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Örgütler Arası Ağların Stratejik Önemine Dair Literatürdeki Güncel Tartışmalar

Year 2021, Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 638 - 659, 31.12.2021


Sosyal ağ teorisinde, insan ve insan olmayan varlıkların bir ağ düzeneği içerisindeki ilişki ve bağlantılarının örgütlerin performanslarında olumlu fark yaratabildikleri akademik yazında üzerinde önemle durulan konulardan biridir. Bu çalışma, örgüt teorisi literatüründe ağ düzenekleri içerisine yerleşmiş örgütlerin, bu ağ düzenekleri dışındaki örgütlerin sahip olamayacağı kaynak ve bilgilere ulaşabileceği konuları üzerine literatürdeki tartışmalara odaklanmaktadır. Literatürde, ne tür örgütler arası ağların mevcut olduğu ve örgütlerin bu ağlara katılma nedenleri hakkındaki tartışmaları tespit etmek ve aynı zamanda ilgili alan yazınına anlamlı bir katkı sunmak amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla, belirli bir tarih aralığında ve kasti örnekleme yöntemi ile seçilen uluslararası akademik dergilerdeki örgütler arası ağların stratejik önemi konusundaki tartışmalar bir arada tablo şeklinde, mevcut tartışma konularının ve ulaşılan bulguların tespit edilmesi yoluyla, literatürdeki tartışmalar ışığında sunulmuştur. Çalışmada konu hakkındaki literatürdeki tartışmalar ortaya konulmuştur. Bu çalışmada konu ile ilgili yorum yapmak ve yeni sentezlere ulaşmak için literatür taramasından elde edilen sonuçlar kronolojik olarak sıralanmış ve bir tabloda birleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada konu ile ilgili kaynaklar gözden geçirilerek, çeşitli görüş ve tutumlara yer verilmiştir. Bu makalede literatür taraması yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Literatür taramasıyla, örgütler arası ağlar konusundaki tartışmaların incelenmesi sonucunda, ilgili kaynakların gözden geçirilmesi, görüşler, tutumlar ve betimlemelerin bulunması sağlanmıştır. Farklı kişilerin aynı konu hakkındaki tartışma konularına ve bulgularına yer verilmiştir. Bu çalışma, örgütsel ağlara dair literatürdeki ağ konusundaki kasti örnekleme yöntemi ile seçilen bazı akademik makalelerdeki temel tartışma konularını ve temel bulgularını anlamak için literatüre teorik bir çerçevede katkıda bulunur. Yapılan literatür taraması sonucunda, örgütler arası ağların stratejik önemi konusunun yaygın bir tartışma alanı olduğu görülmüştür.


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  • ALDRICH, Howard E. ve PFEFFER, Jeffrey (1976), "Environments of Organizations", Annual Review of Sociology, S.2, ss.79-105.
  • ALEKSIC, Ana ve JELAVIC, Sanda Rasic (2017), “Testing for Strategy-Structure Fit and Its Importance for Performance”, Management, S.22, ss.85-102.
  • AXELSSON, Björn ve EASTON, Geoffrey (1992), Industrial Networks: A New View of Reality, Routledge Publisher, London and New York.
  • BARNEY, Jay B. (1991), “Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage”, Journal of Management, S.17(1), ss.99–120.
  • BARNEY, Jay B. ve WRIGHT, Patrick M. (1998), “On Becoming a Strategic Partner: The Role of Human Resources in Gaining Competitive Advantage”, Human Resource Management, S.37(1), ss.31-46.
  • BAUM, Joel A. C. ve OLIVER, Christine (1991), “Institutional Linkages and Organizational Mortality”, Administrative Science Quarterly, S.36(2), ss.187-218.
  • BLASCHKE, Steffen, SCHOENEBORN, Dennis ve SEIDL, David (2012), “Organizations as Networks of Communication Episodes: Turning the Network Perspective Inside Out”, Organization Studies, S.33(7), ss.879–906.
  • BOURDİEU, Pierre (1983), “The Field of Cultural Production, or: The Economic World Reversed”, Poetics, S.12(4-5), ss.311-356.
  • BURT, Ronald S. (1992), Structural Holes: The Social Structure of Competition, Harvard University Press, Cambridge (US).
  • BURT, Ronald S. (1997), “A Note on Social Capital and Network Content”, Social Networks, S.19, ss.355-374.
  • BURTON, Richard M. ve OBEL, Borge (2004), Strategic Organizational Diagnosis and Design: The Dynamics of Fit, Springer Science HBusiness Media Publisher, New York (US), 3.Edition.
  • CARRINGTON, Peter J., SCOTT, John ve WASSERMAN, Stanley (2005), Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis, Cambride University Press, New York (US).
  • CASTELLS, Manuel (1996), The Rise of the Network Society, Blackwell Press, Oxford (UK).
  • CASTELLS, Manuel (2000), “Materials for an Exploratory Theory of the Network Society”, British Journal of Sociology, S.51(1), ss.5-24.
  • CHRISTAKIS, Nicholas ve FOWLER, James (2012), Sosyal Ağların Şaşırtıcı Gücü ve Yaşantımızı Biçimlendiren Etkisi, Varlık Yayınları, İstanbul.
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  • GULATI, Ranjay, NOHRIA, Nitin ve ZAHEER, Akbar (2000), “Strategic Networks”, Strategic Management Journal, S.21(3), ss.203-215.
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  • HOFSTEDE, Geert (1980), Culture’s Consequences: İnternational Differences in Work-Related Values, Sage Publisher, Beverly Hills – CA (US).
  • KANTUR, Deniz (2017), “Sosyal Girişimcilikte Yerleşiklik: Coğrafi Yayılım ve Kültürel Değerlerin Rolü”, Girişimcilik ve İnovasyon Yönetimi Dergisi, S.6(1), ss.173-196.
  • KATZ, Nancy, LAZER, David, ARROW, Holly ve CONTRACTOR, Noshir (2004), “Network Theory and Small Groups”, Small Group Research, S.35(3), ss.307-332.
  • KILDUFF, Martin ve TSAI, Wenpin (2003), Social Networks and Organizations, Sage Publications, London (UK). KILLING, Peter (1983), Strategies for Joint Venture Success, Praeger Publisher, New York (US).
  • KOGUT, Bruce (2000), “The Network as Knowledge: Generative Rules and Emergence of Structure”, Strategic Management Journal, S.21, ss.405-425.
  • KOZAN, Kâmil M. ve AKDENİZ, Levent, (2014), “Role of Strong Versus Weak Networks in Small Business Growth in an Emerging Economy”, Administrative Sciences, S.4, ss.35-50.
  • LUO, Yadong ve PARK, Seung H. (2001), “Strategic Alignment and Performance of Market Seeking MNCs in China”, Strategic Management Journal, S.22(2), ss.141-155.
  • LUTHANS, Fred (2007), “Hope, Optimism and Other Business Assets: Why Psychological Capital is so Valuable to Your Company”, Gallup Management Journal, January 11,, (Erişim Tarihi: 13.07.2021).
  • LUTHANS, Fred, AVEY, James, AVOLIO Bruce, NORMAN, Steven ve COMBS, Gwendolyn (2006), “Psychological Capital Development: Toward a Micro Intervention”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, S.27(3), ss.387-393.
  • MIERSCH, Yvonne T. (2017), “Beyond Trust: Towards a Practice-Based Understanding of Governing Network Organizations”, Journal of Management & Governance, S.21(2), ss.473-498.
  • MILES, Raymond E. ve SNOW, Charles C. (1984), “Designing Strategic Human Resources Systems”, Organizational Dynamics, S.13(1), ss.36-52.
  • MILES, Raymond E. ve SNOW, Charles C. (1995), “The New Network Firm: A Spherical Structure Built on A Human Investment Philosophy”, Organizational Dynamics, S.23(4), ss.4-18.
  • MOLLER, Kristian ve HALINEN, Aino (2017), “Managing Business and Innovation Networks-From Strategic Nets to Business Felds and Ecosystems”, Industrial Marketing Management, S.67, ss.5-22.
  • MOLLER, Kristian, PARTANEN, Jukka, RAJALA, Arto, WESTERLUND, Mika, RAJALA, Risto ve SVAHN, Senja (2005), “Role of Partnerships and Networks in SME Innovation and Growth”, The 21st Annual IMP Conference: Dealing with Dualities, 1-3 Septenber 2005, RSM Erasmus University Publisher, Rotterdam, (Erişim Tarihi: 03.05.2021).
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  • ÖZKAN CANBOLAT, Ela (2008), “Örgütsel Ağ Düzeneğinin Örgütsel Alandaki Çeşitlilik ve Değişime Etkisi: Çankırı Örneği”, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Başkent Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • ÖZKAN CANBOLAT, Ela ve ÇELİKSOY, Emine (2015), “Marketing Strategy Choice of Members of a Franchise Network: The Case of Simit Sarayı”, International Journal of Economics: Commerce and Management, S.III(1), ss.1-25.
  • PARTANEN, Jukka ve MOLLER, Kristian (2012), “How to Build a Strategic Network: A Practitioner-Oriented Process Model for the ICT Sector”, Industrial Marketing Management, S.41(3), ss.481-494.
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Current Discussions in the Literature on the Strategic Importance of Interorganizational Networks

Year 2021, Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 638 - 659, 31.12.2021


In social network theory, it is one of the issues that are emphasized in the academic literature that the relationships and connections of human and non-human beings within a network mechanism can make a positive difference in the performance of organizations. This study focuses on the discussions in the literature on the issues in which organizations located in network mechanisms can access resources and information that organizations outside of these network mechanisms cannot have in the literature of organization theory. In the literature, it is aimed to identify the debates about what kind of inter-organizational networks exist and the reasons for organizations to join these networks, and also to make a meaningful contribution to the relevant literature. For this purpose, the discussions on the strategic importance of inter-organizational networks in international academic journals selected with the deliberate sampling method in a certain date range are presented in the form of a table, in the light of the discussions in the literature, by determining the current discussion topics and the findings reached. In the study, the discussions in the literature on the subject were revealed. In this study, the results obtained from the literature review were arranged chronologically and combined in a table in order to comment on the subject and reach new syntheses. In this study, various opinions and attitudes are included by reviewing the sources related to the subject. In this article, literature review method was used. As a result of examining the discussions on inter-organizational networks with the literature review, it was ensured that the relevant sources were reviewed, opinions, attitudes and descriptions were found. Discussion topics and findings of different people on the same subject are included. This study contributes to the literature in a theoretical framework in order to understand the main discussion topics and main findings in some academic articles selected by the deliberate sampling method on the network in the literature on organizational networks. As a result of the literature review, it was seen that the strategic importance of inter-organizational networks is a common area of discussion.


  • ADLER, Paul ve KWON, Seok Woo (2002), “Social Capital: Prospects for a New Concept”, Academy of Management Review, S.27(1), ss.17-40.
  • ALDRICH, Howard E. ve PFEFFER, Jeffrey (1976), "Environments of Organizations", Annual Review of Sociology, S.2, ss.79-105.
  • ALEKSIC, Ana ve JELAVIC, Sanda Rasic (2017), “Testing for Strategy-Structure Fit and Its Importance for Performance”, Management, S.22, ss.85-102.
  • AXELSSON, Björn ve EASTON, Geoffrey (1992), Industrial Networks: A New View of Reality, Routledge Publisher, London and New York.
  • BARNEY, Jay B. (1991), “Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage”, Journal of Management, S.17(1), ss.99–120.
  • BARNEY, Jay B. ve WRIGHT, Patrick M. (1998), “On Becoming a Strategic Partner: The Role of Human Resources in Gaining Competitive Advantage”, Human Resource Management, S.37(1), ss.31-46.
  • BAUM, Joel A. C. ve OLIVER, Christine (1991), “Institutional Linkages and Organizational Mortality”, Administrative Science Quarterly, S.36(2), ss.187-218.
  • BLASCHKE, Steffen, SCHOENEBORN, Dennis ve SEIDL, David (2012), “Organizations as Networks of Communication Episodes: Turning the Network Perspective Inside Out”, Organization Studies, S.33(7), ss.879–906.
  • BOURDİEU, Pierre (1983), “The Field of Cultural Production, or: The Economic World Reversed”, Poetics, S.12(4-5), ss.311-356.
  • BURT, Ronald S. (1992), Structural Holes: The Social Structure of Competition, Harvard University Press, Cambridge (US).
  • BURT, Ronald S. (1997), “A Note on Social Capital and Network Content”, Social Networks, S.19, ss.355-374.
  • BURTON, Richard M. ve OBEL, Borge (2004), Strategic Organizational Diagnosis and Design: The Dynamics of Fit, Springer Science HBusiness Media Publisher, New York (US), 3.Edition.
  • CARRINGTON, Peter J., SCOTT, John ve WASSERMAN, Stanley (2005), Models and Methods in Social Network Analysis, Cambride University Press, New York (US).
  • CASTELLS, Manuel (1996), The Rise of the Network Society, Blackwell Press, Oxford (UK).
  • CASTELLS, Manuel (2000), “Materials for an Exploratory Theory of the Network Society”, British Journal of Sociology, S.51(1), ss.5-24.
  • CHRISTAKIS, Nicholas ve FOWLER, James (2012), Sosyal Ağların Şaşırtıcı Gücü ve Yaşantımızı Biçimlendiren Etkisi, Varlık Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • COLEMAN, James S. (1988), “Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital”, American Journal of Sociology, S.94, ss.95-120.
  • COLEMAN, James S. (1990), Foundations of Social Theory, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, London (UK).
  • DYER, Jeffrey H. ve NOBEOKA, Kentaro (2000), “Creating and Managing a High-Performance Knowledge-Sharing Network: The Toyota Case”, Strategic Management Journal, S.21(3), ss.345-367.
  • GERHART, Barry (2009), “How Much Does National Culture Constrain Organizational Culture?”, Management and Organization Review, S.5(2), ss.241-259.
  • GRANDORI, Anna ve SODA, Giuseppe (1995), “Inter-Firm Networks: Antecedents, Mechanisms and Forms”, Organization Studies, S.16(2), ss.183-214.
  • GRANOVETTER, Mark (1973), “The Strenght of Weak Ties”, The American Journal of Sociology, S.78(6), ss.1360-1380.
  • GRANOVETTER, Mark (1983), “The Strenght of Weak Ties: A Network Theory Revisited”, Sociological Theory, S.1, ss.201-233.
  • GRANOVETTER, Mark (1985), “Economic Action and Social Structure: The Problem of Embeddedness”, American Journal of Sociology, S.91(3), ss.481-510.
  • GULATI, Ranjay ve GARGIULO, Martin (1999), “Where Do Interorganizational Networks Come From?”, American Journal of Sociology, S.104(5), ss.1439-1493.
  • GULATI, Ranjay, NOHRIA, Nitin ve ZAHEER, Akbar (2000), “Strategic Networks”, Strategic Management Journal, S.21(3), ss.203-215.
  • HANNAN, Michael T. ve FREEMAN, John (1977), “The Population Ecology of Organizations”, American Journal of Sociology, S.82(5), ss.929-964.
  • HARRIGAN, Kathryn R. (1985), “An Application of Clustering for Strategic Group Analysis”, Strategic Management Journal, S.6(1), ss.55-73.
  • HOFSTEDE, Geert (1980), Culture’s Consequences: İnternational Differences in Work-Related Values, Sage Publisher, Beverly Hills – CA (US).
  • KANTUR, Deniz (2017), “Sosyal Girişimcilikte Yerleşiklik: Coğrafi Yayılım ve Kültürel Değerlerin Rolü”, Girişimcilik ve İnovasyon Yönetimi Dergisi, S.6(1), ss.173-196.
  • KATZ, Nancy, LAZER, David, ARROW, Holly ve CONTRACTOR, Noshir (2004), “Network Theory and Small Groups”, Small Group Research, S.35(3), ss.307-332.
  • KILDUFF, Martin ve TSAI, Wenpin (2003), Social Networks and Organizations, Sage Publications, London (UK). KILLING, Peter (1983), Strategies for Joint Venture Success, Praeger Publisher, New York (US).
  • KOGUT, Bruce (2000), “The Network as Knowledge: Generative Rules and Emergence of Structure”, Strategic Management Journal, S.21, ss.405-425.
  • KOZAN, Kâmil M. ve AKDENİZ, Levent, (2014), “Role of Strong Versus Weak Networks in Small Business Growth in an Emerging Economy”, Administrative Sciences, S.4, ss.35-50.
  • LUO, Yadong ve PARK, Seung H. (2001), “Strategic Alignment and Performance of Market Seeking MNCs in China”, Strategic Management Journal, S.22(2), ss.141-155.
  • LUTHANS, Fred (2007), “Hope, Optimism and Other Business Assets: Why Psychological Capital is so Valuable to Your Company”, Gallup Management Journal, January 11,, (Erişim Tarihi: 13.07.2021).
  • LUTHANS, Fred, AVEY, James, AVOLIO Bruce, NORMAN, Steven ve COMBS, Gwendolyn (2006), “Psychological Capital Development: Toward a Micro Intervention”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, S.27(3), ss.387-393.
  • MIERSCH, Yvonne T. (2017), “Beyond Trust: Towards a Practice-Based Understanding of Governing Network Organizations”, Journal of Management & Governance, S.21(2), ss.473-498.
  • MILES, Raymond E. ve SNOW, Charles C. (1984), “Designing Strategic Human Resources Systems”, Organizational Dynamics, S.13(1), ss.36-52.
  • MILES, Raymond E. ve SNOW, Charles C. (1995), “The New Network Firm: A Spherical Structure Built on A Human Investment Philosophy”, Organizational Dynamics, S.23(4), ss.4-18.
  • MOLLER, Kristian ve HALINEN, Aino (2017), “Managing Business and Innovation Networks-From Strategic Nets to Business Felds and Ecosystems”, Industrial Marketing Management, S.67, ss.5-22.
  • MOLLER, Kristian, PARTANEN, Jukka, RAJALA, Arto, WESTERLUND, Mika, RAJALA, Risto ve SVAHN, Senja (2005), “Role of Partnerships and Networks in SME Innovation and Growth”, The 21st Annual IMP Conference: Dealing with Dualities, 1-3 Septenber 2005, RSM Erasmus University Publisher, Rotterdam, (Erişim Tarihi: 03.05.2021).
  • MORGAN, Gareth (1997), Images of Organization, Sage Publisher, London (UK).
  • NALEBUFF, Barry J. ve BRANDENBURGER, Adam M. (1997), “Co‐Opetition: Competitive and Cooperative Business Strategies for The Digital Economy”, Strategy & Leadership, S.25(6), ss.28-33.
  • OLIVER, Amalaya ve EBERS, Mark (1998), “Networking Network Studies: An Analysis of Conceptual Configurations in the Study of Inter-organizational Relationships”, Organization Studies, S.19(4), ss.549-594.
  • ÖZDEVECİOĞLU, Mahmut (1995), “Organizasyon Kültürü”, Stratejik Yönetim ve Liderlik (Ed. Mustafa Özel), İz Yayınları, İstanbul, 2. Baskı, ss.20-127.
  • ÖZEN, Şükrü ve ASLAN, Zuhal (2006), “İçsel ve Dışsal Sosyal Sermaye Yaklaşımları Açısından Türk Toplumunun Sosyal Sermaye Potansiyeli: Ortadoğu Sanayi ve Ticaret Merkezi (OSTİM) Örneği”, Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, S.12, ss.130-161.
  • ÖZKAN CANBOLAT, Ela (2008), “Örgütsel Ağ Düzeneğinin Örgütsel Alandaki Çeşitlilik ve Değişime Etkisi: Çankırı Örneği”, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Başkent Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • ÖZKAN CANBOLAT, Ela ve ÇELİKSOY, Emine (2015), “Marketing Strategy Choice of Members of a Franchise Network: The Case of Simit Sarayı”, International Journal of Economics: Commerce and Management, S.III(1), ss.1-25.
  • PARTANEN, Jukka ve MOLLER, Kristian (2012), “How to Build a Strategic Network: A Practitioner-Oriented Process Model for the ICT Sector”, Industrial Marketing Management, S.41(3), ss.481-494.
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There are 71 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Murat Çubukcu 0000-0001-9170-4852

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 4 Issue: 3


APA Çubukcu, M. (2021). Örgütler Arası Ağların Stratejik Önemine Dair Literatürdeki Güncel Tartışmalar. Uluslararası Yönetim Akademisi Dergisi, 4(3), 638-659.

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