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AB'nin Kasıtsız Jeopolitiği ve Stratejik - Operasyonel İşlevlerin "Avrupalılaştırılması": AB Siyasi Yeteneğinin Testi Olarak Mare Nostrum ve Triton Misyonları

Year 2021, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 22 - 43, 30.04.2021


Avrupa bütünleşmesi farklı bağlamlarda, II.Dünya Savaşı'ndan sonra, olası gerilimlere karşıt olarak, ama aynı zamanda yüzyıllar içinde farklı türetilmiş idealistler tarafından geliştirilen bir projenin gerçekleştirilmesi olarak başladı. Ana amacı, genellikle farklı komşu idari alanları çaresiz ama anlamsız savaşlarda birbirleriyle savaşmaya götüren rekabetlerin üstesinden gelmek olacaktır. Kıtanın periyodik olarak maruz kaldığı, yönetilmesi gereken bu tür gerilimler, stratejik ve jeopolitik ölçekte AB için entegrasyonda daha ileri bir adımın zorluğunu, yani aniden ortaya çıkabilecek farklı risklerle yüzleşebilecek bazı operatif cihazların oluşturulmasını gerektirmektedir. Son zamanlarda güvenlik ve aynı zamanda insani ve daha geniş sivil çıkarımlar göz önünde bulundurularak yeni bir şekilde karşı karşıya kalınması gereken kitlesel göç meselesidir.


  • AA.VV. (2012), L’impatto Delle Primavere Arabe Sui Flussi Migratori Regionali E Verso l’Italia, A Cura Del Cespi (Centro Studi Di Politica Internazionale), Osservatorio di Politica Internazionale, N.59, (Date of Access: 30.01.2021).
  • AA.VV. (2014), Italia: Mare Nostrum Davanti A Una Svolta (Aur. Fabio Caffio), E-Article (19.09.2014), (Date of Access: 27.01.2015).
  • AA.VV. (2015), La Fine Di “Mare Nostrum”, E-Article (04.01.2015), (Date of Access: 28.01.2015).
  • AMBASCIATA DELLA REPUBBLICA DI SLOVENIA ROMA (2014), Slovenia e Italia Insieme Nella Missione Mare Nostrum, E-Article, (Write Date: 07.01.2014), (Date of Access: 30.01.2021).
  • BAILES, Alyson J. K. and THORHALLSSON, Baldur (2013), "Instrumentalizing the European Union in Small State Strategies", Journal of European Integration, S.35(2), ss.99-115.
  • BLASUTIG, Gabriele (2001), Capitalismi Tra Varietà e Convergenza, ISIG, Gorizia.
  • BRADY, Hugo (2014), “Mare Europaeum? Tackling Mediterranean Migration”, European Union Institute for Security Studies, S.25, (Date of Access: 27.01.2015).
  • BULL, Hedley (1977), The Anarchical Society: A Study of Order in World Politics, Macmillan Publisher, London (UK).
  • BULL, Hedley (1982), “Civilian Power Europe: a Contradiction in Terms?”, Journal of Common Market Studies, S.21(1), ss.149-170.
  • CACCIOTTI, Chiara (2014), “Immigrazione, Cosa Cambia da Mare Nostrum a Triton”, Daylistorm (E-Article), (Write Date: 01.11.2014), (Date of Access: 16.04.2015).
  • CARRERA, Sergio and DEN HERTOG, Leonhard (2015), “Whose Mare? Rule of Law Challenges in The Field of European Border Surveillance in The Mediterranean”, CEPS Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels, (Write Date: 27.01.2015, (16.04.2015).
  • COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION (2003), Programme of Measures to Combat Illegal Immigration Across The Maritime Borders of The European Union, Doc. 13791/03 FRONT 146 COMIX 631, 21/10/2003, (Date of Access: 16.04.2015).
  • DCAF (2013), “The Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces”, 2013 Annual Report, (Date of Access: 09.12.2014).
  • De FRANCE, Olivier and WITNEY, Nick (2013), “Europe’s Strategic Cacophony”, Policy Brief - European Council on Foreign Relations, (Date of Access: 13.03.2014).
  • DIEZ, Thomas, MANNERS, Ian and WHITMAN, Richard (2011), “The Changing Nature of International Institutions in Europe: The Challenge of The European Union”, Journal of European Integration, S.33(2), ss.117-138.
  • DOSTÁL, Petr (2010), Multi-Speed European Union, Edice Geographica Publisher, Prague.
  • EEAS (2013), The External Dimension of The EU Asylum Policy – The EU's Regional Protection Programmes, (Write Date: 12.12.2013), (Date of Access: 16.04.2015).
  • EHRHART, Hans Georg and PETRETTO, Kerstin (2014), “Stabilizing Somalia: Can The EU’s Comprehensive Approach Work?”, European Security, S.23(2), ss.179-194.
  • EHRHART, Hans Georg, HEGEMANN, Hendrik and KAHL, Martin (2014), “Putting Security Governance to The Test: Conceptual, Empirical And Normative Challenges”, European Security, S.23(2), ss.119-125.
  • EU COMMISSION (2015), Integrated Maritime Surveillance, EU Commission, (Date of Access: 16.04.2015).
  • EU COMMISSION PRESS RELEASE (2015), European Commission Stands by Italy on Coping With Migratory Pressure on Lampedusa, EU Commission, (Write Date: 19.02.2015), (Date of Access: 16.04.2015).
  • EUR-LEX EUROPA (2015), “REGULATION (EU) No 656/2014, of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 Establishing Rules for the Surveillance of the External Sea Borders In The Context of Operational Cooperation Coordinated by the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union”, Official Journal of the European Union (27.06.2014 – L 189/93),
  • (Date of Access: 16.04.2015).
  • EUROPEAN COMMISSION MEMO (2014), Frontex Joint Operation 'Triton' – Concerted Efforts for Managing Migrator Flows in The Central Mediterranean, EU Commission, (Write Date: 31.10.2014), (Date of Access: 16/04/2015).
  • EUROPEAN COUNCIL (2014), Consil Meeting, EU Commission, (Date of Access: 20/10/2014).
  • EUROPEAN DEFENCE AGENCY (2014), “European Defence Matters”, European Structural Funds, Acting on defence Capability Gaps, (Date of Access: 20.10.2014).
  • EUROPEAN EXTERNAL ACTION SERVICES (2014), Security Strategy for Europe, EU Commission, (Date of Access: 09.12.2014).
  • EUROPEAN UNION (2009), European Security and Defence Policy, Development of European Military Capabilities, E-Document, (Date of Access: 23.10.2014).
  • EUROPEAN UNION (2013), Verso un Settore Europeo Della Difesa E Della Sicurezza Più Competitivo Ed Efficiente, Bruxelles, (Date of Access: 20.10.2014).
  • FANULI, Federica (2014), L’Operazione “Mare Nostrum”, (Date: 05.09.2014), (Date of Access: 27.01.2015).
  • FINAL REPORT (2013), by the High Representative/Head of the EDA on the Common Security and Defence Policy, E-Document, (Date of Access: 23.10.2014).
  • FRONTEX (2012), Annual Risk Analysis 2012, E-Analysis, (Date of Access: 05.06.2014).
  • FRONTEX (2014), Frontex Launches The Joint Operation Triton, E-Document, (Date of Access: 16.04.2015).
  • FRONTEX (2014), Operation Triton Winter Delelopments, E-Document, (Date of Access: 16.04.2015).
  • GELLNER, Ernest (1997), Nazioni e Nazionalismo, Editori Riuniti, Roma.
  • GERMOND, Basil (2011), “The EU’s Security and The Sea: Defining a Maritime Security Strategy”, European Security, S.20(4), ss.563-584.
  • GOIO, Franco and SPIZZO Daniel (2001), Nazione, Istituzioni, Politica, Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste.
  • HAALAND MATLARY, Janne (2009), European Union Security Dynamics: in The New National Interest, Palgrave Macmillan Publisher, Basingstoke.
  • HABERMAS, Jürgen (2002), Storia e Critica Dell'opinione Pubblica, Laterza, Roma/Bari.
  • HELLER, Wilfried (2011), Identitäten und Imaginationen der Bevölkerung in Grenzräumen: Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa im Spannungsfeld von Regionalismus, Zentralismus, europäischem Integrationsprozess und Globalisierung, Berlin LIT Verlag, Berlin.
  • IANNONE, C (2014), “Spesa Militare Europea: Analisi Economica E Strategie”, FMC – Fondazione Magna Carta, (Date of Access: 15.04.2014).
  • ITALIAN NAVY (2015), Mare Nostrum Operation, E-Document, (Date of Access: 16.04.2015).
  • JELEN, Igor (2012), Appunti di Geografia Politica ed Economica, Aracne, Roma.
  • JELEN, Igor and ZILLI, Sergio (2015), Euro Difesa, Centro Militare di Studi Strategici, Roma, (Date of Access: 16.04.2019).
  • KAUNERT, Christian, LÈONARD, Sarah and MACKENZIE, Alex (2012), “The Social Construction of an EU Interest in Counter-Terrorism: US Influence and Internal Struggles in The Cases of PNR and SWIFT”, European Security, S.21(4), ss.474-496.
  • KIRCHNER, Emil and DOMINGUEZ, Roberto (2013), UNU-CRIS Working Papers, W-2013/8: Security Governance in a Comparative Regional Perspective, United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies, Brugge (Belgium), (Date of Access: 16.04.2019).
  • KOHLER – KOCH, Beate and RITTBERGER, Berhold (2006), “The ‘Governance Turn’ in EU Studies: Review Article”, Journal of Common Market Studies, S.44(1), ss.27-49.
  • LATZA NADEAU, Barbie (2014), “Inside the Smuggling Networks Flooding Europe with Refugees”, The Daily Beast (Write Date: 14.12.2014), (Date of Access: 16.04.2015).
  • LUTTERBECK, Derek (2006), “Policing Migration in the Mediterranean”, Mediterranean Politics, S.11(1), ss.59-82.
  • MANNERS, Ian and WHITMAN, Richard G. (2003), “The 'Difference Engine': Constructing and Representing the International Identity of the European Union”, Journal of European Public Policy, S.10(3), ss.380-404.
  • MINISTERO DELLA DIFESA (2013), “Mare Nostrum: la Slovenia Partecipa All’operazione Umanitaria”, Ministero Della Difesa, (Date of Access: 30.01.2021).
  • MINISTERO DELLA DIFESA (2015), “Contributo delle Forze Armate”, Ministero Della Difesa, (Date of Access: 29.01.2015).
  • NATO - NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION (2010), “Active Engagement, Modern Defence”, Strategic Concept for the Defence and Security of the Members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Adopted by Heads of State and Government in Lisbon, 19-20 November 2010, (Date of Access: 09.12.2014).
  • ORGANIZATION FOR COOPERATION AND SECURITY IN EUROPA (2003), OSCE Strategy to Address Treaths to Security and Stability in the Twenty-First Century, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Publisher, (Date: 02.12.2003), (Date of Access: 09.12.2014).
  • PARLIAMENT UK (2014), “Written Answers”, Parliament UK, Iraq - (Date:15.10.2014) (Date of Access: 09.12.2014).
  • PASTA, Stefano (2014), Il capo di Stato Maggiore della Marina in Senato: “Mare Nostrum attirava i profughi? È una sciocchezza”, (Date: 16.12.2014), (Date of Access: 27.01.2015).
  • REPUBBLICA ITALIANA, MINISTERO DELLA DIFESA (2014), Linee Programmatiche, Intervento del Ministro Pinotti in Sede di Audizione Presso Le Commissioni Difesa di Camera e Senato il 12 Marzo 2014, E-Document, (Date of Access: 10.04.2014).
  • RUMLEY, Dennis and MINGHI, Julian V. (1991), The Geography of Border Landscapes, Routledge, Londra.
  • SCHARR, Kurt and STEINICKE, Ernst (2012), Vom Euphorischen Aufbruch in die Realität des Alltags, 1989 - 2010 Zwei Jahrzehnte Trasformationsforschung, Innsbruck University Press, Innsbruck.
  • SELBY, Jan (2013), “The Myth of Liberal Peace-Building”, Conflict, Security & Development, S.13, ss.57-86.
  • SEPOS, Angelos (2013), “Imperial Power Europe? The EU’s Relations with the ACP Countries”, Journal of Political Power, S.6(2), ss.261-287.
  • SERVIZIO STUDI DEL SENATO (2015), Immigrazione: Cenni Introduttivi, N.210, XVII Legislatura.
  • SIPRI (2013), SIPRI Yearbook 2013: Armaments, Disarmament and International Security, Oxford University Press, Oxford (UK), (Date of Access: 16.04.2015).
  • THE GUARDIAN (2015), “More than 2,000 Migrants from Libya Rescued by Italian Coastguard”, The Guardian, (Date of Access: 16.04.2015).
  • TIMES OF MALTA (2014), “Malmström: Frontex Cannot Substitute Italy’s Mare Nostrum Operation”, Times of Malta (Write Date: 09.07.2014), (Date of Access: 16.04.2015).
  • VAN SCHAIK, Louise and TER HAAR, Barend (2013), “Why the EU is Not Promoting Effective Multilateralism”, Clingendael Policy Brief, S.21, ss.1-6, (Date of Access: 30.03.2014).
  • VISVIZI, Anna and STĘPNIEWSKI, Tomasz (2013), “Security Dimensions of Central and Eastern Europa”, Yearbook of the Institute of East-Central Europa, S.11(5), Lublin.
  • WEIXLBAUMER, N (2013), ‘“Möglichkeitsräume’ und Grenzüberschreitende Kooperationen am Südostrand der Alpen: Dossier einer interuniversitären Exkursion von Wien nach Triest”, Grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit Leben und Erforschen (Ed. J. Beck, B. Wassenberg), Studien zur Geschichte der Europäischen Integration, Stuttgart, ss.155-164.
  • WINTERSTEINER, Werner, GOMBOS, Georg and GRONOLD, Daniela (2010), Border Dis/Solutions: Multilingualism, Transculturality and Education, Wieser Verlag, Klagenfurt.
  • ZERNATTO, Guido (1944), “Nation: The History of a Word”, The Review of Politics, S.6, ss.351-366.

EU Non-Intentional Geopolitics and The “Europeanisation” of Strategic - Operative Functions: Mare Nostrum and Triton Missions as a Test of EU Political Capability

Year 2021, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 22 - 43, 30.04.2021


European integration started in different contexts, after the World War II, as an answer to contingent tensions, but also as the realization of a project elaborated in the centuries by idealists of different derivation. Its main aim would be that of overcoming rivalries that often brought the different contiguous counties to fighting each other in desperate but non-sense wars. Such kind of tensions, the continent is periodically exposed to, need to be managed, requiring for the EU the challenge of a further step in the integration, namely the formation of some operative device, capable of facing the different risks, that may appear suddenly at strategic and geo-political scale. It is the case, recently, of mass immigration, that need to be faced with in a new way, considering security, but also human and wider civil implications.


  • AA.VV. (2012), L’impatto Delle Primavere Arabe Sui Flussi Migratori Regionali E Verso l’Italia, A Cura Del Cespi (Centro Studi Di Politica Internazionale), Osservatorio di Politica Internazionale, N.59, (Date of Access: 30.01.2021).
  • AA.VV. (2014), Italia: Mare Nostrum Davanti A Una Svolta (Aur. Fabio Caffio), E-Article (19.09.2014), (Date of Access: 27.01.2015).
  • AA.VV. (2015), La Fine Di “Mare Nostrum”, E-Article (04.01.2015), (Date of Access: 28.01.2015).
  • AMBASCIATA DELLA REPUBBLICA DI SLOVENIA ROMA (2014), Slovenia e Italia Insieme Nella Missione Mare Nostrum, E-Article, (Write Date: 07.01.2014), (Date of Access: 30.01.2021).
  • BAILES, Alyson J. K. and THORHALLSSON, Baldur (2013), "Instrumentalizing the European Union in Small State Strategies", Journal of European Integration, S.35(2), ss.99-115.
  • BLASUTIG, Gabriele (2001), Capitalismi Tra Varietà e Convergenza, ISIG, Gorizia.
  • BRADY, Hugo (2014), “Mare Europaeum? Tackling Mediterranean Migration”, European Union Institute for Security Studies, S.25, (Date of Access: 27.01.2015).
  • BULL, Hedley (1977), The Anarchical Society: A Study of Order in World Politics, Macmillan Publisher, London (UK).
  • BULL, Hedley (1982), “Civilian Power Europe: a Contradiction in Terms?”, Journal of Common Market Studies, S.21(1), ss.149-170.
  • CACCIOTTI, Chiara (2014), “Immigrazione, Cosa Cambia da Mare Nostrum a Triton”, Daylistorm (E-Article), (Write Date: 01.11.2014), (Date of Access: 16.04.2015).
  • CARRERA, Sergio and DEN HERTOG, Leonhard (2015), “Whose Mare? Rule of Law Challenges in The Field of European Border Surveillance in The Mediterranean”, CEPS Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels, (Write Date: 27.01.2015, (16.04.2015).
  • COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION (2003), Programme of Measures to Combat Illegal Immigration Across The Maritime Borders of The European Union, Doc. 13791/03 FRONT 146 COMIX 631, 21/10/2003, (Date of Access: 16.04.2015).
  • DCAF (2013), “The Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces”, 2013 Annual Report, (Date of Access: 09.12.2014).
  • De FRANCE, Olivier and WITNEY, Nick (2013), “Europe’s Strategic Cacophony”, Policy Brief - European Council on Foreign Relations, (Date of Access: 13.03.2014).
  • DIEZ, Thomas, MANNERS, Ian and WHITMAN, Richard (2011), “The Changing Nature of International Institutions in Europe: The Challenge of The European Union”, Journal of European Integration, S.33(2), ss.117-138.
  • DOSTÁL, Petr (2010), Multi-Speed European Union, Edice Geographica Publisher, Prague.
  • EEAS (2013), The External Dimension of The EU Asylum Policy – The EU's Regional Protection Programmes, (Write Date: 12.12.2013), (Date of Access: 16.04.2015).
  • EHRHART, Hans Georg and PETRETTO, Kerstin (2014), “Stabilizing Somalia: Can The EU’s Comprehensive Approach Work?”, European Security, S.23(2), ss.179-194.
  • EHRHART, Hans Georg, HEGEMANN, Hendrik and KAHL, Martin (2014), “Putting Security Governance to The Test: Conceptual, Empirical And Normative Challenges”, European Security, S.23(2), ss.119-125.
  • EU COMMISSION (2015), Integrated Maritime Surveillance, EU Commission, (Date of Access: 16.04.2015).
  • EU COMMISSION PRESS RELEASE (2015), European Commission Stands by Italy on Coping With Migratory Pressure on Lampedusa, EU Commission, (Write Date: 19.02.2015), (Date of Access: 16.04.2015).
  • EUR-LEX EUROPA (2015), “REGULATION (EU) No 656/2014, of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 Establishing Rules for the Surveillance of the External Sea Borders In The Context of Operational Cooperation Coordinated by the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union”, Official Journal of the European Union (27.06.2014 – L 189/93),
  • (Date of Access: 16.04.2015).
  • EUROPEAN COMMISSION MEMO (2014), Frontex Joint Operation 'Triton' – Concerted Efforts for Managing Migrator Flows in The Central Mediterranean, EU Commission, (Write Date: 31.10.2014), (Date of Access: 16/04/2015).
  • EUROPEAN COUNCIL (2014), Consil Meeting, EU Commission, (Date of Access: 20/10/2014).
  • EUROPEAN DEFENCE AGENCY (2014), “European Defence Matters”, European Structural Funds, Acting on defence Capability Gaps, (Date of Access: 20.10.2014).
  • EUROPEAN EXTERNAL ACTION SERVICES (2014), Security Strategy for Europe, EU Commission, (Date of Access: 09.12.2014).
  • EUROPEAN UNION (2009), European Security and Defence Policy, Development of European Military Capabilities, E-Document, (Date of Access: 23.10.2014).
  • EUROPEAN UNION (2013), Verso un Settore Europeo Della Difesa E Della Sicurezza Più Competitivo Ed Efficiente, Bruxelles, (Date of Access: 20.10.2014).
  • FANULI, Federica (2014), L’Operazione “Mare Nostrum”, (Date: 05.09.2014), (Date of Access: 27.01.2015).
  • FINAL REPORT (2013), by the High Representative/Head of the EDA on the Common Security and Defence Policy, E-Document, (Date of Access: 23.10.2014).
  • FRONTEX (2012), Annual Risk Analysis 2012, E-Analysis, (Date of Access: 05.06.2014).
  • FRONTEX (2014), Frontex Launches The Joint Operation Triton, E-Document, (Date of Access: 16.04.2015).
  • FRONTEX (2014), Operation Triton Winter Delelopments, E-Document, (Date of Access: 16.04.2015).
  • GELLNER, Ernest (1997), Nazioni e Nazionalismo, Editori Riuniti, Roma.
  • GERMOND, Basil (2011), “The EU’s Security and The Sea: Defining a Maritime Security Strategy”, European Security, S.20(4), ss.563-584.
  • GOIO, Franco and SPIZZO Daniel (2001), Nazione, Istituzioni, Politica, Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste.
  • HAALAND MATLARY, Janne (2009), European Union Security Dynamics: in The New National Interest, Palgrave Macmillan Publisher, Basingstoke.
  • HABERMAS, Jürgen (2002), Storia e Critica Dell'opinione Pubblica, Laterza, Roma/Bari.
  • HELLER, Wilfried (2011), Identitäten und Imaginationen der Bevölkerung in Grenzräumen: Ostmittel- und Südosteuropa im Spannungsfeld von Regionalismus, Zentralismus, europäischem Integrationsprozess und Globalisierung, Berlin LIT Verlag, Berlin.
  • IANNONE, C (2014), “Spesa Militare Europea: Analisi Economica E Strategie”, FMC – Fondazione Magna Carta, (Date of Access: 15.04.2014).
  • ITALIAN NAVY (2015), Mare Nostrum Operation, E-Document, (Date of Access: 16.04.2015).
  • JELEN, Igor (2012), Appunti di Geografia Politica ed Economica, Aracne, Roma.
  • JELEN, Igor and ZILLI, Sergio (2015), Euro Difesa, Centro Militare di Studi Strategici, Roma, (Date of Access: 16.04.2019).
  • KAUNERT, Christian, LÈONARD, Sarah and MACKENZIE, Alex (2012), “The Social Construction of an EU Interest in Counter-Terrorism: US Influence and Internal Struggles in The Cases of PNR and SWIFT”, European Security, S.21(4), ss.474-496.
  • KIRCHNER, Emil and DOMINGUEZ, Roberto (2013), UNU-CRIS Working Papers, W-2013/8: Security Governance in a Comparative Regional Perspective, United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies, Brugge (Belgium), (Date of Access: 16.04.2019).
  • KOHLER – KOCH, Beate and RITTBERGER, Berhold (2006), “The ‘Governance Turn’ in EU Studies: Review Article”, Journal of Common Market Studies, S.44(1), ss.27-49.
  • LATZA NADEAU, Barbie (2014), “Inside the Smuggling Networks Flooding Europe with Refugees”, The Daily Beast (Write Date: 14.12.2014), (Date of Access: 16.04.2015).
  • LUTTERBECK, Derek (2006), “Policing Migration in the Mediterranean”, Mediterranean Politics, S.11(1), ss.59-82.
  • MANNERS, Ian and WHITMAN, Richard G. (2003), “The 'Difference Engine': Constructing and Representing the International Identity of the European Union”, Journal of European Public Policy, S.10(3), ss.380-404.
  • MINISTERO DELLA DIFESA (2013), “Mare Nostrum: la Slovenia Partecipa All’operazione Umanitaria”, Ministero Della Difesa, (Date of Access: 30.01.2021).
  • MINISTERO DELLA DIFESA (2015), “Contributo delle Forze Armate”, Ministero Della Difesa, (Date of Access: 29.01.2015).
  • NATO - NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION (2010), “Active Engagement, Modern Defence”, Strategic Concept for the Defence and Security of the Members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation Adopted by Heads of State and Government in Lisbon, 19-20 November 2010, (Date of Access: 09.12.2014).
  • ORGANIZATION FOR COOPERATION AND SECURITY IN EUROPA (2003), OSCE Strategy to Address Treaths to Security and Stability in the Twenty-First Century, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Publisher, (Date: 02.12.2003), (Date of Access: 09.12.2014).
  • PARLIAMENT UK (2014), “Written Answers”, Parliament UK, Iraq - (Date:15.10.2014) (Date of Access: 09.12.2014).
  • PASTA, Stefano (2014), Il capo di Stato Maggiore della Marina in Senato: “Mare Nostrum attirava i profughi? È una sciocchezza”, (Date: 16.12.2014), (Date of Access: 27.01.2015).
  • REPUBBLICA ITALIANA, MINISTERO DELLA DIFESA (2014), Linee Programmatiche, Intervento del Ministro Pinotti in Sede di Audizione Presso Le Commissioni Difesa di Camera e Senato il 12 Marzo 2014, E-Document, (Date of Access: 10.04.2014).
  • RUMLEY, Dennis and MINGHI, Julian V. (1991), The Geography of Border Landscapes, Routledge, Londra.
  • SCHARR, Kurt and STEINICKE, Ernst (2012), Vom Euphorischen Aufbruch in die Realität des Alltags, 1989 - 2010 Zwei Jahrzehnte Trasformationsforschung, Innsbruck University Press, Innsbruck.
  • SELBY, Jan (2013), “The Myth of Liberal Peace-Building”, Conflict, Security & Development, S.13, ss.57-86.
  • SEPOS, Angelos (2013), “Imperial Power Europe? The EU’s Relations with the ACP Countries”, Journal of Political Power, S.6(2), ss.261-287.
  • SERVIZIO STUDI DEL SENATO (2015), Immigrazione: Cenni Introduttivi, N.210, XVII Legislatura.
  • SIPRI (2013), SIPRI Yearbook 2013: Armaments, Disarmament and International Security, Oxford University Press, Oxford (UK), (Date of Access: 16.04.2015).
  • THE GUARDIAN (2015), “More than 2,000 Migrants from Libya Rescued by Italian Coastguard”, The Guardian, (Date of Access: 16.04.2015).
  • TIMES OF MALTA (2014), “Malmström: Frontex Cannot Substitute Italy’s Mare Nostrum Operation”, Times of Malta (Write Date: 09.07.2014), (Date of Access: 16.04.2015).
  • VAN SCHAIK, Louise and TER HAAR, Barend (2013), “Why the EU is Not Promoting Effective Multilateralism”, Clingendael Policy Brief, S.21, ss.1-6, (Date of Access: 30.03.2014).
  • VISVIZI, Anna and STĘPNIEWSKI, Tomasz (2013), “Security Dimensions of Central and Eastern Europa”, Yearbook of the Institute of East-Central Europa, S.11(5), Lublin.
  • WEIXLBAUMER, N (2013), ‘“Möglichkeitsräume’ und Grenzüberschreitende Kooperationen am Südostrand der Alpen: Dossier einer interuniversitären Exkursion von Wien nach Triest”, Grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit Leben und Erforschen (Ed. J. Beck, B. Wassenberg), Studien zur Geschichte der Europäischen Integration, Stuttgart, ss.155-164.
  • WINTERSTEINER, Werner, GOMBOS, Georg and GRONOLD, Daniela (2010), Border Dis/Solutions: Multilingualism, Transculturality and Education, Wieser Verlag, Klagenfurt.
  • ZERNATTO, Guido (1944), “Nation: The History of a Word”, The Review of Politics, S.6, ss.351-366.
There are 70 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Human Geography, Political Science
Journal Section Articles

Igor Jelen 0000-0003-1964-9232

Elisabetta Benedettı 0000-0003-0935-2881

Erica Specogna 0000-0001-6727-6392

Publication Date April 30, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


APA Jelen, I., Benedettı, E., & Specogna, E. (2021). EU Non-Intentional Geopolitics and The “Europeanisation” of Strategic - Operative Functions: Mare Nostrum and Triton Missions as a Test of EU Political Capability. Uluslararası Yönetim Akademisi Dergisi, 4(1), 22-43.

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