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) wood. Drvna industrija, 65(3), 225-232. DOI: 10.5552/drind.2014.1250.
  • Mereles, F., Pérez de Molas, L. (2008), Bulnesia sarmientoi Lorenz ex Griseb. (Zygophyllaceae): estudio de base para su inclusión en el Apéndice II de la Convención CITES. Informe inédito. Asunción, Paraguay: Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Universidad Nacional de Asunción. Disponible en.
  • Nabais, S. (2008), Estudo químico da Bulnesia sarmientoi, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã.
  • Peng, Y., Liu, R., Cao, J., Chen, Y. (2014), Effects of UV weathering on surface properties of polypropylene composites reinforced with wood flour, lignin, and cellulose, Applied Surface Science, 31, 385-392. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2014.08.140.
  • Richter, H., Dallwitz, M. (2000), Commercial timbers: descriptions, illustrations, identification, and information retrieval, Version: 4.
  • Rodilla, J., Silva, L., Martínez, N., Lorenzo, D., Davyt, D., Castillo, L., Giménez, C., Cabrera, R., González-Coloma, A., Zrostlikova J., Dellacassa, E. (2011), Advances in the identification and agrochemical importance of sesquiterpenoids from Bulnesia sarmientoi essential oil. Industrial Crops and Products, 33(2), 497-503.
  • Rondina, R., Bandoni A., Coussio, J. (2008), Especies medicinales de Argentina con potencial actividad analgésica. Dominguezia, 24(1), 47-70.
  • Salca, E.A., Kobori, H., Inagaki, T., Kojima, Y., Suzuki, S. (2016), Effect of heat treatment on colour changes of black alder and beech veneers. Journal of Wood Science 62(4), 297-304.
  • Salvat, A., Antonacci, L., Fortunato, R., Suarez, E., Godoy, H. (2004), Antimicrobial activity in methanolic extracts of several plant species from northern Argentina. Phytomedicine, 11(2-3), 230-234. DOI: 10.1078/0944-7113-00327.
  • Scarpa, G. (2000), Plants employed in tradicional veterinary medicine by the criollos of the northwestern Argentine Chaco, Darwiniana, 38(3-4), 253-265. ISSN: 0011-6793. Secretaria de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable-Dirección De Bosques, 2014. Inventario forestal en bosques con presencia de palo santo (Bulnesia sarmientoi) en la zona del parque chaqueño semiárido. Informe final.
  • Scarpa, G.F. (2004), Medicinal plants used by the Criollos of Northwestern Argentine Chaco. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 91, 115-135.
  • Surburg, H., Panten, J. (2006), Natural raw materials in the flavor and fragrance industry. Common Fragrance and Flavor Materials, 177, 177-238.
  • Timar, M.C., Varodi, A.M., Hacibektasoglu, M., Campean, M. (2016), Color and FTIR analysis of chemical changes in beech wood (Fagus sylvatica L.) after light steaming and heat treatment in two different environments, BioResources, 11(4), 8325-8343. DOI: 10.15376/biores.11.4.8325-8343
  • Türk, M., Ayata, Ü. (2021), Türkiye’de yetişen bazı ağaç türlerine ait odunlarda shore D sertlik değerleri üzerine ısıl işlemin etkisi, Mobilya ve Ahşap Malzeme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(2), 166-173. DOI: 10.33725/mamad.1005127.
  • Ulay, G., Ayata, Ü. (2023a), Isıl işlem görmüş pembe fildişi (Berchemia zeyheri) (Sond.) Grubov) ahşabında seçilmiş bazı yüzey özelliklerinin incelenmesi, Karadeniz 12. Uluslararası Uygulamalı Bilimler Kongresi, 3-5 Mart 2023, Rize, 389-400.
  • Ulay, G., Ayata, Ü. (2023b), 200 derecede ısıl işlem görmüş amaouk (Detarium macrocarpum) odununda bazı yüzey özelliklerinin ve shore D sertlik değerlerinin incelenmesi, 3. Uluslararası Karadeniz Modern Bilimsel Araştırmalar Kongresi, 23-24 Mart 2023, Samsun, 670-678.
  • Waller, T., Barros, M., Draque, J., Micucci, P. (2012), Conservation of the Palo Santo tree, Bulnesia sarmientoi Lorentz ex Gri-seb, in the South American Chaco Region. Medicinal Plant Conservation, 15, 4-9.
  • Yao, C., Yongming, F., Jianmin, G., Houkun, L. (2012), Coloring characteristics of in situ lignin during heat treatment, Wood Science and Technology, 46, 33-40. DOI: 10.1007/s00226-010-0388-5.

Palo Santo odununda bazı yüzey özellikleri ve shore D sertlik değeri üzerine 200ºC’de ısıl işlemin etkisi

Year 2023, , 39 - 46, 30.06.2023


Ahşaba farklı yöntemler kullanılarak yapılan ısıl işlem ile renk ve parlaklık özelliklerinin değiştiği bilinmektedir. Bu çalışmada, 200oC’de 3 saat süre ile Palo Santo (Bulnesia sarmientoi Lorenz ex Griseb.) ahşabına uygulanmış ısıl işlem ile meydana gelen bazı yüzey özellikleri [liflere (//) paralel ve (⊥) dik yönde beyazlık indeksi değeri, renk (∆a*, ∆L*, L*, ∆b*, b*, ∆C*, a*, C*, ∆E* ve ho), parlaklık (20o, 60o ve 85o’de (//) liflere paralel ve (⊥) dik) ] ve shore D sertlik değeri incelenmiştir. Çok değişkenli varyans analizi sonuçları bütün testler üzerinde anlamlı bulunmuştur. L* (%37.87), a* (%91.60), b* (%70.24) ve C* (%71.34) parametreleri, beyazlık indeksi değerleri (⊥ için %57.38 ve║ için %81.60), shore D sertlik değeri (%7.32) ısıl işlem ile azalmıştır. ho açısı %15.63 oranında artmıştır. Parlaklık değerleri ⊥ ve ║ için 20o’de azalırken, aynı yönler için 60o’de artmıştır. Buna ek olarak; ∆L*: -19.73, ∆H*: 2.02, ∆b*: -15.07, ∆C*: -16.01, ∆a*: -5.77 ve ∆E*: 25.49 olarak bulunmuştur. Isıl işlem ile ahşaba ait yüzey özelliklerinin değiştiği görülmüştür.


  • ASTM D 2240, (2010), Standard test method for rubber property-durometer hardness, American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, United States.
  • ASTM D 2244-3, (2007), Standard practice for calculation or color tolerances and color, differences from instrumentally measured color coordinates, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.
  • ASTM E313-15e1, (2015), Standard practice for calculating yellowness and whiteness indices from instrumentally measured coordinates. USA: ASTM International.
  • Ayata, U., Gurleyen, T., Gurleyen, L. (2018), Effect of heat treatment on color and glossiness properties of zebrano, sapeli and merbau woods. Furniture and Wooden Material Research Journal, 1(1), 11-20. DOI: 10.33725/mamad.428913.
  • Ayata, Ü. (2020), Ayous odununun bazı teknolojik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi ve ısıl işlemden sonra renk ve parlaklık özellikleri. Mobilya ve Ahşap Malzeme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 3(1), 22-33. DOI: 10.33725/mamad.724596.
  • Ayata, Ü. (2021), Sibirya’da iç ve dış mekânlarda kullanılan Sibirya çamı odununun yüzey pürüzlülüğü parametreleri ve shore D sertlik değeri üzerine ısıl işlemin etkisi. Mobilya ve Ahşap Malzeme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(1), 1-8. DOI: 10.33725/mamad.911611.
  • Ayata, Ü. (2022), Isıl işlem görmüş Hindistan cevizi odununda bazı yüzey özelliklerinin incelenmesi. Mobilya ve Ahşap Malzeme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(1), 8-16. DOI: 10.33725/mamad.1116999.
  • Ayata, Ü., Bal, B.C. (2021), Kopie, fukadi ve porsuk ağaç türlerinde renk, parlaklık ve shore D sertlik üzerine ısıl işlemin etkisi, Hoca Ahmet Yesevi, 5. Uluslararası Bilimsel Araştırmalar Kongresi, 5-6 Kasım 2021, Nahçıvan Devlet Üniversitesi, Azerbaycan, 166-180.
  • Brack, W., Weik, J.H. (1994), El bosque nativo del Paraguay, Riqueza subestimada, Proyecto ALA 90-24, Serie N° 15. Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería & Cooperación Técnica Alemana (GTZ), Asunción.
  • Castillo, F., Hernandez, D., Gallegos, G., Rodriguez R., Aguilar, C. (2012), Antifungal properties of bioactive compounds from plants, Fungicides for Plant and Animal Diseases. Editorial Dr. Dharumadurai Dhanasekaran. ISBN: 978-953-307-804-5.
  • DIN 5033, (1979), Deutsche normen, farbmessung. normenausschuß farbe (FNF) im DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung eV, Beuth, Berlin März.
  • Esteves, B.M., Pereira, H.M. (2009), Wood modification by heat treatment: A review, BioResources, 4(1), 370-404.
  • Guenther, E. (1944), A survey of oil of guaiac wood, Am. Perfum. Essential Oil Rev., 46, 44-45.
  • Hidayat, W., Qi, Y., Jang, J., Park, B., Banuwa, I. S., Febrianto, F., Kim, N. (2017), Color change and consumer preferences towards color of heat-treated Korean white pine and royal paulownia woods, Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology, 45(2), 213-222. DOI: 10.5658/WOOD.2017.45.2.213.
  • Hillis, W.E. (1984), High temperature and chemical effects on wood stability, Wood Science and Technology, 18(4), 281-293. DOI: 10.1007/BF00353364.
  • Hiltunen, E., Pakkanen, T.T., Alvila, L. (2006), Phenolic compounds in silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) wood, Holzforschung, 60(5), 519-527. DOI: 10.1515/HF.2006.086.
  • ISO 2813, (1994), Paints and varnishes - determination of specular gloss of non-metallic paint films at 20 degrees, 60 degrees and 85 degrees, International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • ISO 554, (1976), Standard atmospheres for conditioning and/or testing, International Standardization Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • López, J.A., Little, E., Ritz, G., Rombold, J., Hahn, W. (1987), Árboles comunes del Paraguay: ñande yvyra mata kuera, Ediciones Cuerpo de Paz, Asunción.
  • Lorenzi, H. (2002), Brazilian Trees. Volume 2. 4th Edition, Instituto Plantarum De Estudos Da Flora; Brazil. Mabberley, D.J. (1997), The Plant-Book, (2nd ed.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Mitani, A., Barboutis, I. (2014), Changes caused by heat treatment in color and dimensional stability of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) wood. Drvna industrija, 65(3), 225-232. DOI: 10.5552/drind.2014.1250.
  • Mereles, F., Pérez de Molas, L. (2008), Bulnesia sarmientoi Lorenz ex Griseb. (Zygophyllaceae): estudio de base para su inclusión en el Apéndice II de la Convención CITES. Informe inédito. Asunción, Paraguay: Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Universidad Nacional de Asunción. Disponible en.
  • Nabais, S. (2008), Estudo químico da Bulnesia sarmientoi, Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã.
  • Peng, Y., Liu, R., Cao, J., Chen, Y. (2014), Effects of UV weathering on surface properties of polypropylene composites reinforced with wood flour, lignin, and cellulose, Applied Surface Science, 31, 385-392. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2014.08.140.
  • Richter, H., Dallwitz, M. (2000), Commercial timbers: descriptions, illustrations, identification, and information retrieval, Version: 4.
  • Rodilla, J., Silva, L., Martínez, N., Lorenzo, D., Davyt, D., Castillo, L., Giménez, C., Cabrera, R., González-Coloma, A., Zrostlikova J., Dellacassa, E. (2011), Advances in the identification and agrochemical importance of sesquiterpenoids from Bulnesia sarmientoi essential oil. Industrial Crops and Products, 33(2), 497-503.
  • Rondina, R., Bandoni A., Coussio, J. (2008), Especies medicinales de Argentina con potencial actividad analgésica. Dominguezia, 24(1), 47-70.
  • Salca, E.A., Kobori, H., Inagaki, T., Kojima, Y., Suzuki, S. (2016), Effect of heat treatment on colour changes of black alder and beech veneers. Journal of Wood Science 62(4), 297-304.
  • Salvat, A., Antonacci, L., Fortunato, R., Suarez, E., Godoy, H. (2004), Antimicrobial activity in methanolic extracts of several plant species from northern Argentina. Phytomedicine, 11(2-3), 230-234. DOI: 10.1078/0944-7113-00327.
  • Scarpa, G. (2000), Plants employed in tradicional veterinary medicine by the criollos of the northwestern Argentine Chaco, Darwiniana, 38(3-4), 253-265. ISSN: 0011-6793. Secretaria de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable-Dirección De Bosques, 2014. Inventario forestal en bosques con presencia de palo santo (Bulnesia sarmientoi) en la zona del parque chaqueño semiárido. Informe final.
  • Scarpa, G.F. (2004), Medicinal plants used by the Criollos of Northwestern Argentine Chaco. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 91, 115-135.
  • Surburg, H., Panten, J. (2006), Natural raw materials in the flavor and fragrance industry. Common Fragrance and Flavor Materials, 177, 177-238.
  • Timar, M.C., Varodi, A.M., Hacibektasoglu, M., Campean, M. (2016), Color and FTIR analysis of chemical changes in beech wood (Fagus sylvatica L.) after light steaming and heat treatment in two different environments, BioResources, 11(4), 8325-8343. DOI: 10.15376/biores.11.4.8325-8343
  • Türk, M., Ayata, Ü. (2021), Türkiye’de yetişen bazı ağaç türlerine ait odunlarda shore D sertlik değerleri üzerine ısıl işlemin etkisi, Mobilya ve Ahşap Malzeme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 4(2), 166-173. DOI: 10.33725/mamad.1005127.
  • Ulay, G., Ayata, Ü. (2023a), Isıl işlem görmüş pembe fildişi (Berchemia zeyheri) (Sond.) Grubov) ahşabında seçilmiş bazı yüzey özelliklerinin incelenmesi, Karadeniz 12. Uluslararası Uygulamalı Bilimler Kongresi, 3-5 Mart 2023, Rize, 389-400.
  • Ulay, G., Ayata, Ü. (2023b), 200 derecede ısıl işlem görmüş amaouk (Detarium macrocarpum) odununda bazı yüzey özelliklerinin ve shore D sertlik değerlerinin incelenmesi, 3. Uluslararası Karadeniz Modern Bilimsel Araştırmalar Kongresi, 23-24 Mart 2023, Samsun, 670-678.
  • Waller, T., Barros, M., Draque, J., Micucci, P. (2012), Conservation of the Palo Santo tree, Bulnesia sarmientoi Lorentz ex Gri-seb, in the South American Chaco Region. Medicinal Plant Conservation, 15, 4-9.
  • Yao, C., Yongming, F., Jianmin, G., Houkun, L. (2012), Coloring characteristics of in situ lignin during heat treatment, Wood Science and Technology, 46, 33-40. DOI: 10.1007/s00226-010-0388-5.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Timber, Pulp and Paper, Forest Industry Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Ümit Ayata 0000-0002-6787-7822

Early Pub Date June 25, 2023
Publication Date June 30, 2023
Submission Date April 10, 2023
Acceptance Date June 6, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Ayata, Ü. (2023). Palo Santo odununda bazı yüzey özellikleri ve shore D sertlik değeri üzerine 200ºC’de ısıl işlemin etkisi. Mobilya Ve Ahşap Malzeme Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(1), 39-46.

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