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Yöneticinin Karar Verme Sorunsalının Dönemsel Koşullar Bağlamında Değerlendirilmesi

Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 307 - 321, 10.09.2024


Profesyonel bir meslek olarak yöneticilik, birçok görevi ve sorumluluğu kapsamaktadır. İşletmenin geleceğe daha emin adımlarla ilerlemesini sağlamak için yöneticiye düşen en önemli görev ise karar vermektir. Yönetici için kritik olan bu görev, aynı zamanda zor olan bir süreci içermektedir. Yönetici, eskiden sadece işletmesinin geleceğini etkileyen kararlar vermekteydi, oysa şuan tüm ülke ekonomisini hatta küresel ekonomileri bile etkileyebilecek kararlar vermektedir. Bu yüzden karar verme süreci her zamankinden daha fazla kilit noktada yer almaktadır. İşletmenin içinde bulunduğu dönemsel koşullar yöneticinin karar verme görevini yerine getirmesinin önünde engeller oluşturmaktadır. Ekonomik krizler, VUCA dünyası, etik ikilemler, bilgi ve zaman baskısı sorunları dönemin en önemli piyasa özelliklerini oluşturmakta ve yöneticinin karar vermesini daha da zorlaştırmaktadır. Ancak bu sorunları ortadan tamamıyla kaldırmak mümkün olmadığından, yöneticinin bu koşullar altında karar vermek için harekete geçmesi gerekmektedir. Bu yüzden işletmenin faaliyet gösterdiği çevreyi gözlemlemeli ve ona göre kararlar vermelidir. Bu çalışanın amacı, yöneticinin karar verme sorunlarını güncel koşullar doğrultusunda değerlendirmektir. Bu çalışmada literatür taraması yöntemi seçilerek, yöneticinin karar verme sorunları dönemsel koşullar doğrultusunda ele alınmakta ve çözüm için gerekli öneriler sunulmaktadır. Karar verme, yönetim alanında önemli bir konu olmasına rağmen, dönemin koşulları ve sorunları açısından ele alınmamış olması bu çalışmayı değerli kılmaktadır.


  • AKTEPE, Eyyüp (2005), İşletmecilik Bilgileri, Gazi Kitapevi, Ankara.
  • ATTAR, Melis ve ABDUL-KAREEM, Aleem (2020), “The Role of Agile Leadership in Organisational Agility”, Agile Business Leadership Methods for Industry 4.0 (Ed. Bülent Akkaya), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, ss.171-191.
  • BAKER, Scott Ross, BLOOM, Nicholas, DAVIS, Steven Joseph ve TERRY, Stephen James (2020), “Covid-Induced Economic Uncertainty”, National Bureau of Economic Research, ss.1-16, (Erişim Tarihi: 24.08.2023).
  • BOATRIGHT, John Raymond ve SMITH, Jeffery (2016), Ethics and the Conduct of Business, Pearson Publisher, Boston.
  • BRIGGS, Clark ve LITTLE, Patrick (2008), “Impacts of Organizational Culture and Personality Traits on Decision-Making in Technical Organizations”, System Engineering, S.11(1), ss.15-26.
  • BURNETT, John J. (1998), “A Strategic Approach to Managing Crises”, Public Relations Review, S.24(4), ss.475-488.
  • BYARS, Stephen M. ve STANBERRY, Kurt (2018), Business Ethics, Open Access Textbooks, Houston.
  • CHRISTENSEN, Sandra L. ve KOHLS, John (2003), “Ethical Decision Making in Times of Organizational Crisis: A Framework for Analysis”, Business and Society, S.42(3), ss.328-358.
  • CLARKSON, Max B. E. (1995), “A Stakeholder Framework for Analyzing and Evaluating Corporate Social Performance”, The Academy of Management Review, S.20(1), ss.92-117.
  • COSGRAVE, John (1996), “Decision Making in Emergencies”, Disaster Prevention and Management, S.5(4), ss.28-35.
  • ÇELİK, Adnan (2019), Uygulamalı Girişimcilik Hayaller Gerçek Olsun, Eğitim Yayınevi, Konya.
  • DELLACA, Marisa (2018), “Leading Libraries in A VUCA World”, Australlian Law Librarian, S.26(3), ss.134-139.
  • DOĞAN, Nilhun (2009), “İş Etiği ve İşletmelerde Etik Çöküş”, Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, S.8(16), ss.179-200.
  • DRUCKER, Peter (2015), Yönetim, Optimist Yayın, İstanbul.
  • DURMUŞ, Aydoğan (2013), “Küresel Ekonomik Krizden Çıkmada Yöneticinin Rolü”, OPUS-Türkiye Sosyal Politika ve Çalışma Hayatı Araştırmaları Dergisi, S.3(5), ss.25-30.
  • EKŞİSÖZLÜK (2023), “Karar Vermek ve Karar Almak Arasındaki Farklar”, Ekşisözlük Kurumsal Web Sayfası, (Erişim Tarihi: 22.09.2023)
  • ERYÜZLÜ, Hakan (2020), “COVID-19 Ekonomik Etkileri ve Tedbirler: Türkiye’de ‘Helikopter Para’ Uygulaması”, Ekonomi Maliye İşletme Dergisi, S.3(1), ss.10-19.
  • FRISHAMMAR, Johan (2003), “Information Use in Strategic Decision Making”, Management Decision, S.41(4), ss.318-326.
  • GALOTTI, Kathleen M., CINER, Elizabeth, ALTENBAUMER, Hope E., GEERTS, Heather J., RUPP, Allison ve WOULFE, Julie (2006), “Decision – Making Styles in a Real – Life Decision: Choosing a College Major”, Personality and Individual Differences, S.41, ss.629-639.
  • GEORGE, Jennifer M. ve JONES, Gareth R. (2012), Understanding and Managing Organizational Behavior, Pearson Publisher, Boston.
  • GRIFFIN, Ricky W. (2021), Management, Cengage Learning Publisher, Boston.
  • HARRISON, E. Frank (1996), “A Process Perspective on Strategic Decision Making”, Management Decision, S.34(1), ss.46-53.
  • HARRISON, E. Frank ve PELLETIER, Monique A. (2000), “The Essence of Management Decision”, Management Decision, S.38(7), ss.462-469.
  • IVANCEVICH, John M., KONOPASKE, Robert ve MATTESON, Michael T. (1990), Organizational Behavior and Management, McGraw-Hill Education Publisher, United States.
  • JOHANSEN, Bob (2012), Leaders Make the Future: Ten New Leadership Skills for an Uncertain World, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, San Francisco (US).
  • JOINER, Bill ve JOSEPHS, Stephen (2007), “Developing Agile Leaders”, Industrial and Commercial Training, S.39(1), ss.35-42.
  • JOINER, Bill (2019), “Leadership Agility for Organizational Agility”, Journal of Creating Value, S.5(2), ss.1-11.
  • KAO, Hsin, KAO, Sean Peng-Hsiang, CHEN, Shih-Chih ve CHIU, Kevin Kuan-Shun (2012), “Decision Making Models and Knowledge Management Preferences: Taiwanese Expatriates in China”, Australian Journal of Business and Management Research, S.2(4), ss.1-11.
  • KIRAL, Erkan (2015), “Yönetimde Karar ve Etik Karar Verme Sorunsalı”, Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, S.6(2), ss.73-89.
  • KOÇEL, Tamer (2015), İşletme Yöneticiliği, Beta Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 16. Baskı.
  • KOÇER, Mustafa (2022), “Perception of Agile Leadership in the VUCA Environment: The Case of Erciyes University”, Erciyes İletişim Dergisi, S.(Special Issue for 5th Cultural Informatics: Communication & Media Studies Conference), ss.1-21.
  • KREITNER, Robert ve CASSIDY, Charlene (2012), Management, Cengage Learning Publisher, Boston.
  • LAROCHE, Herve (1995), “From Decision to Action in Organizations: Decision Making as a Social Representation”, Organization Science, S.6(1), ss.62-75.
  • LUTHANS, Fred (2010), Organizational Behavior: An Evidence-Based Approach, McGraw-Hill Education Publisher, United States.
  • MADDALENA, Victor (2007), “A Practical Approach to Ethical Decision‐Making”, Leadership in Health Services, S.20(2), ss.71-75.
  • McKIBBIN, Warwick ve FERNANDO, Roshen (2020), “The Global Macroeconomic Impacts of COVID-19: Seven Scenarios”, CAMA Working Paper, S.19, ss.1-43,
  • MINTZBERG, Henry, RAISINGHANI, Duru ve THEORET, Andre (1976), “The Structure of ‘Unstructured’ Decision Processes”, Administrative Science Quarterly, S.21(2), ss.246-75.
  • NUTT, Paul C. (1976), “Models for Decision Making in Organizations and Some Contextual Variables Which Stipulate Optimal Use”, Academy of Management Review, S.1(2), ss.84-98.
  • OPENSTAX (2019), Organizational Behavior, XanEdu Publishing Inc, Houston.
  • OTLU, Fikret ve DEMİR, Özcan (2005), “Stratejik Karar Verme Açısından Maliyet Sistemleri”, Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, S.15(1), ss.155-170.
  • ÖZKALP, Enver ve KIREL, Çiğdem (2001), Örgütsel Davranış, T. C Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, Eskişehir.
  • PEARSON, Christine M. ve CLAIR, Judith A. (1998), “Reframing Crisis Management”, Academy of Management Review, S.23, ss.59-76.
  • ROBBINS, Stephen P. ve JUDGE, Timothy A. (2012), Organizational Behavior, Pearson College Div., Boston, 15th Edition.
  • ROBBINS, Stephen P., BERGMAN, Rolf, STAGG, Ian ve COULTER, Mary (2014), Management, Pearson Publisher, Boston.
  • SABUNCUOĞLU, Zeyyat ve VERGİLİEL TÜZ, Melek (2001), Örgütsel Psikoloji, Ezgi Kitabevi, Bursa/Ordu, 3.Baskı.
  • SCHERMERHORN Jr, John R., HUNT, James G. ve OSBORN, Richard N. (2001), Organizational Behavior, John Wiley & Sons Publisher, New Jersey, 7th Edition.
  • SCHERMERHORN Jr, John R. ve BACHRACH, Daniel G. (2023), Management, John Wiley & Sons Publisher, New Jersey.
  • SCOTT, Susanne G. ve BRUCE, Reginald A. (1995), “Decision-Making Style: The Development and Assessment of a New Measure”, Educational and Psychological Measurement, S.55(5), ss.818-831.
  • SETIAWATI, Lulu (2021), “The Effect of Agile Leadership and Work Environment to Employees’ Performance in a VUCA World (Study on Millennial Generation Employees in Jabodetabek)”, International Journal of Social Science and Human Research, S.4(11), ss.3123-3131.
  • SINGH, Kavita (2009), Organizational Behaviour Text and Cases, Pearson Publisher, Boston.
  • SÖKMEN, Alptekin (2010), Yönetim ve Organizasyon, Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • SROKA, Włodzimierz ve LŐRINCZY, Marketa (2015), “The Perception of Ethics in Business: Analysis of Research Results”, Procedia Economics and Finance, S.34, ss.156-163.
  • ŞİMŞEK, M. Şerif (1999), Yönetim ve Organizasyon, Eğitim Akademi Yayınları, Konya, 5. Baskı.
  • T-HOS HUKUK OTOMASYON SİSTEMLERİ (2022), “Ekonomik Belirsizliklerde Yöneticilerin Yapması Gerekenler Nelerdir?”, T-HOS Kurumsal Web Sayfası, (Erişim Tarihi: 21.08.2023).
  • TEKİN, Ömer Akgün ve EHTİYAR, V. Rüya (2010), “Yönetimde Karar Verme: Batı Antalya Bölgesinde Beş Yıldızlı Otellerde Çalışan Farklı Departman Yöneticilerinin Karar Verme Stilleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma”, Journal of Yaşar University, S.20(5), ss.3394‐3414.
  • THUNHOLM, Peter (2004), “Decision‐Making Scale: Habit, Style or Both?”, Personality and Individual Differences, S.36, ss.931-944.
  • TÜRK DİL KURUMU - TDK (2023), “Karar”, Büyük Türkçe Sözlük, TDK Yayını, Ankara, (Erişim Tarihi: 05.09.2023).
  • TÜRK DİL KURUMU - TDK (2023), “Yönetici”, Büyük Türkçe Sözlük, TDK Yayını, Ankara, (Erişim Tarihi: 05.09.2023).
  • UNIDO (2020), “Coronavirus: The Economic Impact”, UNIDO Kurumsal Web Sayfası, (Erişim Tarihi: 23.08.2023).
  • ÜLGEN, Hayri ve MİRZE, Süleyman Kadri (2018), İşletmelerde Stratejik Yönetim, Beta Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 9. Baskı.
  • ÜNÜVAR, İclal ve AKTAŞ, Hilal (2022), “Dünya’da ve Türkiye’de Covid-19 Pandemisinin Ekonomik Etkileri”, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi, S.25(1), ss.124-140.

The Evaluation of the Manager's Decision-Making Dilemma in the Context of Periodic Conditions

Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 307 - 321, 10.09.2024


As a professional profession, management involves many duties and responsibilities. The most important task of the manager is to make decisions in order to ensure that the business progresses more confidently into the future. This task, which is critical for the manager, also involves a difficult process. In the past, the manager used to make decisions that affected only the future of his business, but now he makes decisions that can affect the whole country's economy and even global economies. Therefore, the decision-making process is more important than ever. The periodical conditions in which the business is operating constitute obstacles for the manager to fulfill his or her decision-making task. Economic crises, the VUCA world, ethical dilemmas, information, and time pressure problems constitute the most important market characteristics of the period and make decision-making more difficult for the manager. However, since it is not possible to eliminate these problems completely, the manager has to take action to make decisions under these conditions. Therefore, he or she should observe the environment in which the business operates and make decisions accordingly. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the manager's decision-making problems in the light of current conditions. In this study, by choosing the literature review method, the manager's decision-making problems are discussed in line with periodic conditions, and the necessary suggestions for solutions are presented. Although decision-making is an important subject in the field of management, the fact that it has not been studied in terms of the conditions and problems of the period makes this study valuable. It is also important in terms of providing a general framework and solutions to managers and researchers in enterprises.


  • AKTEPE, Eyyüp (2005), İşletmecilik Bilgileri, Gazi Kitapevi, Ankara.
  • ATTAR, Melis ve ABDUL-KAREEM, Aleem (2020), “The Role of Agile Leadership in Organisational Agility”, Agile Business Leadership Methods for Industry 4.0 (Ed. Bülent Akkaya), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, ss.171-191.
  • BAKER, Scott Ross, BLOOM, Nicholas, DAVIS, Steven Joseph ve TERRY, Stephen James (2020), “Covid-Induced Economic Uncertainty”, National Bureau of Economic Research, ss.1-16, (Erişim Tarihi: 24.08.2023).
  • BOATRIGHT, John Raymond ve SMITH, Jeffery (2016), Ethics and the Conduct of Business, Pearson Publisher, Boston.
  • BRIGGS, Clark ve LITTLE, Patrick (2008), “Impacts of Organizational Culture and Personality Traits on Decision-Making in Technical Organizations”, System Engineering, S.11(1), ss.15-26.
  • BURNETT, John J. (1998), “A Strategic Approach to Managing Crises”, Public Relations Review, S.24(4), ss.475-488.
  • BYARS, Stephen M. ve STANBERRY, Kurt (2018), Business Ethics, Open Access Textbooks, Houston.
  • CHRISTENSEN, Sandra L. ve KOHLS, John (2003), “Ethical Decision Making in Times of Organizational Crisis: A Framework for Analysis”, Business and Society, S.42(3), ss.328-358.
  • CLARKSON, Max B. E. (1995), “A Stakeholder Framework for Analyzing and Evaluating Corporate Social Performance”, The Academy of Management Review, S.20(1), ss.92-117.
  • COSGRAVE, John (1996), “Decision Making in Emergencies”, Disaster Prevention and Management, S.5(4), ss.28-35.
  • ÇELİK, Adnan (2019), Uygulamalı Girişimcilik Hayaller Gerçek Olsun, Eğitim Yayınevi, Konya.
  • DELLACA, Marisa (2018), “Leading Libraries in A VUCA World”, Australlian Law Librarian, S.26(3), ss.134-139.
  • DOĞAN, Nilhun (2009), “İş Etiği ve İşletmelerde Etik Çöküş”, Sosyal ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, S.8(16), ss.179-200.
  • DRUCKER, Peter (2015), Yönetim, Optimist Yayın, İstanbul.
  • DURMUŞ, Aydoğan (2013), “Küresel Ekonomik Krizden Çıkmada Yöneticinin Rolü”, OPUS-Türkiye Sosyal Politika ve Çalışma Hayatı Araştırmaları Dergisi, S.3(5), ss.25-30.
  • EKŞİSÖZLÜK (2023), “Karar Vermek ve Karar Almak Arasındaki Farklar”, Ekşisözlük Kurumsal Web Sayfası, (Erişim Tarihi: 22.09.2023)
  • ERYÜZLÜ, Hakan (2020), “COVID-19 Ekonomik Etkileri ve Tedbirler: Türkiye’de ‘Helikopter Para’ Uygulaması”, Ekonomi Maliye İşletme Dergisi, S.3(1), ss.10-19.
  • FRISHAMMAR, Johan (2003), “Information Use in Strategic Decision Making”, Management Decision, S.41(4), ss.318-326.
  • GALOTTI, Kathleen M., CINER, Elizabeth, ALTENBAUMER, Hope E., GEERTS, Heather J., RUPP, Allison ve WOULFE, Julie (2006), “Decision – Making Styles in a Real – Life Decision: Choosing a College Major”, Personality and Individual Differences, S.41, ss.629-639.
  • GEORGE, Jennifer M. ve JONES, Gareth R. (2012), Understanding and Managing Organizational Behavior, Pearson Publisher, Boston.
  • GRIFFIN, Ricky W. (2021), Management, Cengage Learning Publisher, Boston.
  • HARRISON, E. Frank (1996), “A Process Perspective on Strategic Decision Making”, Management Decision, S.34(1), ss.46-53.
  • HARRISON, E. Frank ve PELLETIER, Monique A. (2000), “The Essence of Management Decision”, Management Decision, S.38(7), ss.462-469.
  • IVANCEVICH, John M., KONOPASKE, Robert ve MATTESON, Michael T. (1990), Organizational Behavior and Management, McGraw-Hill Education Publisher, United States.
  • JOHANSEN, Bob (2012), Leaders Make the Future: Ten New Leadership Skills for an Uncertain World, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, San Francisco (US).
  • JOINER, Bill ve JOSEPHS, Stephen (2007), “Developing Agile Leaders”, Industrial and Commercial Training, S.39(1), ss.35-42.
  • JOINER, Bill (2019), “Leadership Agility for Organizational Agility”, Journal of Creating Value, S.5(2), ss.1-11.
  • KAO, Hsin, KAO, Sean Peng-Hsiang, CHEN, Shih-Chih ve CHIU, Kevin Kuan-Shun (2012), “Decision Making Models and Knowledge Management Preferences: Taiwanese Expatriates in China”, Australian Journal of Business and Management Research, S.2(4), ss.1-11.
  • KIRAL, Erkan (2015), “Yönetimde Karar ve Etik Karar Verme Sorunsalı”, Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, S.6(2), ss.73-89.
  • KOÇEL, Tamer (2015), İşletme Yöneticiliği, Beta Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 16. Baskı.
  • KOÇER, Mustafa (2022), “Perception of Agile Leadership in the VUCA Environment: The Case of Erciyes University”, Erciyes İletişim Dergisi, S.(Special Issue for 5th Cultural Informatics: Communication & Media Studies Conference), ss.1-21.
  • KREITNER, Robert ve CASSIDY, Charlene (2012), Management, Cengage Learning Publisher, Boston.
  • LAROCHE, Herve (1995), “From Decision to Action in Organizations: Decision Making as a Social Representation”, Organization Science, S.6(1), ss.62-75.
  • LUTHANS, Fred (2010), Organizational Behavior: An Evidence-Based Approach, McGraw-Hill Education Publisher, United States.
  • MADDALENA, Victor (2007), “A Practical Approach to Ethical Decision‐Making”, Leadership in Health Services, S.20(2), ss.71-75.
  • McKIBBIN, Warwick ve FERNANDO, Roshen (2020), “The Global Macroeconomic Impacts of COVID-19: Seven Scenarios”, CAMA Working Paper, S.19, ss.1-43,
  • MINTZBERG, Henry, RAISINGHANI, Duru ve THEORET, Andre (1976), “The Structure of ‘Unstructured’ Decision Processes”, Administrative Science Quarterly, S.21(2), ss.246-75.
  • NUTT, Paul C. (1976), “Models for Decision Making in Organizations and Some Contextual Variables Which Stipulate Optimal Use”, Academy of Management Review, S.1(2), ss.84-98.
  • OPENSTAX (2019), Organizational Behavior, XanEdu Publishing Inc, Houston.
  • OTLU, Fikret ve DEMİR, Özcan (2005), “Stratejik Karar Verme Açısından Maliyet Sistemleri”, Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, S.15(1), ss.155-170.
  • ÖZKALP, Enver ve KIREL, Çiğdem (2001), Örgütsel Davranış, T. C Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları, Eskişehir.
  • PEARSON, Christine M. ve CLAIR, Judith A. (1998), “Reframing Crisis Management”, Academy of Management Review, S.23, ss.59-76.
  • ROBBINS, Stephen P. ve JUDGE, Timothy A. (2012), Organizational Behavior, Pearson College Div., Boston, 15th Edition.
  • ROBBINS, Stephen P., BERGMAN, Rolf, STAGG, Ian ve COULTER, Mary (2014), Management, Pearson Publisher, Boston.
  • SABUNCUOĞLU, Zeyyat ve VERGİLİEL TÜZ, Melek (2001), Örgütsel Psikoloji, Ezgi Kitabevi, Bursa/Ordu, 3.Baskı.
  • SCHERMERHORN Jr, John R., HUNT, James G. ve OSBORN, Richard N. (2001), Organizational Behavior, John Wiley & Sons Publisher, New Jersey, 7th Edition.
  • SCHERMERHORN Jr, John R. ve BACHRACH, Daniel G. (2023), Management, John Wiley & Sons Publisher, New Jersey.
  • SCOTT, Susanne G. ve BRUCE, Reginald A. (1995), “Decision-Making Style: The Development and Assessment of a New Measure”, Educational and Psychological Measurement, S.55(5), ss.818-831.
  • SETIAWATI, Lulu (2021), “The Effect of Agile Leadership and Work Environment to Employees’ Performance in a VUCA World (Study on Millennial Generation Employees in Jabodetabek)”, International Journal of Social Science and Human Research, S.4(11), ss.3123-3131.
  • SINGH, Kavita (2009), Organizational Behaviour Text and Cases, Pearson Publisher, Boston.
  • SÖKMEN, Alptekin (2010), Yönetim ve Organizasyon, Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • SROKA, Włodzimierz ve LŐRINCZY, Marketa (2015), “The Perception of Ethics in Business: Analysis of Research Results”, Procedia Economics and Finance, S.34, ss.156-163.
  • ŞİMŞEK, M. Şerif (1999), Yönetim ve Organizasyon, Eğitim Akademi Yayınları, Konya, 5. Baskı.
  • T-HOS HUKUK OTOMASYON SİSTEMLERİ (2022), “Ekonomik Belirsizliklerde Yöneticilerin Yapması Gerekenler Nelerdir?”, T-HOS Kurumsal Web Sayfası, (Erişim Tarihi: 21.08.2023).
  • TEKİN, Ömer Akgün ve EHTİYAR, V. Rüya (2010), “Yönetimde Karar Verme: Batı Antalya Bölgesinde Beş Yıldızlı Otellerde Çalışan Farklı Departman Yöneticilerinin Karar Verme Stilleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma”, Journal of Yaşar University, S.20(5), ss.3394‐3414.
  • THUNHOLM, Peter (2004), “Decision‐Making Scale: Habit, Style or Both?”, Personality and Individual Differences, S.36, ss.931-944.
  • TÜRK DİL KURUMU - TDK (2023), “Karar”, Büyük Türkçe Sözlük, TDK Yayını, Ankara, (Erişim Tarihi: 05.09.2023).
  • TÜRK DİL KURUMU - TDK (2023), “Yönetici”, Büyük Türkçe Sözlük, TDK Yayını, Ankara, (Erişim Tarihi: 05.09.2023).
  • UNIDO (2020), “Coronavirus: The Economic Impact”, UNIDO Kurumsal Web Sayfası, (Erişim Tarihi: 23.08.2023).
  • ÜLGEN, Hayri ve MİRZE, Süleyman Kadri (2018), İşletmelerde Stratejik Yönetim, Beta Yayıncılık, İstanbul, 9. Baskı.
  • ÜNÜVAR, İclal ve AKTAŞ, Hilal (2022), “Dünya’da ve Türkiye’de Covid-19 Pandemisinin Ekonomik Etkileri”, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi, S.25(1), ss.124-140.
There are 61 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Organisational Behaviour
Journal Section Articles

Mukaddes Güler 0000-0001-7159-1547

Publication Date September 10, 2024
Submission Date December 12, 2023
Acceptance Date August 25, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Güler, M. (2024). Yöneticinin Karar Verme Sorunsalının Dönemsel Koşullar Bağlamında Değerlendirilmesi. Uluslararası Yönetim Akademisi Dergisi, 7(1), 307-321.

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This work (journal) is lisenced under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative 4.0 International License.