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Kamaralizm Düşüncesi ve Kameral Devlet Anlayışının Kamu Yönetimine Katkıları Üzerine Bir İnceleme

Year 2024, , 1108 - 1122, 08.01.2025


Çalışmada kameralizmin doğuşu, gelişimi ve Prusya devletlerindeki kurumsallaşma sürecine odaklanılmıştır. Çalışmanın amacı kameralizmin tarihsel süreç içerisindeki gelişiminin modern kamu yönetimine etkisi ve katkılarının incelenmesidir. Nitel veri toplama tekniklerinden istifade edilen çalışmanın yöntemini betimsel/içerik analizi oluşturmaktadır. Bu bağlamda üç bölüm olarak tasarlanan çalışmanın birinci bölümünde Kameralizmin doğuşu ve gelişim süreci üzerinde durularak Alman iktisat geleneğinin kameralizm ile ilişkisine değinilmiştir. İkinci bölümde kameralizmin gelişimine ve kurumsal bir devlet/kamu yönetimi doktrini haline gelmesine katkı sağlayan erken dönem kameralistlerin devlet/yönetim anlayışı incelenmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde ise kameralizmin modern kamu yönetiminin gelişimindeki etkisi ve katkıları analiz edilmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında ulaşılan başlıca sonuçlar şu şekildedir: Devlet aygıtı içerisisinde kamu hizmeti ve kamu yönetimi olgularının kurumsallaşmadığı bir dönemde patrimonyal yönetim anlayışından devlet görevlisi olarak istihdam edilen memur sistemine geçilmesi kameralizmin modern kamu yönetimine getirdiği katkıların başında gelmektedir. Ayrıca erken dönem kameralistlerin devlet görevlisi olarak istihdam edilen personelin görev ve sorumluluklarının saptanması, mesleğe girişte liyakat esasının gözetilmesi ve meslek içi eğitimin verilmesi gibi tavsiyeleri günümüzde birçok devletin hukuk sisteminde yer alan devlet memurlarına ilişkin düzenlemelerde görmek mümkündür.

Ethical Statement

Bu makale Araştırma ve Yayın Etiğine uygundur. Beyan edilecek herhangi bir çıkar çatışması yoktur. Araştırmanın ortaya konulmasında herhangi bir mali destek alınmamıştır. Makale yazım ve intihal/benzerlik açısından kontrol edilmiştir. Makale, “en az iki dış hakem” ve “çift taraflı körleme” yöntemi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Yazar(lar), dergiye imzalı “Telif Devir Formu” belgesi göndermişlerdir. Mevcut çalışma için mevzuat gereği etik izni alınmaya ihtiyaç yoktur. Bu konuda yazarlar tarafından dergiye “Etik İznine Gerek Olmadığına Dair Beyan Formu” gönderilmiştir.

Supporting Institution

Araştırmanın ortaya konulmasında herhangi bir mali destek alınmamıştır.


  • AKTEL, Mehmet, KERMAN, Uysal, ALTAN, Yakup ve GÜVEN, Ferit (2015), “Kameralizmi Anlama Çabası”, Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, S.12(7), ss.83-98.
  • AVCI, İsmigül (2017), “Mançu Hanedanı Çı̇n Klası̇k Memurluk Sınav Sı̇stemı̇”, Journal of International Social Research, S.54(10), ss.13-21.
  • BACKHAUS, Jurgen (1997), “Christian Wolff on Subsidiarity, the Division of Labor, and Social Welfare”, European Journal of Law and Economics, S.4, ss.129-146.
  • ÇELİK, Fikret ve USTA, Sefa (2010), “Klasik Liberalizmde ‘Özgürlük’ ve Liberalizmin Yerel Yönetimlere Bakışı”, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, S.24, ss.121-135.
  • ÇETİN, Halis (2001), “Liberalizm’in Tarihi Kökenleri”, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, S.1(2), ss.219-237.
  • ENCYCLOPEDIA (2018), “Johann Joachim Becher”, Encyclopedia Kurumsal Web Sayfası (E-Ansiklopedi), (Erişim Tarihi: 03.07.2024).
  • ERDEM, Çiğdem (2010), “Mehmet Sadık Rıfat Paşa ve 19. Yüzyıl Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Batılılaşma Bağlamında Kameralizmin Girişi”, Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, S.12(2), ss.171-196.
  • ERYILMAZ, Bilal (2013),“Temel Kavramlar”, Kamu Yönetimi (Ed. Süleyman Sözen), Anadolu Üniversitesi Açık Öğretim Fakültesi Yayını, Eskişehir, ss.3-28.
  • FRAMBACH, Hans, (2009), “Cameralism and Labour in von Justi’s Economic Thinking”, The Beginnings of Political Economy (Ed. Jurgen Georg Backhaus), Springer Publisher, New York (US), ss.133-145.
  • FRAMBACH, Hans (2017), “The Decline of Cameralism Germany at the Turn of the Nineteenth Century”, Cameralism in Practice: State Administration and Economy in Early Modern Europe (Ed. Marten Seppel, Keith Tribe), Boydell Press, Woodbridge, ss.239-263.
  • GARNER, Guillaume (2017), “Cameralist Theoretical Writings on Manufacturing and Administratice Practice in the German Principalisties: Conflict and Cohorence”, Cameralism in Practice, State Administration and Economy in Early Modern Europe: People, Markets, Goods: Economies and Societies in History (Ed. Martin Seppel, Keith Tribe) The Boydell Press, Woodbride, ss.33-154.
  • GÜRKAN, Ceyhun (2007), “Kameralizm: Modern Yönetim ve Maliye Düşüncesinin Doğuşu ve Gelişimi”, Toplum ve Bilim Dergisi, S.110, ss.216-246.
  • HECKSHER, Eli F. (2007), Mercantilism, Routledge Press (Digital Printing), London and New York, C.1.
  • INSTITUTE FOR NEW ECONOMIC THINKING - THE HİSTORY ECONOMİC THOUGH (2023) “Wilhelm von Schröder”, The History Economic Though, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.04.2023).
  • JASCHKE, Hans-Gerd, BJØRGO, Tore, ROMERO, Francisco del Barrio, KWANTEN, Cees, MAWBY, Robin ve PAGON, Milan (2007), “Perspectives of Police Science in Europe”, Project Group on a European Approach to Police Science (PGEAPS), (Erişim Tarihi: 03.04.2023).
  • MARDİN, Şerif (1991), Türk Modernleşmesi, C.4, İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • NOKKALA, Ere Pertti (2009), “The Machine of State in Germany: The Case of Johann Heinrich Gottlob von Justi (1717–1771)”, Contributions to the History of Concepts, S.1(5), ss.71-93.
  • ÖRS, Ayşe Sayir (2013), “Kameralizm ve Osmanlı Devletine Etkileri”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Afyonkarahisar.
  • REINERT, Erik S. (2005), “A Brief Introduction to Veit Ludwig von Seckendorff (1626–1692)”, European Journal of Law and Economics, S.3(19), ss.221-230.
  • REINERT, Erik S. ve DAASTØL, Arno M. (1997), “Exploring the Genesis of Economic Innovations: The Religious Gestalt-Switch and the Duty to Invent as Preconditions for Economic Growth”, European Journal of Law and Economics, S.4(2), ss.233-283.
  • REINERT, Erik S. ve ROSSNER, Philipp R. (2016), “Cameralism and the German Tradition of Development Economics”, Handbook of Alternative Theories of Economic Development (Ed. Erik S. Reinert, Jayati Ghosh, Rainer Kattel), Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham and Northampton, ss.63-86.
  • ROSSNER, Philipp R. (2016), “New Inroads into Well-Known Territory? On the Virtues of re Discovering Pre-Classical Political Economy”, Economic Growth and the Origins of Modern Political Economy (Ed. Philipp R. Rössner), Routledge Publisher, London and New York, ss.3-25.
  • SEPPEL, Martin (2017), “Intoduction: Cameralism in Practice”, Cameralism in Practice, State Administration and Economy in Early Modern Europe, People, Markets, Goods: Economies and Societies in History (Ed. Martin Seppel, Keith Tribe), The Boydell Press, Woodbride, S.10, ss.1-16.
  • SPICER, Michael W. (1998), “Cameralist Thought and Public Administration”, Jurnal of Management History, S.3(4), ss.149-159.
  • ŞAYLAN, Gencay (1996), “Bağımsız Bir Disiplin Olarak Kamu Yönetimi: Yeni Paradigma Arayışları”, Amme İdaresi Dergisi, S.3(29), ss.3-16.
  • TRIBE, Keith (2003), “Historical Schools of Economics: German and English”, A Companion to the History of Economic Thought (Ed. Warren J. Samuels, Jeff E. Biddle, John B. Davis), Blackwell Publishing, Oxford (UK), ss.215-230.
  • TRIBE, Keith (2008), “Cameralism and the Sciences of the State”, The Cambridge History of Eighteenth Century Political Thought (Ed. Mark Goldie, Robert Wokler), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, ss.525-546.
  • TRIBE, Keith (2016), “Cameralism”, Handbook on the History of Economic Analysis (Ed. Gilbert Faccarello, Heinz D. Kurz), Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham and Northampton, S.2, ss.43-51.
  • TUNCER, Aziz, (2018), “Patrimonyal ve Bürokratik Yönetim Arasında Bir Geçiş Dönemi Yaklaşımı Olarak Kameralizm”, Journal of Political Administrative and Local Studies, S.2(1), ss.1-20.
  • USTA, Sefa ve AKINCI, Abdulvahap (2018), “Bı̇r Alman Yönetı̇m Yaklaşımı Olarak Kameralı̇zm”, Journal of Political Administrative and Local Studies, S.1(1), ss.67-86.
  • WAKEFIELD, Andre (2005), “Books, Bureaus, and the Historiography of Cameralism”, European Journal of Law and Economics, S.19(3), ss.311-320.
  • WAKEFIELD, Andre (2009), The Disordered Police State: German Cameralism as Science and Pratice, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London.
  • WİLSON, Woodrow (1887), “The Study of Administration”, Political Science Quarterly, S.2(2), ss.197-222.

An Examination of the Idea of Cameralism and Contributions of the Cameral State Understanding to Public Administration

Year 2024, , 1108 - 1122, 08.01.2025


This study focuses on the birth and development of cameralism and its institutionalisation process in the Prussian states. The aim of the study is to analyse the impact and contributions of the development of cameralism in the historical process on modern public administration. The method of the study, which utilises qualitative data collection techniques, consists of descriptive/content analysis. In this context, the first section of the study, designed in three parts, focuses on the birth and development process of Cameralism and addresses the relationship between the German economic tradition and Cameralism. In the second section, the understanding of the state/governance by early Cameralists, who contributed to the development of Cameralism and its transformation into an institutional doctrine of state/public administration, has been examined. In the third chapter, the impact and contributions of Cameralism to the development of modern public administration are analyzed. The main findings reached within the scope of the study are as follows: The transition from the patrimonial management understanding to the system of civil servants employed as state officials during a period when the phenomena of public service and public administration were not yet institutionalized within the state apparatus is among the primary contributions of Cameralism to modern public administration. Additionally, it is possible to see the recommendations of early Cameralists, such as determining the duties and responsibilities of personnel employed as state officials, adhering to the principle of merit in entering the profession, and providing in-service training, in the regulations regarding civil servants in the legal systems of many states today.

Ethical Statement

This paper complies with Research and Publication Ethics, has no conflict of interest to declare, and has received no financial support. The article has been checked for spelling and plagiarism/similarity. The article was evaluated by "at least two external referees" and "double blinding" method. The author(s) sent a signed "Copyright Transfer Form" to the journal. There is no need to obtain ethical permission for the current study as per the legislation. The "Declaration Form Regarding No Ethics Permission Required" was sent to the journal by the authors on this subject.

Supporting Institution

No financial support was received for the conduct of the research.


  • AKTEL, Mehmet, KERMAN, Uysal, ALTAN, Yakup ve GÜVEN, Ferit (2015), “Kameralizmi Anlama Çabası”, Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, S.12(7), ss.83-98.
  • AVCI, İsmigül (2017), “Mançu Hanedanı Çı̇n Klası̇k Memurluk Sınav Sı̇stemı̇”, Journal of International Social Research, S.54(10), ss.13-21.
  • BACKHAUS, Jurgen (1997), “Christian Wolff on Subsidiarity, the Division of Labor, and Social Welfare”, European Journal of Law and Economics, S.4, ss.129-146.
  • ÇELİK, Fikret ve USTA, Sefa (2010), “Klasik Liberalizmde ‘Özgürlük’ ve Liberalizmin Yerel Yönetimlere Bakışı”, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, S.24, ss.121-135.
  • ÇETİN, Halis (2001), “Liberalizm’in Tarihi Kökenleri”, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, S.1(2), ss.219-237.
  • ENCYCLOPEDIA (2018), “Johann Joachim Becher”, Encyclopedia Kurumsal Web Sayfası (E-Ansiklopedi), (Erişim Tarihi: 03.07.2024).
  • ERDEM, Çiğdem (2010), “Mehmet Sadık Rıfat Paşa ve 19. Yüzyıl Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Batılılaşma Bağlamında Kameralizmin Girişi”, Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, S.12(2), ss.171-196.
  • ERYILMAZ, Bilal (2013),“Temel Kavramlar”, Kamu Yönetimi (Ed. Süleyman Sözen), Anadolu Üniversitesi Açık Öğretim Fakültesi Yayını, Eskişehir, ss.3-28.
  • FRAMBACH, Hans, (2009), “Cameralism and Labour in von Justi’s Economic Thinking”, The Beginnings of Political Economy (Ed. Jurgen Georg Backhaus), Springer Publisher, New York (US), ss.133-145.
  • FRAMBACH, Hans (2017), “The Decline of Cameralism Germany at the Turn of the Nineteenth Century”, Cameralism in Practice: State Administration and Economy in Early Modern Europe (Ed. Marten Seppel, Keith Tribe), Boydell Press, Woodbridge, ss.239-263.
  • GARNER, Guillaume (2017), “Cameralist Theoretical Writings on Manufacturing and Administratice Practice in the German Principalisties: Conflict and Cohorence”, Cameralism in Practice, State Administration and Economy in Early Modern Europe: People, Markets, Goods: Economies and Societies in History (Ed. Martin Seppel, Keith Tribe) The Boydell Press, Woodbride, ss.33-154.
  • GÜRKAN, Ceyhun (2007), “Kameralizm: Modern Yönetim ve Maliye Düşüncesinin Doğuşu ve Gelişimi”, Toplum ve Bilim Dergisi, S.110, ss.216-246.
  • HECKSHER, Eli F. (2007), Mercantilism, Routledge Press (Digital Printing), London and New York, C.1.
  • INSTITUTE FOR NEW ECONOMIC THINKING - THE HİSTORY ECONOMİC THOUGH (2023) “Wilhelm von Schröder”, The History Economic Though, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.04.2023).
  • JASCHKE, Hans-Gerd, BJØRGO, Tore, ROMERO, Francisco del Barrio, KWANTEN, Cees, MAWBY, Robin ve PAGON, Milan (2007), “Perspectives of Police Science in Europe”, Project Group on a European Approach to Police Science (PGEAPS), (Erişim Tarihi: 03.04.2023).
  • MARDİN, Şerif (1991), Türk Modernleşmesi, C.4, İletişim Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • NOKKALA, Ere Pertti (2009), “The Machine of State in Germany: The Case of Johann Heinrich Gottlob von Justi (1717–1771)”, Contributions to the History of Concepts, S.1(5), ss.71-93.
  • ÖRS, Ayşe Sayir (2013), “Kameralizm ve Osmanlı Devletine Etkileri”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Afyonkarahisar.
  • REINERT, Erik S. (2005), “A Brief Introduction to Veit Ludwig von Seckendorff (1626–1692)”, European Journal of Law and Economics, S.3(19), ss.221-230.
  • REINERT, Erik S. ve DAASTØL, Arno M. (1997), “Exploring the Genesis of Economic Innovations: The Religious Gestalt-Switch and the Duty to Invent as Preconditions for Economic Growth”, European Journal of Law and Economics, S.4(2), ss.233-283.
  • REINERT, Erik S. ve ROSSNER, Philipp R. (2016), “Cameralism and the German Tradition of Development Economics”, Handbook of Alternative Theories of Economic Development (Ed. Erik S. Reinert, Jayati Ghosh, Rainer Kattel), Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham and Northampton, ss.63-86.
  • ROSSNER, Philipp R. (2016), “New Inroads into Well-Known Territory? On the Virtues of re Discovering Pre-Classical Political Economy”, Economic Growth and the Origins of Modern Political Economy (Ed. Philipp R. Rössner), Routledge Publisher, London and New York, ss.3-25.
  • SEPPEL, Martin (2017), “Intoduction: Cameralism in Practice”, Cameralism in Practice, State Administration and Economy in Early Modern Europe, People, Markets, Goods: Economies and Societies in History (Ed. Martin Seppel, Keith Tribe), The Boydell Press, Woodbride, S.10, ss.1-16.
  • SPICER, Michael W. (1998), “Cameralist Thought and Public Administration”, Jurnal of Management History, S.3(4), ss.149-159.
  • ŞAYLAN, Gencay (1996), “Bağımsız Bir Disiplin Olarak Kamu Yönetimi: Yeni Paradigma Arayışları”, Amme İdaresi Dergisi, S.3(29), ss.3-16.
  • TRIBE, Keith (2003), “Historical Schools of Economics: German and English”, A Companion to the History of Economic Thought (Ed. Warren J. Samuels, Jeff E. Biddle, John B. Davis), Blackwell Publishing, Oxford (UK), ss.215-230.
  • TRIBE, Keith (2008), “Cameralism and the Sciences of the State”, The Cambridge History of Eighteenth Century Political Thought (Ed. Mark Goldie, Robert Wokler), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, ss.525-546.
  • TRIBE, Keith (2016), “Cameralism”, Handbook on the History of Economic Analysis (Ed. Gilbert Faccarello, Heinz D. Kurz), Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham and Northampton, S.2, ss.43-51.
  • TUNCER, Aziz, (2018), “Patrimonyal ve Bürokratik Yönetim Arasında Bir Geçiş Dönemi Yaklaşımı Olarak Kameralizm”, Journal of Political Administrative and Local Studies, S.2(1), ss.1-20.
  • USTA, Sefa ve AKINCI, Abdulvahap (2018), “Bı̇r Alman Yönetı̇m Yaklaşımı Olarak Kameralı̇zm”, Journal of Political Administrative and Local Studies, S.1(1), ss.67-86.
  • WAKEFIELD, Andre (2005), “Books, Bureaus, and the Historiography of Cameralism”, European Journal of Law and Economics, S.19(3), ss.311-320.
  • WAKEFIELD, Andre (2009), The Disordered Police State: German Cameralism as Science and Pratice, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London.
  • WİLSON, Woodrow (1887), “The Study of Administration”, Political Science Quarterly, S.2(2), ss.197-222.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Public Administration
Journal Section Articles

Mesut Can Akçay 0000-0003-4375-8228

Ersin Güngördü 0009-0003-4562-9259

Publication Date January 8, 2025
Submission Date July 18, 2024
Acceptance Date January 5, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Akçay, M. C., & Güngördü, E. (2025). Kamaralizm Düşüncesi ve Kameral Devlet Anlayışının Kamu Yönetimine Katkıları Üzerine Bir İnceleme. Uluslararası Yönetim Akademisi Dergisi, 7(4), 1108-1122.