Research Article
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A Systematic Review on the Relationship between Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management

Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 556 - 567, 31.10.2024


This study focuses on the dimension of the relationship between "intellectual capital and knowledge management" which contributes to the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization. With the change brought about by globalization, studies that include how the relationship between "intellectual capital and knowledge management" interacts with organizations that want to create value are taken into consideration. The aim of this research is to systematically analyze the studies conducted between the years 2000 and 2023 on "Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management". As a result of the literature review, 117 studies were analyzed with a systematic review, and 108 studies that were not directly related were excluded, resulting with 9 articles being included in the research. As a result of the research, it is emphasized that the two phenomena interact with each other in the studies. However, it is important whether the relationship between these two phenomena is used effectively. Thus, studies in many fields aimed to present a general perspective with a systematic review.


  • AKPINAR, Ali Talip ve AKPINAR, Ali (1999), ''Intellectual Capıtal'', Third European Conference: First International Joint Symposium on Business Administration Challenges for Business Administrators in the New Millennium, ss.332-340, (Erişim Tarihi: 03.04.2023).
  • ALAGÖZ, Ali ve ÖZPEYNİRCİ, Rabia (2007), ''Bilgi Toplumunda Entelektüel Varlıklar ve Raporlanması'', Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi,S.9(2), ss.167-184.
  • BERZKALNEA, Irina ve ZELGALVE, Elvira (2014), ''Intellectual Capital and Company Value'', Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, S.110, ss.887-896.
  • BONTIS, Nick ve FITZ-ENZ, Jac (2002), ''Intellectual Capital ROI: A Causal Map of Human Capital Antecedents and Consequents'', Journal of Intellectual Capital, S.3(3), ss.223-247.
  • BOOKER, Lorne D., BONTIS, Nick ve SERENKO, Alexander (2008), ''The Relevance of Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Research'', Knowledge and Process Management, S.15(4), ss.235-246.
  • CABRITA, Maria do Rosário, MACHADO, Virgílio Cruz ve GRILO, António (2012), ''Linking Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital: An Evidence Based on Portuguese Banks Study'', 2012 International Conference on Innovation Management and Technology Research, Malezya, ss.417-422.
  • CHAN, Kin Hang, CHU, Samuel Kai Wah ve WU, Wendy W. Y. (2012), ''Exploring the Correlation between Knowledge Management Maturity and Intellectual Capital E±ciency in Mainland Chinese Listed Companie'', Journal of Information & Knowledge Management, S.11(3), ss.1-11.
  • CHEN, Jin, ZHU, Zhaohui ve XIE, Hong Yuan (2004), ''Measuring Intellectual Capital: A New Model and Empirical Study'', Journal of Intellectual Capital, S.5(1), ss.195-212.
  • CHEN, Min and TSAI, Mi-Ching (2020), ''Increase Intellectual Capıtal Through Knowledge Management'', International Journal of Organizational Innovation, S.13(1), ss.475-489.
  • ÇİVİ, Emin (2000), ''Knowledge Management as a Competitive Asset: A Review'', Marketing Inteligence & Planning, S.18(4), ss.166-174.
  • DARROCH, Jenny (2003), ''Developing a Measure of Knowledge Management Behaviors and Practices'', Journal of Knowledge Management, S.7(5), ss.41-64.
  • DURNA, Ufuk ve DEMİREL, Yavuz (2008), ''Bilgi Yönetiminde Bilgiyi Anlamak'', Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, S.30, ss.129-156.
  • EDVINSSON, Leif ve SULLIVAN, Patrick (1996), ''Developing a Model for Managing Intellectual Capıtal'', European Management Journal, S.14(4), ss.356-364.
  • GARCIA-PEREZ, Aelxeis, GHIO, Alessandro, OCCHIPINTI, Zeila ve VERONA, Roberto (2020), ''Knowledge Management and İntellectual Capital in Knowledge-Based Organisations: A Review and Theoretical Perspectives'', Journal of Knowledge Management, S.24(7), ss.1719-1754.
  • GREINER, Martina E., BOHMANN, Tilo ve KRCMAR, Helmut (2007), ''A Strategy for Knowledge Management'', Journal of Knowledge Management, S.11(6), ss.3-15.
  • GUPTA, Babita, IYER, Lakshmi S. ve ARONSON, Jay E. (2000), ''Knowledge Management: Practices and Challenges'', Industrial Management and Data Systems, S.100(1), ss.17-21.
  • GÜMÜŞTEKİN, Gülten Eren (2004), ''Bilgi Yönetiminin Stratejik Önemi'', Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, S.18(3-4), ss.201-212.
  • HARRIS, Louise (2000), ''A Theory of Intellectual Capital'', Advances in Developing Human Resource, S.2(1), ss.22-37.
  • HASHIM, Maryam Jameelah, OSMAN, Idris ve ALHABSHİ, Syed Musa (2015), ''Effect of Intellectual Capital on Organizational Performance'', Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, S.111, ss.207-214.
  • HENDRIKS, Paul H. J. ve SOUSA, Celio A. A. (2012), ''Rethinking the Liaisons between Intellectual Capital Management and Knowledge Management'', Journal of Information Science, S.39(2), ss.1-16.
  • HSU, I-Chieh ve SABHERWAL, Rajiv (2012), ''Relationship between Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management: An Empirical Investigation'', Decision Sciences Journal, S.43(3), ss.489-524.
  • HULT, G. Tomas (2003), ''An Integration of Thoughts on Knowledge Management'', Decision Sciences, S.34(2), ss.189-195.
  • JURCZAK, Jolanta (2008), ''Intellectual Capital Measurement Methods'', Economıcs and Organızatıon of Enterprıse, S.1(1), ss.37-45.
  • KANNAN, Gopika ve AULBUR, Wilfried G. (2004), ''Intellectual Capital Measurement Effectiveness'', Journal of Intellectual Capital, S.4(3), ss.389-413.
  • KARAÇAM, Zekiye (2013), ''Sistematik Derleme Metodolojisi: Sistematik Derleme Hazırlamak İçin Bir Rehber'', Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Elektronik Dergisi, S.6(1), ss.26-33.
  • LEARY, Daniel E. (1998), ''Enter Prise Knowledge Management'', Computer, S.31(3), ss.54-61.
  • LUTHY, David. H. (1998), ''Intellectual Capital and its Measurement'', Proceedings of the Asian Pacific Interdisciplinary Research in Accounting Conference, Osaka (Japan).
  • MAIER, Ronald (2007), Knowledge Management Systems, Springer Publisher, New York, Third Edition.
  • MARR, Bernard, GUPTA, Oliver, PIKE, Stephen ve ROOS, Göran (2003), ''Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management Effectiveness'', Management Decision, S.41(8), ss.771-781.
  • MCINERNEY, Claire (2002), ''Knowledge Management and the Dynamic Nature of Knowledge'', Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, S.53(12), ss.1009-1018.
  • MOON, Yun Ji ve KYM, Hyo Gun (2006), ''A Model for the Value of Intellectual Capital'', Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration, S.23(3), ss.253-269.
  • MOURITSEN, Jan (2003), ''Intellectual Capital and the Capital Market: The Circulability of Intellectual Capital'', Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, S.6(1), ss.18-30.
  • OOI, Keng-Boon (2009), ''TQM and Knowledge Management: Literature Review and Proposed Framework'', African Journal of Business Management, S.3(11), ss.633-643.
  • ÖZDEMİRCİ, Fahrettin ve AYDIN, Cengiz (2007), ''Kurumsal Bilgi Kaynakları ve Bilgi Yönetimi'', Türk Kütüphaneciliği, S.21(2), ss.164-185.
  • ÖZER, Gökhan, CİĞERİM, Erşan ve GÖK, Mehmet Şahin (2020), ''Entelektüel Sermaye ve Bilgi Yönetimi Stratejilerinin Firma Performansına Etkisi'', BMIJ, S.8(5), ss.4611-4645.
  • PETRASH, Gordon (1996), ''Dow's Journey to a Knowledge Value Management Culture'', European Management Journal, S.14(4), ss.365-73.
  • POURA, Elnaz Rafiee, MASJEDIB, Shohre ve AKHAVAN, Peyman P. (2015), ''Exploring the Relationship between Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital: An Iranian University Case Study'', International Journal of Management Academy, S.3(1), ss.7-15.
  • ROOS, Göran, PIKE, Stephen ve FERNSTORM, Lisa (2005), Managing Intellectual Capital in Practice, Routledge Publisher, New York (US).
  • SELEIM, Ahmed A. S. ve KHALIL, Omar E. M. (2011), ''Understanding the Knowledge Management-Intellectual Capital Relationship: A Two-Way Analysis'', Journal of Intellectual Capita, S.12(4), ss.586-614.
  • SERENKO, Alexander, BONTIS, Nick, BOOKER, Lorne, SADEDDİN, Khaled ve HARDIE, Timothy (2010), ''A Scientometric Analysis of Knowledge Management and İntellectual Capital Academic Literature (1994-2008)'', Journal of Knowledge Management, S.14(1), ss.3-23.
  • SEZER, Özcan ve AK, Murat (2017), ''Bilgi Çağinda İnsan Kaynaklari Yönetiminin Değişen Fonksiyonları'', Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, S.18(2), ss.205-226.
  • SNILSTVEIT, Birte, OLIVER, Sandy ve VOJTKOVA, Martina (2012), ''Narrative Approaches to Systematic Review and Synthesis af Evidence for İnternational Development Policy and Practice'', Journal of Development Effectiveness, S.4(3), ss.409-429.
  • SULLIVAN, Patrick H. (1999), ''Profiting from Intellectual Capital'', Journal of Knowledge Management, S.3(2), ss.132-143.
  • TAN, Hong Pew, PLOWMAN, David ve HANCOCK, Philip (2008), ''The Evolving Research on Intellectual Capital'', Journal of Intellectual Capital, S.9(4), ss.585-608.
  • WIIG, Karl M. (1995), Knowledge Management Methods, Schema Press, Arlington – Texas (US).
  • WIIG, Karl M. (1997), ''Integrating Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management'', Long Range Planning, S.30(3), ss.399-405.
  • YAZICIOĞLU, Osman, VAROL, Kemal ve BORAT, Oğuz (2011), ''Bilgi Yönetimi'', İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, S.20, ss.15-32.
  • YILMAZ, Malik (2009), ''Enformasyon ve Bilgi Kavramları Bağlamında Enformasyon Yönetimi ve Bilgi Yönetimi'', Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, S.49(1), ss.95-118.
  • ZHOU, Albert Z. ve FINK, Dieter (2003), ''The Intellectual Capital Web a Systematic Linking of İntellectual Capital and Knowledge Management'', Journal of Intellectual Capital, S.4(1), ss.34-48.

Entelektüel Sermaye ve Bilgi Yönetimi İlişkisine Dair Sistematik Bir Değerlendirme

Year 2024, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 556 - 567, 31.10.2024


Bu çalışmada örgütün verimli ve etkili olmasına katkı sağlayan “entelektüel sermaye ve bilgi yönetimi” ilişkisinin hangi boyutta olduğu üzerinde durulmuştur. Küreselleşmenin getirdiği değişim ile birlikte değer yaratmak isteyen örgütlerin “entelektüel sermaye ve bilgi yönetimi” ilişkisinin nasıl etkileşim içerisinde olduğunu içeren çalışmalar dikkate alınmıştır. Bu araştırmanın amacı, 2000-2023 yılları arasında yapılan “entelektüel sermaye ve bilgi yönetimi” konusunu birlikte alan çalışmaların sistematik olarak analizinin yapılmasıdır. Literatür taraması sonucu 117 çalışma sistematik derleme ile analiz edilip doğrudan ilgisi olmayan 108 çalışma dışlanıp 9 makale araştırmaya dâhil edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, yapılan çalışmalarda iki olgunun birbiri ile etkileşim içerisinde olduğu vurgulanmaktadır. Ancak bu iki olgu arasındaki ilişkinin etkili kullanılıp kullanılmadığı önem arz etmektedir. Böylece birçok alanda yapılan çalışmalar sistematik derleme ile genel bir perspektif sunmayı amaçlamıştır.


  • AKPINAR, Ali Talip ve AKPINAR, Ali (1999), ''Intellectual Capıtal'', Third European Conference: First International Joint Symposium on Business Administration Challenges for Business Administrators in the New Millennium, ss.332-340, (Erişim Tarihi: 03.04.2023).
  • ALAGÖZ, Ali ve ÖZPEYNİRCİ, Rabia (2007), ''Bilgi Toplumunda Entelektüel Varlıklar ve Raporlanması'', Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi,S.9(2), ss.167-184.
  • BERZKALNEA, Irina ve ZELGALVE, Elvira (2014), ''Intellectual Capital and Company Value'', Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, S.110, ss.887-896.
  • BONTIS, Nick ve FITZ-ENZ, Jac (2002), ''Intellectual Capital ROI: A Causal Map of Human Capital Antecedents and Consequents'', Journal of Intellectual Capital, S.3(3), ss.223-247.
  • BOOKER, Lorne D., BONTIS, Nick ve SERENKO, Alexander (2008), ''The Relevance of Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Research'', Knowledge and Process Management, S.15(4), ss.235-246.
  • CABRITA, Maria do Rosário, MACHADO, Virgílio Cruz ve GRILO, António (2012), ''Linking Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital: An Evidence Based on Portuguese Banks Study'', 2012 International Conference on Innovation Management and Technology Research, Malezya, ss.417-422.
  • CHAN, Kin Hang, CHU, Samuel Kai Wah ve WU, Wendy W. Y. (2012), ''Exploring the Correlation between Knowledge Management Maturity and Intellectual Capital E±ciency in Mainland Chinese Listed Companie'', Journal of Information & Knowledge Management, S.11(3), ss.1-11.
  • CHEN, Jin, ZHU, Zhaohui ve XIE, Hong Yuan (2004), ''Measuring Intellectual Capital: A New Model and Empirical Study'', Journal of Intellectual Capital, S.5(1), ss.195-212.
  • CHEN, Min and TSAI, Mi-Ching (2020), ''Increase Intellectual Capıtal Through Knowledge Management'', International Journal of Organizational Innovation, S.13(1), ss.475-489.
  • ÇİVİ, Emin (2000), ''Knowledge Management as a Competitive Asset: A Review'', Marketing Inteligence & Planning, S.18(4), ss.166-174.
  • DARROCH, Jenny (2003), ''Developing a Measure of Knowledge Management Behaviors and Practices'', Journal of Knowledge Management, S.7(5), ss.41-64.
  • DURNA, Ufuk ve DEMİREL, Yavuz (2008), ''Bilgi Yönetiminde Bilgiyi Anlamak'', Erciyes Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, S.30, ss.129-156.
  • EDVINSSON, Leif ve SULLIVAN, Patrick (1996), ''Developing a Model for Managing Intellectual Capıtal'', European Management Journal, S.14(4), ss.356-364.
  • GARCIA-PEREZ, Aelxeis, GHIO, Alessandro, OCCHIPINTI, Zeila ve VERONA, Roberto (2020), ''Knowledge Management and İntellectual Capital in Knowledge-Based Organisations: A Review and Theoretical Perspectives'', Journal of Knowledge Management, S.24(7), ss.1719-1754.
  • GREINER, Martina E., BOHMANN, Tilo ve KRCMAR, Helmut (2007), ''A Strategy for Knowledge Management'', Journal of Knowledge Management, S.11(6), ss.3-15.
  • GUPTA, Babita, IYER, Lakshmi S. ve ARONSON, Jay E. (2000), ''Knowledge Management: Practices and Challenges'', Industrial Management and Data Systems, S.100(1), ss.17-21.
  • GÜMÜŞTEKİN, Gülten Eren (2004), ''Bilgi Yönetiminin Stratejik Önemi'', Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, S.18(3-4), ss.201-212.
  • HARRIS, Louise (2000), ''A Theory of Intellectual Capital'', Advances in Developing Human Resource, S.2(1), ss.22-37.
  • HASHIM, Maryam Jameelah, OSMAN, Idris ve ALHABSHİ, Syed Musa (2015), ''Effect of Intellectual Capital on Organizational Performance'', Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, S.111, ss.207-214.
  • HENDRIKS, Paul H. J. ve SOUSA, Celio A. A. (2012), ''Rethinking the Liaisons between Intellectual Capital Management and Knowledge Management'', Journal of Information Science, S.39(2), ss.1-16.
  • HSU, I-Chieh ve SABHERWAL, Rajiv (2012), ''Relationship between Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management: An Empirical Investigation'', Decision Sciences Journal, S.43(3), ss.489-524.
  • HULT, G. Tomas (2003), ''An Integration of Thoughts on Knowledge Management'', Decision Sciences, S.34(2), ss.189-195.
  • JURCZAK, Jolanta (2008), ''Intellectual Capital Measurement Methods'', Economıcs and Organızatıon of Enterprıse, S.1(1), ss.37-45.
  • KANNAN, Gopika ve AULBUR, Wilfried G. (2004), ''Intellectual Capital Measurement Effectiveness'', Journal of Intellectual Capital, S.4(3), ss.389-413.
  • KARAÇAM, Zekiye (2013), ''Sistematik Derleme Metodolojisi: Sistematik Derleme Hazırlamak İçin Bir Rehber'', Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu Elektronik Dergisi, S.6(1), ss.26-33.
  • LEARY, Daniel E. (1998), ''Enter Prise Knowledge Management'', Computer, S.31(3), ss.54-61.
  • LUTHY, David. H. (1998), ''Intellectual Capital and its Measurement'', Proceedings of the Asian Pacific Interdisciplinary Research in Accounting Conference, Osaka (Japan).
  • MAIER, Ronald (2007), Knowledge Management Systems, Springer Publisher, New York, Third Edition.
  • MARR, Bernard, GUPTA, Oliver, PIKE, Stephen ve ROOS, Göran (2003), ''Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management Effectiveness'', Management Decision, S.41(8), ss.771-781.
  • MCINERNEY, Claire (2002), ''Knowledge Management and the Dynamic Nature of Knowledge'', Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, S.53(12), ss.1009-1018.
  • MOON, Yun Ji ve KYM, Hyo Gun (2006), ''A Model for the Value of Intellectual Capital'', Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration, S.23(3), ss.253-269.
  • MOURITSEN, Jan (2003), ''Intellectual Capital and the Capital Market: The Circulability of Intellectual Capital'', Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, S.6(1), ss.18-30.
  • OOI, Keng-Boon (2009), ''TQM and Knowledge Management: Literature Review and Proposed Framework'', African Journal of Business Management, S.3(11), ss.633-643.
  • ÖZDEMİRCİ, Fahrettin ve AYDIN, Cengiz (2007), ''Kurumsal Bilgi Kaynakları ve Bilgi Yönetimi'', Türk Kütüphaneciliği, S.21(2), ss.164-185.
  • ÖZER, Gökhan, CİĞERİM, Erşan ve GÖK, Mehmet Şahin (2020), ''Entelektüel Sermaye ve Bilgi Yönetimi Stratejilerinin Firma Performansına Etkisi'', BMIJ, S.8(5), ss.4611-4645.
  • PETRASH, Gordon (1996), ''Dow's Journey to a Knowledge Value Management Culture'', European Management Journal, S.14(4), ss.365-73.
  • POURA, Elnaz Rafiee, MASJEDIB, Shohre ve AKHAVAN, Peyman P. (2015), ''Exploring the Relationship between Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital: An Iranian University Case Study'', International Journal of Management Academy, S.3(1), ss.7-15.
  • ROOS, Göran, PIKE, Stephen ve FERNSTORM, Lisa (2005), Managing Intellectual Capital in Practice, Routledge Publisher, New York (US).
  • SELEIM, Ahmed A. S. ve KHALIL, Omar E. M. (2011), ''Understanding the Knowledge Management-Intellectual Capital Relationship: A Two-Way Analysis'', Journal of Intellectual Capita, S.12(4), ss.586-614.
  • SERENKO, Alexander, BONTIS, Nick, BOOKER, Lorne, SADEDDİN, Khaled ve HARDIE, Timothy (2010), ''A Scientometric Analysis of Knowledge Management and İntellectual Capital Academic Literature (1994-2008)'', Journal of Knowledge Management, S.14(1), ss.3-23.
  • SEZER, Özcan ve AK, Murat (2017), ''Bilgi Çağinda İnsan Kaynaklari Yönetiminin Değişen Fonksiyonları'', Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, S.18(2), ss.205-226.
  • SNILSTVEIT, Birte, OLIVER, Sandy ve VOJTKOVA, Martina (2012), ''Narrative Approaches to Systematic Review and Synthesis af Evidence for İnternational Development Policy and Practice'', Journal of Development Effectiveness, S.4(3), ss.409-429.
  • SULLIVAN, Patrick H. (1999), ''Profiting from Intellectual Capital'', Journal of Knowledge Management, S.3(2), ss.132-143.
  • TAN, Hong Pew, PLOWMAN, David ve HANCOCK, Philip (2008), ''The Evolving Research on Intellectual Capital'', Journal of Intellectual Capital, S.9(4), ss.585-608.
  • WIIG, Karl M. (1995), Knowledge Management Methods, Schema Press, Arlington – Texas (US).
  • WIIG, Karl M. (1997), ''Integrating Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management'', Long Range Planning, S.30(3), ss.399-405.
  • YAZICIOĞLU, Osman, VAROL, Kemal ve BORAT, Oğuz (2011), ''Bilgi Yönetimi'', İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, S.20, ss.15-32.
  • YILMAZ, Malik (2009), ''Enformasyon ve Bilgi Kavramları Bağlamında Enformasyon Yönetimi ve Bilgi Yönetimi'', Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih-Coğrafya Fakültesi Dergisi, S.49(1), ss.95-118.
  • ZHOU, Albert Z. ve FINK, Dieter (2003), ''The Intellectual Capital Web a Systematic Linking of İntellectual Capital and Knowledge Management'', Journal of Intellectual Capital, S.4(1), ss.34-48.
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Information Systems Organisation and Management, Organizational Culture
Journal Section Articles

Selma Baran 0000-0001-8285-789X

Emine Şener 0000-0002-8903-1684

Publication Date October 31, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Baran, S., & Şener, E. (2024). Entelektüel Sermaye ve Bilgi Yönetimi İlişkisine Dair Sistematik Bir Değerlendirme. Uluslararası Yönetim Akademisi Dergisi, 7(2), 556-567.

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