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Muhasebe Çerçevesinde Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk: Bibliyometrik Bir Analiz

Year 2024, , 1015 - 1032, 08.01.2025


Bu çalışma, muhasebe bağlamında Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk (KSS) üzerine yapılan akademik araştırmaların gelişimini ve mevcut durumunu bibliyometrik analizle incelemektedir. Web of Science ve Scopus veri tabanlarından elde edilen 485 makale Python PyBibx kütüphanesi ve R programlama dilinde geliştirilen Bibliometrix yazılımı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular, KSS ve muhasebe alanına yönelik akademik ilginin son yirmi yılda artış gösterdiğini, özellikle 2019'dan itibaren kayda değer bir ivme kazandığını ortaya koymaktadır. Analiz, KSS’nin finansal raporlama, sürdürülebilirlik ve kurumsal yönetişimle olan ilişkisini derinlemesine ele alarak bu alanın entelektüel yapısını haritalandırmıştır. Ayrıca alandaki etkin yazarlar, yazar iş birliği yapısı, ülkelerin üretkenliği ve iş birliği düzeyi, yıllara göre kavramsal değişim süreci ortaya konmuştur. Sonuçlar, KSS’nin muhasebe süreçleriyle entegrasyonuna dair araştırmaların giderek artan önemini ve literatürde hala keşfedilmesi gereken araştırma boşluklarını ortaya koymaktadır. Çalışma sonucunda gelecekteki çalışmaların KOBİ'lerde KSS uygulamaları, kültürel ve bölgesel farklılıklar, uluslararası sertifikasyon standartlarına odaklanması önerilmektedir.

Ethical Statement

Bu makale Araştırma ve Yayın Etiğine uygundur. Beyan edilecek herhangi bir çıkar çatışması yoktur. Araştırmanın ortaya konulmasında herhangi bir mali destek alınmamıştır. Makale yazım ve intihal/benzerlik açısından kontrol edilmiştir. Makale, “en az iki dış hakem” ve “çift taraflı körleme” yöntemi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Makalede kullanılan ölçek için yazar(lar) tarafından ölçeğin orjinal sahibinden izin alındığı beyan edilmiştir. Yazar(lar), dergiye imzalı “Telif Devir Formu” belgesi göndermişlerdir. / Mevcut çalışma için mevzuat gereği etik izni alınmaya ihtiyaç yoktur. Bu konuda yazarlar tarafından dergiye “Etik İznine Gerek Olmadığına Dair Beyan Formu” gönderilmiştir. Yazar, çalışmanın tüm bölümlerine ve aşamalarına tek başına katkıda bulunmuştur.

Supporting Institution

Araştırmanın ortaya konulmasında herhangi bir mali destek alınmamıştır.


  • AGUILERA, Ruth, DESENDER, Kurt ve LÓPEZ-PUERTAS LAMY, Monica (2021), “Bridging Accounting and Corporate Governance: New Avenues of Research”, The International Journal of Accounting, S.56(1), ss.1-21.
  • AGUINIS, Herman ve GLAVAS, Ante (2012), “What We Know and Don’t Know About Corporate Social Responsibility: A Review and Research Agenda”, Journal of Management, S.38(4), ss.932-968.
  • ANAGNOSTOPOULOU, Seraina C., TSEKREKOS, Andrianos E. ve VOULGARIS, Georgios (2021), “Accounting Conservatism and Corporate Social Responsibility”, The British Accounting Review, S.53(4), ss.100942(1-59).
  • ARIA, Massimo ve CUCCURULLO, Corrado (2017), “Bibliometrix: An R-tool for Comprehensive Science Mapping Analysis”, Journal of Informetrics, S.11(4), ss.959-975.
  • BAKARICH, Kathleen M., HOFFMANN, Marissa, MARCY, Amanda ve O’BRIEN, Patrick (2023), “Accountants’ Views on Sustainability Reporting: A Generational Divide”, Current Issues in Auditing, S.17(1), ss.22-35.
  • BALL, Rafael (2017), An Introduction to Bibliometrics: New Development and Trends, Chandos Publishing, Newland Park – Hull (UK).
  • BOSI, Mathew Kevin, LAJUNI, Nelson, WELLFREN, Avnner Chardles ve LIM, Thien Sang (2022), “Sustainability Reporting through Environmental, Social, and Governance: A Bibliometric Review”, Sustainability, S.14(19), S.12071(1-22).
  • BURKE, Qing, CHEN, Po-Chang ve LOBO, Gerald J. (2020), “Is Corporate Social Responsibility Performance Related to Conditional Accounting Conservatism?”, Accounting Horizons, S.34(2), ss.19-40.
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  • CHO, Seong-Yeon, KANG, Pyung Kyung, LEE, Cheol ve PARK, Cheong (2020), “Financial Reporting Conservatism and Voluntary CSR Disclosure”, Accounting Horizons, S.34(2), ss.63-82.
  • CHOI, Jun Hyeok, KIM, Saerona, YANG, Dong-Hoon ve CHO, Kwanghee (2021), “Can Corporate Social Responsibility Decrease the Negative Influence of Financial Distress on Accounting Quality?”, Sustainability, S.13(19), ss.11124(1-19).
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  • DAŞTAN, Abdulkerim ve BELLİKLİ, Uğur (2015), “Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk ve Muhasebe Etkileşimi: Türkiye’de Kurumsal Yönetim Endeksine Dâhil İşletmelerde Bir Araştırma”, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, S.10(1), ss.177-208.
  • DONTHU, Naveen, KUMAR, Satish, MUKHERJEE, Debmalya, PANDEY, Nitesh ve LIM, Weng Marc (2021), “How to Conduct a Bibliometric Analysis: An Overview and Guidelines”, Journal of Business Research, S.133, ss.285-296.
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  • FATIMA, Tahniyath ve ELBANNA, Said (2023), “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Implementation: A Review and a Research Agenda Towards an Integrative Framework”, Journal of Business Ethics, S.183(1), ss.105-121.
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  • GUNAWAN, Juniati (2019), “The Development of Corporate Social Responsibility Iin Accounting Research: Evidence from Indonesia”, Social Responsibility Journal, S.15(5), ss.671-688.
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Corporate Social Responsibility in the Context of Accounting: A Bibliometric Analysis

Year 2024, , 1015 - 1032, 08.01.2025


This study examines the development and current state of academic research on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) within the context of accounting through a bibliometric analysis. A total of 485 articles retrieved from the Web of Science and Scopus databases were analyzed using the Python PyBibx library and the Bibliometrix software developed in the R programming language. The findings reveal that academic interest in CSR and accounting has increased over the last two decades, gaining significant momentum, particularly since 2019. The analysis provides an in-depth exploration of the intellectual structure of the field, focusing on the relationship between CSR, financial reporting, sustainability, and corporate governance. It also identifies key authors, author collaboration networks, the productivity and collaboration levels of countries, and the conceptual evolution of the field over the years. The results underscore the growing importance of research on the integration of CSR into accounting processes while also highlighting research gaps that remain to be explored in the literature. The study concludes by recommending that future research should focus on CSR practices in SMEs, cultural and regional differences, and international certification standards.

Ethical Statement

This paper complies with Research and Publication Ethics, has no conflict of interest to declare, and has received no financial support. The article has been checked for spelling and plagiarism/similarity. The article was evaluated by "at least two external referees" and "double blinding" method. For the scale used in the article, it is declared by the authors that permission was obtained from the original owner of the scale. The author(s) sent a signed "Copyright Transfer Form" to the journal. There is no need to obtain ethical permission for the current study as per the legislation. The "Declaration Form Regarding No Ethics Permission Required" was sent to the journal by the authors on this subject. The author contributed to all sections and stages of the study alone.

Supporting Institution

No financial support was received for the conduct of the research.


  • AGUILERA, Ruth, DESENDER, Kurt ve LÓPEZ-PUERTAS LAMY, Monica (2021), “Bridging Accounting and Corporate Governance: New Avenues of Research”, The International Journal of Accounting, S.56(1), ss.1-21.
  • AGUINIS, Herman ve GLAVAS, Ante (2012), “What We Know and Don’t Know About Corporate Social Responsibility: A Review and Research Agenda”, Journal of Management, S.38(4), ss.932-968.
  • ANAGNOSTOPOULOU, Seraina C., TSEKREKOS, Andrianos E. ve VOULGARIS, Georgios (2021), “Accounting Conservatism and Corporate Social Responsibility”, The British Accounting Review, S.53(4), ss.100942(1-59).
  • ARIA, Massimo ve CUCCURULLO, Corrado (2017), “Bibliometrix: An R-tool for Comprehensive Science Mapping Analysis”, Journal of Informetrics, S.11(4), ss.959-975.
  • BAKARICH, Kathleen M., HOFFMANN, Marissa, MARCY, Amanda ve O’BRIEN, Patrick (2023), “Accountants’ Views on Sustainability Reporting: A Generational Divide”, Current Issues in Auditing, S.17(1), ss.22-35.
  • BALL, Rafael (2017), An Introduction to Bibliometrics: New Development and Trends, Chandos Publishing, Newland Park – Hull (UK).
  • BOSI, Mathew Kevin, LAJUNI, Nelson, WELLFREN, Avnner Chardles ve LIM, Thien Sang (2022), “Sustainability Reporting through Environmental, Social, and Governance: A Bibliometric Review”, Sustainability, S.14(19), S.12071(1-22).
  • BURKE, Qing, CHEN, Po-Chang ve LOBO, Gerald J. (2020), “Is Corporate Social Responsibility Performance Related to Conditional Accounting Conservatism?”, Accounting Horizons, S.34(2), ss.19-40.
  • CHAKRAVARTHY, Jivas, DEHAAN, Ed ve RAJGOPAL, Shivaram (2014), “Reputation Repair After A Serious Restatement”, The accounting review, S.89(4), ss.1329-1363.
  • CHENG, Chia-Ling ve KUNG, Fan-Hua (2016), “The Effects of Mandatory Corporate Social Responsibility Policy on Accounting Conservatism”, Review of Accounting and Finance, S.15(1), ss.2-20.
  • CHO, Charles (2020), “CSR Accounting ‘New Wave’researchers:‘Step up to the Plate’… or ‘Stay Out of the Game”, Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems, S.19(4), ss.626-650.
  • CHO, Seong-Yeon, KANG, Pyung Kyung, LEE, Cheol ve PARK, Cheong (2020), “Financial Reporting Conservatism and Voluntary CSR Disclosure”, Accounting Horizons, S.34(2), ss.63-82.
  • CHOI, Jun Hyeok, KIM, Saerona, YANG, Dong-Hoon ve CHO, Kwanghee (2021), “Can Corporate Social Responsibility Decrease the Negative Influence of Financial Distress on Accounting Quality?”, Sustainability, S.13(19), ss.11124(1-19).
  • CHRISTENSEN, Hans B., HAIL, Luzi ve LEUZ, Christian (2021), “Mandatory CSR and Sustainability Reporting: Economic Analysis and Literature Review”, Review of Accounting Studies, S.26(3), ss.1176-1248.
  • D’AMATO, Alessia, HENDERSON, Sybil ve FLORENCE, Sue (2009), Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business A Guide to Leadership Tasks and Functions, Center for Creative Leadership Press, Greensboro.
  • DAHLSRUD, Alexander (2008), “How Corporate Social Responsibility is Defined: An Analysis of 37 Definitions”, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, S.15(1), ss.1-13.
  • DAŞTAN, Abdulkerim ve BELLİKLİ, Uğur (2015), “Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk ve Muhasebe Etkileşimi: Türkiye’de Kurumsal Yönetim Endeksine Dâhil İşletmelerde Bir Araştırma”, Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, S.10(1), ss.177-208.
  • DONTHU, Naveen, KUMAR, Satish, MUKHERJEE, Debmalya, PANDEY, Nitesh ve LIM, Weng Marc (2021), “How to Conduct a Bibliometric Analysis: An Overview and Guidelines”, Journal of Business Research, S.133, ss.285-296.
  • ELLEGAARD, Ole ve WALLIN, Johan A. (2015), “The Bibliometric Analysis of Scholarly Production: How Great is the Impact?”, Scientometrics, S.105, ss.1809-1831.
  • ERIQAT, Ibrahim, TAHIR, Muhammad ve ZULKAFLI, Abdul Hadı (2024), “The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure on Corporate Reputation: The Moderating Role of National Culture in Financial Industries of MENA Region”, Cogent Business & Management, S.11(1), ss.2391120(1-23).
  • FATIMA, Tahniyath ve ELBANNA, Said (2023), “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Implementation: A Review and a Research Agenda Towards an Integrative Framework”, Journal of Business Ethics, S.183(1), ss.105-121.
  • FREDERICK, William Crittenden, DAVIS, Keith ve POST, James (1992), Business and Society: Corporate Strategy, Public Policy, Ethics, McGraw-Hill Publisher, New York (US).
  • GODKER, Katrin ve MERTINS, Lasse (2018), “CSR Disclosure and Investor Behavior: A Proposed Framework and Research Agenda”, Behavioral Research in Accounting, S.30(2), ss.37-53.
  • GUNAWAN, Juniati (2019), “The Development of Corporate Social Responsibility Iin Accounting Research: Evidence from Indonesia”, Social Responsibility Journal, S.15(5), ss.671-688.
  • GUO, Jun, KIM, Sungsoo, YU, Yang ve KIM, Jung Yeun (2021), “Does CFO Accounting Expertise Matter to Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure in 10-Ks?”, Journal of Applied Accounting Research, S.22(5), ss.800-822.
  • HELAFAYA, Akrum, WHITTINGTON, Mark ve ALAWATTAGE, Chandana (2019), “Exploring the Quality of Corporate Environmental Reporting: Surveying Preparers’ and Users’ Perceptions”, Accounting, Auditing ve Accountability Journal, S.32(1), ss.163-193.
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There are 71 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Corporate Social Responsibility, Accounting Theory and Standards, Sustainability Accounting and Reporting
Journal Section Articles

Halenur Yılmaz 0000-0002-1219-9622

Publication Date January 8, 2025
Submission Date October 17, 2024
Acceptance Date January 5, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Yılmaz, H. (2025). Muhasebe Çerçevesinde Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk: Bibliyometrik Bir Analiz. Uluslararası Yönetim Akademisi Dergisi, 7(4), 1015-1032.