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Teaching Profession During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Year 2021, , 1 - 14, 01.07.2021


The teacher is indispensable in a successful education system. In the changing context of education, one of the constant components is the importance of the teacher. The teacher takes mutual responsibilities with his students, colleagues and managers. The teacher helps to create a future compatible with change. In some cases, teachers may need help. It can be said that teachers need help in the Covid 19 pandemic. This study discusses the change in the teaching profession during Covid 19. The study is a literature review. As a result of the study, the support needs of teachers were determined under three headings: Resilience, instructionally and technologically. The effectiveness of the teacher role in the future of education depends on the provision of these supports. Investment in the teacher is made into the future.


  • Al-Samarrai, S., Gangwar, M., & Gala, P. (2020). The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Education Financing.
  • Arnon, S., & Reichel, N. (2007). Who is the ideal teacher? Am I? Similarity and difference in perception of students of education regarding the qualities of a good teacher and of their own qualities as teachers. Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice, 13(5), 441-464.
  • Aslan, A., Göksu, İ., Karaman, S., Teknolojileri, B., & Çemişgezek, M. Y. O. (2018). Uyarlanabilir uzaktan hizmetiçi eğitimin başarı ve eğitimin tamamlama süresine etkisi ile öğretmen görüşleri. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Buca Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 45, 103-115. Ayers, W. (2015). To teach: The journey of a teacher. Teachers College Press.
  • Baylor, A. L., & Ritchie, D. (2002). What factors facilitate teacher skill, teacher morale, and perceived student learning in technology-using classrooms?. Computers & education, 39(4), 395-414.
  • Beltman, S., Mansfield, C., & Price, A. (2011). Thriving not just surviving: A review of research on teacher resilience. Educational research review, 6(3), 185-207.
  • Beteille, T., Ding, E., Molina, E., Pushparatnam, A., & Wilichowski, T. (2020). Three Principles to Support Teacher Effectiveness During COVID-19.
  • Bogler, R., & Nir, A. E. (2012). The importance of teachers' perceived organizational support to job satisfaction. Journal of educational administration. 50(3):287-306
  • Brunetti, G. J. (2006). Resilience under fire: Perspectives on the work of experienced, inner city high school teachers in the United States. Teaching and Teacher Education, 22(7), 812-825.
  • Clark, C. M. (1988). Asking the right questions about teacher preparation: Contributions of research on teacher thinking. Educational researcher, 17(2), 5-12.
  • Copper, J. M., & Semich, G. W. (2019). Professional development in the twenty-first century: YouTube teacher training and professional development. In Advanced Online Education and Training Technologies (pp. 185-199). IGI Global.
  • Crawford-Ferre, H. G., & Wiest, L. R. (2012). Effective online instruction in higher education. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 13(1), 11.
  • Crosby, R. H. J. (2000). AMEE Guide No 20: The good teacher is more than a lecturer-the twelve roles of the teacher. Medical teacher, 22(4), 334-347.
  • Darling-Hammond, L. (2000). How teacher education matters. Journal of teacher education, 51(3), 166-173.
  • Darling-Hammond, L., & Bransford, J. (Eds.). (2007). Preparing teachers for a changing world: What teachers should learn and be able to do. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Day, C. (2008). Committed for life? Variations in teachers’ work, lives and effectiveness. Journal of educational change, 9(3), 243-260.
  • Ertmer, P. A., Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A., & York, C. S. (2006). Exemplary technology-using teachers: Perceptions of factors influencing success. Journal of computing in teacher education, 23(2), 55-61.
  • Fidan, M. (2020). Mutlu okulun bileşenleri. Eğitim ve Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7(1), 107-123.
  • Friedman, I. A. (1991). High and low-burnout schools: School culture aspects of teacher burnout. The Journal of educational research, 84(6), 325-333.
  • Fullan, M. G. (1993). Why teachers must become change agents. Educational leadership, 50, 12-12.
  • Güler, N. (2020). Preparing to teach English language learners: effect of online courses in changing mainstream teachers’ perceptions of English language learners. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 14(1), 83-96.
  • Handayani, F. (2015). Instagram as a teaching tool? Really?. Proceedings of ISELT FBS Universitas Negeri Padang, 4(1), 320-327.
  • Hanushek, E. A. (2011). The economic value of higher teacher quality. Economics of Education review, 30(3), 466-479.
  • Kavcar, C. (2002). Cumhuriyet döneminde dal öğretmeni yetiştirme. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 35(1-2).
  • Keller, F. S. (1968). Good-bye, teacher... Journal of applied behavior analysis, 1(1), 79.
  • Kimwarey, M. C., Chirure, H. N., & Omondi, M. (2014). Teacher empowerment in education practice: Strategies, constraints and suggestions. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME), 4(2), 51-56.
  • Korthagen, F. (2017). Inconvenient truths about teacher learning: Towards professional development 3.0. Teachers and teaching, 23(4), 387-405.
  • Korthagen, F. A. (2004). In search of the essence of a good teacher: Towards a more holistic approach in teacher education. Teaching and teacher education, 20(1), 77-97.
  • Levin, T., & Wadmany, R. (2006). Teachers’ beliefs and practices in technology-based classrooms: A developmental view. Journal of research on technology in education, 39(2), 157-181.
  • Maeroff, G. I. (1988). The Empowerment of Teachers. Overcoming the Crisis of Confidence. Teachers College Press, 1234 Amsterdam Ave., New York, NY 10027.
  • Masten, A. S., Best, K. M., & Garmezy, N. (1990). Resilience and development: Contributions from the study of children who overcome adversity. Development and psychopathology, 2(4), 425-444.
  • Moore, M. G., Kearsley, G. (1996). Distance education: A systems view. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
  • Peterson, C. L., & Bond, N. (2004). Online compared to face-to-face teacher preparation for learning standards-based planning skills. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 36(4), 345-360.
  • Pines, A., & Aronson, E. (1988). Career burnout: Causes and cures. Free press.
  • Ray, E. B., & Miller, K. I. (1991). The influence of communication structure and social support on job stress and burnout. Management Communication Quarterly, 4(4), 506-527.
  • Rich, P. J., & Hannafin, M. (2009). Video annotation tools: Technologies to scaffold, structure, and transform teacher reflection. Journal of teacher education, 60(1), 52-67.
  • Russell, M., Bebell, D., O'Dwyer, L., & O'Connor, K. (2003). Examining teacher technology use: Implications for preservice and inservice teacher preparation. Journal of teacher Education, 54(4), 297-310.
  • Sahin, T., Aslaner, H., Eker, O. O., Gokcek, M. B., & Dogan, M. (2020). Effect of COVID-19 pandemic on anxiety and burnout levels in emergency healthcare workers: a questionnaire study.
  • Seferoğlu, S. S. (2004). Öğretmen yeterlilikleri ve mesleki gelişim. Bilim ve Aklın Aydınlığında Eğitim, 58, 40-45.
  • Short, P. M., & Rinehart, J. S. (1992). School participant empowerment scale: Assessment of level of empowerment within the school environment. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 52(4), 951-960.
  • Short, P. M., Greer, J. T., & Melvin, W. M. (1994). Creating empowered schools. Journal of Educational Administration, 32, 38-52.
  • Skaalvik, E. M., & Skaalvik, S. (2010). Teacher self-efficacy and teacher burnout: A study of relations. Teaching and teacher education, 26(4), 1059-1069.
  • Sönmez, V. (1989). Türkiye'de öğretmenin ekonomik durumu. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 4(4). 77-84.
  • Stronge, J. H. (2018). Qualities of effective teachers. ASCD.
  • Sullivan, F., Hillaire, G., Larke, L., & Reich, J. (2020). Using Teacher Moments During the COVID-19 Pivot. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 28(2), 303-313.
  • Wolcott, L. L. (1995). The distance teacher as reflective practitioner. Educational Technology, 35(1), 39-43.
  • Young, M., & Muller, J. (2010). Three educational scenarios for the future: Lessons from the sociology of knowledge. European journal of education, 45(1), 11-27.
  • Zehm, S. J., & Kottler, J. A. (1993). On being a teacher: The human dimension. Corwin Press, Inc., A Sage Publications Company, 2455 Teller Road, Newbury Park, CA 91320.

Covid-19 Pandemisinde Öğretmenlik

Year 2021, , 1 - 14, 01.07.2021


Öğretmen, başarılı bir eğitim sisteminde vazgeçilmezdir. Eğitimin değişen bağlamında değişmeyenlerden bir tanesi öğretmenin önemidir. Öğretmen, kendisi, öğrencileri, meslektaşları ve yöneticileri ile karşılıklı sorumluluklar üstlenmekte; değişimle uyumlu bir gelecek oluşturmaya yardımcı olmaktadır. Bazı değişim durumlarında ise öğretmenlerin yardıma ihtiyacı olabilmektedir. Bu çalışma Covid 19 sırasında karşılaşılan sorunlarla baş etmede öğretmenlerin desteklenmesini tartışmaktadır. Çalışma bir literatür taraması niteliğindedir. Çalışma sonucunda, öğretmenlerin güçlendirilmesi gerekliliği esneklik, öğretimsel ve teknolojik olmak üzere üç başlıkta temellendirilmektedir. Eğitimin geleceğinde öğretmen rolünün etkililiği, bu desteklerin geç olmadan sağlanmasına bağlıdır. Öğretmene yapılan yatırım, geleceğe yapılmaktadır.


  • Al-Samarrai, S., Gangwar, M., & Gala, P. (2020). The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Education Financing.
  • Arnon, S., & Reichel, N. (2007). Who is the ideal teacher? Am I? Similarity and difference in perception of students of education regarding the qualities of a good teacher and of their own qualities as teachers. Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice, 13(5), 441-464.
  • Aslan, A., Göksu, İ., Karaman, S., Teknolojileri, B., & Çemişgezek, M. Y. O. (2018). Uyarlanabilir uzaktan hizmetiçi eğitimin başarı ve eğitimin tamamlama süresine etkisi ile öğretmen görüşleri. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Buca Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 45, 103-115. Ayers, W. (2015). To teach: The journey of a teacher. Teachers College Press.
  • Baylor, A. L., & Ritchie, D. (2002). What factors facilitate teacher skill, teacher morale, and perceived student learning in technology-using classrooms?. Computers & education, 39(4), 395-414.
  • Beltman, S., Mansfield, C., & Price, A. (2011). Thriving not just surviving: A review of research on teacher resilience. Educational research review, 6(3), 185-207.
  • Beteille, T., Ding, E., Molina, E., Pushparatnam, A., & Wilichowski, T. (2020). Three Principles to Support Teacher Effectiveness During COVID-19.
  • Bogler, R., & Nir, A. E. (2012). The importance of teachers' perceived organizational support to job satisfaction. Journal of educational administration. 50(3):287-306
  • Brunetti, G. J. (2006). Resilience under fire: Perspectives on the work of experienced, inner city high school teachers in the United States. Teaching and Teacher Education, 22(7), 812-825.
  • Clark, C. M. (1988). Asking the right questions about teacher preparation: Contributions of research on teacher thinking. Educational researcher, 17(2), 5-12.
  • Copper, J. M., & Semich, G. W. (2019). Professional development in the twenty-first century: YouTube teacher training and professional development. In Advanced Online Education and Training Technologies (pp. 185-199). IGI Global.
  • Crawford-Ferre, H. G., & Wiest, L. R. (2012). Effective online instruction in higher education. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 13(1), 11.
  • Crosby, R. H. J. (2000). AMEE Guide No 20: The good teacher is more than a lecturer-the twelve roles of the teacher. Medical teacher, 22(4), 334-347.
  • Darling-Hammond, L. (2000). How teacher education matters. Journal of teacher education, 51(3), 166-173.
  • Darling-Hammond, L., & Bransford, J. (Eds.). (2007). Preparing teachers for a changing world: What teachers should learn and be able to do. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Day, C. (2008). Committed for life? Variations in teachers’ work, lives and effectiveness. Journal of educational change, 9(3), 243-260.
  • Ertmer, P. A., Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A., & York, C. S. (2006). Exemplary technology-using teachers: Perceptions of factors influencing success. Journal of computing in teacher education, 23(2), 55-61.
  • Fidan, M. (2020). Mutlu okulun bileşenleri. Eğitim ve Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7(1), 107-123.
  • Friedman, I. A. (1991). High and low-burnout schools: School culture aspects of teacher burnout. The Journal of educational research, 84(6), 325-333.
  • Fullan, M. G. (1993). Why teachers must become change agents. Educational leadership, 50, 12-12.
  • Güler, N. (2020). Preparing to teach English language learners: effect of online courses in changing mainstream teachers’ perceptions of English language learners. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 14(1), 83-96.
  • Handayani, F. (2015). Instagram as a teaching tool? Really?. Proceedings of ISELT FBS Universitas Negeri Padang, 4(1), 320-327.
  • Hanushek, E. A. (2011). The economic value of higher teacher quality. Economics of Education review, 30(3), 466-479.
  • Kavcar, C. (2002). Cumhuriyet döneminde dal öğretmeni yetiştirme. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi, 35(1-2).
  • Keller, F. S. (1968). Good-bye, teacher... Journal of applied behavior analysis, 1(1), 79.
  • Kimwarey, M. C., Chirure, H. N., & Omondi, M. (2014). Teacher empowerment in education practice: Strategies, constraints and suggestions. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME), 4(2), 51-56.
  • Korthagen, F. (2017). Inconvenient truths about teacher learning: Towards professional development 3.0. Teachers and teaching, 23(4), 387-405.
  • Korthagen, F. A. (2004). In search of the essence of a good teacher: Towards a more holistic approach in teacher education. Teaching and teacher education, 20(1), 77-97.
  • Levin, T., & Wadmany, R. (2006). Teachers’ beliefs and practices in technology-based classrooms: A developmental view. Journal of research on technology in education, 39(2), 157-181.
  • Maeroff, G. I. (1988). The Empowerment of Teachers. Overcoming the Crisis of Confidence. Teachers College Press, 1234 Amsterdam Ave., New York, NY 10027.
  • Masten, A. S., Best, K. M., & Garmezy, N. (1990). Resilience and development: Contributions from the study of children who overcome adversity. Development and psychopathology, 2(4), 425-444.
  • Moore, M. G., Kearsley, G. (1996). Distance education: A systems view. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
  • Peterson, C. L., & Bond, N. (2004). Online compared to face-to-face teacher preparation for learning standards-based planning skills. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 36(4), 345-360.
  • Pines, A., & Aronson, E. (1988). Career burnout: Causes and cures. Free press.
  • Ray, E. B., & Miller, K. I. (1991). The influence of communication structure and social support on job stress and burnout. Management Communication Quarterly, 4(4), 506-527.
  • Rich, P. J., & Hannafin, M. (2009). Video annotation tools: Technologies to scaffold, structure, and transform teacher reflection. Journal of teacher education, 60(1), 52-67.
  • Russell, M., Bebell, D., O'Dwyer, L., & O'Connor, K. (2003). Examining teacher technology use: Implications for preservice and inservice teacher preparation. Journal of teacher Education, 54(4), 297-310.
  • Sahin, T., Aslaner, H., Eker, O. O., Gokcek, M. B., & Dogan, M. (2020). Effect of COVID-19 pandemic on anxiety and burnout levels in emergency healthcare workers: a questionnaire study.
  • Seferoğlu, S. S. (2004). Öğretmen yeterlilikleri ve mesleki gelişim. Bilim ve Aklın Aydınlığında Eğitim, 58, 40-45.
  • Short, P. M., & Rinehart, J. S. (1992). School participant empowerment scale: Assessment of level of empowerment within the school environment. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 52(4), 951-960.
  • Short, P. M., Greer, J. T., & Melvin, W. M. (1994). Creating empowered schools. Journal of Educational Administration, 32, 38-52.
  • Skaalvik, E. M., & Skaalvik, S. (2010). Teacher self-efficacy and teacher burnout: A study of relations. Teaching and teacher education, 26(4), 1059-1069.
  • Sönmez, V. (1989). Türkiye'de öğretmenin ekonomik durumu. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 4(4). 77-84.
  • Stronge, J. H. (2018). Qualities of effective teachers. ASCD.
  • Sullivan, F., Hillaire, G., Larke, L., & Reich, J. (2020). Using Teacher Moments During the COVID-19 Pivot. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 28(2), 303-313.
  • Wolcott, L. L. (1995). The distance teacher as reflective practitioner. Educational Technology, 35(1), 39-43.
  • Young, M., & Muller, J. (2010). Three educational scenarios for the future: Lessons from the sociology of knowledge. European journal of education, 45(1), 11-27.
  • Zehm, S. J., & Kottler, J. A. (1993). On being a teacher: The human dimension. Corwin Press, Inc., A Sage Publications Company, 2455 Teller Road, Newbury Park, CA 91320.
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Studies on Education
Journal Section Articles

Mustafa Fidan 0000-0002-2900-7631

Publication Date July 1, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Fidan, M. (2021). Covid-19 Pandemisinde Öğretmenlik. Maarif Mektepleri Uluslararası Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 5(1), 1-14.

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