Research Article
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Which Country Has a Voice and Dominates in the Pacific Alliance’s Steel Industry: Evidence from Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods

Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 1 - 27, 10.09.2024


The Pacific Alliance, which has managed to attract the attention of the world’s states since its establishment, is seen as an important economic integration due to its high business potential, vision, dynamic structure and being among the top ten economies in the world. The Pacific Alliance, with its policy of few members and many observers, has begun to establish its brand value, and its members are among the world's countries with abundant iron ore deposits Due to its high back-and-forth repeatedly, the iron and steel sector is important as a complementary and developing sector in both international trade relations and economic union movements. For this reason, the study aims to evaluate the steel industries of Mexico, Peru, Chile and Colombia as well as which country has taken on the task of being the locomotive power of industrialisation. The study employed MEREC_COBRA multi-criteria decision-making techniques, utilizing data from the 2019–2021 period. The study concluded that Mexico has the best performance in the steel industry.


  • ANKARA SANAYİ ODASI (2016), Kolombiya Cumhuriyeti Ülke Notu, Araştırma ve Yönlendirme Müdürlüğü Yayını, Ankara.
  • AYAN, Büşra ve ABACIOĞLU, Seda (2022), “Bibliometric Analysis of the MCDM Methods in the Last Decade: WASPAS, MABAC, EDAS, CODAS, COCOSO and MARCOS”, International Journal of Business & Economic Studies, S.4(2), ss.65-85.
  • AYAN, Büşra, ABACIOĞLU, Seda ve BASILIO, Marcio Pereira (2023), “A Comprehensive Review of the Novel Weighting Methods for Multi-Criteria Decision-Making”, Information, S.14(5), ss.285-298.
  • BAYSAL, Başar ve SEZEK, Emine Nur (2022), “Kolombiya-FARC Barış Sürecinin Uygulanması: Sorunlar ve Riskler”, Türkiye Siyaset Bilimi Dergisi, S.5(1), ss.35-48.
  • BENGURIA, Felipe (2021), “The 2020 Trade Collapse: Exporters Amid the Pandemic”, Economics Letters, S.205, ss.(109961).
  • BRODNY, Jaroslaw ve TUTAK, Magdelena (2023), “The Level of Implementing Sustainable Development Goal Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure of Agenda 2030 in the European Union Countries: Application of MCDM Methods”, Oeconomia Copernicana, S.14(1), ss.47-102.
  • ECER, Fatih ve ZOLFANI, Sarfaraz Hashemkhani (2022), “Evaluating Economic Freedom via a Multi Criteria MEREC-DNMA Model Based Composite System: Case of OPEC Countries”, Technological and Economic Development of Economy, S.28(4), ss.1158-1181.
  • EKANAYEKE, Ekaneyeke M. (2001), “Determinants of Trade: The Case of Mexico”, The International Trade Journal, S.15(1), ss.89-112.
  • ERGÜN, Ümit Remzi ve ENER, Meliha (2021), “Demir Çelik Sektöründe Uluslararası İş Bölümü: Türkiye Örneği”, Uluslararası Uygulamalı Ekonomi ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, S.3(2), ss.61-71.
  • ETH ZURICH (2023), “KOF Globalisation Index”, ETH Zurich Kurumsal Web Sayfası, (Erişim Tarihi: 01.12.2023).
  • FLEMES, Daniel ve CASTRO, Rafael (2015), “Institutional Contestation: Colombia in the Pacific Alliance”, Bulltein of Latin American Research Journal of the Society for Latin American Studies, S.35(1), ss.78-92.
  • GABRIJELA, Popovic, DORDE, Pucar ve SMARANDACHE, Florentin (2022), “MEREC-COBRA Approach in E-Commerce Development Strategy Selection”, Journal of Process Management and New Technologies, S.10(3-4), ss.66-74.
  • GARDINI, Gian Luca (2013), “The Added Value of the Pacific Alliance and ‘Modular Regionalism’ in Latin America”, International Affairs at London School of Economics and Political Science, (Erişim Tarihi: 01.12.2023).
  • GEORGE, Samuel (2014), The Pacific Pumas – An Emerging Model for Emerging Markets, Bertelsmann Foundation Publisher, New York (US).
  • GÖKGÖZ, Fazıl ve YALÇIN, Engin (2021), “Investigating the Environmental and Economic Performances of Energy Sector in OECD Countries via MCDM Approaches”, Sustaining Tomorrow: Proceedings of Sustaining Tomorrow 2020 Symposium and Industry Summit, Springer International Publishing, New York (US), ss.65-92,
  • HEINE, Jorge (2016), “The Chile-China Paradox: Burgeoning Trade, Little Investment”, Asian Perspective, S.40(4), ss.653-673.
  • HEREDIA, Jorge, FLORES, Alejandro, GELDES, Cristian ve HEREDIA, Walter (2017), “Effects of Informal Competition on Innovation Performance: The Case of Pacific Alliance”, Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, S.12(4), ss.22-28.
  • ITC - INTERNATIONAL TRADE CENTRE (tarihsiz), “Trade Map, Trade Statistics for International Business Development”, ITC Kurumsal Web Sayfası, (Erişim Tarihi: 01.12.2023).
  • İSTANBUL MADEN VE METALLER İHRACATÇILARI BİRLİĞİ (2023), “Meksika Ekonomisi ve Dış Ticareti”, İMMİB Kurumsal Web Sayfası, (Erişim Tarihi: 01.12.2023).
  • KABAŞ, Tolga (2023), “İktisat Sosyolojisiyle Neoliberal Politikaların Aile ve Eğitim Kurumu Üzerindeki Olumsuz Etkilerinin Değerlendirilmesi”, Türk & İslam Dünyası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, S.10(38), ss.237-254.
  • KARAOSMANOĞLU, Zeynep (2020), Peru Ülke Raporu, DDMIB Yayınları, Ankara.
  • KARZANOVA, Irina V. ve CORDOVA, Sandra Diana Aliaga (2022), “Actual Problems of Illegal Mining in Peru: Prospects and Challenges”, Research in Economic Anthropology, S.42, ss.83-91.
  • KASAP, Selay S., ŞAHİN, Yıldız ve ÇINAR, Tuğba (2020), “Bulanık Tabanlı Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Teknikleri ile Demir Çelik Endüstrisinde En Uygun Yatırım Seçeneğinin Belirlenmesi”, Endüstri Mühendisliği Dergisi, S.31, ss.59-71.
  • KESHAVARAZ-GHORABAEE, Mehdi, AMIRI, Maghsoud, ZAVADSKAS, Edmundas Kazimeras, TURSKIS, Zenonas ve ANTUCHEVICIENE, Jurgita (2021), “Determination of Objective Weights Using a New Method Based on the Removal Effects of Criteria (MEREC)”, Symmetry, S.13(4), ss.1-20.
  • KIRKLARELİLİ, Derviş, GÜNGÖR, Hasan ve ADEBAYO, Tomiwa Sunday (2022), “Consumption-Based Carbon Emissions, Renewable Energy Consumption, Financial Development and Economic Growth in Chile”, Business Strategy and the Environment, S.31(3), ss.1123-1137.
  • KIŞLALIOĞLU, Canan (2022), “Latin Amerika’da 21. Yüzyıl Sosyalizminin Restorasyonu: Bolivya ve Peru Örnekleri”, Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, S.22(2). ss.46-57.
  • KONYA TİCARET ODASI (2019), Kolombiya Ülke Raporu, Dış Ticaret Müdürlüğü Yayını, Konya.
  • KOTLER, Phillips, JATUSRIPITAK, Somkid ve MAESINCEE, Suvit (1997), Ulusların Pazarlanması (Çev. Ahmet Buğdaycı), Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • KRISTIĆ, Mladen, AGNUSDEI, Giulio Paolo, MIGLIETTA, Pier Paolo, TADIĆ, Sneźana ve ROSO, Violeta (2022), “Applicability of Industry 4.0 Technologies in the Reverse Logistics: A Circular Economy Approach Based on COmprehensive Distance Based RAnking (COBRA) Method”, Sustainability, S.14, ss.1-30.
  • KRISTIĆ, Mladen, TADIĆ, Sneźana ve AGNUSDEI, Leonardo (2023), “Evaluating Governance Models in Intermodal Terminal Operations: A Hybrid Grey MCDM Approach”, Journal of Intelligent Management Decision, S.2(4), ss.179-191.
  • LATIN AMERICAN STEEL ASSOCIATION – ALACERO (2022), “Latin America in Figures 2022”, Alacero, ss.1-47.
  • LEAL, Fransisco, (2019), “The Latin America Steel Market: An Overview - Private and Publicprivate Iron and Steel Development Initiatives”, Asociacion Latinoamericana Del Acero, S.(Paris 2019), ss.1-17.
  • LIMA, Jose Duran ve CRACAU, Daniel (2016), The Pacific Alliance and its Economic Impact on Regional Trade and Investment, United Nations Publishing, Santiago.
  • MARES, Fernando (2023), “Mexico’s Steel Producers Are Ready to Meet the Rising Demand”, Mexico Business News, 20 February 2023, (Erişim Tarihi: 30.12.2023).
  • MARTYN, Krzysztof ve KADZINSKI, Milosz (2023), “Deep Prefence Learning for Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis”, European Journal of Operational Research, S.305(2), ss.781-805.
  • MINO, Pablo ve AUSTIN, Lucinda (2022), “A Cocreational Approach to Nation Branding: The Case of Chile”, Public Relations Inquiry, S.11(2), ss.293-313.
  • NELSON, Marcel (2021), “The Pacific Alliance: Regional Integration as Neoliberal Discipline”, Globalizations, S.19(4), ss.571-586.
  • NGUYEN, Thi-Ly, NGUYEN, Phi-Hung, PHAM, Hong-Anh, NGUYEN, Thi-Giang, NGUYEN, Duc-Thinh, TRAN, Thi-Hoai, LE, Hong-Cham ve PHUNG, Huong-Thuy (2022), “A Novel Integrating Data Envelopment Analysis and Spherical Fuzzy MCDM Approach for Sustainable Supplier Selection in Steel Industry”, Mathematics, S.10(11), ss.1-28.
  • NOLTE, Detlef (2016), “The Pacific Alliance: Nation-Branding through Regional Organisations”, GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies, S.4(GIGA Focus Lateinamerika), ss.1-14.
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Pasifik İttifakı’nın Çelik Endüstrisinde Söz Sahibi Kim: Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Yöntemlerinden Kanıtlar

Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 1 - 27, 10.09.2024


Kurulduğu yıldan bugüne dünya devletlerinin ilgisini çekmeyi başaran Pasifik İttifakı, yüksek iş potansiyeli, vizyonu, dinamik yapısı ve dünyanın ilk on ekonomisi içerisinde yer alması gibi nedenlerle önemli bir ekonomik entegrasyon olarak görülmektedir. Az üye çok gözlemci politikasıyla marka değeri oluşturmaya başlayan Pasifik İttifakı’nın üyeleri aynı zamanda dünyanın zengin demir cevheri yataklarına sahip ülkeleri arasında sayılmaktadırlar. İleri geri bağlantısının yüksek olması nedeniyle hem uluslararası ticari ilişkilerde hem de iktisadi birlik hareketleri içerisinde demir çelik sektörü tamamlayıcı ve geliştirici bir sektör olarak önem arz etmektedir. Bu nedenle çalışma Meksika, Peru, Şili ve Kolombiya çelik endüstrilerini değerlendirmeye alarak, sanayileşmenin lokomotif gücü olma görevini hangi ülkenin üstlendiğini ortaya çıkarmayı amaçlamıştır. 2019-2021 dönemi verilerinin kullanıldığı çalışmada yöntem olarak MEREC-COBRA çok kriterli karar verme tekniklerinden faydalanılmıştır. Çalışma çelik endüstrisinde en iyi performansın Meksika’ya ait olduğu bulgusuyla sonuçlandırılmıştır.


  • ANKARA SANAYİ ODASI (2016), Kolombiya Cumhuriyeti Ülke Notu, Araştırma ve Yönlendirme Müdürlüğü Yayını, Ankara.
  • AYAN, Büşra ve ABACIOĞLU, Seda (2022), “Bibliometric Analysis of the MCDM Methods in the Last Decade: WASPAS, MABAC, EDAS, CODAS, COCOSO and MARCOS”, International Journal of Business & Economic Studies, S.4(2), ss.65-85.
  • AYAN, Büşra, ABACIOĞLU, Seda ve BASILIO, Marcio Pereira (2023), “A Comprehensive Review of the Novel Weighting Methods for Multi-Criteria Decision-Making”, Information, S.14(5), ss.285-298.
  • BAYSAL, Başar ve SEZEK, Emine Nur (2022), “Kolombiya-FARC Barış Sürecinin Uygulanması: Sorunlar ve Riskler”, Türkiye Siyaset Bilimi Dergisi, S.5(1), ss.35-48.
  • BENGURIA, Felipe (2021), “The 2020 Trade Collapse: Exporters Amid the Pandemic”, Economics Letters, S.205, ss.(109961).
  • BRODNY, Jaroslaw ve TUTAK, Magdelena (2023), “The Level of Implementing Sustainable Development Goal Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure of Agenda 2030 in the European Union Countries: Application of MCDM Methods”, Oeconomia Copernicana, S.14(1), ss.47-102.
  • ECER, Fatih ve ZOLFANI, Sarfaraz Hashemkhani (2022), “Evaluating Economic Freedom via a Multi Criteria MEREC-DNMA Model Based Composite System: Case of OPEC Countries”, Technological and Economic Development of Economy, S.28(4), ss.1158-1181.
  • EKANAYEKE, Ekaneyeke M. (2001), “Determinants of Trade: The Case of Mexico”, The International Trade Journal, S.15(1), ss.89-112.
  • ERGÜN, Ümit Remzi ve ENER, Meliha (2021), “Demir Çelik Sektöründe Uluslararası İş Bölümü: Türkiye Örneği”, Uluslararası Uygulamalı Ekonomi ve Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, S.3(2), ss.61-71.
  • ETH ZURICH (2023), “KOF Globalisation Index”, ETH Zurich Kurumsal Web Sayfası, (Erişim Tarihi: 01.12.2023).
  • FLEMES, Daniel ve CASTRO, Rafael (2015), “Institutional Contestation: Colombia in the Pacific Alliance”, Bulltein of Latin American Research Journal of the Society for Latin American Studies, S.35(1), ss.78-92.
  • GABRIJELA, Popovic, DORDE, Pucar ve SMARANDACHE, Florentin (2022), “MEREC-COBRA Approach in E-Commerce Development Strategy Selection”, Journal of Process Management and New Technologies, S.10(3-4), ss.66-74.
  • GARDINI, Gian Luca (2013), “The Added Value of the Pacific Alliance and ‘Modular Regionalism’ in Latin America”, International Affairs at London School of Economics and Political Science, (Erişim Tarihi: 01.12.2023).
  • GEORGE, Samuel (2014), The Pacific Pumas – An Emerging Model for Emerging Markets, Bertelsmann Foundation Publisher, New York (US).
  • GÖKGÖZ, Fazıl ve YALÇIN, Engin (2021), “Investigating the Environmental and Economic Performances of Energy Sector in OECD Countries via MCDM Approaches”, Sustaining Tomorrow: Proceedings of Sustaining Tomorrow 2020 Symposium and Industry Summit, Springer International Publishing, New York (US), ss.65-92,
  • HEINE, Jorge (2016), “The Chile-China Paradox: Burgeoning Trade, Little Investment”, Asian Perspective, S.40(4), ss.653-673.
  • HEREDIA, Jorge, FLORES, Alejandro, GELDES, Cristian ve HEREDIA, Walter (2017), “Effects of Informal Competition on Innovation Performance: The Case of Pacific Alliance”, Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, S.12(4), ss.22-28.
  • ITC - INTERNATIONAL TRADE CENTRE (tarihsiz), “Trade Map, Trade Statistics for International Business Development”, ITC Kurumsal Web Sayfası, (Erişim Tarihi: 01.12.2023).
  • İSTANBUL MADEN VE METALLER İHRACATÇILARI BİRLİĞİ (2023), “Meksika Ekonomisi ve Dış Ticareti”, İMMİB Kurumsal Web Sayfası, (Erişim Tarihi: 01.12.2023).
  • KABAŞ, Tolga (2023), “İktisat Sosyolojisiyle Neoliberal Politikaların Aile ve Eğitim Kurumu Üzerindeki Olumsuz Etkilerinin Değerlendirilmesi”, Türk & İslam Dünyası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, S.10(38), ss.237-254.
  • KARAOSMANOĞLU, Zeynep (2020), Peru Ülke Raporu, DDMIB Yayınları, Ankara.
  • KARZANOVA, Irina V. ve CORDOVA, Sandra Diana Aliaga (2022), “Actual Problems of Illegal Mining in Peru: Prospects and Challenges”, Research in Economic Anthropology, S.42, ss.83-91.
  • KASAP, Selay S., ŞAHİN, Yıldız ve ÇINAR, Tuğba (2020), “Bulanık Tabanlı Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Teknikleri ile Demir Çelik Endüstrisinde En Uygun Yatırım Seçeneğinin Belirlenmesi”, Endüstri Mühendisliği Dergisi, S.31, ss.59-71.
  • KESHAVARAZ-GHORABAEE, Mehdi, AMIRI, Maghsoud, ZAVADSKAS, Edmundas Kazimeras, TURSKIS, Zenonas ve ANTUCHEVICIENE, Jurgita (2021), “Determination of Objective Weights Using a New Method Based on the Removal Effects of Criteria (MEREC)”, Symmetry, S.13(4), ss.1-20.
  • KIRKLARELİLİ, Derviş, GÜNGÖR, Hasan ve ADEBAYO, Tomiwa Sunday (2022), “Consumption-Based Carbon Emissions, Renewable Energy Consumption, Financial Development and Economic Growth in Chile”, Business Strategy and the Environment, S.31(3), ss.1123-1137.
  • KIŞLALIOĞLU, Canan (2022), “Latin Amerika’da 21. Yüzyıl Sosyalizminin Restorasyonu: Bolivya ve Peru Örnekleri”, Akdeniz İİBF Dergisi, S.22(2). ss.46-57.
  • KONYA TİCARET ODASI (2019), Kolombiya Ülke Raporu, Dış Ticaret Müdürlüğü Yayını, Konya.
  • KOTLER, Phillips, JATUSRIPITAK, Somkid ve MAESINCEE, Suvit (1997), Ulusların Pazarlanması (Çev. Ahmet Buğdaycı), Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • KRISTIĆ, Mladen, AGNUSDEI, Giulio Paolo, MIGLIETTA, Pier Paolo, TADIĆ, Sneźana ve ROSO, Violeta (2022), “Applicability of Industry 4.0 Technologies in the Reverse Logistics: A Circular Economy Approach Based on COmprehensive Distance Based RAnking (COBRA) Method”, Sustainability, S.14, ss.1-30.
  • KRISTIĆ, Mladen, TADIĆ, Sneźana ve AGNUSDEI, Leonardo (2023), “Evaluating Governance Models in Intermodal Terminal Operations: A Hybrid Grey MCDM Approach”, Journal of Intelligent Management Decision, S.2(4), ss.179-191.
  • LATIN AMERICAN STEEL ASSOCIATION – ALACERO (2022), “Latin America in Figures 2022”, Alacero, ss.1-47.
  • LEAL, Fransisco, (2019), “The Latin America Steel Market: An Overview - Private and Publicprivate Iron and Steel Development Initiatives”, Asociacion Latinoamericana Del Acero, S.(Paris 2019), ss.1-17.
  • LIMA, Jose Duran ve CRACAU, Daniel (2016), The Pacific Alliance and its Economic Impact on Regional Trade and Investment, United Nations Publishing, Santiago.
  • MARES, Fernando (2023), “Mexico’s Steel Producers Are Ready to Meet the Rising Demand”, Mexico Business News, 20 February 2023, (Erişim Tarihi: 30.12.2023).
  • MARTYN, Krzysztof ve KADZINSKI, Milosz (2023), “Deep Prefence Learning for Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis”, European Journal of Operational Research, S.305(2), ss.781-805.
  • MINO, Pablo ve AUSTIN, Lucinda (2022), “A Cocreational Approach to Nation Branding: The Case of Chile”, Public Relations Inquiry, S.11(2), ss.293-313.
  • NELSON, Marcel (2021), “The Pacific Alliance: Regional Integration as Neoliberal Discipline”, Globalizations, S.19(4), ss.571-586.
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There are 66 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Natural Resource Management, American Studies, Economic Integration, International Trade Organizations
Journal Section Articles

Ümit Remzi Ergün 0000-0002-8967-1892

Meliha Ener 0000-0002-1877-0527

Publication Date September 10, 2024
Submission Date January 3, 2024
Acceptance Date August 18, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Ergün, Ü. R., & Ener, M. (2024). Pasifik İttifakı’nın Çelik Endüstrisinde Söz Sahibi Kim: Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Yöntemlerinden Kanıtlar. Uluslararası Yönetim Akademisi Dergisi, 7(1), 1-27.

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